How to Survive Offline Raids – Base Defence Strategies Guide | Rust Tutorial
Master the art of offline base defence in Rust with strategies to outsmart and stop raiders!
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00:00 – Overview
00:19 – Strategies: Look Raided
00:46 – Strategies: Many Doors
01:02 – Strategies: Befriend
01:26 – Strategies: Key Locks
01:48 – Strategies: Location
02:39 – Strategies: Consume
02:55 – Traps: Smart Alarms
03:36 – Traps: Shotgun Traps
04:06 – Diversify: Multiple Bases
04:24 – Diversify: Split Loot
04:39 – Base Designs: Bunkers
05:21 – Base Designs: Abstract
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Epidemic Sounds:
1. Racing Hearts – Mattie Maguire
2. Tree Tops – Autohacker
@ Epidemic sounds:
Taqs:Rust,raiding,rust raiding,rust offline raiding,rust survive offline,rust offline defence,rust base defence,rust how to defend your base,rust base designs,rust traps,rust tricks,rust bunkers,rust beginner guide,rust strategies,rust tips,rust advanced strategies,rust tutorial,jfarr,rust jfarr,tips and tricks,how to play rust,rust info,rust how to raid
コメント (59)
⚠Update & Notes⚠
• The exact bunker design showed at 4:40 has been patched but there are plenty of other designs that you can use and I would recommend using to avoid being offline raided.
Do a primitive anti raid video please and thank you 😀 You can still be the first on youtube to do it 😀
Ive had people complain after raiding me, im a good builder but a mediocre player, so im usually very expensive to raid and not rich
Stashes hidden around compound?
My way to go is roleplay base if I’m solo. It’s nice to live in them too. Or if its modded server, hiden loot is also way to go
thank you for not censoring your beautiful artwork.
Just started playing, on ps5. Thanks for the video 🍻
Outer tcs can save your wipe, hard to believe you didn’t put that in there.
Quality video mate. Have come across your channel recently and it’s fantastic 👍
nice and quick, thanks dude
Here Jfarr guys hey
never heard jfarr say piss off before lmaoo
All great ideas but just keep in mind when an 8 person clan all with their own stack of rockets shows up, they are pummeling you in 15 minutes no matter what your base looks like. Defend against the average player only, and accept that clans do whatever they want. Good day.
Hi can u make video about how do we jump half walls in base and jump on somthing,i knew about auto crouch but besides that i couldnt make it i wanna know more details about it im new at this game and i saw so many people have this issue ❤
Anyone quite new to rust want to join me?
Jfarr guys, hey here
Also u can use industrial and explosion sensor to move your loot from storage to bunker
pixel gap wall design
I’m always amazed by your cinematics each video, keep it up
Honestly the idea to ”Look raided” is amazing, and I have used this several times. I have actually had instances where I wasnt raided for 2 weeks on a fresh wipe facepunch server.
You just have to make sure people dont see you go into it too many times.
The best thing to do is to actually mix building skins if you have them, and to ”seal” your base using things like metal, so it definitely looks raided.
Great advice Jfarr, and great video!
Another tip that not many people talk about. The pop of the server, doesent matter if you follow all of these tips if a 8 man clan gets super bored on a 100 pop server and decides just to raid everyone on the map
I have not played rust for a while just life stuff but I still keep in touch with my old mate jfarr his always got good content and a great information man
I hope you had a great Christmas and New year period safe and relaxed with family and loved ones
Rust+ alarms do not work on hardcore servers
the biggest issue that many dont even talk about is that people are bad builders. they build single tc bases and keeps the important loot in core. if you build multi tc bases they cant greif you and if you spread out loot you will almost never lose everything. and most imporantly. the raiders never go profit.
Just run around a few days into wipe and look for yourselves. Almost all raided bases are single tc bases. easy to raid. dont even need raidbase. and you can seal when done.
Also to avoid clans, just go on solo only servers if you’re a solo…
Same thing applies with duos and trios.
You left out mem cell traps.
Big chance to kill and seal in raiders but it’s a bit more technical than these simpler tips.
your base is a tool not a permanent home, its used for keeping temporary loot and for keeping your respawn point safe when you die, it also serves as a starting point even when you have nothing. you should start considering protecting yourself whenever you start upgrading into tier 2 or 3 and you can craft good weapons and explosives. nothing is more funny than building a bullshit base making it look like its loading only for a zerg to core the base because they got pissed off.
Heloi JfarrYT i run a Rust server that is made towards newer players and wouls like your permission to use your video as a resource for them. The server is currently a work in progress unfortunately. I would be more then happy to keep you updated on it if you’d like.
This is a summary of my solo playstyle. So funny
Hey Jfarr Guys here
i only get raided when i have lots of sulfur so now i dont farm raid mats.
me and my duo build 2×2 and put the loot on 3d floor in vending machine bunkers, and leave some loot in tc room so they think we are poor and its important to upgrade hqm roof so they dont consider to top down. Worked 10 out of 10 times so far. ( can also put loot behind garage doors in lootrooms on 3d floor)
Hey jfarr, guys here.
I feel the sign trick is a proper oldschool player tactic 😅
Would you rather have $100,000,000 or be able to teleport?
I feel this this guy NEVER actually plays Rust lmfao
Downside is that cheaters can see loot through walls so most of the options of security through obscurity can backfire badly when they can tunnel through one key wall and have all your loot. Something to keep in mind with that strat.
Hi Jfarr, Guys here!
hey jfarr, guys here
The best strategy I’ve seen is to have a hidden loot room where you store most of your good loot. Emphasis on MOST. You have to leave a reasonable amount for raiders to find where they expect it or else they’ll keep looking.
Offline proofing your base is as simple as a double layer suicide vault at the core of your base. If you want my core loot you gotta go through two layers of hqm to get to it, because fuck you for raiding me 😂 nothing quite as amusing as logging in to find all your doors gone and all your loot still there because they got to the hqm passthrough and realized they didnt have the 32 rockets to finish the job 😂
I like to put wooden walls in place of doors before I get gdoors
@Jfarrr That bunker doesn’t work. You can molly the twig from the outside the bunker and it opens. That’s just one of many ways to open it. You have good vids but that was really bad advice especially if the topic of the video is how not to get offlined.
Please make a video on how to actually raid and protect yourself against counter Raiders. I’m literally playing on a server with five people and I still get countered
there will be always an asian clan to destroy your base no matter what 🤣
11k hours, my base (duo/trio) design survived 19 out of 20 offline raids, on vanilla and x2’s , everyone says it looks like a roleplayer non sense base, but after few wipes and its results they end up giving respects xD
Long story short, its not about looks but about results.
When you “dominate” , or play actively, you will be targetted sooner or later, thats guaranteed and nobody will save you from 5am nolife offline kids, so offline defense is the best pick in rust.
I absolutely love how you give examples on how to make friends 😂😂
hello jafar thank you
What about ESP
Always a good vid
can you please make a tutorial or even a short form youtube video explaining the hidden TC behind vending machine trick? i couldn’t find any detailed videos explaining how, and im new to this game. this is my 5th day. Thanks for your amazing educational videos!♥
I have 2k hours and I’ve only been fully raided a small handful of times on busy servers. I always build wacky looking bases that are confusing, fill it with way too many shotgun traps and make friends with small groups around me. Most of the time raiders only get half way thru my base before giving up or some other group rolling up while there raiding bc they have to drain so many traps.
Somewhere around first but not actually.
Still, cheers Jfarr!
bro is leaking the sign trick
1 min gang
Hey Guys Jfarr here