I finally found him…
You guys have been asking to have Janeth back… and we finally found him and raided with him. I’ll be duoing with him soon 🙂
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/blazed
discord: https://discord.gg/blazed
twitter: https://twitter.com/BlazedRust
Edited by: https://linktr.ee/justinshiro
Business Inquiries: businessblazed@gmail.com
The only aim in Rust is to survive – Overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals. Protect yourself from other players.
#rust #rustpvp
コメント (260)
if you wanna see Janeth back, make sure you’re subbed 🙂
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blazed_gg/
my discord: discord.gg/blazed
For the algorithm buddy
10:18 you don’t trust yourself… Sure don’t….😂😂
Anyone know if that base that they raided is on YouTube cuz that base is fire
Chur from New Zealand Blazed
Lad, can you please play the game on higher settings.
best twerp ever
When did you get the Punishment mask? Baller 😆
YAY twerp upload!!
Loving this wipe and it’s quite epic to see janeth back ❤👍
i’m just tryna see the day lucky llama finally talks
I really don’t get the mentality of despawning boom when you get the privilege of an online. No wonders no one does it anymore.
blazed is a twerp
llucky llama best rust player
certified bart twerp burger rust moment
My wife liked the loot tour.
love the vids <3
does bart even have any female viewers…
If looks could kill
gang really thinks that’s there is any girls watching him
Bro raided the people that offlined me lmfaoo W raid
there is so much fumbling its making me tilt watching it
hi blazed!
Fucking goat content thanks dude ❤
what video is janeth in?
cant wait for some tug boat plays
Janeth talking shit 🤣🤣 we need more Janeth 🙏🏽
Ihate blazed Ihate blazed Ihate blazed Ihate blazed
i hate blazedi hate blazedi hate blazedi hate blazedi hate blazedi hate blazedi hate blazedi hate blazedi hate blazedi hate blazed
Blazed back with a banger
Is lucky llama a women? Confirmed
“Learning exploits” Dave
“Some of us have a life” Bl(h)azed
“This is your job bruh” Dave
What life do you have? You wake up at 4pm lol
this video literally shows why there are barely any online raids in this game
I want you to play with janeth a full wipe please
Ty for uploading
Any link to the other video with Janeth? Bababooey
wait twerp listens to destroy lonely??? i wonder if he listens to ken too😭
Janeth and Twerp best friends
I’m subbed on both my YouTube accnts, love the vids even spoonkid, y’all the best
im on console because I don’t have money lol🌚 but you make my day
Certified twerp classic
respect to blazed for online raiding all these people
Caved rust
janeth been paying for lessons from llama
bart (twerp) rust classic
I needed a video to watch and you provided so now i have to sub
Bazsiplays ha ezt látod buzi vagy😂😂😂
Can’t believe the base u raided is the base I build for a lot of wipes called Triple heaven
always nice to see more llama gameplay
who are these “dave” and “blaz” guys that lama is playing with ?
I can’t believe Twerp is playing with Dave & Buster again
It’s always a great day when blazed drops. Not only do the videos excite me, but I have a piece of gum named Jessica that I chew during the duration of each blazed upload. Once I’m finished I store it on my desk or if I’m on the go ill put it behind my ear like the girl from willy wonka. When days go by without an upload, I struggle to withhold myself from chewing my beloved piece of gum but still, I stand strong. Thank you blazed for being constant and not making me suffer too long without my gum. Much love from me and Jessica <3
blazed are you opium
fkn love dave, he’s a gigachad, blazed doing ok too;) awesome content man, you’re my favourite ruster
janeth could start streaming and you’d have given him a whole ass dreamjob
man i love the janeth and blazed + beany the weenie combo
Why does dave always sound so depressed??? Bros always mad at Bart
The fact that he said and girls like women actually watch his videos
ur so opium
hear me out janeth and blazed vs Spoon and mario
over lucky lama. do betrayal vid and get rid of him
Janeth not a twerp
bro is literally the dumbest player ever
blazed died to the same shotgun trap twice. amazing.
Blazed bringing out his kid form “ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 you owe me a soda😂
“aww geeze not this again” had me dying 🤣
Keep ur voice lower blazed i can’t hear what others says so u don’t need to captionze @Blazedrust
i subbed bc you, unlike so many others, acknowledged the women in your audience. bravo blazed! keep it up!
Glad to see twerp rust still at it
he is back
I demand at least 3 Blazeds per week
Already know it’s a blazed classic when he joins lucky Llama and the meatball
Whats the video with Janeth from before
after watching 12E+2 times i have to admit this is a certified twink classic
if I ever want to defend my loot from blazed, I’ll just set up a string of turrets around an open pit of unlocked boxes
so you didnt messagee him? but he told you his base location?
Hey twerp u know solo means 1 man not 3 or 4 just saying
Bruuuuh 46:40 those guys are giga losers
You should 100% duo with janeth .Love the content as always, cant wait for next video
The dudes you I lined are so lame for using their C4 like that. Pussies
L blazed cheater
blaze raiding 😂
The base looks like a tumor and needs radiation treatment immediately
Omg I missed Janeth <3
lol lucky lama XD
W Blazed
Did Blazed just sing destroy lonely, if looks could kill?
I’ve already watched this 154,326 times and I can confirm that, Twerp found him.
Is blazed opium
blazed can you be my baby
Yamaha Needs to be a regular on the channel
Getting online and just to just waste c4 lol
I was legit looking for this episode for months, and was like wow he forgot. WOOOO
Why llama throwing so much shade lately? This is much more alapaca-like behavior.
U should term Janth into a trend
Comment so you get paid
Bro I raided Yamahas base like a week ago and got a box of GP this is wild to see😂😂
Love the “and the girls, and the girls”!
certified whopper rust classic
uncommon w for blazed
Whopper rust
Get ready for this POUNDING your cheeks are about to take lil bro 😭🙏💯 i betta not see you in my comments again or you’re done for 🐍
I was the 696th like
I was waiting for this 😅
Man I just love blazed❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
whats that base link at start
blazed a destroy lonely enjoyer⁉️⁉️
JANETH IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Blazed rust found the love of his life I hope they get married
This was a banger, finally got to see twerp play with a decent player (janeth)
30 minutes ago blazd woooooooooo
After watching 47 times i can confirm this is a certified Janeth classic
Twerp rust really out here making videos for the people ❤
when blazed eats a salad? grazed rust
Janethhhhh is back❤❤❤❤
blazed your vids make my day
Blazed’s videos are all just so unique in my mind, I think how they all are different in a way makes the content way better!
The even funnier thing was I was watching the video with Janeth in it last night, so waking up to this video is even better!
Keep up the good work!
Twerftified cerp moment
love your videos blazed
Certified twerp classic
Shout out to the .05 percent of female blazed viewers!
W twerp moment
lol i once knew a hot hispanic chick named janeth. good memories. 😅
Blazed you look like tennis ball
I’ve been watching vids on this channel for months and your reminder to sub was the first time I realized I wasn’t subbed 😅
Can Confirm This is A Certified Bart Classic
never thought id hear blazed reciting destroy lonely lyrics
Yay new vid from papa blazed
385 like ❤❤
Just wanna say meow 🫣
54 minutes of the twerp finally finding him. Classic blazed video.
Tell lama and Dave I said hi I love u blazed
master, we’re hungry for streams when will they return? 🙁
Bart rust upload
I ♥bart rust
Whoooopti whoooop🤩
I cherish every moment of twerps videos! Thank you so much for the video twerp ❤
Bart lol
I watched the video on 3 monitors at the same time on 0.5x speed, I can confirm that he found him
It.s the twig roof bunker working again?
I live that man.
W vido
Lets go
I’m always happy when bart rust uploads a new video
He is back I really wanted to see this
Pluh pluh pluh
I can’t finish you vid but have a good day or night
instant blazed rust classic. love to see it.
cold vid 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶 (plz give shoutout by the goat)
I am a 117 year old man and I watch all your videos with my 4 wives and 25 children thank you llama you make us happy
The first time I’ve ever been early . But I’m glad I got off work early today
I’m gonna give Janeth a big sloppy kiss
I love you twerp
Omg that giant chinese zerg on the left of the map raided EVERYBODY this wipe. Facepunch right? They griefed my base so bad.
Love ur content. we need u with bloo or wally1k
yo blazed love the videos
Can confirm after watching he did indeed find him
Certified classic
Glazed rust
I have already watched this 36 times and I can confirm, this is a lama classic
Video was posted a minute ago and has 71k views I can certify that this is a certified luckyllama classic
hi sexy beast
flippin coooool
I’m happy you completed you mission in life
blazed should find some females instead
Who tf is janeth
keep up the good work twerp! loving the vids stay on that grindset🔥
W blazed maybe jannith ft blazed and spoon soon?
I already watched this 10 times and I can confirm it’s a Bart classic
thank god there is another banger! YakPog
blazed the goat
blazed the goat
Beep boop twerp
Always a banger.
Ik my days gonna be better when a blazed vid drops I swear
That base from the start of the video is the sort of real estate that Llama sells for billions
Bro 51 seconds ago is crazy what are the odds of clicking on to this!😅
What’s up Blazed
Blazed I love ur vids keep up the work
As a certified blazed viewer I can confirm that this is definitely a rust academy classic.
First 🔥🔥
Another blazed vid❤❤
I am huge fan your doing great
I was on standby for this video
Hi keep the content up
Although my English is bad and I have never ever played rust I do like ur content. Keep it up!
Certified blazerd claskic
certified spoonkid moment
Finaly i have been waiting sll day for a rust youtuber to upload
Yayyy Janeth!
21 seconds in and can tell it is a certified blazed classic
I’m first pls like it so I kown u take care of ur fans 😢
Trio rust- Carried rust
I love blazed
first lol
What a beautiful day it is to have blazed post another banger 👌🏼
I’m first
omg i am the first viewer
Bro is always sick
Hi Blazed❤
he found him
blazed uploads as soon as my doordash arrives life is good
we up
Yo w blazed for posting again
I was your first like😁
Hey blazed
blaze 😮
Love the Bart twerp attitude
Also, I heard if you say the name of your favorite rust, you tuber you get a pin
classic blazed vid
What girls
blazed 🥳
Perfect timing blazed
Let’s goooooooo