“Rust Mobile First Gameplay – Rust Mobile Gameplay Android! Rust Mobile Leak (Rust Mobile News) Rust Mobile Download – Rust Mobile Trailer and Rust Mobile Release Date! Rust Mobile Beta Gameplay (Beta Test & How to Play Rust Mobile Beta) Rust Base Raiding – Base Raid – New Mobile Games”
Business Email: exxotikgaming@a-listme.com
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Hey everyone! ExxotikGaming here back with more exclusive RUST Mobile gameplay! My last video on RUST Mobile showed some gameplay…but it was honestly not the best quality. Very blurry and didn’t show good gameplay! Today I found some GREAT base raiding gameplay – this Chinese player clearly knew how to play this game very well and they raided 3 bases, 2 of them successfully and the 3rd…not sure! It cut out before the 3rd base raid ended. But base raiding in RUST is massively popular – it’s a huge component to the game – so RUST Mobile base raiding is obviously going to be a big component as well. Hope this looks like everything you wanted in RUST Mobile base raiding (RUST Mobile high graphics gameplay). Let me know if you want to see more videos on this game!
Hope you guys enjoyed! Liking, favoriting, and subscribing helps a ton! 😀
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#Rust #RustMobile #MobileGame #Beta #MobileGames #MobileGaming #RustGame #Android #AndroidGames #AndroidGameplay #Gameplay #Gaming #News #BetaTest #NewUpdate
Taqs:RUST,RUST Game,RUST Mobile,RUST Mobile Game,RUST Mobile Gameplay,RUST Mobile Download,RUST Mobile APK,RUST Mobile Games,RUST Mobile Tencent,RUST Mobile Leak,RUST Mobile App,RUST Mobile Release Date,How to Play RUST on Mobile,RUST on Mobile,RUST on Android,RUST on Phone,Game Like RUST Mobile,RUST Android App,RUST Android Gameplay,RUST Android Game,RUST Android Download,RUST Mobile Beta,Beta Gameplay,Best Test,Gameplay,RUST Base Raid,Base Raiding
コメント (132)
For someone who does not know anything about the game he has some funny commenting skills. I liked this improvisation
Ye, you can break boxes with mele in rust pc. Also, you can see the hp of things if they are damaged.
How about the people that never play the game but watch a lot of content creator playing rust
Are you one of them?
Like this comment of you are
Like same last iland survival
Better than console edition
Due the beta test will start on Feb in Canada
Trap base time lol free views
Dude you have no idea what you are talking about? Why do a video on a game you know nothing about? Play the pc or console version first…
you should have played rust before making this video tbf
Website name?
I have a lot knowledge on rust even tho I haven’t played it.
How can l download game ?
Rust mobile confirmed with controller support
Wow rust mobile looks better than console both in gameplay and graphics… and it’s not even out yet!!! Double11 should be ashamed
i love on the first base the tc loot bag fell through the foundation just like the bug pc rust had for over 7 years classic
When ITS bet on europe
Why do a review of something you dont understand
Why does the game look so bad..? And it also plays differently, it feels like Oxide survival (bad mobile ripoff) with rusts models bruh.
If it’s made by Chinese then i hope it’s not like the other survival games on moba solely based on glittering skins and mecha and flying people with dragon mounts
hopefully it looks and plays like rust pc and not like arena breakout ( i tried it it felt and played nothing like rust)
3:57 you can
3:00 bros never heard of Last Island of Survival?
I just x@me
is this real?
Rust console is priority any major update for this won’t be til 2026
better gameplay then console
How are you going to review a mobile version of a game that you that you nothing about?
What will be the specs for this game. You played so many mobile games so what will be your guess
yoy can brak baxes with sords piaxes and you can see the gelth of the door
Bro how are you gonna review a rust game when you dont even know how to play rust😂😂
U know i like this guy the way he talks he makes it sound proffesional but its like he know very little about the game
Pvp is gonna be scuffed on rust mobile
All the itmes in rust mobile well i think all all that i can tell from this video are in rust pc
Will it have gyroscope?
Please check out the pc version coz it seems like u r not sure on a lot of basic things in the game😅
Never let tencent touch any game again💀
The game doesn’t look like rust
Rust melee? Dude you Spawn with a Rock and immediately go bash someones head in
How old do you have to be
Dude you obviously know nothing about Rust lmao. The laser thing was a turret and it’s out of ammo.
Will it cost money or will it be free?
Can you do another pixel gun3d gun game using every weapon again I would love that Exottik
Lets i cant wait
exxotikgame wanna play carnage wars online?
Why cover rust if u know nothing about it u fool!
Delta Force Mobile delay.
Wow, this looks like it plays exactly like Apex mobile, with similar controls too. If its by the same company that ported Apex then thats pretty cool, I played that game so much before they shut it down.
I see you got no experience with rust, and you never played it
I will build base on the sea like the pc version no one is going to come there nell no one
Someone form china made looklike rust game it’s not the real rust mobile
bro doesn’t know anything about rust😂 at least do a little bit of research before yapping about something you know nothing about😭🤦♂️
He’s shooting the door frame. Not bug.
You have no idea.
Why you talk like you know rust but you know nothing about rust?
Lol flame turret.
Edit it’s the same mate.
Go try the game before you video on it lol.
bro why you comment a game that you have no idea about at least do some research you don’t know even the basics you are out of context no hate
It’s literally different game
Good bye lios
No actually it looks a lot like pc rust I mean even the health meter for the boxes I mean even in pc rust you can hit boxes with a melee
hey exotic gaming i know this is a gaming channel about games, I am a student and I have been making this App called Frapp (freebie Radar APP) it basically fetches data from different stores and notifies you of any giveaways so a shoutout would be highly appreciated
The ui information is way too much
this game looks near complete for content in comparison to Rust pc
Yap oxide Survivor
listening to you not know ANYTHING about rust gives me a headache. you are literally on YouTube. watch a video or 2 so you sound better in your vids. how do you not know what a auto turret is???????
Hows this guy reviewing a game he knows nothing about
9:29 they are auto-turrets and you can mount any weapon on them with ammo and it will shoot every body that’s not in the safe list that you set. This one looks like it didn’t have much ammo so it just keeps targeting the player.
By the way, this game similiar to Minecraft bedrock and java edition, so Rust mobile similiar as Rust PC
Yoooo i remember watching you play pixel gun 3d when i was younger, crazy to see you do facecams now, pretty cool!
I really love millions of buttons on my screen and everytime I click something it opens a different tab
Looks sheet
we got rust mobile before gta 6☠☠
Exxotic there’s a new game you probably haven’t heard of.
ETX battle xtremeverse
Maybe you might want to check out this new shooter for low end phones.
Yk whag else is massive?
Listening to this dude talk about rust hurts my brain it’s like he’s reading a rust for dummies book💀
Which mobile games is best for beginners in cod,pubg franchise?
This is going to be a game changer for mobile gaming. Its about time we get a good pvp survival game. I love rust pc, so im amped for it to come to mobile. I just hope its well optimized. I also don’t thing that was a bug, I’m wondering if he wasn’t trying to splash the wall to break both doors. Only thing I don’t like so far is the vault looking animation. I prefer the jumping in rust pc when it comes to half wall jump ups. Can’t wait for this game! Thanks for bringing us this video
ahh yes. i can now suffer on mobile as well as pc. great time to be alive. i have a qq and wechat account ama see if i can get into early access
I played on pc and can’t wait for this
Yes Its the same as pc
How to download rust?
Before gta 6 probably
Hey man i have enjoyed your video, I hope you ever played Killing floor mobile (Extinction zombies invasion) it doesn’t have good graphics but it’s focus on replay ability,its actually kinda feels like killing floor 1.5
oh my rust
Bro its a game of Tencent! come on! everyone knows they are best at games like this. Even UI/UX of their is Best if u ask me so.. I think this game has bigger future than Ark: UME(Ultimate Mobile Edition) which already is full of bugs and glitches.
Lazer turret is a auto turret u can put all sorts of guns in them
He was trying to break 2 doors at once that why he shoot floor
We already have last island survival
Will master league come in efootball TM
When can you make a pixel gun 3d video because it’s olmost bin a year sense you made a pixel gun video
im a pc rust player and you can see health of evrythinng and the gameplay similar but the jumping is bothering me because on pc you just jump and dont climb
If someones want to see rust mobile videos theres a guy with the user RMC and he plays this exact rust mobile
This coment has nothing to do with promoting the youtuber: RMC
As a guy who never played rust but watched alot of it imma be a God lol
00:00 Here is my thumbnail and 00:09 Gameplay 💀 Btw Rust Mobile will definitely be released this year 👍
hope it’ll play on my phone
it’s an iphone 7
I don’t play rust, but i watch willjum😅 play, and i learned a lot
He is shooting on the corner on the floor so he can damage all the three structures at the same time it’s not a bug it’s splash damage
6:11 he’s shooting at the frame of the door because it breaks faster if the frame is a lower grade than the door
Yes you can break chests/walls with SWORDS not melee, swords. a melee is the starter rock
“40 sec preview and its not good quality and don’t really understand what the heck is going on”
1. its a preview
2. its a mobile game what do you expect a 1080p quality with 500 fps?
3. preview point is to make the game give you a teaser not the whole gameplay.
Well my phone can handle anything alot of big games which is good for me 😁i like your channel you the only real one 🙏🏾
Release date???
I wish Rush Mobile can be Offline mode for Player that don’t have Internet
1:18 you know what else is MaSsive?
13:50 you know what else is massive?
Bro thst quality is good for low end and mid range devices
Do you have an update about aceforce2?
Looks fun but i hope they keep it a 1-to-1 mobile port, so no weird aim sprite when using the bow
Humphrey will never be forgotten 😔😔
Do share the specs bro ❤
I played the beta test
yo , I am making a free cartoonish FPS , very early gameplay on my channel
maybe some day it will make it into your channel !!
U mention wishing to see more content. U should look up uWaazy. He did a 15 part series on his whole time during test so get 🍿 ready.
You sure can break down bases with melee in PC. And those are not bugs, those are explosive ammunition.
Please play ark ultimate survival
Dude, I know it’s for optimization purposes, but the graphics look so different on the Mobile version of rust that it looks like a totally different Survival Game
Tarkov is the next Mobile game by Double Eleven from the PC making games.
Cant wait for this game ive never played it before and now its coming to mobile and with delta force in the way this is the best year
if iphone or ipad can be, but for android…
can be only have 700/800 series or 8 gen/elite series. I don’t think snapdragon 700 below and 600 series can handle of thos game same happen to Arena Breakout.
I’ve been waiting for an update to see if Apex Legends Mobile will come back.
can we able play beta version?
4:10 you can do that also on pc,you can also do that to wooden doors and some walls,i think it was that you could destroy wooden and stone walls with melee
Ur goated❤❤
I can’t wait bro
Omg stop putting everything on mobile u need a expensive phone to play these games comfortable anysay
Yo bro play pixel gun
This is awesome!
Can’t waittt❤🎉🎉