LITHIUM – Triple Bunker • Open Core • Mobility Ring • 5-8 Man Base RUST
Lithium starts a new era of base designs on my channel. Fit for a groups of 5-8 players, the base features a spacious starter, open core, unrivaled mobility, copious amounts of retakes, three bunkers, a furnace wall, a shooting floor and a defendable roof and compound.
The V1.5 fixes an issue with progression during the tutorial.
View the base on Rusticated Creative Servers.
IP: connect
Type: ‘/load Y1U5MS’ in the chat box to load the base.
Bunkered Externals: https://youtu.be/eUJq2mIPiFM
Original Video: https://youtu.be/LWMorALyGj0
Build Cost
Wood: 56k
Stone: 150k
Metal: 60k
HQM: 566
Wood: 2k
Stone: 32k
Metal: 24k
HQM: 144
0:00 Intro
0:48 Tour
6:47 Cost
6:58 Starter
9:58 Open Core
15:49 Compound
24:53 Mobility Ring
29:52 Shooting Floor
31:59 Roof
All music from Epidemic Sound.
Taqs:bunker,open core,rust group base
コメント (130)
Entire video reshot and edited. Progression now fixed. Hope you appreciate the work that went into it. Enjoy the build 🙂
Doesn’t the upkeep seem like a lot?
Wow base very good we are playing in this base 7 people and I and my bro defended in this base 2 defenders vs 10 raiders recommend this base !!!
The second set of externals no longer disconnect properly. Though it isn’t a major issue since you can just break the TCs.
I was watching another Lithium vid for my current wipe and it suddenly went private? any idea whats going on? sort of messed up my builds lol
We spend 90k stone on externals and got raided by a trio with 4 c4 on doors, we got garage doors
Very very good and fun bace I enjoyed it on a high pop server and it made many people mad ended up getting raided 12 times with a 2 week period as the bace has good peaks but is hard to repair.
U lied buddy about the build cost
10/10 I recommend
You have been praying on our down fall because ur granny tickles ur toes at night and u take it out on us get a job
Appreciate the time and effort put in to this one! Building it next wipe!!
Cool base terrible shooting floor peaks
Can you use stone external walls intead of wood for compound?
anti siege tcs?
What’s the cheapest way to raid this base do you think?
i wasn’t able to place one of the ramps in open core anyone know why?
What is the point of the lockers behind the trianlge roofs in the compound floor bedrooms? Are they only accessible with the brutalist skin?
do we know how many rockets this is on a traditional raid from the side
I just raided this base. Thanks to your helpful video I was able to easily find the “hidden” loot
I appreciate the care you take to include us console player! You deserve so many compliments. Keep being awesome!
When u upgrade the whole base to metal and the whole core erea to hqm itl cost 200hqm and 23k metal
I love the base the movement ring is cluch, the only thing i didn’t like about the vid was that it didn’t show us where to put most of the stuff like the turets to block the drop down. but in total i think this is a really good base 🙂
How many days with full up keep
bro, i have a little bit confused,one is in compound gatehouse ,why u still use wood roof ? Anther one is also about compound gatehouse,why u place a closet in side that triangle roof?hope u could answer!appreciate it , ❤❤😊nice base for my Zerg 😂
how many rockets does it take once it’s fully built
do i keep the twig for the external im pretty confused 18:42
thanks for making my friends think im a good builder
i am new to building in rust and easily i can say that i hate the creator so much i had a lot of problems and i was this near to fall into depression. but still love u base is great
Where do I put turrets in open core
Master class base designer
How do i disconnect the console tcs?
Good base and guide, would be nice to have better clarity on the electric aspect of the base design, but it wasn’t impossible to infer where turrets should go in the interior.
Hey crow does this work on console?
What’s upkeep
Hey I found out that for the breach peak into compound you don’t need the wall frame:
I found that when you build the 2 half walls from the outside you get enough stability to build both floor frames with out the wall frame
What bunkers time stamp please
What’s rocket raid cost to open core / core
Just ran a trio wipe with this base it’s an absolute tank once everything was done 4 failed offline attempts and the fifth attempt was pretty overwhelming they had a 7 story tall raid base full hqm 🙄 (for an offline) was all the way in core and 2 of us managed to kill all raiders seal base they missed the bunkers with 650 rockets 😂 all that to find out we got admin abused 😔 and the admin had turned off most of the turrets and given the raiders codes so if you’re on console I would recommend not playing on any wonkaland servers 👍 but the base held up great
No core tour? Like what?
Anybody else wonder how these guys come up with bases like this 🤣
Built this base and added 3 more bunkers on roof!
can someone explain why some of the stuff in the compound is wood? do i have to leave it wood or can it be upgraded
At 30:00 it won’t let me place these frames and says placing though wall
How would i go about placing turrets to cover the open core loot room and how to place boxes on top of the pillars on the roof inside open core like it shows in the tour? Not 100% sure of the best placements
Built as a duo a survived 200 rocket raid. My open core is currently 2 floors because we had to seal but bunkers didn’t get touched and tc wasn’t breached. This base is goateed
at 19:20 when your doing the console and pc externals unfortunately neither work
Does this all work on console
i’m really happy u added the console part but what do i do after because when i remove the twig wall is breaks meaning people can just shoot it out
i really like the base design, i tried to build it but it becomes a gap when building the bunker and idk what i’ve done wrong
Why isn’t the bunker working on console it won’t let me place that one triangle connected to the main base it says not enough room
Hey man just subbed w base keep it up
Any plans on making a build design around a specific rock formation with the new update?
Holy shit what a masterpiece of a base
base is super good, going to build it a second time.
One of the larger groups on the server raided us and didnt get any of the bunkers
How many rockets would it be if you went through door and walls
This base was a fun build except the console tc part you kinda just left us hanging lol “put this twig wall here” and told us nothing else haha all good tho I figured it out
just a heads up the external for the bunkers doesnt work on console, instead it needs to be 3 squares out from the window not 4 and again on console with all types of vending machine bunkers the vending machine has to be placed first before anything else and build around it, cant put doors in them either
The only builder ive ever seen that actually puts more than one or two walls to open core. INSANE peaks and very spacious core and open core and multiple respawns. Might just be as good as the Anaconda. I will give it a go on todays wipe 🎉
does anyone have a code for this on Builder’s Sanctuary?
Does this all work on console?
Can I build the pc part of the external on console? Because when I build the external for console it wont disconnect and same with the PC version.
What would your suggestion be for a duo on a 2x-3x who wants good offline pro and good online advantages as well?
God base
does the base have a code to put into sandbox???
Can u make cobra v.2, live in this base after god bunker been nerfed, wanna see another interpretation of this base with secret bunker
Really nice base but not for my group unfortunately they won’t farm staying in base 24/7 watching TikTok reels I feel bad for my self.
Hey, crow recently i just wanted to thank you so much for your bases. Your definetly the best tier builder in rust. With this base being really cheap, raiders spent 100-150+ rockets online, on a vanilla server although the base was half stone and half metal (only main tc is hqm) it survived 4 onlines in first week of the wipe (and all the time they never managed to get to the main tc). I love your base designs so much, please just continue to build and never stop. Would love to see new bases!
could you maybe try to build the humbug v4 i love the v3 but maybe you can make it better and i love your videos keep up the good work
This is easily the best base design i have ever seen in rust. Keep up the good work!!
hey is there any reason why at 22:22 you made the door frames and the roofs wood? is it just for build cost?
Edit: is there a reason you make anything a specific grade? as i have hella metal i can throw away so can i just make everything metal without effecting anything really
Just finished the build it’s insane I love it might be your best base yet
My trio is using your base right now this wipe. 2 fails raids thus far and now we are controlling our area like kings of the north. Your mobility ring peaks came in clutch as the raiders didn’t know what hit them. We profited 32 rockets by wiping them.
It doesn’t allow me to place the vending machine close to the locker is am console ptb
just hoping you will see this but can you build a base where you expand both the sides and the roof but make it somewhat big im mainly talking about the faberge my friend and i build it on a 2x duo server and its a nice base just annoying to have to spend like 100k frags before the base gets stronger than 16 rockets
Anyone know if this works on console?
Idk if you know but found this out the hard way… bunker doesn’t work on console.. the roof triangle won’t attach to the main base triangle for the bunker
Can confirm this base design is indeed fire🔥 so far have survived 3 onlines. Rust Console : Seraph Mc
Awesome video mate! I’m gonna smash this one out for force tomorrow! Really appreciate the rework and all the time this would take you! I have the other video saved and just realised that this one was out. Keep it up! 😘😘😘
Crow do you reckon for a new vid you could try make a v2 of the viper?
Crow we need antisiege in this base or febrege or t2nam. How can we do that ?
Bunker DO NOT work on console. Still an amazing base but just a heads up
Does the vending machine placement work on console
The fact u reshot and edited this so fast!! BEST builder on YouTube ❤
crow we need a new 3 man base with open core
love your builds cant stop building them would you be able to drop a 12 man base?
MAN I JUST BUILT THIS IN ICE WATER WAS challanging but base is super cool great work, where can i show u screenshots of base?
Amazing vid but the wall stacked externals on console aren’t functioning
Bunkers don’t work on console
Keep up the good work mr crow
Man crow never dissapoint🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
How do I keep the disconnecable tc without the wall breaking?
Best builder out there hope u get 100k before the end of the year G keep up the great work
Scarry base, nobody wants to raid me now 🙁
Make obsidian 2.0
Ecellent work as per usual crow, gunna give this a whirl soon 🙏🏻🩵🔨
Algorithm booster
W base as usual
these bases stresses me out . 12k+ hours and I cant be bothered building this .. I know it’s 5-8 but even then .. it WILL be raided no matter what ..
good design
Can you make the definitive guide of open cores next?
yo did he change the base? i was building this yesterday and now it’s different
great base, editing and music choice 😎
Hey crow I love your builds ❤do you think it is smart to add ramp peaks in the open core ?
Love it keep it up
the base any different or is it just the video progression
I can’t really run open core as a solo, but damn, clean base for groups or even a trio-quad on some servers.
God base but too expensive for my duo. Still waiting for 2×2 3-4 man base with bunker. Your bases are the best
here from the dc love the base!
Love the bases, keep it up!
my name jeff
Excellent solo base
I love the base I just can’t build in console
Does wall stacking work on console
Really wanna build this but I can’t play wipe early but later I can and my teMate will take an egg shell over anything
What did you change ?
leaving this tab open on 0.25x speed
back and better than ever 😀
Huge W
You’re one dedicated man. Kudos
Dang 2 min late 😥
We about to run this deadass so excited
W base
Still good for solo?