Why You Shouldn’t Buy Rust Console in 2025 Before Watching This – Rust Console Edition



In this video, we dive deep into the reasons why you might want to think twice before buying Rust: Console Edition in 2025. Whether you’re eyeing the game on Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, or PlayStation 4, we’ll cover everything you need to know before investing your time and money into Rust on consoles.

🔴 Is Rust Console Edition Worth It in 2025? Despite the Rust community growing and new updates rolling out, Rust: Console Edition still faces significant challenges, especially on older-gen consoles like Xbox One and PS4. We’ll discuss the key issues that players often encounter, including:

Performance Problems: How Rust struggles to run smoothly on older consoles and whether the newer consoles like Xbox Series X and PS5 offer any real improvement.
Frequent Bugs and Glitches: The ongoing issues that players face with crashing, frame drops, and other bugs that affect gameplay quality.
Lack of Updates & Support: Whether the Rust developers are continuing to prioritize console updates in 2025, or if the game is being left behind compared to its PC counterpart.

⚠️ What’s Coming in 2025 for Rust Console Edition?

We’ll also explore potential future updates and content drops for Rust Console Edition—will these fixes and features address the ongoing issues, or are they too little, too late?
Console-Specific Improvements: Is Rust improving its performance on the Xbox Series X and PS5, or are the problems still very much present for PS4 and Xbox One users?
The State of the Game in 2025: Will the game continue to be plagued by issues like cheating, server instability, and poor optimization, or are there signs of improvement on the horizon?

🎮 Why You Might Want to Skip Rust Console in 2025 Before making a purchase decision, we’ll highlight why Rust: Console Edition might not be the game for you, especially if you’re expecting a polished experience like the PC version. Find out:

The pros and cons of playing Rust on old-gen vs next-gen consoles.
How the Rust Console Edition community is coping with the game’s limitations and whether it’s worth diving into if you have limited time or patience for issues.

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Rust, Rust Console, Rust Console Edition, Rust Console Raid, Rust Console Team, Rust Team, Rust Rockets, Rust Console Raid, Rust Console Movie, Rust Movie, Rust Squa,d Rust Players, Rust Console Video, TeamCNQR, CNQR CONQUER, Rust Powersurge, rust minis, rust console gameplay, crust, Rust, RCE, Rust Console horses, rust console updates, Mouse, keyboard, xim, xim apex, zen cronus, zen, Rust Console How to, Rust Mobile, Rust How to, Rust Mobile gameplay Rust gameplay
Rust console gameplay
Rust survival game
Rust PvP
Rust building guide
Rust console edition tips
Rust update 2024
Rust raid strategies
Rust console beginners guide
Rust console solo gameplay
Rust console duo gameplay
Rust console clans
Rust farming guide
Rust console building bases
Rust console skins
Rust base defense
Rust monuments guide
Rust oil rig run
Rust console graphics comparison
Rust console performance
Rust wipe day strategies
Rust console custom servers
Rust Xbox Edition
Rust PS4 Edition
Rust PS5 Edition




  • コメント (68)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @Mummydu5t
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Like shit

    • @Dominknows
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Only weirdos play this 📉

    • @pith585
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    £20 on Amazon so won’t be a big lost

    • @illygotbeats
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm


    • @averagelifeenjoyer4478
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I’m to poor to get a pc so this will have to satisfy my needs for now 🙁

    • @speedy1406
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Day z kicks rusts ass big time

    • @rickzoo6875
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Only upside about rce only cheaters you gotta deal with is zen/ximmers none of this esp/ flying /shooting midair hacks

    • @Brad-pc3bi
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I got headshot sniped with a nailgun from a supreme gigachad a football fields distance from me. I’m sure he wasn’t cheating lol

    • @whiichwayy
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Waste of money just to get offlined by a Zerg in my opinion

    • @MrJhonjhon4
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    We need heli and cars in console

    • @mdandry
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Thanks for the video. As a person playing Rust for the first time, on ps5, I’d say it’s fun, I guess. Been getting destroyed on every server I’ve tried so far, but I managed to find one community server with a very low player count to at least learn game mechanics on. Totally a huge time consumer, but overall cool. Would be nice to find somebody to play with though.,

    • @northstar6920
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Its worth £20 at least

    • @ticlosmireck3777
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Hi, what do u guys think. To but rust or dayz on ps4 for me and my friend???

    • @MeatTaterz2399
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    For starters: add a go to guide on how to get a start within the game.
    For gameplay: get rid of old gen and start updating graphics.
    For updates & new content: patches every 2 weeks and new content once a month to catch up to PC.

    Next updates I would like to see:
    Add air transportation
    Make it an only next gen game
    Add Biweekly servers on official
    Servers 150 players instead of 100

    • @LordNelson6
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Just got it for console for $13

    • @brandonflewwelling648
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    As an old gen player can conform i dont play much bc of the terrible connection issues

    • @preezybeatz777
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Homie this game doesn’t even work for alot of people on console. Alot of the community is getting no rustworks connection. The game is terrible on console and D11 is to blame. PC is way better!

    • @benobryan8334
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I always have a good time playing and I have about a 1000 hours I like how it’s more simplistic than pc but I would like to see minis or something the cheating aspect of it I have not had to much of an issue and yes there are offline raids a lot but just bounce back and raid them before they raid you

    • @tastyuds933
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Cry skill issue

    • @flesleyfloogaart
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    for anybody wanting to get the game in 2025 try to get the disc version physically the day one edition contains bow skins hatchet and pickaxe skins that look really cool and its almost 30 euros less for disc while it runs 120 fps as a xbox one disc on my xbox series x

    • @AlanBullock-jx2qy
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    rust console is shit???

    • @ItsRonnyy
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    They should lower the price on the game because it’s not worth 64 dollars

    • @Prad0Player1
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    In that moment dayz console way better on ps5 but you badly need to use dualsense edge + right settings for it.

    • @Prad0Player1
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    It was my favorite game on pc but on console it looks like 💩 terrible controlling and a lot of 🤬Cronus players .

    • @moso-we8cy
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    The game is pn discount now and it is worth it like with all the servers for a beginner because i don’t get the server system

    • @JCNINJA8
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    The cheating situation is so bad that I joined a post on Xbox and I was not doing good so they said just get a zen or xim then you will be good

    • @Yautja_Shadow
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I want to see Deadside on console

    • @DNW-rq9ji
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    They need to introduce offical mouse and keyboard support for consoles, then ill come back, i blew about 300e on skins in that game and i just abandoned it because you cant beat full teams of mnk with a controller, its just not probable enough to make it a fun experience trying.

    If they brought mouse and keyboard i would actually get off PC and go back and play with my console friends.

    • @MatthewJBD
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I’ll stick to Dayz then

    • @johnmccarthy9273
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Can someone riddle me this we have no dev blog or road till end of January so basically it’ll be end of February before we have any updates because they’re not gunna realease any updates end of January they would of said something by now

    • @IAmToky0
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Bro i was trying to log into a server last night and there were 60 players in queue at 12 at night… i Paid 40 dollars for this game I should atleast be able to play it

    • @cargocat._11551
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    And I bought it last year

    • @cargocat._11551
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I play it still tho

    • @Korbanza
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    The game has a lot of cheaters using Zen. It needs to be banned.
    And they need to start updating the game more like p c or it’s gonna die

    • @Jonathan-pekify
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I fully support this

    • @BradleysDuo
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    This game makes me so mad but I got 1.5K hours in to it now and honestly just love playing it with bro if I was playing this game solo oh man Id be long gone from it. The biggest part of this video I want to emphasize is the raiding it’s so bad everyone constantly off lines and there is ko such thing as people on lining in console the movement is too clunky and with the lack of options to customize your controller layout I actually have to change the layout in the PlayStation 😂 garbage ass game but I’ve had some great memories on it

    • @banausentv6608
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I hope they throw out old gen at some point to be able to bring faster and more updates legit 90% has no old gen in the game

    • @ZacharyMichaud-o2o
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I think they need people on their team that actually has like 8000+ hours on the game like legit experience cause I guarantee you everyone on the rust console team has no experience in the game

    • @Matchlatch
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I just bought it 💀

    • @w1rez513
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I still think rust is the best game ever although there are glitches still the fun you can have is endless

    • @KingJulian692
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    They have to drop old gen and do something about the cheaters. If they did that the game would heal immensely

    • @jacobxspartan
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    They also need a ban feed that you can enable so you can see people being banned like rainbow six siege did that absolutely made me love rb6 again.

    • @jacobxspartan
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Cheaters are the main issue rn fix that then give us a graphics update. then once the game run smooth then add all the extra stuff.idgaf about any update or monuments untill they fix the graphics and ban cheaters.

    • @jacobxspartan
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Lmfao “1 percent” is a joke. They think we’re dumb AF or something. Join any server I promise you at least 20 people in every server is cheating. Christmas just passed and we’ve seen an even larger influx in zen/xims wtf are these devs on about. Make a new gen version stat with better graphics and frame rates with anti cheat software. Bro I swear to God I’m having trouble seeing people in this game the shadows the flickering textures the 17 invalids I got yesterday I’m about to uninstall this game. If the next update is junkyard I’m uninstalling.

    • @krazy3kyle
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Play pc rust its a switch u wont regret
    Save up a bit sell your console
    And pick up a pc can get something with a 30 series graphics card for a decent price as a start off

    Bigger maps
    More updates
    More players per server
    You can be in a discord chat and still hear and talk on game chat without going in and out of menues making gsme chat pointless in console rust

    Thier is a chat were u can type in chat in game
    Why console doesnt have it is beyond me when ark had it for years and years befor rust console

    Nvm its not beyond me its cause d11 is incompatent and shouldnt have been put to port it to console they have nothing simular under thier belt.

    Pc we have minis hot air balloond scrappys attack helis
    We have cars
    Bikes bycycles
    We have more guns
    More options
    More fun
    Do it you know you want to
    If i can do it so can u

    • @VixenWasHere
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Just dont buy either version of rust
    this game is a complete waste of time with a horrible community and bad developers

    • @EthanBatista-p5l
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    personaly i love rce i like it more than pc since its alot more straight forward

    • @lucasn4077
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    This isn’t even to mention that the community is complete dogshit. Because almost everyone on console is quite bad, nobody onlines. You WILL get offlined every night or so unless your base is in the middle of nowhere or turreted to hell and back. It does not matter how big your base is.

    • @jfab7026
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    There is so much cheating it’s pretty much unplayable. I’m a pc player with 1500 hours and I have given up

    • @randyb3468
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    “I, for one, believe rust console will get better!. It just needs a little more love from the dev’s!?!..”

    • @Potatostationproisgarbage
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Till they being a next gen version of the game im not coming back

    • @Potatostationproisgarbage
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I used to play on series x the game still runs like complete dog shit 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @9usser
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Thats why I went back to dayz

    • @stefanjones6745
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    i have been watching your vids the only thing i have ever agreed on was old gen but your just hater other than that

    • @stevenpena4053
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I urge every crust player to stop buying skins. 20.00 skins that in-game look like a melted box of crayons. They stop selling skins they’ll start scratching their heads. Next skin drop don’t buy it. You know all to well from experience its going to look like dog 💩 in game and you’re going to have buyers remorse. No issue buying and playing the game just don’t invest in it until changes are made.

    • @Imasouleater91
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Rust best game on this planet 😉

    • @APFKE
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I see this video the day after I buy the game lol

    • @cyberwarlord7363
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Rust is not worth the money.

    • @SUPA626
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    They need to start banning cheaters!!!!!!

    • @Darkhaven2099
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I’ve already deleted it off my system. They break this game more every update. Done with cheaters, I’ll never touch it again

    • @heytjwowbbrgcueoqpbf
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    games still good and worth i think just doesnt compare to the old comp scene

    • @akschannelofrandomstuff7844
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Switched to pc, would never turn back

    • @johnmccarthy9273
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    Easy don’t discourage people yet give the devs 2025 before we kill the game please I haven’t played in 2 wipes and I just start 2 days ago on this wipe and I’m having a ball and can you tell me in the loading screen it says d11 and face punch is it a new thing that face punch is involved to?

    • @Adrianr7135
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I honestly feel like face punch and valve should get involved with the game since d11 isn’t doing so hot atm I hope maybe valve can do something since they are known for well optimized games to fix server lag and performance issues also I do know however face punch used to use the source engine and it always ran smooth with decent graphics on low end pcs compared to the unity engine which it currently has but maybe a complete rework and engine change could save the game or completely making a separate version for new gen would work since at this point everyone has new gen

    • @clo3929
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    minis or it isnt worth

    • @TingCrach-bc2cv
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    for my part I’m giving this game one last chance with this year starting, I’m already not buying any more skins because given the state of the game I feel that it doesn’t deserve my money “and in addition the texture of the skins is disgusting “if the roadmap they have to announce doesn’t please me and if they still don’t do anything for optimization I simply won’t play it anymore. we are in 2025 and we have a game that looks like Xbox 360 quality, personally I take it as a total disregard for the devs compared to the players. I’m disgusted because I like this game, but hey, you have to know how to say stop at some point.

    • @NorthrnBadger_
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    It’s mainly worth it if you have a next gen console

    • @CatCread16
    • 2025年 2月 02日 7:51pm

    I hate this game so much. But at the same time ive put over 4000 hours into it and i love it
