I Turned a Monument into My BASE!
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Today’s Video is an AMAZING WIPE where I am going to be building and living out of the my OWN monument in RUST. But I didn’t realize how much attention having a base like this would bring. I get a TON of PVP, run into cheaters, and have an AMAZING story. This is one you’re not gonna wanna miss! Enjoy.
JOIN MY DISCORD ► https://discord.gg/jteles
►Base Designer: @maverick1484
►Throats Channel: @ThroatYT
► Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/xJTeles
► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@xjteles
#rustpvp #rust #survivalgame
Taqs:rust,rust funny,rust gameplay,rust pvp,rust raid,rust solo,rust base build,rust clans,rust compound,rust funny moments,rust jackpot raid,rust movie,rust plays,rust pvp highlights,rust raids,rust solo infiltration,rust solo pvp,rust solo survival,rust survival,solo rust,solo survival,rust base,rust overpowered,online raid,living in rust,Online Raid,living on rust,rust update,100 Days in,JTeles,Castle base,building in monument
コメント (550)
I know you may have seen this before! This video was supposed to drop 2 months ago however I recently started working with the BEST cinematographer in rust to help maximize the quality, and getting everything perfect takes time. He will get faster as he gets used to my style so waits from now shouldn’t be too long. PLUS in the time of me waiting I was able to get another video almost ready so Next video WILL NOT take as long. Then after that a 500k Special!! I’ll keep you guys updated Thank you for understanding❤️
what yall know about FarmerSteve?
Can someone tell me the songs he used?
I love your editing, but you play like a cracked out 8 yearold with adhd…
Like, stop running off after explosions.. You arent good enough to bag it and you lose everything you need to make progress with the video’s objective.
I’m here for this base build and the gameplay surrounding it, but 32 minutes in its still not even halfway done. wtf
The hours put into the work… I can only congratulate you. Keep up the good work!
I knew it that from the time they meat each other I quickly notice that he was quick and can shoot between walls she was using exploits the whole time and the way she do it is hard to notice yet I easily noticed it
Who’s edits JTeles videos?
Man’s got hacked
Bro got hacked 😔
21:05 what Song?
plz post!!
YOU GOT THE CHANNEL BACK. I was praying for you man. I’m glad you got it back. Glory to God brother.
Bring back the crypto scam
yippe a heart!
What is the song name
Whats the music name at 21:15?
the minute 23:24 you can see classic Jteles
Can you please do a vid about a cave base
the throat goat
I love your videos ur always funny, and you always have a way of making every video different and exciting keep the good work up!
bro why does it take you soooo long to make a video 😢
I found you because kfc bro your definitely the best rust youtuber for a chill storytelling experience
What is this games name
You should do the tug boat life again but better
You should do jteles plus wiljum collab. Hear me out: a guy that always fights and runs toward fire, a skilled pvper, then a solo who makes great bases with crazy farm
JTeles can u make a vid on how to get rust on mobile I really need help on how to sign in I don’t know what to put
Apple max bravo apple music pro max qotog’im beringa onangga skakan
43:02 was the slickest rhyme 🙏😭
Build a pipe base
I’ve been a fan since 97 k subs I love your videos 😊
I played just one run in Rust, so excuse my perhaps stupid question, but how they do these “cut scene” or “observer” like shots? Like the intro in the beginning or all the views from sky etc. It does look like taken right from that particular action, not some videos done later on private game, and even though, it would be time consuming to fill the main content is such frequency..
When’s the next video
20:23 I’m to see if we are geniuses or if we have small penises 😂
I love your videos. They’re so much fun.
I think he should try to make it to wipe without building walls or floors
W Vid jt
karma +100,000,000,000,000
Yo we need you back mate where you at drop some vids
un cool
Its not that hard to do rust Electricity bruh
game name?
And I like how you don’t complain about making this giant monument
What is this games name by the way
Start a war in the reply section of this comment
Love your content keep it up
You should play ark survival evolved
23:03 Bro choose the Purple pill😭🙏🏻
I love raiding at 51 health, making rockets for hours, then not eating food when its most important…
omg hackers in rust, insane!!!! more than half the playerbase is hacking dude….games been a fawking fiesta for years now. Not playable.
21:48 music?
he finaly back 👍
best rust vid
Your movements are like of a soldier.
14:03 had me dying 😂
+1 Sub ❤🤘
post more bro love the vids
Minigun turrets
Edit goes crazy 36:30
” I shit myself I shit myself I shit myself I browned my pants😮😮😢😢” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I watch my first video from your youtube chanel is sick dude
Video Idea: How to Edit like JTeles cause those edits are CLEAN
Bro mid video I got a notification sum 1 was tryna log in my rblx acc and they got in a stopped them tho
What is Name of game??
Bhai mission evo game band hogaya hai
This guy is gonna be the reason i start playing rust. Such good intros and videos i just cant resist watching. Keep going JTeles🔥
your the best rust pleyer in the world
Would rust be fun to a person that just got a pc and dont know what to do
Mr beast logo
One of my all time fav intro’s in all youtube history, fr!!😅
Man U need to upload more lol
dude love your editing, almost musical.
apparently they do have 2 brain cells combined because it should have been an iq of 2 not one, they dumb like me 👍
Need more content bruh come on now ❤️
” i shit myself”🤣🤣
38:02 a classic mission of mw 2 modern warfare 2 43:45 and a normal breaching not a battering ram but a explosive ram
At least your not mexican than u cant get a green card
ive always wanted to play rust 😔 i have everything but my parent did not accept buying rust JTELES if u r reading this man i really dream to play rust with my friends
You Can’t just me😊
Always nice to hear that constipated -WE ARE INNNNNNNN. .😩
4:14 that was personal 😂
i subbed
ohh and ur videos ur very good
Top notch editing
wow this is the best rust video i has ever watched in my life everything was perfect even tho it was kinda long and was so intersting
I love your videos Oblivion!!
I want rust so much after watching your vids.
Why you took so long to pos
Hey man now try to do small oil rig on land. 😂
I subscribed within the first 37 sec
Can we get a face reveal
Help that editor
Seens 18 k sub gang👇
The music added a lot more fun in your videos
I just found your videos today they have improved my mood so good
I hope you see this and keep making great content 👍
Amazing content as always 😀 and literally keeping my music playlist fresh what an awsome tracks u using for this vids!
i love when rust video have some goal to complete…those check list are nice touch too
you earn yourself a sub dude…keep it comin’💪
Ok who edits your videos, its insane
I see this Cheater guy video
love youer vidos
Hey @jteles I bloody love your content man, my misses and I watch it all the time. Have had your back from the start, love the way you go a about your videos and the way you play, you’re a bloody weapon man would love to get a signature if possible cheers.
Keep up there work you ablsoute weapon
On what server does he play?
Garcia Laura Martin Timothy Anderson Paul
Gg just subscribed
This is fr the only YouTuber I could watch all day without getting bored
30:44 “it just came on me! Wait pause” 😂
39:47 this guy is cheating 100%. also their base is looks like cheater base
31:03 I knew they were cheating from this death.
hey we need some weekly uploads brother, pog videos thanks
Anderson Dorothy Taylor Charles Robinson Sarah
Dude, yours are easily the best quality rust videos on Youtube.
impressive editing, good work
hey JTeles i dare you to build a police station!
the chat at 45:00 was on the side of jteles
Dud these fumbles are 😭🙏
What do you use as animation during the start of the video
what is that server
Plz upload more the every 2 months do every 3 weeks
that’s crazy u lost all of that to a revy
i love ur videos. i want to see your tryhard mode in rusticated trio in fresh wipe . hope u grown more
Can you toggle building on monuments??
whats the song that starts playing at 21:05 of the video
pls tell me i like the song
i dont know how to do the blue time when click on it and it starts too play
It looks like you put a donut hole on pretzel sticks then staved it all into a donut
Yo gotta love when rust youtubers say “and this is when everything change”
It’s wild watching a game I’ll never play and actually enjoying it. I went to a few other rust channels and didn’t have the same feel. Whatever you’re cooking with over here my boy don’t stop!!
jt has the best editing I have ever seen
This was one of ur most challenging videos/challenges, with so many setbacks and even facing cheaters, you are amazing.
I want to play duckside and rust but I can’t afford it,😭😭. Can someone tell me how to download it for free.
Of course, the second I got hit while farming – I continue farming
Pat Dam
30:52 the funniest part of the whole video no diddy 😂😂😂
Great production quality! Thoroughly enjoyed this video
Best Rust YouTuber
Your the savior of that server, that monument was for remembrance
Just found your channel, instantly subscribed. The production quality and editing of your videos is absolutely unmatched. You’re gonna hit 1 mil subs in no time keep it up!!
When jeteles drops a video. Godd himself watches it 😯
This was so cool! Keep it up
The base edit went hard good job
Really? Playing with Throat? You must want to lose subs lol
Im sad to see this video so late, but i love this so much dude! U made me love rust even more❤
I love your videos man, the best production value I have seen from a Rust YouTuber. Keep it up!
definition of “dome is home”
Lesson taught, if you are going to cheat, don’t do it in an online game. XD
That base turned out really good!
Love the base design but what is that 30 pop server xd
I love throat,willjum,oilrats and stevie but you r the most creative rust builder I’ve ever seen😮❤
i’ve been here since like 25k subs! you’ve grown alot Jteles!!
I got 400h i do électricité furnaces and automation ee
Bro your Videos are grate!
Dudes were talking trash then roof camped y’all 💀💀
Bruh throat kinda bad
Yoo the editing on this is crazy
Your a freakin legend 😝
This has gotta be the toughest beginning to a video I’ve seen, can’t even lie I’d already be switching servers, but I usually play where I don’t have blueprints so it makes it a bit more annoying
MLRS for the win 😀 launching 12 if you line it up good saves you tons of sulfur. Subbed for the enjoyment I got from the vid keep it up
should have put military crate loot on the top boxes
Babe don’t post nun like this again ugh
Good video nice content !! But i miss the base tour haha 😅
Never played the game…
Never heard of the game…
But my boys and I love watching your videos. We’ve just subscribed and have watched 20+ videos. My only wish would be to have less swearing but gamers will be gamers. Thanks god my boys didn’t hear me back in the days 😂
Wait, wasn’t this Coco at the end?
Heyyy daddy
Only 468k subs and the editing is insane you need a mil
JTeles is probably the best rust youtuber but he never posts, but its always BANGER videos. Keep up the good work man.
im new be nice – got me wild LOL
This is some insane editing. Props to the editor 🎉🎉
Womp womp credits copy much?
“I’m about to get a quad feed” is diabolical energy towards some friendlies 😅😂😂
it had a whole movie plot bro
You should make a oil rig base 💀
Lets goooooo!!!
is this a movie or scripted?
Finaly thanks for posting
Thanks for the video !
why go for 500k? when you can go for 1m
Yo good job y’all I did get worried if y’all would survive but then I realized y’all ares end up coming out on top
Bro the editing for the intro is actually insane
What server are u playing on ive never seen so small official map since savas
finally another video of jtelles i always get exited when he posts a new video keep it up jtelles
Man I’d love to play with you
Bro imagine dying with hacks to people without them
Big fan. However some of this looks staged or you’re playing on weak ah servers
Get him to 500k🎉
w editor
Build the biggest base on the hardest server 😮
I have been trying to find this guy for so long😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀
If JTeles doesn’t respond to this comment he has to oil up
YAY! The legend dropped a new vid!!
You guys get distracted a lot, and it cause you to lose a lot.
I legit love this channel so much!! I watch willjum on the reg for my rust content, but whenever JTeles drops a video, I am glued to this shit!!
But high key, the fact that Willjum used a base from one of your videos give me so much hope for a cross over!! It would be legendary!!!
Jteles you always have such good vids you should play with frost or Stevie
for those looking like i was
“bbno$ – bag or die”
Your bases are always top-tier creative! 🍿👀🔥
Build launch site main building next
30:48 it just came on me
Please stop EDITING
bro uploaded a video of him and throat that got uploaded like fucking 5 months ago lmaoooo
Can we partner in a game I’m about to get rust. Ive never played it before
great cinematics holy
“Who the fucks the pigeon”
The fact that he had enough for 4 or 5 c4….
I’ve been waiting months for you to release a new video and when you finally do it’s basically the same video I already saw on throats channel… just a diff perspective 😢
23:20 red pill
i dont love u
what server is this?
14:03 there’s no freaking way y’all got rolled by a dude with a revy. 😂😂 Uninstall bro. Lmao jp we need more bangers. But God damn dawg cmon lock in 😂
How you make this game look so easy
30:46 ???
Halloween base?
Awesome man
I need to build this can you make a base design build?
I think bro finally had to pay rent, so he decided to come back on youtube 😁. But actually, amazing video as always. Keep it up man❤
bruh your vids are fake af
Bro let man do things maybe he was inspired bruh 😭
11:03 bro how did you enter the game so quickly xd
This is nothing to what you will see on pvE servers…
I’ve seen people make star wars star destroyers and other ships in the sky and in the ocean on servers that have no stability mods, and on the last days of wipe they turned pvp on and had everyone on the server having big wars with each other shooting from ship to ship and such
It’s funny he only meets the same people on the server. like this is actually a 30 pop server or something
I like the part where he plans out everything 🥰🥰🥰
you probably came for this
❤ ur vids
Trash duo wiped by a revy
holy moly this is a late upload u can have sulfur in tc
“Im bouta get a squad feed” got me on the floor
0:11 i thought he said fuck
Insane mini gun play
the editor is crazy
4:10 uhm…?
Bro your editing is the best over being honest it’s so interesting
30:49 PAUSE😂😂😂
27:08 the goat he is him
Gotta upload more dude
Need a build tutorial
excuse me sir can i ask whats the name of the music?
Yo I had a feeling he was hacking.. Because some of those shots.. Where 2 spot on..
Bro you fr definetly are able to hold the recoil like that 😅
Oil up
really love the fun base idea, but it barely had any time or use in the vid, i’d have liked to see more fun with it for longer in the vid
Finally you made a video I’ve waiting for months @jteles
Let’s go
Finally another post
Yes finnaly
39:30 I love how he paused the fight to turn around and shoot the naked
you know its gonna be a good day when jteles post
Hi JTeles, like everytime one of the best Videos about Rust, i love you and maybe we can maybe play together sometimes❤️
Good video
You haven’t posted in months thank you for posting😂
Goated video
this is the best script you have done so far
My goat finally made video 😂❤
Throat did this but just way better
This content is disgustingly over the top for a rust vvideo bro :(*
in the process of becoming a villan he became a hero
bad oli
Why would you start looting ? That’s the noobiest move you could of done 🤦🏼♂️🤣
bro copied throat
imma tell u this jteles dont upload much but all his rust base builds are gold
I finally got back in to watching you, never give up on YouTube.
I love your videos keep up the great work🔥
J sucks
14:09 man you guys suck
Bro i am warching rust since a few years and Neve knew you until now. Your Videos Are Next Level. Especially your editing. You could get my fav. Rust youtuber
skibidi rust
44:47 look at the chat lol
Do I build this In rust ce
W video bro u deserve more than 500k subs
lets get jteles to 500k we got this!!!!!!!😝😝😝😝😝😝
Gonzalez Thomas Lopez Lisa Davis Edward
Just wanted to shout-out Jteles, on behalf of myself and I’m sure of many others.
For those days/ nights/ weeks or months that we really were struggling and not doing well then one night while lying in bed you see that Jteles uploaded a new video which ends up putting a much needed smile on your face and a laugh in your belly.
Cheers mate, as always amazing video and thank you for doing the above and more.
The best creator on this app i can not describe how good you are the best of the best your videos just getting better and better waiting for the next video as alaways ♥
Ahhh Another jteles Video Again Love It ❤️🥰
“That Guy With The Wolf Profile Picture” 🗣️🗣️
The editing, music, transition, voice over too good ❤️🔥
0:22 the editor asking for help
wtf ahhaahhahahahahahaha
tip for the editor : if you’re asking for help in the future you might want to make it a bit more obvious that that
FINALLY my boy jteles made another video, time to have the best time for 46 minutes 😎
Upload more😔
@JTeles can you make a farm base whit some friends
Bro made a movie💀(a good one)
14:14 bro made a huge play on yall LMAO
dangg bruh . cant stop watching Jteles videos . its so enjoyable and fun to watch . maybe next time i’ll prepare some 🍿
Throat sounds so subdued at the beginning of this vid I didn’t even notice it was him til ten minutes in 🤣 yes even though you told us he was there many times, I’m just ignorant it seems lol
Im a bit late but i prepared my popcorns, and i m ready
my niga really gotta post more
Damn your trash at pvp
Lil’ d*ck cheaters broke this game…i stopped Rust 1 years ago ’cause of those low!
Pronounces are annoying af
Where is Camomo when you need him? Great Video loved every second of it.
new JTeles video lets go!
oak and weirdo were cheating. they toggled everytime they lost. Edit: yup I was right.
Hey mate, could I get in touch with your editor in any way? The bro is actually cooking
What are the songs in his video I must know
This is cool an all but…. Why not try building a China wall around large oil an have it all to yourself? You could have turrets an traps so no one can enter but you NOW THAT WOULD BE A CHALLENGE… Now that ppl would watch… 🤷🏻♂️
skip to 35:00 if you’re here for TN or title.
Lovee the Dome Base man!!! Grate story line grate base grate come back!!!! 10/10
love the dome
watch the video to see base build…. JTeles: Nope, watch us play normal Rust and ill finish base is last 10min of video
Finally another vid
Voicing over Luckyllama gameplay is A+ content
Great editing and storytelling! But im wondering what PC you are running for getting the game looking this clean.. ?! It looks so crisp
i like the part where they just got distracted into losing
Griff the grub gang .1
10/10 storyline damn.
Bruh finally uploaded again!🎉🎉 😂
I like bbno$
14:07 “lemme try the minigun, imma fuck him up” both die to a revo 😭😭😭
lets go JTeles uploaded
I haven’t watched rust in like 4 years and last time i watched the game was very different but ive been watching a lot of rust again and what happened to like all the old structures like dome and bradly and such i haven’t seen anyone run them
I love your vids 😁
All that animation are so interesting to watch it’s awesome!!!
Bravo you just earned a sub. And a long time member
I love you man
back from the dead!!!
bbno$ music in it was fire
Well played. I love seeing script kiddies get rekt.
I want you and willjum to collabe plzz❤❤❤
Brother are you going to play dragon ball sparking zero when it comes out😅
Bruh…. 10k hours and never thought of using a mixing table to make ammo when I don’t have a T2 workbench.
ok @troatgoat did it first bud be original
Whqt does that look so much like griff video
Getting clapped by a revvy kid is crazy lol
Finally a new vid
Jteles, you’re still pronouncing the word “especially” incorrectly. Please fix your English ffs
Do oil rig next
Your videos are very well made and I enjoy them! I just started playing rust seriously about 2 weeks ago and it’s changed my life for worse and better😂
Look I love you but you have to start to post more ok please I saw this like 8 hours ago but on my ps4 and I can’t comment on it but Jt you better start to post more I know that you have life and all that but you are keeping alive by making me happy when I am sad I watch your videos but I have to watch the one from a long time ago because you don’t post that much anymore I love you not like that I hope you see this
I love you jt the best rust chanel
I’m not even joking I was playing Rust console like 6 hours ago and someone had built this exact same thing out of wood
Watching a doughnut base video while eating doughnut rl
Give props to the youtbuter who built this base bro
Nice idea 🤣🤣 14:01
post more pls
New Jteles video! Yesssss
i fucking love ur vids
We’re u been
Who wants him to upload more
bro more content pls🙏
holy … JTeles, only the 30 second intro must have cost many hours of work (building, acting/filming, editing) just wow!
Tesla new video remind me of u, so i check ur channel last night but u not upload the video yet at that time lol
I dont play rust but i fahking missed u man
I almost thought this channels abt to die😭
36:30 you spent wayyy to long on that edit didnt you
Start uploading more
Damm where you been
Finally! I have been waiting for this vid when I saw you playing with Throat. XD
Jsmeles copy throat?
Your better than blooprint😊
I’ve seen the oil rig person that had a revolver and killed him both I don’t know what video tho
Finally u post
11:00 Absolute Unit of a Chad.
hello @Enardo
bro made a monument
I have to admit that Dome base is awesome man!
Awesome high quality video!
eac flags someone doing a normal jump with flyhack…but considers someone rapid firing a bow as perfectly normal. they really need a better anticheat.
I wish I could play with you
Hold up bro I’m gonna clap his cheeks with the mini gun!!! I’m dead. Bro I died
i love how the fast edits and bright colors attend to my tiktok attention span and brain of a toddler 🙂
You know it’s a great day when jteles posts ❤
Let’s go jeteles new video
what is the song at 21:05 plssss
I’ve been waiting so long and it’s finally here
36:40 / Completion
why does he die like that at 40:11
I liked my own comment
Bro finally back on the upload schedule
Yo the “mili” crates in this monument going crazy
you know its a good day when teles uploads
Can you make more videos more often?????
I love you
Your duo was sooo garbage
My favorite part was when you played Rust ❤❤
30:45 it came on me, Pause😂
I like my own comment
Yoooooo your back
That edit of the dome was kinda hard tho
Yo the upkeep must be crazy
I love your videos and I’m so happy you reposted 🎉🎉🎉
Hi I love the builds and the videos in general.
bro the editing is almost making me cream my pants its so good
in rust, can’t the cheater be permabanned regardless of what he changes his username to?
I thought ad seen it before still enjoyed it
Another video! Blessings from God teles!
damn it must take so long to edit these. theres effects and stuff throughout the whole thing!
Why is the game theory symbol within the vid. When he talks about getting a bow he uses it and replaces style theory with Gun theory?
Sorry, but I had to cheer for slopenheimer… I mean c’mon… His name is slopenheimer lol
like this comment if you agree that its unacceptable for JTeles to not know how to do an auto smelter
Mmm that name
You guys basically got rolled in every fight
My boy just uploaded!🥳
didnt throat do this?
dude the chat was going crazy when they was raiding the cheaters
Editing goes hard, fucking nuts 🔥
Yo finally updated❤❤❤
My heart when he left the door open at 27.10😭
if your bored, JTeles will be sure to change that lmao
Yoooooooooo he finally posted
Comon man even blazed sets up auto furnaces Lmao 😂
took you long enough 😡
Wake up gamers, JTeles is back.
Yo JTeles the chances of you responding to this comment is slim but is there any chance you could tell me the name of the song at 25:20
LET’S GOOOO, finally a new video #hypeeeeee
My current base design is made to look like a base that’s been raided multiple times. Doors that lead no where, high-quality, metal, stone, wood and twig all visible on the exterior. Junk loot you wouldn’t even recycle in exposed boxes to make people think it’s a noob who just took over a small portion of a decaying base that’s been previously raided. I went all out to make it as unappealing as possible even designing it to make a few stone walls with no stone in the TC so that it’ll decay on purpose. You wouldn’t waste the time eco raiding it. Since using it, no online and more importantly, no offline raids.
For real so good video, the montage is insane
Very nice
It’s been too long JT 😞
Jteles posting after he hasn’t posted for a long while is crazy timing
Two hours and only 7000 views you fell off, bro
Love your content JTeles
It took lil bro 4 months to edit and post this vid
finally jteles uploaded bro
Ok i swear Jteles never runs out of idea
If only he posted more
Jteles videos are so peak
Didn’t even watch it and I know it’s going to be a banger
Your electricians have existential fears after that
Can you give me rust piz my mom is not good
Bro me waiting 1 month watching every video 3 times till my favorite YouTuber uploades
i watched a video abt something in rust and the youtuber found your dome base decaying
Bro 2 months? That’s too much but np 😂😂
34:43 that is not what an open core looks like, an open core is a loot storage module within a base with the intent of housing dozens of boxes. An open core also has a dedicated section below it or above it to peek into it, the purpose is so that when your base gets pummelled. you can have peeks on raiders who are roaming throughout your loot rooms looking for loot.🤓
you are missing all the small 50 nods
Babe wake up JTeles uploaded
I like your other videos but this is bad game play and editing. Dying and losing loot just because of your carelessness.
Finally JTeles remembered he has a YouTube channel
i saw you building your base
Hiii I love your videos😝
Bro finally remembered the password to the account 🗣️
Weee Areee Innnn!!!
Love you JTeles!
I literally looked your name up hoping to have a new video and it said one hour ago. My day has just been made
Bro finally 🫶🏻
Bro cassually disappeared for 2 months and then just posted with no excuses😢
featuring love the hobo 😍 🥰!!!!!
0:22 the editor asking for help
hi jteles i love your vids but i think you should make more videos and make them more often
I found your channel yesterday and you just started uploading again. These videos are so good!
Bro is the mr beast animator of rust
throat goat did built a monument first js
the foundation looks like the robux base
“it’s me jteles” 🤣🔥
Who noticed when he was marking his base he made pepe
That ending! “I’m bout to hit a quad feed!” *Gun clicks*
Perfect ending to a great great video!
I need sum more videos I’ve watched every single one❤
One of the first 100 comments
isint this an old video, i think i saw this on goats channle
bro just lost to a revy with a mingun
love the vid
Jteles yessssssssssss
Bro this was a great video keep up the amazing work
Mens Mental health month
Dad came back
Terrible editing. You skipped over all the best parts of actually building your base which is the focus of the video title!
You took hell alot of time to upload video be consistent please
how did you two die to revolver lmfao. JFC
kind of early to a jteles vid (: love the part when he got a sar from the treasure at start
Quality over quantity. that’s why i love Jteles
25min ago
We are in 🎉
DAAMNNN we got bbno$ in the videos now?? fucking dope
The best 🔥🔥🔥
ive been subbed since u had 2 vids
omg JTickle my pickle pls
Why your videos so late 😔
Why did i not get a notification when this banger got released!?!?
W W W Editor live
Jsmell this is fire🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
W vid bro
imagine how much dome you can dome in therr
bro i am a fan to you from Morocco , i just want to tell you i love your content is so funny and cool , keep going man <3
62nd comment
Who likes JTeles videos❤
You Still alive lol
I guess welcome back😂❤
Bro really uploaded this 3 years after throat
I love your videos bro your finally back
but… but… I thought the monument was decaying jteles
5 min gang!
Feels illegal to be so early. Also holy it was time you uploaded 😂😂
Bro u Are BEST🎉🎉🎉
Bro I fell from my bed as soon as that YouTube notification popped😂
4 months after throat man cmon u cant slack pookie
Pliz upload a little more video..
90 seconds in, bro’s editing is even better wtf
whats the video when he builds an entire monument
Oh man I have been waiting for this and am sure it’s about to be a broken base
ok guys i will wtch this an give my opinion
1 minute
jteles should be on talk tuah
Your finally back yeeess
Finally let’s goo
“I used to pray for time like these” – I don’t know
Finally he remember his youtube password
Well well well after a long time not uploading a videos for all of your sub😂😂😂
Bro it feels like 2 years between every post
Love you J teles
Hi your my fav
I was waiting for the vid
I like that part where he built an entire monument 🥰🥰🥰
It’s Ben months
Yes, a new vid… I really wish you posted more, I don’t have any other YouTubers I like to watch rust vids from
Great night story
this are going to be the best 46 minutes of my life
Hmmm i did this video months ago, copy much?