Rust What’s Coming | Building 4.0, Spiral Stairs Triangle Hatch, Rust+, Smart Alarm #159 (Rust News)
Rust What’s Coming | Building 4.0, Spiral Stairs Triangle Hatch, Rust+ App, Smart Alarm & Switch #159 (Rust News & Updates) – Join me as we take a look at the newest upcoming content and concepts for Rust!
Android – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.facepunch.rust.companion
IOS – https://apps.apple.com/us/app/rust/id1487691681
Latest Devblog- https://rust.facepunch.com/blog/night-vision-update
Get the Game- https://store.steampowered.com/app/252490/
Store- https://store.facepunch.com/
Follow me on Twitter- https://twitter.com/gerrmanman
Join My Fan Discord- https://discord.gg/jBDFZ9u
Outro: Octillary-Chill Trap Beat- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3VrtjFIy7U
Made by Decenrad.
Channel Art by- https://www.youtube.com/user/Freepdied
Logo By- https://twitter.com/XSEIDET
These thoughts and opinions are my own, and not that of the game creators.
I purchased/Obtained this game legally and all copyrights for the game are held by their respective owners.
Taqs:rust,rust+,rust+ app,rust plus,rust raid alert,rust smart alarm,rust smart switch,rust app,rust spiral stairs,rust building 4.0,rust triangle ladder hatch,rust triangle frame,rust triangle floor grill,rust steps,rust ramp,rust car ramp,rust gameplay,rust game,rust update,rust latest update,rust updates,rust concept,rust news,rust devblog,rust survival,rust building,rust thatgermanguy,thatgermnaguy rust update,thatgermanguy
コメント (104)
so the app with the smart switches and alarms is coming live today ?
What happened with the seismic alarm? You mentioned it but didn’t elaborate.
I think the app link in the description section is trying to get my personal information or hack my account :/
The rust app needs IFTTT integrations. That would open up so many more possibilities. Like turning on light around your house when your door is opened. Or turning all your smart lights red when a sensor detects someone inside the base lol.
Its pretty cool! I really liked raiding the big boys on the server while they slept, thats going to be SkEtChY now 🙂
About time rust upgraded to all platforms isn’t it?
I’m not a pc guy and ild love to buy this game on xbox, loads of chat but nothing happening 😔
Idk about this update tbh. I think everything they added is cool but I don’t think adding cars into the game is a great move just me.
The only reason we want triangle floor grills= to put them above furnaces. Can’t put them above furnaces = derp
Ich freue mich schon mega auf die Konsolen version… Ich hoffe das dadurch die Community evtl neue nicht so toxische Mitglieder bekommt.
Wow you can do an airlock with the triangular ladder hatch.
forgot about the ak fov
So I am able to track down people? Do they have to be my friends on steam or the app? Sorry if I saw wrong but it appears that wya in my head
I really don’t see the point in the ignitor for furnaces and such unless they add the equivalent of Minecraft’s Hoppers. You have to go into the furnace to place the ore and wood any ways, just turn it on right then.
I noticed fishing poles weren’t in that list
The explosive raiding fandom is dying
Like if you’re a boomer
i wish they would fix some bugs. and hire some depths that actually fight players. for example: When u pop a med it sometimes doesn’t go trough same with reloading.
Now rust can invade your life no matter where you are
can more than one person with a smart alarm/switch i.e. can all the clan members be paired or would it have to be a specific persons phone
Why you no talk about how ugly they are making sheet metal
ThatGermanGuy actually a pretty bad name for Rust since EvilWurst exists.
That’s amazing! Keep going new updates! 👍👍👍😀 what about Rust app can use the cameras like a control something? I haven’t seen that yet 😱
I want hdrp
2:45 ish you cant build there because of the boat, not the angle. Vehicles in rust completely mess with your ability to build/upgrade/make electrical connections if they are to close.
cant wait for the notification to go off when someone is in public and they get arrested for it
I hate the new steps, ALL of my bases used them now they’re gonna be obsolete
They should so you can watch CCTV cameras in your base from the Rust+ App in Real Time. That would be sick!
Solid updates facepunch is doing if i may say so myself
This is one update no one wanted or needed
New Bunker base designers is coming !!!!!!
I don’t know how i feel about this, that it’s first coming with a phone before like a in game console to control all that stuff… Seems not thought thru from a balance perspective. Hope servers can chose to enable only the notifications and disable any control features.
They should add a tab on the app where you can look at your inventory or buy on the item store in case you cannot access your pc
Bro that nuke alarm actually made me alt tab into fo76 lmaoo
F to the armored stair honeycomb
C-…Can you… shoot through the stair gaps?
Great video bro. Super excited.
you can defiantly put a large furnace under the triangle frames.
All the dislikes are from offline raiders
Love the update and the new app. Well done to Facepunch great work. I have just one question thou.
When Rust gets released to console will we all have to buy it again or will we be able to link our steam accounts to the consoles to download it?
Will the app be able to Connect to Xbox rust when it comes out
so cool but i cant download it in my shitty phone version …
This is nothing but good for the game. Anyone who doesn’t like it and wants to quit, kthx bye.
5:42 can`t see that it looks “very nice” because of this damn tool gun making everything blue lol
So wait.. the whole point of us wanting the triangle floor frames is specifically for the large furnace base designs.. I hope it does change because if not its pointless but the hatch idea is cool and the stairs, no more jumping from a strange ladder or furnace jump.
This whole smart alarm and app system is dumb tho because unless you play in a 8 man and have a massive base, by the time you get on they would have already gone to the core.
can’t wait to roleplay using these knew building blocks!
how do you give ur smart switch a unique id so others dont get it tho…?
camera access would be perfect I can watch my house raiding while I’m at work
sensing new build meta incoming
Great! Now they just need to put support pillars back in! 😠
They should bring back the old system which theres no team invitation or team indicators its more fun to infiltrate and pvp with discipline.. its so chaotic when they zerging alot..
Love the thumbnail!
This stuff is going to be so fun to use when the HDRP update drops. When is that again?
sheet metal is supposed to look that way tho…..
A having a companion app is I reckon this is a first for any game.
it would be cool to remote control the turrets -> add a camera to turrets -> control the turrets over smartphone and aim/shoot
there would be alot of troll scenarios^^
I have been waiting for this for so long. All of it is absolutely fantastic!
Now i can water my weed, while at work. I meant hemp plants 😉
what about cameras @thatgermanguy
You should talk to the devs and see if they can add something like pole fishing where there’s a much more variety of fish that you can catch and each one gives different hunger.
I can already imagine people making trap basses at school or at work or something.
How did you get the app already?
I tried to get the companion app to work on my staging server, I port forwarded and everything and it shows up on the server list but when I pair it to the app it is stuck loading. It worked on the facepunch staging server though. Any solutions?
you should be able to show your camera’s with the app
damn came back fro 2 years brake and now it doesn’t even feel like rust anymore
Now we will be able to turn on external auto turrets then we get a notification…
I cant find the app on the app store?? help
Looks like rust academy cant offline no more🕺🏿🕺🏿⚰️🕺🏿🕺🏿
welp they have officially ruined rust… again
By the time you get on your PC,the raid will be over unless you live inside a castle labyrinth. Raids take a matter of minutes sadly. Imagine if they had ARK plus and you could counter a guy soaking your turrets,that’d be OP as hell.
guys, don’t dislike the video just cause of the content. he’s not responsible for those new rust features.
I see trap bases in our future controlled by phones
the roleplayers are having wet dreams right now
A lot of people like this update but I honestly really don’t like this. imo
Damn the app UI is clean, I’m really digging it so far!
Some really cool updates.
good video germanguy
4:34 will be perfect for door campers
I can use the ramp for my crippled legs
Getting the notification because my base getting raided, but im in school 🙃
I can already hear the professional offline raiders screaming in agony
Omg. Can’t wait
The triangle stuff is super sick but i really hope they just make it so you can convert a normal hatch to a triangle hatch without needing a new BP, same goes for grills
Can’t say I like how they’ve removed foundation steps, they were pretty integral to some of my favorite base designs, I hope they reconsider
finally the triangle hatch!!!
Can’t wait for the new exploits 🤣🤣🤣
haha shit, so many building blocks wtf
how about flipping stairs though
Would u be able to watch your CCTV Cams on your phone ?
omg. the Rust developers are the best and hardest working in the whole world.
Did they change some textures? Sheet double door looked different and also saw weird corners on that 2×2
can u go inside the ramps, like in the middle
i think I’m coming back to rust now
Cant wait to see a whole new way of building bases with all these new additional building shapes!
being able to control switches from your phone while your away seems unreal.
watch out Shadowfax. really diggin your content. nice change of pace and skin showcase is essential for nasty rp nerds like me.
What’s up with that wood paneling above the sheet metal double door??
triangle hatches my life is now completed
They lowkey fucked up the foundation steps
This coming June update looks so sick!