Exploiting the UNSEEN FLAW of my Enemies – Rust
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edited by: Tricky and Welyn
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When I upload Rust Gameplay Videos, you will find many different things including stories of my adventures, intense PVP highlights and fights, Solo Survival, Group Survival, Roleplaying, Funny Moments, Trap Bases and much more!
The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as hunger, thirst and cold. Build a fire. Build a shelter. Kill animals for meat. Protect yourself from other players, and kill them for meat. Create alliances with other players and form a town. Do whatever it takes to survive.
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz
RAM: 32GB DDR4-3200 RAM
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11GB GDDR5X
2 TB Hard Drive
500 GB SSD
Taqs:welyn,Rust Solo Survival,Rust PVP Highlights,Survival Games,Rust Gameplay,Rust Funny Moments,Rust raids,rust island,rust plays,rust roleplayer,rust clans,rust solo,rust best start ever,rust fastest start ever,rust solo infiltration,rust solo pvp,rust compound,rust base build,rust jackpot raid,Rust,welyn rust,rust survival,rust movie,rust server,rust streamer,rust revenge,welyn clan,solo survival,rust raid,rust gameplay,rust rivals
コメント (1255)
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They need to buff optimus primes man 5 of them is to much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
He was indeed robin hood
11:55 *If I die I’m dead*
Palatial 1×1… NOICE
“Hes bettterrrrrrr👹” lmfao
play dayz pls
Anyone else see the turtle 16:55
If I die I’m dead is crazy
I was considering huying rust today, but i just know that i will regret doing so because i dont have anyone to play with xD
Bro that was the nastiest transition I’ve seen
Honestly. What ever happened with Corgie… porgie… whatever his name was? The crazy dude
I would love to see Welyn do a collaboration with Oblivion. Or SebbyK
does he play on official servers ? what does he play on ?
how can he see that i cant even seeee, i probably need a va panel monitor hays
“If I die I’m dead” Welyn 2023
BRO THEY’RE LOADED – 20 cloth, 5 arrows, 135 wood
Unseen flaw of having a life and taking a break from the game 😢😔
Why is no one talking about the damn Kermit under the jump up
“grief” keen” “local culture” “vicious rock beatdown” “ahh!” (naked) “i got distance” “directing” …”palatial…?” “wielding” “keep aggro” “dispatching” im tired. “jigachad.”
2160 on a hp laptop is just stuttering fr
How did he upgrade the frame?
Bro when he said HE LOADED and welyn thought he was dude it had to be the funniest part of this
Fire transition at 3:30🔥
If I die i’m dead. – Welyn 2023
11:55 “if I died I’m dead” 💀💀
11:55 “if I die I’m dead” wise words
I want Johanne back
That was clean af transitions
That transition at 3:29 tho, that was perfect
Yoooo that door transistion at the beginning ish genuine made me think I was high! Ain’t smoked in 8 years..
what ever happened to ark?
That fart noise was personal
It is absolutely crazy how every one of your videos is so high quality. I seriously don’t know how you do it.
Should I get rust?
can proudly say i was in this stream it was months ago LUL
Boi has the best transitions to date
No one gonna talk about the damn smooth transition at 3:30?
I always put wylen on before bed. Bros voice and his story telling just soothe me
welyn you should play Stalcraft!
11:47 pause
21:07 that “YA I KILLED EM” was filled with revenge
5 transformers for the door 😂
Awesome as usual, i just miss your old style solo videos from years and years ago, maybe one day.
36:32 … Ladies and gentlemen we got ‘im
Welyn-“If I Die I’m Dead””
man I love watching your videos welyn I’ve been watching for a long time and have seen prolly 95% videos and most of them a handful of times. Keep creating content and being yourself because I’ll always keep watching
Not so hot take: Welyn would be a good DND dungeon master.
Can you please make more Ark: Survival Evolved videos?? 🙏🥺
Great video btw!!
Typing this in case you see this and decide to go live on twitch tonight. It’s raining. And I need to watch you to sooth my end of weekend. Thanks bro.
Welyns videos are always all the fun of rust wothout the countless hours of grind only to lose it all when you go offline
PLEASE 🙏🏽 keep posting 😢
Dude knows how to make an exciting story I’ll be shaking will watching him
Weylen, when shooting a eoka hold reload before the first click trust me
keep up the good work you introduced me get rust 5 years ago and now i still play it
Man i hate it when a zerg 5 optimus primes my highqual wall to tc
11:48 “if i die I’m dead”
challenge idea for a full rust wipe play as a knight
for ur base u get a 1×1 armored core the rest is only stone and u cant use Sheet Metal Doors or Garage Doors
ur end game armor is Bucket Helmet, Metal Chest Plate, Road Sign Kilt, Leather Gloves, and Hide Boots till u get these just try and look knightly
for weapons u can use all melee weapons, Hunting Bow, Crossbow, Eoka Pistol, and Rocket Launcher (its a small cannon u shoot from the shoulder)
u can use a Horse for land travel and boats but no flying
Why are most of your videos terrible video quality? It’s kinda embarrassing for such a big channel
3:29 was one of they smoothest transition ever
The edits on this were next lvl there’s no lack of effort in it
welyn is not only an amazing youtuber but an even better rapper, love run it back from the big lumi❤
no one saw the turtle?
14:39 blazed cheating? Would be funny Shacky called the roofcampers “cheaters”, so y’all called blazed lmao. I’m sure it was just lag that made him float.
Welyn chain
Can you do more sea of thieves
How are they godly at rust!
hey i was wondering what base design you used for the second base?? any body know
29:52 why did this guy sound like he was moaning
Hi Welyn! I know your probably not going to see this… Anyways, I love your content. But I do have one suggestion. That you make more sea of thieves content. I personally love the game and I see countless people say you should make more. Well, if you do, you should pin throw comment btw
0:44 I thought he said asseto corsa
36:34 can you repair anyone’s base without TC access? I don’t play this game, im just curious.
I also reviewed a product https://youtu.be/ie4CRuNVYsQ
34:03 I don’t know if Welyn has an incredible game sense… or he just misheard the “To our left” as “To our right”
Loving all the one-liners in this video
Welyn,it’s time.
“if I die, I’m dead” Welyn 2023. (I’m a bit late but still great motto)
welyn you should start rapping- Blazed
26:20 he’s cheating he’s cheating
As a Cole I apologise for this bad representation on our behalf
are we not gonna talk about that transition at 3:28
I miss ur sea of thieves content
Bob is insane
4:02 was the bagel yummy?
11:48 3 guys cumming
What happened to porgi
Welyn your videos are so good thank you for such high quality entertainment. It’s so much better than anything on tv and 99% of other YouTube content. W tuber right here
are we ignoring the 5x optimus primes we needed to destroy that hqm wall in the intro
5 🍔
Do it… Do it!! turn my brain into mush with the amount of J U I C E!!!!! Thank you sir
“if i die, im dead”, that gotta be the funniest verse here
I honestly think this is my favorit trio 🙂
Funny that blazed posted this video 2 months ago😂
I need to see a ark series on scorched earth death worms wyverns and a sick boss fight
I swear welyn has the most cleanest transitions known to man.
I wana see this guy do a Collab with Frost bro it’d be amazing
very humorus editing
11:48 🤨😩
Its a stretch but Game Of Thrones exists 😂
Don’t play Rust, but bumpkin Boi makes good content 👌
naaaah, i cant watch this video without a snack
11:45 this a crazy combination of statements
The gear fear bit was soo funny
That outro song 👀
Im high asf had to double check for that green thing 💀🤣
“If i die, i’m dead” – Welyn 2023
We need more ark content
Hey, you ever thought of playing Dayz?
I bet, you will make great content by playing the game. It will interesting to watch.
Cheers. 🙂
Superb as always
Welyn has a hot voice
“Stealthy Ninja” Welyn -2023 😂
Shacky: people who play like that need to be fisted by a porcupine
blazed? don’t u mean dinkbot?
Can u adress the cronos zen problems
Damn knew the video seemed familiar. Watched it from shackys POV :/
Blazed everyone’s gimp or something?! 🤣
“if i die im dead” 11:55 😭
She will there be another ark vid
Spoonkid/Welyn 2023. Come on just once
all my homies freakin love welyns videos, rap god spittin those flames
I love welyns videos ur the first rust YouTuber ive ever watched
Night shift factory worker here, as a creature of the night ive throughly enjoyed your dark and darker vids. Please sir, can we have some more?
How long have you held on this footage for?
I use rust movies as white noise
11:55 – if i die, im dead – welyn
How is anyone over seeing the best transition in rust!?!!? Exactly at 3:30, the cleanest transition I’ve ever seen.
13:30 …what?
1. 14:01 the neighbors reduced the house property value)?
2. 31:50 WHAT IS THAT? HOW?! xd
So 1 Fortnite default character is stronger than 15 Optimus primes
Welyn’s videos always have some kind of smell or taste or something just some kind of feeling that makes it a Welyn vid. It just makes me feel different.
I love the ‘I have 4 shots… 3 shots’ 😂
That add was too much bruh
I can’t play rust anymore with recently having a baby, but I like to watch Welyn and live vicariously through him ❤
Blazed can’t just make for great content with anyone, but so really like the Welyn-Blazed flow ❤👍
love the story telling its defently top notch but i want to see some more porggie action havent heard that man in ages
“If I die, I’m dead.” – Welyn the philosopher.
there are way more than three guys coming after that 😉
Welyn is just a goldmine for content.
His story telling sells it real easily
20 seconds in and my bet on what the bad guys did is that they roof camped
@welyn Play ghosts of Tabor
Hi Welyn!
Whaleyn where porgi 🙁
Mb bro
Exploits are not cool and people who use them are in fact, lame. “Oh here let me just use this exploit” nah, do it like a man the right way instead. Have a spine. Dignity ? Cmon.
Transition at 3:31 is fire 🔥
The editing, his friends, the storytelling, it all just fits together so well.
why you playing with twerp?
could really go for some hunt showdown gameplay
Editing behind those videos is astonishing – it gets better every time!
Fishing village has the hardest beats
I wish the gunshots werent so loud! I listen at low volumes because of it then I cant hear their voices because the gunshots 🙁
Nah bro it takes FIVE optimus prime to break down that shit?
man cant believe they got mr meatball sub no meatball in for this video
#Exploiting 😜😜
Me too Welyn, me too.
Anybody else have issues running these vidios at a quality that outher videos load perfectly fine at? Idk what it could be. But I run all outher vidios at 1080 or higher and welyns wont even load 720 and idk why that could be.
5 transformer ?? Fish 1 jonesy ?? Burger
holy hell i didnt know fish was an explosive
11:55 he has such a way with words
Idk man 5 Optimus Prime for a wall is quite the trade
Welyn is such a good storyteller. Hed be a great writer i swear
3:58 throw a bagel in the microwave for 20 seconds or until soft and warm put some butter and linch meat with some cheese and you got yourself a very good gamer dish.
Casi 40 minutos de video y me quedo sentado mirando cual fuera una pelicula de Marvel jaja Grande Welyn! Saludos desde Argentina!
squad wipe!… uh oh boys….
Welyn’s description on how unalive you are. Dead = Downed but it could mean also mean Full Dead. Downed = Downed. Full Dead = Full Dead.
My description on how unalive you are. Dead = Full Dead. Downed = Downed.
Man this is a peak episode
its funny how often people just go for one last roam with best kits, die, and then give away all their stuff. i did it on my last wipe and made two nakeds fight for an LR outside of outpost. bev a real one fr
If you brain got a bird it would be a ostrich… bar
Everything bagels are the best
Can we all take a moment to appreciate that this man not only makes insane content, but also is strong af
I sword him
Welyn “if i die im dead”
600+k views in 3 days? Are you serious? How’s that possible. It’s fantastic though
tbh tricky really did work making the editing stand out on this vid
Welyn doesn’t know this but he just disrupted a canon event with that bagel
After getting hyperbullied in the spoonkid2 video blazed decided to play with welyn
Welyn’s storytelling is so good you want to make popcorn like if its a movie
i always find rust boring unless im the one playing it. but welyn fcking make it so much fun.
16:50 !
After finally playing rust thoroughly for myself, gotta say the game isnt that good. The early game is just running to a from recyclers until you have guns then its just rats door camping and getting offlined. 6-6.5/10 game is meh
Upgrade 2 random outside walls to make it look like the vault
16:57 was a jump scare and a half
bro got a raid calculator in his brain💀
11:48 a normal friday night
Welyn i heard u say Jigachad. I hope you know that I know.
16.51 scared the shit out of me
11:48 got me so excited
Bro 3:29 that was the smoothest transition I’ve ever seen
Welyn play grounded again the full realease is out
Welyn here burning trough ammo with hqmlg and a silencer on it hahaha
How was the bagel?
Always good to see a Welyn x Twerp collab
Bring back porgie please brooooo!!
this vid gives old rust vibes
Yo Shacky and you are spitting straight bars this playthrough.
These rust videos are just, “if Robin Hood had guns”.
“If I die I’m dead”- welyn 2023
Pls start calling the HLMG the himlilgilml
I love you welyn i receive my prize yayy,,,🎉🎉🎉
Blazed saying good morning at 10pm is peak rust player I feel like.
2:56 Welyn channeling his inner orc
bouncey castle fin 🎉🎉🎉🎉
IF I die im dead. – Welyn 2023
Long live johanne
18:48 he’s what?🤨
Shacky is one of my favorite rust players. Thanks for doing a vid with him. Wish you showed his cam more. He is funny af.
14:18 Classic twerp arrival “GOODMORNING GUYS”
i feel like ive seen this
“Imma pull up”
But Welyn . . . . you have no enemies
11:55 “if i die im dead” XD
24:29 “hmlmg” ???
Bro Welyn is a top notch singer
mans movement at 10:00 is crazy 😭🔥
im sorry mac and cheese in the oven!??!!?!?!?!
Lol over the hedge at 16:50
Welyn’s audio sounds different in this, did he get a new mic recently?
I sword him
finally, someone who found the most op way of raiding; the fortnite default skin raid 🗣🗣💯💯💯
I feel like this game should allow people to go prone it would definitely ramp up the skill
Welyn makes rust videos for people who’ve never played rust
“That’s the best you can do?”😂
11:54 – “If I die, I’m dead.”
Yes Welyn, that observation is indeed correct.
Welyn: *Posts video*
My notifications: “Welyn..”
My monkey brain immediately after reading welyn: *opens YouTube at Mach speeds*
8:09 “It’s a stretch but Game of Thrones exists”
Need Blaze and Porgie to play now
i know you have some escape from tarkov vids but what about its vr kid called ghost of tabor?
welyn it is 15 rockets for an armored wall not 16
tarkovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv :((
Ah yes, the floor is made of floor
I think welyn should post a video of him opening gold barrels or bags I do want to watch that seems fun
We need a Welyn ft. Shacky rap video
its true, blazed can ruin any video.
Another fabulous adventure!
hate waiting a month for a wonderful video 😢
Stimpee collab when
Yes lets use Optimus Prime to explode the base
What funny sensitivity when shooting xD lower that a bit
this guy is the only person i’ve watched while eating
Dude, so stoked to see a new vid. Nobody does rust storylines like my man Welyn.
Bro really said HM-LMG then called it a rifle
Soon as blazed pulled up it was foot up ass time
Loved the editing in this one. Like 8:50
16:51 it’s crazy bruh
old vid ?
That turtle
“Erecting our home” 🤣 2:02
Friend gotta bird might be an ostirich
Another great video g
3:50 😂😂😂💀
Oh oh oh, it just parced a decay.. I’m the second 😂
If I die I am dead, greatest rust quote – Coco
ahh yes my favourite way to go through an armoured wall 15 optimas primes
I feel like Welyn would like DMZ
I swear bro is insane at this game like genuinely
He’s LOA- just kidding
Your friend kinda sounds like Ben Shapiro
Home depot rap was fire
26:20 🔥 flick top 10 OCE funny rust play flick
Welyn’s editing has been getting more and more better as he posts. Love them effects
Welyn you did not just pull a Warhammer ork meme.
“we broke they spirit next we broke they base” welyn wise word
When are you playing conan?
there’s a cafe in my nearby hospital, i eat bagels there, they’re pretty good….no butter or jam or anything though so it’s only okay
twerp with the guest appearance!!!!
5 Optimus primes for a metal door? I question your calculations
are we going to forget the best transition ever at 3:28
I see the duck
4 years ago I thought you were good at the game, now I know that everyone else was trash back then
I swear, welyn does the most diabolical transitions ever💀
We need more Shacky Welyn colabs
Hahaha burger question mark
5 optimus primes damn that wall thicc!
tarkov videos when man i love your tarkov videos but rust always is good
Blazed is really a genius, pretending to be a twerp, pretending to be Bart Simpson
I stopped playing rust several years ago, but whenever Welyn posts a video I cannot help but click. It’s like I’m possessed by ghost of the pumpkin
When ever I watch your videos my cat hears your voice and cuddles my phone
cheating now =(
I can’t believe Welyn, Shacky, and Twerp had a trio for this wipe!! Brilliant video, Welyn!!
nah cuh the hardest beat is fishing village, especially when u die on oil and your tryin to buy a boat to go back
i named my kid after you welyn! love you bro!
We already watch this
Which one is shacky?
I havent watched you in 1 year and your still making story that would put me to sleep on the night I got my legs broken and broken up with like dude ur awsome.
Love the editing on this bro!
More videos with Blazed please! Maybe Spoon too, always great content.
Another amazing video from the pumpkin king himself
“come back when you got a bag bozo”
Welyn 2023
the editing budget has risen
Geb more rust video
aye aye
Bravo Welyn, you should collaborate more with Twerp Gaming!
So hype that Blazed teamed up. Gotta get Spoon in too
“It’s a stretch but game of thrones exists so…”
“If I die, I’m dead”
What an unbelievably astute revelation, Welyn
That crossbow battle at the start was lit.
More darker and darker please😩
Welyn and the twerp can’t go wrong with that
That door trasition was smooth
Welyn “if I die I’m dead”
11:55 if i die i am dead. great words of wisdom!
Hey man, did you get a new mic? Sounds goof
Welyn I love your vids keep up the hard work been watching you since 800k
3:35 aint nobody gonna talk abt how clean that WAS ?!?!?
no shade love the videos and story but golly you are awfull at pvp for your hours
We love welyn. Such a wholesome guy
“If I die, I’m dead.”
“if i die im dead” AHHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Only welyn could offline a 2×1 and come out morally righteous
New video 😄
damn when did dazed rust get so good?
11:48 Stimpee’s dreams in two seconds.
Love the Louis Armstrong line lol
Ah yes “if I die I’m dead” 11:55
had to wait until lunch so I could watch this with a meal. Great video
bro i love your videosi started watching sience 2019
I love to see Welyn, Shack and the meatball guy playing.
Okay hear me out: Welyn playing Deep Rock Galactic with the boys would be absolute fire 🔥🔥🔥
I love you and your vids
welyn but doesn’t anyone else play a game to see whether it’s random line in the game or hai?
Welyn: “If I die I’m dead”
“If I die I’m dead..” -Welyn 2023
Where’s ark????
Still love the content tho
Lets go new video
aim not aiming this episode; content IS contenting tho
Can you sot please
Gosh man I love to just kick back and watch a welyn classic
10am is still morning tho 🤔
Bruh that transition at 3:30 was WIGGIDY WIGGIDY WACK MY DUDE
Pls more tarbov
when is ark continueing?
Never forget when that one NPC rode in on horseback and killed a cheater! “I SWORD HIM”
Yooo the Welyn rap in the credits is actually pretty good though.
😂😂 5 Optimus primes for an armoured wall
8:09 “It’s a stretch but game of thrones exists” lmao 😂
love to see Welyn playing with the twerp
We need more shacky. Y’all sound like an old married couple 😂😂😂😂😂😂
What are you Robin Hood?😂
Subbed loved the video ever wanna play a wipe let me know
Mabye the real gear fear was the friends we made along the way
Or loch
I’m basically a plumber
loved the blazed feature, it really turned around once he got into the fray
Blazed on a welyn video!?!?
Geez I’ve been out of the rust content loop a minute 😂
Two of my favorites right there!!!!
welyn upload more pls
Blazed = twerp
Welyn makes this game actually look fun.
Too bad that it’s an absolute flaming pile of shit to play.
always looking forward to all your vids man!
I started to feel depressed because i missed Welyn’s stories so much ^^
me after engaging with homosexual relations with multiple men, 11:48
The base benefactor didn’t sword the roof camper…
I would say that this video is gigatremendous
Everyone says watch your chetos? Why?
dude some of those transitions had my mind blown 🤯
I seen the duck, Shacky isnt alone.
Always a good day when Welyn uploads.
Gg dude
shacky & welyn [TV] or welyn & shacky [TV] This has amazing entertainment value. Absolutely crazy, and you get to learn things too. Just do dit 😉 GIB!
27:42 the real moral of the story
26:17 bro hit the craziest flick every in the history or gaming
Im not on their side but I must admit, they came down from their roof geared more times then I expected
For some reason I feel like saw this before… maybe it’s the usual storyline dejavú
if you look closely you can actually use only 3 voltron robots to core
welyns bgm might just be the best there is
for myself: 21:29
Ron was kinda cheeked up ngl
Blazed? Spoon when?
That shot at 5:33 …. I came
I just wanna see welyn and smit7y play together the content tho
everytime welyn farts out another banger i cant help but get bricked
All the memes in the first half
22:50 parsed a decay?
33:59 left at
when will you make a new ark video?
The edits in particular on this one is fire
you inspired me to play rust know i have 1k hours and i think to my self why?
blazed is so underrated
The references 🥲 2:30
Bro Rust in real-life would be so painful, like imagine getting shot with an arrow, you crawling, bleeding out, and barely breathing. You blackout after the dude shoots you in the head with an arrow, and you wake back up to you leg and arm getting beat in by a rock 💀
How does everyone have an l69? I want one too xd
What do i say watching a new wellyn vid and eating chestoz
Welyn you need to talk to your boy…. is shacky seriously gonna go through the trouble of making mac and cheese in the oven, and not through down some dino nuggies. Shacky by the first ever unanimous vote your gamer card is her unto revoked.
i’ve seen so many rust videos I dont know what’s real anymore
Haven’t seen you ever but you are the best. I subscribed
39:36 / 39:45
4:01 i am offended i would like to report this moment in the video
Every time I here W I imagine a skinny 20 something. Then I remember the pumpkin trumpet. Big Boi in his 30s. Such a good demenouir
A legend once said: “If I die, I’m dead.”
the best
I love how welyn used random stuff as raiding ways at start😂😂😂
Welyn, Shacky and Bart Twerpson great video
“If i die, i’m dead” 😂
9:09 Yeah yeah okay Frieza take it easy now 🤣🤣
Been here since 750k. This video has felt so nostalgic, it really feels like you were having fun making this one. Love it man keep it up
I dont even play or like rust since my experience with it has been toxic. but these videos make me love the game.
Not to sound like Morty but why is it 100% of videos start where its interesting and then jump to the beach? Maybe just start at the beginning every once in a while.
im very confuzzled… i definitely feel like ive seen this wipe before but i cant tell if im delusional or i just saw shackys video on it a while ago
Hey Welyn!, Thank you.
2:57 didn’t realise welyn was an ork fighting the guard.
I need more johanne vids
Glazed Rust playing with the pumpkin man??
Another end to another amazing story, keep up the great work Welyn 😀
The details in editing are spot on
Great one
“If I die I’m dead”
“if i die im dead” -Welyn 11:53
Welyn’s content is like a blessing
Dude, what drugs are you on to see a duck in a mailbox? Love your shit guys!
Fishing village song go harder Fr
Welyn is the best I love how he describes everything he just makes it better
11:53 welyn saying “if i die im dead” lol
what ost did welyn use at 4:27? Sounds fire
Velyn :]
i always think that Welyn is just a goofy gamer and not that good a games until i see the gameplay and see that hes good and not just goof. His vibe is just so goofy i love it
Waiting on that Welyn x Blazed x Spoonkid x Dinkbot Video colab🙏🏽
Optimas prime?
11:54 “if i die im dead” -welyn
Gets ambushed and assumes they’re cheating…..😑
That transition at 3:29 was crazy.
Holy cow, that transition was smoooooth 3:30
11:51 in the words of welyn “3 guys coming”
3:28 that door transition broke my brain damn
Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won’t get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)
they’ll break if they fight philip
You should switch to deep rock galactic
11:55 “if i die, im dead”
Welyn the X Bow god!
Bro the sudden “I was dropped on my head as a baby” had me rolling 😂😂
Bro that fish with the question mark in like the first thirty seconds has made me done
0:09 big plothole. bad video for not showing how many bigmacs it takes. DISLIKE AND UNSUBSCRIBED UNACCEPTABLE
Happy to see a new video got tired of bending all your old videos over and over and 😅😂
If ADHD was a rust player it would be this group of three… and I love it.
welyn you should try this in real life
Love the new editing style welyn!
Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won’t get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)
Lucky Llama really went off on this certified classic.
“I’m not the one with gear fear!”
“yeah I can tell because WE DON’T HAVE AN AK ANYMORE!”
Been waiting for a wellness video for a whole ass month
did welyn really rate barn music over FISHING VILLAGE MUSIC? unsubscribe.
GCSE’s just finish and this man uploads, what a legend
Pls play ark Welyn pls
Yo welyn sea of thieves vid plzz 🙂
Man, I love the sound of that sniper rifle
30:49 is that AI generated mac n cheese
Blazed- hes breaking our spirit
Welyn- no hes not breaking our spirit
Blazed- hes breaking my spirit
Only 5 Optimus primes for a hqm wall thats a steal!!!
you don’t have to play rust to like Welyn, I know that because I don’t play rust😂 but always excited for new vids
You think by now in rust people would know how much others hate roofcamping and would know that its only going to lead to them getting raided
BRO you were reaping their souls!
a gear fear a day keeps a kit in your base
Blazed always makes a good video better 🦦
I appreciate the evolution of your editing style, but at the same time I’m afraid it’s going towards the “zoomer editing style” (very fast cuts, overdone zooming, a lot of moving elements). I’ve noticed a lot of creators going this route, and for me it’s unwatchable. I love your videos, so it would be heartbreaking to stop watching them because of silly thing like that. Keep doing awesome work!
Can we all just appreciate Welyn’s perfect transitions? I took me a while to understand that a change even happened
Welyns transitions are another level of asmr for my eyes
Yo welyn your editing has changed and I’m a big fan
It’s been a hour since I first tried to see the duck. Still in progress tho
“if i die i am dead” man, Weylyn be spittin truth
oster rich🗿👍
11:55 “If I die, I’m dead”
i didn’t see the welyn, shacky and twerp combo coming! Twerp is moving up in the world
exploited by blm more like lol
3:30 holy shit so smooth
nice recruit, good to see you playing with a new player , jacky!
Can’t believe the twerp came on to help you
The editing in these main channel videos is sooooo dense. I love it
for a 40 minute video, i have just 3 words to say…
Love the random memes
The script on this episode was superb, great job!
5 MegaTrons = Armored Wall
5 Optimus?
“if i die im dead” best line
yes broooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I always love welyn’s voice it is the best
Almost a whole month ive been waiting FINALLY ITS FUCKING HERE im so happy
“It’s a stretch but game of thrones exists, so.” Was such a great line lmao
Letttsssss goooooooo
is this a reupload?
When Blazed said “I’ve done less with more” I really felt that
29:56 “yo come back when you got a bag bozo” by Welyn was fire af on my Mum gahh damn
Bro one prime could foundation wipe a base. Wdym 5 primes for an armored wall?
i sword him
Loved the editing of this one. Good memes
ever watched you and i shall keep watching good job keep it up
Blazed cheating on spoonkid
What a great way to end the night
Bro 0.14 had me cracking up 5 Optimus Primes 😂Lol 😂😂😂
“If I die I’m dead”
– Welyn, 2023
“When I die I’m dead”
Bart the twerp appears in this video?
This joke is stupid and I love it
3min In “ I sword him!!”
Damn one Fortnite dude to raid a base.
Every video you made is all about decisions, some were good others not so. But what I love most about this you keep making all of this decision interesting, like instead of just rushing and maybe just get killed just keep going back knowing that you will still win the fight no matter what. That’s big decision I wouldn’t because I’m a p*** 😂
2:51 clean transition man!
8:52 i died
You were asking to get doorcamped for the ak/l9 at the beginning flashing your light everywhere at night lol
Why U need fish on the top😂
Dinkbot sounds kinda sick
Rust cover band or Team Rust name: Rocked Bya Naked OR Metal Sum Naked
24:36 what in the hell was that xD
You took to long……I was having withdrawals
36:31 Wait i’m so confused, you can repair a frame even though you’re building blocked?
When welyns video is 40 mins long 😫
16:51 turtle jumpscare after welyn says ”im gonna bring a small load”
broo wtf you do to blazed, were is the “blazed fumble moment” 😢
Always good going into the weekend getting to watch a welyn video
weyln’s famous words “If i die I’m dead.”
Im new to rust but your videos quickly became my favorite you earned a sub keep it up
When I try to play with some people they are kinda mean and I’m not good solo but watching this makes me happy
The moment he said “chill were not naked” after losing the AK kit 😂🤣😭😭
How did you repair when u were building blocked
25:08 come and get your love – Redbone
11:55 the wise words of welyn the great
3:29 damn the transition was fire
Welyn at the end of every video: hope you enjoyed the video
Why nobody talking about that he said erecting our home?
comment just for that Transformers bit
there are so many quality Welyn quotes in this episode
bro i swear i might be trippin but when u was shooting with the l96 u said hit hit hit and i was like i didnt hear any hit markers
Yet another quality rust vid from welyn, love the cut of your jib dude and your vids are way better than wiljum.
Anyone gonna talk about his transitions that he does
I love the fortnite default only takes one of them to destroy a wall
Yes another bed time story for us
The cycle frontier?
No one out chads welyn as video creator 😍
Your type of videos are the ones that you watch to end a good day
how did you repair the frame without TC?
The Editing just keeps getting better
I sword him
So glad twerp joined you to kill bob
Another banger of a video! Loved the old school feel with the graphics and camera work in the editing. Great job!
particularly epic video welyn, nice😎😎😎
I was on a rust RP server and there’s was a theater stage, and 5 naked were singing a parody of the list from the micado, and it was about the players every hates in rust I don’t know if someone was streaming or recording because there was a lot of mirco aggressions in there
11:48 3 guys cumming
My daily food video is yours 😅
litterally have been binging old vids for the past week and now there’s a new video 🙌
if i die im ded
I’ve done less with more, words to live by
Welyn + blazed is the most unlikely but needed duo
I love Shacky yelling “LADDER” ever time he finds one hahaha
I was wondering why I was getting deja vu, its cause I watched blazeds POV first.
Lol this happened to me last night. Countered some dude, and rolled him for like 20 minutes eventually he just gave up and gave us his base
*Looks at fortified base* “Yeah five Optimus Prime’s ought to do it..”
I liked this video cause I like rust 👍
Probably my fav video of yours so far, keep up the awesome work
When can we get a story on a new game?
I’m sad no one else noticed the turtle the editor put in the base 16:49
I am on my knees for a spoon and welyn crossover
The finals when
Rapgod Welyn back at it again 😎
Ay another stimpee video les go
Welyn, it was so nice of you to invite a twerp to play with you guys
Welyn looked so happy in the og rap battles❤️
so nice of you to have bart on. i hope he wasn’t too much of a twerp for you
If I die, I’m dead
yet another great video
Welyn is the only reason I downloaded rust
3:28 Bro pulled off the cleanest transition and thought we wouldn’t notice.
i fucking love WELYN!!!! GOD DAMNIT id give anything just to build a base with this legend..
11:48 3 GUYS WHAT
i’m so glad they brought the twerp, blazed, in 😸
good one
Frost vs Welyn
11:48 🤨📸
Shacky the goat
Got to love the chaotic banter with occasional storytelling ❤
when are we getting a welyn, shacky rap produced by wobbles.
“If i die, i m dead” 😂
Welyn casually dropping the hardest transition 3:30
Welyn pls post ark content you left me on a cliffhanger and I am waiting so patiently for the new ark vid pls tell me if you are going to actually post another vid plssss
is there a stigma in Rust about killing unarmed nakeds or is it fair game
Welyns the reason my sleep schedule gets so messed up
11:53 welyn once said “if i die im dead”
Welyn and the twerp playing rust is amazing
i love you, welyn
this video got the best vibes goin
Welyn makes me wanna play this game solo and be a great adventurer… and then I play it and realize I’m horrible and playing solo is boring.
Been waiting for like a month! Don’t do this to us!
Much Love 💕
Omg ‘Twerp’ in a welyn video?! *chefs kiss*
Bros name is built like a dunmers
I swear to to god this is giving me the strongest de javu rn
LETS goo he posted
“if i die im dead” yes welyn, that’s how dying works
Welyn definitely makes the best rust content on YouTube
In the intro, it showed 1,137 bone clubs to the core. Time to get to work.
oooh Welyn used a very sophisticated word. Gingerly: Careful of handle with extreme delicacy.
I’d rather watch a Welyn vid than more of the usual hollywood trash.
Best tunes happen at fishing village
“If I die, I’m dead” words I will live my life by
Let’s go!
“If I die I’m dead,” famous quote by Welyn himself.
“If I die, I’m dead man” wise words.😂😂
Welyn just be shooting wether he see em or not 😂
I’m sure that bagel really hit the Spot…
4:00 bagels are not good for you
16:50 WTF IS THIS 🤣
There’s was a car driving by… I pull up🚗
Hey welyn love your videos but have u tried dayz? Its a good game
Bro I’m here to say you and Shacky always have the most fun when you play the jokes,the laughs and the plans are all just PERFECTION
3:59 non-canon event inbound
the small edit at 33:16 was too good
Play some role play gta plsss
I will never forget the legend “i sword him”
you gotta be like 400 elo ukn
Papa welyn is back
3:29 that transition confused the shit out of me lmao
Didn’t think I’d see the twerp play with weyln but it turned out good
I’ve never played this game. I never will. But these Rust videos have given me hours of entertainment. So well edited and presented.
The transition at 3:30 goated 🐐
Top G
Sneaky what welen🤨
Man’s just casually hitting the smoothest transitions.
4:00 bro have you ever tryed a breafast bagle sandwitch, in order of ,bagle , bacon , egg , chease. it so good
Can you do sea of thieves again
When blazed plays with welyn
Im amazed rust
Lol 6 doubles with cheese to get in lol😊
Very cool of you to invite LuckyLama’s friend to play with you 😊
You two are funny af
Morale of the story, eat bagels more often.
Rust: The Anime.
The random icons in the beginning had me rolling… then the “Optimus Prime X5” nearly made me fall out of my chair!
“It’s a stretch but Game of Thrones exists, so..”
“What if it saves my life?” “What if it makes me lose mine?!”
Well you know what they say; you don’t have to outrun the enemy, you just have to outrun the slowest of your group.
Welyn + Bart classic
It’s a stretch *but game of thrones exists … So*
That is such an iconic underrated line and I’m going to use it all the time.
Am I crazy or did he livestream this? I watched this already or am I just crazy
The turtle from over the hedge tho. Lmao wth
Listening to fishing village radio and fishing is a vibe on its own
Banger vid as always
Guys human flesh is considered meat so that mean welyn just got his meat beat
The fucking edits of random shit is amazing
Can you please bring back Johanne
I just love that every 30 seconds in the video you just see the turtle from over the hedge lol
Has it always been 5 Optimus Prime for a HQ wall? Wowzer
Bagel with cheese…
I can’t hit the like/thumbs up fast enough.
Ark when?
I have welyn blanket a welyn pillow I have a welyn body pillow a welyn suit so I can be welyn my rust character is welyn I have a pumpkin patch just for welyn I AM WELYN
No but all serious I love watching these videos their such good quality and I inspired to be a good rust YouTuber like welyn keep up the good work
You basically won Rust after that 1×1 set down.
“It’s a stretch but game of thrones exist so”
welyn I started growing pumpkins
x5 Optimus Primes ! Dude whats the build cost for 1 of those?!
Ogs know this a re upload
no shot its 5 optimus primes to raid that base id say 3 at most
fuck blazed, soon as I saw he was in the video I left
and then, we break their back- I mean bag
Guys guys. An armored wall is done in by 5 Optimus primes. New raiding meta
I immediately remembered “I sword him” when welyn had the sword
We love shacky
Any tips for a new player getting into pc rust?
Who else saw the turtle at 16:52?? That cracked me up
Weres ark?
27:07 bro got me there that *”HE’S LOADED!!!”* sounded so authentic!
Will there be more darker and darker videos in the future?
Welyn: If you wanna hear the hardest beat in rust? go to the barn.
*Fishing village: Hold my fishing rod.
16:52 lmao
God I can’t wait for the moron term “Drip” to die.
“Dude, if I die, I’m dead.”- Welyn 2023
True, true.
Bro I ain’t never expect Welyn to play with a twerp
Haha I don’t even play this game but I’ve been subscribed for a while. Love it man.
its always a good day when he posts
This was amazing, hands down one of my favorites
If I played rust I would only raid with fish!
The Franklin jumpscare got me oml
Got my pb&j and a new videos im happy as can be!!
0:09 Is that a burger with a sheet of scrambled egg folded neatly inside ?
Not to be that guuuuuy but didnt shacky post this video weeks ago? lol
In the misery of my insomnia addled nights, along comes a welyn vid to entertain ^_^
The guy at the beginning offering a free base reminded me of that dude from the 80’s promising not to free-base cocaine anymore.
wtf why twerp here
A+ editing
you stole the twerp from spoonkid!
36:58 Kashmir 😂😂😂😂😂
The sound you made at 3:20 is dubbed, according to science, “blowing a raspberry”.
Welyn was in a good mood when he edited, their were far more small little detailed edits than usually and I love it 😂
POV you just got some little Cesar’s pizza, you open up yt and welyn recently posted. It’s gonna be a good dinner
Welyn was the one who got me playin rust, his rust stories and narration isn’t comparable, there’s just something in his pumpkin voice I can’t help but watch lmao.
The duck image you used is actually my phones lock screen 😂😂
Nothing makes me sit up straight in my chair and get some mood lighting going like a new Welyn video.
Wheres camomo when you need him lol
blazed is still being such a twerp
We won🙌
If i die, i’m dead.
Your back❤
i love all of your vids so much!
“I can use This” remembering “i sword him” in the chat
Beast mode activated! Gezzzzz man!
You taught me rust man keep it up and turn grubs into chads
Welyn should rap over the song from the barn
>Having a bad day
>Welyn uploads
>Now having a good day
5 optimus primes and 1 fornite jonsey 😂😂😂
damn bruh 5 autobots for one high quality wall? smh who the hell is doing the balance at sucker punch?
Babe wake up Welyn just uploaded
Ayyyy fin Aly another upload I’m sure this is gunna be a bagger
maybe enable TAA in graphic settings?
Aye, Welyn playing with the twerp himself???
oioi :))
you know when your about to do 3 exams and welyn uploads; the day is gonna be good
I wish I liked anything half as much as Welyn appears to like playing Rust
Didnt blazed upload this like months ago?
So happy to see Welyn, Shacky and Spoonkid friend all play together, such a wholesome group
“its a stretch, but Game of Thrones exists, so…” This killed me. haha.
Welyn video!!
fisjhing village has better beats
I wish I could be this cool
HMLMG 😂 the heavy machine light machine gun
hey hey hey about them plumbers🎉🎉🎉
I feel bad for new rust youtubers, the bar is so high already.
As a member of the Cole council, the Cole in this video has been deemed a traitor and will be delt with as such. Sorry for the inconvenience.
do you live stream these rust videos ? how much time does it take for these big videos ?
Do you use a tool to sync the music beats with the action or do you play it by ear?
“If I die I’m dead.” -Welyn 2023
We got some Ai-generated Mac’n’cheese at 30:50.
Had to do a double take on that one.
I saw that fish question mark weakness. Bro, and why is the fortnite guy there 😂
Anytime Welyn gets an outrageous headshot his voice is both 200db and -450db at the same time
24:26 no welyn you see that is a LMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
11:55 every 60 seaconds in africa 1 minute pases
well that’s embarassing
16:49 turt
Always a good treat when I see ya post a video thank you… Love you wholesomeness ya not like the others an your funny so your my no. 1 favourite rust player… Willjum is 2nd then satchel boy 3rd🇬🇧❤️
These titles are getting more creative
Did you see xXxbut4fuker2900xXx
Surprised to see the twerp in this video, great stuff Mr. Welyn!
30:46 after Kraft-ing (like the mac and cheese)… get it
11:49 🤨 sus Welen moments
A about 37:00 in it he sounded like the intro to SpongeBob like
Who lives in a pineapple under da sea?
Welyns here wid’a’vid
Can we all just stop and appreciate how fucking SMOOTH the transition at 3:30 was
welyn upload
where I’m from. Bobette is slang for tighty whitey
Welyn is a god with crossbow
28:30 bro was lost in the sauce
blud really exploited without cheats
Omg i nearly died on the bagel talk at the start 😅😂 in getting old 😂😂
loves you and shacky playing together, also that other bart simpson sounding twerp
8:40 wrong choice of words
welyn spitting straight lies, everyone knows small fishing village has the best tunes
3 guys what 11:45
That transition at 3:30 was so fuckin clean it makes my head hurt🤣🤣
When you said, “If I die, I am dead,” it had me dead
I’m a big Welyn fan and his narrative is second to none.. But this ‘let me cook’ bit is getting reeeeaaal old 😅👌❤️
only game that gives me gear fear is tarkov
It’s always a good day when Welyn uploads.
Play ark I loved your series
Yo that transition at 3:30 went hard as fuck
No spoon? 👉👈
It is a good day when welyn post
It takes one jonesy to break into a base? BET!
“It looks like a duck!!”
“I was dropped on my head as a baby” 😭😭😭
Welyn upload days are always excellent 🫡
Hey welyn please play more Ark 😢
Finally 😁😁😁
I sword him
Fishing village music is goated.
Here is your button to petition a mega rust YouTuber collab to takeover one of the massive servers.
Perfect timing on the video, bout to muck some steak and rice before the gym. Love you
3:29 Your transitions are criminally good.
the transition in 3:29 is so cleannn
Bow god moment
I thought welyn will shout “I sword him!!!” 😂
This here high quality bunker will take abt 4 fortnights to raid buddy
whats ups at 16:51?
You know, if a base takes 5 whole G1 Optimus Primes to get through the first wall, I’m gonna rethink raiding them.
Nooo it’s bedtime but welyn uploaded, 😢
(11:55) “If I die… I’m dead.” -Grand Philosopher Welyn, 2023
Your boi already lost his gear… to his fear of losing it… it don’t do you no good sitting in a box, might as well not have it. 😂
I gotta find out who does his thumbnails. They almsot appear like stained glass. Its gorgeous
Bro whenever I watch I welyn video I always prep like I’m in for a good movie,snacks and shit
I just watched Over The Hedge again recently and I bust out laughing when I saw the turtle xD out of context, thats a sus clip lmao
Welyn is sleeping on the fishing village jam sesh
„If I die I’m dead“ – The great Welyn 2023
3:20 welyn literally shiting on the competition
Damn, FINALLY, I was checking every day like: “Damn, where is the new video? IT’S BEEN 4 WEEKS.”
Now I got it, I’m happy 🙂
You KNOW if these two would release an EP it would be 🔥🔥🔥
the first 20 seconds are golden, and given how I love pretty much all of your content, I can tell this video is going to be amazing
time to watch
Five Optimus Prime’s to get through
We broke their spirits next we break their base
– welyn 2023
I can’t believe you let that twerp play with you and shacky
11:49 ayo?
Blazed + Welyn = Unexpectedly wholesome vibes.
Finally you posted a video 🥹. I’ve been waiting man ur videos just hit diff 💯.
Had to pause early to say that fishing has the hardest beat in rust, I am sorry
Bro you were so zoned on the crossbow
I feel like Welyn should try Hunt Showdown again
Congrats on that Black Mirror role! Accent was on point! 🎉
when the new dark and darker episode?
Let’s gooo that’s welyn
That transition 3:28
I missed u
I gotta say that the art style of those thumbnail is so cool, i could see them being hidden somewhere is rust as a little easter egg.
Another toxic video by a toxic you tuber.
Welyns words of wisdom…if I die….I’m dead😂
Please do more videos with this friend! 😂
pumpkinman vids make me happy 😊
Didn’t blazed and shaky both post this months ago
Just a another banger
Welyn the goat fr
pepe gif is god tier.
Another BANGER
Man I was just about to go to sleep >_>
“Every shot fired painted a picture of his death”
man 3:19 is so funny
Fantastic video! Loved the storytelling and the editing was amazing
Ahhh fresh welyn drop
blazed and welyn, one step closer to spoon and welyn
Was not expecting a twerp to join
I need more Welyn and Shacky duo content in my life. 😂
No one will know I’m gay
“If I die I’m dead” ah yes intellectual callout
30:06 silly sign on the left
Wait, you were him?! Dude! Big fan! The fact I have you my base was amazing
Normal players. “I got killed, oh well.”
Welyn: “I leave you as you left me, buried alive.”
glazed rust fr
What happened to Porgie
I love you, thank you
This day got way better because Welyn posted
“If I die, I’m dead.” – 11:55
I felt that.
Love welyn
wtf do half those words mean
“Wait don’t open that.” “I’m straight up not gunna” had me dying for a second 😂
I’ve already watched this five times. Don’t ask my why I have a pet soda bottle.
Pov: Getting beaten by a rock naked Welyn: 🎶🎤🎶
Welyn people say stevi is the best story teller but for me ur are and for
all of us
Are you ever going to do solo again?
Jeez, idk how your team keeps progressing when you die and lose so many guns like this… lol. Mabe try some UKN?
He eats bagels now 🤔
Was just watching the video you made before this and then all of a sudden I seen a new upload. Welyn I cant say enough how enjoyable your content really is. GOAT status bro! I don’t play any of the games you play and I’m on the edge of my seat every time. Much love and respect you brother. Thank you for all the entertainment!
I wish he uploaded these type of vids more often. I wish I could just binge these because it’s so enjoyable with everything all together, the voice over/narrating, the gameplay and just welyn 😗🤌
New welyn BANGER let’s go!!!!!
This video gave me nostagia even though its brand new
Missed him every single shot good shooting lmao 🤣
I have watched this 73 times and can confirm its a certified Spoonkid classic.
Best rust player out there in terms of storytelling, humor, and editing
I do like the new editing you’re doing as well, Welyn.
” if i die i’m dead” Welyn 2023
ah yes 5 Optimus primes my favorite way to raid
GOOD MORNING? He said calmly
A certified Spoonkid classic
Man how do i make 5 optimus primes to raid someones base
bro got the AI generated mac n cheese
EeBIK viidio
I Like(d)
MORE RAP and great video as always. FOR THE ALGORITHM!!
18:50 tf is that a green turtle 🤣🤣
Why are all your recent vids such low quality?
wtb HD smh
Truly wise words 11:55
Was that a 100 bulletz scheme? HMMM
Weyln I love you and I hate you, I love you because you got me into rust, but I hate you because you got me into rust
“Jigga chad”😂😂
Every now and then, once I hop on rust, I called one of my sleeping bag, the bumpkin birates
cant wait to try the 5 Optimus Prime raid strategy!!
I love all of the different things in the raid evaluation at the beginning
I may have not played rust for months but I still watch welyn videos
blazed collab goated
bro everytime welyn uploads my day gets 5x better
bart seems really low energy lately
“if I die I’m dead”
“well…. You’re not wrong”
I actually see the duck
Damn haven’t seen a Welyn in a while
This was a great stream and I enjoyed Blazeds banter.
“If I die, I’m dead” – Welyn 2023
Blazed and welyn?! Y’all just made my day.
“it’s a stretch, but Game of Thrones exists” -Shacky 2023
“If i die, i’m dead”
Is that a new editor, or is it a change in style?
Welyn has sworded him 😂
Welyn- “If I die I’m dead”
The people who gave you guys that base are so sweet ngl, they sounded so nice.
30:06 a sign like that cant get past me
I loved the part where he rebuilt their base of his private server. Classic welyn.
isnt that a reupload
My dog (and i mean this with all due respect) but this video was an absolute gigabanger
3:28 to 3:30 was the cleanest transition I’ve ever seen
whats the song at 9:10?
Its so crazy how wellyn gets better and better at editing and funnier keep up the work wellyn let him cook!
Finally, I can eat
The duo we needed
Hey welyn, how do you get the motivation to always make top notch content
Wake up honey, new Welyn vid just dropped
YYYYYYEEEEEESSSSS! been waiting on a new vid! Welyn the goat
You can’t tell me barn music is better than fishing village music it’s just not true
Why don’t I get the notifications for your videos even though I have them on????….
Shackyhd uploaded this two month ago you got some explaining to do
Left the stream to watch asap let’s GOOOO
“you should try rapping” that made me laugh
I swear I’ve seen this
Why did Blaze only start sounding like Blaze at 23:00?
“If I die, I’m dead” -welyn
Ever since welyn said “if you didn’t say is more than once in rust did it take ever really happen” I see it everywhere
rap song with welyn and shacky?
Blessed be the day when Welyn uploads.
Welyn, we need that Ark video. One last video for it before Ark 2
this is a certified spoonkid classic
After watching Welyn’s videos for years, I’ve finally bought Rust for my husband and i to play…wish us luck! Thanks for the amazing stories.
Wow it’s been a long time since a welyn video popped up on my feed glad I have it a watch amazing video 🙏
I saw the twich notification lol
I like frogs
Nobody gonna talk about the absolutely IMMACULATE transition at 2:51?
Welyn is the reason i started rust. Thank you welyn. Because of you i got to meet my russian girlfriend who turned out to be a catfish. Now we are married.
All I watch is rust but Welyn is the best to watch
That door transition was clean
Me: Well, Enough Internet for Today, Time to slee-
Welyn: *Uploads*
Welyn got no raps yo besides the ones he gets from subway. Take you base his way
“3 guys coming”
-my worst nightmare
Transitions on point
yessss Welyn! wish your upload schedule was more frequent. been re watching waiting for new videos.
I see the duck.
Welyn video = good day
I don’t have to watch this more than once to say it’s a classic.
@welyn you hella funny ma boy
Bro the arguing between welyn and shacky is unmatched
That door edit at 3:28 was clean😮💨
Fishing village beats > barn dont @ me welyn
.14 easily only 2 megatrons
you should direct a movie
“If I die, I’m dead”. Profound!
5:03 Kanye West !!
5 optimimus primes 😆
love the vid (:
11:55 Real
Now this is a rust classic
0:12 Good to know it takes one fortnite default to break through a metal wall, definitely using that information.
Welyn arrives to save my week!
9:16 You know that one character in the movie I Love You Man with the squeaky voice? He says “GIVE IT EVERYTHING YOU GOT, GIVE IT EVERYTHING YOU GOT!” as he spotted the dude bench pressing? You reminded me of him. LOL
I’m a tank I’m a tank @welyn channeling his inner space ork
that edit at 2:50 is so clean
Welyn is the only creator who can make me watch a video that is longer then 20 minutes. its like my short attention span is getting longer!
Is always a good day when Welyn release a new banger of a vid 🎃
Best day ever when the pumken king uploads
Should I get this game on console? Got no friends to play with. Some people say it’s good. Others say otherwise.
And I’ve been looking for a new game.
39 minutes of video? Welyn, I can’t let you shorten the videos… Luv you my man!
That play at 10 mins was godly. Even tho u lost it in the end u dominated that
Luminous going crazy on the freestyle jeez
Welyn why do you make me so hard 😢
Lets goo more welyn content❤
Giga chad perma best equipment runner vs virgin gear fear nerd
Ok but what kinda bagel?!
Wow such bad evaluation much no good
“um I’m loaded”
“really? :D”
“aww :(“
Welyn is the best storyteller on rust
I usually don’t comment but today i want to say that your very nice editing was today, for me, especially good. I really enjoy your vids!
I think the wet suit the the most underrated piece of armor there is. You can be heavily protected and stay dry from rain/water in ice zones.
Welyn + luckyllama collab when?
what are your rust settings
Unsubscribed, video too good. No reason to watch any more Welyn vids because they will never top this one.
amazing video!!
Am early pog
ALO can u make chest full of chest?
Luckily he can read barricade
I watched this 2 months ago on schackys pov
Always love Welyn and his content, always good when he uploads, keep up the amazing storytelling man
Make the Poop Shack from last video
3:30: don’t think you can just slide that clean transition without nobody noticing
You can see Welyn improving his editing style, and it’s great. Good stuff as always man.
whenever I see green names on a rust video, I’m clicking out
Babe wake up, new welyn lore just dropped
3:30 transition was CLEAN
Can u maybe play ark again
11:52 “If I die I’m dead” /confusedface
“If i die i’m dead” welyn 2023
@Welyn missed the opportunity at 2:58 to shout
insert captain america if you understand 😉
In that intro there were like 10 references lol
When Welyn drops, everything else get’s put on pause. Peak content.
Seeing a new rust video from Welyn always puts a smile on my face 🙂
Welyn sorry telling as good as frost and Stevie combined😤😤
hardest beat in rust has to be fishing village.
Bobs just better 😂
Lfg another classic
Everyone rushing to ma,e a comment when they haven’t even seen the video.
That’s how you know is good content
only 5 Optimus Primes to Raid? damn maybe I should stop using fish and Jonesys
HA!, that jhonesy
nice vid
can you keep your ark series going? its my favorite by far!
LOL 4 optimus prime!!! LOL
Welyn classic
fresh baked goods at welyns
I love ur vids man keep it up
equipment phobia. doesnt have the same ring to it
Waiting for Welyns Asmr to drop so I he can get rid of my sleep paralysis
I’m from the future and can confirm that this is a welyn classic 🫡
3:18 he sword him
New Welyn vid Let’s goooooooooooooooooooooo
Welyn’s sense of humor really makes these videos funnier to watch, when he says stuff like how he ate a bagle randomly or genuinely just the way he talks in game, it makes it much more entertaining with the editing style too
Best video ever
Do you guys think jellyfish have emotions?
And if you would please explain your answer, it would be nice.
Today is gonna be a good day 🙂
Holy poop 😳😳
These edits men , are just insane!
Love the vids 🙂
Oh yeah
Dude I’m always so hyped when I see a new welyn video is up.
Guys I love mulch
We all love shacky 🥰
Welyn’s editing style, narration and sense of humor makes a game like rust always enjoyable and entertaining to watch, no matter what happens in it, not even mentioning how cracked he and his friends are at the game, that makes it even better
This is a spoonkid classic!
welyn upload the second I get home hell yeah
3:04 “I sword him”
I have watched this video 600 times already and I can confirm it is a welyn classic, also This was very unexpected, but not unwelcome, thank you for the video welyn
Nobody usually mentions it but the edits on Welyns vids give them those extra enjoyment vibes and this upload is no different
Classified banger of a vid
Another banger from Welyn🔥
welyn back with another youtuber BANGER (welyn pls like my comment plz i lob you sm)
A certified spoonkid classic
Cheeseburger raid?
Let’s go! The rust king 👑
0:13 god imagine needing 5 Optimus Primes to bust down a door.
HI Welyn love your videos
baby gronk interlinked
Pickled eggs
As I have already watched this 52829373838e929474 times, I can certainly say that this is a Welyn classic
First…. pumpkin comment.
I love Welyn so much. All the hype whenever he posts. Keep it goin my main man
Great Content Keep it up!
Welyn videos always are the best and he uploaded it on my birthday 🎉🎉
I’m summuned
Let’s go! Rust upload right when I was browsing for something to watch. Impeccable timing 👌
ahhh yes it takes 1 fortnite jonsey to break a armored wall
Earliest I’ve ever been to a welyn vid
Yaaay 🎉😊
Good to see you post more vids Welyn. I have a question. When will u make a collab with holdacious because he plays rust too and he’s good and it will be awesome. If you don’t want to do the collab it’s ok i know ur a busy man.
when a new Welyn video drops you know he up to no good in rust with shacky
you gotta play some sea of thieves
love you
I was just watching your tarkov videos what nice luck
always get happy when welyn posts😀
Awww shit, another Welyn video right when I ran outta shit to watch
skibidi bop bop bop yes yes
I would love to watch Welyn try and raid a base with fish and cheeseburgers.
I think it would take less than 5 Optimus Primes to get through that wall.
Welyn’s storytelling will always be top notch for us
Duo with porgie
Ark return when? 🙏🙏🙏
Yo love the vids I’d like to. Thank you! You were the first rush YouTuber I’ve ever watched and you are the one that got me interested in rust and now I have over 1600 hours and I can’t appreciate you enough❤
W video
Yes 🙌 welyn video!
why did you not do twitch rivals?
Dang not the steel wall needing 5 optimums Primes
Lets gooo sagoooo
Let’s good GAMERS¡
ah yes good old welyn exploitation.
I’m early
5 maximus primes for the hqm wall, really man?
I honestly appreciate how much you put into your videos
Keep up the good work
New banger let’s go!!!!
average W welyn upload
another day another story
Heyyy welyn big fan from Tokyo!!!!
I love you videos and streaming
I look forward for your great success in the gaming community!!!!
Again who can ignore the bumkin boii!!!✨✨✨🙌🙌🙌🤘🤘🤘
love the content keep it going
Give me pumpkins.
Lissen man I have always looked up to you you have some of the best rust content on this platform it would be the greatest gift if I could play with you on a team or even just see you in a server keep up the great work welyn
Reloading Youtube to see a rust upload from Welyn is something else.
Mr. Welyn, Pancakes or waffles?
Always a good day when welyn uploads a great rust vid🎉
More Welyn rust lets go
Wooooooo new welts video
Lets go Pumpkin gang
Once again welyn sends another great video our way
I’ve watched this 1457899754333 times and can confirm it’s a blooprint classic ❤
Love you welyn
not even 1 minute into the video and i can tell it will be pog gaming, keep it up Welyn
The quality story of a movie big W
Best video ive seen in a while…….
damn only 3 views i saw this gem a bit early
Way early
welyn > other rust youtubers
I need at 3,000,000 subs special with Myles Garrett, Shacky, and Porgie.
woohoo im number 1 comment
So o recreated their base on my private server
You have blessed me to the perfect YouTube video to watch with my food 😂
already watched this video 40 times. certified spoonkid classic
I’ve already watched this 67837390 times and I can confirm its a welyn classic
Nice 👌
i hecken love you wylen
Another therapy session for welyn after this video
Love these vids when I’m baked asf
love the opening story telling
Welyn always makes the most interesting and epic videos
amazing editing bro keep it up
Hey welyn I have been watching you for along time and you inspired me to play rust 🙂 keep the amazing video’s going <3
A welyn vid a day, keeps the cheaters away.
Already a Welyn classic, would watch again.
Lucky me, a welyn vid just as I’m done with the day
Bro today is a good day if welyn drops a video
yummy wommy in my tummy
i love you welyn ur the best fr
I just accidentally clicked this what do I do now
Letsgo 2nd like🎉 big fan from south africa here🫡🥳
ok dud
Hi Welyn
moooohooo hahahaha
The editing has improved so much
Welyn! Your content is a breath of fresh air. Always! keep it up
Hello sir
It’s a good day when welyn uploads a rust video
I’ve watched this 274729 times already and I can confirm it’s a certified spoonkid classic
is it pink?
Less Goo Babbyy!
Hello friend!
1st comment wooo
Pumpkin 🎃 gang
Seventy fourth!!!
Les goo
Let’s gooooooo, another rust video
The cheeky gremlin is back at it again
It’s a great day when we get an upload
Hi welyn, first!
As a flaw, I can confirm I’m unseen
I’m the best sub
Love when the vids come out
first, please pin my comment, love you 🙂
Thank you i needed a good story❤
1st plz pin
Hi welyn
Haha first
does he reply?
Lets goooo more welynnn
these videos are movie quality
Yo gods videos keep it up
First 🙂
first baby+
W man❤
lets flipping go
Love you bro
Let’s gooooo