Rust Top Skins | Dragon & Walrus HQM, Retrowave LR, Paintball AR #115 (Rust Skin Picks)
Rust Top Skins | Dragon & Walrus HQM, Retrowave LR, Paintball AR #115 (Rust Skin Picks)
Check out the Skins Here -https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2283048523
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Outro: Octillary-Chill Trap Beat- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3VrtjFIy7U
Made by Decenrad.
Other Music- Happy ride magnus, ES_Happy Playground 1-3 – Merlean
Channel Art by- https://www.youtube.com/user/Freepdied
Logo By- https://twitter.com/XSEIDET
These thoughts and opinions are my own, and not that of the game creators.
I purchased/Obtained this game legally and all copyrights for the game are held by their respective owners.
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コメント (53)
U should really show the dragon set, with the already included hoodie/pants which is already approved for the game. Its a set that looks amazing when combined as a whole, not individual pieces…. but by far best looking as a whole
My favorite is K-ration Box and anarchy metal door
Thank you for the video!
Hoplite was Spartan
always love the content bro
we need Bee set
Freedom Anarchy door <3
we need more Mp5 and thompson skins 🙁
Love the digital skeleton metal face mask n chest plate and the anarchy metal door
The general feeling about all these skins is mhe.. nothing that i must have..
Sad to say but glow skins spoilt me. I can’t use non glow boxes or doors. It’s sad because I don’t expect or even want all skins to glow, but they’re the only ones I’ll use because it makes base navigation so much better at night.
Can you please tell helk that if you have a skinned satchel stack then split them, the split portion loses its skin and becomes unstackable with the optimal skinned versions. Annoying.
I really love the simpler skins, hope the MP5 makes it through
Really hope the p250 skins makes it in. Shit is awesome
Bed skins Helk!
Omg, anarchy door, i want it 🔥
How long does it take for these to come out? I love that furnace skin and swamp skin
digi skull is cool
Wait LEATHER gloves not burlap?!?!
Is there any way you can test past workshop skins and upcoming skins? I want to get a set, but dont know if it will match
Thats pog
Mp5 skins??? been ages
mp5 pls xD
Yes please gentlemen gloves and wrap boots (:
I found a amazing looking bow skin on com market it is called the guardian bow I looks amazing 😍
Nice picks this week, my favorites is the furnace and Peacemaker rifle. Gl all!
Sleep bag is awesome and combined with skull trophi item
When’s charitable skin week?
Gentleman set is the best
Mp5 skin is nice btw
Nothing better than the weekly Tuesday fix of “Rust top skins”
Me and all my homies want Thompson skins!!
Bombshell boots plz
think i’m done with AK and LR skins for a long while.. have way too many now
Really wishing they’d add atleast some anime inspired skins
I love that furnace
I love most of the skins this week! Awesome work.
Need the dragon hqm set since we have the clothing already and the retro lr
I wouldnt be surprised if Helk chose that pink set over literally any of the other possible sets. Manz seems to love pink shit
all skins nice this week
Liking Basebreaker set, painter AR and the hoplite armor! good luck all on thursday i think this week will be tough for helk, thanks for another weekly video! 😀
14:28 I love that you accidently said Violent instead of Violet cause the name was a play on “These violent delights have violent ends”
Clear winner is the furnace skin, I am a big fan of the Anarchy sheet door skin as well. Not thrilled about any of the weapon skins . Thanks for the upload!
This Retrowave collection surprised me, initially I didn’t think it was very interesting, but they are very well finished and nice to use.
I like the sleeping bag. Looking forward to the Charitable Rust skins.
Really not a fan of the Retrowave series.. It’s just the same image over and over, painted on different items..
Good Week for sure! I love how simple yet elegant that wolf box is!
Dread Set, Pink Inferno Bag (Glow), Deep Sea Creature Box, Obsidian Stone Furnace, Painters AK47, Swamp LR, and the retrowave LR are my favorites this week.
U are so pog German
Someone should make a MF DOOM face mask, would be cool
too many sets i think Dragon (mask) is my favroite, good luck guys some pretty cool stuff