Rust – Simple Base Alarm System – Lights & Sounds
Mr Current Play Server: [EU] Rusty Boiz 2x Kits Loyalty Rewards
Only use the IP if you can’t find the above server name in the search. You can find the IP on my twitter profile as this can change on occasions.
In today’s video, I’ve taken an idea for an alarm system and made some changes to it that make it a lot simpler but also provide an easier option for power consumption.
There will be videos in the future that wil explore inclusion of batteries and potentially, the use of RF.
Link to original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2a0Qcu21DU
Thanks to Charlotte Brown for the graphics for my channel. You can find her profile here:
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コメント (5)
Bro did this with a psychotic neighbour next door 😅 surprised he ain’t kill ya
Mic is crap vid is ok
Great job mate keep it up.
Put that mic up your ass
Awesome video thanks! How would you attach multiple heartbeat sensors to this one alarm? Like if you had sensors all around your base and one central alarm