The Alamo – 2×2 Peekdown Multi-TC RUST Group Base
This video shows how to turn any (honeycombed) 2×2 into a 3-TC base with formidable online defense capabilities, including a shooting floor with inner and outer peekdowns.
The battlements can be retrofitted to virtually any 2×2, making this an idea solution to expand your started in case you suddenly get rich but made enemies in the process.
The expansion can happen at your own pace. As long as you keep an eye on the budget, the build should never break the bank.
FORTIFY https://pastebin.com/6aZNUMyN
* BUILD: 43k Stone, 49k Metal Fragments, 681 HQM
* UPKEEP: 8k Stone, 15k Metal Fragments, 198 HQM (all 3 TCs)
* RAID (Core TC): 31 Rockets
* RAID (Main Loot): 35 Rockets
* RAID (Griefing): 47 Rockets
(ideal path, assuming compound will require 4 rockets to breach)
00:00 – Intro
00:21 – The Alamo
03:53 – Tour
07:41 – Build of Starter Unit
09:45 – Second Floor
12:27 – Upgrades
15:20 – Multi-TC Footprint
18:39 – Compound
21:30 – 3rd Floor
25:12 – 4th Floor
26:53 – Defense Layer
30:11 – Peekdowns
33:43 – Roof
* Guustavv – Exiting Orbit
* Jobii – Gummies
* Jobii – Rico
* Evil Wurst – Building Time https://open.spotify.com/album/5sItjGPe8EHX5ZwzgNMJAh
* Pandaraps – Sitcom TV Ending
* Yomoti – 1 of a Kind
* Jobii – Pomelo
* Pandaraps – Alone on a Sawn in LA
* Dylan Sitts – Closure
* Osoku – Futon
* [ocean jams] – Brute
* Guustavv – Verbatim
* Jobii – Berk Jam
* Dylan Sitts – Detergent
* Jobii – Vortex
* Jobii – Derive
* Guustavv – Verbatim
Taqs:rust base design,rust base building,rust base,rust,rust group base,best rust base,rust base build,rust starter base,rust group base design,rust solo base,base,rust 2×2,rust base design 2020,rust bunker base,rust best base,base design,base design rust,base rust,group base,strongest rust base,rust small group base,rust base building tips,rust duo base,rust base building tutorial,rust base design trio,group base rust,multi tc,rust multi tc
コメント (682)
BEWARE: the roof stability bunker no longer works in 4.0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05ZpbXqeFU4&t=60s
No worries though, once the third floor is in place, the bunker no longer added to the minimum raid cost anyway.
If you insist on having a bunker in the 2×2, swap out the existing ground floor for the Serenity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26_1JfhBPC0
I got raided and my center tc was destroyed. How do I replace it?
anyone know why im getting a to close to another building when building the shell? its always one wall as soon as im about to finish that wont close.
I would have loved to have seen you doing electrical on this build as am on con and electrical has just came out and don’t have a clue how it all works
Anyone know how to get the bunker to work? This is also 3 yrs later so I might be patched but figured I’d ask
this base is alive, I build this base quite often, perfect for 3-4 people, thanks a lot to Evil Wurth for the beauty guide, 2023 now❤
The only thing better then Evil’s designs are his wholesome replies. Love revisiting these older bases, theyve stood the test of time 😀 :))))
3 years ago old i still use a variation of this base with personal touches and improved shooting floor. thanks evil wurst!
Evil Wurst comeback special when? We’re all still living in your meta, man! Would love to see your latest take on the 2×2 expansion.
I don’t know if u will reply but I’m having a hard time place the bunker on Consol maybe that why idk
Worst base design
Alamo 2.0 ???
in the works yet??
Evil brother hope your doing well and also hoping to see you get back into rust builds
Man, we need a new one of these. Been building these things for like 3 years now
Can you do this build on console
Why do the graphics look like he just downloaded a texture pack from minecraft
its crazy how far building has become in rust
Has the bunker part been patched?
Him talking abt upkeep:
Me waiting till he tells us how much it is to make: 👁👄👁
Does bunker work still?
Does anyone know why my latters despawn after placing them despite me having wood in the tc?
When I find stupid car components; 28:04
god i miss you evil wurst
I’m not able to place the roof in the starter
The voice is so deep wtf
Does this base design work on console
i can only place the roof to the bunker when i remove the roof of the original 2×2
Please come back to rust community without you its not fun playing.
note: outer peaks don’t work on console
Why do you sound like the TTS from analogue horror videos?
Thank you Evil Wurst I replicated this base and raiders were not able to breach the core 💪🏻 love your videos! Keep em coming 😉
Why don’t you just use double ladder hatch instead of ladders it will add the the raid cost not by much but maybe enough to win online raids
I F Up
I lived in this base for a whole wipe and went through 2 online raid defenses it was impossible for them to get through
Hey I just did your Alamo bunker on my server and I can’t get it to seal at the bottom when I try to place that roof thing there it says no room it won’t let me seal the bunker
Used this on a three times server upgraded most of the inner section to armored then oboe layer around the bottom of the outside. With having frames supporting the shooting floor adding roof tiles on all available place about the foundations for the shooting floor keeps people from splash damaging a 4×4 hole in your base
damn I just added a 5th floor, I thought you mean 4th floor is: ground floor // First // second // Third and fourth 🙁 lol still great base
i really love watching evil wurst do his thing even if im not playing rust or looking for a new base to lay down this guy does an amazing job with his videos 10/10
Realy your biggest Fan from BELGIUM! Again great work! Love your video’s the way you make them! A big thumbs up! 👍🏻 really appriciated!
best base <3
I wanna build the 2×3 but don’t know how to I’m thinking of giving it a chance but I might mess up
I was wondering why my externals keep getting destroyed for no reason ?
Does it work on console
i dont think he knew the irony of the name “The Alamo” xD
how to detach the overlapping tcs
Cant do bunker , i try with out objets in the room
Can u make a 3×3 version of this ran out of space or recommend another thanks 😊
For anyone stuck at doing the triangle 8 triangles square, just do 1 triangle 3 squares, break last 2 and place triangles either side .easy the 2 squares behind it
U just skip ahead of most your build.
Dude I’ve been trying to build this base for 4 wipes now and finally I can say I built the Alamo
please help, i made this base and lost one of my external tc and some how the external builds connected and is being upkeeped by the main tc how tf is this happening?
“Everyone makes fun of German efficiency, haha”
Does this base design work on console?
The external tcs aren’t working anymore
I can’t place the roof of the bunker
Can I build this on consol too?
Hi,I built this made it full sheet metal and full armor core/honey comb, only took a group of very good players (no joke) 72 rockets to get in… thank you for the few days this base lasted it was lovely
cannot stack building privileges
This base is a 11/10. Absolutely everything you need want and could use. I used this base on a weekly server for 4 wipes in a row and defended 7 online raids out of it. Stupidly insane base. Good job evil wurst. Can’t think of a better 2×2 base that I’ve used
How do you seal the bunker on xbox
tu kausas
Do the roof stability bunker work on console
I don’t play Rust. But I just like to watch you build things… maybe I should play this game.
Waste of time and space it says not enough space
i know this is an old video but i was having a lot of trouble building the core bunker is it not possible on console?
I love watching your base building video’s. Great job as always
Professional cut @ 8:20
im never going to do all this shit but your voice is so monotone and soothing i always watch your videos.
dont work now
If I don’t have floor triangles in the honey comb does that make the base weaker? I feel like I messed it up.
So i built this base and got raided back to back. won the first one and lost the second. Came on later and the core has decayed. is there a way to rebuild it since the external parts of the base are still in tact, without connecting them to one of the externals?
Love the base me and my group will us this been looking for a good base design and I found keep it up 🙂
The multi tcs don’t work
I can’t get the roof part to work on console does anyone know if this works on console
I used it for a 4 v 15 online and won
this base is dohsit
Am I wrong or they patched the bunker closure?
get some bitches
I ended up putting main loot with 6 boxes and multiple vending machines at the top and high qualing it, then placing a latter hatch to go up to roof to a metal 2×2 with 12 boxes. There’s only one way up via ladder hatches. I also made all ladder up to ladder hatches. Make sure you have multiple turrets on top
I’ve been building this base more than 10 times, with some big personal adjustment. Absolute masterpiece, my team loves it and asks for it even if it’s definitely “aged” now. Place 18 turrets and it took 8 people to raid it online (8vs3). Dude, I seriously want to thank you for your work, I look forward to building more of yours. Also, I believe you are the best creator on youtube in terms of explaining clearly how to build, precise, clear, concise, complete. Thanks, thanks and again thanks!
Do I have to put the outer tcs
You think you can send me a video of you make this a multi tc base https://youtu.be/W1d2OUI2SVE
Hy Evil! I just built this on a weekly with my group to practice for our next monthly wipe on console. Its awesome and absolutely console friendly!!! Thank you! 🙂
Do you have a tutorial for the 3by3 version?
Sick build, we just defended a really solid online raid, but it didn’t do well against an offline. But that’s rust i suppose
Hi Evil Wurst! How did you that 30:21 puting gaps on floor. does it still work? newbie here
If i made it 3 stories does the shell need to be 2 high or still 3?
My girlfriend just asked me if I watch something narrated by Christopher Lee… 😅
Please do a 3×3 version of this in a video. This base is awesome.
Does this bunker work on console
Does the bunker still work on this base? Also super nice base🐐🔥.
shit base holy fuck
can you build this on console?
guys does this base still works in 2021 ?
Does the bunker still work?
can you triangle roof bunker this because the roof is patched?
Can you add 2 layers of honeycomb and still do the same shell design?
it won’t let me place the roof bunker even though there is nothing there blocking it is there another way i can fix this
Need help lol I don’t have the space for the footprint external tc part I can only fit 6 foundations Tf do I do
Just defended a raid with THE ALAMO. Thank you so much
How much is the whole base upkeep?
Hey THe bunker doesnt work i cant place the roof
Does the base stil work if we build it now?
how do u do the peakdowns, u dont explain u just place them and it works for u but for me the triangle connects to the square floor
yo ty for the out wall designs it helped so much, i have a 2×2 chad base design that i used this to add onto ints literally insane
Could i build this on console but leaving out the stability bunker? since the peakdowns and overall base design is really solid.
Would the roof bunker work on console? Love the vids btw 😁
I csnt place square floors like you do at the peekdowns stage there is no gap between square and triangle floors i dont know why is that
Do these multi tc currently work?
How many people would a group be
i dont understand the point of windowed loot rooms, why not just use a door?
Base design is amazing, love how you left the top empty so we could make a garage or something neat like that on the top
Can this be built on console
How do you place back the externals tc after the main tc been destroyed?
Does the bunker work on console
The bunker don’t work now right ?
nice video,i think the 100 dislikes is people who never play rust XD
What group size is this ideal for
Why can’t I place one of the external tc’s?
I tried this design for 6 wipes now for my 6 man group who plays in vanilla server, the biggest weakness imo is it takes too long to get to shooting floor done, however the online and offline strength is insane
really important question. for the multi tc units would i be able to just build the triangles and foundations instead of going the full round ?
Do I need multi tc to build this base
i cant place the first roof to seal the base? theres literally nothing in my base and it says” not enough space”
rust alamo 3×3 pleease
Been loving these base designs for console rust, truly some of the biggest brain stuff i have ever seen
Brasil her 👏🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
my man speaking like god giving noah instructions for the ark
With rust coming to console my friend and I will build this as our ultimate endgame. I’m so excited to finally be able to play the game I’ve watched so much of! Thanks for all the designs Wurst.
Any patch notes?
I just ended the roof acces. An heli came with 2 guys full hq, ak, l96, 20 rockets, 4 c4, 500 explosive ammo… They killed me, jumped off and died. Just like that. Bigest F in history.
Seriously great base and fun to defend online raids from. Played with it for the last 3 wipes in a row! 🙂
I put shotgun traps on all of the jump ups and jump downs going into core, it makes raiders lives hell
super cheap.
Dude the up keep will be so much
ive defended multiple raids in this on raid sim and wow is this so fun to repel a online raid from lol
Can someone tell me the build cost of the same build used here plz
Our Alamo got offlined this night, but I did the math for raiders:
They’ve spent 121’000 sulfur (4 big boxes), 100k charcoal (3.5 boxes) = 142k wood, 10’000 metal, 3k low grade, 62 tech trash and 76 pipes
For that price they got:
5 aks, 4 bolties, 3-4 other good guns, 1 rocket launcher, 3 full metal sets. 0 scrap, box of stone, a box of wood.
A couple of tips:
– Pay attention to all the walls that Wurst leaves wooden – it is very important not to upgrade them
– You can’t make “any” 2×2 into Alamo – it should not have a middle triangle in the honeycomb layer, otherwise, you will need to destroy your own walls with explosives
Can you do the 3×3 version
your videos are so well made, I will probably never have the time patience or need to build this base but I sat and watched the video just because it’s so calming watching you work your magic. great work keep it up!
impossible to close bunker 11.04.2021
my teammate keeps on making this base even though we dont have the manpower or the upkeep .
this is a cursed base for us. we have all the loot rooms but nothing in it. what is the point of it
my peakdown gaps aren’t nearly as big as yours
Clicking through to find the Upkeep I kept being stopped by adds
I wish the initial footprint was smaller so you could build it on an iceburg
still work?
Спасибо за русские субтитры
Hey, bitte nicht über mich herfallen – hab ne halbe Ewigkeit kein Rust mehr gespielt und ich werde mir keine 1000 Kommentare durchlesen! 😉 Ich krieg diese inneren Dächer nicht platziert. Haben die das raus gepatched oder mach ich nen Fehler? Falls gepatched – ich kotze mindestens so wie du! 😉
Defended 2 raids with this one was 10v12 but the nest one we had to use guns from the turrets to win a 5v10 so pretty good if you ask me.
Friend, help me! I can’t get the roof up. on the square. 11:43 video . NOT PUT!!!
Dang this has got to be the best rust base youtuber.
it says the upkeep but what is the cost to build?
Currently placing window frames but I can’t, “too close to another building” as usual
Hi Evil, can the main tc of the alamo be placed on the 2nd/3rd floor?raiders always know where to blow when its on the first floor
So much lockers lol
Does the iner peaks still work
Wow so good base
Great base design! I built this for the current wipe and got raided before it was 100% done, didn’t have embrasures etc, but the main floorplan is done. The building privilege of the main TC I replaced goes slightly over where I need to replace the outer gate TC’s, am I doing something wrong or are the outers not recoverable after a raid? Maybe I need to place the outers before I place the main TC? Thanks for any help you can provide, keep up the great work!
how many peapol is this base for?
If i build Tc’s after i did the defense layer (foundation only) will it still work ?
whats the point of window loot rooms
trying this one for a purge night >:D
made a few mods for defence, ill come back with the results
guys pro tip just use the new roof bunker method on this beast right here (The one with two raised foundations and a square frame,) and you’ve got yourself a base.
why dose my foundations to the externals decay?
Takes so much metal to build this base holy
Dear evil,is this base still works ? Besides roof bunker.
is there any way to seal the core now that the the one in the video has been patched?
Can I build this on a Hill? Like does it matter if the foindations to the externals are on one level or can they be raised and lowered?
the roof wont place for me unless i break the floor above it?
So this is what Arnold Schwarzenegger does in his free time.
I cant put Roof idk why thi
Still my go to base design, even after 8 months
Gay base and a huge waste of time and recources… wasted multiple hours building this shit and outer peaks dosent work :)))
my base only allows 9 squares for the outer tc due to a stupid monumennt is there a way i can get around this and not have to restart completely
Hello friends. This season was like a bomb. If you see, we have reached levels that you would call cheating. New episodes will come one after another. Subscribe, turn on notifications, stay on hold. Have a good time.
yo those this base still work?
p.s love you vids
Is there a way to disconnect outer TCs after your mainTC got destroyed?
Dude, I love your videos and your accent just like the terminator. Just like the bases you show they terminate dude <3
i cant do the triangle into the tc room thing at all and i dont have any idea why?
It´s me or the roof in bunker dosen´t work anymore?
It took 5 days, cuz we are playing trio and we do more pvp than farming. But this base IS A ABSOLUTE MONSTER! Defending online raids is so easy
Man! Your music in soundcloud?
I understand why you added the doors and fences inside of the ring. They will slow down raiders. However, if they are closed then the Auto Turret doesn’t cover nearly as much of the area, but if they are open then they do not slow down movement. What are your thoughts about when those door should be open vs closed?
why the fuck would you place something then delete it 20 seconds after we all aren’t doing this on creative mode
base is an absolute monster if u can get it up on first day of wipe
Does this base still work, decides the roof bunker?
still trying after like an hour to adapt the multi tc footprint to a 3×3
Edit: i did it but it looks kinda weird but i dont think there is a better way, will have to see how it looks with walls
Edit 2: im an idiot and didnt follow the pattern correctly it is indeed compatible with a 3×3 lol
i fckd up roofs or its update for connecting roofs?
does the stability bunker still work or am i stupid?
corpse? more like evil wurst.
WORST BASE EVER DO NOT BUILD IT if they start to raid u from top its GG u cant get in ur core our out
Could a 4 man build this?
What are the ideal auto turret spots?? Would 2 on roof 4 in the shell and 3 in compound work?
Does the roof bunker still work?
Legit my favorite base design. Just make a 2×2 roof bunker fully armored up and the base is minimum 29 rockets to get something from core or 2. floor.
His voice and the music in the backround is so calming
The roof for the bunker is not installed what to do?
Excellent! You should do a 3×3 version to compete with 5x5s.
Very nice build
Why wont it let me place the roof for the bunker? Nothing in the way. Is it patched?
I remember when me and some friends built this on a noob friendly and got esp raided 😂
Hey evil, I’m really enjoying your base building videos, Half of the time I don’t even build the bases but i implement your amazing ideas into my bases! I Recommend you to anyone, Keep doing what you’re doing!!
I don’t have the spacing like you do for some reason, I have some peek slits, but not all of them. Not sure why
Great base, built this on a 2x and upkept it with a trio, got raided 6 times and none were successful
Can someone please tell me how much it is to build the whole thing???
Can someone help me with the floor frame and roof on top the roof isn’t placing and is saying not enough space
I am going to play with this base for couple wipes.
Don’t knwow if you even check comments on videos this old but I can’t get the roof bunker to work. Has it been fixed?
i dont unerdstants my external tc got destroy by her self when a build the foot print…..
Me, a soloplayer spent an entire day farming for and building this base. I went off for 1 hour , only to log back in to being raided. Luckily I didnt use it as a starter base, so most of my stuff was still in my old starter base.
does stability bunker removed from game or i just cant place it?
good man
You sound like Arnie
With a name like the Alamo are we expected to fight outnumbered to the last man for days? Yes we are cus its rust.
how many cost this base ?
i made a similar base but i changed the externals around base and insade is the same like the concords and that base is sick if u understended what ive said u should try make it and upload it cause its rly sick
the stability bunker seems to be nerfed i cant place roof ontop of the floor frame
Just need to make the comments 1000
Kann man noch den bunker zu machen mit dem twig und roof ramp? Bei mir geht das irgendwie nicht?
i built this in like a ditch, with rocks everywhere, and 2 bases next to me so the external tcs are like going off in different directions. But i did it!
why i cant do the banker anyone?
Anyone else having trouble placing the roof tile for the bunker? Nothing is in the way and I’m not sure why it won’t place
The Bunker roof won’t place at all no teamate no buidling object nothing what is wrong
Your track selection is gas. Audio production is on point. You need a soundcloud
Hey, so I decided to do the peak down on the 3rd floor, but because of where the air locks are positioned, it doesn’t fit the same way you’re doing them on the forth floor because they’re not to the right of the 3rd floor jump ups
Can the external tc foundation be raised? I just about don’t have space
no way its patched
Does anybody know that does the bunker rood thing work anymore nowadays or has it been patched?
I’m watching this video when the best loot i ever got was mp5
Is this still work?
11:50 its patched ? u cant place the roof to block the door
Is it just me or is the triangle at 30:45 stop you from replacing tc’s????
I don’t even have rust, I just find these videos fun to watch
Man i can’t get over your Base Designs videos it keep getting me entertained i replay it 10 times in every video
Raided this yesterday : Careful on the cracks between the walls, even without watching the video we went straight to the TC with ease and even on a online raid
Can you still build this with the new building system ?
700 hqm LOL
how we can upgrade this base ?
some reason i was unsubbed… i know i was subbed. i resubbed.
amassed riches – revolvers
For some reason it won’t let me do the roof stability bunker I can’t place the roof and I removed everything even doors from bottom and top
Can you make farming base that is well protected like this. I need least 8 farming slots. Also can you make this building or raptor with out breaking and upgrading? I’m the guy that lives in a 1×2 base and gather everything for one quick build. Like gather 20k stone and melt 3k iron and collect garage doors then go to building area and hide bags in bushes and put materials and tools in it to build it all at once.
I built The Alamo on an iceberg, it was a challenge but the only way they could raid us was with a salty insiding little punk who betrayed us with our own codes. Still one of my best wipes!
It dos not work for me
I’ve already seen this type of bases multiple different times everywhere on officials 😒
love this design. gonna try it next wipe.
kinda hate how it always changes why cant it just be the exact build straight up, no “now hatchet out this, becasue im retarded and upgraded to stone
Does it still work
THX for this design i like very much, 1 suggestion is the wind turbine should be built higher in case one needs to fight heli. So it’s advisable to build wall frames 3 floors higher at least.
ok I know its been a while since you made this but me and my group won a 6v17 raid with this base.
i have a little question can you make this base but with 4 external tcs instead of 2? i meant i wanna make a big version of the alamo 3×3 but with 4 external tc to split the materials
Can you please make a good base out of this footprin, i need ur talent
Hi nice base but i cant place roof i did it step by step
Your videos got me to rust, had to get use to it but building has made me like the game.. Danke Evil 😉
Bro, we just defended against a 10 man with 70+ rockets they were ALLREADY IN MAIN LOOT. And we still defended AND sealed!! What a design!!
10:57 instant rage from my high school years.
does this base build still work with all of the recent patches?
My external tc does not Stack?
So this build doesnt work anymore right? ive been trying for the last hour and got the walls with no gap, and ceiling stacked, but wouldnt let me put one of the triangle foundations thats pointing towards the front of the TC. Got to that part 4 different times and all attempts got stuck there
the base doesn’t work anymore. The peeks through the outer layer of the walls don’t work anymore and the walls join together instead of creating those peeks. This in turn takes over the upkeep of the external foundations and causes both external tc’s to explode as the gates are covered by the main tc
The bunker no longer works.
I got to use this base on raid simulator. Very Good base, Evil!
hi evil, hasn’t this database been fixed yet?
“They shall be sheetmetal” …. Yes sir, thank you sir.
Die edits sind anders nice
LOL if only Davy Crockett had this
So basically I made 4 external TVs on accident instead of two
hey evil wurst love your videos i always make your bases like mini fort, thrifty scot, etc my favorite is the mini frustrator 2 amazing builds and love this one too high storage and efficient keep up the good work!
Great design my dude
hey wurst, since the bunker has been patched would the new roof bunker work in the 2×2?
6:53 lol
Hehe I’m gonna try making this as a solo lol. I can’t really brag because it’s my private server and there’s 5 people and no decay lol.
Hi, I’m not giving anymore to do many tc.
what happens if you build the external tcs on the other sides of base? i ran out of room so cant do it on the normal side
remember the alamo
How does this go in an offline? Keep getting offlined, trying to find something strong while im away at night.
What’s the song at the beginning?
Is ghe roof bunker thing patched
you make great bases and explain them really well..good job keep it going..I was also wondering is there a new way to do the bunker after patch with the roof..?
Used this design and, while few groups attempted to online raid us, they all failed. I think we will get offline raided before the wipe but… you know, it’s rust! Great design Evil Wurst!
Anybody know the thinking behind having half walls in the first floor chute, but not having them in the 2nd floor chute?
its hard to get on to the third floor with the ladders. what can I do?
and voila
You combine this with the roof bunker 2×2 its golden
Hey Evil wurst, i am building this base just like you, but i can´t place the roof. It always says that there is not enough space, but nothing that blocks it there. Do you know what the issue is?
Love what people are calling 2x2s these days
idk if im the only one but the first bunker doesn’t work for me
Great video!very easy too follow! i will be tunning in for other videos! keep up the good work!!!
just 1 question, if they raid the core and the core decayed disappearing completly, but the others 2 tc aren’t raided, it’s possible to rebuild the base back? Cause this is what happened to me
Not only have I learned a lot from you Wurst, but I also feel right at home. I forget to change my alarms as well😂😂
has the roof bunker been patched? i spent quite a bit of time and couldn’t get it down. Love the content, amazing as always and wish you continued success
is this base still useable with the new building
Hahaha thx for a base design I’m probably gonna use it
Can you upgrade this base for new patch? this bunker dont work more
Canot seem to place the roof as bunker, is this patched? tried it in creative mode too.
Hi Evil wurst love your videos I recently returned to rust and my group average on 5k hours each we are 5-6 players and we play evenings weekdays and most weekend but don’t always stay up in the week and end up getting offlined. What would you say is the best design to counter the offlines ?
Any tips on placing the roof? Keeps saying I need more space. The base is empty nothing in the way.
Love this base used it in 4 wipes so far no one has sucessfully raided yet
all the day to learn and build this base, really nice. thank you evil wurst
Is this base still available? or it was patched?
yet again another amazing base design wow brother <3
you never want to put your windmills right on your roof, if you take heli then your windmills will get rocketed and break. you need to put it on a tower for safety and more power
bro what? 200hqm and 15k metal a day for 27 rockets? is that a joke? this is terribly inefficent for the amoubt of resources to build and maintain
i cant place roof from floor frame
wurst I belive the bunker was patched in the update
Why are the walls placed on the inside of the outside tc foundations? It doesn’t make sense because they can be soft sided unless peaks don’t work if they’re placed outside.
My friends and I built this bad one wipe on stevious 2x Eu and since we had about 8 people in total we decided to build this base we didn’t get raided until late in wipe we were taking Bradley and our base was getting raided, we all spawned when they were one wall to TC and we clutches the raid such a great base
How do you reach the furnaces in the back of the second level windowed loot room?
If the TC in the main area is removed…is there anyway to put it back down?
M roof will not palce when going offline 🙁 have the first and second floor set up exaclty as you show too. Ahh, I know its a simple fix probablt but i cant figure it out
Great design, i’ve been eyeing this for so long, but when i am finally ready to make this, they come up with building 4.0, is there any other way to bunker off the core?
-rep, built it for like a day and got raided straight to TC in 2 minutes.
for real I was peaking from the roof access windows with little space they shot me in under half a second I hope they fucking die from cheat cancer
11:30 fixed
Massive respect to you for responding to all of the comments
The bunker doesn’t work for me?
No matter where i stand i cant place the roof on the twig frame even when the base is completely empty, was this patched?
I hate to be a bug but I feel like in some instances things like traps are kinda crucial in these designs so I feel like evil wurst should include the items placed inside with designated spots in the build cost over here in the description that’s listed. <3
Can’t get the roof seal working. Is it patched or am I doing it wrong
one quick question, is this base still viable to build now with all the new buuilding mechanics
Was it just me that watched Wide Putin walking but he’s always in frame (full version) under the whole duration of this video?
i tried 2 times and the bunker doesnt work
as anyone else struggling with the bunker
I think this roof bunker doesn’t work now
Evil wurst is someone you wanna grab a beer with and just sit quite and listen to all the wise things he has to say
Есть здесь русские, у кого не ставиться или не ставилась крыша?
Still Works ?
Terminator tutorial. He is back, in Rust…
Can you made some base for group by modded server like x3 x2 ?
Does the bunker not work now?
can you not do the roof seal anymore?
Why do roofs hate me?
can’t place one for the life of me.
Hi there! At 19:11 how did you get the stone wall to be transparent while placing? Cheers! Great video!
Does that building ramp to roof trick still work with 4.0? it’s so cool. Awesome build once again!
Im really surprised you didnt incorporate spiral stair door block and/or triangle ladder hatches in the chutes
There’s a problem with the roof bunker design as of now it can’t be placed….I tried to place the roof with no objects in the base just the wall setup with doors and still no luck was this patched recently?
Ещё работает ? Still working ?
Ummm how do i fix the roof with this new roof update
Oof. The update killed that roof seal.
Did they patch the seal in the main 2×2? it won’t work for me no matter what I do
i wonder if it still works after the building update
Fixed to Bunker Roof ! .s .s
if the main TC is destroyed then do i need to destroy the others to place it back down? and if i do that then will i be able to place the externals down again?
Does the new patch stop the roof seels?
Evil, hi,i need help, i can’t place roof how you on 11:40
That transition at 8:21 was so slick! I love little details like that. Good stuff.
hi nice the video said to me at 11m43 I can not ask the roof?
So the bunker doesnt work anymore ?
I just cant place the roof for the bunker :/
@Evil Wurst Does this work with the new June 2020 update?
Rip roof stability bunkers
You gotta respect the time he puts in to build these bases for us to use.
Thanks, I’ll raid 2 of my neighbours who just made this exact base design 🙂
Minneapolis home building tips n’ tricks
What about building 4.0? Can i build this base now? Roof bunkers didn’t work anymore i think…
Can I still do this since roof bunkers don’t work?
Now this base design can’t use the bunker
i wanna see a 4×4 version so bad
Second day of wipe and we have this finished duo! we have taken Heli and are enjoying the base alot! Thank you so much Evil!
Its 2 walls to main core, is it really worth it?
Rip roof bunkers
Why do builders seem to prefer windmills over solar panels? Windmill power output varies a whole bunch– I’ve seen differences between peak and trough as much as 40 power out. And with the ability to charge batteries that are taking draw now, isn’t it strictly better to use solar and battery?
Evil Wurst using gated reverb on his voice?
Diggin the choons in this one just in game listening to the vid lol
Was the bunkering nerfed in the new patch? Could not make the seal on this base today 🙁
Not too sure but they may have patched the stability bunker in the June 5th 2020 update. Won’t let me place either the floor frame or roof.
jabaja bajga ling long ting ting ting ting ting togng bing gbing bing bing bing bing iam i chilamao ooo ping pong ing ping ping ping piing ping pong ding ding ding ding dginding dong i am a chilamalo.
This dosent work in the latest patch
I never gave you enough credit. Your builds are amazing
Hey Wurst! YouTube got a little update so if you place timestamps in the description it shows in the video itself. It would be really cool to have that also in your video’s!
hi man you are genius!
Any idea how to deal with the lack of cover for turrets in 4.0?
please explain to me why i watched a 37 min long vid of a base in a game…that i dont even have
i was like ok this base is very good in a server
then i watched this
any hotfixes to share for thursday wipe for building this with a 4.0 bunker?
wait how do you build the 2×1 version?
Online raids?? what are those? xD
Whats the rocket cost
This base successfully defended itself from an offline raid for my group yesterday. We adapted it but 99% of our design is still EvilWurst’s. They only made it as far as the floor just above the TC’s 2×2. Fell well short on boom. We then added more to the design to boost the raid cost lol
i would rather u build the base in 1 not show us the pacing of boxes like it just little too much to watch on into it
Are they not nerfing roofs for June? I saw that roofs can no longer be placed through other building blocks ,such as floors, anymore.
Was on about stage 2 when someone new moved to my area. Woke up next morning and they had built this exact same base lol
what server are you on when you build these?
looking you from france, i love you, you give me new idea for my team base often and all of your videos are awsome gj !
door controllers paired with the auto turrets and doors in your inner peeks make for a great surprise when they are all wired to the same switch
Awesome Design as always. I tried the Roof trick on the Staging branch and couldn’t get it to work.
evil I have bad news they changed foundation steps to be ugly and not do cool foundation step things
Why do you choose to use stone window + glass for air locks instead of shop fronts?
ok now make it private
Nice work! Would love to see the build of the 2×1 version for solo player
build cost of the 2×2?
U can’t even get into the second and first floors
Выглядит неплохо, нужно тестить.
Now all you need a admin proof base build …
I built this base solo and even unfinished it’s survived 2 raid attempts in the past 2 days.
Yo bro, regarding the roof, it’s possible to destroy the doors and go over it (at least in my testing)
Do you think a group of 4 could build this base?
Always online base designs…like they great and all but seriously who raids online in rust these days unless you a 20 man zerg…
Didnt think i could watch a 37 min long base build video without falling to sleep but you are so entertaing to watch and listen to. Great vid maan
~ 24:00 shouldnt those window frames in front of the furnaces be rotated the other way?
The name, intro, explanation. usage, utility, creativity, and truth that one spawns in a friends base which is 90% of the time a 2×2. All inside a 2×2. Evil for years now you keep surprising me.
Yet another great build! Can’t wait to play around with it. Out of context for this build, but any plans on adding Car storage? Been playing around with several idea’s including a modified version of your Shark Boat base, but cant seem to keep cost down while maintaining proper security
God damn. Me and my friends didn’t use to many of your bases because they were huge but this one is legit, probably gonna have to start using this instead of the bunker 2×2
gone behonest i legit used this footprint and almost the full base for the past 4 months
Im having issues building roof bunkers on staging branch rn, Bug or patched? ;(
i guess it is now meta already but with the smart alarms online raid protection will be even more useful, hbhf sensors and or switches and have fun defending your base against offliners!
Hey Evil Wurst, are you excited for the new building blocks which are coming soon?
terminator plays rust??!!
This gonna be my new main base for the next BP wipe
how to make that transparent color of high external wall preview 19:06 ? cuz mine is completely solid blue
Also is there a site where I could load up each phase of this base using CopyPaste?
This is a really nice base for being online and defending it, but what base in this size category do think is your best base for being off-line and getting raided?
With the new rust App this base design will be perfect! All you have to do is set up the alarms inside the outer layer and hop on. Looking forward to using this beautiful base in coming wipes!
Evil was def on drugs when he did this 16:32
Built this solo and defended against a 5 man
Defo a base for modded
12k metal per day and 200 hqm
This base is like 1000 steroids combined with 100 IQ players
Can someone please tell me why people honeycomb a 2×2 with an added triangle in the middle??? It adds nothing to raid cost since you can still go through 2 walls for main loot…
wait how does the 1×2 work? dont u need one of the square to hold up the roof bunker
Really good stuff, Great script btw! 😀 only thing i noticed with base is that the 2 turrets behind the G doors on the roof could be picked out through the embrasure, would definitely sheet metal the squares the turret sits on!
Hey wurst great video as always. Would love to see you make a 1×2 variation as well because i am having some struggles making the innder and outer peaks work.
somewhat of an odd question, but would you say that the design is stable enough to be used to take down attack helicopter?
I think everyone that plays rust seriously has at least some elements of your bases in their designs, especially the strong use of shotgun traps and frustrating designs. God base builder
Video posted : 2 days ago
Today : “evil wurst discord streams” ok guys so the roof bunker is removed
Does Evil Wurst have a spreadsheet where you can order the bases on the amount of explosives/rockets needed to get into the base/tc?
Build the base solo, im tired..
Excavator is about to be my friend
i want an actual guide for the 3×3 version because i cant figure out how to make it multi tc for the 3×3
Maybe too big for a solo like me but I like the idea
Can u make a base with a farm in it? Ive not Seen a base u can use with a little farm in it yet
Good base but my roof bunker doesn’t work and I made sure there was nothing in the way it just said “cannot build in this area” can someone please help
9:50 is it important to place it out of 2 half walls or not?
The music is really distracting from your video. try lowering it. Very cool build by the way.
earlier today there was a guy roofcamping me from this type of base
what is a cheap and easy fix for raiders being able to softside into innerpeaks?????
Now this is a great base. Strong for online raids, quite ok for offline raids too. I have seen some good multi-tc designs and I even made a few myself, but it always comes to one thing- you have to have so many materials ready when you start building, which is hard on official vanilla servers , especially for small groups. It is also hard to claim the flat spot for yourself, triangles Can be easily raided and taken from you and stronger builds are then in the way if you wanna start building in those spots.
Making this base out of a simple/honeycombed 2×2 is one of the most useful things on a populated server Ive ever seen and I will definitely try it out.
yes yes very much needed 2×2 . easy way to build duo ….. go camp zerg farmers hahahaha yes yes
Bruh 6 adverts. Lucky
My love of your updated leech design, and this 2×2 have made me decide to try and meld the two. I think I’ve got a good start for the ground floor but I want to try some more tweaking before putting into practice. Thank you as always
oh great… another amazing base people i don’t like will use 😤😡
in all seriousness nice video keep it up!
Insane peekdowns dude
Just one question……….. How?
is this good for a 5x server ?
Now this is a base….. Fantastic work sir…………….. Love from Canuckastan
You should Rename it into Modified Hjune Base, because you literally stole his layout
looks like aloneintokyo’s base
Love your builds mate keep them coming. Please post more solo-duo-trio base designs I play on a modded 3x server so upkeep isn’t a big deal! I like the Raptor, But alot of people know this build and how to get into loot rooms easily. I would like to see more designs like this and the Multi-TC Original Frustrator X with a flanking base.. More armored walls. Also maybe you should think about doing private paid builds to keep some of the designs a secret! Let me know if you will do something like this?
Like this base but too big for a solo player I guess. And not to mention there’s so much place for hidden stash inside the base where if you happen to get rocketed and just by jumping down from the peek you can backstab your raiders with those hidden stash.
For building this base as a 3×3 would you recommend mirroring the loot rooms to the other side to that you have two rows of loot rooms?
Hey evil nice video !
On my server people all do offline raids
Could you make a base design based on the 2×2 but then with some sort of roof/bunker inplemented ? Please make it so a solo player can use / upkeep it
Greetings !!
Do you think a trio could build and support this base?
Looks like a really nice build and usual top quality detailing and commentary. Do you not think the HQM shoot that goes to main loot is too easily accessible? Unless i’m missing something it’s 1 stone wall and 1 HQM wall until rockets can start splashing in main loot defences?
I have only one criticism… Symmetry matters too much to you.
Other than that I like the walk through.
As a core idea for a base I like it
Ausgezeichnet as usual. Although everyone died defending the Alamo, it did take an entire army to take it.
i actually use your bases in a million server and they are really hard to raid even then! keep it up.
Without a doubt the coolest design yet.. I love the chainlink <3
Really nice external placement. Will try the principle of it but on a 2 by 1 (ish) next wipe. Exciting!
would this base work with your latest external design?
Hello bro, i got banned from your discord for posting a video when Zedge fail raided me. I guess Zedge didint like that and banned me for no reason :/. I wonder if i can get unbanned Kenny The Stick #2409
Could you maybe do a video showing how you would use this footprint in a 3×3? It could just be fast one like you Quick n’ Dirty videos. Would love to see that! – PS love the build and your channel!
I’ve not even played Rust in a bit over half a year and this video still kept me fascinated. The amount of thought put into this build is astounding. I’m getting the Rust itch again!
So for the entrance we have to take outside shoot to top floor then drop down 1 floor at a time to get to main living quarters?
I love the vid and all bro I am gonna start using this but why you sound so sad? Cheer up man.
We need a thrifty scot 3
Love the base build! However, i don’t see the need of so many wall frames
Love the build. Great work!! Is there a chance for a solo/duo version of this, like a video for it?
This is a smart and great base design you inspire me
Cool, even very cool, very good base. You make very cool bases and explain well how to build them, the best builder I have ever watched!
Hey Wurst, im solo and dont have time to farm for big bases on vanilla so i play a rusty 3x solo duo trio and other servers. Some servers have /remove and was wondering if you have any good ideas for a base. It can have large amounts of upkeep as the server is 3x and there is kits (when raiding players some players have 500k stone) just wondering if you could ever make a strong base for modded or have a good footprint that could be used
Could you make a video or extension for building the 3×3 version of this base since most bigger groups nowadays always use the 3×3 or 5×5 design layout in general
Well ik what I’ll be doing from now on. 2×2’s for life
How many rockets
I enjoy watching all these videos but know I’ll never bother building them as the vast majority of people in this game don’t have the balls to online raid someone
Super nice video! Just a quick thought i had, why did u not use the exopod design as your external tc’s
One of your best builds to date. I havnt played in months but your videos are just as entertaining as any rust yter.
I love how you totally explain everything – your steps are totally easy to follow – great vid man
The perfect base design?
sorry I’m late but what build server do you use if you do even use one?
Just when you think to yourself “What could be done that hasn’t been done already” Evil Wurst drops another one. Super practical with the 2×2 starter and love the “so you joined your teammates who already have a 2×2”.
I was looking for a base to build on an 1000x and I think i have found it!
Another amazing build! I bet anything this will be all over every small group server in a week.
You’re one of the few rust content creators that my friends and I can talk about for ages, your bases are super solid as is your video production and I really really appreciate what you’re doing. Keep it up man, much love <3
Who doesn’t fucking smile and say I can just tell this vid gonna be good to every build
Trying this on Thursday. If I have any feedback/suggestions from trying it in a real wipe I will come back and update this comment (even thought I don’t expect to 😉 ). Thanks Mr. Wurst!
Hey Wurst, im playing on x10 server and I wonder which base from your channel would be the best. I lived in the mini frustrator 2 but i feel like people watch tutorials and they know where my TC. So if you could tell which base is the best or maybe even build one I would be thankful 🙂
15:13 why is the chutes’ only that side is armored, what purpose does it serve?
Definitely building it
Edit: Wrote something wrong
12:58 Que the music and the plumber coming in and ripping off his shirt. “Let me show you girls The Alamo”. Evil Wurst: They are definitely not building a 2×2. Evil Wurst…OUT. Or maybe…IN?
What build server do you use?
if this guy talked a bit faster the vid would be around 2 min
I didn’t get the notification.
Willjun would use this beast witg a 2×1, great vid. 😀
Damn dude I love this design
I’ve been looking for something like this… So glad you made one, thank you!
Can anyone recommend a good base that is hard to offline raid solely? Nobody online raids in the servers i go to anymore.
Enjoyable to watch even if I am not planning to build the base.
A work of Art well done dude!
Ive been working on a 2×3 multi-tc floorplan thats been giving me fits. Thank you for this!
I was was wondering why the same base popped up on all the build servers, didn’t realize wurst uploaded a video!
Great. Another base which everyone is going to build that I now have to figure out how to raid >_>. Thank you EvilWurst for your amazing content fr though lmao.
So I did not understand how much the house is completely worth the resources to build?
You’re my hero. Such amazing ideas I’ve been blown away when you’ve said that it was compatible with 1×3 2×3 etc… Keep up the great work !
This base is soooooo gooooooood. I really like how it can be made from a 2×2 that is incredibly useful when playing with people who dont build much and just put down a 2×2 start of wipe. I really like the base and I’ll be for sure using those ramps to the roof in one of my own designs they are OP. I’ll be using this base in my next wipe. 10/10
another fantastic base
Anyone else just wish that Evil Wurst wasn’t a YouTuber and just a really close friend so these designs didn’t go super public lol?
I usually play solo or with a friend so I probably would never need a base with lots of online raid defense, nor could I afford one, but the design was great nonetheless. The fact that it has no gap seems quite helpful as that always seemed like a somewhat significant downside to me even if I never built a multi tc base. Great job!
This video proved that wall frames had other uses
100k face reveal
pls try and make a base for solos with inner peakdowns
meet… the L M A O
Any one build the 3×3 footprint because i’m attempting to do it and I’m having some complications
6:52 “unless they wish to donate extra gear sets to your cause.” hehehehe
11:53 can’t they just break the double door and jump over the roof? I thought t needed to be single doors to fully block them.
I have to say, your bases are always so practical and have so much though and consideration put into the design; definitely going to be using this next month. <3
10/10 as per usual. keep it up.
The Wurst knows how the Hase läuft, schönes Ding und super entspannt anzusehen.
A direct competitor to the hjune design
Why ar all these bases so expensive I just want to farm a bit whit my 2/3 teammates and pvp on a vanilla /2x server. Someone got a base design for that?
Wow, 1400-6 like to dislike ratio, that’s honestly pretty impressive.
Too broke to even watch this
Base looks beautiful! Excellent work, as usual!
byotiful álamo, i maybe i’ll plant one myself 😀
Raid cost?
Really Wana go on a building server to just build but I don’t own rust
We need an aggrevator 2.0!
thanks 4 video dude. I want you from 1×3, 2×3, 3×3. The floors have the video at 01:40. 😀
German classic architecture is amazing 😍😍
Why do i get deja vu from 36:58
yo man id love to see a expandable 2×1 with this concept since thats what im mostly running while playing i mostly play duo/trio great build!
@Evil you could’ve made the doors stronger by adding roof Bunkers this would add about 16 rockets to raid from above making even more of a pain with all of those auto turrets shotgun traps i would imagine it would take over 50 rockets to raid assuming they use rockets to destroy the traps
You sound bored of living
Your voice is so relaxing 😀
Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t all the Alamo defenders die? 😀
I’ll never forget this
I’ll remember this one.
i almost dont wanna watch the video because of that obnoxious music at the start.
18:29 Sheet metal Warframes haha didnt know Digital Extremes was co-developing rust x3 jkjk
Making little bit own version of this so people dont just watch this vid and see what base is this but atleast 3-4high peeks and a different shooting floor and 3×3
Yeah if thats 2×2 do 20×20
Very nice!!
omg evil
Already built it fully on vanilla. Got raided in the morning offline so this was ez base choice
Very nice base build. love that you allways have so much detail in your bases.
The no gap faktor is my favorite off this base, because i use it in my own Multi-Tc bases aswell.
Would love to see more such bases in the future!!
Any solo dup trio bases coming soon?
Очень круто строиш и очень классный видос! А сколько серы надо на этот дом? Скажи если не сложно.Брат!
Another grate video keep it up ^^
Another great video with great intro
The footprint and concept of this base is great, it has high utility, and good protection along with good online raid capabilities. My only gripe with this base is the upkeep, being so high, base wouldn’t be fit for any group really under 4-5.
Woa prob best multi design 2020 😀
i have been waiting for a few days just sitting there like WHEN WILL EVIL POST… its always worth the wait great video man 😀
As a Texan, it is my duty to remind everyone to remember the Alamo and to remember Goliad.
Easily your best work so far. Very impressive Mr wurst
Nice base
Not a good name for someone that doesn’t wanna get massacred
Nice bro!
Wait let me go tell my friends how to properly make a 2×2
would you and vice work together already and make some unreal op bases????
What is that dragon rug skin called at 5:15?
A base like this says “offline raid” sadly. Won’t be easy to online raid.
Looks Nice but i never get onlined
Something different for once. gg
i hope they don’t try to patch multi tc bases, they let you build such crazy shit!
Is anyone looking for members, I got ~840 hours and I’m looking for active ppl
Oooo im gonna have so much fun playing around with the 2×1 version, quality content as always
Lol. Since the dawn in Rust is right.
God damn. Your ALWAYS up in the meta. Bravo my dude. Love this shit!!!
you never disappoint me
17:00 Remember, someone had to discover this random arrangement of squares and triangles
i used your old 2by2 design and it was so nice to live in
For someone who mainly builds 2x2s, I gotta say wurst
I dont even play rust anymore and I still watch all your videos. you’re a genius man! such amazing work
What happen to your cool external tc design did it get patch?
Loved it! I’ve been playing a 2×2 roof bunker design EXACTLY like that recently and I was just about to see if i could make it similar to Hjune’s 2×2 design…. You’ve literally done it for me!
People who lives in SA: We need something our taste.
*Evil wurst: say no more*
Nice base, you’ve outdone yourself truly
Me: Designs multi tc 2×2 base with different footprint “Wow this is a sweeet base can’t wait to release it”
Evil Sausage: Behold The Alamo “cheaper and more protected than mine”
Me: Alrightttttt
Lmao, back to the drawing board for me awesome design evil as per usual. Still might release mine because I really like it. Looking forward to the next one.
That base looking sweet imma try building it next time im playing rust
This is the base i was looking for. Thank you Mr Wurst!
dude i LOVE your videos, im so proud to be a part of this rust community!
i hate you 1 dislike man 🙁
Quick question, how do you change your bgrade levels so seamlessly?
another amazing and unique (at least in my eyes) base design! 😀
Your bases are so clean & smart! <3 Thanks Evil
He actually changed how 2x2s work. Definitely gonna surprise neighbours when I make a 2×2 to a fully fledged end game base. German engineering at it again!
The Alamo uhhh, fell. It did not survive the Mexican attack. Not the best name ngl
11:55 can you not just shoot out the twig flore frame from outside or doese that not work anymore ?
Unless I a missing something, and I might be here, there is an easier way to create your wall stack footprint. Whenever I do this, place the triangle as you did, but then go out 8 squares. Keep the last square and remove the others and starting triangle. Now just come back from that square with triangles. As far as I can tell, it will give you the same gap.
Alamo is a baaaad naaame, lol
Yet another work of art! Wunderbar!!!
I left a comment on Willjum’s video of your duo adventure about starting a Rust podcast with you and him as the host. Between the two of you I think it would be a great new addition to the rust community. With your Engineering precision and his chill laid back outlook i think it would be a smashing hit. You could discuss building trends, new innovations, exploits and more. Also leaving the opportunity to bring on other rust content creators as guest for a further range of topics such as pvp, roleplay, storytelling and any other subject within rust you deem interesting. He responded on my comment in a positive way but on his recent vid told me he has yet to get in contact with you about it. With both of your busy irl and in your youtube content i figured the best way to help urge it along would be to comment here. I hope my idea will come to bear fruit and if not i respect whatever decision you or him make. As always, love your work.
The high quality upkeep is the only problem I find
Space for 2 windmills open roof and separate external shoots and inner peeks love it. It s a veery good version of red apple ‘s 2b2 but kinda more professional I would say
solid name
I don’t have the time to play Rust anymore but I always enjoy seeing what you’re up to on the base design front. Very nice build, Mr. Wurst 🙂
You utter fool.
German science and engineering is the best in the world
Thanks EvilWurst
you have no idea how delighted I was when I saw the notification.
this video literally took all the flaws of the hjune 2×2 base and fixed them all, love both of you guys tho well done !!
thanks for the 1×2
Im new this game should i play community or offical sercers
pure genius! i have a tried and true 3×3 that would most certainly benefit from this conversion! thx Evil ! once again i’m flabbergasted!
Hello Evil Wurst, why did you build 2 half wall at 9:53 and not 2 walls with half wall in front before door frame like in the frustratorX ? 🙂
Time to updrate the old 2×2 starter base and replace it with this design
Love it!
its so beautiful!!
Please show us how you would do it with a 2×1
Hjune base evolved? Very nice!!!
Tbh 2x2s are op
Pls,make a medium bases for duo
using splitters is no no, use electrical branch for it because if you miss some power even 1 the everyting connected to splitter wont work. If you use branch in other hand and miss 1 electricity, only last connected user wont be powered. 🙂
Notif Gang
Another great build. It is true that there is perfection in simplicity 🙂
Which is the correct raid cost, the one in the video (27 tc and 43 for loot) or the description (31 tc and 47 loot)
Awesome Base!!!
Now this is a 2×2! Great job bro
my new base thanks evil :]
Awesome video building on build server as we speek. Keep it up
People still online raid? Lol
Thank you for saying grubbers
I love how your bases arent just cramming as many small boxes and barbecues as you can into a claustrophobic mess. You can actually use your bases and live out of them.
Herr Wurst ordering the destruction of inefficient mathematic equations, 1935 colorized: https://youtu.be/3t3XiieGA5E
Im so gonna try this im getting tired of offline raided the moment i logg out T_T
GOOD GOD it’s GOOD. Anyone new here, this is the Gold Standard in Rust Base Building.
👍 ‘d
#OldManPaxus Rating: ★★★★★
Evil is the best builder
I will be making the 2×1 version for my solo wipes from now on! Really great design, looking forward to utilizing your techniques!
When your working on a starter to main group base that has a 1-2 footprint and triangles thats a bunker
good base design tho.
almost 100k subs good job bro
Great alternative for the multi tc building part if you don’t have space. You should add that to all future videos if possible
play at 1.5 speed and thank me later
Extremely talented and thorough designs. Keep up the incredible work
Maybe you should introduce some bases not for clans? Wurst, solo players also need your build solutions!
the thing its that no one onlines
Oh wow he did it thx Wurst
this base design isnt the most practical but very cool. it reminds me of like a 2×2 with an airsoft or lazer tag feild surrounding it. exept the raiders dont know all the little nooks and crannys
Being from San Antonio, Texas, I approve of this!
I’m unintelligent and can’t think of an interesting comment to write here.
Alone in Tokyo used a 2×1 design of this base in his newer episode.
Again evil, you continue to push the advancement of building techniques and meta in the game. Happy to be with you since the start. This base has heavy AloneInTokyo vibes, and feels somewhat inspired by his aggressively innovative designs. Keep up the great work, and I can’t wait to see where the building community goes next.
I would not build this as I never get online raided so wouldn’t get any use out of large parts of the base
Amazing video. Love your work. keep it up!
Coincidentally I was just rewatching ur latest take on the 2×2 when this popped up on my screen. I’ll try to make this footprint work next wipe, with a 2×1 tho.
Did everyone forget what happened to the Alamo??
Awesome still gonna build ths base as a solo
When it says 6 minutes ago
hjere 22nd comment
Evil at it again with a GREAT video. Very nice one bro!
Hey I’m early (but not so early) 😀 can you make another version of the mini fort? It is my favourite build of yours, maybe make it last further into a wipe? It’s such a cool base and I’d love to see it made better lasting! Keep up your nice bases
give vooooooooooooooooooooodd man im friendly dont kill me
Amazing video as always keep up the good German engenering
Hell yea
What can i say, Evil is here to MAKE 2x2s GREAT AGAIN!
Remember The Alamo
Ive played Raid Sim and this base is either the same thing or extremely close to this.
this base is sick. just so good how you can expand from the standard 2×2 into this monster
No ones taking about that transition? 8:20
This base is so good, I mostly play with a trio so this will be perfect. Thanks!
German engineering at it’s finest
discord gang here before unlisted
Thank you so much im currently playing on eu small with a 2×2 and this video is perfect for me 😀
This is gonna be goooooooddddd
Love the name