Kaela having a hard time handling her angry wives !!!
The risk of having hareem !!!!
souce :
Ollie POV : 【GOLF IT】DIMASOEKIN BARENG…………………… BOLANYA【Hololive Indonesia 2nd Gen】
Kaela POV : 【Golf It】dhlh【hololiveID】
Risu : 【GOLF IT】BALLS ???? BALLS.【Ayunda Risu】
Pls subscribe to the Talent(s) if you havent already :
Area 15 [Hololive Indonesia Generation 1]
Airani Iofifteen’s channel :
Moona Hoshinova’s Channel :
Ayunda Risu’s Channel :
Holoro [Hololive Indonesia Generation 2]
[Anya’s channel]
[Ollie’s Channel]
[Reine’s Channel]
Holoh3ro [Hololive Indonesia Generation 3]
Zeta’s Channel
Kaela’s Channel
Kobo’s Channel
ending song :
thumbnail art by : adekrifki
#Hololive #Holoid
Taqs:ホロライブ,clip,Hololive,Moona,Ollie,Reine,anya,risu,iofi,HoloID,hololive clip,en,english,Indonesia,minecraft,yagoo,Moona Hoshinova,Kureiji Ollie,Pavolia Reine,Ayunda Risu,Airani Iofifteen,Anya Melfissa,zombie,keris,scream,turkey,nut,flat,hololive id,hololive alternative,hololive song,hololive ch,hololive ara ara,hololive bahasa indonesia,hololive cover,virtual youtuber say,vtuber,vtuber reaction,hololive react to,vtuber react to,vtuber ollie,vtuber clipper
コメント (151)
They had some problems in their small family, meanwhile Anya and Reine😮😮
the troubles of a harem master
If i not wrong zeta,risu,moona and ollie is kaela harem🗿
As one Russian song says. “It’s not bad to have three wives,but very bad from other side”
so much goin on… you just cant handle them. they are wild pokemon
… At this point, isn’t HoloID (Except kobo) just one giant poly-cuddle, but with extra steps?
All of them flirt with each-other like mad, most of them have wifed at least one other member… yeah.
Total damage yang di terima kaela sekitar 9999
The Forgotten One
My wife, my other wife and my others wife’s wife are not happy
Ahh jangaann, aku capee
Ollie ketawa adalah definisi ngakak wkwkwkw
You can really hear the shock in Kaela’s “wow”.
percekcokan tangga rumah ini semakin gonjang ganjing Dan ruwet
Suffering from success
Human? Where? I see no hooman 🤨
That’s not even including Mumei.
This is the result of having many wives😅
The instigating is masterful here.
Not 1 not 2or3 but MANY MANY 🤣🤣
Me who is out of the loop with HoloID: What is happen?
Cinta segi 9
Zeta the first wife: first time?
konon katanya jim yang membuat 1000 candi dalam satu malam sebenarnya kaela
Zeta : what the😑…..
Kid this is why harem is bad😂
Okayu never has these issues
Ellagator and her Daily Noises
ID girls are such cute dorks.
HoloID’s wife sharing system is starting to show cracks.
Jeez what a crazy love tiran…. uhhhhh….. love square??
The relationship in holo id is really complex
It’s like the old saying.
“Too many waifus will ruin your laifu.”
Zeta kalo dah ngeluh lucu banget wkkwk
Love is complicated indeed…
Ollie really inherited her mother’s laugh
i hate human …
then i think of sora …
This is so hilarious. I want to watch more clips from this stream now!
human 3 gene hmm?
Kaela- terminator
where is the human?
The thing about harems is that, the hard part is not making the harem…. is keeping it together.
Kaela, after marrying the entire ID branch: Well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.
Inb4 calling Kaela a penguin is officially a dead meme now. No one calls her that anymore.
8-person ID collab, did they stream this after putting Kobo down for her nap or something?
If JP and EN are comedies then ID is a soap opera.
Kaela = Hololive Harem Queen
This is such quality content. Thanks a lot for translating, Inodensia has some of the most hilarious vtuber talents!!
Welp, ID girl realtionship is complicated
Kaela is the harem Queen of Hololive lol 😆
She even intended to make HoloEN and HoloJP her harems too… I’m looking forward for that 😌😂
Ah man, watching VTubers play Golf It brings me back with somewhat good and bad memories of YouTubers playing that game 😂
Vanoss: Hey guys! I got the rice hat!
Terroriser: did you now?
Vanoss: yeah, you wanna know what it says?
I don’t think I would ever want to get on an Indonesian girls bad side. They seem like the type who will emotionally scar you for life 😂
These HoloID are dangerous for your stomach especially when you know Malay at least. No wonder why Zeta said it would be funny. 😂
Best part is they’re jumping on Kaela, and then Risu comes up and sideblinds Ollie. Karma goes both ways.
holdup, i thought gen 3 was penguin cat and water droplet
Just listening to that made me feel mentally & physically exhausted!
Okay, so now the only branchmates she have yet “devoured” are Anya and Kobo.
Kaela acts worried but deep down she’s like “YES! MORE GRINDING!” 😂
Love Hina: Hololive
Zeta going “Aku suffer!” Is my spirit animal
Brasilian telenovela battle royale.
Anya : ngeeeeeeng 🦟🦟🦟
everyone’s fighting, meanwhile zeta just tired with the game lol
This is like final harem in Persona 5
Kaela is certified sugar-mommy of HoloID.
Typical harem MC’s problem.😅
holoid’s relationship chart is a very deeply tangled web that also connects to the other branches as well.
holoid relationship drama is so good, very passionate and emotional, so many wives and girlfriends and lovers everywhere amongst the nine of them.
It’s incrediblehow Kaela can smother any form of complaints using her unlimited Minecraft power.
“Why did you make a house for her and not me!”
“Alright, I will make you one too”
“What about me? I want an UFO”
And you know that she would do it too.
“im tired”
– zeta the forgotten kaela’s og wife
Suffering from success XD
Oh no…
All my wives are mad at me
Istriku, Pacarku, Gebetanku, dan Mantanku. (2024) disutradarai oleh Yagoo, dan dibintangi oleh Kaela, Moona, Ollie, Risu, Zeta.
This harem MC is too strong, she’s strong enough to handle mental attack from all of her wives😂
She’s grinding wife too? I’m mean collecting wife
Everyone dream about harem but didn’t foresee the problem with it
I ilke that Kaela’s harem is entering a new arc, where all of her wifes are arguing at each other. Previously, we have Moona and Miko, and now we have this. The plot thickens
Ollie: “It should have been me!”
As the old saying goes “Holo ID has Waifu Sharing System” that has its pros and cons and this is one of the cons.
Meanwhile Anya watching the whole soap opera while having popcorn
this how its actually like when you have multiple wives
1:22 ngakak😂
the point of this has all been explained ZETA:(aku capek)😩 I’m tired🤣🤣🤣
Please treat your waifus equally, Kaela
Elagator crisis.
They really know how to double down on those telenovela vibes.
I’ve heard of love triangles but this has so many connecting lines that I have no clue what to call this.
Ollie: “I want they all as my wives”
*forgets she married them*
Zeta in the end 😂😂
Beda lagi kalo cowo☠️
The first wife is already tired😆
This is what happens at that moment that you slip in planning your harem interactions. They all get together, you get overwhelmed and the house of cards falls over 😂
Everyone: drama*
Zeta: suffering from the game*
*Crunch* Popcorn, anyone?
What they don’t show you what happens with the Harem Protagonist after the series ends.
Would I be a sultan
I would have lived alone!
There’s a lot of drama.
wkwkwkw ela salting
The reason why the en,jp hololive member only have 1 wife ;))))
gw heran vtuber kenapa main harem hareman 😅 ini sih drama yuri
nice example the real life problem you will get when you start “harem”
excep on game “harem” are tricky so be careful
for you who think harem is heaven, just look at this clip
Lah Kobo manusia?
Ah, finally the blowback from collecting all the wives
Wait, I think Risu is already married to Ela 🤔
Ingat istri kesayangan kaela cuma miko
Yg first wife biasanya spesial😊😊😊
Zeta is me
Kaela has an Indonesian Harem problem here. :)))
Q: Why be married to someone you hate?
A: Hatesex.
_”You want a house? I already move a mountain for you!”_
I died FR FR 😂😂😂😂
Me Questioning to my other self: *”So… How long is this harem thing going on”*
My other self: 🤓 *It’s been 8 months now*
Me: *”Hol up what?”*
Kaela Plan: Make a Harem
Not Kaela Plan: as a harem grown bigger, more wives feel unfair and demand more
Zeta gk bnyk bicara krna sdr dia dh jdi istri gw😎
I like it when Moona starts playing and heats up the atmosphere😂
Waifu sharing system to the fullest
The side effects of Waifu Sharing System
Zeta: first time?
The way when ollie was striking at ela ,Risu did strike at her back.
Poor Zeta she already had to deal with physical thingy and now she had to deal with this bullshrit hahahhahahahahahshahaa
Dimana ada masalah, disitu ada gen 1 yg siap komporin biar makin besar masalahnya wkwkwk
They’re human is not lie
But they also upgraded (A God, A cat, a Demon Lord)
Harem life is tough
Meanwhile her first wife: “first time? 🙂”
At this rate the new server will be filled with houses for Kaela’s evergrowing harem.
Nah, this is why having more than one wife is a big responsibility. If you give one house to one, you have to give a house to the others as well, the same price, the same size. Having polygamous marriage is not all about seggs, it’s your ability to provide the same to all of them.
But Im sure Kaela has no problem in providing the same for all of them. This is the first lesson for her to be a good and responsible husband/wife to them all haha.
kaela digging her own grave
Kaela : “All Gen 3 Members are Hooman”
Clippers & their fans : “Yeah right” *Showed a cat, a penguin, & a water fountain pict
Abunda Tisu, The Forgotten Girlfriend XD
Our bestie Yopi though, even though her wife(Moona) is cheating on her, she’s still loyal. Now you know who to choose as your wife XD
Zeta as the 1st wife :
Kaela needs to learn that most polyamorous relationship doesn’t work lol.
Waifu sharing system= lots of drama
Kaela with the other members
Moona : Wife
Risu : ex Wife (Forgotten)
Iofi : Crush
Oliie : Crush / Wife
Reine : Girlfriend
Anya : Rival
Zeta : First Wife (Always Jealous)
Kobo : Babysitter
01:22 – you know exactle from whom Ollie got that laugh.
Remember guys having a harem has its consequences :^)
Ain’t this the same shit that happened to Ollie? XD
Iya iya zeta
Waifu sharing system only flaw…
its hard to making every harem members happy…
Reine: why am I here?
I’m tired Zeta is really cute and sounds adorable 😊
Moona kompor wkwkwkw
But her 1st wife is zeta 😂😂
Let’s hope it didn’t end up like school days
The Strongest Harem King is Nene, no one can’t beat her husband collection.
Actually The first Kaela’s wife is Zeta 😂
Wait Gen 3 has humans?
Elagator is suffering from having too much wife. Should have learned from Nenechi xD
1:21 Ollie’s laugh 🤣🤣
Aku pindahin gunung buat kamu
*Moon 1st, ollie 2nd, risu gf
Zeta the forgotten one: AKU CAPEK
That a big drama with everyone’s relationship and then there are the kids who are in the middle of all that.
Harem in Nutshell
Main problem with harem in full display 🤣
I can’t believe kaela would do this, tho I can’t wait to see what happens in the next episode. Will kaela please her wives?