NEW Train Event – Train Yard Monument Loot & Puzzle Guide In 2022 | Rust Tutorial
A new update just released that added the train event, allowing you to get more loot than ever before. The trainyard was already a lucrative and rewarding monument but the new event has just made it even more desirable. Expect players to be using and abusing this new feature in the near future. We’ll look at the loot spawns, enemies, utilities, radiation, newly added train event, and how to complete the puzzle rooms.
00:00 – Intro
00:19 – Loot
00:46 – Enemies
01:41 – Utilities
02:06 – Radiation
02:32 – Tip: Light Switches
02:47 – Tip: Hiding Spot
03:18 – Tip: Tunnels
03:33 – Train Event
03:46 – Train Event: Wagons
04:43 – Train Event: Transportation
05:23 – Train Event: Extraction
06:16 – Puzzles
07:36 – Final Notes
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—-Epidemic Sounds—-
1. Fugent – Lupus Nocte
2. Fights – AGST
3. VHS Hero – Lofive
4. V1RGO – Patrik Almkvisth
@ Epidemic sounds:
Taqs:rust train event,rust new event,rust train vacuum,rust wagons,rust train extraction,rust,rust train yard,rust monument,rust train yard monument,train yard,train yard monument,rust loot,rust train yard loot,rust train yard puzzle,rust train yard guide,rust train,rust train yard tutorial,rust train yard help,rust train yard crates,rust early loot,Jfarr,tips,rust tips,rust early game,rust train yard radiaition,rust info,how to play rust
コメント (51)
In my opinion train yard is the most op monument in the game
the train even is just too much work and risk for how little you actually get
Bro nobody cares about all the other stuff just show us how to do the card room ffs
I wanted to buy rust and by seeing your videos I only want to buy it more
Anyone know when this is coming to console?
what the server ?
I don’t remember this having enemys
Thank you for the guide, one question though as i am currently using the train event on a low pop server to semi-farm resources but how much time does it take for resource/fuel/crate carts to respawn or is there a way for them to respawn naturally?
Fun fact you don’t need a green card for the event you can go up to one of the doors and I believe depending on yoir settings there’s a small gap for them and you can press the button to open the door from the outside
wow im super impressed i thought i was watching shadow at first but i like this guy too
don’t forget to add “don’t forget the neckbeards that camp literally every corner of every monument” Blows my mind more content creators don’t talk about how dangerous monuments are, nobody’s worried about a scientist. Talk about the people that just camp monuments and wait for you to run keys and how they end up being pretty much a waste of time for any solo/duo that’s not on a solo/duo only server. That’s the real info.
That is a JANKY looking GP 38
Could u do a genetics video
How in the hell do you only have 43k subs! Your videos are so well edited and so informative. I DONT EVEN PLAY RUST and ive watch so many of your vids. You’re amazing man 🙂
I can already imagine how many team invites this guy gets, he litteraly knows every single aspect of the game
✔️ ᵖʳᵒᵐᵒˢᵐ
completely underrated channel, i recommend you to everyone new and old, keep up the good work buddy!
For console it is an underrated monument with at least 4 military crates
Thank you make this video , i love this game , but i dont have much time play it
Jfarr u underrated‼️
Hey man its JD coming for the average 5 year check up. loving the vids !
when will console rust get these updates? 🙁
Great video, shame it’s not worth the effort
another well made and extremely helpful guide top quality!
I love train fights one of the best updates yet
Bro Jfarr your actually
so much help brother, love your videos you explain everything so clearly and the video itself is just really well done. Keep up the good work.
How do do you change the direction of the train tracks
I love u jfarr!!
Your videos really helped me understand how to progress in rust fast when i had only a few hundred hours. I watched every single video of yours and by 500 hours I knew how to funny complete the puzzle of every monument and what every event in the game does. Love your work and editing style, ill still watch ur content even know i have 2500 hours and know how the game works 🙂 never stop uploading plzzz
Another lit vid from jfarr we appreciate you making a tip tricks video for us all to watch
ey, i’m notice you change you’re logo
Only reason am alive
i love your vids dont stop
Great video as usual 👍
I feel like all the carts need a buff as finding and then getting them too the train yard without getting killed is really risky and there would be people camping to steal or kill you when you leave the room.
I love these videos great editing
jfarr you will dog more or cat?
Survivors are the best servers in eu
New logo looks good!!
You are so underrated! You deserve more subs and views.
Love you’r vids👍
Awesome video! I was looking forward to this one
does the armored workcart have the same power as the regular work cart? also great guide
You’ve helped me so much, thanks man
You’ve been a help since I started playing. Keep it up man!
Did not expect u to post this so fast…also u sound diffrent
i LiKe TrAiNs