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#rust #rustpvp #taunted
Taqs:rust,taunted,raiding,recoil,rustzerg,solo,solorust,wipe,wipeday,RUST RECOIL,PVP,RAID,ONLINERAID,ONLINERAIDING,experience,sologameplay,rustsologameplay,soloraid,soloraiding,OVERPOWERD,TRAINS,RUSTCONSOLE,facepunch,forcewipe,ecoraid,soloduotrio,rustoria,rustafied,hackers,m249,snowball,duo,blooprint,stevie,frost,how to,hours rust,crazy raid defense,solo deep,stealing loot,koreans,chinese,rust movie,revenge,rust clan,rust new update,rust raids,pvp,taunted rust,rustpvphighlights
コメント (149)
Youre a true Sweaty 😂 i dont think any other YouTuber plays with as much intensity as you. Respect
what server is this
half this vid is just Oil rig
That 2×1 placement at the start made me stop the vid. Nothing worse than turning up to a nice build location only to have some starter base ruining it, fite me.
The fortnite part was very funny
How has dude not got 100000M subs?
Thank you for raiding those guys, they were so annoying
By far the best rust player
what is that background music at 21:34
saw your pov! i was so mad how i got insta (my headgear was joke). ggs on smoil though also nice video!
You are a god player bro !!!
what server were you playing on?
has box of comps “we didnt have many comps”
Bros from flordia 🔥 yooo shoutout from Polk county
Why can i only watch it in 480p? Sorry man but i can’t watch that shit 😂
want to see you and gorliac
garbage replay
lets goooo
Why would you play rust only to do rig an monuments to lose it all in a wipe i only enjoy rust because off raiding and getting raided
Great vid but too much time on oil rig in my opinion
Yooooo making them believe you only had bows was a crazyyyy play
your teammate is so shit
I’m fairly new to Rust, but I’m almost positive that it is easier to break a wood foundation than the TC?
Nice content !
Surely it would have been easier to brake the wooden foundation instead of the TC
This is the first video i seen by you cuz i just startted rust and this is nice content insta follow❤
18:25 that body flying through the air and landing on captains had me dead ☠️
GG bro, My name was”I Hate Rust” and was your neighbor. You were a demon and great pvp at Silo, we got each other a few times. Keep up the great content, love what you do!
bro got fortnitet
bro really started playing fortnite mid-fight 1:30 in
They wY you talk to your team mate reminds me sebbyk and Zora you don’t let him play continuosly telling gim what to do
They are different
Had a good ass time in rustafied odd built f6 controlling power plant sad we didn’t run into eachother on oil.
Pls drop a base tutorial that shits fire
the 90s were so funny
Wouldn’t it have been quicker for them to go for the soft side foundy under tc instead of tc?
Esa Escaramuza es de otro nivel 🤯
Nice name, rip juice
You did bro dirty pushing him off the cargo ladder when you were driver 😂
Where did you suddenly get the semies from tho, we need some context
Bro, both of you guys are absolutely disgusting!!! Some of these plays y’all make are just unreal bro this is definitely some of the best PVP I’ve seen in a while just straight domination station.. Your intuition and positioning is just unreal in fights
Sorry but there are better duos
I’m glad to see the twitch skins in use. My game looks like butt 💀
“There role players “ 😂
ngl, your solo/duo vids are much better than the clan ones.
Like the black n clown fit
your duo content is easily the best. i was erect the entire time!
Bro was playing fortnite at the start 🤣🤣
You guys are awesome I really in joyed this video
Cheating ?
china might have been luckyllama
Sheeeeesh I’m gassed this is over a hour
I thought this was blooprint for a second 💀
ngl used to love watch taunted vids but as of recently his spray control seems a little unrealistic….
Yes! finally a new good video to watch!
23:14 blazed
42:40 luckyllama
I Been waiting for your upload bro. Thanks🎉
wish this dude didn’t script his videos 🙁
almost best duo, imagine if u walked into posty or aloneintokyo gettin smashed by one of them
Some of the best content in rust right now is being produced on this channel.
we got Tarzan here raiding using a tree
50 degrees pfft it’s currently 6 feels like -6 degrees here
You know its a good day when Taunted drops a new vid
Dude i waited for your vid holy, only videos i can watch rn without getting bored❤
i love your videos dude i wish you posted more often😢
50:14 how do i do that where you put the clothes on instead of putting them into your inventory?
Me and my pookie way better
Kinda sus how they come full inv to small rig
49:53 😱…🚁⤵….🤕🤣
We love Taunted and Kaldo❤
Like and subscribe!
Why does bro sound 6’4 250
You continously hover looting while being full inven annoys me so much lmao
do a base tutorial
Yes you might be a rust degenerate… but we appreciate it😂❤️
thought you were playing with hJune with that thumbnail haha
Now I can sleep peacefully coz of your video 😪
ım playing roblox rust ım so poor
you and your boyfriend are so cute together!!~~~ cuteness overload!!!! <3
Bro I swear you have paid actors in your videos what server were you playing with this amount of BOTS! 🤣
does anyone know the base name that they raided at the end?
Hey can you share a video about your settings? or controls I need some help and tips about rust.
LETS GOOOOOO one of my favorite rust creators
Great video Haunted 🙂
He really started cranking 90s on those poor guys😂
which server is this seems cool
57:40 WHY SO MUCH AMMO ON THAT GUY. He is not him
Kaldo 🥰
Using a tree as a FOB is crazy lmfao
Old Mongolia ass prim fighting lmao
imagine i am making them on a little albome book
Bro taunted classic I can already tell
“I’m in, are you in?”🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
i love your videos
probleme i dont have rust
btw i got u a good base designe 3×3 for u
W ass upload
bro was cracking 90s at the start
best youtuber love u
i love ur content
was watching till minute 3:55 found fucking rocket launcher in small box. hate videos when they joining late in server and sayin “snowballin” or smth.
Man I love you😂❤
lets gooooo
I don’t think you’re at 109k…
That shipping things to safe zones with shops is so stupid lol Rust is completely fucked. what a shit game it has become xD Facepunch really needs to remove safe zones and go back to the old pvp system & remove electric, turrets & all vehicles. there’s 0 risk involved anymore.
love your videos, but those gambling sides are so stupid
You know the players good when they sound dead inside
This vid reminds me of bang bros
W new vid
You smell like toast, Mark.
tac you are an inspiration for me and how i feel for rust.
i edge to these amazing videos
It feels unreal to be this early
Best rust content creator ❤
ahh the fornite start…
Ahhh here go again
how kaldo s character is named?
0:05, I’m in too as a viewer
Here before this masterpiece blows up
the best
chat i might be late by 7 minutes
Use me for a like button
The way he thought it was Fortnite in the beginning
cant believ it 10 min ago i was like broo ne taunted vids
video good can say spoonkid classic
ahhhh missed kaldo glad you two played back together
love the content everytime!! my top 3 inspiration for also making rust videos if anyone wants to help a brother out with a like
I love you taunted
ez first to watch
Can you play with clan❤
Let’s goooooo 🎉🎉🎉
Holy early tf
Watched already in x10000 speed and it’s banger