The Rust Review 2023!
Grab your own Backbone here! – https://go.playbackbone.com/e/shadowfraxqr
A fun review of all the major things that happened in Rust in 2023!
Get 30% OFF your RUST server with Pine Hosting now! Use code SHADOWFRAX and my link here: https://pine.host/shadowfrax
Linky links
✔️Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shadowfrax
✔️Teespring store: https://teespring.com/stores/shadowfrax
✔️Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/shadowfrax
✔️Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shadow_frax
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System specs:
CPU – AMD Threadripper 3970X
GPU – TUF Gaming Geforce RTX 3080
Mobo – ROG Zenith II Extreme
RAM – 64GB D60G RGB 3600
Drives – Firecuda 1TB/Ironwolf 14TB
PSU – EVGA Supernova 1000G+
CPU block – Cooler Master ML360
Case – Lian Li 011 Dynamic special edition
Mic – RØDE NT1
Stay tuned to my channel for tips, tutorials, reviews, news, updates, walkthroughs and gameplay for survival games and city builders
Games within games: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCquKn8PnQd7_-fxAHPR8vZ5
Rust update: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCq_BKRLmqhyHEZvAvVuffAl
Concept limbo: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCpr1D_neFp0eYG6ggsZyUuM
The Rust back-story: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCrS0HMYaS_Js00nPECOu3Rq
Gameplay footage from Rust PC 2023
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Rust font created by and used with kind permission of Ben Kohan
#rust #facepunch #shadowfrax #2023
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コメント (157)
Grab your own Backbone here! – https://go.playbackbone.com/e/shadowfraxqr
The best thing that could happen to Rust is if Facepunch ditched the Unity engine. It will probably never happen, but one can dream.
Animal husbandry and decaying food wen?
…Keep adding more useless content to the game which helps big teams….meanwhile the game is a batshit(horses lagging already 3 years, facepunch cant fix it xD also never work on anticheat system its great that 30-40% of the player base are cheating or been cheating in the past.
Official servers with spinbotting cheaters flying, and we need a DCL and electrical furnaces! Good job rust developers! Morons whom never played the game.
After the aim update i literarly thought u cannot ruin the game more..but somehow.. you could managed to do it! Great job!
But yet you can’t play rust on steam deck…….
10 years of pay to win content
Thank you Shadowfrax for your consistency & dedication for 10 full years on Rust!
You are equally a legend and make millions of players playthroughs so much better by educating us! <3
I paid $5 for this game in 2013, and the devs been developing non-stop for 10 years!! Amazing devs!
BUT, Hackers have RUINED the game completely! They have programs that are not detected by Anti-cheat/EAC and will NOT get VAC’d!!!
Now Facepunch Server Ban only bans for 3 days, then they can join again!
They have full ESP on your Body Inventory, your user Name on Map, Your TC placement, Your Lootboxes, Aim Bot!!!
Game is broken & unwinnable.
Facepunch DO BETTER!!!
I payed 9.99 for this game nearly 10 years ago. Pretty sure I got my moneys worth.
So many updates this year, ut not one that pulls me back to play the game.. Just want more base build options.. Like waterbases even underwater bases.. More Guns ect.. Hope Next year is going to be even better!
They game is becoming so unbalanced and people don’t explore or RP anymore. Everyone just lives in their bases and offline raids.
Wood shacks are by far one of the goofiest, dumbest updates this game has ever seen.
Yeah lets just completely disregard any design conventions and existing systems.
Thats like as if minecraft added a fully built 3d house item you can just place down that isnt even made out of blocks.
I just got in to rust. I gotta say, coming in fresh at this point has been sublime. Love the game.
Am I the only crazy one who thinks that since it is not a free game, nothing should be important and paid? That is to say, Dota 2 is free and all the skins in the store are cosmetic.
If they dont stop adding all this nice and stupid stuff they gonna shoot themselfs in the foot. Because there is no reason for rust 2
building skins are Definity the highlight of the year!
Bring back old recoil bring back old rust plz no pay to win skins no bs Workbenches I miss the good old rust
I play solo/duo, and auto smelting with electric furnace is the only addition we use. No complaints, we still enjoy the game, but a lot of unnecessary bells and whistles now.
Enabling the chat will introduce you to a lively community 🤠
I wish I wanted to play. Love Rust even when I’m not playing. Devs going crazy there’s just something missing these days. Maybe it’s just friends and time to play. I hated those arguments for WoW though and I still ay Classic happily.
windows 8.1 is underrated
DLC of the month. Can’t keep doing it, it’s a dlc every month now. 😂 Love it.
The worst year, made me quit the game after 8k hours. just shoving stuff that does not make sense or fit the game, dlc after dlc after dlc to milk people
They add things to the game and do not improve the quality of the game or the solution fps
Review rust console 2023
10 years of spergs cheating with esp to detect people with good loot and bases worth raiding. shameless kids heading for an early overdose.
“looks like doom trying to run on a digital thermometer” XD
Worst state of the game ever
The industrial update changed and fixed some of my biggest complaints I had with vanilla rust so I call that a 10/10
Ha ha I noticed that 10 years of flying.
“Perfect for trap bases” lol. You don’t miss a trick dude. Merry Christmas Shadowmeister!
*Insert 10 years worth of pies for the one and only Horse of Darkness and Rust updates*
Shadowfrax, thank you for all you’ve done in covering Rust. Theres been times where [after a couple thousand hours in the game] I took breaks from Rust but always watched your update videoes – which have acted as a means to inspire and get me back on to see exactly what they’ve input into the game for myself!
Sincerely, 10 years of constant updates… I don’t know a game dev team thats so attentative! Where, I can forgive them the swings and misses [or sheer amount of DLC’s] – especially where it feels like many of the things I have suggested / would have liked to have seen in the game: they’ve pretty much included!
Though, I feel like I’m forever going to be waiting on Apple trees, Barbed wire [agriculture/base defence] and a Chicken Coop! Just as you’re waiting for cooking pies Shadowfrax! Maybe one of these hackweeks will come up fruitful [or… pieful]. Either way! Albeit I jump on from time to time and not as much as I once did – I sincerely appreciate all that the devs have put into the game for us to be able to get so much out of it.
Cariad fawr o Gymru a gadw i fyny’r waith dda brawd! Much love from Cymru [Wales] and keep up the good work brother! x
I Forgot about the attack chopper. Great video
you sound exactly like Provoked Prawn !
if you want your gameplay ruin by cheaters and scripters rust is your game.
10 years of p2w skins and dlcs
I guess the devs think that shoving new stuff constantly makes the game better but I feel like all this just made it worse
Been about a year since i quit rust. have to say watching all our videos, it was a good time to stop.
Fights at locked crates on cargo and rig suck compared to the old land based pvp fights at the old monuments
No matter how much time passes, it will always remain my main game!
i have to change my pc now i can’t play with 60 fps! At least my pc is from 2014…
But i hope in the future a massive optimization!
2024 the year they finally address EAC, ffs it’s broken af.
does anyone here remember the first week of rust’s release? I do it was a mess stability wise it ran fine but as for cheater it only took 2 days before they exploded everywhere the devs claimed to be running punkbuster when it was never actually running it was a few weeks before there was an actual anti cheat on the game
Not a word on Unity? That was quite a moment. Merry Christmas Mr Frax
Does the Backbone 1 also work on Droid phones? The website is conflicting
HOw do I get the handheld device ? the gameboy
Dead game in the making, 2025 will have more p2w items, can’t wait to buy new weapons as DLC that will just shoot better. It will go well with my hazmat that does cold better
The year I finally stopped playing rust due to the lack of optimization and such excessive loading times.
Best sense of humour on my subscription list!
would it be wrong for you to except… 100 dollars to play rust with a stranger for and hour…. you should do it.. most would pay it… i would
Your descriptions of everything i wish i could say are so spot on, that i have a massive bronner for you .. lubs ya shadow
“Truly portable suffering” LOL…Truer words never spoken!
I was here
mad to think after 6 years of gd memorys the game has fallen off and i do miss the old game days with the boyz up for 36+ hours on wipe day what a time
They should do a load time comparison every year since release to show how much worse it’s gotten.
The cheaters are destroying this game
Hahaha _’10 yrs of cheating’_ 😂 I really miss Rust but i know if i keep watching or trying to play a _bit_ it would just be more painful…. like window-shopping for something you really love and want…. UGH! 😡 Having said all that, devs have RUINED Rust for YEARS now. *It **_was_** a perfect game like chess, quite a while ago – then they just kept adding unnecessary bells n’ whistles and it looks like they will keep doing this until it’s the most convoluted mess ever!*
*_Anyway, Kudos and Merry Humbug & Happy New Year to you SHADOWFRAX!_*
*OH WOW! Somethings i wanted for AGES!!!! (double saddles & parachutes!!!) actually got done!!!!!*
Man, i didnt even play rust this year, wish i did now.
The breadboard would be amazing
dude steam link is so fricken cool, i forgot about that lol
Thank you mr shadowfrax and the rust devs for your commitment to our great game. Merry christmas everyone
The year of the cash grab.
Game is turning into pay2win. I don’t care about the money and have bought everything before, but I will not support p2w crap. I have zero respect for anyone that supports it by buying things like arctic suite DLC.
phone smooth 10fps
uf british humour …..
Terrible company, absolutely pathetic. Fire them all
Great year. Can’t wait for more P2W dlc’s next year
at least the recoill i normal. use to be insanely bad.
understand you, thx
new map with all new monuments, bring back recoil patterns please, and yeah, ill be happy with that 🙂
2022: Surely rust can’t get worse
2023: It got worse.
voxel raiding better stay as a concept.
is february really spelled like that where u live it looks so weird
does anyone know if you can actually play rust on the backbone?
Brilliant game it has a little bit of everything for everyone and with the modded servers any play style is possible . Plus the fact facepunch are one of the best dev teams! What other game gets Qol and patches every two weeks with out fail!!?? Better win labour of love this year so get voting on steam!
10 years of cheating not cheeting
Thank you SHADOWFRAX and FACEPUNCH. Hopefully this year we r going to get finally NO WIPE SERVER so we can actually have all this goods they giving us every month. Its sad to completely finish base just to get it wiped. Its fun in the start but after 7000 hours I would say: Wipe is unnecessary.
Holy crap, an ad I watched and didn’t mind. What.
somebody needs to pump the E-BRAKES hard asap! Dont jump into the same river with the other big games being silly and ruined.
putting a snowmobile in orbit was a high point for me 🙂
have a great Christmas all 🙂
This year was really good, I think the only thing I dont like is the ability to out bags inside tugboats
where did you get zed out of ptz?
10 years and all i want is the old recoil me and all the players that have a mind
I was playing on Windows 7 until steam decided they’ll no longer support the best OS microsoft ever crapped out in the last 15 years… :'(
“Looks like Doom running on a digital thermometer” 😂😂😂😂
tl;dw mostly greed, good job facepunch 👍
I love looting. 😊🎉❤
Changing recoil was the biggest mistake they made. If you look at the charts the game has lost lots of players since then.
I paid $20 for this game that kept adding stuff for 10 years. I didn’t like all the changes, but overall, it’s been the gift that kept on giving. There’s now so many paths to take as a play strategy now. Thanks guys.
The face ppl can play rush on phone and I am happy if I get stable 50fps…
Btw before the abyss dlc torches and candle hats were functional under water – devs decided to block that option for a pay to win dlc 😉
yup 10 years of all that and still havent touched grass
“10 years of CHEATING” you absolute SAVAGE
When will there be a DLC that will protect us against hackers?
can you give me free rust for my birthday 🥲✨
10 years of hackers, thanks rust devs for converting all the closet scripters to hackers
689th like
All I can say is… no one asked, rust developers please listen
the backbone is cool but priced too high (120€ ), you can buy a dedicated android console or a non android used one
Legacy Rust still holds the fondest memories for me, the feeling it had is something New Rust still hasnt been able to replicate.
I still say the below ground network is useless. I would rather see them get rid of or simplify it, and expand the above ground network to have more to do, such as scrapping empty cars at the junkyard, loading ore cars at the excavator pit, maybe loading tanker cars at an oil refinery monument or something, idk. And more spurs to other monuments, making the rail network a viable method of transport. As a mod, i think buildable tracks could be cool. Build your own spur off the main line to your base, through a gate or whatever. Could be fun.
I’m pretty annoyed by the way they completely sold their souls the second OTV brought so many eyes to the game
*sings* “All I want for RUST Christmas is a Dirigible ! A Dirigible ! A good Dirigible..!”
You can’t play Rust on mobile or am I missing something
Forgot the Xmas 🎄 drop’s
10 years raiding me when i got a poo
this game took the worst turn a game could take, the rotting golden egg, i bet you more than anything, their low priority list is actually all the critical meta problems that they dont wanna look at, kinda like being able to place doors over placeables, prolly took less then a day to fix/implement actually, and yet its finally put in after years of complaints
Merry Christmas Shadowfrax
Rust is finished, it was never built to deal with the current issues. It’s dead.
What do you mean Turrets were nerfed “somewhat” by limiting to 12 active ones? If by “somewhat” you mean that FacePunch handed Rust over to hackers by taking away legit players’ only defense to ESP and aimbot. Than you are correct.
Like playing doom on a digital thermometer 🤣🤣🤣
To Review: Cheating in Rust has only gotten worse this year. Thanks for nothing FacePunch
2018 the good old days:((
Awd-it didn’t let me have a 2% discount 😢 they only let me have 1%.
10 years of complaints more like…
I was in it from around the start and I remember building pillars on the middle of foundations just so no one could build to the top and raid down on your base. It started with ddos atks and making the server slow. Then you would be hiding in your base and get killed through the walls.
10 Years of roofcamping nakeds
Big up the server hosts and other YouTubers I noticed in your top supporters. Big respect to them for that!
A full year and absolutely nothing done about the cheating problem that is bringing this game to it’s knees.
The amount of people that quit or don’t get into the game because of the cheating is outrageous.
“10 years of cheating” is right.
In legacy ore nodes used to make you fly. LOL
Cheating cheating and more cheating. Do not buy this game .
Going back and watching these videos feels like going to a dead relatives gravestone and putting coins on it
Not often I make it to a Shadowfrax video before 5k views!
dogshit year just facepunch showing their true colors
also the year where they only added stuff to get and 0 stuff to do….
and the year before rust dies off
They should really flesh out existing monuments imo. Power plant and Airfield feel like such a waste. Also: proton support please please please.
Who plays games in gloves? Hella sus Shadowfrax….
Thank you for all the videos shadowfrax this year. Merry christmas!
if you look carefully you can see how the game is getting worse and worse with updates
The past 2 years updates in Rust have been the worst.
I wasted a 1/3rd of my year on this game! Congrats everyone that was here with me.
Rust definitely is way different than it was back in 2016, when I started playing.
For Christmas they should add helicopters to console addition
10 years of cheating had me rolling
New gunplay was the worst thing to ever happen to rust.
10 years not not fixing cheats
Windows 8 playing rust is Crazy
The building skins might be the best dlc they’ve ever added
10 years of not listening to the community
i like rust 🙂
I’ve missed so much
Feels like this year was pretty quiet. Feels like a lot of people are getting bored
Adding more stuff means games is better !!!! must be true
Les goo
still no pies 🙁
Let’s goo