The LAST Rust Drama


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  • コメント (179)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • Ayush
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    rust’s soap opera

    • George Fosbery
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Meritocracy is the only sane way to go. “Community” amounts to nothing without giants like dtolnay.

    • Adam Bright
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Come feed the rain
    ‘Cause I’m thirsty for your love
    Dancing underneath the skies of lust
    Yeah, feed the rain
    ‘Cause without your love, my life
    Ain’t nothing but this carnival of rust

    This song is not endorsed by Rust Foundation

    • eltreum1
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    A 27-minute analysis of a clinic in weasel language used to tear someone down they don’t like for nerd ego wars…but he didn’t want to make drama.

    • Yaksher
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    This is so fucking unhinged to me because calling what David did a “supply chain attack” implies that there was a, y’know, attack. It’s so fundamentally stupid because what he did
    – did not create any significant new vulnerabilities, just used one that has existed in proc macros… always
    – did not do anything malicious

    What he did
    – sped up compilation times
    – demonstrated a vulnerability in the way proc macros work

    Demonstrating that a vulnerability exists is not an attack, you fucking dumbasses. Demonstrating that a vulnerability exists to get people to fix it (if that even was what he was doing, rather than y’know, speeding up compilation times by a lot in a language with infamously slow compilation times) is not terrorism or anything of the sort. It’s not his fault that a vulnerability exists.

    • Kristopher Driver
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    It’s just… programming… Fair, be annoyed and talk about it, but what’s with making it so personal??? Everyone is being bioches. Seriously, this is elementary school bs, just talk about things as things, opinions as opinions, and feelings as feelings. People can have feelings and discuss them, and we can disagree, but we can also acknowledge that’s the healthy thing to do. None of this needs to be personal, ever.

    • n0xx
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    So many FOSS projects had their potential squandered due to the ceaseless bickering of neurotic individuals…. And I can’t help to see Rust heading down that exact same path.

    • Nate Crum
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    the main author of this seems like the worst type of person to have in your community. The guy apologized, for doing nothing wrong, just move on.

    • Stacklysm
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    This is insane, how can people with this level of reasoning and emotional maturity be the head of the language with most potential on our times?
    Seems like most of this council needs to step away from the keyboard for a good while

    • Alberto Armando
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I just bought a Rust course. A little bit of drama now and then, won’t hurt, LOL. But seriously, I want to learn the language.

    • phani rithvij
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    The people behind the language are as complex as the language.

    • k98killer
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Rust “community” seems like a cult run by a circular firing squad.

    • Roko567
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    this alonely dude sounds autistic tbh. He’s saying things that any healthy adult would cringe at and seems to have no self awareness

    • ondono
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    The Rust community showing it has 10 narcissists for each engineer of David’s caliber.

    The language is great, but the community is a dumpster fire ruled by a bunch of cliques.

    • Dexter Man
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Wow these people who ask people to step down jeez. How high is their horse.

    • sack
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    “I **HATE** drama but…” nobody who has said this was ever telling the truth

    • kirglow
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Everyone just needs to chill, stop, breathe fresh air, touch grass, let go of the drama and let people improve

    • Ozkifov Xvypyvp
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Thanks for discussing the drama in a reasonable manner.

    • ryan lee martin
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Rust was great language.

    • RoboNator
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Minor critique here with calling it a “binary payload”, I mean that just sounds malicious as *_HELL_* . Wasn’t it literally just “I’m making this ship as a binary to dramatically reduce build times, you can use the source if you want but it’ll be it’s own thing”? Yes “binary payload” would technically be acurate, but if I was delivering baby formula to you and said “here’s the chemical payload” what would *_you_* think was in the box I just handed you?

    Oh also, “period outside the quotation”, I ain’t quoting your punctuation FFS. The only reason internal punctuation took over is because when writing text by-hand if you put the punctuation outside of the quote then you either need to move forward, write it, then move back diagnonally, draw the quotes, then move back down/forward diagnonally enough tos kip over the punctuation to keep writing. Compared to writing the text, writing the punctuation, moving up, writing the quote, moving down and continuing. It’s easier to write, that doesn’t mean it makes any sense. Yes, I am fully willing to die on this hill, along with dying on the hill of PEJMDAS.

    • Vladyslav Karasov
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Oh the IRONY. Considering whoever was responsible for downgrading the talk thought themselves a “self-made ambassador” as well.

    • isodoublet
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    “I made this”
    “you made this?”
    “I made this”

    — The Rust Project

    • Ead wacer
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Rust is alright, cargo is dumb.
    Rust should just allow importing from a GIT repo rather than a central repo and manager.

    • complexity
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    You know those Myers-Briggs tests you take during a college orientation or at a new job; the rust leaders don’t have the good letters.

    • Dr Ok
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    > too much drama
    > in a programming language
    Not using it
    Simple as

    • David Skrundz
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Tolnay used to be cool but now he’s just a prick with an ego that’s too large to handle

    • Keyboard G
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Projects run by councils almost always end up like this. Political disaster and infighting.

    • TEAM PHY6
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Don’t feel bad for David, he’s probably being pressured/blackmailed by some state actor to normalize binaries. Asking him to step down can be his way out.

    • Math Fun and Games
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Two choices: 1) use Rust and have to deal with drama that will harm it in the future. Wasting time on an unstable platform run by politics not common sense.
    2) find a better alternative with no drama that is not being run by children. I would be insane to devote myself to this language when there are so many alternatives. Haskell maybe? Any other alternatives come to mind?

    • complexity
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    David is like one of the 4 horseman of rust….LOL. That guy holds one of the 4 pillars of the rust community’s cornerstoness…..LOL All this side action is hilarious to me. Hilarious….Its like a soap opera for programmers. He’s probably one of the only ones that hasn’t been bought off; he has too many keys, so now they have to annex his projects. Now I know why I was skeptical. What if he had patent his software (or used a different license)?

    • Filiformis
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    You don’t have these problems among C programmers because the language gatekeeps itself. The only people who use it are those that are comfortable with a little danger. Drama generally is propelled by people’s innate desire to pay attention to things they view as being a threat, but C programmers are comfortable with existing in a dangerous environment and not making a big deal about it so there’s no foothold for drama to latch on to. Compare this to Rust’s primary selling point and you can easily see why the Rust community is so drama obsessed.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    • Johnny MayHymn
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    is it time to fork rust? fork tooling? it’s all open source

    • escacarlos
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Rust foundation, leadership is as annoying as the rust compiler/borrow checker!

    • Илья Малеки
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I literally want to hurt the self proclaimed ambassador of the community, no wonder rust org is so drama-inducing. If I were around a person like that day to day I would turn into a monster, the seed of evil is already there. Maybe a more democratic approach to management would disable these horrible people’s voices from being too loud? As in, drown out the ahole’s opinion in a million decent ones

    • Philip Martin
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    A high school weenie attacks one of the most productive people in a community while claiming to hate drama.

    It’s like a farmer saying he hates crops!

    • Schüler der Philosophie und Ökonomie
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    All this drama results because all this guys don’t have enough sex.

    • David Masaka
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    the last of rust

    • Geoff Cureton
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Woof, that was a lot. Like “reading the comment section on NextDoor”. The OP was flinging out speculation-as-factual-assertion like they got the value box at Costco.

    • Kyle Manning
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    The problem is not his apology. The problem is that we are talking about R-r-R ust (Kapuuiii GET that stuff out of my mouth). Haven’t we learned our lessons over the past few months what kind of sinkhole that whole foundation and it’s leaders are forming. Lets just cut our losses and move on to better things. … OCaml, Zig, and friends.

    • Joe Hacobian
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    class Millennial extends Boomer {
    constructor(super) {
    this.principalFlaw = new EmotionalDisregulation();
    this.moralRot = new Capricious(wokeness);

    • – Hall Minotaur –
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    When you’re releasing more drama than the JavaScript ecosystem is releasing frameworks you’re really cooking 😎

    • lampros Pitsillou
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    The “I have no enemies”-gen

    • Scramble
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    alonely0 is a high schooler and is the self-proclaimed ambassador to the rust community

    • Erick Moya
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    These are just the result of woke politics into software.

    • Kersich86
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    if you would change the word rust with furry in this whole video it would fit perfectly.

    • Alles Är Fint
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Something that I want to point out is the more level headed approach Prime had for this drama compared to that of the trademark one, is nice to see that he’s trying to not stir up more drama and provides more thoughtful comments on the issue.

    • doresearchstopwhining
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Prime’s take on nerd drama is always the best. Dorks can be the biggest snowflakes and we need people to call them out on their BS. Thank you prime for your service.

    • pif502
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I need a Rust history book. The battle of Serde.

    • Kimathi Kirimi
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I now understand Linus Torvalds attitude towards the open source community. You cannot make everyone happy. DT to continue with the good work and focus on making best crates possible. This is just madness

    • Frank Jonen
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Someone creates something for the Rust community.
    Rust Foundation: “This is ours now!”

    Five years later: “Why aren’t there new crates being developed?”

    • Brady Norrish
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    There will never be a last Rust drama.

    • Ramón FSM
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    As a person capable of reason and empathy (you wouldn’t understand)…

    • Aidenn [アイデン]
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I love how Prime is basically Programming Twitch’s Asmongold lmao

    • VCCS
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Why does it feel like that a certain >someone< (Alonely0) has a personal grudge, there is nothing objective. They are trying to spew their opinion as facts and law.

    • Fredrick DeMello
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am


    • Hakkology
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I just started learning Rust. Can someone tldr this for me ?

    • Q ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I don’t even ‘hello, world’ in rust. I’m here only for the drama

    • JupiterSky
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    What the hell is wrong with people? This guy is an invaluable resource and yet he’s been tied to the tracks. Also why is this kid being allowed to define David’s fate? This whole thing is just so idiotic.

    • Chris M
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    “Self nominated ambassador”? Give me a fucking break 😂
    Who tf does this guy think he is? The hubris is astonishing.
    “I hate drama” he says, then basically writes an article going full psychotic Karen.

    Edit: Turns out this is a high school kid. Makes sense.

    • B J
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Rust is great because it’s a great alternative for annoying people to use and stay away from the C and Haskell communities

    • NostraDavid
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Rust has so much drama – it clearly attracts the wrong people. It was on my list of things I still wanted to learn. Not anymore.

    • Kevin Wood
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    So is the Rust Council like the Knights of Ren?

    • Fabio Luiz Alvares Osti
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    My autistic brain can’t look at this and not make parallels to the French Revolution: some intellectuals were angry with the king (c++), created an alternative (rust), however, due to the revolutionary mindset, infighting and depotism took root and the revolutionary dragon bites it’s tail (again), now Robespierre (Rust Foundation) will, sooner or later, get the chop and Napoleon (go?) shall end up having to clean the mess

    • Tryout stuff
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    All this rust drama makes me want to change my project to go. It just feels like it’s gonna implode in on itself.

    • Puck Canuck
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Rust is great but this drama crap is completely unbecoming of something that is positioned to be a major player in creating technology. It’s so volatile. Can we just please stick to expressly improving the technology and language and leaving this superfluous stuff out?

    • Remiwi
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I stopped following all this drama so idrk what’s going on. I’m just bummed out bc I feel like ppl on the very edge of knowing what Rust is now think of it as the language with a bunch of drama around it…

    • victorarnault
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Do you know what I feel? Rust is to good and everybody else is trying to make fame of it, that’s why about all the drama.

    • Kevin in Phoenix
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Is Rust and programmers who use it too anally retentive to survive long term?

    • Pierre Brassart
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    This is genuinely insane to me. Why would you have a “community” around a language? It’s a fucking tool for fucks sake. Especially such a toxic community as rust’s

    • Cheeba Digga
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    at least there’s CrabLang

    • Raynet
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Not sure if they can just take those projects, I would assume they don’t own the project name and etc. Probably the only legally clear options are a) forking or b) removing those packages or c) getting permission to transfer the IP

    • Carlton Banks
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    lotta thought crimes going on

    • A W
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    This is what happens when you have a language community infested with super woketards. They cry about nonsense shit that hurts their feelings all day. It’s a super bad look for the language.

    • MegaMech
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Clearly, this guy is tired of working with David and finding every way possible to get rid of him. Yee

    • Simon Farre
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    It’s interesting to see Primeagen flip flop on the rust drama. Because the 1st one, it was codefluencers that basically blew up that whole keynote demotion thing – yet now, when dtolnay played a part in that mess, it’s all oopsie daisy with the opinion flip flopping. This is why involving one self in drama like this is stupid. And Primeagen has an audience, and like most of these code fluencers, that audience is full of sheep, regurgitating idiocy, creating what amounts to the comments that is being read in this video.

    Sigh. This is why one should stfu a bit more – that goes *particularly* for code-fluencers. Because they refuse, 10 times out of 10, to take *any* responsibility for the dumb takes they (and we all have, because we’re dumb monkey brained humans) have.

    • moumous
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    You guys live in your own world.

    • David Pesta
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Bullcrap. The period should have never been inside of the quotation marks. English is wrong and we should rebel.

    • Default Cube
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I love Rust, but management just _needs_ to take the biggest chill pill.

    • Em Te
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Unfortunately this is what happens when a large percentage of the development community is horrible at social interactions, combined with the protection people feel from typing stuff behind a keyboard.

    The person who wrote that post needs to take a step back and take a few breathes.

    • Ruslan Kovtun
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Oh so that is what Rust’s logo was for: to let people use it each time a dRama occurs.

    • DoomGuy
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Proud dork. It took me a while.

    • Pinaki Gupta
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    The responsibility of managing and maintaining crates and libraries should lie solely with the Foundation. To ensure security and quality control, new contributions should undergo rigorous testing and evaluation prior to release, preferably conducted by designated members of the Foundation or an external security audit farm. Build processes should be performed on multiple dedicated build servers (like F-Droid). As part of this process, precompiled binaries should be generated and made readily available to all users. Incremental changes to existing libraries should undergo the same verification process. By doing so, individuals won’t need to waste precious time waiting for lengthy compilations, which often prove challenging even on consumer-grade modern hardware configurations. The time saved could otherwise be allotted to the task at hand, called development. For instance, building the Helix text editor typically requires 20 minutes or more on recent dual-core machines. I often compile Helix on my 4th gen Intel dual-core desktop. Given that many users cannot afford cutting-edge hardware technology, such as expensive AMD Ryzen Threadripper CPUs, providing precompiled binaries represents a significant advantage in terms of accessibility and convenience. As a bonus, this will ensure security and peace of mind.

    • MjolnirsRevenge
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    TJ that’s not the way communism works. 17:20. Don’t be dumb. You mean authoritarian.

    • rocstar
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Yard, aka yet another rust drama

    • Mac Ignacio
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    90% of developer aren’t developers but library users. Those noisy kid are just hurting because of their favorite toy is ruined.

    • cowslaw
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    God I don’t fucking care anymore about this shit, it’s a fun language to use just leave it there

    • Vivraan
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I believe there are people increasingly dissatisfied with their existing language ecosystems who have become part of the growing Rust community and brought their scruples here. They aren’t creating the drama, but they sure are fuelling the dumpster fire high enough for me to take a whiff and feel the need for a gas mask.

    • Ataraxia_Atom
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Rust needs a BDFL

    • Jonny Oliveira
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Honestly, too many drama queens and throwing accusations around. After the pre compiled binary thing, it took 2 seconds for people to start digging up his personal life, there was even a crazy one accusing him of genocide ! Funny that before that no one cared about who he was, just used the thing he built for free. What a nasty and dishonest article, trully baffling how they just want heads to roll for no reason, the problem with Rust right now is the “Community”. The guy goes around demanding an apology like he’s owed something, INSANE !

    • WeakSpirit
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    god i just love it when people who “hate drama” stir up an entire concoction to snipe someone off a community. seen it happen too many times now in places least expected…

    • KitAstro
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    23:40 You know that he doesn’t know what he is talking about here. the situation is not at all similar

    • Theo
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Rust Foundation needs a better Developer Relations Engineer

    • bob mana
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Number one rule: Never apologize to the angry mob. It will only paint a bigger target on your back.

    • James Eze
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    What’s all the fuss?, just count from 1 to 10 and a new language will pop out.

    • Beryesa
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Rust is the red hat of programming languages now.
    Chaotic good or evil, you can’t be sure.

    • Paul Montag
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    These things make me like go even more. When they have drama they respond appropriately and as boringly as possible which makes things blow over.

    • Mr.Togrul – –
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Rust Council = Jedi Council
    Sith = Zig community
    “Use the Force” = AKA the borrow checker
    “Join the dark side” = AKA Manual Memory management

    • S3N7RY
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    If we were to split people into political camps on this one, I’m almost certain of how it would pan out.

    • Zenndragon
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Great language, worst council. Rust needs to stop all this high school drama case it’s spoiling the tech.

    • Nader Jafari
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Just disband Rust foundation and let ISO take it over already.

    • S3N7RY
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    “If I apologise for the obvious implication that this appears to be a witch hunt, that makes it not a witch hunt, you see”.

    This comes across as reddit-tier weaseling.

    • Narendra Patwardhan
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    As a selt-appointed community ambassador, fu ck the other one who shitted on David. Kinda sounds jealous.

    • Pinaki Gupta
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    It seems there’s a lot of cacophony (for valid reasons) going on surrounding the future direction of the Rust language, especially given the current leadership crisis at the Rust Foundation and Core Team. Many developers are raising valid concerns about the absolute state of Rust, including issues such as limited standardisation, the fragmentation of the project due to multiple controlling entities, and a perceived lack of responsiveness from the Rust leadership. People have taken to expressing their frustrations online, highlighting issues such as lack of standardisation, divisions within the foundation, and belligerent modes of communication between different groups involved with the language community (along with vile disregard for communities involving other languages. Example: Assembly/C/C++ users are human rights violators). These issues could potentially hinder the growth and adoption of Rust in the long run. However, it’s worth noting that projects like CrabLang, which was created as a fork of Rust, are working hard to address these very issues to provide more stability and sustainability for the language. Time will tell whether or not these efforts bear fruit, but it’s clear that the Rust community needs to work together towards common goals and find ways to bridge the divide caused by the leadership crisis. Let’s hope the Rust Foundation and Core Team will step up and lead this process effectively. Otherwise, keep in mind that developers are also end users, who might start looking elsewhere for alternatives, and who knows where the next big thing might come from?

    • DePhoegon Isle
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    You know…. they would never appologize, never admit their mistakes… and are effectively the worst of the left authoritarianism there is. Seriously, the undertone about ‘making sure that 3rd party crates don’t get too popular, and that someone doesn’t have control’ when in this situation is earned by being useful and beneficial to coding & a project and structure… is kinda like ‘If you do to good, we’ll take steps against you’.

    Seriously though, This seemed like the end goal, to discredit someone & take their major packages, than attempt to look like the good guys… while the one who was targeted was basically gagged and mugged, and all the people doing things against him some how have the exact same story…. the exact same story. (Like you don’t even get that from witnesses that are testifying against someone who held up a gas station).

    When stories start to appear as if the are identical and could legitimately be part of the same exact narrative & written by the same person with no deviations whatsoever….. That’s when I start looking at what isn’t be allowed to be talked about or said by those telling you ‘how it was’ & making assertions about what others said or are saying.

    Though I seriously got to ask this…. in what universe do people around a language library akin to c, c#, C++, java, etc.. like rust not think that cutting measurable time off of build projects from the language is not something that developers using that language would care about. You know the only People whom interact with your damn’d language to begin with. This seems targeted at him for reasons of being to prolific and just using the other reasons as an excuse. Like, the only other events i can think of that do this are in the form of hostile takeovers, and political smears against those whom were gaining to much power and not being handpicked by the ‘council’?

    Frankly this is preventing me from even attempting to learn rust after my java modding ways. (Where I’m in game dev path myself, but I’ll be honest making my own program to do what i need it to do isn’t beyond my intent either, and if I would have to learn any of the real languages to do it… Rust would have been on that list as well)

    • MG
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Yep… we may need a legit fork and bring together the people who are really “about the technology”.

    Maybe call it INOX and make it everything that the rust community/foundation right now is not.

    • Marek Netzel
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    12:45 in Polish we put it after “.

    • ZeoCamo
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    LET just stop using Rust ontil a folk

    • 4ohf
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    as a noob just learning programming, maybe learning cmake isn’t so bad if this is the alternative 😂

    • Mudscuffer
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    26:37 Is he talking about ThePrimeagen? 🤔

    • Rust In Peace
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    the blog is too biased .

    • T M
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    The author of the post and most of Rust “community leaders” aka entitled non-binary clowns should be thrown under the bus (literally), not the guy who wrote half of top Rust crates.

    • modiX
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    This is the result of the woke-ism that spread over the Rust community. With each drama I can see my conclusion confirmed once more. You don’t want to go into politics, which is fair, so I say what needs to be said: Those people are BLM supporters who clarify their pronouns, they probably are Biden voters and (as you see) cancel culture advocates. Kids like Alonely0 are just immature.

    • Jamesvelopment Hagood
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Why would anybody want to be a part of this such fragile community.

    • TheSulross
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    can never take Rust as a serious programming language choice given the wacko Rust community – kind of not so unexpected for something that was birthed into existence in the Mozzilla environs

    • Raiden Sama
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    It’s really sad that someone needs to delete really good comments.

    • Phani Gautam
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I dont know who manages programming languages. But how is there so much drama over this? How come no other language has shit like this? The last thing i remember is Java being paid. Did other languages have such nonsense when they were new?
    I am an Idiot Java developer who lives under a rock. So please consider that and don’t ask me how i don’t know about this and that languages and their nonsense.

    • To Ca
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    This whole thing seems to me like a powergrab – they want him out of the spot, so they can have someone else instead… but it’s a programming language, not the government!

    • Kyle Alm
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    As a rule, I never trust an argument that depends on me believing the person making the argument is clairvoyant. If your issue is what someone else “was really thinking” or their “actual intention” you’re gonna have to prove you can read minds.

    • Tron Denver
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    What a bunch of soft, perpetually outraged communists. This is so stupid it hurts my brain. Rewrite it in unsafe rust.

    • Claus Hinrich Hermanussen
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    You know what language doesn’t come with drama AT ALL… that’s right, its Kotlin

    • Nick Finzer
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I’m literally not going to learn rust now. I, may, however, use the name Rust in as many things as I can.

    • MrIkariaman
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Apart from seeding the data, you didn’t seem to go over the actual apology at all or ThePhD’s response.

    If you did, you’d find that one of the main complaints goes beyond the fact that this is bad apology and into WHY this apology came out now (3 months later).
    The answer is because someone in a reddit post 3 months later reveals dtolnay as one of the “few people” that strongly argued for downgrading the keynote speech.
    This is a huge transparency problem, which I think is there in wider Rust too.
    “We heard your feedback and we are working on it” is not very reassuring when you’ve heard it for the umpteenth time for the same exact issue.

    Also dtolnay passed the blame on someone who never held any real decision making power ever.
    It’s as if your elected politician passed the blame to a member of the public because “they suggested we do this”.
    On the other hand the RustConf’s apology was like a local politician passing the blame to a federal one.
    It’s like they COULD and SHOULD have done better, but at least in their defense, they were advised by a very prominent group. (Rust project)

    I do think dtolnay has had an unparallelled series of contributions to the ecosystem,
    but I also am unsure if giving him decision making power in the rust community is a good idea,
    especially when he’s proven to be very clumsy in wielding it.

    • oraqlle
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    25:36: When Prime calls Piq a dork for loving Haskell and Piq is just happy in chat that Haskell got mentioned 😂

    • Ben W
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    10:00 “Throw under the bus” is an idiom that means to sacrifice someone else’s interests or blame them in order to protect oneself or gain a personal advantage. What does the author of this article personally stand to gain?

    • LB767
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    My god some people have way too much time on their hands.
    Alright so let’s just make all these great crates closed source with paid licensing and see how that goes. I don’t care, my work will pay for them no problem but let’s see what all these edgelords on their moral high horse say then.

    • Maiden
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    The time has come, C++ will replace rust 😂

    • Luuk van der Duim
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    It looks like there are people in this world who (seem to) benefit from stirring up drama in Rust. Rust always has had opposition, but lately they seem noisier. Am I wrong?

    • Clay Smith
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Crablang: rust, but without the LGBT communists.

    • SealSharp – C# Tutorials and otter Stuff
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Your use of the R in the thumbnail is probably illegal.
    What a dangerous man.

    • Nick Finzer
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Sounds like Rust needs old school Linus to come in, tell everybody they’re a bunch of fucking inept cry babies whose feelings don’t matter and need to shut up, give them the finger, and lay down how things are going to be.

    • LaVitaGrande
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I feel like the Rust foundation is doing everything in its power to rediscover Heinlein’s definition “bad luck”

    • Nikita X
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I just love how quickly self-made ambassador deciedes if someone has a good or bad “track record”.

    • qbasic16
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Remove communists and influencers from open source.

    • Jon KF
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I don’t know what the correct conclusion for this video is, but for me, this is a video.

    • Mike Mestnik
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    The person who says they wouldn’t be good at the job should get the job.

    • Flavius Aspra
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Why are the rust core teams so gay?

    I miss the times when we were all either women without a beard or men with a beard and we didn’t have so much drama.

    • Breytner Nascimento
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    The problem with Rust is that it doesn’t have a sole (person or group) decision maker.

    Whatever people did not like about what happened with Turbo, at least there was no drama.

    DHH said no TypeScript.
    Community got pissed on him and his decision.
    People moved on.

    However, when it comes to Rust it always the foundation, the council, the community, etc so that there is always this collective feeling that we all should have a say in it and all opinions revolves around bureaucracy and “what’s best for the community”.

    • Steve H
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    As a self-nominated Senior Ambassador, I decree all periods shall be placed after quotations and that this is what “the community”. wants

    • K
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    This is why I love dotnet, no drama.

    • Harshit Tomar
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Keeping up with the Rustaceans

    • Manners
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Clearly that David dude needs to wash his hands of the whole thing and make even better packages and keep them to himself and people he trusts not to pass them out to the communists.

    • youtube enjoyer
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    What even is Rust?

    • Rigel Eprime
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    rust discord is woke and gay 😅, i hate it when a discord server goes political 🤣

    • A J
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Well rust has become a dumpster fire. With C++ having adopted most rust features and C being the gold standard for fast code, I think I’ll skip pearning rust

    • muld3r
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    The fact that there is constantly such drama within and around the Rust community shows that people truly care about this piece of technology.

    • Rado
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    “Binary blob terrorism”

    • Alexander Goussas
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    It makes sense that dtolney would want to diminish thephd’s work as it would reduce the usefulness of his crates

    • NotMarkKnopfler
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Rust is bust. I spoke to management a week ago about moving some legacy c++ into Rust. The response: We don’t trust the stewards of the language. Nope. We stick with c++.

    • MT Climbs
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    ” “.

    • Ycombine
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Like so many other institutions these days, rust seems to be run by a community of petulent children

    • Remco Johannes van Grevenbroek
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    never apoligy to the mob….

    • Nicolai Syvertsen
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    The more people claim it is all about technology the less it is. Never fails.

    • Roger Valor
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    This is so hard to bear, I would love to jump in that discussion, and instead of DTolnay, ask that alonely0 guy to step back instead.

    Honestly if I were in their circle, that would be my only comment.

    • Orión González
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    All of the council meetings are public lol

    • CallousCoder
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    The Rust leadership mirrors the leadership in America inept loud mouth virtue signaling Democrats that love throwing their own under the bus. And they’ll silence (cancel) any opinion other than that of the dictators in charge.

    Here my unsalted opinion The Rust compile times and the Rust foundation ARE terrible! Change my mind!

    • TheMqyable
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    So it looks like this this whole “Rust project” is being destroyed from within by enemy forces, this is why they need that whole CoC, to have the power and impact on opensource projects.
    Instead focus completely on technology, some ppl provoke dramas.

    • Gabriel B. Bocchini
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I dont know Rust, but at this point, Im not even interested anymore lol jesus christ, ppl are so petty.

    • zeyad kenawi
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Is this cancel culture?

    • jaskij
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Just FYI: David wrote a WASM runtime meant for isolating proc macros *four years ago*. And everybody, always, knew that lack of sandboxing is a problem. I figure he grew tired of the problem being ignored.

    • Pillow
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Another Rust drama? Must be Saturday.

    • blue wave
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Terroristic threats? Please tell me this person isn’t some crazy leftist in charge because that’s what it sounds like! Also, that take about “not doing anything about it would make the Rust Project complicit” is complete bullshit! There needs to be leadership change. After reading this, I don’t think crablang is a bad idea. This is nuts! The leadership seems f’in deranged!!!!

    • CallousCoder
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Sounds like a leftist radical group. They have the same sort if drama. I’m glad Zig isn’t like that. And it’s weird that json isn’t part of the std lib! You almost always need to drag on serde. Where people work errors will be made, and when you work a lot more errors will be made. Screw the Rust community! David, come to the Zig camp they can use brilliant people like you. Give Rust the🖕

    • andrerodr
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I don’t want to learn rust anymore too much drama, golang is the way to go.

    • Ewoof
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Yep the classic forget about all the good things you’ve done and make the one mistake you made your identity.

    • sarabwt
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I have been listening to a lot of Java content lately and realized that every single little fucking thing in the language is being “developed” for 10 years with actual lizards showing their XML docs at a conferences. Very enterprisy.

    Now Rust on the other hand feels like it is run by a community of entitled collage communists who waste their time on moral grandstanding instead of actually developing shit. Like him apologizing would impact anything. I fucking pray to god that the guy would actually go rogue, nuke the repos and leave.

    • Lemmy
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    How about we don’t attack the guy (DT) carrying the Rust ecosystem on his back?
    Also, Alonely0 is a self-described “autistic computer nerd” who’s still in high school, which really puts his posts into perspective.

    • j b
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    i love rust, it’s simultaneously feels like the greatest language ever and also a simmering dumpster fire thats about to blow

    • pucku
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    We all know why Rust has soooo much drama… it’s the twaaannnnssss activists.

    • nexovec
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    replace every sentence in the article with “I have a giant ego,” and it won’t lose any informational value.

    • Jens Roland
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    They keep having drama on the Rust forums because they can’t delete the unhelpful garbage comments and dead/invalid arguments until everybody stops borrowing them

    • Thomas Synths
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Clickbait title. It’s not the LAST. It’s the LATEST.

    • Anupam Thaledi
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    i have started WORKing in A FULL TIME JOB WITH java js and some frontend tech ( inhouse ) I work 5 days a week and in weekend don’t have the energy to learn something on my own how to plan If i want to learn something new

    • my Entertainment
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    This video should be series and posted every week😂
    Isn’t Rust has at least one every week?
    At least lately.

    • Andrii Zahorulko
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I think Primagen misspelled latest in the thumbnail.

    • idonoD
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I love the drama keep it coming!

    • Annas
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    i never seen a programming language have drama happen so often

    • Palash Nigam
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    I don’t get the fascination people have with “rust drama” especially when you are not deeply invested in the rust community/foundation. This isn’t technical content why react to it?

    • Edgar Silva
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    You just gotta love when you click on a video with 0 views/comments/likes and give them all +1.

    • Joel Zamboni
    • 2023年 9月 10日 7:30am

    Here we go