Some amazing news form last generation (Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Playstation 4 & Playstation 4 Pro) players, Rust Console Edition is coming back for you! That’s right the latest Rust Console update is a HUGE Rust Console graphics update and Rust Console terrain update which will make the game easier to run for last generation Console Rust players! Also all the Rust Console gameplay in this video is form the new Rust Console Update!

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Taqs:rust console,rust ps4,rust ps4 update,rust xbox update,rust xbox,rust update,rust console news,rust xbox one x,rust ps4 news,rust xbox one,rust ps4 pro,rust console edition,rust console update,rust old gen,rust old gen xbox,rust old gen ps4,Rust Console Last,rust console last gen,last generation consoles,last gen consoles,old gen console rust,Rust,Console Rust,Rust Terrain Update,Rust Graphical Update,Rust Console Terrain Update,Rust New,new


  • コメント (32)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • Issac Sawtelle
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    The new graphics update is so bad

    • AtomicHD
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    “ Way too stoned right now “ as im smoking a j

    • Mark Shawn
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    when tf is the next gen versions coming out??

    • Savage States
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    Ya got me I’m a little to stoned my guy

    • hunter howell
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    they need to make new maps theres litterally 5 maps to choose from

    • Chickenlicker420
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    omg i feel bad for console players bro they git potato game and we ot controllable auto turrets

    • Jesse Powell
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    I already have both the PS5 and Series X and they are not that hard to find and they should stop releasing games for last gen and make future games PS5/Xbox Series X only

    • Overkillent
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    As I have been playing since the private Beta,The game went from playing completely awful,To decent. And it’s just been stuck this way for awhile.

    But don’t get me wrong,The beginning of wipe has always been the best with less lag or lag spikes. I can bare it. But most people would give up.

    Pvp was and always has been the struggle for me at least being a PS4 player.

    Between that and Invalids.

    I’ve been taking a break simply bc the lag does get overwhelming now.(Haven played since they added power surge)

    This video gives me a glimpse of hope that they will cater to the old gen and make it at least run smoother.

    • EXP256
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    Looting is too fast you should tell the devs since looting all items at once is op

    • Owen Fohrenkamm
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    When is it going into effect does anybody know!

    • sol cutta
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    I’ve not played my rust for a year because it’s shit. Wake me up when they finally put this on main..I was waiting for horses and cars but let’s face it they never coming to console

    • super star
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    imagine playing on console

    • Chillax
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    I hope they drop old gen. It’s holding the game back. We should have custom servers by now

    • Isaac Einstein
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    Feels a lot smoother but don’t like the new colour scheme or whatever it is …

    • steve2788
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    It’s been years just buy a new gen console 😢

    • Garrett Parrill
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    Still no community servers, why this before that

    • BenchPost
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    Sick video trying to start a channel like this recording first video on wipe day.

    • JustSomeFun.
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    Stoned as a rock😂😂😂 your right 💯👍😁

    • Hooplah
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    Make the game looks worse so people still on 13-14 year old hardware can keep dragging the game down smh. So fckn glad I moved to PC. Console Crust is fcked!

    • D. Paidd
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    sorry cereal but yu might be the one stoned dis time cus public test branch is twice as laggy as main branch for current

    • 7MOOD
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    I totally don’t agree cuz my fps got even more lower

    • Quitjez
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    Test server is twice as laggy as the normal version for me i have a new gen xbox

    • Myles
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    might have to buy the game again if they make the game alot better to run on old gen consoles

    • Bluubam
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    taking bong rip as u say we are too stoned lmao

    • Terrence Holmes
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    If your solo it’s still not dat much fun if they can get 2x servers or 3x dat way as a solo you can farm back up faster cause a lot and I mean A LOTTTTTTT of times your gonna be so out numbered

    • MlIler
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    Ironically, the moment I got to that part in the video where you say, some of us are too stoned I had just taken a hit that was too big and was coughing excessively 😂😅

    • PvTGhosT
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    I feel like they pushing it to fast . I think it would of been more cool if more monuments were added like swamp before the whole graphic update. It’s hella cool just think they should had waited

    • joseph krambeck
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    I thought u Wer gonna say they are abandoning last gen. 😢aww I wish

    • tubby army of two
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    I just want player hosted servers.

    • Clifton Stewart
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    I’ve been borderline spamming the discord on this, know you have a large rust audience also but they need to bring back and keep the PVE servers like they just did. Maybe not 8 of them if volume doesn’t warrant but a couple. So many people in discord mentioned how great and relaxing it was. Community servers continue to be a hold up but they obviously can do some variations like this, I don’t see why they wouldn’t? Not all of us trying to be PVP chads, let us get a chill version!

    • gael
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    they really outdone themselves with this change

    • Smooth
    • 2023年 8月 19日 7:30pm

    i actually am stoned while watching this..😅