RUST TIPS you need to know! #2
RUST TIPS you need to know! #2
Don’t use jackhammer like this, holding the left mouse button will make it slow, tap instead, it’s much quicker, something like this. There is even quicker technique this. it’s kind of stupid but its slightly faster, but don’t use this method, even Blooprint he was the one who show it, don’t use it.
This is #shorts video.
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コメント (56)
Sasku vrat se k minecratu ty k rustu vubec nepatris
Doesn’t really matter
😱 .13 faster 😱😱
I know for a fact you’re czech by the accebt
It’s definitely faster now just to hold it.
It’s actually quicker to hold down the left click now……
Thank you tips. but sorry is stupid. U The person here i give dislike.
Gg oveskas natáčí rust což se mi i líbí😊😅
Kamo mluv česky vim že si čech😅
U can holding it for they changed the hit time so now no matter u clicking or holding.
This game is trash dude for real
I don’t even play rust, why am I watching this?
I love getting this recommended to me in 2024 when this information has been irrelevant for years
Rust tips you needed to know in 2021 #outdated. Also, this method was actually primarily used to make the Jack hammer hp bar go down slower
U suck… Dont show-ed dis…..
Čechacek miluju ❤
Why bloo so damn tall
Bro u saved like ~20 ms but waste more your energy for tupping
Useless video
I understand this is for laughs and to trick no players but it really doesn’t matter how u use it u can hold it done or tap it it’s gonna be the same
Woooo welyn
What’s wrong with your voice
Rust tip I’ve spent 3k hours on console… get a pc
Čecha bych tu more necekal
bruh i stright up thought you stole satchel bois audio until I saw some other shorts you have
Popici videjko brasko, len tak dalej
Lie again
tapping is for durability lmao
Could have sworn it was for durability
Když mluví Čech anglicky jde to poznat 💀
I’m new what’s the button to place foundations on console💀
tip is outdated. changed a while back, hold it down nd its crits every hit
Much faster 3 s less last one slightly faster also 3 s
That was welyn not blooprint 💀
Thank you this help me a lot
Its patched,betther hold
thank you for not looping 😂🔥
the amount of time i saved in those 14 milliseconds
Just wrong
Rust Tips, that are outdated, because facepunch patched them.
No it’s not. How ever holding has a 1sec difference it of course being faster
is booprint yo man or sum?
My nickname in rust be like : handsome #FOXRUST
Bro most people know this
They fixed it monkey boy
Was that Welyn?
Ceska anglictina jde vzdycky poznat. Ale jen tak dal :))
With the new system Holding it Down is faster cause All hits are crits
Actually it’s faster than tapping just saves durability
That is not blue print
Kamo 100% cech