Custom Servers Still Broken! Fixes & Status 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, XBOX
Custom Server update, what is going on with the Rust Console Edition Custom Servers and how to create and setup a server so you can connect. This is a collection of everything we know with the Rust CE custom servers. How to add yourself as admin and owner to your server. How to setup and create your Rust Console Edition Custom Server for PS4, Xbox, PS5, Xbox Series X. Rust Console Custom Servers are now live and we are walking you through how to use the admin tools and commands and how to create your first Rust Console Edition Custom Server. Rust Console Edition Custom server finally have a release date and pricing for us and it is coming soon! We have a Quality of life update coming along with that update comes large storage boxes and our first hazmat skin. Rust Console Edition custom servers finally give us the ability to find and ban the Rust cheaters. Jump into the thrilling world of Rust Console Edition with our Custom Servers!We’re excited to showcase the dynamic and action-packed gameplay on our Jade Monkey 2x (Solo/Duo/Trio) server. With all blueprints unlocked and recyclers always buzzing, it’s a prime example of the endless possibilities in setting up your Rust Custom Server. Watch us spice up gameplay and witness the intense action firsthand. Our server, available on the Rust Console Edition Public Testing Branch, is a hub for max population and non-stop excitement, giving you a taste of what’s to come in the full release of Rust Console Custom Servers. Get the latest on the Quality of Life update, expected around November 2023, featuring new anti-cheat measures, larger storage options, and interface enhancements – all gearing up for enhanced custom server experiences. Join our Jade Monkey 2x Solo, Duo, Trio server with all BPs unlocked on Rust Console Edition Community tab. Custom Servers are coming next to Rust Console.At some point there will be a new system put into the game to catch cheaters using third-party adaptors and scripts to reduce recoil, M&K adaptors, Zen, Kronos, etc. This quality of Life update brings in larger boxes and some interface things that we will be using with our custom servers soon. Power Surge (Electricity Update) has been released for Rust Console Edition PTB (testing Branch) for PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Xbox Series X. Rust Console news update. Quick Rust console news update. Rust console Power Surge update will bring in really big turret changes for all players PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Rust console update news for PS4, Xbox One, PS4 Pro, Xbox One X, PS5, xbox Series X, Xbox series S. Bringing you the latest Rust Console Edition News for all Rust console platforms PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. This amazing open world survival game is now full release. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. New Rust Console Info! Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta News! The most up to date information on the Rust Console Edition. I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles! Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.
Rust Console Edition 🛢 Guides
Rust 🛢 Videos
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▬▬▬▬▬[ BoiFriendSquad ]▬▬▬▬▬
► Jade Monkey: https://goo.gl/6UNl7n
► Biolazer: https://goo.gl/b9Cgyf
► Razor Tube: https://goo.gl/dg4HOV
Jade Monkey / BioLazer / Razor Tube
🐦 Official BoiFriendSquad 👮🕵👷
Chapter Timecodes:
0:00 Intro
0:54 Why is there so much lag? (Jade Monkey server status)
2:10 G-Portal status and Announcement
2:57 Team warning (Server setting)
3:52 How to create a server (what we did)
4:09 Server settings (best way to access & setup)
5:02 Make an account, select region, rent server (my steps)
7:18 How to check if the server is active (Stuck on Join?/Why can’t I see my server?)
8:48 How to add recyclers
10:00 How to find your server (Secret search menu)
11:29 Is my server stuck? (Why won’t my server load?)
12:40 Adding Admin & Owner
14:12 Endless server restarts (Stuck on connection)
15:30 How to find me server (how to get VIP on my server)
Taqs:Rust,Rust Console,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4 Pro,Rust Xbox One,Rust Xbox One X,Rust Community Server,Rust Custom Server Guide,Rust Custom Servers,Rust Solo,Rust Duo,Rust Trio,Rust PS4 Custom Server,Rust Xbox Custom Server,Rust Custom Server release,Rust Custom Server Price,Rust Console Create a Server,Rust Console News,Rust PS4 News,Rust Xbox News,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update,Rust Console Edition,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5
コメント (133)
How do I do it if my your name has a underscore on it
your server is shit bcs its all bps
I can’t play any custom server for longer than a hour before I get kicked and can’t play anymore.
I still can’t get back into my admin I don’t get it I logged out once now I haven’t got any of my admin options
One of my admins banned me from my server and now I can’t access it pls help
For some reason cargo doesn’t spawn and there’s no crates on oil rig on my server how do i fix this??
So my sever name pops up as ********* know any fix for that?
Rusty Reapers server is running smooth! Weekend raid only is the only rule. Check it out!
what’s next for test branch?
I just want a server for myself to get the hang of the game on, kinda like a minecraft world but rust. I want all the monuments and bots at them like a normal rust server I just wanna make it private so no one else can get on it. Do I need the upgraded version of a server or can I do that with the basic server package?
nice admin abuse yesterday bud😄
Hey Jade I was wondering are there any fixes or troubleshooting for lag issues yet it started to run smooth and then started lagging again. Thank you in advance!
Are you going to release other servers
Anyone know why my servers recyclers don’t work? I tried adding fishing and stable recyclers
Ur server is getting the most hate on other yt channels. Maybe chill with the admin/owner abuse by fucking with people all day, and actually moniter and enforce teaming rules😂😂
Latest on discord serverFAQ says to not do OwnerID and AdminID. It will default you to Admin (or whatever you do last). Pretty much same I think but I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t change the vendies at Outpost when others were but it’s because it made me Admin, you have to be set as Owner. Just an FYI for everyone.
Can you make a video on starter kits
Hey @jademonkey did they remove the raidable bases option? I was hoping to try that feature in hopes it was like pc. It’s a world event that spawns a random base with npc guarding it. Pretty cool stuff to do
The one I’m on is amazing!! No pvp til last week of wipe. There is a courtroom and trials for rule breakers! Great moderators for sure. The jail is amazing. Not to mention its a 3x server
Plzzzzzz do a in-depth vid recyclers iv tried everything also how do u spawn them
My server is resetting every 12hrs and I can’t change the settings
How to check someone for Cronus zen etc? All I need to know is
how do i fix my server attempting connection
How make admin
Custom servers suck all admins do is abuse power
Yo Jade, I can’t see your server in the community menu even when searching. I also don’t see any EU servers at all??? When I search the region, no servers available. This sucks as I’m in the UK and don’t need the large ping. I fully expected there would be issues at release but it’s a drag 😑
If you recreate the team you’re able to use code locks again even if it wipes the teams after a restart
Do you need to have whitelisting on??
And how do i make myself admin cause i tried adminID”myname” but it didnt work
Hi I am struggling to set my server up mainly the whitelisting and I tried like global.whitelist”myname”
Even vanilla rust is lagged to days and been unable to even start rust period
My console gets stuck on Assest Warmup and nothing else happens even after waiting
Is anyone having problems not being able to go to the My servers tab in the gportal app? I try to go to the my servers tab and it just goes back to the order screen and can’t go to the my servers tab.
mine just gets stuck after it does all the asset warmups what do I do this is so frustrating LMAOOO
You don’t want to add yourself as Owner and Admin because it will override the Owner. I had this happen o me on both of my servers. Owner already has Admin rights.
I got my server to work by one making sure I was the owner and two wait a day or two
Lmao seen my base next to powerplant
I bought my server when you were able to but when I tried going in game or on the website to find my server to set it up it says I don’t own it. I tried talking to G portal and they just keep telling me they’re working on irust servers. I tried buying the server again but says “Looks like you already own this item” and I go on the website and apparently I don’t own it.
Rust needs to make zerg servers for those Zergs, I hate playing against Zergs, get offlined every night. Wish u had monthly servers
No matter what I do it wont let me get my admin.
please make insta craft and faster nights 🙌🙌🙌
My server is up and running, gotchyas 3x quad
Ok question what is the raid base option I’ve been looking everywhere for info I have 3 of them on my map there was a timer and when it hit zero I haven’t noticed anything happening
This comment for Jade monkey. Do you know if they are going to update the server section with more options. Like for example I can’t control airdrop intervals and a lot of things that you could control for the PC addition. It seems to be lacking a lot of options
I have my own server and one thing that’s kind of annoying me is all the people that are asking for free loot! It’s like I gave out free loot to start my economy but after the fact newcomers are still asking me for free loot and it’s like you’re supposed to play the game to get loot. I actually had spread out loot boxes around the map so I just tell them you have to find the loot boxes that I spread around the map and then they asked me where they are so they could find them and I said well you have to play the game to randomly find them lol
I can’t make myself owner
Is there a fix for my server showing 0 players even though there’s players on my server
Got my server and it shows up but won’t let me connect. I don’t have white list on it just boots me to main menu.
I bought a server through Xbox the morning they dropped… outside of the charge to my CC, Microsoft and GPORTAL don’t know where my server is… literally no emails, nothing on my gportal and Microsoft doesn’t know what’s going on.
Got upset and took a gamble and bought a PS5 server even though I have an Xbox. After about 24 hours of trouble shooting the Ps5 server is going strong.
Paid double but I got a working server 😅
Some servers like Western don’t work
Mines is working fine . We’ve been testing it all day 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Our server has some lag if it restarts and you don’t restart your game. Our server is scheduled for restarts every 6 hours. That seemed to fix a lot of the instabilities.
It’s been okay for us. We are doing a Milsim server. High bullet damage to avoid reliance on recoil snakes lol Arma3 inspired. MILSIMMAYHEM.
it took nearly 3 days for my server to work. I kept trying for 2 days than gave up on the third. I randomly decided to see if it would work and it did. Thank the lord 🙏🏼
Top that comment to help others 🙂
I got a answer of g portal and that’s what had work for me. They said that there’s a problem with the seeds. Once I read that from them I took a seed from the stream of JadeMonkey and made a restart and the server is now booting perfectly
Sorry for my English I’m french lol
Honestly, I bet d11 knew they didn’t have the hardware they needed and said screw it and launched anyway thinking that they would make enough money off the first round of ppl paying for servers to buy said hardware.
@Jade Monkey I just did the owner. and I had admin privileges. also untick junkyard. and raidable base. also, I only have 3 ice lakes and 3 water wells. I’ve had no problem with the lag and for the most part, I’ve been stable. I have to do a restart every 12-16 hours. There’s a little bug with the recyclers stopping recycling. just trying to help out. it took me 16 hours to figure this out. and BTW thank you for the section on recyclers. I was having a problem figuring that out. I hope this helps some of the people who still can’t get their servers up. and again thank you for your content.
Finally got my server up n running, I was even able to add myself as admin/owner and ran the admin menu. . . Yay! After three days of maddening frustration, I am finally enjoying my server: 0000 FROSTY PVE – Thanks Jade! You gave me the inspiration to not give up. We overpowered their servers! The POWER of the PEOPLE lol!
Why can I not use admin privileges on my server
Join my server John -wick it’s better than this fool he will get mad if your good and ban you
I couldn’t wait for custom servers was so hyped and I’m already back playing official servers customs are rubbish
I had tried everything from A-to-Z, including changing seeds, changing size deleting all my safe files, verifying game files I tried everything they just kept suggesting different things giving me the runaround so finally, I just told him I waited long enough. I want to refund three hours later, my server works fine. This was at noon on Sunday.
im not gonna lie ive been having a lot of fun with my trio my name is PVP krono let me know if you guys run into me i was running around with LR yesterday 😂😂
Hi can anyone help me with this. I purchased a sever on this past Saturday but I’ve not received a sever and I’ve checked many times and sent tickets asking why I have not got a sever yet. And yes I got the charge on my credit card but no sever. Does anyone know how to fix this or what I should do??
How do i find server thst are like official but just in custom does obie or razor have a legit custom server thsts not just instant recycle and boring
Mine works great
@Jade Monkey. Will you have more than a weekly, at least a bi weekly. I left your server because it was only a weekly
The infinite loop you said razor is stuck in can be fixed by setting your sever offline and then hitting the verify saved files and waiting the 25min then starting your server. Well works for me every time. Hope it works for you all 😊
I found a stable server, search for “Kaz Los Angeles Solo Duos.”
Get rid xboxone and ps4
Everytime I restart my server nobodies key locks work anymore. Does anyone know a fix for this?
Mine just started working last night. I bought it at noon they day the update came out
all these problems yet no Oce servers! Freaken stupid. let’s hope for the love of god that by the time all these servers get monetised and fixed. they have an option to run oceanic servers. So at least for us Aussie’s and newzealanders can enjoy the game we love to play. Considering I know they have ram and data in aus (area basis) because I’ve had ark and day z server on oceanic thru gportal.
Hey @jademonkey can u please go over how we can place recyclers where we want them we keep hearing you say there two other ways can u cover that please because our server isn’t letting us install them while we’re making our server
I bought my server as soon as they came out and mine still is down, I submitted multiple tickets and they say they are fixing it but no change
I knew waiting a couple months was a good idea
Still no servers for oce region
Bruh did me kinda dirty just showing my base immediately off the start lol
Me and my cousin can’t get on any of the custom servers
Mine has been working completely fine since last night
For consoles they never manage to do anything good, all this is shameful, servers completely broken, when you play, the next day you can no longer log in and you lose all the progress made including the hours spent doing the base, absurd.
Can you put the admin, mod, vip commands in the boot command list?
You need to make a tutorial on how to get admin commands
See everyone talking about there servers and complaining how they cant get them to work but there is people that paid money and they havent even gave us our servers if we bought them throught the app on xbox
What’s the best way to go about getting a monument you don’t have? Do I just choose another seed and keep my fingers crossed. I’ve got so many questions lol
Yea we were having a really hard time with our servers but we did a early wipe and it seemed to help and we don’t get much lag now
Most servers are working perfectly, only a few have lag but if yours is lagging you need to lower the pop.
You don’t need to do both owner admin if you wanna be owner, you have to do just owner cause then if you do admin it overrides it and you’re just an admin and not the owner
Im about done. I dont give anyone or anything years to get something right. Im not mad just disappointed.
Hey, Jade,or anyone really. Since customs launched my server has said in its log “waiting for registration” what does this mean and is there anything I can do. It’s been 5 days and Gportal just gives me generic responses. Anyone that can help or give advice would be great thanks all
My friends custom server works ISURVIVE 2X Solo Duo Trio and you not allowed to offline if you join while the owner is on he will give a free tommy and bullets
I’ve been having a blast😁
Don’t listen to him you can put recyclers without restarting
My server admin sent in 20 air drops no lag for me but I play on lane line cable
The lag spikes can be pretty brutal. 😏 Especially when the server owner/admin decides to throw 12 supply drops @ Bandit camp. But there were normal lag spikes where it took 3-5 seconds and sometimes longer to open base doors and all other interactions and deploys.
My server was one of the broken ones from the start and that infinite loop. I went to support and submitted a ticket with my issues. G-portal messaged the ticket that they were working on several servers and to be patient. Within 48 hours my custom server was fixed and running.
I have had 0 issues with my server, it took a while til I was able to click the active button after purchase,
I havnt made it officially public yet though so :>
When I Type in the admin and owner console command it doesn’t make me owner or my friends admin?
Rust of duty 3x if you want to join in Europe
Is it just me who can’t load favourite servers? It just permanently loads. Really frustrating and d11s support didn’t do shit about it when I reported it just got a not response of like “restart your console” like if not done that a million times
Anyone know how to join his servers?
It doesn’t help things when people like Jade exercise their freedom to be greedy play ordering three servers
Hey you. I tried to make a custom server yesterday but I can’t put commands in and oh my god it’s annoying, help
Most if not all should of known something like this would happen . Thing is it’s also affecting the main servers too . Big lag spikes near big bases / zergs . Me and my teammate have got the server we want but we are patient with it . Plus helps I’m working the last few days 12 hour days 🤣🤣
It’s not going to work on console’s I’ve been waiting to get the game when it gets good reviews but it’s been a wile what are your thoughts on the game now is it worth getting I love all the vids on YouTube want to get in but it seems buggy any way enjoy your day ALL ❤
Join my server
A better place
Trio max, reduced crate timer and random admin created events with rewards for winning
I can’t wait for yours to comeback these other servers kinda wack
@jademonkey is there a way yet to swap a pve server with kill zones to full pvp for the whole map yet….. Trying to figure out how to do a raid week on mine for wipe week for my players
Is it possible to get modded servers like tarkov un rust ?
I paid, but no server. I can do jack shit. Hope i get refund
Mine just now come online today from day one and now no recyclers work on the map at all
does anyone know any aus servers
Hey jade I love your videos and I have loved playing on your servers but if possible I would love to become an admin and help you and the community
Yea I had to log off ur sever because of lag
Please make a video on players that don’t have owned servers and just want to play custom servers all servers showing 0/100 pop on most servers the go into one then it will say is has pop then kick after about 20 mins amongst lag and what not.
Keep up the good work bro bro
The lag has fucked me multiple times ,I’ve lost kit’s and inventories full of comps ,lost my only ak too , I’ve uninstalled the game fuck this bs
I don’t like the map seed
Needs Airfield
Is it just me or are certain “duo” servers not actually duo, cuz I still see code locks
well, its all the kiddos buying servers on mom and dads cards, once they stop paying it will stabilize even more
Looking forward to the video of showing how to place recyclers trying to figure that out
I don’t play all day but I am pretty cracked I play solo if anyone wants to team
Gportal fixed my server 3 hours ago. Bad news is my server is dead lol
I got my server up and registered myself as owner and admin etc but it doesn’t register me as a owner or admin or anything when I join is there any fix to that or do I have to do anything specific
im having lots of lag spikes where everyone in my server cant pull out or place items for a few minutes is anyone having this same issue
Does anyone know how to increase junkpile spawns? Its weird
Mines up and running I just wish simple changes didn’t end in wiping the server
Can I promote my server here JM?
I saw my baseeeeee🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 omg I hope big I become noticed on the server I love your videos I’m on youtubeeee!!!!!!!!!
bases are way to laggy fighting feels horrible around big bases
Why u up at 6 am aswell
There’s cheaters on your servers
I’ve been eagerly waiting for this, I’ve been struggling to get my server to work. Now it sometimes shows up but if i try to join it just gets stuck on “attempting connection”.
They have gotten 10x better the last hour or so but still r bricked
No no