They’ll Think It’s ESP! Make Your Own Monuments Cams in Rust!


Rust+ cams have stirred up a lot of chat among the community with many people believing they’re simply too powerful to be reasonable. This is especially the case when combined with rust+ discord bots. But with incoming nerfs, it’s time to share a similarly powerful option for gathering intel on enemy locations via drones.
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Taqs:rust,rust+,rust plus,rust plus cams,rust cams,rust drones,rust bots,rust plus bots,rust+ bots,rust esp,rust legal esp,rust cameras,rust computer station


  • コメント (36)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @lorddwarfking7767
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    i mean the drone purpose in war is to spot enemy so its not really OP, we just need something to nerf a bit them or having something to counter it

    • @suspiciousbgl1994
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    I think they should just remove this “Rust+ bot” instead of nerfing the app into oblivion.

    • @voidinqrust
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    Still work or no?

    • @Paul11
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    everyone cheats at rust anyway so this doesnt matter at all. In no universe are u going to catch someone off guard with your super spy drone LMFAO. Everyone and i do mean EVERYONE and their mom cheats at rust.

    • @dante5526
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    I hope camera and drones get removed, pretty shitty meccanic imo

    • @InBreadDragon
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    PRO TIP: Run Rust+ on a second monitor using an android emulator like BlueStacks. No phone needed.

    • @YourBroTekk
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    what the fuck is wwronggg with you people 😂 the moment you get some vital underground knowledge you gotta go and make a fucking video about it ?!?! just cant help yourselves huh 😂 need them viewsss

    • @jkvb.j6383
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    Does it not decay? When I’ve left my drone on the top of Launch Site it decayed after some time, I felt like radiation has something to do with drone HP, does it?

    • @xDarknessLorddx
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    so its not possible have a second account? in the same server?

    • @TheDarkFalcon
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    I thought there were range limits on drones though?

    • @abzy4368
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    It’s not unnoticed anymore. The rust+bot is suspended now.

    • @Victorquickrust
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    You have to stop exposing my strats so they dont get nerfed…

    • @rhettorical
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    The moment they let you see cameras from the app, I knew it was going to be too powerful. Now they’re nerfing it to hell because somehow they didn’t anticipate that. I can’t believe they forgot the drone exploit, I’ve seen more than one video about it. I wonder if they ever patched the ability for drones to see hidden stashes.

    • @biggiecheese5746
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    it was smoil

    • @AlexDubois
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    Speaking of ESP, Facepunch should release a game mode that server admins can enable where everybody gets ESP… Just to piss-off hacking devs…

    • @brogleee
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am


    • @dylanj.domachowski5369
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    Viewing cameras in rust+ should’ve never been allowed to exist. It made every oiler have a 24/7 IRL livestream of the entire place for free. didnt even take a player sitting on the fucking cams.

    • @dylanj.domachowski5369
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    Water treatment inside wheel house.

    • @hanfiball4136
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    It is great thet we can view oil cams as a solo now! That really really helps leveling the playing feeld

    • @AngryAlfonse
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    Last wipe, I had someone who wanted to raid my group bring drones to bandit camp and do the spy thing where it followed us. Not wanting them to know where we lived (we lived super close to bandit) we couldn’t leave. We tried shooting them so they did the !boost thing to fly them as high as they could go and we couldn’t hit them at that distance. Eventually we decided to leave and go a different direction, then lose them in a dense wooded area, but their view distance for players was so ridiculous that they were able to follow us through an entire square of dense forest. Eventually, while trying to get away from the damn things we passed by a base with a full team ready to ambush anyone who walked by, a base we would’ve never had to pass had it not been for the damn drones following us, and we lost our kits and like 5k scrap.

    Yeah. The Rust+ and drone shit needs to be nerfed into the ground. I’m glad they pretty much broke it with this update.

    • @baska-
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    Unpopular opinion: I love Rust+ but I don’t think any type of meta-gaming is healthy for the game, from smart switches to the new cams/drones. Sure they might help against offline raids and allow you to do some amazing things, but it’s just not necessary.

    • @AouniX
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    Can no longer view feed from Rust+ if players is signed in to the server, as per the devblog released today.

    • @alexanderanderson7466
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    Why post one hour before force when they nerf the cams so you cant see names anymore 😀

    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    Nice work! 🎉

    • @Botix330
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    Ive been using rust+ for the drones and rotating cameras since they came out, such a great addition,.

    • @DeviLz1337
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am


    • @kinkysergal1085
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    why did you have to make a video about it

    • @thevolleyballman
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    What’s a good rust discord bot? The one I used said it’s not allowed anymore

    • @wumpygaming
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    yeah thats water treatment lol sneaky spot. did you fly it carefully in there? I know a player cant go there

    • @WaterMelwin
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am


    • @adrianlindberg6112
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    water treatment

    • @lukysgaming
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    some of the more useful things for solos/small groups again nerfed

    • @Mycroft331
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    0:55 Water Treatment?

    • @HoloBit.
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am


    • @dareplejer6063
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    water treatment

    • @sigbog
    • 2025年 3月 16日 7:30am

    I had a similar but different video done and ready to upload when I saw all the rust+ nerfs…. 💀 but I guess it probably isn’t good for the game to have drones that automatically follow you calling out players it sees… so this works just fine for me.