Three Simple Electric Circuits in Rust | Rust Beginner’s Electricity Guide 2021


The electricity in Rust may seem complicated to beginners so, I’ve decided to show how to build three electric circuits that I believe every Rust player should know. This video is meant to introduce newer players to Rust’s electricity. if you need to ask questions or need help

Components – 00:37
Automatic Lights – 1:31
Toggleable Turret – 2:44
Automatic Garage Door – 3:54

Game: Rust

#Rust #RustBeginnerGuide

Taqs:rust beginner’s guide,electricity,guide,tutorial,simple,basic,tips and tricks,automatic garage door,automatic lights,how to set up turret,turret system,hbhf sensor,door controller,beginer,instructions,2021,get better at rust,newbies,noobs,noob,newb,otv,useful,easy


  • コメント (7)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @kingp43
    • 2025年 3月 10日 7:30am

    Heartbeat sensor outside of your airlock hidden in a bush preferably connected to a flashing blue light in your airlock. This alerts you to doorcampers and is extremely simple to hook up.

    • @pimplyface64
    • 2025年 3月 10日 7:30am

    I think its because people think “oh he has electricity he must have alot of him, should def raid”

    • @martinjaramillo3314
    • 2025年 3月 10日 7:30am

    Put the solar panels facing north only if you’re in the bottom half of the map, if you’re in the upper half, place them facing south

    • @jjjcccbbb111222333
    • 2025年 3月 10日 7:30am

    I love electricity. I feel like a badass when my light come on at night. I’m like “I did that(:”

    • @CyclopsLikesItHard
    • 2025年 3月 10日 7:30am

    thank you this is helpful

    • @zhunk7508
    • 2025年 3月 10日 7:30am

    Great video! One question, will the automatic door open to anyone in front of it? Thank you! 🙂

    • @LeavemeMalone333
    • 2025年 3月 10日 7:30am

    Werent u banned in the stevious 2x server -russian name