How to use SAM SITES | Rust


In this video we’ll be talking about how A LOT of people in Rust incorrectly use the Sam Site. A lot of people also claim that it is useless, but I am here to show you that when used correctly, the Sam Site can be a great and strong addition to your base in Rust.

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🗺️ Map provided by Builder’s Sanctuary:

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🎶 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound ►

📷 Thumbnail is fully made by me.

#Rust #Gameplay #BaseBuild

Taqs:Rust,Tutorial,Sam Site,How to,Overpowered,Minicopter,Scrap Helicopter,Explanation,Turret,Electricity,System,Build


  • コメント (82)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @golgamor
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    My rockets never fired got electric not sure

    • @AbdurrahmanASUR
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    most useless video i have ever seen

    • @itz_Vanquish
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    i knew u where dutch

    • @Svp040
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    I smell dutch

    • @ScottWatson-z5g
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Good to know, protecting my horses, RangeCowboy1

    • @ChescoYT
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    How do you replace the rockets if you put up Metal Barricades?

    • @anthonyvdmeer
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    I smell Dutch 🎉

    • @JeffBourke
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    But you should connect it to your base so the base doesn’t decay.

    • @JeffBourke
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    I also think it’s good to have 1 ground level Sam site to stop heli. 1 half wall up like you have is perfect.

    • @Vonxis
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    How to refill sam site?

    • @watteriFN
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    I have two on my roof and two in my compound👍

    • @JorickvM
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    But this is so easy to destroy with just a hand full of fire arrows

    • @Aehaze
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    So I know this video is sitting on 2 years old. But would putting them in the compound be best placement for MLRS strikes too? The server I play on is pretty cancerous when it comes to MLRS raiding. People will drop 3 stacks on you before they even show. So they are a must.

    • @zorkpl
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Foolish, just put an auto turret and the problem is over.

    • @KarribuCG
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    I’ve almost given up on sams. People will just build up far away so they can see into your compound and HV rocket the sams.

    • @elibenjamen8729
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    my sams dont shoot at all….

    • @gamingmatrix7644
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Good pilot also knows how to make your own sam site destroy your base………Hense why they put on roof.

    • @phoofnscoops6778
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Anyone know how you get flat worlds like he did? Looked everywhere. Nice video & thanks for the tips

    • @joshzzygaming
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Thank you my friend

    • @rango6975
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    why does it shoot me down if i own it?

    • @julianlaustsen1991
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    better just add turrets in compound and on roof, sam sites are better for mlrs defence.

    • @Kevin_Ghost-n3x
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    nice vid.. i dont fucking know whats the munition is.. ty

    • @Galaxy_World
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am


    • @Diezeldable
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    if you put them high and set them to mlrs only then its good

    • @aaronlong4892
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Hey so if you got three Sam sites it’ll defend against the new mlrs attacks

    • @somebodynamedhenry5335
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am


    • @Abraxas0365
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    How do you reload the Sam site if the barricades are blocking it?

    • @TurkeyMaze
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Your thumbnail is hilariously ironic.

    Claims to show a “pro” build, but ends up making one worse than the “noob” one because it’ll freaking decay.

    Too funny.

    • @PTVaGo
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    destoying if flying low is not work of turrets? lol

    • @ilyarepin7750
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    problem with this placement is itll target choppers flying low beyond the wall and the rockets will clip the wall and explode, damaging the sam site.

    • @alphagaming1070
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    dident help at all

    • @GamingGuy256636
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    also one thing to note the Sam sites can also destroy your walls or base when Sam rockets hit it watch out for that.

    • @tizdum5835
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am


    • @larsdegroot8270
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Ru Dutch?

    • @leutrimfazliu4085
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    How do u put more amo? 🤔

    • @davidconway6344
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Why cant you just put 4 walls around it.. blocks it?

    • @andrewmd10
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Does it shoot players or aircraft only? Can it be damaged with guns? (if so, the thing around it is useless)

    • @kyleborboranmain8295
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Can you make a rocket launcher turret

    • @mier419
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Amazing fkin video,gj man!

    • @tiborbordas8052
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    thanks man. this is the last piece for my op defense 🙂

    • @ClxudXD
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    But how many hv do it take to destroy it

    • @TheIvoryKeys
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Do SAMS shoot friendly aircraft authorized by the tool cab still?

    • @tacituskilgore4865
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    the attack heli wont be shot down?

    • @japan7970
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    why does my sam site keep shooting me?

    • @DragonFire3624
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Hey I got a very big problem. My SAM site shoots at airballons and helis that are just spawned. Idk why the hell this is a thing, is there any way to prevent this?
    Otherwise I guess I should buy new SAM and place them higher. :/

    • @prollynot
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    I’m ur 349like

    • @Ice9Gaming
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    another awesome video!!

    • @Sminstes
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Put it ABOVE the highwall or you can drain it on the barbwire

    • @scoobyi
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Throw spears?

    • @jjanevski
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    You can just place twig floors off of the half walls and completely avoid the barricades…. not to mention there is no TC keeping the structure from decaying.

    • @tdfarina
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Just 2 things

    1. SAMs do shoot down.
    2. That placement makes the SAM super easy to drain.

    • @cymario282
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    One more thing that you forgot to mention is: If someone has a minicopter and flies at the edge of the wall he can drain your SAM (if he is a good pilot)

    • @Vlix223
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    If u put ur sammies close to your wall like that and as low as sven showed, they’re super easy to bait as they will try to shoot thru the external wall

    • @shagged-kf7nj
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Sven I’m still at the building a bow/small base four floors with 3 doors! Thanks for the clip mate keep going!

    • @helleye4745
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    yeah ill just throw spears over wall at the sam and GG

    • @W8DEY
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    I had no clue this is game changing for me thanks yo

    • @williamshortreed7609
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    I use to use SAMS..but I found a better way to protect my roof and cheaper. I use half walls on roof with quarter walls in between cover roof over and place tesla coils on quarter walls ( electricity goes through roof top) hook up to HBHF sensor well hidden. It works very good and you can easily recover loot. Make sure you have max power of 35 Rw per coil. Cheap hidden and deadly. This also avoids the owner from accidentally being targeted from their own SAM…and If your turrets are within range of SAM they will fire at it till it’s destroyed. This also avoids you from looking rich. More advanced would have a garden of roof top with sprinkler system to put out fire from heli crashing onto roof tops this to could be hooked up to same HBHF sensor and then split. To prevent fires.

    • @iwasamistake1
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    What base is that in the video?

    • @austenvaliukas2207
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Smart turrets next please

    • @Akuma-dt3rj
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    @sven how can you reloade the samesite
    I mean raiders cant touch it and you also
    I think that is just a problem

    • @Festoos
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    I fucking hate anyone who uses them these things can ruin someone’s wipe harder than a roof camper

    • @Niloc_
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    @Sven are you dutch? xD

    • @whubb8980
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    u lied they can also destroy hot air ballons

    • @patrik326
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Hi can i ask how can i get flat map for building?

    • @sli-fox
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    My question, has the Devs fixed the issue of your base getting between the SAM and it’s target and consequently the SAM firing rockets at your base?

    • @potato4651
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Whoever dislike this video is gay

    • @Skiqz
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am


    • @vladastojanovic6142
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Hey sven how do you refol de sam rn

    • @hedinne
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Hi, One minor thing about the foundation that is placed in this video. The triangle next to the base will not be connected to the base TC. The building blocks under the SAM will decay. The triangle needs to be a foundation or foundation step.

    • @Zerifu
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    new sub right here

    • @eststrepure
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Prison gates?around sam works?

    • @userlv
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Hi i really love ur videos i have made a server spent a lot time on it but i’m struggling on getting players and wondered could u check it out?😅
    [EU] XEON |Custom Map|2x|Clans|Kits

    Connect: client.connect

    Wipe: Every Friday at 2pm UTC +3 – BP every 2 weeks
    🗺️ Lone Island 4000 Map Size filled with custom Monuments
    🧰 Automatic box sorting
    ⛏️ 2x Gather Rate
    🏎️ Speedy Smelting

    • @EthnYa
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    good work 🙂

    • @relax.4045
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    refilling sam is also kinda difficult

    • @ParkDaddy42
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Sven. Making all the clans even harder to fuck with since 2020. #kappa

    • @Sven_YT
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Important: I kind of forgot to mention this in the video, but of course hot air balloons are also targeted by the sam sites! Also, if you build out a sam site from your base, make sure to either connect it to the base or give it it’s own TC.

    • @jekotava6243
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    thanks for sharing this info i am very new to rust and did not know how to use the sam site.

    • @ryanoneill4551
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Hot air balloon no?

    • @ibruhprofen
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    its annoying my sams keep shooting me how do clans do it with sam sites?

    • @PeoplsAU
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Noti gang 1st

    • @spooky3773
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Very nice! Great job

    • @PeoplsAU
    • 2025年 3月 06日 7:31am

    Love the vids Sven 💙💙💙