In this video, I take on the solo life. My goal for this solo series is to do a rocket raid. This solo series will be divided into three different parts. This is the first part please enjoy.
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#rust #Tamez #rustmovie #rustsolo
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Tags: rust console,rust memes,rust gameplay,rust,rust solo,rust survival,rust pvp,rust solo wipe day,rust solo wipe progression,rust solo wipe movie,rust solo survival movie,stevie rust solo movie,blooprint rust solo movie,Tamez Solo,tamez rust,tamez med,tamez settings,tamez,LUCKIEST SOLO START OF MY 5K HOURS!,rust 5k hours,rust lucky moments,rust lucky gambling,rust lucky star,rust lucky start,lucky star rust,rust crazy start,rust solo raid defense
Taqs:rust console,rust memes,rust gameplay,rust,rust solo,rust survival,rust pvp,rust solo wipe day,rust solo wipe progression,rust solo wipe movie,rust solo survival movie,stevie rust solo movie,blooprint rust solo movie,Tamez Solo,tamez rust,tamez med,tamez settings,tamez,LUCKIEST SOLO START OF MY 5K HOURS!,rust 5k hours,rust lucky moments,rust lucky gambling,rust lucky star,rust lucky start,lucky star rust,rust crazy start,rust solo raid defense
コメント (24)
Made me want to play rust solo again. I love your energy! More rust videos please!
The start feels a little scripted idk
What res do you play on tamez??
what sever were you on ??
My guy is a up coming big content creator
Yoo great video. I’m just thinking if you were to duo with someone they’d be happy as fudge cause you will carry them so hard, AKA me xD
Handout gamer
0:30 scripted
yo bro i thought they patched that bunker like what
The red border on the thumbnail made me think I already watched the video lol
Can’t wait for part 2 ! Also you gotta chill out on your E
Lmao you earned my sub bc of the co*# muncher 3000
4:53 there was already a hole in the wall 😂
Insane bro
İm not in my hause in watching on 720p but its still awesome
I feel a duo series with me down the road 😘
Can u give me your resolution and graphics config i really like them
Very cool
100% Not scripted😑😑
lovely work tamez can’t wait for the next 2 parts
Hope you guys enjoyed part 1
5k? 🤔
imma need that base design⁉️⁉️