Rust Top Skins | Camo, Camo, Camo! Chrome & Cloud Aks #96 (Rust SKin Picks)
Rust Top Skins | Camo, Camo, Camo! Chrome & Cloud Aks #96 (Rust SKin Picks) – Join Me on my preview of Each Week’s new Rust skins in game before you buy them!
Check out the Skins Here -https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2139248281
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Outro: Octillary-Chill Trap Beat- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3VrtjFIy7U
Made by Decenrad.
Other Music- Happy ride magnus, ES_Happy Playground 1-3 – Merlean
Channel Art by- https://www.youtube.com/user/Freepdied
Logo By- https://twitter.com/XSEIDET
These thoughts and opinions are my own, and not that of the game creators.
I purchased/Obtained this game legally and all copyrights for the game are held by their respective owners.
Taqs:rust,rust skins,rust new skins,rust top skins,rust top 10 skins,rust glow skins,rust marketplace,rust skin unboxings,rust store,skins,rust weapon skins,rust gameplay,rust game,rust update,rust updates,rust devblog,rust survival,play rust,lets play rust,rust lets play,rust pvp,rust building,rust epic,rust news,rust tips,facepunch,playrust,rust thatgermanguy,thatgermanguy rust,thatgermanguy
コメント (62)
You should add a “definitely” counter to your videos haha
Helk you good there buddy? Need some help? This is the second week that you’re off by a day. Something wrong?
Yass shark nado
Can we just maybe get a break from the endless stream of childrens themed skins? no more cowmoorainbowlittlepony of happiness? its almost like its a guarantee that those submissions get picked over a ton of vastly more creative and interesting skins.
Good work on the video as usual, I disagree about the m249 skin though, that thing is clean and pretty.
When can we have a TABLE SKIN?
There should be some site where we can register and vote which skins we would like to get. Sometimes those skin picks by “this” guy into shop are… We just know what they are
Please add the metal furnace!
does the new skin sheet metal door is copy of animal crossing item the climbing wall??
How do I get the No Mercy jacket?
Diggin that LR and Python skin though.
I like the camo gloves, camo boots, pixel wood door and blackout jacket, everything else is meh.
FUR COAT like if you want it so it gets up high!!!
Still tilted he did not add the penguin set last week
That LR has to make it in the game or riot. Please helk do not add that fun AK we are sick of them.
bro noooooo not again the blackout has already crashed the price on the plate carrier now it’s gonna crash the price on the firefighter jacket
How does the whole selection work? Looks like people vote to get skins into the game? If so maybe hint to your viewers to go vote?
Once an item is selected how long does it take to appear in game?
My favourites are the snow camo hoodie/pants, volatile double door AND surprisingly the alien HQM set, that thing is pretty awesome.. just get a kilt out for the alien & this weeks raptor set plz.
Thanks for showing my rock
hope you get better man!
Bandana skin that looks like a facemask (a irl facemask)
Why is blackout so popular? I dont get it
Alien mask looks so sick, I really hope they let it in. Seems a shame they let conspiracy nut hoody/jacket in then ignored everything else from the set
The Bread rock looked sick on the workshop too bad the video skipped it a bit
Bro the sound levels are always so low I have to turn it up to max on my iPad and I still can’t hear it over the air conditioner and tv
I like the locker. I wish the armored door was a double door, I have been waiting for a military looking double armored door to get in. If the LR sight tip was green it would be excellent.
How many rainbow guns do we need
How do u know wich skins will be picked out from? Is there a poll that u pick those from?
Get well soon
That’s some fine skins! Chrome AR came directly from Heaven!!! Good job showcasing it to us. And hope you get better! Cheers!
Beautiful LR. Amazing job, oddisey. Wish to be as good as you one day.
German, did u know your voice on ur video’s are always much lower than all other videos on youtube? Always have to turn up my volume to 70+
Hope the double door gets in
Thanks for the feature German! Get better!! Nice skinz everyone. Madroce is my sugar daddy now and Teddy is our son.
Solo compraría la ak cromada. Buen vídeo.
I hope blackout jacket pass, the other skins are not great for this item AFAIK
we need tc skins and hazmat skins
Get well soon! Depending on the accepted picks may have to add funds to the Steam wallet.
anyone else think the diamond python looks like the black ops 2 diamond camo?, would love to see a AK version
i wish there was stickers skins like there is in cs:go
Damn we need some Thompsons make it through.
Get well soon my brother
. That Sourdough rock looked interesting but amazing skins this week not a bad one in the bunch
its so boring if Helk decides he actually likes a set the following 99 weeks items around that set make it in or other designers jump the bandwagon and everything looks the same. either increase the nbr of items that make it in, add complete sets at once or i dont know what. the variety is just not there and its frustrating that genius items like the fever dream garage, the pizza furnace, bradley furnace, the small wooden box that looks like a taverne that are super creative dont make it. how many more skull items for example do we need? yes the blackout set sells great, are we getting every week some random blackout item for the next 3 years?
The alien mask looks like Zam Wesell from Star Wars ^^
Love the lr
wow, I want that chrome
spider door fav)
I wish we could get more glow in the dark box skins those are my favorites.
stabby definetely stepped it up with the silo door! also hope u get better soon
So many good skins this week, also get well soon TGG!
I really like the shark hammer and lr300 skin very nice. Hope the came set gets completed.
alien mask is giving me handsome squidward vibes
Get better soon man, also good picks!
honestly wish all of those hammers were in game
get well soon
Do the spider skins ever actually sell? Like all the custom door skins that look so nice I never see in the rust weekly skins, also can we finally get tactical glove skins/road sign skins for sets at least roadsign gloves, by the way what about l96’s?
Rainbow ak will make it in but the glowing python won’t calling it now
Hope you get better man thanks for uploading
thanks for showing off my camo set i know alot of rust folk are loving the camo themed stuff good luck to all on thursday some really cool looking skins this week! my personal favorites are the alien HQ set and blackout jacket
Always like the videos, hope you get better
Well the LR looks good honestly there are quite a few good ones but………those im sure won’t make it im calling it qe will get the stupid green armor set and the chemo boots and gloves, one of the stupid gay AK’s and the tool set
get well soon !
Спасибо за видео!Thx
Hope u feel better soon bro