Update on the Update 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, XBOX
Update on the Update. Time is closing in for the February Update. What is going on with the Updates on Rust Console Edition? We just got another update on the Testing branch and it really really isn’t great. When was our last content update? February Update is looking like it will be delayed as we have yet to get a content update on Rust Console Edition Testing Branch. When we do get our content update will it be cars (modular vehicles) in our next big update? Where is our Roadmap for 2025? We are still waiting on the Rust Console Edition Public Testing Branch update. Rust CE next Big update could contain Ziplines, Cars, Minis or a monument. With monthly update schedule Rust Console Edition. Will have a testing branch update coming up fast just as the year begins. Future updates could include Minicopters, cars. Will we get cars, Minis after electric furnaces (industrial update) on Rust Console Edition. Other modes of transportation that we could be getting in the future are, minicopters, scrap helicopter, hot air balloon, cars (modular vehicles). In this video I go over what we do know so far and what could be on the horizon for us on Rust Console Edition for the PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Get ready for Rust’s latest update, featuring brand new modes of transportation like horses, modular vehicles (cars), hot air balloons, and mini helicopters (scrap helicopter)! Join us as we explore the exciting world of Rust’s upcoming transportation options and see how they’ll change the way you play. Whether you’re a console player on Rust PS4, Rust Xbox, Rust PS4 Pro, or Rust Xbox One X, or a PC player on Rust Custom Servers, this update will take your Rust experience to the next level. Don’t miss out on the latest Rust news and updates – stay tuned for more on Rust Console, Rust PS4, Rust Xbox, Rust Xbox Series X, Rust PS5, and more! Are Rust Console Cars and Custom Servers soon? With the addition of Power update and now the farming update (cultivator update) on Rust Console Edition PTB it clears the way for the potential of custom servers to finally come to Rust Console. Also with the addition of the farming update there was a terrain update that really leave a bunch of clues that Rust Cars (Modular vehicles) are in active development and are closer than we think. Quick Rust console news update. Rust console Power Surge update will bring in really big turret changes for all players PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Rust console update news for PS4, Xbox One, PS4 Pro, Xbox One X, PS5, xbox Series X, Xbox series S. Bringing you the latest Rust Console Edition News for all Rust console platforms PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. This amazing open world survival game is now full release. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. New Rust Console Info! Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta News! The most up to date information on the Rust Console Edition. I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles to be released on the console platform ever! Gary has confirmed it and now we are just asking ourselves when this PvP Open World Survival game is coming to PS4 and Xbox. Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.
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Taqs:Rust,Rust Console,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4 Pro,Rust Xbox One,Rust Xbox One X,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update,Rust Console 2025,Rust Console Roadmap,Rust PS4 Heli,Rust Cars,Rust Mini Helicopter,Rust Console Mini,Rust Vehicles,Rust PS4 Cars,Rust Hot Air Balloon,Rust Xbox Mini Heli,Rust Zip Line,Rust Fish Hut,Rust Fish Scrap,Rust Wipe,Rust Console Wipe,Rust Console News,Rust PS4 News,Rust Xbox News,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5
コメント (38)
I’ve played this game since launch in April/May 2021 and remember the days of very few updates. 2023/4 were definitely exciting and was hoping that 2025 was the year that we were so close to PC. But I’m now utterly disheartened and if there isn’t a road map soon then this game is finished. It’s been 7 months since a content update
I don’t think rust console is worth it for the makers I reckon they’ve given up
look at you all crying man, your console players you WILL ALL WAYS BE SECOND TO PC get used to it, just be thank full you have this amazing game from and amazing dev team that is even made a port to console for you guys, so many other big games out there that refuse point blank to port to console, yeah its annoying for you guys seeing pc get all the new cool shit well ahead of console players but that’s just the way it is and all ways will be, bothers you that much get a pc and play the game how it was intended to be played
Is there anythinf happening on rust beta? Beta has still been getting updates as well..but all the servers are locked on my end still
trust brother, nothing big coming in Feb, we all need to prepare for the summer, it will blow your socks off
mobile is no comparison to console, not sure what your smoking but you be mad to think that
Just another video telling us nothing, nice!
6:41 massive???
Ur vid just the same… facepunch is trash.. over a yr of waiting all together for content…. broken record… un sub. Thumbs down.
Is there any other rust CE content creators that focus on updates, I’m getting tired of jade
Yo jade even that bicycle your riding would be a good addition to console as slow as it is it still another mode of transport if we had those, hot air bloons and zip lines would work for us at this point
I wouldn’t be mad if we got the sks 🎉
I gave up on rust console i bought a pc to finally experience the game
Double eleven is actual asshole. I’m not playing at all till they drop SOMETHING
stop putting cars ect as the thumb nail as if that’s what the update it, stop click baiting
is there to get a refund on the game and everything i bought? i pre- ordered this game back in 2021, and 4 years later, it’s not worth it.
Jade, I really dont get why they are acting like this is a secret. all this content has been out on pc for years
I really want my money back I’m just going to get it on pc it’s better
Hate from Sweden
They are working on killing this game off keep doing empty promises great game on PC but console is a dumpster fire rn
It’s crazy how Rust mobile has more than console already
I swear of we don’t get cars/mini’s at least give us the Medieval stuff. I’d be more than happy with that been playing enough Chivalry to be a menace and crossy is one of my most deadly rust weapons loll
They definitely need to add some different kind of transport
Just F’n sad man 😢 I’ve been playing from jump street and now I’m taking a break for a while.
Done with this bullshit game. Devs don’t care I’m done. Dead game dead servers
Tunnels and trains?
D11 is handling this like a nurse who has a dying cancer patient and they don’t have the right treatment and so they just don’t break the bad news to save them despair.
I genuinely do not understand what their logic is. If you can’t get these updates put out atleast tell us what they are so we can get excited. Or yk they’re just lying about it all.
I want them to freaking update the graphics the game looks like shit
The big update will be dropped in March. In ptb they don’t have enough time to work on any fixes if they dropped it today. I sincerely hope facepunch makes the next gen versions and uses unreal engine I remember in the past facepunch hated the fact that they didn’t use or create a different engine remember that the whole situation I remember being worried we wouldn’t be able to play rust anymore because of it. I can’t remember but it had to do with something like they wanted more money from facepunch and facepunch basically said they’re greedy AF and blasted them on Twitter omfg that was a crazy time
we aren’t getting a roadmap not a real one they will give us some bullshit and call it a road map
they don’t care about us at all and it sucks i’m starting to hope they sink so bad i want facepunch to take over
Or maybe they just sit there and lie and lie and lie for no reason
if you are being held hostage write Why 6 time
weak update wtaf???
Its crazy how rust mobile is a thing
Nothing new is coming next week! All they are saying is they are going to be fixing an issue in ptb. The new content and road map aren’t coming until the 27th.
6min gang
There really getting beat by a mobile game when this has been out on console for 4 years 😭
I’ll be honest they need to add some kind of transportation