What is going with the Updates? 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, XBOX
What is going on with the Updates on Rust Console Edition? We just got another update on the Testing branch and it really really isn’t great. When was our last content update? February Update is looking like it will be delayed as we have yet to get a content update on Rust Console Edition Testing Branch. When we do get our content update will it be cars (modular vehicles) in our next big update? Where is our Roadmap for 2025? We are still waiting on the Rust Console Edition Public Testing Branch update. Rust CE next Big update could contain Ziplines, Cars, Minis or a monument. With monthly update schedule Rust Console Edition. Will have a testing branch update coming up fast just as the year begins. Future updates could include Minicopters, cars. Will we get cars, Minis after electric furnaces (industrial update) on Rust Console Edition. Other modes of transportation that we could be getting in the future are, minicopters, scrap helicopter, hot air balloon, cars (modular vehicles). In this video I go over what we do know so far and what could be on the horizon for us on Rust Console Edition for the PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Get ready for Rust’s latest update, featuring brand new modes of transportation like horses, modular vehicles (cars), hot air balloons, and mini helicopters (scrap helicopter)! Join us as we explore the exciting world of Rust’s upcoming transportation options and see how they’ll change the way you play. Whether you’re a console player on Rust PS4, Rust Xbox, Rust PS4 Pro, or Rust Xbox One X, or a PC player on Rust Custom Servers, this update will take your Rust experience to the next level. Don’t miss out on the latest Rust news and updates – stay tuned for more on Rust Console, Rust PS4, Rust Xbox, Rust Xbox Series X, Rust PS5, and more! Are Rust Console Cars and Custom Servers soon? With the addition of Power update and now the farming update (cultivator update) on Rust Console Edition PTB it clears the way for the potential of custom servers to finally come to Rust Console. Also with the addition of the farming update there was a terrain update that really leave a bunch of clues that Rust Cars (Modular vehicles) are in active development and are closer than we think. Quick Rust console news update. Rust console Power Surge update will bring in really big turret changes for all players PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. Rust console update news for PS4, Xbox One, PS4 Pro, Xbox One X, PS5, xbox Series X, Xbox series S. Bringing you the latest Rust Console Edition News for all Rust console platforms PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X. This amazing open world survival game is now full release. We go over mouse and keyboard support, Skin support for console, Rust+, Controller layout, Twitch Drops crossplay and Rust getting an ESRB/PEGI rating recently. New Rust Console Info! Rust PS4 and Xbox Beta News! The most up to date information on the Rust Console Edition. I am more excited than ever to share the most up to date information about one of the biggest open world survival titles to be released on the console platform ever! Gary has confirmed it and now we are just asking ourselves when this PvP Open World Survival game is coming to PS4 and Xbox. Rust is the premiere PvP open world survival game that all other games are judged by.
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Taqs:Rust,Rust Console,Rust PS4,Rust Xbox,Rust PS4 Pro,Rust Xbox One,Rust Xbox One X,Rust Update,Rust PS4 update,Rust Xbox Update,Rust Console 2025,Rust Console Roadmap,Rust PS4 Heli,Rust Cars,Rust Mini Helicopter,Rust Console Mini,Rust Vehicles,Rust PS4 Cars,Rust Hot Air Balloon,Rust Xbox Mini Heli,Rust Zip Line,Rust Fish Hut,Rust Fish Scrap,Rust Wipe,Rust Console Wipe,Rust Console News,Rust PS4 News,Rust Xbox News,Rust Xbox Series X,Rust PS5
コメント (35)
Even if there was communication ppl would cry that they aren’t meeting standards either way they are going to get people crying so far what I seen they hold content till is 💯 and in my eyes is way better than dayz dropping so many updates that are all trash and break 7 other things the d11 has been doing fkn fantastic with the content that they finally do release and to me that’s good enough 🤙
They don’t care about Rust console. Just get the PC version of Rust you will not regret it.
Rust console is so bad rn give us the anti cheat/heli already
What they need to do, whether tbey like it or not, is make a next gen version that is updated alongside PC and leave the old gens where it is. My console is definitely capable of running rust at a PC level so why are we being left in the past. They need to either update it all or just the consoles that are 100% capable.
My posts on the rust console discord get immediately removed. Even though I’m only asking about future plans for solos. Possible tunnels anything to help progression and travel easier.
im only here to make sure you console plebs are still behind us PC gods
What we really need are bigger server slot caps and bigger maps because especially on monthly’s nobody roams they just build next to a monument and only leave for scrap and raids. Resources often stockpiled on one part of the map and makes it very difficult to enjoy the pvp aspect of rust. No meaningful player interactions because of how lacklustre roaming is
buy a pc lmao
I think the rust community needs to work together not buy skins an stop playing for a while lack of communication with they’re consumer’s is crazy shows the value they have for us as were helping put bread on the table
I kinda think they done this to get under your skin after the nda
This broken recorded again they suck at communication we know it and they don’t like you on their ass for the community keep it up they are sucking so bad like I’m about to just get a pc I think if you truly love the game just get a pc
Stay on their ass!!! @D11 pull your shit together literally these YouTubers push your game and make it grow they practically work for you and us the players ain’t happy there for he is making videos letting you know that!
The next big update I going to be the Easter event the way it’s going
Can’t even get metal detectors on Xbox yet. lol come on give us something. lol 😂
Just give us cars already, to hell with more monuments. Need transportation to existing monuments!!!
They ain’t going to say anything until the DevBlog at the end of the month…
how tf roblox rust have more updates then fucking console rust 😭
Can u make a solo, duo, trio modded AU server please.
1 big update per year it seems, I’m not waiting no longer, I’m playing no man sky where the updates are good and often
i just bought black myth wukong gonna just start playing that
i havent played RCE in months and i am staying off this game until a stupid huge update drops.. these devs are brain dead idiots.
Is the jade monkey server a bi-weekly wipe?
I can’t use discord so any info I get for this game I get from you so they need to have more contact with the public
Bro D11 is shitting the bed. Monthly updates… 😂😂😂
Something big is coming…😂😂😂
I feel nothing is coming. Some dumb little updates, maybe some skins. But nothing major. And their lack of response to all the negative feed back makes me feel like D11 is going bankrupt or they are losing the contract.
Honestly this situation is almost exactly what happened with red dead online before they cut updates all together it was one year no content promises of big update then crap update no more content
I just saw my base 😂
I’m going over to day trading at this point. Can still throw my money away but at least I know what’s going on 😅
The only thing that I can understand an NDA and the hush hush stuff is if it’s something that PC doesn’t have. Something entirely new. Other than that, there’s no need to be quiet about things. Bet they’re concentrating too much on the mobile version and ignoring console on purpose. Apex started to fail for this exact reason. Apex mobile tanked horribly. The suits are too money hungry.
This game could be so good but it’s just sad how much there butchering it it’s not hard to tells us what’s coming since it’s already on pc
i dunno i think D11 have done fucked up this RCE is a cash cow what gives something aint right!
So someone please feel me in, call me dumb or whatever thats fine. So does the same studio that owns PC do they work on console? I only ask that because i played alot of 7 days to die like beta 7 days to die on console. Of course game stayed in beta the whole time until recently… But tale tale games had the rights to 7 days on console, and blue pimps was the owners of the game in general, and that took care of the PC version. When tale tale went defunct bluepimps stuido made a statement apologizing not knowing the state of the console version of the game. I ask the question about rust because bluepimps studio turned in mu opinion 7 days to die around, and made it into the PC version pretty quickly once they got control… I see rust console the same way. I see rust console as a beta version of rust because they are doing (NOTHING) with the game, and are being very lazy… But my last question why dont someone take over, and make this game what it should be or as i should say (PC Rust)
Guys, get a gaming laptop for rust. You won’t regret it. Yall dont deserve this. Once you hear the rain hitting junkpile roofs on PC, you won’t go back.
Dayz is garbage
Bro I’m quitting this game. Atp dayz is getting more updates than this crappy game and atleast the devs there TALK with their community.