The smartest base in Rust
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Visit Christmas event page 🎄🎅🏻 https://12daysofraid.plarium.com/ to get a chance to win amazing in-game and real life prizes ☃️ Prizes are available only to new users that downloaded the game in the period starting December 1, 2022, at 00:01am Eastern Time
Check out Deadside on STEAM using my link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/895400/Deadside/
I’m streaming Rust RIGHT NOW, come say hi:
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZChumYT
My Discord: https://discord.gg/zchum
My Second Channel: @ZChumExtra
My Clips Channel: @zchumclips6921
My Merch: https://zchum.tv
Played With:
OmidLive – @OmidLive
Exfil Camper – @exfilcamper
JoshCreed – https://twitch.tv/joshcreed1
Kayli – She doesn’t have any social media she just GAMES
This was an absolute nightmare to make. The multiple cameras and the smart devices and the coding was just impossibly difficult and took a lot of time and effort. I’m sorry it took so long but I hope you can understand why. I am already hard at work on the next video and i’m excited for you all to see it. From the bottom of my heart thank you for watching.
00:00 – Intro Cinematic
04:43 – The Plan
07:22 – Day One
11:46 – Raiding The Neighbors
12:56 – Building Main Base
13:58 – The Tunnels
18:26 – The Contraptions
19:03 – Our First Intruder
20:39 – Night One
22:00 – Day Two
25:26 – Corrupted With Power
27:46 – The Outpost Encounter
31:54 – Night Two
34:47 – A Dubious Creature
41:10 – Day Three
42:18 – It’s Time
43:27 – It’s All Over
43:54 – Outro
Music Provided by APM Music
#Rust #SmartHome
Raid: Shadow Legends “Christmas 12 Days of Raid” Prize Promotion. Entry is Open to legal residents of THE 50 UNITED STATES AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (EXCLUDING NEW YORK AND FLORIDA), who are 18 years or older. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. Open only to NEW users with a valid Player ID that downloaded Raid: Shadow Legends and opened a Game Account after December 1st, 2022. To install Raid: Shadow Legends for Free, click here https://clcr.me/Gwbzo0. Downloading Raid: Shadow Legends is subject to Plarium Terms of Use and Privacy Policy( https://plarium.com/en/legal/privacy-and-cookie-policy ). In-game purchases are available. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR TO WIN A PRIZE. A PURCHASE DOES NOT IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING A PRIZE. Prizes: in-game items and/or Amazon.com Gift Cards, in the value and number as described in the Promotion Official Rules (https://12daysofraid.plarium.com/ ). Additional Terms may apply on Amazon.com Gift Cards as set forth here (https://www.amazon.com/ ). Prizes will be rewarded randomly, subject to eligibility requirement set forth in the Promotion Official Rules. Promotion Period: December 19th at 00:01 – January 10t at 23:59. Sponsor: Plarium Global Ltd. Administrator: BRAME AG. Personal Data will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Notice (https://12daysofraid.plarium.com/ )
Taqs:rust,rust movie,movie,raid,broke,broken,zchum,omid,exfil,camper,guess,codes,rust funny moments,rust solo survival,rust survival,parasites,living,under,bases,players,living under,rust players,base,trap,trap bases,rust gameplay,smart,home,that,doesnt,let,you,sleep,contraption,contraptions,devices,rust plus,rust base,smart base,smart home,rust smart,rust smart home,rust smart base,omidlive,exfilcamper,smartest,in
コメント (2195)
Install Raid for Free✅IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://clcr.me/Gwbzo0 and get a special starter pack Available only for the next 30 days.
+ DEADSIDE IS AVAILIBLE FOR 25% OFF: https://store.steampowered.com/app/895400/Deadside/
damm blud setetd up a arduino uno circuit to dont be raided
Autoturrets would solve all this mans problems
His neighbors are experiencing a rust players life
27:45 it’s all fun and games till somebody decides they’re not afraid of online raiding
i think we can all agree, Zchum would be a great dad (if he quits rust) or becomes a solo snowballer😎😎
dude your videos always have the absolute best music
“We’re raiding you, don’t sleep”
if only he knew that wasn’t an issue at all
the car horn sounds like the femur breaker
that intro scripted as hell (8:26 btw)
edit: nvm (8:44 btw)
bro sacrificed his health for us 😭
Parents around the world: Yeah, same brother
i like your kyron mask
You literally have the highest quality rust videos I’ve seen… please make more.
if only there was a rocket sensor
if ur doing this again, then use the new sesmic sensor
Why not just stay logged in the entire time and just switch off the monitors, so you don’t have to wait to log in every time loosing valuable time to defend.
Last wipe I got raided 23 times and my friend invited people and then we all got baned because some guy was evading bands
You don’t love it you just have Stockholm syndrome
next time text micheal reeves lmao this is something he would fucking love
I’ve never played rust but the fact the devs though they should add a mobile app is crazy. Then they made an API so you can affect the real world?? Get out. How does anyone but full time content creators have time for this game
you look like mr beast
Offliners are so fing gay man
What editing software does this dude use?
It’s absolutely absurd ive just know seen this. I feel like this video idea is goated
Do You like bananas
At that point, you’re not playing rust. You’re a full-time nightgaurd working overtime.😅😂😅
do it again but have more protection, turrents and traps everywhere to slow down a raid
Bro didn’t even set the cot up right 😂
zchum know that new sensor was added u should do a part 2
Its giving Average Apartment Neighbors!
more games need these type of awesome integrations
offline raid-ers shadow legends of rust.
idk is this anything?
“I love rust” famous last words. 😂
You sleep in a different room than your wife???
if my d1psht neighbour installed a car horn that can blast at any given time for a video game i would have probably thrown molotivs through your window what a terrible idea
big nopes, that was a hardcore setup dude. Committed or be committed lol
bro became Tony Stark for a wipe
11:57 my baby 😂😂😂
The russianbagder of rust creators
dude i love your music !
You’d probably get more sleep if you didn’t browse reddit until 4 AM lol
you gotta have a pad between you and the cot to have it by comfy
The hit records note is some me 😂😂😂
this is like the lowest effort try hard I’ve ever seen and it is hilarious
2 sponsers is a lil wild
do it again😀👍
wtf am i watching, this is extreme
i guess you can’t win them all LOL
No fan while sleeping is crazy
Deadside seems to be dead😭
If this level of dedication is what it takes to be a Rust player then I don’t wanna be a Rust player
This is one of the sickest set ups maybe some turrets could have aloud you to log in an defend, love the vid 👌
“I’m too tired to figure it out”
Maybe that is the lesson.
That sleep is essential to good gameplay.
imagine if a like 20 man zerg all installed this 😭
Wait did bro do 2 sponsors in one vid?
i sub because of this video your crazy!
zchum i have the same keyboard as you
guy goes within 8 miles of zchums base. Zchums irl base alarm: Real shit?
a smaller wiljum sized solo base, woulda probably been better, draws less attention but you still have all the same info on the enemy. ALSO,zchum. i got a question, if you’d even still reply to comments on such an older video, what did you do before youtube? im fairly sure you do youtube for a job at this point, what did you do before it though? did you like it? you gotta be smart,so i think you might’ve worked in electronics at some point? or electricals? idk, im just curious. also i hope you’re doing well if you are reading this,hopefully you didnt try this again for more suffering
that was bad ass security lol.
award worthy
why not just put some auto turrets
ok now do it again but with a seismic sensor that blows your actual house up when you get raided
The moral of the story is to use Windows Task Scheduler to automate the “connecting to rust, turning on OBS, turning on monitors, alerting the discord group” parts, so all you have to do is get out of bed and grab the mouse.
Do it again.
Putting this on to go to bed. I know its a bad idea. But it will not stop me
Love the carpenter brut shirt
You give up a few things, chasin after a dream
Intruder alert red spy in the base
yeah ummm how do I say this delicately … well, good luck dating I guess … that’s wild …
Guys, I think he really likes rust
i think it would have made a lot more sense to set the audio alarm to go off for only 1-2 seconds, notifying you that there is someone indeed inside your base, and then again every like minute they are inside
Dude the Molotov raid was a classic way to break into a wooden base but it was made 1000x better when “big don” kept yelling “SoMeBoDy SaVe My BaBy”
Is this what perpetually online looks like?
Reminds me of fall out overseer
I think this video alone encapsulates how clinically insane Rust players are
please post more
7:00 I didn’t have to rewind to check he was wearing shorts but I did.
This is the definition of gaming engagement
I bet ZChum is now single. 🤣🤣
We have the sponsor of today’s video budget rust
You definitely should have used a regular alarm not something that can cause you physical injury.
Auto turret??
Now you know how a fire fighter sleeps.
With how little you were actually trying to sleep I don’t think the loud ass horn was even necessary.
Deadside only allows online raiding. That’s pretty sick.
After coming back to rewatch this video a year later, seismic sensors have come out! It’s perfect for a smart home 2.0
” intro cinematic ” got me focused on whats coming next
le mec qui va trop loin pour rush mais c’est trop drole en vrai
the aim at 17:04
more cat content please
bros “sleeping” is him on his phone 90% of the time
These are the best edited videos I’ve seen so far
Try this again with the new seismic sensor
Offline radeing is the way to go
Dang, I thought he was better than taking an ad from Raid Shadow Legends.
This is a good representation of what it’s like to be a first responder on duty. And he didn’t even do it on purpose.
This is why I only build bunkers
This would’ve been so much less traumatic you just used the horn less lmfao
What is the opening opera-sounding song?
This proves they need to buff base defense either through Ark turrets and turret towers. Or boosting the health or nerfing the explo damage
Love it ❤ do it again 😂
Raid shadow legends sounds like a clan that only offline raids
Lost me at “this video is sponsrd by Ra..”
Youre married i thought you were like 17-20 😂
ur gonnna lose ur wife someday if you keep wasting ur time on rust like that
Zchum you need to run this back with the new seismic sensors they are adding.
Why bother even logging out
the lesson is, smart homes wont protect you from 6 men with rocket launchers
I could sleep through this
8:45 I knew who you were impersonating before you said it, so good job. lmfao
This video is all the evidence she needs for the divorce
Is omid persian?
How about ○~☆ Auto Turrets ☆~○
your finest moment called for a granade
32:50 pov your friends are asshole trolls
Does this motherfucking video have 2 sponsors?
exactly the reason why i build 3 or 4 small af bases instead of 1 big one. But seriously, I dunno if Z intended this to be an expose on how broken the gameplay loop is for rust but this is a great example of how even with third party assistance, you still cant beat the people willing to play at 4 in the morning just to offline you. BORRRINGGG GAMEEEEEE
No way bro, you tortured yourself just to save your loot, or i dunno, giving the offline raiders a taste of they own medicine perhaps
bro always has the best songs in every video
13:29 you shooting that guy and him defending himself is definitely a “setback”
Every video that Kayli is in she just fucking owns. Zchum or someone else will be like ”shit shit shit kayli can you {insert task for the greater good here}” and she’s like ”I’m already doing that, yup” super chill.
Do you cut the people you play with in on a little bit of the revenue from these vids? I know the absolute lions share of the pumpkin is yours as editing (as well as you do) takes fucking ages and you manage the account and do all the bts stuff but… I only watch the likes of you and welyn because you play with such funny wholesom friends. I wouldn’t care if you were solo.
surprised he’s not getting raided by his irl neighbors at this point
I literally got offline raided as I was 30 min into watching this 😂 STG
12:01 😂😂
We all here for Omid
What’s the name of the music from 25:30 ? Planning on using it
Is Kayli your gf
Nothing like torturing yourself in your own house 😂
This video is brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends
Most chill Rust player
A better way to do this now is to use the 360 cameras and the rust+ app that way you don’t have to long on every time instead just look to see if it’s a threat or not
this guy is a legend a hero a myth
Even though this is more than a year later, and I might not even get a response, I got to ask. Was it worth it?
I love how cinematic your videos are. Like little goofy movies
Rust, the Meth game. DON’T SLEEP. EVER.
44:39 / 44:39
I don’t slep anyway so I need this
Can you make another vid like this plsss
You barely up
Lad and it makes me sad
Your pain was definitely worth a like.
2nd night I can’t imagine how confused that guy was when you kept joining as soon as he walked in your base
39:03 thank me later 😉
Only way you could make it more secure is if you just didn’t log off
How did your wife not unalive you in your sleep?
show me how to make
bahahaha 32:50
This is why rust sucks balls
too loud. clicked off
missed opportunity to code it in rust
I win
You should consider taking out the Crusader AA Mk1! It’s a blast in low tier 🙂 (attempt 156)
I know the car horn is there for the funnies, but I feel like this video still would’ve done well and you could’ve gotten better sleep if you used something quieter or something like a bright spotlight that shines on your face lol
i have a plan… the plan:
Damn you really need to share the microcontroller setup and in-game setup for those light strips, loved this video
41:13 what’s the sound effect used on the day 3 transition ? I want to use it for a video without having to rip it from here 🙁
Dude the Zelda music had such nastalga it actually made my heart hurt ❤ love your vids keep it up
sanest rust player
W-Waid iws a tuwn based wpg dun wight. In case yuw’ve b-been wiving undew a wock awnd haven’t heawd, waid iws a badass mobiwe g-game dat c-changes evewyding. De g-game iws cwazy popuwaw, wid awmost 15 miwwion d-downwoads in de w-wast 6 monds. Waid iws an epic dawk f-fantasy dun wight. A h-hewo cowwecting tuwn based game wid ovew 400 champions t-tuwu cowwect awnd customize. In waid yuw can get knights owcs u-undead awnd mowe. Waid wid fwiends in a cwan, cwaim gwowy in de pvp awena. Some odew coow featuwes awe muwti battwe a-auto mode, set battwes tuwu wun in auto mode whiwe yuw do someding ewse. Spend w-wess time gwinding awnd mowe time devewoping youw team awnd finding de fun stuff. Dey awso have weekwy touwnaments a-awnd events, such as fighting in de awena, wunning speciaw dungeons, ow w-wevewing up y-youw hewo’s. Dewe’s awways a way tuwu compete a-awnd win extwa pwizes evewy week. De game iws g-gwowing supew fast, c-check owt dis woad map dey’ve pubwished. Dey a-actwawwy have h-huge pwans fow updates ovew de n-next 6 monds. Dewe’s Infinite content fow yuw t-tuwu enjoy no time tuwu get bowed. A new faction, a tag t-team awena f-featuwe, awnd even a new cwan boss yuw’ww be abwe tuwu fight wid youw c-cwan mates. Yuw can find me undew de name Zchum awnd yuw can even join mwy cwan. Gow tuwu de w-wink in de descwiption awnd yuw’ww get 50,000 siwvew a-awnd a fwee epic champion as p-pawt of de new pwayew pwogwam. Stawt youw jouwney t-today!
The facts you can turn on and off light in real world from game thats just 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
DAMN!! this could be the coolest rust content… you’re putting so much in it.. combining game to real life tools, that’s insane… keep it going bro!! i like your content!!
Brother get some sleep
Honestly, the best thing I’ve seen in a decade. Maybe two. And I’m only three quarters in.
best thing about ur vids is seeing how much fun u guys have. its not just all out tryhard mode
Maybe put in more defenses than alarms? *shrugs
idk, maybe something that can Attack Enemies inside the compound?
how did on your roof get a scientist suit?
Blud was edging
>woke up
what do you guys think about that Deadside raid token thing? Would you want that in Rust? I think often about how they need to address offline raids, no one likes it but I don’t have an idea how to fix either without ruining someone’s experience. Fun video ZChum thanks
Anti climactic ending. Maybe a few turrets? When the alarms actually did their job for a real raid, there was no fight to be had. Disappointed. =(
16:52 Fam you got a foot fetish or smth? Drop all those fucking boots!
Schumacher your so hot pookie pookie bear
Sleep with an earphone in ❌ loudest horn you can find ✅😂😂😂
Basically the life of a doctor hahaha
How does he check the cameras? While not on computer station
“Making it impossible to offline raid again” 😎
Online raids: 🗿
The lesson: use enough L9 turrets and armored honeycomb to make it so it takes 8 hours of constant rockets to drill through
Wait till this guy finds out about turrets
The title should have been I gave myself PTSD playing rust
It’s things like this that make me ask what even is life.
Your wife is a trooper!
Sod quitting the game to then keep loading it back up every time
Anyone know the song at 32:32
I’m sure that all content creators felt that “Hit record!” post it down into their soul.
Matthew 7 22-23 maybe will say in that day lord lord didn’t we do many great work but “but I will say depart from me I never knew you” you need to know and have a relationship with jesus as your personal lord and savoir you have to belive in him and truly trust him jesus loves you and he was sent so that whoever belive in him would not perish but have eternal life john 3:16 come back to christ belive in him a d trust him and turn from your lifeful life❤❤❤,..,.,
Are you hating yuar wife so yuo ply with her for 12ouhrs
Oh at the start it was cool vie but tuen the guy in outpost was right. I woulda offline you too. You a roof camper and raid little solo bases
2 minutes in and I already love the video 😂🔥
Bro is doing all this wiring irl and I don’t even know how to do wiring in rust bro
I think he was furious about the sam turret.
wow, i feel bad for your wife and neighbours. mostly for your neighbours. your wife chose you, so she is partially at fault for suffering through that shit xD.
but you made one CRUCIAL mistake. you forgot to add another layer.
have one layer of lights alterts to know when someone is checking out the base or trying to doorcamp.
then have one protected layer of traps so all the nakeds and half assed raiders get taken care of
AND ONLY IF THEY SURVIVE THAT AREA and are about to breach the actual base, you get the car alarm.
would have saved you a lot of time and hassle
ive never played rust and dont plan to, but god damn your videos are gold xD
what’s the song playing in the background when the guy is screaming about his baby lol having a crazy ear worm
My guy this is exactly what Infantry training and sleep deprivation training is like :’)
Made in Bananal, fellow braziliam for sure
Hoya pickles uhh yea pickle
aint no way bro put 2 sponsors in 1 video, dude is hustling tho gotta respect that grind
Really feel like this should have more views because he just deserve to get more credit for the effort you put into this.. crazy fucker.
CtOs ahh house, hacktivist group finna come and raid you
Bro made a smart house in rust
You should have just stayed afk, people wont see you are offline on battlemetrics and no loading time
“I woke up for this”
Bro was scrolling, not sleeping
You must have some very forgiving neighbours…
Kinda your fault, not getting sleep, by sitting on your phone instead of closing your eyes.. :/
“Look into the eyes of a mad man”
Door camps and 5 mans a duo with a wooden door, offlines people, roof camps. Surprised pikachu when offlined.
the light sensors are a good idea. gonna put it on my monitor lol
This is why you just blast speakers and don’t get out of bed until you hear rockets lmao
you could and tesla coils to the core that will go off with a heart beat sensor
You’re an absolute legend bringing Rust to a whole other level. I’m hunting your videos as I just discovered you yesterday. Awesome work, you deserve sooo many more viewers!
He says “I love rust”. I’ma like: Ye no shit you’ve literally got a video about living in other people’s bases like wtf.
We need a series of this smart house. 1 week of bedtime alarms!
A year late, but you would get more sleep if you did not look at your phone while in bed.
He tired even eepy
I think you might have defended the raid if you didn’t create a troll button
That sucked xD Maybe if you were logged in 24/7, but that was a tough hand no matter what
like a bad sleep stream
Honestly if they’d ad that offline raid system of Deadside in Rust id probably start playing again
Damn you must a have a pretty lenient wife playing for hours not seeing her lol..
@zchum for rust
@zman for Minecraft
Best YouTubers ever
My ass would totally do this and completely sleep through the alarm or get a sleep paralysis episode
Welcome to the life of a nightshift nurse 🙂
Maybe the lesson..and hear me out.. YOU CANT DEFEND AGAINST AN OFFLINE RAID.
that’s good that they didn’t just Spam the emergency button alarm lol
I don’t even play Rust and I enjoyed every second of this video ❤
Dudes wife must hate his addiction to this game lol if I was his wife I’d of cut the wires on the horn the first time I heard it at 1:15am Lmao
Why do you keep going to bed, staring at your phone for hours and then complain about not being able to sleep? Just put your phone down
5 minute intro ffs
Just think what good training this is for the coming dtone wars. U will be woken up by an alarm and get on your computer and control killing machines 😂😂
The Night 1 dialogue was actually a perfect expression of how it feels to go to sleep during basic training in the military.
Bro sounds like aquafps but 50 years younger
The weirdest part of this video was the guy with an inventory full of pickles. And whats even worse is 20 minutes later you see them all inside his locked chest…
“Some of the local wild life”💀
“I have a Plan Jhon… This is the good one”
rust players try too hard
I really want to coin the term ORC: Offline Raiding Cunts
I wish he went more “useful” with the alarm system instead of just obnoxious and annoying.
This last raid was a act of love, to save you from being a zombie haha
This is so sick
Hey congrats! you trained yourself for having a newborn baby. Welcome to parenthood…. well without any of the pride or love or… well you just got to inconvenience yourself. Congrats
Imagine if they found the emergency button….
The lesson: dont log out
this reminds me of camp! we had to raid each other and would have night shifts. i fell asleep on mine and we lost all our clothing and tents and had to sleep in the dirt and it really sucked. but it was fun sometimes…
i feel like, in general this is a really good idea, but maybe without the carhorn. just the lights. and if someone enters the base, then make them flash all over. ez
RUST O.R.G.s are worst thing that may ruin your life.
Fuck that horn lol I would have disconnected it a loooong time ago 😀
Now do this as a group in the same basement, like the tarkov stream
This is almost like physical ESP cheats hahaha
I used to have that dedicated when playing WoW. A long, long time ago…
Man tortures himself for online game video
yea, shoulda hqd the honeycomb woulda made them go thru doors and take longeer
They shot smokes to offline…
12:45 when I saw that coffin I screamed so hard the school shooter came in the room and is currently holding us hostage
Bro went oncall on Rust
Intro OST is a remix of: Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist – Sewer Surfin
what’s the song at 14:20 ?
Absolute goblin behavior
new meta
6:24 ah yes “CUM ROOF” and “CUMFLOOR”
Boy those teammates of yours are cringe level annoying with the alarm antics. Precisely why rust players arent allowed to have nice things.
This is why sometimes there’s youtubers that post videos about the lifespan of powerful gangs and how they fall.
The idea of a server uniting together to take down a common evil is… Amazing.
most sane Rust player:
The true life of a gamer, 3 mins of sleep and the rest, GAMING
How did you manage to get the api? i cant find it anywhere
what happened to your eyes bro
hall of the mountain king is perfect for this
To have SIX guys completely STACKED with explosives, that’s not so much of a loss. That just means they needed way more than what they could have afforded in the first place. Pretty sure they made an alliance or something to have more guys. GGs my man, get some sleep 💤
Least sleep deprived rust player
I have to downvote any and every video that is sponsored by Raid: Shadow Scam. You understand.
Bro, get a futon for your office, or a pull-out hide-a-bed couch for your office like a regular married adult.
Truly, the first and only UNIQUE Rust YouTube video.
why not just move your bed in there for the few days you want to do this? would be much better for your back 😀
its the ihome
Rust players not shooting at random people while loaded with loot challenge: impossible.
When his baby dies 😢
Bro is gonna have PTSD from this
cumfloor 🥴
“intruder alert, a RED Spy is in the base!”
imagine inorder to turn the lights in in your room you gotta boot rust up and flick the light switch in game
6:18 is the most true statement ever
The lesson as always is that mindless zerging rules this game. Even just 6 was enough to take out this base, and there’s clans 2-3 times that size all over the place. This game is beat 😂😂
I could see the pain in his eyes 😂
why was i pissed off that they got in so effortlessly even with all the warning systems in place XD i felt like i was the one who lost sleep all for nothing cause i still got raided
I’ve never seen anyone play rust and have a wife
It would be better if he just kept everything but the horn
Somtimes when Omid talks he sounds like the dad in finding nemo hahahah. Thought i had it running in the background somtimes.
39:25 bro looks delirious
The lesson:
No matter what you do, how hard you try, even if you sacrifice your well-being to do something, you are never guaranteed to succeed.
How the boar raiding ur base as well
More rust please.
simple just stay logged in and afk the whole time to remove load times
26:00 Nice to see ZChum and co. be the type of PvP sickos that usually end up victimizing them
It’s pretty retarded that you can go on metrics and see if someone’s offline. Really retarded. I’m gonna play pve or quit lmao
i always wanted to play this but then i remember how everyone keeps talking about how cheater infested it is
Mad respect for u doing this man
he could have just put the 4 strips in a square in front of him on the wall so he wouldn’t have to look all around the room each time to figure out which direction they were…
Should of used turrets asweall to defend the base and so you dont got to wake up so late
There is a lesson hbhf sensors hooked up to door controllers hooked up to garage doors with turrets inside scattered around your area so you have huge build priv and automatic death machines
I realized that this becomes more scary the more people the base is owned by, because it’s like triggering an enemy wave. Imagine a zerg base that got alarms set up in it.
Really wish Rust servers could be automatically turned off and on at certain times so that offline raids weren’t possible. I don’t want a few days of work to be destroyed in a matter of minutes just because I was asleep.
most non-paranoid rust player
Your content, your editing is flawless – just work on more click baity titles and thumbnails, go for what incites an emotional reaction! and you’ll blow up even more!
25:00 direct from Brazil
Among us firework. Gotta respect the hustle
A SAM right at outpost… The whole server levelled you ass obviously.
Maximum Maso. Just turn off the horn.
Bro his wife must be so tired
How you going to advertise for dead side when you don’t even play it lmao
It’s so good you would be playing that instead of this lol
Wdym “horrors” you just played rust normally
Previous title and preview were better
Zchum, you need to do a video with memio, wiljum, spoonkid and your crew. Take ober the whole server
Please an in depth vid in how you set this up
I feel like you’re the smart one of the friend group making an alarm connected to the game
Underrated channel
come back
the feeling of the light turning off had to be so good
Build larger bases with metal barricades landmines and 5 layers of walls and with landmines in between them.
Bro got 2 sponsors in one vid
yo why does it look like ur phone is taking photos while you arent on it
You ever have that moment of realization as you consider that you’ve wasted your life? Of course not, not yet 😉
The alarm isn’t keeping you up. Your damn phone is.
Bad habit to keep your phone in bed with you. Set your bed time and once it hits that time the phone goes on the charger out of reach. I struggled with this until my USB port broke and now I have to wirelessly charge. Means it has to sit on the charger to actually be charged.
41:23 music?
Cumfloor? sounds like a good time
aw man you changed the thumbnail? i thought it was a great one before matched the rest of the rust series
what state u from?
zchum doom fan??
Your Neighbours Wont Be Happy
Do this again.
HA THE #SmartHome
Well I think I know what hizzterx was talking about 26:59
was it worth it? to KILL big don’s baby just to raid your neighbors?
most sane rust player
Ahh yes, the no life rust player
Bro spent the night on the phone lol
Props to having a wife that puts up with playing that much lol
the greatest joke of all is that the experiment didn’t even work when it mattered
the true counter: amish zerg raid base
deadside is quite literally the best sponsor for this video
@gorliac this may interest you
The scrap changed him 😢 smh
Like five years ago I got big into ARK and was playing it nearly nonstop. At one point I was so obsessed and worried about losing my Dinos and base that I sat up in the middle of the night eyes still closed and began trying to figure out if my base was being raided from the comfort of my bed (I was still half asleep and it made sense in the moment) my wife woke up because of how suddenly I shot up and after a bit asked me wtf I was doing. Then I realized and was so embarrassed I just said “Nothing.” and went back to bed. I quit public servers soon after that because I realized I had a bit of a problem. After seeing your alarm setup I think you might have the same problem but X10. Haha
Love your content
Great stuff man. Just absolutely disgusting content XD
someone has more then 1 bar of items “OMG HES LOADED”
love the content, your edits are crazy
This is freaking amazing man! Really appreciate how you make a story and edit the whole thing as well. Thought after seeing the living in rust players walls video I couldn’t be more surprised but this here was even better.
that’s it i’ve decided im not grinding rust. im a new player and from watching this ive comcluded that theres no point in getting a giant base if you lose it in 3 days even if you have a gun to your head (horn). even less if u dont. prob 1.
Subbed, this is insane
as your neighbour, if i heard that loud horn alarm more than once, i’d be beating down your door
18:54 AMOGUS
The nerdest shit I’ve ever seen 😂
I feel sorry for his neighbors😭
Dont ever join the Marines… dope sss base!!
Mi tou
Zchum’s voice reminds me a little of Chris O’neil’s brother hahahaha
the smart base was v cool, maybe skip the horn next time lol
This video wiped out my wish to play rust, thank you for saving me 😊😊
Instead of using a car horn, you should’ve used an air rade siren
This needs a re-upload with a clickbaitier title.
1.1 million is criminal for this video.
Now you know how I feel every single night, and I’m not talking about Rust.
i would use a genies wish for a full version of the hotel mario can can
how did he have a blue hassy suit at 28:49 ?
It is 12:44 am. curently i am two minutes off when he went to bed
That was absolutely devastating 🥃🐔🍝
This is the most gamer thing ive ever seen.
Sleep eat play videogames repead 💀
Bro sleeps on a cot
fancy cot
Please make another zchum torture video for our pleasure😭
Honestly, the horn was kind of overkill. The amount of sound the vibrating cot created was more than enough.
All I wanted was to see the cat’s jump scare. Come on!?
this would be an excellent idea if the load time of joining a server was under 10 minutes
Is exfil camper the dude that literally..camp’s at extracts on tarkov?, dudes gross can’t deal with him
i was going to type this as a joke but now… omit omid
W run the jewels
This video taught me to never allow my friends remote access to a bullhorn in my bedroom
This is super fucking impressive man
I ❤ rust
At 32.36 i need to know the music
Were there no auto turrets/shotgun traps on this server?
The amount of work you put in to make this video is why you are one of the great creators and deserve more subs. Keep the amazing content coming.
Why didn’t you just stay logged in? Is there a penalty for doing so?
this is one of my favorite videos on youtube 🙌
ATTENTION PLS: does anyone know the piece of classical music that is played at 1:52 ?
He made the chum bucket
“I’m so tired ima just head to sleep”
“Bro wth is happening
*nothing, just don’t like you*
“Fuck you”
That team did a good job at stopping these villains and raiding their base lol
How many times does someone have to forget to hit record to have a sticky note on their monitor saying “HIT RECORD”?
My neighbors at 5 in the morning:
Dude where can I get that bed
why dont you sleep in same bed as your wife
32:49 This common youtuber rust music is called: “Town Talk (2003 Remastered Version) – Gerhard Narholz”
I would love to learn how to set something like this up, not exactly to the letter but something simple like blinking lights. Seems like such a cool little project to work on.
five nights at rusts
R u viet
The cinamatography of the opening sequence is actually sick
I’ve spent enormous amount of time watching vids of a game I’ll never play lol.
Raid said “We have Ronda!” acting like anybody cares about her ass anymore 😂🤣 She lost all of her fans when she showed 0 class after losing to Holly Holm, and now she’s the worst superstar on the whole WWE roster. Would love her to come back to the UFC to get KO’d by the Lioness again
Life of a doctor on call no joke
Iam sorry for your neighbours. Great video tho
How do you make a base with all those security systems and still get caught lacking
That intro song sounds familiar
Sponsored by raid shadow legends
“my eyes stunk”
Man got the ring doorbell 2.0
Start of the video: “I am the hero of this story” middle of the video: “Actually I’m the villain of this story” end of the video: “the heroes of this story banded together and ended my villainy.”
Too fucking slow that’s why they got in.
Ironically enough, those guys constantly triggering the system might have caused more damage and pain than being offline raided.
appreciate you sleeping in the office so we could get some alone time
Rust + belike
Help where ever i go i see raid shadow legends ad
Holy fuck the longest ad I’ve heard
Hizzterx: “you took everything from me”
Zchum: “i don’t even know who you are”
The tech setup montage was masterful
bro you forgot to turn on the turrets man
You should do this to your friends
now this is what having no life looks like
It would of been more smart to weak but still decently strong walls surrounding the bases first line of walls and make it where the weak walls dont have sensors and if someone does break through the weak walls, it will detect it. Filter out the people that arent a threat or adleast the people that dont have decent gear
I like how he is calling himself evil even though he’s just playing the game how its supposed to be played
“This will work.” – Man about to have the worst sleep of his life
I think this is a bonding experience with anyone that’s ever slept on one of those shitty fold-out cots.
agggghh lol
The war crime montage went so hard
Can’t believe there’s a video with 2 fucking sponsors.
Adpocalypse hits hard
best use of “in the hall of the mountain king” ever. i was all in
Josh and Omid spamming the emergency button hit me so hard 😂
hearing big don mouring over “his baby” made me laugh for the first time this week ^^
Imagine your base being taken and the enemy having the ’emergency’ button
23:01 he sounds like a meatcanyon character lol
least painful rust experience
Epic fail.
pov: western front
The things people put themselves through for content.
so you got the youtube ads before the video, aswell as a over 2 minute long raid shadowlegends ad at the beginning? ima just dislike and click off this video is probably trash anyway
zchum make me zcum
You evil 🤣
i slept on a canvas cot for seven years, but not even once with a car alarm
The source engine sounds in this video unlocked a DEEP memory XD
Bruh I love u but I totally forget why the frik u did this to urself
you dont sleep with your wife?
To be this man’s neighbor. Jesus.
5 guy dude pretty sure you just need bigger area outside like NW NE SW SE little bit further so that you get them quicker you dont need that horn that engine that vibrate is far enough
My guy are you 6? You are like my 6 year old. Mommy and daddy gonna have to take your phone away. Its really not hard to go to sleep. You just have to ACTUALLY try to do it…its your own fault for not sleeping . Put that thing on the dresser and get ACTUAL sleep
Almost skipped this one cuz I expected this to be just you running Rust afk while you try to sleep irl with volume bumped alarms in your IN GAME base
Boy do I love being wrong sometimes
This is the pinnacle of Rust gaming content.
Five Nights at Clown Security Booth
It truly is a wonder that you aren’t still a virgin.
Interested to know how many complaints were lodged by your neighbours.
the story of Big Don is so sad 🙁
RIP his baby
insanity, the true definition is here
you are married? you have a wife? AND YOU SLEEP IN SEPERATE BEDROOMS?! god dayum, thats a weird marriage relationship!
The only problem is that its so loud it is a disturbance. The bed shaker/lights and a quiter alarm should be enough to wake you but not the neighborhood.
Also, if you wanted to keep the car horn you could just have a toggle to disable it once youre awake, and use a smaller alarm for the actual info it gives.
nice vid zcum!
Conclusion : your wife and neighbours are too patient with you ! ^^
this is other newfound level of unhealthy
With how much work went into this video, it’s a shame it doesn’t have more views.
When you have to set up real life alarms to play a video game it means it is time to quit due to addiction.
Been watching a lot of rust vids and you have recoil. Why do most other youtubers have no recoil?
Man’s wife was going through it with him
I never played rust
I never will
But damn did I just spend a day watching all of your rust videos (2nd channel too!) and then a stream? Hell yeah I did. And I’d do it again.
Bro playing Rust in real life with that setup
26:00 “what were they gonna do … OFFLINE US?” hahahahah I spat out my drink at this line. Great video man. Started watching your videos today, and can’t stop. Subbed. These must take sooooo long to make, so much editing and play time.
Yo bro I love rust too!
I laugh so well
1:26 that time played number made ma laugh so hard idk why
Bro I’m so sorry that happened….
i like how he tortured himself for 2 nights straight and it was all in vain
Not sure if anyone noticed how in the night camera the phone had flashing lights from the camera.
Whoever handles your music in your videos, deserves a raise. They are single-handedly the reason why I’m subscribing.
Your videos make me want to play rust, but I dont have friends.
Totally need an opposite to your Yang. Someone who is up when your not, or that Indian with the opposite with the opposite time zone.
The results were going so well that in your hubris you didn’t consider the possibility of them prepping just outside of the alarm radius.
INNNNcRedableleley entertaining!
I would only do that light thing and probably
A small alarm
cot lol you’d be better off with a sleeping bag on the floor
Big Don’s performance was top tier😂
Damn bro I hope they paid you at least $10k minimum for that Raid Shadow Legends ad, fuck me that was long.
10:55 Where is that sound from again?
Y’all’s bigges flaw was making such a small base a bigger base would of made it so much better
dl for ad
This game has no auto turrets?
This is completely evil
This is why he sleeps in his own bed. Lmao
Love the sound effects. ZChum (or atleast his editor) is truly a Valve games fan.
It was after this video that ZChums wife filed for a divorce.
your house makes car sounds and the sound of new york traffic ,
essentially the sign the nerds are going deep
he nearly got you with the hammer dude, lucky you
looking at your box there btw, You wouldn’t mind if I made a suggestion for the components you used? I figured I would since you might find them useful in the future. For the most part they should all work as drop in replacements but with a lot smaller footprint.
Instead of the arduino you are using, you could substitude that with a ESP32 controller. It would also be able to fit onto the breadboard you have aswell. they are also very cheap too. And instead of several of the single relay boards, you could get a few multi-relay boards and simplify things a little bit that way for your wiring.
Quality over quantity.
The lesson was don’t turn yiu pc off
13:20 ZChum out here complaining about 10 man Zergs when his 5 man just raided a 2 man or a solo at 11:45, after he had door camped the dude. you’re a hypocrite and yall are trash
Atleast it protected you from naked’s that was the aim right?
Why did you not put traps so when the alarm went of they went on
Between you, Omid and Stimpee… looks like I’ve got plenty of entertainment options when it comes to survival game grief pr0n. Can’t compare with your cinematic editing and s/t though. Amazing work and thank you.
May I ask what programming software is?
Raid is Pay To Win.
Shows what you think of your Viewers..
Don’t Subscribe.
least paranoid rust player
this dude has the best intros
Behold! The least dedicated rust player
Love how you combined the can can with a hotel mario theme at 18:31
It funny imberne raided you lol
I like watching rust videos but the thought of playing makes me want to puke.
THE lesson is go fucking sleep xd
I like how he sounds so dead inside while reading the raid script lmao
40:45 do these people not sleep?!?
On ark we had a alarm for our cave it was this coke head that would sit at the front of the cave while we were offline lol
I bet your wife hated that shit.. FYI if you do it again, i recommend stuffing a sock or something cloth in the horn.
My youtube says I watched this video already. Man I love weed. Second first watch and this video is still gold
Leave the phone
Schizo rust
how u can be so smart and not just leave ur char logged in and trade ur computers sleep for ur real sleep
jesus you’re gorgeous
kitty 41:45
“Couldn’t Sleep” *is on phone entire time*
Most sane and least addicted rust player:
“Save my WALRUS!!!”
Man I love zcum
VIBRATING MOTORS chaturbate will never be the same
Bruh. That dude was pissed but they were so evil to the point they have no clue how many/who theyve wrong. I love this vid. Especially that very chaotic moment on day 2 lmao
average rust player moment
Foxhole doesn’t have this functionality, but before satchels got nerfed builders had the exact same experience. In one war I built a bunker at a crucial mountain pass to block the enemy, but waiting for AI to activate took such a long time I needed to sleep next to my computer with headphones on. It was unpleasant to say the least.
I just discovered this game in December 22, it’s April 23 and I have 980 hours. I’m over 30. I love Rust too… xD
Sold welyn impersonation
ZCHUM is so creative
Imagine someone breaks into your home and your hiding and your about to get caught someone walks by your heartbeat censors and distract him… rust Litteraly saving your life
His poor wife
i hate raid just becurse thier ads …
Funny how he complains about getting 0 sleep WHILE BEING ON THERE PHONE
You’re a fucking genius
You got raided by imBernE I was watching one of his videos and only realized it was you after i saw “josh the roof camper”
This hits different at 4am
What a champ
Bro’s poor wife
This video has very big “Me sowing: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!! / Me reaping: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.” energy.
Ah Pavlov, our old friend.
Made in Bananal? That’s a brazilian right there.
We get gnomed at 5:08
What a great idea and entertaining video, would love more of this :’)
80Milion bots in Raid SL
zchum died from insomnia
i appreciate the creativity in all of your videos
you should’v put traps down to kill the intruders
How did your neighbors not call the cops on you 😅
you are the ussr on rust xd
welcome the the grind buddy, cot is all i got
Londoners during the Battle of Britain, colorized; 1940
Should have gone to aloneintokyo’s route.
This is like some form of self-torture.. well played
man tries the firefighter challenge
You just need more layers. And like 10 people with the alarm. Though maybe choose one that doesn’t burst your eardrums 😂
I wish you could build Tesla coils in this game. Use out as a small aoe defense turret.
Touch this wall/platform and you get shocked. That’d be sick what do you think?
Bro 2 sponsors 1 vid ok chill
It’s amazing how he knows all this engineering . Pat yourself on the back man.
Intruder alert! Red spy in the base
27:36 he didint even know what hit him.
And THIS is my weapon.
yo man listens to run the jewels absolute chad
hey man! hate your vids! hate the way you overuse effects every 15 seconds. looking forward to never clicking into another video you ever make again 🙂 have a nice day
1 video got sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends & Dead Side??
This is one of the most impressive and scariest things I’ve seen someone done in rust
You did not have any external auto turrets, external flank base/tower, you simply never had the slug throwing ability to match 6 rust raiders and the wall was only one wall, you need the onion defense wall with sams and auto turrets ON at all times, your electrical power simply was not up to the power load.
External cameras internal cameras, simply go to your computer station in the base and turn on the Automatic turrets which should be activated by the heart beat sensors, end result the armed system farms the rust players while you sleep and then you simply collect the booty when you wake up or hire someone to do it while you sleep, this notification system is brilliant, I know NOMAD services, pay us while you sleep and all the raiders gear is ours to KEEEP ahhahahahahahahahahaha
great climax terrible ending
Good video but where tf is your cats tail?
I can give you a lesson: “get sleep, get good”
Less tryhard rust player be like :
Whenever my friends play we have one guy who doesn’t work and stays up all night to watch and defend the base when we all sleep, yes we pay him to do it.
Rich people living in Chicago smart homes be like:
6:50 if I was you I’d be more scared of my wife than my neighbors lmfao
Why make the alarm so loud and why not stay logged in so you don’t have to load in every time lol
do it again with a train horn instead of a car horn
Come back
deadsites raid token is literally doom baby mode lol
why do you look and sound like tranium
Please sleep with your wife for the love of God lmao
Well, now I never have to test this out personally.
invest in outer tcs trust me
Now just to make so the alarm does not go off unless a wall is broken, not a wall to the true base but an outer weaker one. After that hook it up to auto launch the game so by the time you get out of bed and ready you are already in!
You deserve so many more than 300k+ subs man :<
all because you decided against playing rust in the daytime lol
The hilarious thing is it wouldnt actually be a terrible plan if it only worked when you were awake and you removed the car horn
5:26 as a vietnamese person, that guy saying “i’ll shoot you” triggered some, VISIONS
here’s a good way to get more sleep – EXTERNAL TCS
Bro get the hell off your phone when you go to bed
This made me laugh so hard lmfao you had me rolling
The lesson? Don’t play rust. You literally are not allowed to if you have a life or a job.
Jesus could be coming soon. Please spread the gospel. God and Jesus loves us all.
is youtube money and raid sponsorship really enough to support a wife? what about kids?
also twitch… actually, yeah i can see how it would be profitable enough. Well done
Genius video. I really enjoy this electricity in rust and when someone invent something new and cool with it)
It was torture for u, but pleasure to watch for me. (Don’t disturb ur sleeping next time, it is important thing!:) )(and u have friends to disturb…)
Your wife is incredibly patient.
some times, ya put other players thrlugh hell. other times, its yourself.
zcum >:)
idea make some friends in like europe and have some sort of night watch
or some sort of like shift
people hop on and stay up at different times, and theres like a 3 hour overlap between all of them so everyone can hop on for a raid
Is there a way to link them up to a discord server to invite people to help you instead?
The video is worth it i had control over a server and then there was a rebellion and I bet you can guess what happened next…
Mmmm crunchy
No traps huh….?
Nobody talking about how there camera’s are called cumroof and cumfloor
All those raids were on day two!?!?!
Goes to bed at 12:45…stays awake for another HOUR on phone…
Your editing and storytelling is peak
the only justice is to watch it at 3 am
The fact that a 6 man was so scared of an offline base that they built a raid base and brought smoke grenades and everything is so sad. Those players must be truly terrible at the game
11:54 jimmy from gta 5 voice actor
Least insane Rust player
I think the real lesson to take away from this is that either we need a Rust 2 where we don’t run into these BS loading times, or the devs need to pull their heads outta their asses and fix the game
Title of this video should be: How to make a sleep deprivation machine with Rust for nothing. Awesome work Zchum!
They added this on the rust app
Not going to lie I was more here for your bold self made electrical systems you made
Jesus those raiders are some nerds lol
chum really shouldve made picked another title for this vid
if he did the video wouldve gotten more attraction tbh
video is legendary tho. as always.
not complaining
thanks zchum for doing this so no one else will ever have to
Theres a deadside add in a rust video lmao
why not th
Lesson: for the love of god and to yourself, don’t build a Rust smart home.
Bro has the best worst cheets ever.
Karma? I guess?
Lesson learned: Make a friend who works nights.
bro now having a PTSD with red light and lound car horn
imagine being his neighbours.
I think a better idea would have been NOT LOGING OUT
PTSD speed run
Can we get a music list!
Imagine a squad of 10 underpaid Chinese people doing rust full time and having a setup like this
guy really made a Bounded field in rust
36:55 God damn your packing at least 2 feet
Only 4k hours weak
“so i heard some people like offline raiding”
26:00 imagine if the context was real life
this video honestly made me feel probably how he was feeling during the making of it
The lesson to be learned here is that the sensors weren’t far enough out so you didn’t have enough forewarning.
And that you didn’t just leave the game open overnight.
One of the few videos to actually get good hearty laughs, and not goblin giggles
Thank you for this ad. I started playing the game and it’s one of my favourite games. Not raid, shadow legends, the other one
this. this is what art is to me
Why does your game look so good and bright. My shit barley gets 100fps and everything is constantly dark. I have a good build that runs all cpu based games with no problem. Just this game struggles to even run the menu.
this man gives me hope for rust, but im still not gonna play rust
This is the worst fucking invention of all time. Great video!
Every time the Car horn goes off it sounds like a Submarine klaxon when they are going into combat or diving deeper into the sea.
Not to be that guy…but staring at your phone isnt “sleeping” 😀
you know if you think about it you went sleep deprived for 2 days to stop some nakeds from stealing your pickles that probably could have just been moved into your base if you even cared
bruh sleep with ur wife atleast she would love those noises
I recognize that song
Funky fanfare
Seeing a man so despicable make the “best” security system is horrifying
Big Don has me rolling on the floor laughing “MY BABY!!!” hahahahahah
He pavloved himself to the suffering😊
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
Bruh at least put some auto turrets to deal with the nakeds jumping in
Damnnn he getting the 2 minute raid shadow legends ad money… drip
least dedicated rust player
Wife my ass, your in a single bed alone.
Love the “HIT RECORD” post it note
I am tired too
You should of named your account to paranoia gaming or insomnia gaming for this challenge.
Epic content <3
This was really cool but with all of that wiring and the defenses and alarms you built I have to ask. Why no turrets? Like couldn’t you have set up a turret system to deal with anyone that got in and set up the car horn on a 1 minute delay or something? Basically so that if the sensor is still picking up something after 60 seconds then it goes off.
Bro became a full on engineer for this video, respect that takes skill to set up all those electronics
What is up with your phone flashing
this shit is what every person i raid has. also i feel bad for his neighbours
Moral of the story: smart home stop nakeds, but doesn’t stop a real army.
Bro sold his soul to rust
“Not even the smart home could help us here” bro just stay afk on the server
“I woke up for this” was on his phone and not even sleeping 💀
“Absolutely exhausted” stays on his phone for another whole hour
21:10 this is literally what it’s like being on active duty as a firefighter, you have to eventually just accept it and sleep, if the call comes in then get up, but otherwise don’t worry about it
this whole concept i feel deserves a wipe subathon setup so omid and exfil and the rest can experience the fear and the expectation to perform at short notice
tell me what chair you use it look comfortable me need now please tell where get type of your chair im beyond tired
Why would you keep Disconnecting?
Jesus loves you alot trust in His death 4 salvation and be saved from eternal hell <3 Jesus died on the cross for you bro. :)
im a little late, but ehm by the recordings ur turrets was off
I love how ZChumb was corrupted so badly on day two that he became a skaven
Absolutely incredible
ahhh the grindhouse intro theme song hits reeeaaaall gooooooodd
I hope you did smth nice for your wife after this
Dude… I never thought of using Battle Metrics to offline people… that’s a horrorifying idea, because I currently have a base one a solos only server where I may have made some enemies… A server I am currently NOT online at…
I like how everyone is talkng about how hes lucky that he didnt get ptsd, or something, when all I can think about is how lucky he is that his wife didnt kill him for waking her up first
38:37 people use that technique to torture people btw… like the military, like police investigating suspects etc.. never letting them sleep, making lots of noise & bright lights etc.. what u have done is commit inhumane acts against yourself and therefore i must report you to the geneva convention thing.. or the war crimes thingy.. or something like that.. i would report you if i knew what it was called
Deadside is Wish DayZ😂😂
what would be funnier is if u didnt let some zerg base ever sleep… do a raid when they are offline like one of ur vids u did and put various things around their base like hidden in the honeycomb etc that make noise or lights or do weird things just to constantly irritate them… when i went travelling to Peru me & my friend met this really annoying guy who complained about everything and kept bragging about really unbelievable stuff like he invented the longest range gun in the world etc.. so, one night me and my friend went out partying & drinking all night, but before we did, we left about 20 alarm clocks in his room, hidden in random locations all set to different times.. so that he spent all night trying to search for alarms going off.. it was hilarious.. i think u might be able to do something similar on this game, right?
you’d probably save a lot of money on all that tech to defend ur base if u just paid some Chinese kid to defend ur base while ur asleep
this is the funniest rust video ever
I didn’t expect you to use trần dần meme XDDDD brùh
I thought the end of video was familiar, the guys that raided you are other content creators it was I’mberne
This is some next lvl SH** Right here love the video!!!!!
dang bro I stayed up a week it so hard
Having a wife simp
The game sounds fun, and IS fun. Then you see 8 people targeting little old you and your small base who is by yourself. Then it isn’t so much fun
Bro has a worse upload schedule then technoblade
The time this man takes too makes something absolutely ridiculous into something extremely epic with just the intro
there was a post it saying HIT RECORD lol
deadside is a actual ad im interested in i usually skip ads but its a good game ive played it before def give it a try, good video too
This explains the erratic upload schedule..
Just a completely common setup for every rust player.
When you said, then, we got into a real fight over rainbow six siege ad just popped up and it said that tone so good
thanks for the entertainment gamer
ZChum likes RTJ aswell very good.
I loved this video it made my night after a pretty hard night, thank u for that!
Bro started floating first night lmao
Offline raiding is cringe, shit players do that.
a yes, self harm zchum, my favorite kind of zchum
Amazing idea, doing it again WITHOUT the horn to always have overwatch on your base would be cool.
I haven’t seen this level of editing since SovietWomble. Entertaining as hell.
I hope you keep on making content please upload you make my day when you do🐸
Damn I regret not watching these vids sooner. I’m at school watching these trying not to break out in laughter
need more traps for anti-raiding
39:26 is a BIG mood 🫠 Great video, dude! This was so entertaining to watch!
*Definition of drug addiction.*
Now I know why he hasn’t uploaded in ages he probably still sleeping after this traumatic experience
I’ve been playing 10x’s too much too realize how stacked they were
the “MY BABYS DEAD” was enough to make me leave a like
I just got teammates who never sleep and only play rust all day
Why not use turrets
Wow, TWO sponsors!? Good for you bro!
What maker/coder designed the arduino /mcu/relay setup?
“Was this really worth it for a rust video? The car horn hadn’t even gone off yet and i was already miserable. By some MARACLE our base went untouched on night one.” -21:31
When next bideo
Do it again.
best rust video ever. amazing experiment
now you just need your two friends to have the same setup and just alternate who gets the siren like shifts, each person gets a 8hr hiatus while the other 2 take their 4hr shifts
Fun fact: the ear is the only active part in the entire body while you sleep
You just didn’t login fast enough 😮💨😪 /s.
If you put the phone down it’s easier to sleep
the basicallyhomeless of rust
i love him
and untertime slopper
Wait this sponsored by Deadside I love Deadside wtf
Dont you use alot of turrets around? that would be secure
Hope to see some dead side gameplay
Can you pls make onde more
This was epic! Maybe an alarm slightly less than a car horn and a more comfortable bed would have made it more enjoyable
Amazing exercise in self-abuse ZChum…good job man
Truly a masterpiece
This is literally every shift at the firehouse….just get to bed when the red lights and station alarm ruin your existence. usually also a naked…with toe pain
The lesson is only play on duo servers
Step 1 : Get MouseJiggler
Step 2 : Never log off
Genius, dedicated genius.
You would have gotten more sleep in a snowy mountain base near outpost, and maybe like 2 more minutes walking IRL in Rust.
Automated turrets could’ve added a layer between lights and siren…. not like it helps now 😒
The fact that a lot of people don’t know it was BernE
How about attach Tourette’s to the smart home?
Your poor gf dude
This is possibly the greatest Rust video I’ve ever seen. 🔥
shits getting too real once u HV the mail delivery guy because u think he has a satchel in his hand
The lesson is:
If they build a fucking base to raid you…they will raid you.
It sucks you don’t make much videos but at least they’re all bangers sooo good bro
11:28 this is my weapon..
Your videos are a yearly treat
The offline was to strong for the smart alarm
Why didint You just get an inflatable mattress
zchum gives away fake property and burgalize client 9 million views zchum sacrifices health and safety and spends hundreds of dollars 670k views
The most sane Rust player
[GERMAN]Da wäre ich gerne dabei gewesen.
Wann machst du das nochmal damit ich mitmachen kann?
If this doesn’t deserve a subscribe and like then I don’t know what does. Respect.
You can sell this system
when hes sleep deprived he sounds like shaggy
42:27 the sheer fear, of watching a full on raid break out on cams, only for the cams to go offline.
you need to add auto turret
I think this is just how smart alarms were meant to be used
more cameras, less alarms. quiet alarm, quick camera check to see whats up, then back to bed or log on.
Put turrets
What a healthy lifestyle
This is the funniest most awesome thing I’ve seen on Youtube in years. Your pain had me laughing my ass off.
thank god you killed that guy
Great idea for a subathon
Do you listen to googie zchum?
Raid Vibrator
opening music what is it
a lot of times i forget to like but for this one i had to xD had fun watching you struggle haha
‘the contraptions’ edit…. absolute fire! Got me pumped!
Why does every rust YouTuber I find sound the same
You can use blockers and OR swiches to connect multiple HBHF sensors to single smart alarm, takes a bit more energy but it’s much more comfortable to use
the least amount of time you have to dedicate to rust to be remotely successful
Next level shit! The rust gods may bless you. 🙏
anyone notice how hes not sleeping with his wife bc of this?
damn I wasnt expecting this when i clicked on this video. crazy amount of work and dedication you put in. Zchum you should have made a better title & thumbnail and this would have been a 5M view video
hahaha i love that vid. i must laugh so much^^
Bros just doing side missions at this point
For your next trick you can hook yourself up to a bunch of electrodes, link them to switches in rust, and let people in game give you electric shocks in real life!
lesson: keep rust and your computer on.
I believe the lesson is get on when you wake up
Z is the type of gamer that drives clans to take up methamphetamine use. 💯🔥
you need turits bro
12:11 playing Clair de lune here was perfect
One of the best gaming vids I ever seen….lol’d so hard…thx for post…and ofc an insta sub from me.
Bro got the ihouse
So lame ending
i have the same gaming chair as you
A whole zerg pulled up
the infinite satchel
25:15 typical G mod player
you should make a small 3d modeling of your base IRL and put small LED’s inside and area the base, where rust Sensors would be, so you’d know if someone is inside your compound
This is one of the reasons why i don’t wanna play rust… bcs of raiders
“You better not sleep” -some guy unaware that Zchum has wired his house to turn into a rave if someone even thinks about raiding his base
Zchum I have a great idea for content, combine your best 2 videos; code raiding and parasite bases and do both in a single playthrough, while youre code raiding youre at the same time passively farming loot!
u should’ve never logged out
33:36 *installs remote activated turret in the emergency button room
Ok ok, what is the song that plays during the intro cinematic, i can never remember it. Help
Bro chill with the ADHD editing
Yo nice vid
Why don’t you just keep the game running?
and im out because you do ads for an scamming chinese bullshit app
I was so laughing so hard when you threw the satchels on the cart is reverse. Regardless of if it even worked or not, I would’ve just given up if I had seen that.
good song choice with that funky fanfare intro 😉
disconnecting from the server every time was the only point of failure in this masterpiece. if only i could recreate it for myself.
This is insane. I mean factually insane. But conglaturations, it is an awesome idea. You just have to install this on your friend’s houses so they can help, you could stablish a schedule. Respects to your girlfriend.
Ewwwww! You’re one of those people with the flashlight notifications?! Ewwwwwwwww!
does this man actually have a bed in his gaming room away from his wife?
that AIM nostalgia sound <3
21:38 “meracle”
When players go the extra mile
Gadgets=hi-iq game plays (hip)
(Hip)=you and me
You and me= new subscriber
New subscriber=hitting notification/b
notification=likes every video
likes every video=you rich
You rich=more vids
More vids=more fun
More fun=more subs
More subs=you getting cocky
You getting cocky=fall of a great YTer
fall of you=us sad
Us sad=gives up on yt
Giving up on yt=working more
Working more=rich
rich=you and me
You and me=new content
New content=new channel
New channel=new suber
new suber=…..
You probably wondering why i did this
well if you got this far
There is little riddle
You and i
Watching youtube
mom is yelling
But you still watch
what am i
Doesn’t look like it’s worth the irl exhaustion combat debuff.
where do you get the rust+ api?
Psychological mindfuck 🤣
Should’ve done it with something less ear blasting.
you need to team up with mr hommus for these autistic videos 🤣🤣
So, there is another
How your wife sleep?😂
Ur getting kicked out
I like everything about this except the horn
Ha, the lesson is, play with Europeans or Asians on your team like back in the old days before Rust+.
The Lesson is tonight we can do that
ok computer is a fucking cheater dont feel too bad
2 sponsors both 2 minutes long?
Should I buy rust? Even tho it’s been out for so long
The kind of clan Welyn would have found a way to destroy.
I am not gay but this man is hot.
the whiskey Myers music awesome
I love how they pressed the button and ran away like naughty children
ZChum, I have a Challenge for you, 3 days without rust and film what happens.
i dont think it was effiecent enough, you took to long to actually get on and stop what was happening, you need to have it in a click away to get in the server along with everything else. good idea, bad execution.
Most of the sleep deprivation would be solved with auto turrets.
Should have made external tcs with the alarms that way even if they get close it’ll warn you long before they get a chance to raid
i see that spotify monitor lmfao 1:29
watching this video made me depressed
the lesson was “uninstall because a group of 12 14 year olds are on the way to raid a trio”
I thought I was mental, that’s some next level dedication!
This guy deserves more than a million subs
the best rust video i ever watched
Sometimes I feel like you are a criminal in real life but know the consequence so you open the most realistic options ruin people day😂😂😂
buttplug that wakes you up by vibrating when someone breaks into your base
“wife” is now “not wife”
This is some incredible dedication to a crazy idea
I need more rust vids their so good
This is amazing
Needs More People maby You could sell the Setup for viewers
Idea to make this a bit more humane: Make a broker that divides the night into shifts, and the alerts are sent to the corresponding player only during their shift. That way you can have peaceful sleep knowing you won’t be bothered. Such a system could also incorporate a “backup call” where another player is alerted. So many thoughts about this. And I’ve never even played the game, but this makes me want to try it 😀
Bruh if i was your real life neighbor i would been so pissed at you lmao. Any neighborhood drama from this.
Today I found out Zchum is a fellow RTJ enjoyer
27:18 the pickle gamer shall not forget this
Funfact, it’s I’m bearnE that’s raiding him at the end.
Loved the video and was fun to watch it from both sides 👌
Alert! A red spy is in the base!
Smart lesson is that you need inside turrets that open when people walk on pressure sensors
Zchum “I Love rust”
Me “I love this concept”
I think this would be better for a real base with actual loot instead of a base thats like 12 rockets to core 💀
Very cool concept and fun video though
ok, this deserves the subscribe. GGs
this video must’ve taken a lot of work to do, you deserve my like
Zchum said his block finna wakeup yup confirmed gang banger on the side
The level of wiring and respect gained from this video… is immense.
holy F 5 min intro
Well probably his last vid ever. After this either Katie or his neighbors making sure of that. Geez that ‘Emergency only button’ was an idea an a half lol
do more rust videos pls
At least we know he does not have a girlfriend
You sound like Zak Bagans
the only thing I got from this video is the fact that zchum doesnt sleep in the same bed as his wife
Man, how did someone not come to your door to punch you in the face? That car horn was irritating as fuck and I wasn’t even their!
Smart home 2?
Maybe next time, stay logged in so you don’t have to watch your base get pummeled on CCTV post raid, clown
The least Rust-obsessed Rust player
Your mistake was logging out.
Get off that phone
The lesson is: build turrets.
You should post more
So I went to bed. Proceeds to sit on his phone for 3 hours.
would’ve been epic if those guys just spammed the emergency button once they got in
The real MVPs are Omid and Josh for pressing the LOL Button repeatedly.
Deadside sounds like a bad ripoff of RUST… no offline raiding… tsk tsk tsk.
How about 20 ads in 1 vid?
34:49 was the the websight i think it was
peasant you guys accually sleep?
1am car horn LMAOOO
wow an 8 man needed to build a raid base to offline you
Zchum maybe make the Red lights pulse when someone is inside to spare your ear drums.
The montage of him breaking every rule of Rust common decency is the best montage I’ve ever seen
Bruh how long did this take to edit
40:35 I mustard
Damn bro I hope you got your wife a hotel..
Man you could’ve gone with something not as fucking loud as a car horn
Personal enjoyer of Iron Oxide
2 ADS?????
Watch the Smart Rust Home 2.0 has a speaker that announces what direction they are over the Speaker.
On a side note, I imagine that base would ruin the Rust Experience for you after, you’d be so use to it during that wipe that you’d have issues playing without it.
This game is next level brahh !!
Because you overdid it…..for a YouTube video….
this is fuckin hilarious
Just get a kid and you get the same experience everyday for 4 years 😂😂😂
The editing is so good
I’m genuinely curious if the neighbors ever complained about the noise.
*Hint* “Turn partial loading on” loading screens are 30sec to 1min 🙂
hey y’all! new variety gaming youtuber here — i’ve started doing multi-hour streams and shorter video highlights (so both people who like longform and more fast-paced content can enjoy), and i’d love for y’all to be a part of my channel!
16:45 not the row of boots 😭
The editing in your videos are just *chefs kiss* perfect
This man is clinically insane
tell me your addicted without telling me your addicted. ffs
Glad the algorithm blessed me with this video. First time viewer and about to binge it all
ZChum the kinda guy to say “I’m sleep deprived, I’m SOOOO tired. But before I sleep let me sit in my phone for an hour first”
hello friends. “here’s” needs an apostrophe because it’s a contraction of “here is”. The apostrophe replaces the “i”. thank you.
I really wanna know how you connected to Rust+ (API)
faked videos
I laughed so hard my belly hurt at the pain of night 2.
Amazing editing. Thanks for that.
Great video, couldnt find the song at 11:10, can anybody help?
If gamers loved raid shadow legends so much then they would make videos of it
Gee Z, TWO sponsorships??
hood classic
Oh hell ya
The soundtracks of these videos are always so good, how does he find such good songs!
I’m new here and I loved your last video. Please sort that upload schedule out. We need more like this!
satchel on the train was crazy
Your channel would be massive if you posted more often, with content thats even quite this good
bro whyd you use roblox copyright replacement music for the button part ☠️☠️☠️ and why does it go so hard ☠️☠️☠️☠️
good example why this game, as fun as it us, isnt worth the hussle, that offline raid shit is just to annoying.
what happened to using auto turrets to handle scout players?
This is one of the best videos ive ever seen…. The “Someones outside north” then the alarm and “HES IN” is so funny lmaoo
Why not just insert a buttplug that vibrates when the neighboureenoos come to say hi! ?
Duuude that was a master piece but by my oppinion u needed also auto turrets …. u had all to make it autosafe also and not just smart XD
Man I fucking love you. So glad the algorithm threw you onto my splash page.
21:33 LMFAO
Zchum is the most normal looking rust player.
That was Bernie that raided
How did he have camera footage when not at the station?? Or did he have afk people sit there for the video
bro get off your fucking phone and go to sleep!
the Waffle house has found its new host.
now THAT is an intro that has me HOOKED! And after the amazing editing continued to carry the video, well… You sir, have earned yourself an instant subscriber!
The whole time he’s complaining about not being able to sleep, but then when he gets into bed he’s always on his phone the whole time lol. Anyways great video, as an electrical engineer and gamer I appreciated this.
Sponsored by sleep
i hate offline raiders so i play anti-offline raid servers or PVE only.
no honey the car horn stays on
The lesson was the logging in and out. You shouldve been in a chair in the cctv room
This segment for day 2 just reminds me of the “He’s in the walls… **loads gun** HE’S IN THE GODDAMN WALLS!” video and it’s fucking hilarious.
you wanna play raid with only dwarves? if not, theres also other factions. what are they? not dwarves. lets play raid with dwarves
only you could turn a video about your base waking you up on rust into a story about the folly of man
The fact that I only get these masterpieces every 6-9 months feels criminal
“Don’t sleep” little did he know…
Now if everyone gets a light set up and alarm, you could theoretically load balance the alarm so that a different person gets it each time
At 37:00 how’d the dude die?
This guy is a real giga chad sacrificing this much just for one video
23:15 how’d he even get in?
Maybe I don’t wanna play Rust PC if this is the type of player Imma go against
POV: your in war
when you dc you should log back in and stay as a sleeper, if you are woried abt battlemetrics change your name so you dont have to wait to load in
Bad title and thumbnail considering the amount of effort this took to set up. Just thought it was another generic rust video till i clicked on it.
Hizzterx: Do you remember when you raided us?
ZChum: Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
The Mr. Layhey clip is a must 👌
I see you renamed the camera’s to something gamer appropriate. Also, gaming and micro controllers, two things I love. Great video dude.
He was actually online but got off right after lol 33:48
Sorry to ask but what computer or laptop/chromebook do you have? Got myself a broken laptop where the screen broke and the keys broke so I have to use on screen keyboard and a monitor. Also (if you dont mind me asking), what internet provider do you have?
i feel so bad for this absolute dedicated chad von thundercock of a man
This is really what people mean by rust is a time job
Subathon but it’s with the SmartHome
Night 2 was some of the funniest shit I’ve ever watched, great vid!
i am sorry you had to go through this
Just goes to show no matter what, those damn offliners have the advantage. If they get your name, they get you.
You need a dampener, like for a trumpet or something. That way your neighbors won’t go after you during the next purge.
Solely subscribed for the amazing music and edits. Love it
live, laugh, zchum
You should do that again
Zchum uploading is like a Christmas wish coming early
add a neon sign above your monitor that says door for when someone it as your door
The thumbnail had me thinking this was a Juice WRLD video.
why would u log out to sleep? just take gear and box them stand there . u will die of hunger but will be in the death screen while u sleep. when they raid u can just hit bag spawn and kill them no waiting to log in my dude
Raid for 12 days isnt something a rust player wants to get
Let me get it straight, u got wife, but you’re sleep in another room? Does your wife have a boyfriend and you got vasectomied?
Wellman impersonation was spot on
that intro tho
Perhaps if everyone had an alarm…
I think the lesson is dont play on rust servers without a group limit
Turrets would be so good
Imagine if that satchel train actually got a kill, omg.
wow it didn’t save u so there was no point
usless vid like there was no coutering the raid when u got on u just lost so whats the point of this whole thing
Carpenter Brut shirt?
You sir have another SUB!
Pov: auto turret
“Don’t sleep” the irony in that
Nice Zelda Wake up theme too. When its early morning in that game LOL reminds me of Ocarina of Time
The craziest part about this video is the fact that you hardwired the smart alarm systems to real life objects. Now that’s something crazy cool for Rust Implementation!!!
27:35 might be the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in rust. Just the thought of running out of base in a panic and rocketing a naked
Funny video just wish folks didnt use Gods name as a curse word so much. It feels like it leaks into my own life. I hope you take this like some what serious and make sure to do all things for the Glory of God. Thanks for the fun video. God bless.
Another task for an AI to be created and handle.
What you need is a depressing amount of auto turrets
me: wanting to watch this
| kayli: ruining everything
Would a way to improve this setup work by adding auto turrets inside
1:43 every time i hear this song i think the kkk is going to came riding on horses at midnight with torchs why because of a movie called Django the D is silent
I find it funny how the wife just claimed the couch knowing your not gonna be there
Watching from behind with the perfect chace to strike with the wet spaghetti noodle
Yes i can watch it i accidentally missclicked a few days ago and i wasn’t able to find it i just found while watching pewdiepie i missclicked after clicking this and apparently i watched the whole thing under a minute so i was able to find it in my library
“Nice sleep” *proceeds to watch phone for 3 hours*
I have no interest in playing rust. Only an interest in watching Zchum videos.
Sorry but raid shadow legends sponsorships make me click if videos and wach something else but this vid is special.
Average zerg member
You confirmed how sweaty rust can truly be. And I applaud even tho I hate it.
I love how the whole time he’s complaining about how tired he is, he doesn’t make a single attempt to sleep, and instead is on his phone the entire time lmao
I wonder if u ever got a noise compliant
Awesome video!!
Best editor editing a troll vid
I love how he had enough materials to put up a few auto turrets for nakeds but he decided not to 🤣
a 4minute intro
Ah yes, a true youtuber. Sacrificing his mental and physical health for content.
LOL just watched Bernie video , and he is the one who raided you 😂
thank god they didnt get access to the emergency button
Why not just tie into Home Assistant. Easier and could share with viewers,
This is a new level of sweat 😂
Very proud of the Project box and bread board setup
well it was good watching this video… but I got a felling that smarth house was the waste of time… et least the rest part of the video was cool 🤣
This guy is a fucking god
Should have had a thing that keeps you logged in 24/7
20m Value video btw
You can just find someone who sleeps when you are awake like 24h shop
bro I love RTJ! Love the videos, keep up the great work!
love your cat
No turrets though?
6:18 i had to sleep on the floor 3 times
This Video should have 15 million views, it’s a disservice
Best rust content out there. Stay consistent! We want to see you win! Looking forward to more
This is why I just built a system that automatically searches for personal information of the people that kill me in rust so I can simply steal info and possibly destroy marriages.
I’m so goddamn tired but fuck you BlueBen174 I got yo credit card bish
I’m demolishing my sleep hygiene watching this video
I have watched people play this game way more than I’ll ever play it at this point
Whats the base you built
Love the video! And nice Carpenter Brut shirt 😉
dude best content ever man holy shiiiiiiiii like fr amazing content!!!!!❤
Bro gets the bag bro 2 adds in 1 video!!!!!!! bro the bag is ginorminasaures
now you know what its like to be a EMT on night shift without the going on call part of corse
Next time keep rust open lol
As Richard Nixon once said, “Sounds like someone breaking in!”
Dawg, you bought an industrial vibrator for your bed? Holy respect.
“I love rust” said no metalworker ever.
What the shit have you done
*goes to bed because tired* … Proceeds to play on phone for 3 hours… lmao
cannot offline raId me if i never sleep
35:52 KEK
>that ad
fuck off hahahahahahahah 🙂
what baffles me is how do you still have a wife lmao
Personally I woulda made a complex maze with to many traps to fuckin count
I ignored this forever until I noticed the person who uploaded it was you, and the second I saw, I knew I was in for the ride of my life
This video is amazing I love it
Grenades. Put grenades in base defense kits.
Nice content but in my opinion it’s over edited
“Oh yeah I was getting zero sleep” proceeds to sit on phone instead of sleeping,
Most Replayed: when you skip the sponser
Your wife is going to kill u
bro y got the game deadside and after instaling it assking my for a kie eat fucking kie y need broo it dis a troll ???????
way it not working the game way y need key ????
this is what I imagined how those OG rust players who sleep with their headphones on are like, the true grinders unlike the players with technology nowadays
Can we pls get a part.2
RTJ4 very good choice in music.
this is some paranormal rust activity lmaooo
bro got sponsored twice in the same video gah damn
man, ur videos amazing
When I realized the part at the beginning when he was talking bout the offline raiders the footage was him in 25:47
amazing work
This went so well, why not have one of these challenges once a week. Every week… Yay for all! =D
I liked the part where it was sponsored by Raid Shadowlegends
i’d kill my bf if he did this, love you tho.
My man needs to put his phone away before bed
Bro.. get some turrets and door controllers
your wife must hate you
HOLY SHIT THEY FOUND JOSH CREED ‼️ I thought he was lost forever after the last video 😭😭❤️
Crazy how he never uploads but all his videos are bangers
I’m gonna install this throughout my whole house and put my character on a 4x pro server.
I’m gonna fucking die
Imagine if this is what Spider Senses felt like
Sanest rust player out there
I think no one would of faulted you on abandoning the car horn xD
Moral of the story: an alert system won’t help if you can’t immediately react to it. So it is only really useful when you are actually online, and offline raiding is very much still a threat to you.
Fantastic music choices as always brother
bruh 2 sponsors in the same vids, pls take 10 next time
he should of just got a better bed lol
I’m impressed. You made a 45 minute video where absolutely nothing happens…
Lesson learned, add more turrets
i don’t play rust so what is wipe
7 minutes to get to the video l m f a o
i need that system. als here is a idea for the next video: the smart defence = smart base protection system
why a car horn 😂😂😂 my ears
What if the raiders actually found the EMERGENCY button 🤣
I dunno how much you pain ur editor but whatever it is it aint enough, this content is absolute gold, literally your editor works on a higher level than you wich is already high enough 😀 Tell the guy I love his work and it made me sub
lmfao amazing bro
10/10 cat
Rust security guard is a legit full-time job now
The music choice is amazing
Where is the part 2
33:00 for playing Town Talk, you got my sub. Cheers
Zchum reminds me of a little brother of weyln
if he made external tc’s and some compound turrets this would be a lot a lot better barley any false alarms. or at least remove ur compound boxes to make it look empty
I hope they introduce Holly Holm as Ronda’s nemesis in Raid
Bro why was there such a delay
Stumbled upon this Suggested Video, & I’m glad to. Crazy Experiment! Your editing and Meme usage gives Welyn Vibes. Subscriber Earned!
I have an idea, so it’s kinda the same thing but you have a mini base model on your desk, and depending on where the intruders are a light will be on in there general location. With smaller and less loud alarms.
All of those alarms could have been avoided by simply having functional turrets that would shoot the nakeds.
…. how did your wife not kill you
You should install terrets
Just discovered you today bro, with 3.3k hours myself I gotta say next to Memio this is one of the best first videos ive seen. See you out there bro.
I personally wouldn’t wake up
Epic content please keep up the work 🫢🫢💪🏼
This is incredible. How bad was accessing the API? Game companies are not necessarily known for their well formed data modeling…
I think the lesson here is don’t go on an evil killing spree as people will take it to heart and try to kill you
Most sane rust player
good job on the video and it was great also why didnt you just leave the server open and then turn off your monitor so there was no light
I love that you chose a symphony by Verdi
the edits are very crisp
4000 hours and 5 videos your doing good zchum
lol loved the video
Lesson learned (from someone who’s not sane): have everybody in the group set that abomination up so when the base gets raided everyone wakes up
love ur intros always
yeah, you logged in after taking a shower, eating food, brushing your teeth, taking a 10 min nap, and then they got inside while you loaded.
Man could be a computer programmer or sum but is like “nah…rust is life”😂felt that tho
Some external tcs would of have fixed alot of those build ups
This was the best thing ever to watch on shrooms
I never knew I needed to see a sleep-deprived man go through constant psychological torture over a game of Rust, but here we are.
what a banger of a video DAMN
That was a great video honest to god one of the best I have seen in months. Also your just better for listening to RTJ👉🤛
When the SmartHome is too smart to the point it takes over the minds of the entire gang:
This is basically just the equivalent of a true oiler just some how even if they don’t see you just know your on oil rig even with out using cams and a true smart home it’s have turrets in every angle that shouldnt be able to be shot tricked everything yet also have good view of everything but also the lights and horn and etc is just a good way completely destroy your sleep schedule for like a month or so and a very expensive way too and very time consuming
Howd you get your iphone to flicker?
One of your friends sounds like Newman from Seinfeld
Anybody know the song that plays during the “That’s when they come” cinematic?
do this until wipe day comes again
does it have the option to get defeated and never fight again?
This was one of your best videos so might be worth changing the title/thumbnail cos I almost didn’t watch it as I thought it was just a base that stopped your character being able to sleep within the game or something. You could make it more obvious that it wakes you up IRL and it would probably get more views
sorry for u man
door camping gay bruh
great video bro , i love how u fast foward video when do wiring .
Dude fuck a cot, get a blow up mattress next time
Flawless security:
Have more than 1 guy with the hrons and lights, that way you can change shifts
The offline raiders specimens lmao
I love how the car horn sounds like those nerd memes you see on the internet
that deserve a friking subscribe everyone subscribe to this man, for his sacrifice and his intelligence 😀
I saw 47 minutes, was a bit unsure
10 seconds in I knew i was watching the whole thing
I lowkey love them two for the emergency button
W vid
How did u learn how 2 do that
You need to post more videos
Bro is putting himself through literal hell
if it went off while the cat was in there 💀💀
i dont play rust but i love watching good content from it!! this was fun and funny to watch!
Shoulda just stayed online while sleep.
Welcome back z!! I can’t believe u set all that up using rust…. that’s dedication for you
Lesson is: hide loot, build large decoy base to keep the clans busy at night 🙂
might i suggest replacing the horn with reveille (the military wake up call) to affect you less maybe
i used to be the electrician for a small australian clan, ended up making a base so sophisticated i could turn on a full force turret defence with a press of a button on my phone. that shit didnt let me sleep though, the detectors were constantly going off from random rabble checking out the gates, worst experience of my life. would do it again
i understand that its for the video and its so friggin funny, but man, you shoulda put the alarm for everywhere on the INSIDE, so at least it wouldn’t alert you of grimey nakeds. Like inside first door, on the inside of honeycombing, shooting floor, top floor. Woulda made it so much “smarter”…
and more bearable 🤣
Keep ur game open wtf?
I love u
This video deserves a sub xD
Omid is a menace to society
Do a full wipe on a weekly server
God man,I wanna edit like this guy😭
Ah man, this would have been a great colab with electroboom.
broo. i hope you realize you actually got raided by another rust youtuber. the coincidence is uncanny. you probably know the guy it’s imBerne and the video you wanna look for is obliterating an annoying clan he uploaded it a month ago
ooooof raided by ImBernE
Why not just drag yer couch in their or sleep on her carpeted floor
The cot…. please just buy an air mattress next time lol
Imagine the players thinking he’s cheating cause he knows there directions from the led lights and then trying to explain to admins how you knew 💀😂
Great DOOM clips
this man had two sponsors
Zchum is the future Elon Musk
the flash bang sound killed me
Bro literally makes the best rust videos i ever saw. 2-3 in a year and then just dips out
My guy, this is gold.
The presence of Welyn in the comments confirm, this is AWESOME! DUDE you poured so much work into the entire video, it’s massive! The game footage, the physical work to bring the game unto your office, the editing. This is top tier! Great job, I love how you use the sounds, memes, music, beats and overall design to carry the story, make it fun and entertain yourself, the audience and your friends. Keep it up my dude!
just do speed like the rest of us
skip the first 13 mins
Rust + memes+ toutre
My baby 😂😂
“time to go to sleep” : goes on phone for 2 hours straight
Friken Bernie
How did you get access to RUST+ API?
he sleeps in a different room from his wife
double sponsor be like
Don’t sleep
Get off your phone if you wanted to sleep LMFAO
Made it 50 seconds in. Couldn’t watch anymore of this ADHD crap.
The return of the king
Incredible! Just when I think you’ve topped yourself, you make something like this.
My question is r u ok. Bro woke uo so many times to save his base and then wakes up on the morning to all of it gone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fSGmYHCNSg man your base got raided by Imberne 1:11:55 I definitely knew it when I saw the base design and location.
Lesson .. never log out duh😂😂
your chair has the symbol of oms
Commenting for the algorithm
Lesson: rust alarms are useless because it takes far too long to connect.
27:18 Why did that hazmat have so many pickles!!?
Also turrets would help slow them down -_-
Leave the game logged in to save time on loading in? Put tool cupboards outside your wall so that grubs can’t build in?
well, that’s worth a sub.
the things you content creators do for content…
it takes too long to log on to a server he should’ve left his pc running but secretly he wanted it to be raided so he could go to sleep
I don’t even like rust but this video was a banger! Had me rolling. That was solid Z. Thank you.
the legend has come back
6:54 not before your wife does…
hitler cat haha
that is some serious genius shit
Zchum has done it again! What a way to end the year, good job.
#big don moment
If you wanna make something close to what this guy with a lack of sleep.
Michel reeves vibes… I love it
they’re in your walls
How did you explain this idea to your wife
Another certified ZChum classic.
Your poor wife
bro no fucking way the moment you actually get raided you lose it lmfao
mf DOOM as first song of the vid
Man I’m so fucking glad I saw this today
He really did all this just for 18,000 likes and 300,000 views?!
Come on guys at least give him like 500,000 views
You made my night with this devotion 😂😂😂😂😂
Can u reply to my comment so I can ss and show my friends that you’re the man
Oh boy ZCum sure is a pretty neat youtuber
You didnt build an Automated Rust Alarm, you build a torture device.
I think u like rust
Hi, this video is really well made and entertaining. I was wondering do you have a background in electronics, because I see you using breadboards, arduino, and other electronic components.
Why does he look at the lights all confused every time?
Watched all 3 rust videos in a row, and now I am sad there aren’t more
Editing is top notch 👌
Zchum really just posts one of the best rust vids and dissappears for 9 months and acts like nothing ever happened 😭
i wonder how many times he got offlined for him to come up with this
It’s not a smart home without like idunno 100 turrets?
this is the best rust video in the world i love it
Should’ve been more responsive to the Alarms if you wanted to actually circumvent anything. Can’t blame you though since you have to actually get used to waking up on the dot whenever any semblance of a loud noise is heard. Another thing you could’ve done (although I don’t know if rust would let this happen) is never turn off the PC and disconnect from Rust, and just remain AFK in game (with an autoclicker if it doesn’t allow true AFK) which would allow for quicker deployment. It also could’ve helped if you and your team all had the same alarms and built a second wall around the first wall to deny raids enough time to cause enough damage to get through before a response.
so where was your wife for the two nights you had a sound bomb going off all night?
your wife must be very patient or a very deep sleeper.
Challenge would be a lot more doable if you went to sleep instead of scrolling through reddit
He be the monkey from Toy Story 3
Dead side….sounds like a knock off of dayz with pubg graphics
goated. certified banger.
semi-auto turret
Alittle trolling
You had CumFloor and CumRoof, but missed on a CumFort pun. RIP
bruh that was the longest raid ad ive ever seen holy fuck
Banger video
the lesson is to either just dont play rust, or just build a base way too far away from people
His final moment was absolutely hilarious X’D
Your sponsor was a rust knockoff
I think honestly with a well made base this in theory would be great. A double layer compound to discourage nakeds laddering 24/7, a couple outers, suddenly the only time this system is going off is when there’s actually a danger.
Please make tutorial video
I’m glad that you get paid to do this stuff lol s other wise I would just feel bad for you😭😭😭
Was that old school rules in the beginning? How you always got the best music in your vids
anyone else noticed that on my roof was wearing a scientist hazmat at 12:34, and i wanna know how
“I settled in for a cozy night sleep”
*bro literally on the phone*
just to get it out there.. I feel terribly sorry for your wife.
when the game crashed i thought my yt crashed and was going to punch my pc
One of the best rust videos
7mins 38sec in…. and im so fucking ‘wired’ (yes pun) for whats to come. Cant wait to watch your other vids
honnestly this video is great but the fact that instead of getting some rest you’re constantly scrolling your phone for hours is SUPER infuriating hahahaha
Make a base that waste raiders time
He returns
His wife is gonna like to sit on the edge of that cot😳
I aint never seen no double sponsorship before
Mans talking about how his neighbors are going to kill him, bro your wife is going to kill you, she’s in the same house 😆
Bro should stick with electrical stuff, pvp ain’t his strong point lol
Good vidoe
This is like watching some sadistic social experiment, lol. Great dedication, though!
Names of cameras cumroof and cumfloor lol
That’s the problem … you have to stay online at all times since connecting to the server takes way to long incase of an organis🎶😅 raid
What did your wife do always stay online to be prepared
It should be like ark where 30 min timer once you go offline
The ad I got before this video was an elderly woman reading dees big nuts
here is a comment so the algorithim notices you
fucking madman
i got to describtion and Kayli – She doesn’t have any social media she just GAMES. WHYYYY GOD??
OMG ZChum has a wife?!?!? 🤯🤯🤯🤯😱😱
bro you must be living in a desert. My Neighbours would have pulled me oout of my house and burned me alive on the first 3 minutes of the horn blarring
Feel sorry for any other specimen in your area
If my neighbor had a car horn blarring in the middle of the night I’d online raid them irl
“Finest moment” as he trips through the window
Least try hard rust player moment
the title really wasnt lieing
I love Rust since it always reinforces the fact that man will always become the very thing they sought to destroy.
zchum acting like 9 months passed normally
well done gamer!
most sane rust player
Not safe enough , Make it better
Hey didnt know if you knew but other content creator ImBerne was the one that raided you he made a whole video about it
Sanest, least evil and most normal rust player
im going to fall alseep to this
Why do you love rust you have to be so careful to make shure u don’t get metal wet like I am confused
this video gave me a strong feeling of déjà vu, then I realised hey that’s exactly how my life is as a paramedic. The siren will race you hr from 60 to 100+ when you ur sleepin
Where can i buy this smart home equipment? XD
but all seriousness, i would love to have this set up in my own bedroom.
you plan on selling this equipment or instructions on how make this on your own?
Man that feeling when you have a tense battle, get an awesome victory, and you open their inventory for “OH THEY’RE LOADED!”
Must be a pain to be woken around 3 or 4 am.
Who the hell even thought this was possible? Fucking props, for real.
He couldof used turrets outside 😅
My favourite part was when
Slowly becoming a clown with all that nose scratching..
Is it a coincidence that scientists achieved the first net positive fusion reaction soon after the recording of this video? I think not
Omid is just amazing. Have you seen his latest video, I Learned Streets of Tarkov My First Raid?
Stop picking your nose.
check out subnautica
Love the vid man
ZChum reminds me of ceeday. Takes his time with videos and they always become bangers
Yo made them so mad they built a base
0 0
Bro face punch needs to sell me an irl air horn that connects to my rust server is literally buy instantly
youtube REALLY wants me to watch this video, so let’s see what you got.
2nd Like
This was great, but also, please never do this to yourself ever again.
no king rules forever my son
Rust player vs rust programmer
Cimematic masterpiece, loved the video 😊
this is a certified hood classic
bro got two sponsors in one video
why dont you make it so they cant jump over the wall… 2/10
Why did u ruin your life for 3 days just to prevent a offline
bro the same thing for no reason happens to me
in some game i make a base
i defend it
some weak dudes disrupt my peace
later its peaceful for most of the time
out of f***ing nowhere theres a group of armed people attacking the base i built and no matter what i do i lose it all
bro is such a good youtuber he got two sponsors in a vid bro, legend
W vid
well now it aint the safest
I got an honest to god paid for youtube ad half way through this vid for a rust server…..
*spends the entire night staring at his phone* “why cant i sleep?!” what a dumbass
There were so many things that you just didn’t do to make your life easier during this lol. Second compound, gates instead of walls, turrets, etc.
you should have gotten different sounds for different sides of the base
I wouldn’t have done the car alarm, but the other stuff is pretty neat.
Oh my lord the satchel train made me spit out my drink
Mfw, he is gonna get evicted cuz of the alarm 😀
Deadside looks like a game called unturned except better graphics tbh (talking about the gameplay)
It’s like having a kid, but easier.
imagine someone like enardo or spoonkid doing one of their zergs on you
This whole video is what its like having a newborn xD
Goddamn man, fucking sick and tired of Raid Shadow Legends. Every fucking channel. Over and over. YouTube needs to regulate paid promotions. Sick of it.
What is the first AMP 70s type thing in the intro cinematic
I dislike iron oxide but rust is ok
how did you get the cam footage without being online?
That tunnel fight just reminds me why I’m a filthy rat. Those guys were so loaded, what did they possibly have to gain running into that fight?
THIS is a Rust video… lol. All the work, and the effort, and it’s all gone before you can do anything about it. Everyone else only shows the W’s. Nicely done.
Those transitions and edits are smooth at mate. Production quality is next level
This deserves a like I don’t like too many videos anymore but this, this deserved it.
one of the best rust videos of all time. fucking incredible stuff
Dude I don’t think you set that cot up right
banger mr chum
bro its already begining of video and i died at the heart beat notification “UR F@CKED”
Please rest well ZChum!
Ah yes, a nice long zchum video I can watch while I fall asleep!
Ya know… With all that wiring… Why not just.. Hook up a Turret?
The lesson of this video is set up 300 turrets instead of a car horn to deprive you of sleep.
this channel is an absolute gem
this is a masterpiece and it deserves more views
The hit record postit note got me good
also sick editing
Hilarious . The lights were killer, but I think the lesson was to not use the horn as I’m sure the vibration would have woke you up without blowing your eardrums, and I know the point was to look like you were offline however you would have been better to just leave your char afk. You will never have enough reaction time to an actual raid with load times. I would use that light setup every time I played. That is useful as hell, even while online. Great content at the expense of your sanity lol.
Easy version of this challenge is to stay logged into the server with your headphones and pc on max volume next to your head
Smart home good, but what about smart turrets. better.
Man sleeps in a separate bed than his wife, and she prolly cleans everything. Respect gained man. Respect gained.
“I,love,rust” said no one ever
I wish Rust had more traps controllable by the grid. I’d love to see a Home Alone-esque base.
engineer gaming at their finest
This is legit the saddest thing I’ve ever seen someone do for views.
Do more rust plss
This man ran two different ads. Damn Zchum, we know you don’t post but twice a year but damn lol
1:27 i did this back when the rust+ came out connected my phone to a speacker wich i had hard wired into the 4 corners of my room and my bed vilenly shake when ever it dected something was off like movement or tc decay my family did not like it very much but i never got raided that monthly wipe
11:29 i am heavy weapons guy and this, is my weapon
Way to many edits that are not needed and you act to dumb for your age
I feel the Pain ur girlfriend had this 3 damn Days man. How is it to be single? 🤣
Awww man
Who else remembers him talking about doing something like this on the goomba podcast?
how does your tm8 have a scientist suit
This is some of the coolest shit I’ve ever seen.
I saw the intro and imagined “INTRUDER ALERT! RED SPY IS IN THE BASE”
I have more hours 🙂
Did you use IFTTT or a third party Rust+ API Library?
the button
the trap base that traps your self
the lights unironically give you a massive advantage
the wife had nightmares after video xd
ZChum in the future when you are living in a cheap motel trying to work out why your wife left you I want you to watch this video.
pizza box joke best part
The lesson here is place turrets
Another masterpiece
love your vids but dam you channel grow so fast
Sachel on the train was big brain
Pavlov’s dog but suicidal
i feel tired for him 😂
Aircraft Pilots have a saying: “Acknowledge the alarm, mute it”. Once you start taking care of a situation, mute the alarm and unmute when you leave.
11:55 borderlands character?
checking discord before bed like bruh
Bro flash banged himself to wake up
“THIS WILL BE MY FINEST MOMENT! ” ….. *instantly dies* …. same dude, same.
I think this is about as close to an active simulation of parenthood as I can think of? Should potential parents go through this rigorous test to decide whether or not they are capable of maintaining sanity without sleep?
Zchum worked hard on this video and it shows. Great stuff my dude
This base will make you coom in 15 seconds
Now a “Auto Connect” Thing is just missing…
If the Alarm sounds, It automatically Connects you to the Server
I am so glad I do not play RUST.
Wow TMNT: Turtles in Time Sewer Surfin… wasn’t expecting that
The nodding haha
Incredible video
Russian sleep experiment
Two things:
No turrets
And no memory cells to know if something is being destroyed. So if you are getting raided, a clan shooting missiles to your compound you wouldn’t know it until the walk near
Lol freakish sleeping behavior giving me flashbacks to bootcamp. Was standing watch at 2am in our compartment one night and some dude just sat up in bed like a robot and looked side to side with his eyes closed. Didn’t help things that that he kinda had a demonic face to begin with sh*t sent chills down my spine
K now I know why is takes him months to put out videos. The editing. christ
Yeah offline raiders are pussies and can’t raid when you are online.
Lol as soon as you started at 2:48 I looked at the time and it was 2:48 for me. What you thought there would be more for me to comment about? No, I just thought it was interesting
best way to explain deadside is if rust and tarkov had a baby
Half of the vid is a raid sponsor
this wouldve been a hilarious stream
Now he knows what our in-game characters gotta go through every time they sleep only to wake up from a boom or footsteps
What’s the intro song
it’s never smart to be sleep deprived
Imagine if the alarm leaked through the mic
So when you’re shouting at people they can hear the alarm lmao
Usually my group moves all the best loot into a hidden HQM suicide bunker if were not going to be on for a day or two. Copious amounts of bolty turrets and leaving PC on and logged into the server is standard protocol if we feel an impending offline is coming. Otherwise, we just log out. Its a fuckin game, that constantly wipes your progress anyway. Getting offline raided is a compliment too, the raiders are admitting they are not capable of taking you on face to face. Some rust players take the game so fucking seriously its comical. You want to waste hours upon hours doorcamping, jumping into my compound, and offline raiding for some imaginary weapons? Nice bro, i can simply hide or despawn the loot and close the game. You think youre outplaying me by not allowing me to progress/leave base. I outplayed you by letting you waste your own time. Wanna be a no life? Go ahead lmfao. Ill happily go play another game or go work on my house/truck while you sit there and seethe and talk to a brick wall in game chat.
Great Video!
Love the different variations of Clair De Lune!
this is so good
very good music 👍
Im just leaving my comment here for the algorithm.
Bro has the high alert perk on
the entire reason why you are having trouble falling asleep is because you literally cannot turn off your phone for one fucking second, i PROMISE you if you just, leave your phone in the other room and go to bed, close your eyes, and stop thinking for like 2 seconds, in 5 more seconds you’ll be fast asleep.
why is your phone permanently attached to your hand, with your eyes, even in “sleep” glued permanently to the screen?? i dont understand, and im a fucking ZOOMER.
Just hire someone to be in your base at all times xD
Bruh wtf was all that for you didn’t even defend, f- and a dislike from ya boy t g, however you keep the sub. Love you.
36:54 bro got a lil too excited
I dont quite understand why he didnt leave his computer on to cut the time of having to load up rust and load into the server which would have saved him a lot of time on the nakeds jumping in.
What’s tne SAUCE of this sfx in 13:09 ?
Sub to GeneralSam123 on Twitch
general sam is pretty cool
general sam rat gang
General sam smells
This is like a full ob set for a rust full tiime player, just rust 247 no job no nothing
The design is very human
Rust players are insane are you guys ok
That was great
I clocked up about 3000 hours in rust but i got sick of being offlined and just a lack of time, i still like to watch some videos just for old times sake, you have good content 😛
This is so flipping cool
This is a gem. Deserves 3 millions
app API wtf?
Best way to handle these fuckers is put turrets on both the walls and the main base walls so they cant hide from the turrets its impossible to destroy one or 2 turrets without getting damaged by 3 of them so yeah your base basically very very protected by turrets facing the base and the walls from the inside
This editing is beautifull!
I appreciate you torturing yourself for our entertainment. Very amusing. I just hope you got some sleep after this. Started to worry for you by the end.😂
not zchum just casually making the best rust videos 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Bout to make the Russian sleep experiments look like a good time (do not look it up, it’s pretty damn scary. Being tired can make you kill people? It makes your food taste weird? Horrible)
How many years do you think he lsot making this video i reckon atleast a good 20years
This video was awesome, I never really likes Rust because I thought it was all hackers and just annoying people but I guess this is what having a fun group of friends that like playing the same thing you like is.
Video could’ve started at 4:45 otherwise a banger as usual
W intro and outdo song this video
Ngl don funny 😂
surely having 2 different sponsors in 1 video is ganna make someone mad right?
Some Michael reaves tier rust gameplay
Honestly I would have just slept on the floor
I used to do this when I try hard on server nothing like the lights a horn I did also place blocker on the walls of my bass to know if someone is raiding it from a far
great videos
If only he programmed all those electronics in the rust programming language.
Bro love rust more than his wife💀
I recommend if you ever do this again trying a napping sleep schedule instead of one long rest, can’t remember what its called
Shout out to everyone who works on-call. This is our life.
zcum doesnt sleep with his wife.
Bro two sponsors? Fuck off, for real.
are we going to ignore how he coded and built things for a video game
The commentary is much nicer and much more enjoyable when you aren’t trying to make your voice sound deeper for, I don’t know, dramatic effect or something? Natural is much more enjoyable.
Bro got an real life High alert Perk
Very good and funny Video
seen you on some other content before but this the first video ive seen of yours and you did not dissapoint <3 thanks for enduring for such an amazing video <3 earned my sub
requiem dies irae. W gamer song👌
I like your idea of having that north south east west flights. I might try that with Alexa sometime
I tied rust+ into my Alexa a few months back when we had 4 boxes of rockets 🚀. ( old large box) that was the most I have ever had so I didn’t want to lose them. I had it set to strobe my lights turn my fans on and off and turn my PC on
38:08 I was begging aloud to disconnect the car horn – loved the video though, this was an idea I’ve always wanted to see be done, thanks for making my dream your living hell! Happy new year!
I was about to make a remark of how while intentionally waiting for someone to log off is subhuman behavior, raids would generally not happen if they could only be online.
Then you go and show a game that does exactly that lmao
Consider donating please
Anything helps.
Thank you ♡
Shut up about the Video Zed Chum
How am I just seeing one of your videos for the first time. All I watch is rust videos. Come on YouTube algo get with it! Great quality content
god tier vid
21:38 ZChum loudly pronounces “Maracle” instead of “Miracle”. This is how you know ZChum is Midwestern.
I really want to help with something like this. You can wire 9 turrets in series to alert you when they have a target.
I showed this to my family and it saved Christmas
I wonce placed a network on HFBF sensors around my 4 mans compound (2x low decay so was huge). I then overflew the base and took polaroids. Managed to capture the compound in 2 images “north” and “south”.
In a central command room in the compound i had a large wall with 2 huge photo frames that were stacked and, with the photos in them, there was a decent full ariel view of the compound.
I then drew on indicators where each of the many sensors were located, with a line from each going to the outside of the frame.
Next to where the lines exited i placed a flashing light and counter showing when someone was actively near and also recording the number of people snooping.
We were able to then predict where people where planning to attack (certain areas being repeatedly scouted).
It was a fun and silly project. Looked cool and did actually work.
This is not just losing… It’s ultra losing.
I love this video 😎
Local man gets no sleep for my entertainment
Zchums triumphant gamerhole return soon? Could add some bonus viewers
Not the video we deserved but the video we got. Certainly one of the videos of 2022 of all time.
Thank you Zchum for posting this in Omid’s chat
Spam it in Omid’s chat again. I know you want to.
Best toe pics on the Internet. Thanks ZChum!
Zchum smells
I, ZChum, enjoy feet
Good video too much mustard though
This is a positive comment for the algorithm
Another comment to scam YouTube
very swag zchum
You probably already know this, but you getting raided is at the end of one of bernes “movies”.
You should’ve put turrets
what a great video Zchum. thanks for a continuation of great videos
deadside is DEAD dont even bother, you know what sucks worse then losing everything when you sleep is having only at most 200 people to play with at any given time.
5:49 and 6:34 😂
Great video Brayden!
I can’t believe I’m just finding this channel now this is some of the most original content on rust I’ve ever seen hopefully your neighbors didn’t mind you making this masterpiece!
Honestly with how shitty camping cots can be it probably would have been more comfortable to just sleep on the carpeted floor.
35:53 Lahey clip caught me offguard 😆
How waking up in bmt felt:
(Random recommended passerby) Love the editing and this guy seem chill. But dang are the brownosers out in force for this vid
this is the most innovative thing ive ever seen in my life
You went full Furry Vengence
all that shit and not 1turret lmao
“first day” how tf
been a fan of these ominous thumbnails
Insane vidéo and Idea, Ty man 😂😂😂👍👍
Most Sane Rust Gamer.
how dedicated do you want to be
Of course you didn’t get any sleep you were on your phone all night
you committed antagonist chaos that welyn would make a video about titled exterminating a group of evil miscreants and how he finally raided your base
this was a banger of a video damn
Best one yet Mr. Chum
average rust player:
5000000000000000IQ smart alarm anti raid defense, with mysterious lack of turrets
Probably this without the car horn, and maybe using it to send discord pings to the players
This is the shit I live for 0:23
i swear every wipe day the past couple months i have to delete all my config and map files before loading in or ill crash everytime.
Nothing beats Zchum snickering like a bloodthirsty imp
i get windows popups alot and i clicked on it, ive finaly been bested 7:50
the lesson is don’t logout, if you don’t logout you can’t be raided because youll be able to hop on right away rather than having to wait
Bro is addicted to that phone….
omg. add external tcs and maybe a second layer of high walls before you do this XD
holy shit this was the base that berne raided https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fSGmYHCNSg&t=3955s 1:10:00
In order to defeat the zergs one must become the zerg -some smart guy 2022
They have control over the emergency button now ☠☠☠
Bold decision to cut a hole in the cot next to the vibrating motor!!
I love to solo tunnels, but when you kill a group its always juiced.
It was so nice of Rust to sponsor this Raid: Shadow Legends video.
First time seeing 1 of ur video and this was absolutely amazing I would and want to do this to my game roo. That’s dope af
People really be waking up at 2am to not get pixels stolen.
should have layered the compound with at least one more ring of walls. Smart alarms are useless if your base isn’t going to buy you enough time to load in.
1:37 what if his knee isn’t up and that is something else…
you are going places keep up the good work
car horn going off waking up the whole block at night is fucked, hopefully you don’t have concrete walls holy fuck
Lol I swear I saw this base in a Spoon vid, he was commenting on all the sensors.
Ok this is probably the best rust video I have ever seen, I am flabbergasted how sick this is.
What is the song in corrupt with power bookmark
This is awesome lol
maybe next time consider a silent buttplug than a loud car alarm
if he had built and external TC next to that massive rock next to his base he would have had no nakeds in his compound
💯 video. The smart home wasn’t enough to stop the raid, that was pretty sad.
zchum is the definition of quality over quantitiy
dude is your wife even still your wife? xD I mean… if u play and provide money then what she would have to say lol womans
thats crazy how this video only got more than a 100k views
your videos are top notch man. i absolutely love your editing style. hilarious
Can you post more of the parasite thing
Your commitment is beyond any expectations. You are a legend sir
new meta
Pls upload more bro your my favorite rust youtuber even tho you only got 3 rust videos
Hiya, experienced builder here, if you ever want to go for round 2 let me know.
That group was Berne’s group…. I remember seeing this base (your base) in one of his videos LMAO
EDIT: I found it LOL: https://youtu.be/7fSGmYHCNSg?t=3955
imagine trying to explain this to the admins
Alternate title: how to put holes in your walls or a broken window..
I would of thrown the security stuff out the window and have thrown it into the wall..
You know its going to be a bad day when in the distance there is a great blaring of horns
Funky Fanfare tho
This was amazingly unique content! nice one
Sponsored by ring doorbell
Mark Rober of Rust
Maybe you would have gotten more sleep if you weren’t on your phone all night >.>
Bro you think that a lot of rust? I’ve got something of 50k hours of playtime in Skyrim. I do t have an addiction you do
Shoulda high qual’d more of the base and left rust open and his computer not asleep so that the game was in memory still for the faster load times
i think the real lesson here is the fact that you built such an impeccable system that it took 8 guys to finally successfully coordinate a raid on your base.
Video really starts at 22:00
hey you man, giiive me weapon please
I don’t know if I should feel impressed by the whole setup or saddened bu the reason behind the setup, great video tho, quite funny
You know, when you start doing those door camping, roof camping shenanigans after you acquire that power. You become the problem
If you can set up trades, item for item, then you can have a weapon you really love (like the LR300) as the currency required for other items.
I’d even sell M2s for the LR300, I love it so much.
I think rust didn’t intend for people to use sensors with real world technology lol
So much easier to just not log off…
Sleep in ear shot of the computer, when the turrets, or rockets begin, that’ll wake ya up good enough. Kinda why I had to stop playing rust… It was my life, when i was playing. Just too much. Afraid to get a burger, and get raided.
Welyn impression pretty good heheh
The editing 👏
Omg so good! 45 min video felt like it was only 10 minutes. Great entertainment.
This would be a good strategy if you didnt buy a fucking car horn and instead just set up an alarm bell on your phone
You should have installed a “kill the trolls” button where you just blow the whole base up if they fucked with you lol
U should post more
I feel like this could have been made less traumatic with something like headphones
Wait, rust players sleep?
this channel belongs to omid industries zchum shall be jailed for tax evasion.
Zchum is morally corrupt and should be de platformed!
omid is the cat’s meow!
omid is champ
Stop reading comments and load faster!
This video was great until Omid was involved
OmidLive is inhumane
something nice about omid
Omid Is
i love omid
I hate omid so much all he does is troll and grief so annoying italian guy
zchum? more like zprecum omid rocks
Omid ruined this video absolutely disgusting
Maybe a little less omid! Just a suggestion, maybe a new face like poob or something could freshen this up
this guy sucks i hate zchum
Omid may be the worst person I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing. Truly vile.
Omid is really annoying…..couldnt imagine him as a friend…
Editing on point. Love this video!
Finally another vid. Took long enough.
Finnaly a new rust video
great video guys, what an effort you make with rust is incredible lol
This made me die of laughing best video ever. Zchum i bet you wouldve gotton tons more sleep if your phone habits were better.
Reminds me of “A red spy is in the base” brought to life, I love it
Truthfully, I would have picked something else other than a horn. The vibrator should be enough.
a like and comment for the effort. havent finished the video yet.
This is next level!
this man has a wife?
great video!
Another Zchum classic, bravo sir.
This video is much less viewed than it should be
Cant believe its been 9 months since you last posted
You were raided by imBernE. I just watched his video “obliterating an annoying clan” and they were saying,”look at all the electrical!” Lol
Typical rust player would rather sleep with rust than his wife xD
cinematics go hard bro
Zchum is the kind of daddy to pin this comment
ZChum if you pre make like 20 of these systems and sell them for a 1500% mark up I’m sure some small clans would buy this.
Why even disconnect at that point? Just leave your pc on while logged in
Great vid, why not just stay connected to the server tho?
4k hours dude those are some rookie numbers
Ah yes, the PTSD Smart Alarm. F u n .
Gotta get a sub for that intro 👍👍👍
ur a QT3.14159265359
This what must feel like in the military
part 2 ??????
This has to be one of the rust videos of all time.
2 sponsors dawg
i have tried the LEDs like you after this you made my life easier at rust
of course this video comes when i already finished my meal
so i played rust, for about 60 hours, really like it. i never got raided because wipes kept happening or i would change servers, but the wipes alone made me feel like i wasnt actually progressing in the game. now i could imagine getting raided would increase that feeling. how did you overcome the feeling like everything you were doing was for nothing at all?
the emergency button abuse could have all been solved with a MOSFET
finally a quality rust video out of the nrom
ZChum speedrunning Divorce Any%
Actually the best video of rust I’ve seen in a long time
This is the funniest rust video I have ever seen, the second funniest is your other video about living in the walls.
Did bro really get 2 sponsors in 1 video 💀
What do you use to edit ?
No no you died no NOOOO
When the world needed him most he returned
When task distribution is too hard for you to understand.
You’re the alert system, and the others are the ones having fun.
This way, when you kill the scout, you won’t get the attention the fun makers get.
This has got to be the best rust content I have ever seen
Works exactly like a smart home and just as well. 10/10
this video is criminally underrated for the effort put in
do a whole wipe with it lol
evolved from zchum the boy genius to ZCum the Man Genius with this plan.
Why I quit rust pretty much, it just consumes your life.
Cumfloor?? Cumroof??
This is basically just the antlion tunnel mission in Half Life ep 2
Fantastic video
very innovative
Great bideo
part 2 please this is the best rust video ive ever seen
Shoulda got an air mattress
When we needed him most…. He came back with the milk 😮
I wish there was a server that basically went offline after 1:00 a.m. or something. Opens up at 10:00 a.m… or even other hours for people who actually have a life.
Where do I buy it
The editing on this is INSANE!!! I’m only a couple minutes in and I’m stoked to watch this.
This is the closest to being in the military he’ll ever experience
The algorithm hath cast zchum aside this time round. The greatest injustice of a generation.
i literally just spit my drink because of this 43:36
there is a lesson. make a smarter home
Goated video 6:52
You coulda used an orange light or something 😂 but you chose pain
Every single rust video you make is a blessing upon humanity. You’re an absolute genius of the pond scum no-lifer gameplay style.
Was that your wife with the supportive ‘nice’ at your 3k wood “LOADED”?
connect it to a butt plug and broadcast a rust onlyfans
Your editing hits every note of zoomercore.
It’s obvious this video would be pointless and the concept wouldn’t work if you had………….. 🤫 placed external tc’s
These are amazing videos
What happens when they take over the base and they make a system that automatically presses the emergency button all the time 💀
Amazing video and edits 👏
Deserves way more views
plz never change
Who shot a rocket at the base at 21:42 😭😭😭😭
Imagine if you just put a Tc by that rock outside your walls so they couldn’t build in.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, my friend.
Fucking incredible.
BRO ZCHUM YOUR A LEGEND thank you so much for your new video loved I love all your rust content
LMAO great vid and septically the intro laughing may to hard rn
i am sorry man
holy shit this is some good content
Why wasn’t there any auto turrets in compound.
love has to be way to strong of a word for this game lmao
Out of curiosity how do you, if you do, divy up the profits from these videos to everyone else you play with?
You only sleep in a single bed for this video right? You do sleep with your wife? Right? RIGHT?
How did his wife not leave him with that annoying ass horn in the middle of the night?
“My office” = a literal bedroom
This mans sacrificed his sleep schedule and his ears for ONE VIDEO
That poor first soul he killed was so sad. He literally pulled out his building hammer and tried to fight with it.
THis has to be one of the funniest and best rust video I have ever seen
I feel like this video would have been better without a loud ass car horn that scares you
This is the gaming version of “Fireguard”
They smoked and built a raid base for an offline raid lmao these clans are so dumb
positive comment for algorithm🤠
Another cinematic masterpiece
i didnt think this man would ever post again
Bruh this shit is crazy
23:00 imagine sneaking into a base looking for some leftover loot outside and hearing this 😂
weird looking office
10 hours of work only to be foundation wiped by a zerg in less time than it takes to launch the game. Truly inspiring story for Rust.
The amount of effort you went to in very impressed. 👍🏾
Fucking love this one
The thumbnail and title are much better this time around
Love the vid🔥 This has to get millions of views!
did imBernE raid you ? i saw your base in is video
more violent light less air horn more smart base gaming?
how to ruin a marriage 1o1
Loud-ass alarm aside, this is actually utterly genius. One could also, for instance, set up turrets that open up when someone gets too close while simultaneously acting as an automatic door… not to mention it could, for instance, have a big phat wall in front of it like with the gate so players are forced to specific vantage points that leave them open to the turrets.
Buuut since this is supposed to be a funne ‘challenge’ type video specifically for the alarm, I applaud your ingenuity and, furthermore, your bravery.
Damn, 45 minutes is a bit much
Hey question, can the drones that do trading get shot down?
Cause I wonder if it’s a good idea to trade with your own base to send underground loot to home from outpost without taking it by hand and with a chance for you to be killed and looted (ie go to outpost, the vending machine is set to require 1 satchel for 1 wood, and you can safely transfer loot into your vending machine from outpost)
just noticed imBernE was the one that raided you lol
29:00 DO you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
Chum what’s your favorite carpenter brut song
ZChum villain arc
no turrets bad move lol
average schizophrenic’s home
Imagine if no one even breathed on his base and all of his efforts would have been in vain xD
zchum back with another banger.
Video so good i rewound the vid to watch the raid ad again, idk If that’s how it works but..
The issue with this is that it will pick up wandering nakeds.There should be an item that detects explosions over a certain range (some seismic sensor shit ?)
Edit : the rust+ antenna thing can be connected to the logical outputs of SAMS and turrets
100% Certified Fresh
Wow holy shit you just won my subscription back. I thought you would never upload rust again. IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS VIDEO HOLY SHIT. am too excited for later rust video Broo!!
dead server
You now know (somewhat) what it’s like to work at a fire department/EMS. Except if you don’t wake up and drive to the call, people die 🙂
What a dope video. Great work!
You either get raided a hero, or make yourself a base secure enough to see yourself become the villain.
Finally a new video. I should really put my notification on
Certified double sponsor
pt 2
Just asking – did you buy your wife a full week 5* spa holiday after that action with the horn?
Or did you opt for the 3* spa holiday week send-away while you did all this?
I find the description funny oh yeah Kayli she just games lmao
babe wake the fuck up new zchum video dropped
okay so now imagine that it is happening to you for nearly a year, that you can’t actually turn off the alarms, and that not your base in-between-wipes are at stake but your own life because it is russian rockets aiming at your houses and civilian infrastructure causing this
so welcome to Ukraine! 🙂
i have been whatching his vids since forever and idk how its not at atleast 500k subs
I know that feel
Imagine doing electricity in rust and in real life😂😂it’s so dope
Why you didnt have Turrets on HBS with door controllers ill never know
You should try a new thumbnail and title if the current ones don’t do well, it’s such a good video but I don’t think the title is clickable enough
Yo your selection of music is on point! And I know how hard it is to find good songs so A+ for you 👍
Awesome content but could have surely turned down the ads just a little…
Bless your heart
At 33:06 the bgm is from when roblox copywrited all audios and replaced them all with this banger
the only other thing I can think of that would have been better is to have the game open 100% of the time on a separate computer and using a kvm switch or something just as good. This makes loading time 0% so instant response times to the enemy. It would also save some sanity.
Great video but i wonder if he just stayed logged in. . .
Surprised you didn’t get a brick through your window
MAKE MOAR !!!!!!!!!!!
Wife: Let me get that vibrating chair after your done…
does anyone know how to get the crosshair on ps4?
12:36 On my roof has a scientists outfit on???
how the hell is this video still 48k views
ZChum sets up cot wrong and suffers
I love his guitar set up
Bro, I think berne raided u….
Goog vid
is this exactly how every zerg member plays rust
so, was it worth it?
The guy that got me into Rust.. is BACK.
26:00 this chapter is a magnum opus
why the fuck does your phone flashlight do that
These videos have insane production value. Way worth the wait!
@ZChum I see that carpenter brut shirt daddy.
Where tf have you been zchum??
Why log out and not just afk? And just use speakers that’d…. Speak… when there were rockets?
“None of our neighbors are safe from our wrath” No, None of YOUR neighbors are safe from YOUR wrath
awesome video dude!
Part 2 😛 But this time you make it so it somehow auto log ins for you
Hopefully the algorithm picks this up because this vid deserves to be seen by every single person
This video has successfully reduced your life expectancy by 10 years, amazing work. Keep it up!
This is the best video I’ve ever seen
this video really shouldve been sponsored by simplisafe
1 like = 1 Sonny pet
the russian sleep experiment and its consiquences
Best rust videos on YT right now. Flawless ideas and execution, all of your rust videos are a joy to watch
First million view gang check in
Good video bro
Fantastic idea and execution. Commenting for the algorithm because YouTube it seems, is a fickle mistress, whose mood turns with the tide
Some people have no fucking life, holy shit, this is exactly why I will never play that fucking game. Thanks for the banger ZChum, I hope you’re doing well 😂
Early warning system doesnt help if you dont react to it
The real question is how has your wife not killed you yet 🤣
the solution is turrets btw…lol nice vid
POV you’re working on call
I didnt plan on even watching half the video but ended up watching the whole thing lol great job
Masterpiece 👌🏻
The lesson is dont play on servers where it do be zergin
How do you not have tinnitus by now?
Fantastic video
he’s actually alive
zchum somehow makes rust even more torturous
you are truly the mister homeless of rust
Bruh I didn’t see you uploaded this
Of course a 10 man zerg raids that base. Lol!
I played Deadside a while back and actually had some fun with it. Give it a try if you have potato pc like me and cant run rust
yesss i love your videos zchum thank you for another beautiful upload
I didn’t think Exfil camper was such a downer…
This video is a masterpiece. It will go down in Rust YT history for sure. Well done my friend.
21:13 awww <3
the other 2 rust videos were quite literally 10/10 fucking videos, perfect length, literally every single fuckin detail holy shit i cant wait to watch this one
How the hell do you have such a good taste in music? I’m barely a minute in and my dude is busting out Funky goddamn Fanfare, the absolute madlad.
22:49 if his mic is on, that horn and him yelling has got to be the scariest thing that you can witness in that game lol.
I love you zcum
no meat
Zcum does it again with a truly revolutionary Rust classic that the games youtube content so desperately needs. In a sea of hour long + “revenge” stories that all start and end the same, he yet again provides a innovative and fresh idea while still maintaining excellent humor and editing throughout. A job well done
Always a good day when zchum posts
@7:03 WTF is this LOL xDDDDDDDDDDD
Finally a zchum banger, love to see it!
Unsure if it’s worth mentioning but the thumbnail made me flick past this vid many times, when I eventually read the title and whose channel it was from I watched it, just worried others may miss this thinking it’s from a different channel or not interested by the thumbnail
The MF DOOM music in the background 😍
one day rust will kill more people than opiates one day.
How to give yourself PTSD while trying to sleep. Impressive.
Peak video 💯💯
Genuinly one of the funniest videos I’ve seen in a long while. Keep up the great work ZChum
Awesome video ZChum.
ZChum tries to get a comfy bed challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
i dont even play rust it’s insane this is even possible
New rust clan requirements be like
As an EMS worker I respect the dedication, you know exactly how it feels. Though, you did it for a lot more money.
YOOO that funky fanfare song is so good, never seen it in a video before. if you haven’t heard old school rules by DANGERDOOM, it samples that song and it’s good
I really like your videos bossman. Welcome back.
Man I wish I could see that guys pov at 22:51
Awesome video! Before going the API route, did you happen to check out IFTTT? I believe your setup is possible using their service without the coding headache. Will be researching for my own curiosity 🤓
this needs more views
you’re the most creative content creator for such a mediocre game damn dude
this is the same kayli that played with aqua like 3 years ago, thats crazy
least sweaty rust player
oh boy, this is so inefficient, just meet a bunch people that live in different countries with different time-zones and make turns, then meet even more people to have backups in case the others can’t stay online. It will be very fun and definitely not a hassle that isn’t productive at all and is way too much thinking and planning for a game about breaking trees with rocks.
a comment, towards a true gamer
Jesus christ. I don’t think there’s been a single human to go this hard for a rust wipe. This dude is on that batman prep time shit. The lesson to be learned is, DONT DISCONNECT. turn off your monitor, or if you want to sell the im offline idea disconnect, then reconnect and never wake up. Or else literally that rust takes to long to launch and you can level shit in 2 minutes if u smart
bro wtf I got unsubbed to you?
goomba podcast is the future itself
concept like that on a game that we all love(before recoil update not talking about MY blue blueprint page.)
are awesome to see,we would dream of that when we were younger
josh is just like me frfr
Good stuff sir chum
This might be the best Rust video I’ve ever seen!
A youtuber that won’t let you sleep …
Great video duuude !
He really started to cry when he didn’t get weapon
literally torturing yourself
Now that is gamer
The lesson would have been research auto turrets
Honestly would love a series dedicated to this
Why not stay logged in? Would make life much easier
Why tf did they add Rhonda Rousey to raid bro
This was pretty well made congrats
im watching this at 5 am
Bro that’s too much pain for one video, was hard to watch but bravo
Make a patreon zchum, I feel the urge to give you money
These are such high quality videos wtf
A true gamer legend
bro took the boots over components
Oh my god. I use to do this sorta. I use to hook up a huge a** sound bar and set it up behind my pillow with max volume while I just sleep afk on rust and make an alarm at 6:30 every day and go to bed at like 2 😂. And again like your outcome, 9/10 I always got raided by a raid base. Good times, probably not the best for you, but good times!
I wonder how the wife felt about the blaring horn
Awesome video! loved it
that is crazy didn’t even know you could do that in rust
another banger
Zchum only admins can be scientists
HE’S BACK, I LITERALLY JUST WATCHED ALL UR STUFF YESTERDAY AND got sad cuz it seemed like you just stopped
why did you disconnect from the server every time? that just lengthens your suffering
I knew that this base was familiar this base was raised by Bernie check out the raiders POV https://youtu.be/7fSGmYHCNSg
Another zchum banger
Another great video, simple as that.
MF DOOM beat
As always, god-tier content
it’s a chrimsats miecale!
This is the most epic thing I’ve ever seen. The dedication is insane
welcome to the rust movie
Intro: I love rust
infamous last words of a sane man
Dam, i hate zergs with full kits
Here’s a question. How come some raiders never scream angrily at you. Like at the top of their lungs, over what they’d lost?
Return of the king
Wtf why did the algorithm just bury this vid
Babe wake up ZCHUM uploaded a new video
thx for ur suffering
A wipe filled with old men raining chaos on excavator. Until next time – sandy cheeks
Definitely one of the best rust videos ever. I can’t imagine the work that was put into this. Thanks for giving us so much effort and great content !
Hahaha 21 Savage is CatBoyIssac.
Wow Raid Shadow Legends was so much fun! Thanks so much for advertising super good not pay to win mobile games! I am a huge Mobile Gaming Enjoyer and you always bring up the hottest games!!!!!!!111
Nice 🙂
Lol bro you should of installed some turrets for the nakeds atleast
Love it when zchum uses his YouTube account 🙂
The lesson is that what you did was insane and uh just stay logged in on a chair so ur always ready. its free and ez
Merry Christmas
As someone who is easily shocked by loud noises, I respect the self-Pavloving.
I have never seen such sheer no-lifer behavior. Respect.
Edit: Happy Holidays ZChum and crew!
Everything this man touches turns into gold. Loved it, zcum.
“probably live on twitch” likely story
The most dedicated rust player ever.
great video, welcome back!
the video is FIRE, great work boy genius! (not posted under duress by Bhorse)
Bhorse said I have to comment or I lose bathroom privileges
This is exactly what i needed to watch on christmas morning. absolute banger dude. my dogs also thought it was good.
I hope it gets the credit it needs
bru I got over 1500 hours of skyrim and thought it was too much, then you pull 4k hours of rust 💀
You should have baited a raid path that traps and kills raiders behind a bunch of garage doors and opens turrets to guard the entrance.
The Legend has returned.
I got sleep deprived just by watching this
the suffering is enjoyable
Zchum single handedly destroying his marriage for youtube content.
Gotta respect the grind.
literally did all that for nothing in the end lmao love the vid
I Love You
i was going back to this channel pretty much every day to see if a new video was out in case of youtube not sending notification. i now can say i am satisfied seeing a new video
Yet another banger
Zchum dude this video is hysterical
Finally a good Christmas present
u think camomo has a similar system to alert him when a cheater joins a server?
Took 9 months but it’s a very entertaining video
Babe wake up, it’s a new Zchum Banger 🔥
This dude got as close as one can get to getting PTSD without actually getting PTSD
this was great
Yeah no this just became cancer. Rip the channel
Zchum hitting us with that Christmas present ❤
The lesson is outer tc’s 👍
Wow a lot of aids to get past in this one
aina kreygasm
Thank you for inflicting psychological torture upon yourself for our entertainment.
Great video
This is brilliant
Holy shit a chum upload, it’s a Christmas miracle
swap says hi
finally a good christmas miracle
Now ZChum has to move because all his neighbors hate him. But it was worth it
My man gonna have ptsd from the sun. Man gonna have ptsd and log into rust from hearing a car horn outside. Tbh this mightve been my fav rust vid. So creative and unique it was great
letsss goooooo
2 sponsers???
Dude every video I watch feels like a movie from zchum
Merry Chummas Gamers, great vid
awesome love like more 🙂
Hey man, I know this video too TIME AND EFFORT TO pull it off and I just wanna say on behalf of us we appreciate the hard work gone into a EPIC video . I’ve never seen this setup for rust before and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for next video. idc if it takes another 6 Months lop
When zchum is setting up all the complicated electrical stuff is literally me when I try to set up simple lights in my rust base
incredibly disappointing ending but alright
I genuinely dislike omid as a person.
When they talk about quality vs quantity
Common ZChum W
When they ask where you’ve been and the answer has been hell
annoying girl, why is she in this, now it’s ruined and i cant watch it, thanks.
I laughed so hard from 23 min to 44 min that my throat is sore. Tears are falling out of my eye, and annoyed my family
idea: do the same thing but with your body, like somehow connect the tc to your heart, it breaks, you die
Best Christmas gift I could ask for ❤️
*Listening to sponsor* – Good argument Zchum but I’m in the rafters- worm 2022
Bro I’d raid Rhonda any day of the week.
The smartest electrical engineer on Rust.
Worth the wait
The lengths this man will go to game
What was that base design?
sanest rust player
Great video zchum! intro was SICK!!!
Merry Christmas, we got a zchum video under the tree!
Its time
Bruh I cant even use voice chat. My game freezes everytime I hit the button for like a minute. Anyone know what I can do? I ran out of options and dont know what I can do.
Hell yea banger video
Thank god zchum uploaded. been waiting for this since his appearance on the prestigious goomba podcast
Love this shit lol, rust trolling is so funny to watch. Thanks for making content, i subbed.
Wife? surely you mean Ex-wife.
Already a classic
Zchum this was worth every second.
First time viewer – good stuff!!
now this is rust on steroids shit
Torture LOL
Look, I’m no rust player, but that dedication can’t go unnoticed. Also car horn, car horn can’t go unnoticed too. Nice thinking!
Dude makes 3 videos and pops off man you keep going.
I like when zchum comes back when rent is due 😭
Love the video but please stop going gray scale it gives me drama from my phone notification 😭😭😭
Too many sponsors
For the algorithm
Terrible thumbnail
44 min video for that ending? bro……
The chum is back for the Christmas special
So zchum definitely gave himself hearing damage for this.
how has he done it again
Oh boy, it’s shameful just how much I will laugh at the cost of your sanity 😂
Your poor wife
4K views in 4 hours doesn’t do ZChum justice, I hope YouTube switches up and pushes this video like crazy
Great video as always, can’t wait until you hit a million subscribers
This video was amazing, an absolute blast to watch
Finally let’s goooo!!!
The amount of effort put into this video. Absolutely amazing job.
It’s a Christmas miracle ✨️ awesome work my guy!
wurm wurm wurm wurm WORM
Ahhhhh, another disgustingly well edited telling of the degenerate experience.
THATS FUCKIN AWESOME.Thats the best rust video i watch’t broo great job
So ZChum disappeared for 3 months for a RAID Shadow Legends ad?
This needs more views
Not even done with the video and it’s is good❤❤❤
you should do this again but have everyone with this and have 8 people and just leave your account on the game while you sleep so you dont wait for loading time
OH MM Y GOD Z CH UM!!!!!!!!!!
Zchum needs more credit this shit slaps
Loved the video gamer
Who hurt you?
This man is a genius.
How possible is it to have 1 by 1s with turrets inside that open when people walk past the sensors? Maybe that’d help make the base look after itself more whilst you slept?
The king is back!
You sacrificed your health for our sake!
Zchum , what a gamer you’re ♥️
What is the song at 2:05?
This is literally just having a baby sim
After 8 months of silence from the legend we all needed, ZChun is back baby!
I like to have my alarm systems just spook people using garage doors and spotlights, and send a push to my phone so I can clown on anyone who offlines at 3:22am, like what kinda nerd [insert 30 minute rant about children on rust at 4am]
Bro can we get another rust video quicker than 9 months lol please
dude has 2 sponsors in a single video, sellout? i think so
can we have schematics? 😀
A zchum video at Christmas? in this economy?
Are you the smart home guy?
youre an idiot and i love you.
My guys on a different level with this shit, u should be so proud my guy. Mac respect
I missed this upload because I was busy sleeping and waiting for Santa
At noon
Sensational xoxo
Man why tf is this not as popular as it should be
This is so Epic.
your room is a fire hazard but the video is great
Your face at 37:38 had me crying with laughter, happiest rust player
This… this is gonna be the thing that makes me get Rust
My god…its a masterpiece!
this better explode due to the amazing effort of editing from this video
Great work gamer! 24 hour stream with this set up would be hilarious
It’s always Omids fault
Zchum back with another certified gamer classic
This is so much work I hope a ton of people see this due to how much effort you put in
So happy to have sponsored this!
play eft
Well that’s one way of assuring not getting raided, though sleep is more important than pixels, in a game. The horns are excessive. I can say that it was worth making a video ,since it showed your dedication to the lengths we went to , for science. lol. May you and your Family a Merry Christmas, since I watching this on the 24th of December.
Z chum I love you
Video got a shadowban
A true Christmas miracle
you have a great taste in music
CAREFUL, some unprecedented editing has been spotted in this area 👀
10/10 video
Nicely done gamer!
How mad people got at your actions, not knowing that you were putting yourself through worse. Some kind of lesson there I’m too tired to figure out.
Rust Michael Reeves
What a wonderful Christmas Eve gift from Mr. Worm Gaming himself. Even as a non rust player you explain what’s going on so well and make it accessible to all types of gamers and every video is a treat to watch. Keep up the good work <3
“Sometimes you just have to sacrifice a little to not get raided. This is just what a Rust player does.” – ZChum 2022
I feel like he regrets these words ha
You should just use the horn, so it’s a higher chance you get sleep. If you could get on and stop a raid in the middle of the night that would be sick
its crazy to think that even that couldn’t stop a offline…
the video is out. its a christmas miracle
ruster zchumbucket
he’s back…..
what an amazing early christmas gift. thank you zchum!
I swear I seen another YouTuber raid this base I recognize the electrical room
Two sponsors!? This man is gonna be raking it in. I approve!
Best Christmas present i could have asked for!
nice job
he’s back
ohh its a zchum rust vid. i dont even play rust but i watch all your rust vids buddy! i hope you see this and happy holidays to all
ZChum continues to create content on another level, this was fucking outstanding
Your videos are so energetic. Its really hard for anyone else to replicate this style.
First few seconds, raid shadow legends. Not even going to bother. Downvoted and unsubbed
7:11 thank god it doesnt have audio…..
all we would hear is “PEERT…POOF…..and….FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP”
Babe wake up, new ZChum video!
Merry christmas
This video been amazing and I cant imagine how much of a torture it must’ve been
man you always say it wont take as long next time
Much love happy holidays
The editing, the music synchronization, the sheer dedication and sleep deprivation.. amazing video ❤
Merry Christmas everyone 🙂
nice one
The amount of work and time Zchum devotes to content is truly astounding, what a banger of a video
Oh my god, I feel so bad for Katie. That must’ve been hell to experience when it’s not even for you
Amazing Christmas Surpise
This was great!!!
A zchum upload? a christmas miracle indeed
Another banger, have fun with the PTSD.
aw HELL yeah new zchum dropped
You should change the thumbnail bro it’s not very captivating
Sweet. Great to see another one of these.
He’s done it again
Dawg, you are literally “Basically Homeless” but you play rust
Zchum the gift that keeps on giving.
Next time you should add a remote controlled gun that shoots blanks if you die. Good video my dude!
“I haven’t seen my wife in weeks.”
Just found your channel like 2 days ago, was kinda disappointed that you didn’t post here for 9 months or so and here you are with a new vid, lucky me!
I thought this channel was dead, great to see you back
Clans need to implement this level of planning to stop Alone in Tokyo
Sorry to busy Raiding Rhonda’s Rowdy to watch the rest of this video. Respectfully
Tinnitus any% speedrun
Love finding out new ways to be sadistic in rust. Thanks for the tips and tricks.
I love Rust too man… too much
positive comment for algo woo
The moment we all have been waiting for, now let’s enjoy every second of it
Its a fucking christmas miracle 🎄
what a perfect christmas present
Thanks for pointing me towards battle metrics to make raiding easier.
new vid lesgoooooo finaly
ZChum has officially gone too far and has chummed himself, can we get an f
Did I forget you exist? Yes, but that made this popping up in the feed all the better.
God I love Arduino
Finally new vid, what a great gift.
ty for the video zchum, see u guys in 9 months👋👋
This is a christmas gift for sure!!!
He is back!!
christmas comes early this year
glad to see you back for more rust shenanigans
You’re a real genius, this is the best thing i’ve seen in my life
What a nice Christmas present
Jesus christ…
A true Christmas miracle
This is gold
Who are you and why am I subscribed to you. Is this a second channel. I’m lost sorry
He’s back! Let’s go
I’d do unspeakable things to ZChum to get him to upload consistently….
I’ve been waiting for a vid for the longest and thank u God almighty it came
Babe wake up ZChum posted
Sometimes Zchum breaks Rust, sometimes Rust breaks Zchum
What a great video! I especially loved the part when
finally! an upload
Hey z