My BEST SOLO Run – Rust Console Edition
Playing solo on a max pop server a day after wipe is beyond difficult…but not impossible! I did more than just play solo, I became the most loaded player on the server!! I started with a nice pump snowball all the way to roam raiding with Ak!! During this wipe I Encountered a salty duo and had my first rust Beef!
An amazing wipe all the way to the end and I had a great time playing it!
Time Stamps:
Bow PvP – 1:04
Crossbow Snowball – 5:16
Pump Snowball – 9:04
Cargo Counter – 21:32
Crazy Farm Run – 31:34
Oil Rig Run – 34:20
Beefing With Salty Duo – 36:48
Raiding Neighbors – 44:02
Roam Raiding – 48:48
Ending Salty Duo Career – 53:03 – 57:27
Check Out My Last Solo Video: SOLO OCEAN TAKEOVER – Rust Console Movie
#rustconsole #rustraid #solorust #consolerust #rustconsoleedition #rustmovie #rustpvp #rustsolosurvival #roamraid
#rustclips #cargorust
Taqs:Rust Console,Rust solo,Rust Console Solo,Rust Raid,Roam Raiding,Console Rust,Rust Console Edition,Rust Game,Solo Survival,Snowball,Rust Movie,Best Solo,Best wipe,RustConsole Base Design
コメント (18)
slide base
How are you this good but this underated
Ayyy another one by the goat
You add me pls I want a dou
I wish I could play with you but am on ps4 too laggy
can I join your for a wipe
I wish i was good like this but i still don’t know how to build a good base
W vid grind never stops
Love the vids bro most underrated rust console youtuber honestly
most underrated youtuber that does not zen or zem. keep up the good work.
Ay dope vid bro
You should try to do a group wipe
Dang I was here early
Good vid as always
Bro finally uploaded