Siege weapons, Shields, T1smg, Rust mobile?! | Rust Update 1st November 2024


Loads of new visuals for siege weapons, shields, T1 smg, and news on Rust mobile, plus all the other changes to Rust this week!

🌲 Get 30% OFF your RUST server with Pine Hosting now! Use code SHADOWFRAX and my link here: 🌲

Linky links
✔️Teespring store:
✔️Patreon page:
✔️Steam group:

System specs:
CPU – AMD Threadripper 3970X
GPU – TUF Gaming Geforce RTX 3080
Mobo – ROG Zenith II Extreme
RAM – 64GB D60G RGB 3600
Drives – Firecuda 1TB/Ironwolf 14TB
PSU – EVGA Supernova 1000G+
CPU block – Cooler Master ML360
Case – Lian Li 011 Dynamic special edition
Mic – RØDE NT1

Stay tuned to my channel for tips, tutorials, reviews, news, updates, walkthroughs and gameplay for survival games and city builders

Games within games:
Rust update:
Concept limbo:
The Rust back-story:

Gameplay footage from Rust PC 2023

Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound

Rust font created by and used with kind permission of Ben Kohan

#rust #facepunch #shadowfrax #2024

Taqs:rust update,shadowfrax,rust,concept limbo,rust pc,rust pc update,subject to change,rust review,rust recap,rust console,rust patch,new rust update,rust console update,rust raiding,rust latest,rust latest update,rust latest news,rust pc review,rust 2024,rust whats new,rust optimisation,rust anticheat,wolf ai,new wolf ai,rust shields,rust shield,rust siege,siege weapons,t1 smg,rust mobile,rust mobile tencent,rust catapult


  • コメント (346)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @21agdmnm
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Medieval Rust!! YES YES YES Please!!

    • @nicolasclermont893
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Original legacy rust was the most based

    • @unknown-qz6lp
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    brahhh rust mobile 😂

    • @tipaman
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    useless update😂 mobile game only for China players it is a discrimination😢

    • @PedroGonzalez-ef3zv
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    the new flashlight sucks

    • @Scouter5050
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I’d absolutely love rust on mobile, id grind that all day.

    • @TheRealRaptorYTCD
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rust mobile 🎉🎉🎉

    • @Stash122
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I wish they made it when it’s laying down we could take it * the wolf

    • @un_vex4936
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Shield will go crazyyy “FOR RUST, FOR THE GRUBS! CHARGGEEEEEEEE!”

    • @azergamingazur
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @Рмн-п6м
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Catapult (or that is trebuchet) will be good ngl

    • @Gamer5_8
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    6:48 I hope not.

    • @avustralyaliturk8892
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Bein solo player is a man of commitment , focus , sheer will somethin you kids know very little about.

    • @Aylieds
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Medival rust was one of my best memories in rust

    • @J16179
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    One thing rust needs to do is let you choose your character model. Im tired of the character the game gave me.

    • @watchthiswithrob
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Siege weapons? Why? Explosives and rocket launchers are plenty.

    • @lilbenttwig1524
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    they should made the IO benches tech treeable and remove tech tree from Work Bench 1-3

    • @xswazy7449
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    i dont know if the devs suck or if its the money hungry owners that are making the devs suck but either way its sad to see rust just turned into a money making machine and them not give a single sh*t about making the game better

    • @ashkanmahouti858
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Be ready for an ungodly amount of hit marker sounds with that t1 smg😂

    • @AlexJamesDean
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @re7hfwe87f3
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    i hope they add dlss frame gen. Its a game changer

    • @K0RAX
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Nice, 10 years from now we’ll even be able to rotate shopfront!

    • @knahlligrutz
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    yay siege weapons just another tool zergs can use against my solo azz

    • @marshmallowcardbord5984
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    That bucket helmet and wolf is the best thing ive seen from you.

    • @shkiper4224
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    i hate rust

    • @alastorclark3492
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Lmao rust mobile?!?! Oxide better heavily rebrand

    • @Playkruse
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    They should remove tech three. Ruins the fun part of finding stuff.

    • @kiyawanders
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @iambarryallen
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    yes pls mobile version. not all of us has time to sit and play at the computer

    • @michaelmoser3482
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    So is this active then???

    • @WitherDJ
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    oh god Tencent

    • @TuriGamer
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Its not often that FP delivers good news but this was nice

    • @Cody-s7e
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    A recoilless rifle or missile launcher for a siege weapon would be cooler and you could use the mlrs rockets loaded 1 at a time and it could be mounted on the back of a vehicle

    • @Raidena5
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    when are they going to add fckin green dots on top compass to see your teammates, seems simple to do

    • @FirstName-zt2my
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rare feature request: allow waterpumps to pump out water outside your water base so you can build down inside your water tower.

    • @warrogue
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Faz o L 👆🏻 kkkkk

    • @sergioprivate
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    PLEASE FACEPUNCH … Rust is wonderful, but need just a better character controller, something like override an open window or a little wall, or lai down on the ground, or very nice a very little lerp acceleration for the cahrachter velocity. thank you facepunch for this metagame. Ah forget, just a little offline map to download, for play without wipe with. an old rust gamer.

    • @wadytana
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    feel sorry for the woke lead devoloper. lost out on millions

    • @Ph3oNiX2105_ZA
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Is it just me or does there seem to be a missed opportunity for a horse drawn carriage and a tow truck module for vehicles here? 😂

    • @CC-Capyn
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Cheers for update dude 🤙

    • @ChrisKoteck
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I’d get back into rust for prim mode but different than just locking everything else. I’m sure they have a plan of some sort! Ak on a vanilla within 2 hours is crazy but sometimes way sooner D:

    • @junkiat8328
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    new lore vid plz???

    • @SurBENTLEY
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    So, rust is becoming the new Reign of Kings?

    • @hashtagrogan8356
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    All this but still no anti cheat improvements. Pathetic

    • @josephzulu2560
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    luckyllama gonna have a blast with that gesture dlc

    • @GarrettMeath
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    the 30 man russian zerg knocking at my door with 10 capitulates. this is all because i stole 3 pumpkin seeds.

    • @MoneyMan-042
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Chariot would be good but I don’t no😅😅

    • @yeetusdeletus3967
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I can’t wait to be running butt naked in the woods and see 3 sets of glowing eyes staring at me in the dark

    • @idiot-is-not-sure
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    the leaf spring is facing the wrong way

    • @chadchad7827
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    1:19 i say they let us put 1 item in the menu and gamble!!!

    • @heysatik
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Where birds ??

    • @Akureisenshi2
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I haven’t been on since last year. I feel like I’m falling behind.

    • @Anoneeemouse
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Oh look China is stealing more stuff. What a shock.

    • @gavinmoore260
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I love the IO workbench idea

    • @RemoteMakesSense
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    game is still poorly optimized and gives crazy frame drops for no reason. But no worries they’re making rust mobile!!! xD

    • @christophermacdonald5011
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    the flashlights thing is actually huge

    • @DiemosT113
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I like the idea for separating the tech trees. Me and buddies always arguing over tech tree stuff so maybe this will help?

    • @LazyBuddyBan
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Did everyone forget about the Medieval Rust thing with these Siege Weapons?
    I remember it being developed as a concept many years ago but i guess it went nowhere, until now

    • @LaBooty1
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    yh bc what we need are shields and not performance changes

    • @TezSC
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Do NOT add the siege weapons

    • @ericmaher4756
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Slowly selling out to oblivion

    • @74_Green
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rust AoE, yes!

    • @sanyisasha
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    This game is really disapointing. So many things to develop. New guns, new things, new goals. Totally new ammo type to have more than ~3…etc. But no. Rock Papare Scirors DLC on a paid game. I hope the DLC will mostly contain that for $99.99. FFS.

    • @jordonnowland9276
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    the fact that they didn’t make the siege weapons apart of the vehicle system is disappointing.

    • @flare892011
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    With intro of the rock formations coming back they should look at base building again

    • @Joel-mp2oo
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    If Facepunch Is actually allowing Rust to be ported to mobile by a company that is suspicious at the least then its the downward spiral starting

    • @hhill35
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    china is out of control…

    • @mikeci87
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I think it would be awesome if they implement a primitive game mode (nu guns etc, only primitive bow, xbow, melee etc) for rust, with these new siege weapons that would be awesome.

    • @CLUTAH
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    RUST mobile ❤

    • @bb-9e
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    they should add crossplay between PC and mobile 🙂

    • @playsaucom7706
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    going medieval style

    • @memesfromthevoid
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    rust is cooking with the most recent updates tbh!!

    • @Riles2985
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @xXdmace2Xx
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Imagine being able to catapult yourself 😂

    • @li_am2
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    1:01 old ak sound?

    • @niskunixon3431
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    its been a while since we’ve seen grammar horse

    • @ChrisMc67
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I wonder when they’ll fix the bug that causes the N word to be blasted into your ears in the accent of a small, white American every time you enter Outpost.

    • @beatems
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I aint payin if i cant give roof campers the finger

    • @LasseRafnDk
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Game mode sounds like it could bring me back to rust. Medieval > being sniped by a roof camper

    • @su-25frogfoot74
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    3:56 Like that other comment said, those leaf springs are def on backwards. The tension will only be put on the longest bit of metal instead of spread across all the other plates.

    • @JHattsy
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rust: medieval warfare

    • @MrXxXTheBestOfXxX
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    wtf is this siege weapon please dont

    • @Gostooo666
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    primlock servers are coming back

    • @oliverskulldog9148
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I hope facepunch isnt getting sullied with tencent…

    • @dinod-americaninthephilipp9238
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Maybe that is why they are bringing in the medevil equipment to rust, for the medevial levels

    • @iwasjohnlennon
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Console should be mobile. It costs the same. Runs better. Add mouse support ffs not everyone can afford a $1000 computer

    • @Aerational
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Dude if they are going to make every single thing they add to the game a DLC now maybe they should work on the servers not dying after 2 days. If that were the case it might actually be worth buying one.

    • @spacewurm
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    No middle finger gesture?

    • @singleyrust
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    rust is going to be something insane in a few years, no game has stuff like this

    • @imranbellaoui
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    rust mobile would be crazy, i would pay 100$ for it

    • @peshno13
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I want a prim locked vanilla server once siege weapons come out.

    • @thefriendlychap4132
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Mapocaplypse 3.0

    • @onlyrams69
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I saw a dude 3 days ago using new SmG??? So it is usable.

    • @GL-oo9kc
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    L for love honey!

    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I’m still waiting on my horse cart :/

    • @BrightLights-f3b
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I wonder if the shield will block bullets if its on your back?

    • @freefallfirebat4218
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    They should make rock free but then make scissors and paper dlc

    • @RandysMixtable
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    You can scream obscenities in somebody’s face with a megaphone, but a middle finger crosses a line?

    • @themained1765
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    The IO bench will be insanely good

    • @cMeoTwo
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    So no news about getting a new type of resource

    • @aloneinanime
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rust mobile ?? I bet sweats find a way to connect their m&k

    • @KoRbA2310
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Tier 1 needs a Brake Action Rifle like the Pipe shotgun, problem with pipe is that Slugs are T2 item

    • @hoo7057
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I feel like having a tech tree for electronics stuff makes sense but then removing the current tree would be awesome. Tech tree made the game too easy and not having guns accessible via tech tree used to encourage players to actually leave their base and venture in to monuments. Now you can just farm the road for barrels and you’re set. Am I alone on this?

    • @odawg9773
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    “Playwithable” you’ve created a new word bro 😂

    • @vykk75
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Any idea if they are working on adding a directional arrow to foundation and ceiling tiles so we can build without triggering our OCD friends?

    • @WeAreHere-42
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Tencent? nvm

    • @WrongwayProductions
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    All these years later and still no pumpkin pie

    • @evansgate
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Copy paste is gonna completely break the game

    • @justforfun2673
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Omg Medieval Rust would go crazy, we need that !!! Rust is doing a very good job at staying relevant with it’s constant updates and fixes !

    • @hiufgterde
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    DLC for gestures is about the biggest middlefinger to players ever from Facepunch

    • @pawelplays9831
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    So much fancy stuff… and in the end of the day you get killed by cheater 🙂

    • @tomkean5654
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    They need a circuit board component where you can group a bunch of logic gates/registers/splitters/combiners into a single deployable item with inputs and outputs. It should work like a sign where you draw on a seprate canvas to build your little circuit. Once you’v emade it you should be able to duplciate it. Right now the components are too huge and you can’t duplicate complex circuits once you get them going so it’s way too much hassle to use decent door controller or lighting/furnace control circuits.

    • @uNii7y
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I’m so excited for this months update, siege weapons, shields, ugh I can’t wait man! Been playing Rust since Legacy and I always said there should be a Bows/Primitive only game mode or servers that are popularized. Now with siege weapons, and no explosives, I think that would be amazing. Cuz let’s face it, bow/Tier 1 fights are always the most fun and rewarding! It’s not fun anymore when everyone is running around full HQM gear and AKs/HLMG’s – it gets old and boring after awhile. I’m loving the direction Facepunch is taking Rust. 7-8 years ago they didn’t know what to do, especially with that horrible EXP phase of Rust 🤮 – now it’s incredible, and more exciting than ever. Now if they’d only bring back the old Caves, and Quarries inside base compounds lmao 😂

    • @MS_MUSIC_OF
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Who want rust on mobile ❤😅

    • @Avalerbon
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @Triconickv2
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I like the idea, that way you can do the play style you like. If you are more into runiing and gunning or farming you can focous on that

    • @Kovar99YT
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Mixing tables already give you all the recipes ? or am I high ?

    • @minecraftcookieish
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rust should entangle all future code with anti CCP propaganda… That’ll stop at least future copyright infringement

    • @twofactor_
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Im confused how we can use the siege stuff at normal servers. Maybe balistas and catapults on roof for defending?

    • @lucianosschlieper
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    great game

    a pearl in the middle of this pile of colorful garbage that exists on steam

    incredible experience! It’s worth much more than they charge!

    • @C.K664
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I need more!!!!! DLC

    • @endlessloop993
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rust on mobile would be crazy. I would say Rust mobile would enable me to be roof camped while on the toilet, but the Steam Deck got there first. 😛

    • @SakataIerick
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I would also love a tier 1 and tier 2 sniper, would be really nice

    • @stavros6969
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    lmao, rust can barely run in pc and they want to port it into a mobile? JAJAJAJAJA

    • @nicknormousreports3378
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I hope the wolves update stays off of console 🤣

    • @reycors6871
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    wolves jumping on foundations ffs noo

    • @ShacolateClown
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    honestly the sieging weapons would be cool in a online raid. defending alone against 20 people using catapults / ( rocket launchers for that extra chaos ) and ballista’s would feel great. imagine 8 of them rush in with a melee and shield while the others hold you down with a ak and use their sieging weapons xD idk man would make for some good moments.

    • @edwinnijboer9465
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    still no option to place hold items in storage. man

    • @JeffBourke
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Wow tencent with the most flagrant rip off yet.

    • @JeffBourke
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Battering Ram will be OP !!!

    • @LtSheppardXxL
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Dear god i want to tow the crossbow with a trycycle so bad i dont know why!

    • @noahdegraaf8625
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    1. we dont need more guns
    2. the new research bench, idk, probably just going to help the zergs/large groups get stuff faster.
    3. We need quality of life updates (like the wolves, electricity arrows etc.) not shields, or siege machines , i dont see the point in bringing a siege machine if its needs horses or a car. ur gonna get killed, ur horse or car are going to be killed/destroyed, its going to take a long time to get it to the others base, and then why not just use already existing ways of raiding ? and if it takes all that struggling to get it to the raid target, and it turns out to be really strong, zergs will just use them to raid everybody, because you cant do a whole lot against a zerg when ur a solo/duo or small group if they are like 30+. Same for shields, we already have walls, and other then for prim fighting at beginning of wipe, i dont see the use of holding a shield if you can just (like i said) place a wall.
    To my opinion rust was at its best 3/4 years ago, and is since only dropping down. And if u dont agree, thats fine, but to my opinion rust is going down the wrong path.

    • @Kenderfly
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    we need taming wolf feature

    • @turkishdelight6065
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Met my best friends in a primitive rust server that holds some of the most memorable wipes we’ve had together. village wars were the best thing ever alongside the game of thrones like politics that kept all of us in a competitive death march against each other

    • @pew3017
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Lets make zergs morę porefull. What’s about solo playera 😂

    • @himanshunegi6416
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rust mobile yes please 🙏🏼

    • @ishe2142
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @chainreaction8977
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    PrinceVidz is going to love that cameras can be damaged…

    • @northstar5609
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Taking sum ideas from ,,ConanExiles ?? 🤔🤷 this would be great addition to this game fir sure !!!!!

    • @KrazyTrumpeter05
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Love the IO table, love shields, ambivalent about the new SMG, absolutely terrified of the new wolves…

    • @JP01_
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    If Rust Mobile comes out and it has Minis and console still don’t ima lose my shii 😂

    • @mrdkazkurvysyn4604
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @TheSimus9
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Are they still working on the food system with tier ?

    • @Thors.hammer69420
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Hopefully the flashlights one doesnt change the light output clientside.

    • @FicusWatkinsiana
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    feature creep will likely kill rust

    • @ass-a-tony6323
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Are they really working on an “era” system. that could be yuge.

    • @Lazidiz
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I hope tencent doesnt disappoint Rust mobile. They made a lot of succesful mobile games

    • @Sergei-King
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Primitive, Medieval (The best), Frontier & Modern. That sounds like the absolute best thing ever! Like when Ark did a primitive mode that removed all the crazy stuff. Was actually fun asF!

    • @whitefalcon630
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    These typos make this game so unique and Funny.

    Kuncles Crack 😂

    • @TensaDLuffy1776
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Jumping up on twig foundations is diabolical, there will never be escape again

    • @whitewolf9759
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I’ll looking forward for this mobile version

    • @russellperry9902
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I loved everything till you said wolf jumped on foundation. Look man, im a farmer that cant hit static targets . If i can twig and pray im never getting off the beach

    • @zeox5
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    0:32 bouta be pack a punching the ak bro

    • @klutch4198
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    gestures don’t mean anything when Get tripled by the closet DMA cheater holding the recycler monument haha

    • @popinmo
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    flashlight should be blinding

    • @AAnkreR
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @gabewantsgreen
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    hopefully they add a medieval prim mode

    • @Kurnhelios
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Medieval servers PLEASE!

    • @aub6120
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    rust doesn’t even run well on PC OR console. it would have to be an entirely different game to go mobile

    • @joshuaturcotte6724
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    So just because of a prior video, I must ask the ShadowFrax man himself: Could the system be adopting a new era due to planning around new content? Like maybe they will add systems depending on era your server has: Ex: Rust Modern (Allows weapons that cant be crafted such as the M249 and the like), Rust (Craft only for weapons, can find craftable guns as well), and the Ruin (As in the Ruin game becoming a mode). This would open up a lot of server oprotunities to switch up the server choices!

    Of course the “TeAm” has to decide this, but your thoughts of this could make a good video! Thanks for the fun update as always!

    • @angst_
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Shadowfrax 1:1-2 ¹”Don’t take anything I say for gospel” ²” just yet.”

    • @Jowahotz90
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Not a fan of the siege stuff, cool i guess but just more junk to be sitting around

    • @TabbedOutRat
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    L update. Wtf are siege weapons when rockets exist?

    • @ConorMasterson
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Scrapheap Challenge watchers will be quite pleased with both the appearance of the siege weapons, and the fact they put the leaf springs in the wrong way around, as happened in a SHC episode.

    • @feralhuman3880
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Well, there it is.

    • @maximapl
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Ballista’s leaf springs aren’t placed correctly lol

    • @AteScope
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    1:39 can I pet that dawggg

    • @boshi_coyo
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    grenades in catapults for launching into clan compounds?

    • @thcake4209
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I bet with a VPN one could play that if set to China.

    • @Sandee-
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Thank you for keeping us up to date, sir!

    • @iwrotethis1678
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Is this stuff a troll?

    • @BoggyOfficial
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    the day rust mobile drops is the day I lose the 0.1% of hope I have left in the game and quit for good. *EDIT* I looked into it tencent also devoloped the LOVELY COD mobile, Rust is truly cooked bois. RIP, even ipad toddlers will soon be rocking Aks and slinging the hard R. we do not need rust pocket edition lmao, PC VERSION AINT EVEN FINISHED.

    • @chickenz12
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    • @davenelson4334
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Love the bench separations

    • @MrfunnyStuff1k
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Omg rust is actually coming to mobile! Super hyped and excited and tencent is making it. I have high hope.

    • @lolglolblol
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    So we’ll be able to play Reign of Kings in Rust?

    • @jerinanyon
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Someone posted a rust update video a few days ago and I accidentally clicked on it. I turned it off after 2 seconds and I would like to say I’m very sorry for that betrayal. It won’t happen again chief. shadowfrax or bust

    • @dudlo4084
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    ahhh china…

    • @WaspVik
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Imagine prim only servers with entire clans having sieges instead of rocket raids

    Wait nvm it was said later in the video lol

    • @Scotch1927
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @hunterdunn4395
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Please facepunch hire this man to do your update videos, amazing, quick, and comprehensive every time! Love your videos man

    • @CwgMcthumb
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Sounds like all W’s

    • @ozyryx2610
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Oh i love this guy

    • @x7upsuperstar
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Only a matter of time before Tencent chinese spyware makes it into official Rust

    • @doobryw538
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I hope that Rust Mobile thing is a joke or a rip-off. Why would FP work with Tencent when there are perfectly good mobile game studios in the UK that aren’t owned by the Chinese government?

    • @Auguur
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Great, was wondering when wolves would get a buff, nakeds have had it too easy! /s

    • @geoffalpert3678
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Helk gae

    • @cryptohappy66
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Console needs more love man

    • @adriantaylor6155
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    so tier one smg is just gonna replace revolver? or is revolver gonna be pointless now?

    • @fuzz992
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Spoonkid will only have to hold the button for 1 second to unclaim the bag.

    • @SoBadTheyGetMad
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    not gonna lie, i think the flashlight thing is extremely dumb. The softness when pointed towards you is nice but pointing it at someone looks like bad
    quality graphics

    • @Carlos-fk8in
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    im scared

    • @Gn8Lif3
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    so you showing the L to yourself …sais a lot
    and only dogs bark wolfs dont MY IMMERSION ;p

    • @trip8159
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rust partnering with Tencent for that mobile version is a bit sad. Look at the trash that is diablo mobile.

    It doesn’t bother me much but I’d hate my name on terrible product but I guess console rust already exists so not much changes. zing

    Carry on Facepunch!

    • @Majesticdk
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    When is the sks skin being released

    • @bonofrio77
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Stupid China. Stop stealing our IP

    • @Van_ayh
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Ew, Tencent is cancer.

    • @ItsAdust
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    How is no one talking about the flashlight nerf??? It’s already difficult to do anything at night & now the flashlight is visually less effective??

    • @MrTolikll
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Фуфло какое то

    • @nickj989
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    NO don’t upgrade electronics for ppl that can’t figure it out them selves!!!!!

    • @extremedifficulty9786
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @charliescene5150
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    We have had rust mobile literally years. It’s called “Last Island Survival : Unknown 15 days “

    • @GhostMP4Rust
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    why tf are they adding siege weapons to rust

    • @melkman2
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    honest the tech tree thing i kinda like but dont at the same time i think it would only be fair to have the general t1, t2 , t3 to still exist but instead make it cheaper to research eg. electrical on a certain on ect ect and it will be cheap than just using t1 t2 t3 but idk

    • @extremedifficulty9786
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    upload two of asking shadowfrax to make a updated lore video

    • @Rickladdy
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Mobile would be massive because I have a wife and kids 😂

    • @playlistdubstepable
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I love what they have been doing with the electrical stuff, but when are we going to get the option to “Hide” electrical wires in the walls? I’m sure the role-player community would love to be able to make their bases without those hideous wires all over the play.

    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I wish they would remove tech tree all together. Going out and rng being the hurdle of progression was prime rust

    • @pete8420
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Temperature teas were so needed fr

    • @pete8420
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Might as well make the sap t1

    • @rick240sx
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    chivalry 2 update heck yea

    • @ClintWestVood
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Theyre doing way to much. it aint rust anymore

    • @pete8420
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Id be down to see a client-visible paste function so that a placeholder for a real build piece is set down for players to follow.

    • @mr_ragz357
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rust needs a major rebalance and I don’t think just chucking a bunch of stone and scrap everywhere is the move. Having separate tech trees is a step in the right direction.

    • @xDarknessLorddx
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I only want one variation of the frog boots

    • @timmy8768
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Mobile rust? Ohh i hope i gave up rust 5 years ago when I went off grid living running the pc is not in the books for a few more years lol

    • @unablecain
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rock Paper Shotguns

    • @frog_on_stick4421
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Video starts at 0:00

    • @parkerOnRust
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    The era server would be a must tbh. With the rate at which players progress through the tech tree as is, a lot of the additions would be rendered useless by day two. Thoughts?

    • @raeStrong
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    shields will transform PVP !!!!

    • @neakoh4661
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    How cool. Now I can be zerged with a raid base and turrets 200meters from my base instead of at my front door. Facepunch you guys are so out of touch with your community lmao

    • @Stepher45
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rust mobile.
    Population: 0

    • @YogurtSnipe
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rust mobile gunna go crazy I hope it’s got the option for non-crossplay.

    • @YogurtSnipe
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Heh I’m building a WW2 LeechTrebuchet in my Engineering class rn with a team.

    • @brokie21
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Should fix sprinkler bugs

    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Plz no rust mobile… as a console rust player, console is already cooked enough 😅

    • @KT22672
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Fastest rust click of my life

    • @charlesmcmanus4229
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Are players actually gonna BUY a gesture-DLC?

    • @mcjamesmongan8829
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Electricals should have there own tech tree i think that would be awesome to have a new tech tree for it 😊

    • @fanze6559
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    The one ´´update´´ with the sleeping bag is already live, and has been for months lol

    • @engage2143
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Siege weapons if they added this they will ruine the game

    • @cram1nblaze
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    the flashlight change makes me sad. i always loved the flashlight in rust compared to other games. was the flashlight a thing the community was complaining about and i just never heard?

    • @ghdfhsfnfgbadfhsfh
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @direx1257
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @MAB-External-TC-Lover
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    “Hand gestures exist”

    Facepunch: It’s free real estate 🤑

    • @Chill.Gaming
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I’d like to see the new IO workbench crafting requirements be cheaper than a Level 1 Workbench, and access the IO tech tree from any other workbenches, just as we can access lvl 1 bps from a lvl 2 workbench. It would save on tier 1 workbenches around larger bases when you need to craft electrical items.

    • @claywimer2084
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Bro. Go try mortal online 2. It’s small but amazing.

    • @ShikiMonako
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @jordanshoemark406
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    full heavy and shield when breaching a base sounds good to me

    • @sephinator1368
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    My opinion about the Chinese game, if the gameplay was anything like rust, it would make it illegal to play on their phones wouldn’t it? That said, if it’s a fast paced mod of rust, it’s probably gonna do well, I’d play it, I’m I wrong, I might be mixing it up with korea

    • @bousmaha19
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    how can i find there page where the publish these thing

    • @Camm_denn
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    What does IO Mean for the IO workbench

    • @IsraelDelgado-i2y
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    We need wingsuit

    • @blackindian9554
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Need to do something about stream snipers please.

    Its irritating that always waiting where y are heading to ambush players an door camping

    • @plaidjoker1321
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Big ups to shadowfrax!

    • @Vengy_
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Primitive hype!

    • @Im_Ninooo
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    copy steam ID button is far too overdue. should have been a thing years ago. it can’t possibly take more than 10 mins to implement.

    • @DaBoyAlexxx
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @peterwilkinson1975
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    i love the idea of an io tech table

    • @XRustedIronX
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    maybe it’s just me, but I feel like the balista’s leaf springs should be flipped around.

    • @kainenable
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    ooh i love the copy paste feature.

    • @TankPlaysGames
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Not paying for this without the middle finger.

    • @sirspaceghost2214
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Is anyone else getting absolutely sick of the DLC’s or is that just me?

    • @tonyboned
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Love the idea of an IO Bench!!

    • @Monkeygaming3678
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    🖕<<< FACE PUNCH WHERE IT AT!?!?!

    • @SteezexUnit
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    So when’s the update because todays November 1

    • @AngryAlfonse
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I love the eras idea. My issue with Rust in recent years is that it’s impossible for someone with a job to keep up with unemployed teens and 20 year old NEETs who have AKs on day 1 and offline raid the entire server every night at 4am. It’s the reason I quit playing. To alleviate this issue, I’ve long thought about a server where everyone is locked to t1 for a week, t2 for week 2, 3 for week 3, and then raiding doesn’t unlock until week 4. But just having a medieval era server would also work well. Besides, the prim stage of the game is the most fun — when everyone is shooting bows and throwing spears.

    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    The flashlight over sucks imo

    • @ilyasbuyuklu1587
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    This game getting better and better..but big problem is cheaters..i dont play it anymore because of cheaters

    • @kenntrash
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    really hope the catapult can be used to launch players as well

    • @sabereaseera1384
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Gesture dlc is going to be like $10 😔

    • @Captainbombastic8524
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Kunkles 😂

    • @baikeren
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @rafans1077
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Não acredito que vou derrubar alguém e quando ele reclamar eu vou mandar um ”faz o L” hahahahahahahah

    • @geliyorummm
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Wtf game

    • @Матвей-я7е3р
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Eras would be cool to try, especially if they could make them somewhat lore-driven.
    Mb smthn like counter of player completing monument events

    • @quakslikeaduck
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rtx 4070’s struggle to play Rust.
    Now imagine your phone trying to compete.

    • @Caman0
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    4:37 that leaf spring is pointing the wrong way?

    • @deamooz9810
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Would be funny if Rust Mobile became more popular than the main game, like with PUBG

    • @EveryCarpet
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @TheWhiteWolf212.
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    The IOU workbench is pretty useless if you ask me

    • @Brian-fe7rv
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @tree_alone
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    oh rust Moe-bill. not rust moe-beel. i thought we were getting another vehicle.

    • @WaZaaap6
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Lets be honest,fact that there isnt a Love 🫶 gesture in this pack is baffling. DayZ and other games had this YEARS ago and here our beloved Rust coming out with a Payed pack and not adding it.. sad times.
    I mean,come on.. this would have be one of the Most used hand sign there is (if they had it). Trust me,i know cuz brutal survivor games like DayZ and others.. people Do use “🫶” sign in different situations A LOT.

    • @adomavich4351
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Siege weapons will be cool, makes me sad for ruin tho

    • @ShadowlessNevermore
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    i love the i o stuff hope it comes out soon

    • @johnny666
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Not having the middle finger gesture is criminal!! smh 😒😒

    • @Tipsyfr
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    are they going to make the guns actually usable and not rn or just cope updates

    • @potato_97
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    OMG i’m so excited!

    • @TwistedGizmo420
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    They definitely don’t need to add another workbench to the game that just makes no sense. It’s perfect the way it is.

    • @qeku5019
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I cant believe there making animals even more annoying they already have the power to change all of day 1

    • @special.k904
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Any chance of an audio book 😂

    • @LUL69214
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    dlcs for gestures???? now what’s next dlc for basic updates lol or will the new anti cheat also be dlc

    • @thedoubledoor2055
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Looking forward to the siege items being added and how that shapes the raiding scene in the future.

    • @WillyBGames
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    It’d be cool to see that IO bench also support the breadboard idea that was in the dev fun week

    • @UltraMenace98
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Can someone explain to me what the new workbench is for?

    • @TheCXRSIN
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I would seriously hope they wouldn’t chose tencent for mobile studio, looks like it’s a rip-off rust game with clear copyright infringements

    • @Nick9drs
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Wish they would add more nature predators, such as wolverines, honey badgers, and maybe for the jungle update hippos, big cats, anacondas etc. Wolves, boars and bears are ok, but more natural predators would balance out the threats in the game. And teach some well deserved humility to the human predators in the game. 😉

    • @cookiesandmilfsgaming835
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Rust in 2025 will turn to be like ” Lord of the Rings “

    • @alanbain5779
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Any changes to the cheating?

    • @gaseouschip8957
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    rust mobile would be the most laggy thing on my nokia

    • @khanmohammed3696
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Make some new cars models same gas stations new animals

    • @MrCodegaming
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    any other company making rust mobile would be better than tencent

    • @RustMates
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    POV: Stronghold

    • @gymkhanadog
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Making playing solo a thing of the past. 🙁

    • @WhyYouAskingMe
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    ESP and Aimbot cheats fixed yet?

    • @Steven-cr1og
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Some new toys for the zergs

    • @Goatboy451
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    I’m loving the idea of different era servers. Bring on medieval Rust! I love normal Rust but having the option to play it differently will be awesome. 😃

    • @thebeans6577
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am


    • @piotrteter8300
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:32am

    Ah a new shadowfrax video just as I am sitting down to eat

    • @JohnnyThunder
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    Is tencent working with Facepunch? If not I assume it will be Janky AF lol

    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    Another workbench please no, it will be so annoying for small bases

    • @kiongray9138
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    I’ve been a subscriber for a long time and your channel have grown a lot, keep it up ❤🥹

    • @redeo1475
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    Shadowfrax, I would love to see you play wipe. I’ve always wondered what your play style would look like! Thank you as always for the constant updates!

    • @majormajorasic
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    Now we just hope they let us use turrets/emplacements on windows/half walls/low walls and most CRUCIAL of all, LET US LOCK WINDOWS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    • @luffyomnissj741
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    0:41 Brazilians: Do the L !!. Hahahaha.

    • @fuhkingegg6474
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    Shadowfrax my man, there is definitely a mobile game out there exactly the same as rust called ‘last day survival’. There was never a need for a rust mobile or other cheap ripoff 😂

    • @White_coffee-w4g
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    we want old recoil back !!!!!!!!!

    • @Wi1dstarPlays
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am


    • @kapsi
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    I like the animal AI improvements, always nice to see the game world become more realistic and less fake. Human NPCs should also be smarter.

    • @DavidAJBoyle
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    I requested shields for ages, was told “That’s a stupid idea” and even worse things on the subreddit and discords. Now I get the last laugh, enjoy coping shield haters!

    • @danielarcari9434
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    Shadowfrax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Rust God!

    • @user-lx9jm1wo3h
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    And still no player character change options.

    • @omly85
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    Helk if you read this we NEED pump action crossbows!

    • @BlueFent
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    1:26 why in the world would anyone want them to be able to jump on foundations.

    • @tidussuperquickhits7963
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    when prim locked used to be a meme now its a dream come true

    • @jdfreality
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    The gestures DLC won’t work out. It just doesn’t include the gestures that most people really want….

    • @LeafyMouse4478
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    I like the idea of the new research bench but would rather it just be a tab in the normal tech tree than have to have another bench in my base.

    • @DamnitDutch
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    Can’t wait to get hv rocketed while I’m sieging down a wall with a catapult…… the balance is leaving this game faster than in my body. Also, another research bench? Small bases are just not going to be possible anymore, unless you keep picking everything back up and r epair it.

    • @murrethmedia
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    Yeah, that IO workbench is WAY too big.

    • @MrLewne
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    Gon would be happy with this upcoming patch.

    • @hyph_en
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    can’t wait to get my hands on the new -Custom SMG Skin- Tier 1 SMG!!

    • @Buddha_the_Pug
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    A couple times, I’ve built a rock paper scissors game using the electrical components. Both players press a button, doors open for a short duration, and each shoots a target to make their choice. Lights indicate win lose or draw. Cool stuff. I can’t wait for this eras game mode. Could be epic, especially with the siege weapons etc.

    • @gamestuff1959
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    what the convar for stopping furnaces turning off automatically when full?

    • @scriptguru4669
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    4:05 those leaf springs are the wrong way round

    • @gameova5962
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    How about they develop better maps?

    More ways to build bases?

    Rust has gone boring.

    • @JamesAltoonaPA
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    I Wish i could play RUST I haven’t played in months because my PC Caught fire and i can’t afford a new one due to being on disability the PC I Had was a good Gaming PC that a friend built for me few years back now that he passed away i can’t get him to build me another one so i’m F’d and i got almost 5k hours in Rust too.

    • @mrjavainis5901
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    dam rust turned from competitive game to roleplaying , hopefully this game doesnt die in the next few years with these UNWANTED updates that we WANT

    • @thegamingsquad115
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    Rust mobile won’t happen they can’t even handle console and I play on console

    • @Private.Willie.Stroker
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    Rust mobile?
    Imagine having to watch an add every time you want to craft & build something or even want to reload

    • @JordanHh
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    wtf no middle finger in the gestures dlc. I’m revolting

    • @invasivepenguin8560
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    There is no way you get rust onto mobile lmao

    • @grimbutfunny714
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am


    • @rusty7079
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    so funny me and my Team was just talking about Tier 1 smg last night

    • @hytradedman334
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    Super sigma

    • @Qwerty-mf8qx
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    I don’t how I’d get my news without you shadowfrax

    • @Daddosaurus
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    This is insane! Thanks as always for your updates good sir

    • @smithplus9712
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am


    • @LazarStojanovic-co5me
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    17seconds ago

    • @OmegaZeri
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am


    • @SynthGlow
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    love you shadowfrax

    • @tykiahjames
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am


    • @Gwilo
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    fantastic news! siege weapons look EPIC

    • @manualuser
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am


    • @epiccccc
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am

    10 seconds and and already a banger

    • @letkanexplain3313
    • 2025年 2月 12日 7:33am
