Rust Beginner Tips Part 7
#rust #rustshorts #rustconsole #pebblehost
Taqs:minecraft,minecraft hosting,minecraft server tutorial,minecraft server,pebblehost,pebblehost tutorial,minecraft server hosting,tutorial,pebblehost.com,serverminecraft,server administration,rust,rust shorts,rust tiktok,rust tips
コメント (40)
is this for console aswell or pc only
Use a bandage on your teammate whilst you’re reviving them and it’ll take like on 33% of the time
bro this is insane lifehacks thank you
bad tips
What do i hd to equip dead body chlothes??
Join Iron Horizon server it’s perfect for new players
I use my side buttons for crouch and inventory so I can speed crouch easily and acces my invy in a gun fight better
Reviving with bandage is faster
thanks for the tips rly helpful! 🎉
But if you have a logitech mouse like in the video then u are probably using all your buttons for scripts
Use bandage for faster pickup, is half of the time 🙂
using med to res is slower than normal med. Using bandage to res is the same as normal bandage and in fact quicker than normal res
finally I was wondering how people would hover equip thanks man
I have 5k hours and everyone tells me to alt hoverloot to equip armor and it just hasn’t ever worked for me. Works for my buddies tho..
another tip use bandages when reviving to revive them faster
Number keys are already set to quick craft health items, this guy made a video by reading the fucking loading screen tips. Lazy kid going to lazy views
Trash, you dont hold right click to revive idget. And get your gun out stupids, teamate is donw for a reason. Get pushed while reviving me with a syringe in your hand and not a gun, we arent friends anymore
Syringing a downed player takes 6 seconds. Using a bandage revives in 3 seconds.
use side buttons as hover loot
How do you like, quickly grab the items? Like most players do it, when they just glide over the items and it grabs all of them
On console the stim and bandage rez way faster like a normal stim or bandage time
Bandage is faster
Use a bandage. It’s like half the time as med stick, thank me later
Bro I got a 1.5 k hours a I didn’t know about the alt clothes bruh
Bonjour, comment on fait pour équiper directement la tenue sur nous ? Merci
i have that mouse
I have 400 hours and I have been trying to figure out how to do the second one since I started playing tysm
Mouse buttons are for tool bar switching i aint taking my fingers off mooving keys for putting a wall or changing weapon
Tyler uses tiktok to help his clickbait videos 💀
When I use alt and hoverloot someone’s clothes it doesn’t work for me I don’t know why could anyone help me out?
I have 800 hours and didn’t know this
Never played rust but this seems cool
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Sound bate at the end there lies
W tips
Why no likes it’s a good vid good job