Rust Console’s HUGE Update Problems: What’s Really Going On – Rust Console Edition
In this video, We dive into the reason Rust Console Edition receives slower updates compared to the PC version and explore how Double Eleven is working tirelessly to optimize the game for old-gen consoles like PS4 and Xbox One. If you’ve been wondering why Rust Console players have to wait for those monthly big updates, we explain exactly what’s holding back the release cycle and how the development team is tackling the challenges. ⚙️
Are you struggling with Rust Console’s performance? Curious about the differences between Rust Console vs PC? 🤔 In this video, we’ll explain how optimizing for older consoles impacts gameplay, the update frequency, and the overall Rust Console experience in 2025. 🚀
Stay tuned for the full breakdown of Rust Console’s slow updates, performance optimization, and why this might be the key to making the game run smoothly on both PS4, Xbox One, and new-gen consoles. We also take a look at future Rust Console updates, what’s to come in 2025, and how the console edition is evolving to give players the best experience possible. 🔧
Rust Console players, don’t miss out! Hit that like 👍 button, subscribe for more Rust Console news 📢, and make sure to leave your thoughts on the latest updates in the comments! 💬
0:00 – Introduction to Rust Console Updates
1:30 – Our Major Rust Console Updates
3:00 – The Challenges of Optimizing for PS4 & Xbox One
6:15 – How Double Eleven is Improving Rust Console
7:00 – PC vs Console Rust
9:00 – Future Updates and What’s Coming in 2025 for Rust Console? 🕒
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Taqs:Rust 2025,Rust updates,Rust 2025 updates,Rust gameplay,Rust patch notes,Rust game updates,Rust survival game,Rust building tips,Rust combat mechanics,Rust raiding strategies,Rust new features,Rust map expansions,Rust weapon changes,Rust quality of life updates,Rust news,Rust PvP tips,Rust new items,Rust beginner tips,Rust advanced strategies,Rust clan wars,Rust oil rig update,Rust farming guide,Rust PC gameplay,Rust skins 2025,Rust meta changes
コメント (54)
For anyone tired of the console grind with lack of monuments and transportation, come try out RUSTY MOOSE 2X SOLO/DUO. it’s a light modded vanilla server that was max pop since community servers dropped. Took some time away, but we’re back! Grab a teammate or just bring yourself and come see who the real Chad’s of console rust are
What’s wrong with cheating?
Old gen will kill this game completely
In my opinion. Stop playing the game nothing gets them to listen more when people quit and boycott skins
Ok so whats stopping them from just adding all the updates and drop the old gen THAT HAVE HAD 4 YEARS TO GET A NEW GEN THEY GET MAD CAUSE THERES NO UPDATE BUT THEY ARE THE REASON FOR THE UPDATE PROBLEM if the old gen people start to lag out and stuff thats their fault
The old gen should go its 2025 and they still see behind walls😂😂
Your telling me parachutes are hard to port? Nah thats bullshit i understand minis etc but theres games out there that have much same mechanics look at ark its a pos game has alot more going on in the map world then rust does but still manages to have certain things fly with render. Given its not great but they still managed it
Hi can somoene pls tell me if rust ps4 is still active. Player wise.
Maybe if they would try and stop slacking on it then we would be getting somewhere
They need to stop optimising for old gen & make it not compatible for them
Rust is such a cpu heavy game, I can’t imagine how hard it is for consoles to run this game. I’ve never played console, is it 30fps?
Bro can you quit showing of clips when we’re talking about xbox
Why bring the game to us if they knew they couldn’t give is the Content Long Term 😂😂😂they are fckin us hard. It’s been how many years now and how many skins? How many serious updates? The game is ass.
If you can’t afford a current gen Xbox at this point then you need to stop playing rust and work on your money
Just strike the game till they update. My 6 man has refused to play till we get minis 😂
Rust on pc is a CPU demanding game, you can have a 3060 but aslong as you have a decent CPU can still average 100+ fps in most areas of the map. Cant even see players from more then 25m on console if you do then are a pixilated figure size of an ant. Plus the trees/terrain is so pixilated people just blend in because everything is pixilated.
I have a mate that runs series s and he crashes everywhere for no reason. I never crash on series x, but lately the fps and stuttering is unbearable.
Hey so as a game dev who has experimented with porting over console and pc games to each other i’m gonna expose something just real quick
while it isn’t easy it’s not actually as hard as you’d think the animations and sounds etc are already done for you the only things you NEED is coding and some modellers.
Haven’t played console in years have 6000 hours game is dying need content asap old gen needs to go it’s 2025 if u don’t have new gen what are u doing……
Thats why ladies and gents its important to not buy a console anymore and get a pc 😉 you dont need a 2000$ pc to play pc games or (rust) 800$ – 1000$ pc you dont need more then that.
The ps5 pro costs 800$ while the newly releasing 50 series cards 5070 starts at 570$ ! The new amd flagship gpu (9070xt) will prob be around the 500$ mark and have same performance as a 4080 😮😉
The spam of same video topics kinda a L we all already know why it is how it is. Drop old gen an we will gain better updates faster. Game ain’t meant for old gen all the good stuff is meant for new gen consoles to run it off they are like pcs. Old gens are like regular xboxs
I got timed out for calling the devs out for nsfw when I didn’t even say anything like the mod couldn’t even defend himself so a bunch of Players come in defending him so I got timed out I was just asking questions to kinda sad
GTA did it by separating the systems with GTA V and GTA online
I played 2-3 days and realized it’s full of cheaters and toxic people, like Ark this game will die of the cheaters aren’t dealt with
You shouldn’t have to buy the game and then buy a hack to play the game and the developer just selling skins and not dealing with it is a clue you guys should stop supporting them
People being in position to work and make change or they could do nothing while acting like they are and still collect money yes
Why is it that RedDead looks great on PS4 and Rust looks meh on PS5?
I think when Playstation and Xbox drop support for old gen.
Only then can Ps/Xbox focus only on current gen, And cut ties with the older gen.
They should focus on the cheating problem. feels like devs do nothing about it.
Only Admins on community servers ban cheaters. Im only playing on servers with active admins.
If you’re on an old gen still, just go away.
They could start from easiest to hardest pc just got siege weapons they could start there work way to hard stuff like biomes and aswell stop supporting old gen focus new gen infect console has multiple games with siege type weapons one that very populsr now is chivalry 2
xbox doesnt even recognize old gen as supported
My opinion, just update the game
I got com banned on the discord bc I say politely that we need more content and this new up coming qol update is not it
bro frick the helicopters DID YOU SEE THE MEDIEVIL STUFF PC RUST GOT!!!!!!!!!
U can’t see shit on console and sprinting sideways always makes me laugh
I dont think our main concern is the difficulty of porting pc mechanics and content to console but more so the fact that it feels like d11 isnt even trying. Especially when the patch notes for a “huge qol” update consists of bullshit like “fixed the way headlamps fit on players heads”
Idk I think we’re sending hate to the developers who want to add stuff. they just can’t when management wants to slow trickle updates for revenue. they’re playing the long game it’s obvious. They can fix the cheating problem they just won’t or they don’t care. It’s obvious when xim is skipping frames it’s obvious when a player is countering recoil the game has enough data on everyone to tell if they’re scripting or not or using a mouse. They could easily add updates they just wont. When one of their developers gets fired I can almost guarantee they will start selling cheats for console and make million off of it if anyone gets their key it’s over with console rust will die when real cheats get involved As a pc player I can say that I came to console for a break from esp and aimbot and debugging. You know how console culture is. if they can get an unfair advantage you better bet every little kid is going to jump on the bandwagon. Instead of talking to d11 I think we need to all voice our complaints to face punch. D11 is biased and will turn a blind eye if you even speak about this trash. That I spent my money on and have a right as a consumer to voice my opinion on as I’ve invested in it. They need to be honest and open and just tell us what’s going on if they aren’t going to add updates then tell us why tf are they blue balling us like it’s a fk homeland security secret or something. I hope they find their passion for rust is all and I hope the devs had a good Christmas and honestly I do appreciate that they made the game I just wish it were playable is all I’m saying.
Did I just actually hear you say that Series X & PS5 rivals a mid to high end PC 💀
Just get a cheap pc they’re not that expensive.
Dropping old gen would be great or just make new gen version and make it cross platform and let old gen people suffer
Drop old gen my god. Maybe these kids will save up for current gen instead of paying for skins and xim/zen
Did have some things before PC backpack skins LMG skins electric furnace skins
Its simple. Console limitations make it so they cant do much. The game can barely handle horse traversal , subs are bugged to h311 , and the game itself just runs terrible. If they dont drop old gen minis scrappies ect will never come and even if they DID drop old gen and release a new gen itd still be terrible . So instead of demanding minis, you all should be focusing on game stability , graphic improvements and quite a few qol updates that are direly needed ,ie deployable scale sizes. Also if you look at pcs releases for major updates minis took facepunch 7 years to release . Rce has been out what 4 ?
Bro people who say to leave the old generation are just dumb, like how does the cell phone run minis? It has nothing to do with the old generation, it’s the optimization of the game.
the only thing we need is new recoil personally i have 9000 hours i have dot ak spray and i still want the pc recoil
Bro content is old gen 😂
Sign the next gen petition yall. Ive posted it on the rce twitter posts
Only thing I care about is the cheating problem. Sick of being snapped on by keyboard and mouse players. They usually run servers and completely just full of themselves
Alot of issues to address. But they gotta step it up with the updates and bug fixing.
Honestly I would rather the rust ce team under represent their ability to release updates than overstate their abilities
Drop old gen already they can’t run the game as it is, also graphic updates would be nice but I would prefer to have content like helis, monuments, weapons, the prim update would be fun but we won’t get that for years….
My opinion drop old gen .
Sui 🎉🎉🎉