use code WALLY1K for free $0.50 on https://rustchance.com/
👉 second channel: https://youtu.be/BcEqArjsPBM
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#Rust #RustRaid #RustPvP
Taqs:rust,rust gameplay,rust pvp,rust survival,rust pvp highlights,solo survival,survival games,rust solo survival,gaming,rust funny moments,rust raids,rust roleplayer,rust best start ever,rust solo infiltration,rust compound,rust jackpot raid,rust base build,solo rust,rust fastest start ever,rust clans,rust huge loot,rust plays,rust solo series,rust solo,rust solo pvp,rust treasure,rust ecoraid,ecoraiding,wally1k
コメント (167)
What’s the bases design
Im sittinf here watching old wally1k vids when i still have math, ela, and science hw to do
How do you play the guitar part at the beginning
mad respects 2 those guys for giving an online..unfortuneltly onlines r so rare the days
y is ur ak spray so shit omg
Learning from all of you streamers/content creators are a big help! Thanks for saying something about trigger discipline.
8:48 What was this shot the heck
Bro imagination is a bad thing for this man when you raid him he wants revenge but he will make you suffer >:)
Def some anti recoil going on
sometimes i hate watching wally1k because he literally went from like a 2×2 just to skip to him taking heli in a big ass compound
This guy is a BMer with AK
lately I have not been able to eat because I am sick but when I watch your videos it feels completely different I do not feel that I can not eat so I thank you very much for your videos <3
That unedited oil rig fight was one of the most insane, intense clips I have ever seen. the trigger discipline was 👌
Nice ak spray dude 25:38
When Wally gets a LR or a M249 people start melting. Like chocolate over a open flame.
That intro sound is OP
actually a god
luv u papa
Is it me or when you shoot it’s delayed
Almost like it’s scripted 😉
I’m high af, and the audio at the beginning sounds like one of the first “videos to make your high more intense” I ever watched (I’m a Stoner btw) and It brought back memories. Idk why I said all this, but I love your vids! Keep up the hard work
Ur actually meat
Was this in bloo lagoon solo duo trio cuz I swear I fought someone named 1998
0:18 last of us theme song ? :d nice
what kinda server is that xD every enemy was wiffing harder than the one before
6:13 great vid!!! 👍 ‘d
#Paxus Rating: ★★★ ½
P.S. Do you not realise that Hazmat doesn’t aggro attack heli??? 6:13
I play on this server, I know all the people in chat and their name but I never saw any of yall on the server lol..
Prej Kámo lets goo xddd
Please don’t say chest
That was fast
Mans is farming with a m2
Hey Wally how you make this base it looks good for a 2×2
C4 is gonna get you
the more ppl make these videos the more ppl with actually do it
“It was so late at night “5am” 😂😂😂😂
starting music is no copyrigted last of us theme song
Song: gustavo santaoella – the last of us (in a version i havent heard)
trigger discipline? you only killed one of them after stalking them for 10 hours
Make your mic louder lol
That one sleeper ate a headshot, impressive for no gear.
nice 530 hours 😀 and aim like this :O
I swear I’ve seen this before
this is kinda like bloo’s last vid
Ur just copying blue at this point
Scripted? this is just like blooprints last video
I was getting water and ronny was taking his dogs out lol. only IIIIIIIIIIIII was online. I came back to my computer when you guys were already passed the electric. I’m not much for pvp tho, i mainly just roleplay and basebuild. It would have been a better fight if the 3 of us were on. I could have maybe closed some doors unlike IIIIIIIIIIIII who seems to just open every fucking door and run out. I am sir smoke alot and yes i smoke alot lmao til next time
35:40 whoever wally is playing with says hard r twice end at 35:43
Lost C4 7:24
Don’t understand how people like you, with as many hours as your have, still don’t know how to take heli.
“Bro this dudes got a gaming pc!”
Another good video Wally!!
no one:
absolutely no one:
my samll generator going: 34:41
pls sub to me i make nice rust montages and it would help me a lot 🙂
35:40 the N bomb just smh
9 Ads in 30 Minutes :O Am i watching TV or what the fukk is going on?
Omg the Laugh at 22:26 was very unexpected lol
When you have an M2 in a wood base with no workbench. You are the true snowball god. 😂😂😂
You can make a video of an explanation and you show how to build this baseclan and do it slowly and stage?
Wally, are you dutch? I used to know someone on a old dutch server named wally
bro this is like bloos new vid raiding and raiding and raiding you get the point
honestly one of the better rust videos ive seen today
The cinematic music plizz ?
what is the intro song name ?
the adrenaline I felt when you were creeping about on oil was as if I was actually playing the game, this is the content I need dude gg
Like for Wally being underated
who got anxiety when he was creeping around on oil rig when it was a 1v4?
you’re welcome for the content <3
yo wally why you gotta do me like that on oil
lol i remember looting that decayed base
I feel like wally and bloo planned to upload 2 vids with cool groups and then say it should be more like that.
Idk but when you killed m2 and went to loot him I got so nervous you were gonna like get jumped or something
Like the vid if you think wally is underrated
Bro I don’t think ur going to get a girlfriend judging by your ak spray
You should play this server more often 😄
This is kinda funny this is just like blooprints latest video haha 😛
the oil fight is half the video lmao
Pumpkin Gang where you at
You didn’t post the clips where my friends rekt you and your friends. 🤦♂️
28:00 people are so relatable
When you think that i stream snipe you and you edit out the part of me killed you 3 times.
This video is almost similar to Blooprints video where you raid back and fourth
I was the guy with the name IIIIIIIIIIIIII gg i had a lot of fun i wish you didnt raid us at the worst time were my teammates were both gone and i was out building a flank base it was cool with the whole raiding thing gg’s.
Nearly the same content as blooprint but I love watching both of yah
“Yea its pretty late at night being am”
litrerally the exact same shit that happened to bloo, yall sit down together and write these stories wtf?
why do you say c4 stream sniped you still
I remember when we always used to online man those wher good times
All love from S3/T3
One of the best quality content I’ve seen in a long time
when wally raids your 2×2 in the snow f in chat
Ily you
Wow almost a 40 minute video damn Wally doing big things kid lets go haha. Good shit man love the vids brotha
did blooprint not just upload this
play ark survival evolved plz
“sTaY tUnEd”
High as balls, smashing pizza, and knew I seen Wally upload earlier … hype asf!
I was the kid at 4:30 I WHIFFED SO HARd
ggs wally, always a pleasure getting killed by a youtuber
There seems to be a tad sound delay during the vid , no biggie just a note. Great video man!
and i whus the.. BANG BANG BANG BANG I can’t hear anything
Wally on second channel u should play among us with the rust bois, bloo, disfigure, worse, fedz, godrust and anyone else yk or whoever im jusy givin suggestions
Why dose the into song sounds like the last of theme song
Been subscribed since 48k. Love your content. I see you improving in your story telling and editing skills. Its dope to see you growing. 🤙
He deserves more subs than 71k
Ngl 9 ads is a little cringe but I will stay for content
Holy hell 10ads in this video.
Bro i deadass thought this was the blooprint video he uploaded a fewdays ago 😂😂
we’re you the guy who kept killing spoonkid during hjunes creator event?
seem some clips on twitter hyped for all the pvp
I don’t understand how he creates this good of content and only has 70k he deserves atleast a million
What do i type in f1 to change my viewmodel?
This is literally what you called scripted content
4:30 i was like no way he wins then its wally so i was wrong
It’s story’s like this that get huge views! Good work man!
it’s a good feeling to come home after working, sit on the toilet, and see the 🐐 dropped a new vid!
Two rust vids on one day pog
(Wally and Hjune)
wait, I thought I just watched this blooprint video
love the last of us intro music
What server is this looks fun af
Fan of the channel, have been for a while, but man this felt a bit like a WalMart Edition Blooprint.
I’m not saying it was intentional, and content creators are undoubtedly inspired by eachother, but this was very noticeable.
Great video. Just prefer your ‘normal’ style.
U got that sar in like 2 min
a hjune and wally vid 👀 🔥
I got the noti but my phone went flat, so I kept it there for 30 mins and now we r here
😈❤😂🌷Great video keep it up 😈❤😂
What the name of that guitar intro ….?
Has anyone here actually used Rustchance at all? I know never trust third party apps like these… buuuuuuut…? 🙂
Anyone getting The Last Of Us chills from the opening?
Wally you should make a movie like Stevie
Thought I was watching a rusty rocket video with the intro music
Haha i got the last laugh
That ghost gots gaming pc
good1 dude
Wassup wallyyyy
I like rust mate
sell out
Top 30
Why is twitch quality so bad
20th Pog
I love when you narrator, it make more fun watch, good luck in your wipe, also edit skill amazing ♥️♥️
*_this video is dumb_*
ya huh
Wally you already know I got notis on❤️❤️
This is gonna be sick
I think this is gonna be a nice video!
bouttA watch all of this
It’s a good day
Haven’t watched it yet but know it’s gon be good
How are you
This early yes sir
Sup wally