
The Simple Solo Base. -Easy to build, Hard to raid, Rust Starter base-
Tired of complicated designs that just leave you fumbling or farming?
This solo base is designed to be quickly slapped down on wipe day and survive long enough to upgrade safely. With an incredibly efficient and easy to place starter, this base quickly expands into a much more complex base for raiders without the need for complicated gimmicks or tricks.
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Taqs:simple solo base,rust easy solo base,rust best solo base,rust strong solo base,best solo base 2022,rust solo base design,best solo base of 2022,easy cheap solo base,cheap easy solo base,cheap solo base design,cheap rust solo bases,best solo base in rust,new solo base design,rust base design solo,rust base building,rust console solo base,console solo base,ps4 solo base rust,xbox solo base,reksmore solo base
コメント (214)
Dont use this base. None of the things that suppose to fit together in this video doesnt fit
base design 80% adjectives
You can’t rotate walls later even after upgrade.
I’m a total noob so there’s probably something I don’t know- but how is it that you have a sheet metal door before even having a furnace?
When I try and place my boxes at 3:52 I can’t get them directly straight, they’re just horizontal. Help?
What about a 5x5x5 with every single 1×1 as an airlock with door. Elevator in center. Starting at second level every corner can have peak hole to fight through windows. Roof will have rooms with single doors and miscellaneous careless stuff inside. Roof will also have turrets and mls anti missles. Maybe last the corners of second level can have turrets as well. From there start going back to upgrade security as much as possible no more ads ons.
how about describing the build and what’s needed and showing how it’s done and actualy doing what this video’s title says, it’s messy editing and some voiceover that sounds like you are high on crack
This base is a pain in the ass to build
Mid build I walked outside and got door camped… 10/10
Whats the upkeep?
It’s also good if you want to put an e furnace in one of the loot rooms
7:02 putting wood to show that you can get to the back furnace was a nice touch, idk if I’ve seen anyone do that
very good, easy to expand
in the furnace room when i try and make the shelf, whenever i deystroy the half wall why does the shelf itself break too?
Funny of you to assume I have more than 1 box of loot all wipe
You fit an electric furnace BEHIND the locker and setup industrial conveyors. This lets you use the original furnace triangle for a fridge.
definately would make that last door a double as the doors get a bit cramped
cant place the second box near the tc
So…. How much total materials would this cost?
Ya wanna slow down abit like sheesh how am I meant to follow this way to fast 💩
For people who bought the Homestead DLC: you can place a vertical barrel next to the TC and get some extra space for more loot in. It’s like a Large Wooden Box but easier to fit.
With this base layout I am able to fit 4 Large Wooden Boxes, 4 Small Boxes, the TC and a Campfire in the main room
So cocky. I can’t listen to your face anymore.
I screwed up, placed the door on the right side instead of the left side in the first section before expansion… smh
Maybe others have known about this for a long time, and its just me being late to the party – but i just stumbled over a video where a guy fits TC, repair bench, cooking grill, 8 big boxes, and 12 small ones, in just 2 square loot rooms If you want to see for yourself, check out a video by Rust Concepts called “The ”2024” CHAD – Rust Base Design 2024 (Complete Guide)”. The box placement starts 2 minutes and 10 seconds into the video 👍
“lets not waste any more time talking about it”
Proceeds to spend the next 10 minutes talking about it instead of walking us through what he’s doing.
Poor explination and execution in video 3/10 just post a damn blue print.
dont know how to build !
It’s only 2 rockets if u hit the wall where TC is?
10:06 spit it out junior
I love complicated bases, but i cant for the life of me understand how ppl always know exactly where tc is 😢
This base design without fail always geta offline raided, even in low pop servers in the absolute outskirts of the map, must be cursed
What up with ADHD screen look-arounds, calm down bruh it’s making me dizzy
Thank you so much I had my best wipe I ever have had with this base i even got external walls on the outside thank you 😊 I subscribed
the way you move around your screen made me dizzy AF i regret watching it
a farm bot…. that resonates with me because I feel like that’s all I’ve been doing is farm!
Preciate you
Sam samm me uh ske 1:11 1:12 o r
I just got game today and played the experimental version first really hard to play
Fucking worst vid ever!
There was a box update?
thanks for the very good and clear video , I finally got a good base ( I’m 35 hours new to rust) appriciate it 💪🏽
No one ever talks about suic*de bunker with drop box easily a 4 C4 or higher to start if u sheet metal and the more bunker u make it the better with drop box
I don’t see any option to pic floors.. this game to much like I’ve had so much goodies to die cuz I can’t find how to make a base
Amazing base design, but please include the costs next time.
EDIT: Costs for the base, w/o the deployables, WITH the honeycomb included (assuming you go for 1 Gdoor):
2 215 wood
13 260 stone
1 100 metal
love it!
Awesome base helped me so much thank you
Any way to get a 2nd floor?
I tried to follow this and my god without a overhead view I messed up so many times
Awesome but I’m lost I’ll have to watch this video like 5 more times
you left soft side wall
How do you get unlimited stuff
When it’s 1×1 – put the double door the other way to make it an air lock..
I built this and someone just raided trought the roof…
Love this base. Couldn’t replicate the boxes though, they just don’t fit for me :/
The way I feel stupid having trouble doing this half as quickly makes me want to fcking jump
Ahh build metas. Everyone on console edition builds the same exact tower with surrounding walls with outcrop near entrances.. kinda boring. As a new solo player i find this game to be pretty trash tier yet cant stop making attempts at… idk what 😆
would like to point out at the part about not honeycombing because of the tier 3 isnt a very viable strategy depending on how quickly you actually are able to obtain a tier 3 as a solo/duo. Especially after a BP wipe. Better safe than sorry to do it anyway.
music at 6:00?
Its so hard to keep track of what youre doing as a new player. Your sens is 100000 and you keep giving me seizures when you spin your mouse thinking that youre showing us what youre doing. Terrible video. Need a top down view. Need less annoying background music.
Is this rust dying light
Why do people need like 12 large boxes,I rarely fill more than 2 on vanilla servers as a solo
way too fast man
Your movements are too quick and confusing; couldn’t watch.
I really gotta show you how you build a base for real those crap get raided on days 1
Im not the creative type lol. I just role 2×2 honeycomb feck it 🤣
Im doing this my current base but im honeycoming the entire roof
as a new player id like to see how you obtained these insane amounts of materials to do this
Raiders dont think twice when rockets are spammed
What’s the tc cost?
Yeah but how do I expan
This base has been a raid magnet for me. It’s small, but not necessarily low profile enough to deter anyone from thinking this base is worth. I’ve been offlined every time I’ve put this base down.
Placing the god dam boxes made me want to raid my own base just to break them 🤮☠️👹👺
Thank you this really helped
this was very helpfull tx
What’s the up keep for this tho really good base design
Do you know the exact wood and stone you need for this?
I’m so confused. I wish people were more helpful and friendly cuz I’m new and can’t do anything. I die chopping my first tree. It’s stupid
Dude you go way too fast, i’m a real beginner and i am lost right now
Does he have a video to expanded this type of base?
at 3:30, when the TC room triangle goes up – for some reason my base won’t let me build this. I tried taking down and replacing the TC to make sure it fit but it still wouldn’t go through. Any ideas as to why? It tells me ‘cannot build in this area.’ I thought it might be because it was clipping through the door frame but you managed to build it here anyways.
how much mats does it take
Trying this out today
Thak you so much this will hopefully keep mee from getting offline raided so much
Kinda wish you spent more than 15 seconds out of the 10 minute video showing what you used and how to build the initial start up base. Considering that’s why I clicked on it to begin with.
Very nice creative interior and design but unfortunately sheet metal doors are the bane of any rust base, doesn’t matter what the design is or how well you seal it off. I had 4 doors break and let in on my loot room today. I have a pretty solid sealed off 2×2 with an airlock. They just break down the sheet metal doors like they’re cardboard
Nice design.
I’m curious what the upkeep would be on this.
How is a “starter base” able to be built with metal doors and a roll up metal door, if you’re literally just starting out? Are those items granted to you at the very beginning?
I kinda wish there was a practice building mode just to learn how it works at our own pace for new players think that would help bring me back to rust bought the game digitally 2 days ago been killed and raided so many times by people with a much higher skill level on this game. I want to refund it but at the same time I want to give this game a chance of being fun to me currently it’s boring and toxic af to me but idk if that’s just me
You should add the build cost at the start of the video, I haven’t attempted to make it yet, before I do, does anyone know the build cost?
Love the video just stzted playing rust around a week ago thak for you for ghe help
I love small compact bases, this one looks like a good fit fit me, gonna build it later this day.
Great base but a guy destroyed my WHOLE roof but still a good base and I forgot the honeycomb on the roof
i got raided within 30 minutes after i made the base
1 wall & 1 Doors to TC same for loot room or 4 doors. That T3 makes it more through walls
Survived a 3x loot server that was up for one month, lasted the whole month with this base.
I’m new ur way to fast for me to even keep up
Why I dont get the option of demolish? 😢 Just upgrade??
Ill be using this 😊
perfect but when youre making a guide like that could you slow the f down a bit damnm where are you rushing so fast
Can somebody tell me how many materials needed?
whats the cost?
You should add a material counter to your video so us viewers can know how much it will cost to build the base.
Awesome base though, thanks!
One tip: When you’re trying to fit boxes into an area, it can help to temporarily rotate nearby walls so the hard side faces inwards towards the boxes.
The reason why is because the hard side is considerably thinner than the soft side, and will give you more room to fit boxes in.
After you’re done putting boxes in, you can just rotate your walls again to however they were originally.
I can’t seem to build the TC shelf with the temporary half wall, it says I can’t build in this area. Anyone know why this might be?
You showed where to place the honeycomb too fast
perfect base for a solo
how do you get the servers to practice making bases or anything like that?
Bruh I built this like 6 days ago and the raiders failed the offline 😂
bro u are moving the camera around in all sorts of ways cant keep up
Beautiful base design bro
Im just trying to figure out how to make my base so it isn’t raided in 2 seconds. It seems like something Im doing is making it very easy for enemies to raid….I keep looking on YouTube and everyone just talks about loot space
good voice, good editing, but the base is shit. 2×1 with one honeycomb with triangle on half block and furnaces in bunker is the only way
I’m not claustrophobic but this is giving me claustrophobia
that was way to fast puting down the founds for me , does anyone know of another channel that has this base design “but for dummies” i like the idea tho, thks
My starter base always shit farm
Then build
Chad life never farm
Just subd. Love your stuff.
Rotate your tc 90 degrees for even more large box placement
how is any beginner supposed to see how u made this base when you are doing it so fucking fast
When using this “near unraidable” base, It only stays unraided when you are sure to NOT piss off a zerg
video got to confusing and i ended up making a 30% base and making the 70% honeycombed
The upkeep for this design is:
1829 stone
166 metal
you are criminally underrated my guy, cool voice to listen to and great builds for us solos out there, love you
I’ve used this base design for 2-3 wipes now on 2x servers and I love it, it has great storage and Ive also put a secondary airlock with a shop front window and a roof exit. The only issue I’ve had is I’m getting raided through all of my sheet door and garage doors to get to TC and Loot room. No one has raided through the honeycomb and instead just raid all of my doors, is there any better way to prevent that other than armored doors?
very good video
i can NEVER get the boxes to snap in place like that.
why does every bloody rust base builder talk like this? its so annoying lmao
I’m extremely new to this game so this may be a stupid question, but with a base like this are you supposed to upgrade past stone to sheet or high qual?
Him much do I need to start this base I love it
how do u build whitout resorches?
Ty bro I’m not a hardcore builder and this is exactly for me
this base is as easy as any other small shitshack to raid. If you piss off a clan they’ll just rocket through.
I watch some Rust base videos where some guy is floating about adding walls all over the place. Although they’re amazing enough, they’re not really a practical approach for a solo when you need to get something down quickly. So videos like this are perfect. Get your 1×1 up, get your stuff in, then work on expanding. I love it !
I’ve started to notice that keeping a low profile is often more effective at avoiding being raided than having a thick af base as a solo. This seems to be a perfect build for me. Well done!
10:17 “plenty of room for a repair bench” 🤨🤨
Tbh i just learned now that when a hammers equipped you can pick things up… lol
I like how you’re teaching us at literal warp speed.
This seems like a nice beginner base but sadly all these base videos tend to be so hectical and fast which makes it hard for newbies like me to understand whats even going on. You are spinning so fast and build something only to destroy it a few seconds later without a detailed explanation so i can´t really comprehend whats going on.
thank u i had the best wipe yet with this base
I’m using the base design right now and a clan gave up on raiding me
For anybody like me who doesn’t use lockers, you could also use the “locker spot” as a climb-up to your roof. Either way this is an amazing base and really helped me because I have no idea how to build. Will definitely be coming back to this in future wipes!!
I am struggling with Tc room ngl
How do you pick stuff up?
I raided kids with this exact design today with both oneline in their base I have had the game 3 days and have a 3×3 with 5 turrets and 3 floors high and unreadable base and this base was actually super easy to raid
Awesome base but how did you teleport through the roof like that?!
I only just got the start down n was just about a put a metal door on but someone’s shooting my wood door bruh
Brother I just got to say that TC room absolute beauty
I’m a new player and got aids trying to make this base
Great video really helped me out and it was my first time building a base myself because usually my friend does it himself
What materials are needed to build this base?
Currently living in this base, someone tried to offline me and gave up 2 doors in, I think once they saw the garage doors they decided it wasn’t worth it. All they got out of me was some lantern fuel and possibly some homemade shells from shotgun traps.
Build cost and upkeep pls!
Build coat????
Anyone else laugh at 10:03
You are going way too fast for beginners. I could not keep up with what you were doing.
I actually have opted to putting my repair bench on the top shelf of loot room and a bbq on the bottom. I then put small boxes under them. To me it added a little convenience, and I found my self still having plenty of storage.
Great video! But what is the build cost?
10:05 this made me chuckle
good vid
This is not a speedrun bro
Awesome base man, lovely video aswell, was great to watch and easy to follow. Subbed 😀
This is a joke right
What is the build cost and upkeep cost please.
Very interesting idea. Love to see this different crazy options that literally anyone would think
so. I tried it on a Build Server and on an live server. The triangle going in TC room dosn´t work. Am I doing something wrong?
If your trying to see how to build it clearly turn down playback speed.
Can’t follow that with all the mouse swiping 🤦 try better next time plez
Pretty low door count to loot room
how would you go about expanding to roof access?
tried to watch but you’re movement is sickening
Show us the materials and everything this is so confusing
Instead of windows I like a low wall half wall combo. Gives access still and you can’t get through without breaking it
dont forget metal ramps in the roof honeycomb. really helps deters raiders..
I cannot fit the boxes inside the tc room no Mather how hard I try 🤯😞
Nice video. I might be wrong but I think that a window frame’s softside becomes hard *cough* with a roof shelf connected as you’ve shown.
Amazing base Lay-out I definitely recommend this base for duo or trio or solo me and my friends use it for trio
Willjum sent me <3
Brother, I got a sweet 2×1 you should try out, it’s a solo raiders hidden gem for sure, I knock down 4x4s with it and can hold tons of loot and blend in with new players
Love the design! FYI, it’s very jarring when you shake, jiggle and spin your mouse around when explaining stuff.
Another great base thanks!
How many rockets?
I like this one for early wipe. I appreciate you for offering something for everyone. I don’t like everything you put up, but I always watch anyway.
While I’m a designer and have no issue with such a presentation, I’m aware that many people would need a 2d plan (squares and triangles on the ground) to comprehend what the base looks like, as many people have harder time following such a design (especially on a live big pop server). So my suggestion would be to include that as well in videos, either at start or during the build, so they can make mental maps of what goes where.
Looks like a fun base to try. Also love that you showed how to set it up as a 1×1 and build out from there. That makes me wanna try this base and makes it easy to understand.
Yeah, just honeycomb the roof over the loot rooms so everyone can see where they are. 😂
Nice build my guy!
Looks alright. I’ve never built one of those “build 9 triangles out and then build a square then break the triangles and build back with squares and then blah blah” in an active server.
the fluctuation in mans voice really gets under my skin, good content dou
Pea soup
It’s good to see a traditional base design again rather than the new castles everyone does. Thanks for your efforts
7 rocket raid
Love the idea, will give it a go on next weekly wipe there’s no limit on how much you can expand from using this base as a core and extending
guess i will be building this base for now on 🙂 , thank you for another great video 🙂
Im taking a lil month-2 month break since they didnt add any cool seasonal events till likely christmas but im looking forward to maybe expanding to something like this when i get back on
Some surprised Rek IRL lmao
Liked it so much i sub your channel. Thanks from all those solos out here.
Oh, great, thank.. I’ve been building thi base for months, and now people are gonna think I’ve copied it from you 😂😥
becaıse ypu made a shelf in touch with it, that window is hard side no matter what.
Hey Reks, I have seen a number of videos where you have a triangle TC room or locker room with a window access. If you get raided, is it possible to replace the TC/locker in that same triangle with the window access? I have had trouble with trying to do this, wanted to ask if there were any tricks to make this possible?
And in additional, we can add a stability bunker at the entrance with access by the top. Nice video! thanks
It’s a good amount of storage, but I think I’ll stick to the 2by bunker. Very little extra in upkeep, but with two walls cost to TC.
Great video what’s the song list
Good job reksmore like always keep it up! 👍👍
fote on top
I’ve take a break from Rust for a couple of weeks but will use this for a quick slap down when I’m back on the grind. Great work Reks ❤
Strong, for the size. Like it
Love you vids man easy to fallow along and good tips, keep up the great work.
Great base pal keep up the good work.
Came here from Willjum, and I must say your videos are always impressive. Keep up the good work man
Great video as always
You know it’s a good day when Reksmore uploads.
52 sec