Rust – The CARTEL’S Downfall
We finally even the odds with BT done with being outnumbered, we make them sweat. Tracking them from server to server, there was no chance I was letting them run away this time.
twitter – https://x.com/TeslaRust
Discord – https://discord.gg/ftYbfrJDDM
The Boys:
Taqs:Tesla,Tesla Rust,Rust,Rust Cartel,Rust Downfall,Rust PvP,Rust Bt,Rust Clan,Rust Tesla,Rust funny moments,Rust story,Rust Movie,Rust Story Telling,Rust solo,Rust Gameplay
コメント (609)
Thanks for the recent support guys! Hope you guys enjoy this video, it’s a little bit different but an epic conclusion to my last few videos!
I haven’t watched rust in a long time but your the only one there makes the best fun and there a lot of action i that’s good love it keep it up
44:37 haha! he said it! he said it! bring the boom!
Just more rust cheating
how do you get white hurt flash?
I may not play rust but I have watched this journey the whole time insanely entertaining and well put together these type of videos make me want to play rust
Why doesn’t the rust developers delete the server and ban all of BT???
I’ve been watching for awhile and I love the videos. I just wish there was more depth to each video. I know you may not have time but less editing is better in my opinion. Like a lot of channels the longer videos are nicer because it helps go more in depth on the wipe. I know you’d still have to edit a lot because with still editing 100s of hours of footage (probably ) and your videos are still an hour long. Just saying I wouldn’t mind like a 2 hour video if not 3. Makes it so I can watch it throughout the week or all just in one sitting. Your videos are very entertaining and always pvp packed. Wouldn’t mind seeing the total losses of a wipe.
Bros been fighting the same BT clan for years it feels like , new content?
I’d never play this game so why the fook do I want watch someone else play it.
When i played in SMT on rustoria sea long. Bt raided us for 24 hours straight 😅
Tesla you should make a playlist of all the bt videos you’ve made on them
Brother you talk a lot about solo players, however I never saw you as solo🤷🏻♂️ you do however have a great team…
when are you gonna make a video about the actual cartel
Why don’t you use battlemetrics to find them fast
Tesla please check on kimchi we miss him….
🛑 Spolier Blocker 🎉
what a masterpiece straight cinema, 100000 iq putitng the loot in the cave im glad you guys finally got a dub
who are your next enemies going to be?
10/10 video truly
Tesla you are a dam menace… and i love it 👌
The cover picture is so insane bro keep the hard work going i cant wait to fully watch this video
rustified admins are the most useless admins known to rust
Tesla don’t lie ur mind games are very sketchy.very selective with the screenshots def not scripted but bt. rebrands 100% its great content so they would agree cause Tesla will leave them alone I bet this is his last bt. Vid the topper is mentioning they should switch servers and it was bait and the timing there is no way this raid is a raided base insided team or just offline 40:42 . u don’t have battlemetrics u can open a browser or make a bookmarkk and it will stay if they name change steam profile his team were def on right at force
Tesla if u see this love the vids. It’s a fucking by. Saga video this is doing numbers trust the algorithm .this movie hit better than frosts scripted movies
When researching in workbench, you can click and hold the image to research the item without moving your mouse to unlock. QOL is nice
this is why you need good admins on the server. If any intelligent admin had looked at the cheater they would have banned the whole group.
You were playing with 220 ping, that’s impressive, Tesla!
Beast ❤
Wow it’s finally over… The greatest rust series. One of the greatest yt series is finally over. The ending was perfectttttttt. You should definitely do another season lol😂.
Rust Geoguesser😂
Is rust free to play?
Yo Tesla what are youre pc specs? I wanna get a better pc that runs on about your fps.
1:08 “The most difficult and confusing puzzle pieces” but uses very basic shapes for the vid lol
bro is gonna sleep for 3 months after a dub like that, good shit tesla!
you are the Michael Scofield of rust
How the fuck have their group not been fuilly banned yet . . .
Swimming pool open core is crazy.
that was so satisfying!!! freaking cheaters
I left this video to play on repeat while I slept. What a banger.
Holy uck
The way you communicate orders to the team is so satisfying to watch. What a final raid 🤯
at 52:00+ Gaz’s name in game is Gaz, and if BT has watched your videos prior they could have known its you from that.
how do you make the blood green?
11:20 That’s what the doctor said
tesla trust me a really good base for you guys is the “the OSMIUM” you should check it out seriously
Cant wait for next fkn crazy vid!
raiding the biggest enemy on 100-200+ ping server is crazy! y’all really deserve some sleep
Slow it downnits funny
How the fuck they so openly cheat and they´re not all banned by asociation already
Bro really spent hours searching for their map instead of searching any of their usernames on battlemetrics and finding the exact server. 12 hours could’ve been 4 minutes… It shows what server, it shows all their server history. How long they spend on each server, and a link to the server with ip address so you can join & see the full server name.
Tesla, i just wanted to let you know about a cool site called BattleMetrics, where you literally can stalk search up username and see all their server activity, how many hours on each server, and the second they swap servers you can see the server, just a friendly reminder so you dont have to spend 12h on searching for the serever <3
Bt being pretty quiet in the chat right now
What a bunch of bozos
God Bless y’all
truly one of a kind content. name ANYONE else who sent over half a year battling a single group.
qaixx, motion, gorliac fit for this game fr
The Rainbolt of Rust!
Get rainbolt to find him!
so nice when the good guys win!
Bros more addicting then drugs
loved this, true dedication! Reminds me of the old times when I played rust.
I honestly dont know how anyone can want to be part of such a scummy clan, literally the worst of the worst
happy to see you take the W, good work!
Well done Tesla, its amazing that you got the revenge you so well deserve.
BT clan don’t forget to like and subscribe 🙂 thanks tesla for making your clan known to us
So satisfying
note don’t zerg u also don’t send screenshots of anything map related u Geo guesser maniac
Your dedication is absolutely admirable. Huge fan of these videos!
You’ve been fighting BT for so long. I’m actually quite curious who BT exactly is. Don’t they have work? You fight them 1 to 3 or more, are they bad? More in dept segment or dedicated video about BT what you know would be quite good content
Bravo, so satisfying seeing you raid them,
Tesla this is your magnum opus. This makes me so happy to see, you owned them in every way possible.
Tesla im best PvPr NA js msg me next time
This was epic. Reminds me of the after battle reports of some of those epic Eve Online galactic wars.
brother you are insane
Brother, you’ve packed sooo much into 65 minutes AND it was good! I really dig this vibe 😎👍
my favourite mentally ill rust youtuber
53:15 insane so close tes love it
finally the man has gotten his revenge he really is crazy about revenge
@tesla next time you need to invite Wiljum specifically to build for you, he’s a professional solo builder with over 10,000 hours.
The best story ever ❤ i cant imagine what come next
Tesla gotta be one of the best rust YouTubers great videos and posting active love the videos bro keep it up can’t wait till the next one
Outplayed them so hard
Great conclusion to a wonderful story all though I believe BT will want revenge. End of last video you mentioned recruiting some of the best rust players, was hoping Tacular would make an appearance before his unfortunate ban
We build next to BT this exact same wipe, we griefed their build spot, went deep on them, broke their main TC. Then after a few hours they got a cheat on and raided our Trio.
Crazy work, haven’t played this game in 4 years and I can still appreciate the dedication, what a movie 🍿 🥶
Why don’t you use MLRS often?
This was bad ass, I’m so glad yall hid loot, I hate back seaters, but I was like buh full stealth this shit and play like DJ with hard to get backups. So satisfying. So good!!
holy with oploads ty so much 2025 starting good
36:12 was insane jeez
The goat tesla 🥰
My goodness, what an absolutely insane, mind-blowing day to witness peak YouTube excellence! A Nintendo Switch 2 trailer featuring a SpaceX launch to Mars, paired with Man United scoring last-minute goals, MrBeast giving away an entire private island to strangers, and IShowSpeed absolutely losing his mind over FIFA glitches and Fortnite fails. Then there’s Kendrick Lamar breaking down his Pulitzer-winning lyrics, VTubers doing live unboxings of Temu hauls, and anime-inspired avatars casually chatting about AI ethics while I dive into deepfake tutorials and AI-generated memes. All of this, backed by chill lo-fi beats for focus, soothing ASMR whispers for anxiety, and oddly satisfying tapping sounds for stress relief. This isn’t just a lucky bag of content—it’s a chaotic, algorithm-powered masterpiece, a perfectly balanced storm of viral madness. Truly, I am blessed to bear witness to this. And no, I absolutely will NOT apologise to the YouTube algorithm for bingeing every last second of it.
The moment you escape from the raid POV via cinematic that goes underground, showing and telling you hide all you needed to finish it was unreal I can not explain how exited I became… It was like there is no way they defend and raid them in 10 minutes of the time left…oh, there was one way and Tesla went this exact way… WHAT A FKING BANGER VIDEO
More with the Team ?
China not #1
Dude can we give props to gaz? He has been through most of not the entire adventure.
do these chinese clan people like not have jobs how do thye have time for this
Epic Tesla, well done, every single Rust player has been behind you on this.
I was hoping to see every big time streamer playing around the clock kicking BT’s lol
Love u g
You’re the only Rust player that shares my playstyle; STUBBORN. Nice wipe fellow psycho. 10/10
Great story !
Super anti-climatic offline raid to finish the video. Odd way to say you’re satisfied.
18:00, 21:00 Take a breath, it is just a game lol
mate could not have blessed me at a better time, stuck in this boring funeral
Cheater infested trash game 😂
Just a thought. Delegate separate locations to cache loot while afk. This allows you to drain their resources. It could be a time waster.
Play with motion team they manage to beat bt before
Kudos to you for this amazing storytelling.❤
Why does he show himself putting in 5555 as the code?
If they bagged in a cheater then whole clan should get ban for associatipn with cheater
The first 10 minutes of this video was just crazy. I’ve never seen anything like this tbh, great job Tesla👏🏼
I think he has a crush on BT guys😂
Why don’t they try and guess the code you always use 5555
WHAT A MASTERCLASS ❤ I thought u would stretch it to a part 2 when u said u hid all the loot when but raided but fitting every part in a 1 hour video is insane , would love to watch these movies more !!! Hope they are even more longer
wait what server eu long or what
Huge respect, your videos and stories are just great, you never give up, you rebuild the base and keep going until you get the revenge you want.
at some point, BT is a code word for me to go sleepy
Next time try doing shifts.. some will stay late night and some are not.
I encountered scenarios like this when we met big zergs before and it feels like they were never sleeping.
You’re a sick sick man Tesla, but i love it! 🤣
That was asome haha 😀 GJ
What a movie❤
Definitely worth the wait I bet this was your favorite video to edit just going back and seeing the ups and downs. There is a lot of good rust content creators but you definitely make the best stories especially when they are connected. You have have peaked my interest with every new video and can’t wait to see how you top this one.
Nice video dude
There’s youtubers doing series on 2 weeks . And then there is tesla
46:37 conversation is a bro moment lmao. love all the vids❤
the fact server owners still allow BT to play on any other shows you how corrupt all the “big” servers are and honestly they deserve a buttfuck.
What a story! good job Tesla
We destroyed a Chinese team that has ran us long 3 for months this last wipe me made them quit and I’ve never felt better about something in my life
your content is allways the best rust content bro ! i think something as simple as not rushing vids out and enjoying yourself goes a long way, you can tell the willjums and blooprints have sold out and do bare minimum to make a dollar. big ups mate
“vem är jag” awesome name!
Official banger
Epic !!
By far the best rust video I’ve ever watched
There’s a very strong metaphysical difference between Tesla’s group and BT. It might be a game but it’s still representative of corruption, homogeneity and mediocrity in the opposition, with a reliance on sloppy but numeous players, cheaters and complicit admin staff. Taking them apart like that was good to watch.
rustafied and cheaters is like peanut butter and jelly
I love Rust videos mate.. specially if they have good stories and great memories 💪💪💪💪💪💪
man its pathetic seeing how some rust admins operate i mean its beyond blatant when a cheater is part of a group or has been brought in by them but the admins just go ”oh hes not auth on their tc’s and they arent friends on steam so no evidence” like bruh
Tesla the rust geoguesser player good vid
50:20 make a screenshot using the clipper tool to select just the chat and photo translate the entire thing
48:36 offline raider connoisseur here, you need to un-private and re-private profile for names to properly update everywhere, hope that helps🙏
34:30 they patched the thing where you can press escape to see after you died a while ago, however if you connect to a build server and do the command: global.huscomponent deathoverlay 0 it still works just like before, hope that helps😇🙏
Fawkin banga m8 🔥
once again, moderators being useless. crazy how much evidence we have to provide just for them to ignore us. ridiculous.
Loved the vid so much
I me and my duo play a quad server and we dominate so hard, my tip would be to try and only sleep 3 hours each, sleep in shifts so not all of the sudden a big pool of people go to sleep at night, and most importantly DO NOT sleep at night, or even worse staying up all night then sleep in the morning when surprisingly the server is even more dead than it was at night making it an easy offline, that’s literally how I offline people. what you want to do is go on battlemetrics and check the EXACT hour the server pop PEAKS, now that’s your time to sleep, and for three hours only, 3 hours is that perfect balance from price to performance before you start getting massive diminishing return on your sleep, the last few hours of sleep barely give you any “energy”, you get more “recharge” in your first 2 hours than the remaining 6 together, but two can be a tad too little I’ve found so three is that perfect sweet spot to keep you going, this way you’re actually able to sustain this lifestyle for weeks on end, a few go to sleep 3 hours before peak and wake up at peak when the next group of people go to sleep. If you truly want to defend this is the only right way, and a little side note please stop making tiny bases😅 especially when you recruited more people, now I will admit me and my duo are farmers and we mostly just offline for fun so you could call us losers but that’s how we enjoy the game, but if we can upkeep 200k metal frags WITHOUT excavator you guys most definitely can with.🙏 just my two cents👏✨
Bro has a degree in fighting bt
lol I’ve played a few wipes with Jim bob, fun guy
Congrats mate, was great to watch, and i found it such a satisfying ending, can only imagine how pumped u were. must say im not sure it will be the end of it all tho, for the self proclaimed mental psychotic, lol. but certainly massive win for the good guys. cheers for the amazing content, story and entertainment ❤
My question is do they (BT) have a YT channel or not ? I will love to see what they do with these plays they make.
facepunch is a joke, is a ridiculous they get to blatantly bag cheaters and continually get away with it. China at its finest…
What a video that was. Such a good content creator
What a story…. What an ending! But what now?? The seal team of rust needs a new villain. Go pick on SMG for being so toxic 😂
Jimbob fr the goat, him at launch is unstoppable #freerhin0
Dude could I join you on one of your wipes against bt
BT and OT are shameful. To bag in a cheater on a 30 man team is pathetic
“A well OILED machine” 🤣🤣🤣 I see what you did there and I approve.
**Chuck Norris thumbs up**
So awesome, deep down BT respects you. What a few glorious hours of tele, first the end season of Silo, then the new episode of Severance then this! oh yeah and the 2 launches! what gold!
Is bro in the future?
19:20 we still in January why are those messages dated feb 1st? That’s sus
Y didn’t they just launch rockets at there raid base
I love your videos
Keep up the good work, we love you vids!
good work Editing! soo good
You absolutely embarrassed BT. Despite having superior numbers, bagging in blatant cheaters, using cheap tactics to win and defend raids, they STILL were so scared of a fair fight with you that they ran to a random SEA official server (where they could more freely use cheats) and hid from you, terrified that you’d find them. And when they figured out that you were on the server, they used a FOB taller than your own base to siege raid you, running forward naked with one rocket at a time. And then, the following day, when it was FINALLY a fair fight, what happened? They got absolutely steamrolled. From start to finish, that raid was what, half an hour (without editing cuts, I mean)? And instead of defending, they were frantically trying to run loot.
I’ve never seen a group get more thoroughly beaten and exposed as frauds. After SO MANY losses to BT (and especially after losing all that loot to the cheater on top of Dome), as a viewer it feels so great to see BT finally wiped off a server by Tesla. I can’t even imagine how ecstatic and cathartic this was for Tesla.
Well done, dude. You should be proud of yourself, and especially proud of your determination and willpower to beat BT no matter how many setbacks you faced.
GG my dude!!
This video is legitimately your best video. You did a phenomenal job on this.
Finally got ur good ending. But the cheater part? Ummmm… u just like western media that showing the worth part of east. But I understood. Ppl love to seen it. Well we both can get some rest in the future.
Dude I think the Entire series you vs bt should be reviewed by the devs and PERMO-I.P. BAN ENTIRE BT CLAN.
A very good ending to this series. I’ve enjoyed never y bit of it… Multiple times because I fall asleep to gun-fire/rocket lulaby at 3am so I wake up and watch the video again. It’s nice to see someone do that much damage to a clan
Top tier work, everyone!
I don’t play rust but have often thought of using the blitzkrieg, its essentially hitting them so hard and fast in every direction with everything that there is not time to prepare, the Germans invented it in WWll and it was very effective
only one player missing…
Is Gaz ever gonna change his name in the videos, so they don’t know 😂
Bro are you not friends with like one stream snipers? Like shiii give him a gifted sub and that rat will find anyone you want in like 3 minutes all for the price of a pack of golfish crakers, then you don’t have to play detective, you can just get to work 😛
the only impressive thing is how u can spend consecutive days on rust as if it was ur real life lol
time to take up smoking crack
lol next wipe, how i tuen BT upside down!!! lol
Congrats Tesla, been watching you for years and honestly the rivalry between you and BT this past year has been a spectacle. Been amazing to see your dedication to not only this fight but the development of your content style throughout aswell. Glad to see all that drive paid off for you man. Can’t wait to see what comes next.
every single member of BT should be game banned. they have genuinely bought and gone through HUNDREDS of accounts worth of cheaters, like they literally have atleast a dozen accounts banned EVERY SINGLE WIPE that they play. the amount they have spent on accounts and the cheats themselves is in the thousands. it is literally not possible to survive unraided for 8 fucking months straight. it doesnt matter how big they are, thats just not possible without cheaters.
The amount of ungodly hours and months put to a rest in this video was just amazing glad to see tesla can get a break for once (an actual break) great work with the storyline tesla hope to see you traumatize them more
Everyone subscribe
Edit: Do you play on a new Steam account every wipe? All they need is your steam ID and they know it’s you..
This is the first time I’m going to humbly ask for a reply to my comment.
You have the power and social outreach to bring on dozens if not hundreds of decent rust players onto the server to wipe out BT.
Why don’t you at this point? Or at least at the start of the video. It’s too hard to manage that many people? You don’t believe 100 people would actually join and follow you to wipe BT? Or is it just not the same as doing it with a close group of 12?
I really enjoy this videos, especially the ever lasting story against BT.
The age old hide your loot cause you know an offline is coming, then raid them the next day. Oldest trick in the book. I’m amazed they screenshotted and sent it to you guys. “Here we are come get us”.. then old mates like no wayyyy who told youuuu lol
Lol wtf was that base at 40:00 😀
This was insane also a very coordinated and fun to watch raid, gl on the future
55:35 THE BEST REVEAL IVE EVER SEEN ON YOUTUBE. I had to give a round of applause watching this. You honestly are one of THE BEST rust youtubers out. Ive gotten sick of rust tbh, but I ALWAYS watch any video of yours that comes out and THIS IS WHY ! Amazing Tesla. Please for the sake of us all KEEP IT UP MAN! We love this shit! Dont forget to also get your rest and relax from time to time cause I know this has to take its toll. Much love brother! Thank you for such an amazing video!
best rust youtuber
22:00 rainbolt’ing a clan is insane work, you did indeed earn the title of mental
I love your consistency lately❤❤ BRICKED
57:26 I’m the only Mindwarp in Oz, who tf is thus copy cat impostor poser? Unbelievable I’ve had the name for 20 years God dammit 😂
Can you please drop the base or the creator of the base
Btw Tesla – Gizmo isn’t to be trusted, bad teammate with plenty of AU long players that know it.
man of the match jimbob imo
Tesla did not disappoint again, when he said in the last video he is not done.
You have too much time on your hands man
a real cheater woulda raided that cave while you sleept, BT must have subpair cheaters
Looks like the Sulfur hexafluoride tank is running low
That was a sick vid mate and really enjoyed it. Well done to you and all the other lads. I don’t play this game but fuck me you lads make it look fun.
what an epic!!! Tesla, that was insane!!! GGs, now go get some sleep, you mad lad
BT is ass lmao
WELL DONE, Tesla. This was an EPIC story! Well done, indeed.
26:55 You spelled Sulfur (Sulfar) wrong. No hate lol much love!
😂 what kind of psycho has a base to bluff with like that on another server? Sick vid, always love the mind games
GG’s man. Well deserved victory! Great video man. I loved it!
this deserves more likes, great video
I have been watching you for so long and I finally am seeing BT get absolutely outplayed in every way and you are always 10 steps ahead
The fact that they are able to BLATANTLY bag a cheater like that would make me delete the game. The admins have failed you OVER AND OVER.
Nice vedio I love ur revenge keep going these vedio
This is Kendrick Lamar levels of hate lmao!
the goat of rust
so glad this video was recommended to me.
my glorious king
BT is so lame. How they are not banned is one of the wonders of the world
Thanks for the Vid❤❤❤❤
43:00 an above ground pool in your base is crazy
Amazing video. By far my favourite rust YouTuber always gets me hyped seeing that you posted a new video always got the best storyline and insane cinematics.
How can you tell a rust youtuber is high on adderall? They repeat everything they say during a fight. 🙂
1:00:13 ❤
Needs to be ZERO tolerance for cheaters. If one joins your team, everyone is banned. Doesnt matter who knows and who doesnt. That way, MAYBE, people will start to police themselves more strictly.
that name clay while looking at bts base in the dark wonder if it was an admin 😂😂
Now we want more
I just Love You tesla
Im only 11 minutes in and this Is fucking WILD. 😂
What an epic way to end this! Gotta love it!
Wouldn’t be a Tesla video without everyone saying their sentences two or three times.
I’ve watched a few rust videos now, but i dont really understand why everyone is calling out what type of gun is used in a fire fight. Can someone explain?
Love your videos
The pool in the 4×4 was CRAZY. That’s the video I really want. “We DOMINATED Launch Site in the Snow with our LARP Base” I’d watch the hell outta that
EZ dubs!
Watched all 3/3..subscribed xx
You should get an American team so sleep wouldn’t be a problem
Im satisfied too thanks❤
i love seeing a new tesla post it makes my day
mate i got banned for association on a wipe i played for half a day, yet these donnies keep spamming cheaters.
pathetic shit outta BT; its gotta be some corruption or something going on bro, 50 people should be getting banned for this shit
i am satisfied!
BT love hiring cheaters, why engage with them? Promotes more cheating just ignore them all together no?
Love the vid ❤
It’s nothing worse than Clans in general like BT . The fact they they play like that . And the other fact that the constantly have cheaters that play for / with them . I’ve ran into them a few times, they always have somebody that is cheating playing with them . They are like cockroaches . There entire team should be IP , computer hardware banned from rust permanently. They are one of the reasons that people quit playing . They are just scum bags .
And yes Telsa you are correct you are a little sick into the head actually taking on a Clan that you and us and everybody else knows plays with cheaters ! But I Tip my Fur to you for you and your teams persistence ! ❤❤🐺🐺🐕🐕🐺🐺❤❤
Absolute Cinema
Discovered your channel last week. Fire videos cant stop watching them 😭
another peak video
Bt is scared to play servers where owner/admins are NOT their friend and would ban everyone when there is cheater in their group.
You resilience is unmatched. wow
Love you tesla don’t get banned like tacular
I feel like a playlist of the BT saga is in order. Are the ones shown at 0:08 all of the vids that BT was in?
Even though steam is banned in china how do these guys play rust?
love the shorter wait time for videos great work on them.
19:20 how did you dm him on feb 2nd 😭💔💔
What a start of a year, tesla over here is already peaking!!!!!
Lovit, bro , it should be like 3 hours vid , 😎😎😎😎😎😎
hahaha like that some of your team8s have swedish usernames
26:54 Sulfar?
Who else appreciates not being the only psychopath to feverishly return after getting raided just for revenge and ego satisfaction? 😂
the avengers endgame of tesla videos
that 4×4 had cool open core
what an absolute BANGER. never had a bit of doubt that Tesla would get his revenge
RIP, there goes my sleep schedule
Best leader i know.
If they ever put tesla in a twitch rivals event its gonna be alot of trouble for the other teams
for cheating am i the only person that wants to make facepunch fix the cheating issue and if they dont we all dont play the game
this is exactly how easy and dog shit this game is
why play on server where a completely new account can come and blatantly cheat like that? i really cant understand it
I almost forgot how “sick in the head” tesla is… and i love it 🥰
Me when Tesla drops vid of the year
It’s a good day when Tesla has uploaded
Wish camomo was on Tesla’s team… Keep it up you beautiful nutter!!!
This was an insane video tesla
I love this videos Tesla. But i still dont understand how BT keep getting away with bagging cheaters like this time after time?
Why isnt FP looking into this?
The fact that they need to bag in a cheater says it all.
The fact that BT bagged in a cheater is soooooo cringe!!!! POS
Incredible video @TeslaRust what a twist!
Bro is rainbolt of rust just from a few hints
i appreciate a bigger team if it means you can take these people fully down. i also love the gaz and tesla duo as much as the next guy though. im sure this story is not over but im happy you seem to be up for once
i miss the days where admins would just come in and admin wipe and despawn all of the loot of the clan that has a cheater instead of just banning the one single account that’s cheating and call it good
The fact that you don’t stream to make additional income just so we can get these types of videos proves you really do love this and it’s not all about the money for you. You’re a legend and in a league of your own. I hope you continue crushing it and reaching all your goals. I’m sure we can all agree you truly deserve all the good things that come your way!
you can put stashes in the externel tc’s
why did they have a pool in their core 🤣
Great Video Tesla!!!! Keep it up.
When Rust players use their powers to do good.
Chinese gaming culture spreads across pretty much every game title. There is only 1 goal and it’s for Chinese victory.
It doesn’t matter if it’s because they have 5x anyone else’s numbers. It doesn’t matter if they use cheats, exploits, or in Rust if they offline. As long as China wins, they’ve succeeded. You can see that mindset in the screenshot at 19:21. I remember in the early days of PUBG, some matches would be filled with groups of 40-50 Chinese players who all queued at the same time. They wouldn’t kill each other, they’d just roam around until only Chinese were alive. After that it didn’t matter who got the chicken dinner since it would go to a fellow Chinese player.
That’s why Chinese bag in so many cheaters – to them there is no such thing as cheating, it’s just a tool used to ensure Chinese victory.
nobody plays rust like tesla bro 🤣
What an amazing raid! if you ever do this again, id love to see more direction from ya, they trust you and listen to you so much that youd actually annihilate if you gave specific players direction. Your direction and planning was great though! just has opportunity to be even better bc of your good teammates
44:36 Costco guys reference?
You know it’s a good evening when Tesla posts 🫡
chick definitely watching ts like 😦
Absolute banger! BT have finally fallen!
Another banger from tesla❤
yk its a good day when tesla uploads
How do these guys not all get hard banned, this would be video evidence enough for me as a admin and i know they make money from cheaters buying new accounts and the game over and over but damn id be embarrassed
to know my game is ruled by cheaters
tesla on top love to see it
I love the story’s whith bt
So I don’t play the game at all but I like coming up with ideas, would it be possible to make Deluxe External TC’s by adding a turret, a solar panel and a small battery to the setup? that way each external basically has its own basic defense system. Granted even I know that would be a HUGE investment of resources but I thought it’d be an interesting idea for the future
i see tesla i click
Wait you can change the blood to Green instead of red
decoy base incase they ask what server you’re playing is insane
I only watch your rust video due to how much EFFORT you put into it. BIG RESPECT TO U!
I hear him say “AU” a lot but what does that mean , australia ?
In which kind of server did you find BT afterwards?
Great video Tesla. I’m impressed by your sheer determination. Great conclusion to the BT arc.
That’s puzzle at the beginning seemed pretty simple 😂(jk)
BT members, If you see this. I feel sorry for ya’ll :/ ur trash<3 be ashamed.
20:03 what a damn good into ❤
I would love to see a Tesla kimchi wipe if kimchi ever gets well enough to return my 2 favorite rust YouTubers would mess up any server
Meno is actually one of my favorite builders
dude, love watching you and your group, i vibe with yalls crazy XD
100% the cheater was linked to them. And they have to zerg ppl cus they are hot garbage at the game alone. Glad u fd them up
Removing recoil from the game has made these $h1tt3r$ so confident because all it takes to win now is numbers and Degen strats. That is what Rust has become. Low skill game. No wonder the Chinese think they are the best now. Its like they took their real life experience living in China as an NPC slave and applied it to Zerging in Rust
just got back from a long day at work and the goats uploaded
Comments for tesla lets go!
This is DEFINITELY one of the best rust videos on the platform right now. The amount of dedication you have is very impressive. Gread job Tesla! Been watching you since you had 10k subs and its been a crazy journey! Thank you for that.
You are fantastic at storytelling man and the edits piece together for the story quite nicely, you know how to grab the audience very well. Well done mate well done 👏👏👏
would be a good move if you got 2 members in 2 attack heli’s at 51:31 that would make it even more easyer, keep that in mind for next time
Was literally just thinking a few days ago that I want to see more Rust videos where a solo or small group gets menaced by a clan and comes back with their zerg of cracked asf players to absolutely level them. Great video as always, Tesla, you never miss.
There’s one thing. I know about rust, guaranteed after playing and watching for several years. It’s that there is no clan that is untouchable. No matter how much they think they are, you get the right people to work together, hell, even several other clans, to take down 1 clan that’s become an evil the server dose not want and they will be wiped out.👍
You should definitely have 1 million subscribers you are such a talented YouTuber one of the best rust YouTubers there is much love keep up the hard work
Law Exam tmmr just learned 6 hrs and now it’s the perfect time for a Tesla video
Bro I have watched every vid from 4 years ago love them best out please upload more they are so good
Yo Tesla thank you for being the most determined bastard out on force wipe me and my trio broke a 15 man clan you showed us it was possible
man this random cheater ruin everything xd
why would they spend money on rust accounts AND the cheats? for a wipe? how is that a business?
Okay bud, what the hell are these mind games?
First, you tell them where you’re going to go, knowing that its the one spot they never want to actually play you. Then you play geoguesser using ONE screenshot to find them. Then, when they ask you to bag them ON THE SERVER YOU WERE BLUFFING THEM WITH, YOU DO CUZ, JOKES ON THEM, YOU’VE BEEN PLAYING ON BOTH SERVERS!
God I love a Tesla vid. This is the sort of deranged mental I love.
There really is a need to blacklist some groups constantly bagging in cheaters
Tesla dropped, its raining money in INDIA
You should stream live & then just get your chat 2 go with rocks/torches like Enardo does. It would be absolutely hilarious to watch them crumble from 100+ nakeds just going in wave after wave with nothing to loose.
im sure if we all send a report for rat king for cheater asos he would be banned
how do you build in build blocked area?
Why don’t they all get banned for playing with a cheater?
So privileged to help tell such an epic story!
nice vid
Great video men, love your content.
Me at 55:00 – we are fucking cooked. Again.
Me at 55:55 – you sick fuck
I came. I watched. I came
you should just pull an Enardo and call in a zerg on them
Who I’m i? ❤🇸🇪
“not one bit”.
Watch BT add 50 more players now since they continue to fail so hard lol.
Why not have another team ready to raid BT while they’re raiding you
I don’t play rust. But i love watching your videos! Kewp up the great gameplay and commentary. Your persistence is amazing
You guys move like a Swiss time piece well done.
i alr know this shi a banger
how do you do the map cinematics?? ineed to know that 😭
Let’s go Tesla keep up the great work
The Chinese cheating? That’s strange 🤔
begining too much yapping ngl
Thank you .
As much as BT sucks. They deserve some credit because if they weren’t such cheating dicks. Tesla wouldn’t have an arch enemy to make such great content. Truth be told. Tesla content is totally different than any other Rust creator.
You are just cyber bullying this clan by this point😅
Tesla i freakyinf love u ❤
The admin of that server is blind i bet he is getting paid by bt to stay quiet
22:00 bro turns into a pro gueguesser player on rust maps
i finally find the best rust youtube channel 😍🤩🤩{>_<}
tesla who makes your thumbnail artwork?
Those nades were influentual
This should be called “The wrath of Tesla”
22:00 rust rainbolt
at 30 min when they switch servers, is the ping fake or what, cause i know for sure that over 150 ping the game starts having a pretty bi
g delay and rubberbanding, but he seems fine with 230 ping which should not be anywhere as smooth as his gameplay is
Tesla has and always will be the best rust youtuber of all time. He’s got the dedication of a man with a tremendous amount of insanity and i fucking love it, keep it up g ❤
U had me laughing so much at the Cave part. Incredible video
Never skip a Tesla video!!
Well played my friend, I’m proud of your crazy ass to pull stuns like this, CHADS ON TOP!!! SKILL > NUMBERS
sheeeeeeeesh grabe ang twist sa dulo😆kala ko Tapos na Yun Pala naka tago Ang main loot at rockets🤭cheers mate what a great wipe🤙🍻
Awesome video… Love this kind of thrill Full of suspense from the start.
The dedication is unreal. When i thought it was over, it wasn’t. Endless layers of outplaying them. Well played Tesla!
THIS is why you’re our favorite rust content creator. We love you Tesla 💪
If anyone on rust is a good team leader it you tesla
Wtf is this. Im supposed to be doing exam prep, but here i am watching a 1 hour tesla vid…..
Seeing how successful zergs can be, rust needs to adjust death timers or something.
Bad players, in high enough quantity can wear down most goid groups, or even offline them.
Come geared, if you die, respawn and back naked, with guns. You’ll eventually overrun others, even better players.
If that fails, just cheat and not get banned.
Then zero with bad players.
That is garbage gaming….
Ausie best group worth pound for pound!
respec from OT CRUDE EU
I would do everything iny power to get them band from every server and i would find them ebery wipe and have a group of people spam they use cheaters and when making a group u not only need chads but u need to have the commons for bodies and having a village is always a plus those outer bases can come handy but u have to have full control and i now u are master mind so making loot travel around and using turret pods and hooked to sensors for raid also only when they pass a certain point the more tricks the better and nothing hit harder then the sign that says china number 2 and i now ur not in us but putting USA #1 always drives it home i believe any one can be American aslong u have morals keep up great work and everyone have a wonderful day
2 uploads in 1 month, bro is cookin
Notification make me happy 😊
You should make this video’s longer !!! 😢
This is what all of rust is steering towards. Ever bigger groups, ever more cheaters. sad.
It used to be a fun game with groups testing their skill against each other.
Now it’s either a russian frontline simulator where you endlessly throw bodies at the enemy or a cheat fest. A lot of the time both.
Great video to watch before going to school
I hope they raided the base that’s facing the bt base. I bet the crazy loot is in that crap base.
This was an absolute cinema.
hey tesla, banned our was solved?
tesla is the most underrated rust youtuber, i love the cinematics and the suspence he makes explaining everything. keep working hard cus ur vids are amazing
I have been waiting for this honestly. Susu Clan and other Chinese clans always dominate with number
So excited for this. It has been a long built up!
You definetly deserve more followers. I just love Ur Videos and they are so well made. Respect
kaikai getting fuckt! GG!! Good win
Naaaaah…You can’t keep doing this. I just fixed my sleeping schedule.
is this the end of this? 🤔
*sighs* i guess im gonna stay in bed another hour
as an MMO player turned Rust Degenerate, I can confirm that you are 100% wrong, people do not need sleep, it is optional. it is a question of Will power, and an impressive lack of brain cells. once the glue fumes take hold, sleep is a thing of the past.
once again, great Video, always appreciate it when a Tesla Video pops up!
Everyone and their mothers in APAC know BT is a cheating group
oh shit its happe
So in other words fuk with Tesla. Ok got it!
TESLA full wipe videos channel pls 🙏
Every member of BT should be game banned. You can’t keep playing with obvious cheaters like that.
Ive been watching like 8-9 video’s in the last 2 days
3D overview is really sick , gives me a clear insight
But , the revenge is goood!
Hands down great video’s tesla!
Waken up at 5 and watching this mater peice
43:54 lost ak counter is crazy work 😂
I can hear the bits and bobs one minute into the video
18:13 “that’s our unique skill” 🤓
I’ve never cringed harder reading discord messages, and I’m subbed to NTTS….
You should ship a 100 dollar bill to Rat King, singed “thanks for a thousand of these” …because you owe how many successful vids to this guy and his team?
36:12 Quintuple headshot is actually insane
Server owners need to take a stand against scumbags like this, it’s a mark on them… Disgusting
Was about to go to sleep but Tesla posted. Oh well 😂.
BT members: breaths
Tesla: and I took that personally.
Man You make me happy wen you upload
BT is a clan of honorless cowards who spend their lives “dominating” game servers because they aren’t cut out for the real world.
i dont understand though why dont they ban BT for association ? you guys have the clips of that dome cheater who was with them not shooting them only you guys
That was awesome,what a saga !!
insane editing
I love your videos very much🎉🎉 keep it up 🥳🥳🥳😘 Tesla❤
Tesla maybe you can team up with OT to take BT down.
The fuck did I just watch, just wow😮
Waking up to a tesla vid gotta be the best feeling
Just got home from a close shift cooked some food sat down and opened YT to see a new Tesla vid life is good
Resilience?? Nope, Patience??? Not that too… I can only say you are the M right, you enjoy pain and get benefits from it. The good nickname for you are RMR (Rage Maso Revenger). 😅😅
Let’s gooooo!! ❤❤ Late night Tesla Video 🎉
How do these groups keep getting away with bagging in cheaters? Stopped playing cause of massive groups and cheaters. It’s just so demoralizing.
This group is so sad they have no life and should all be banned every time they play with cheaters every single time cause they are so bad at the game
Love u tesla
It looks like you’re playing cod zombies out here with how many you kill the whole video
great to see tacularr banned and clans like this getting away with blatantly cheating every wipe
Why not save all their profiles and use their 64 ID to stalk them on battlemetrics????
Masterclass of revenge here! Loved every minute of watching this story. Starting to rival the DJ videos!
good editing, great video. i have to work ughh but im definitely watching this up after work and taking bong rips. cheers homie
Fucking Banger Mate
here before the title changes
My whole 5 man dreams to be like you we did a wipe were we did a couple small hit and runs on k 20
i click new Tesla videos faster than ADS in Raid defenses
Not too shabby lad
What app he using for the animation map?
Great video man keep it up !! <3
Tesla video while on lunch break are the best
4am is late I thought it was early
Nice Video
Mannnnn… I was trying to drop off
Bradley tower with the glass is way overpowered as a snipers nest.
Bag in Aloneintokyo… the one man zerg
Great vid
opened the vid. liked. now its time to watch :>
this was the best story ive ever had to watch on rust… 8 months of videos and i keep wanting to know what happens next… thank you Tesla. I hope BT is done and a new story begins
Another masterclass
Amazing video bullying a clan again ❤❤❤😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉
BT definitely hired that cheater, bro i’m from Indonesian and we gamers in Indonesian really hate cheater or unfair gameplay
lsssgo tesla posted , finally a good hour of the day
ur a psycho inna good way mate! unstoppable 😂
God damn it I need to sleep
Tbh, BT its the lamest group of people i’ve ever seen in Rust. Baggin’ cheaters, raiding at 5 am… Jesus what a loosers.
But your resialiance man…its another level
You need a separate group to prevent offlines. Just get 4 people of a different timezone or something, cuz I swear you get offlined every video.
np for the carry Tesla
❤ jimbob
i respect the grind bro
Getty finally early 😂
Rust movie ❤
At what point do servers just ban Chinese IPs?
BT is just a disgusting pile of trash
Good work bro keep it up but whats going to happen with BT now ?
I love your content, not the story or so but the way you’re doing it, I see my self doing this and it makes me love it 🥰
We need a BT supercut, I would absolutely watch a 24hr comp of all these vids mashed together.
i like the way u just know how to scare BT off. also i like how yous dont just have 1 person to farm all nodes like other groups but yous all do which makes progression faster.
Amazing base and peaks. Is the base custom?? I would love to use the base with my group if youll give out base build. Up to u.
This series was such a good watch. Good job to you and the team, Tesla!
i have had watched u fight bt since the start and feels so good to finally see them gone but at the same time what clan are u going to mess with now
You deserve 100 Mil subs
Another sexy video by a sexy man
great to hear Darth Vader still in the team
Let’s goooo. I just got back into watching Rust and caught up on this saga. Thanks for the great vids
BT use cheats wallhack almost every one but they use it smartly, and from time to time aim hack but 2 kills and close it Then again after 20 min.. They are cheaters how u dont realise till now
Perfect timing Tesla I’m just about to eat breakfast ❤
Something that I really enjoy, and Tesla provides very well, is a rivalry agaisnt a clan (or more than one) that lasts for many many videos, that something really really special.
Food is ready, and I see a new video from Tesla.
This is what I call ” Perfect “
10/10 would recommend
these asian zergs are probably the most toxic weird people to ever play computer games, win at all costs no matter what
the map animation is awesome .
What a video to start 2025 !! Happy new year man 🙂
Wow, this is hands down the best rust video I have ever watched. Great work man!
Great shit Bruv that was amazing. very well played.
That’s what I’m talking about f bt! Let’s go Tesla !!!!🎉
43:40 omg the loots man..
I’m like 3m in and this feels like an avengers movie
How are not all of BT banned for association? Do u not have any contact with admins?
is this a second part?
best rust video ever
Nice vidd and keep up the grind Tesla!! , Just a quick question. Do you know what happened to kimchi? Did he quit youtube?
There’s like 50 of them, they cheat and they offline raid. Dont think I have ever seen a more pathetic band of the worst players in a videogame. They have every advantage and still you dunk on them.
The only mystery here is with them actually achieving so little by playing due to how terrible they are at the game, why do they keep playing?
Is there somehow money in their venture?
Why dont they just play a game where they have a button they press that just says “you win”?
There should be psychological studies on these kinds of people and how much they actually achieve in their life spending so much time doing something that they suck at more than virtually everyone on earth.
Its like if a kid said he likes chess because he runs into the rooms of other chess players kicking the board over and screaming “I won”.
still to watch but if he has some of the best AU TZ players really hope he got help from AiT, looking towards a banger and taking on BT. Just no point in playing against BT, why they did not get banned by association shows you what the servers are all about, i really hate in rust how bad the cheating is in the competitive servers, well just the servers in general.
Loving this, Tesla is just rusts small groups hero
Goodmorning all
Insane that the cheater doesn’t get linked to the BT group…
Straight heat lad. ❤
Best Youtuber and Content. We love you Tesla ❤
Just raid them with 1k mlrs what they can do
Should look at my electric furnace set up tutorial!
Underrated rust creator I love the vids.
love the video
fuck yeah bro, made my fruit salad and my water. time to kick back
I am a big fan of the grind man and the story telling is so good in every video. Keep it up!
Watching it sence made
Everyone wake up Tesla dropped!!
That night battle was honestly so intense like a warfare 😂
Beautiful as always
Goat goat goat
My favorite psychotic YouTuber
Great Timing 👍
Oh man, you are the MVP and future of story telling and background information. Really enjoy your investigations!
Jimbob carried this video ngl 🙌
Unmatched level of rust content
W video
IF I HAD ONE WISH IT WOULD BE ABLE TO PLAY WITH TESLAS GROUP. tesla if your read this please let me play a wipe.
Ngl if i was BT I would hate Tesla 😂😂 persistence and doesn’t give up videos always 🔥 🔥 thank you
holy crap THIS is what we have been waiting for
W time zones w 5am video drop
Fuckkkk I was falling asleep.now I have to watch this video
The first video I see when i come back from school??!?!?!!? WW
Let’s go another Tesla video, never disapoint’s!!
Love the video like always, the end was so nerv racking. Hope to see you keep uploading these types of videos
Under half hour gang
Mad vid Tesla much love 🎉❤
takes a different kind of nolife to play rust at this level
BT = “Beyond Terrible”
Like, get a life 😂
Petty af chinese script-kiddies. No wonder it’s so enjoyable to see them lose their crap.
Quality content right as I’m abt to have dinner, Tesla. You did a WONDERFUL job destroying these human trash
bagging in a cheater is wild
I woke up at 3:30 am to a Tesla video and I couldn’t be happier right now who needs sleep
Who drops videos at 3am?! 😩
Insta like , already know this is gonna be a banger 🔥
You should play with gorliac one time. You could be such a good duo.
You were right in your time frame, and I have been waiting, and I am hyped school delayed so I can even watch it all the way through!!!! Thank you
I was waiting for this vid since u posted about it
Got home just in time
i just finished watching the video you posted before this one, perfect timing to post this mr Tesla.
Let’s go a Tesla video while I shit bag PT this morning.
30:32 was the best part i love the action
Tesla before sleep is what I need
10:39 blokes name is BT-TESLA lol
No better feeling than opening youtube to see that Tesla uploaded a new video 9 minutes ago
I’m commenting first before watcher it’s i know for sure this is going to be great video.
erm if you got best au players why was i not in the team?????
So we dropping early morning vids nice
Man can we get this guy with the voice changer out of the vids
Nah, I’d win
tesla my rust goat <3
Im laying in bed with a fever. Boredom struck me, but then I saw you uploaded. You made my day, thanks! 😁
love your videos Tesla♥
Tesla back again showing us that being smart and getting the right information makes you acomplish whatever you want in this game against bigger groups, absolute cinema 👌👌. I would really like to design a base for you guys, i think im far away from getting to talk to you but hey, im trying and i think i understand well how bases work depending on how you play.
Soon Tesla will be part of the cartel 😂
4 am uploaded lets goooo was about to go to bed
Long ass 2 week wait man. 😂
Ill be part of your team soon enough
Early, looks like a banger
Good video 🎉
The best thing I could have asked for right after completing my exams
keep it up
I have no time for rust anymore but the extreme urge to no life rust for a week is real. Love ya vids Tesla!
its a good day when tesla upload!
Very good thumbnail I like
ITS ALWAYS A GOOD DAY WHEN TESLA UPLOADS ❤❤🎉 love you man you make youtube better than it is when there’s nothing to watch I rewaTched so many videos just to not be bored
what a dayoff I will have, you uploaded? damn mate looking much for this
lets gooooo!
Jubel 🎉
First cinematics gave me flashbacks to some freaky type shii😂😂
Oh boy oh boy where do I even start Testla my glorious king, lover at night. What shall I do?
Hell yeah
Fuck yes man excited for this one haha. Thanks for another banger Tesla even though it’s 6 am 💀
Wow I had to watch it 2 times amazing video
still in an ad. assuming BT is gonna cop it agian?
Certified spoonkid classic
27 minutes in! I’m in the top 200!
Banger video. Already watched it all.
That part when that raid happened with that giant clan and there were counters and you got guns was really cool, nice vid
time to grab a bowl of popcorn and watch a hour long telsa video
Lets gooooo just when i cant sleep 3am upload
Didn’t want to go to bed anyway.
And I’m at school ;(
Just finished work, couldn’t of spammed this video any faster ❤️
Omg a Tesla Video, and i Need Go work now 😢😂
hell yeah tesla
I was waiting
Tesla im gonna tickle u
Banger video. Already watched it all.