How to Get FREE Rust Skins in 2024! (FAST & SAFE)
In this video, I teach you guys how you can earn FREE Rust skins super easily. With these 3 websites mentioned you can earn up to $50 in Rust skins per day.
Use code Lag on Bandit.Camp for FREE Daily Cases
Use code Lags on RustMagic.com for FREE Rain+Cases
Use code Lags on RustClash.com for FREE Rain+Cases
Use code Lags on Freecash.com for FREE Crypto/Giftcards/Skins/Paypal
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Taqs:rust,rust skins 2024,rust skins free
コメント (28)
Hope you guys enjoyed the video! Check out the links in the description of the video in order to earn the rewards and make up to $50 per day!
What’s it called
i cant even put “banditcamp” in my steam name it will just tag it
Your code doesn’t exist nice bro
i have problem with steam not working home page for me
I put banditcamp in my Steam name but I keep getting the notification that I need to put it in my Steam name does Anybody know how to fix it
Bro That’s Not Free
How do I get the skin in the rust game from bandit website
Also what exactly *does* a ‘rain’ LOOK like for all of us brand new Players..?
I just started but can NOT figure out the part where it wants me to display *Bandit.camp* in my name… 😥
It can work with the PlayStation
it says my steam does not fit the requirements what does that mean even though i linked everything
it requires steam level 5, i had steam for 3-4 years and im only level 3 can you make a video how to level up on steam
Does that stll work? Is ur code still usable? Wann try that in a few days
yo man i added u
Can i get the skins in console too?
@LagilityYT are you interested in creating a sponsor promo video? 🙂
New discord server yet ?
Do you have to link it to your steam profile?
Do I need to verify my passport to do Rustclash?
Yeah I love the rains I do it while I play rust and just have the sites on my second monitor
I made 5 cases on that rustclash site and already got a bunch of people opening them since you can promote your cases in their discord I found out
Thanks bro I been doing this the last 3 days and already made almost the full blackout kit like $105 ish so far
Did you make a new server because I am interested in buying something.
Yo what’s up with your discord server it’s gone for me
Definitely doing this tomorrow while loading into rust
yo when r u starting a new server?
Yo what happened with your discord server?