How to Build a Perfect Starter Base in Rust…
#Rust #RustSoloSurvival #ChilledVibes
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Taqs:Willjum,Rust,Rust Solo Survival,Rust Movie,Twitch highlights,Rust Chilled,Willyum,Rust Solo Story,Solo,Rust Solo Base,Spoonkid,blooprint,rust raids,rust huge loot,rust jackpot,rust treasures,rust solo infiltration,rust best start ever,rust plays,rust 10000 hours,#explore,Rust Gameplay,Rust Funny Moments,Gaming funny moments,#youtubegaming,#gaming,funny,tiktok,rust survival,survival games,rust admin,#explorepage,#youtube,#youtubevideo,Rust movie,Shorts
コメント (1247)
Everyone is using this design lol
Didn’t know my favourite YouTuber listens to my favourite singer
What is the ramp thing that he places at the end called?
Do I hear BoyWithUke in the background
why the roof entry? so it will break in case of attack? they can just bring ladders.. no?
Bro the most I can build is like a 4×4 in 2 hours
We forgot to place a door on the roof and a kid with a spear got in and took everything 😂
That’s good but not wonderful
very nice starter. i made i bigger base out of this
Thanks t—tab u reached me the nitro fist my user is beanz_szx
Starter base… proceeds to build 3 stories.
idk how to even do the first step…
use this n a team coming to raid u day 1. splash straight into core lol a 2×1 would be better
Love the boywithuke in ur vid please add it more
Shitbait, you don’t build this
I need some people to come to my server and raid my friends. Anonymously. I am the admin I can get you what you need.
2×1 gang assemble
It can be upgraded by adding a stable bunker, which builds with 2 high triangle foundations and half-wall, it will not change structure of this base, but raid through doors will be much harder
What do I do once u have no room for loot 😂
Can I get a pc please😢❤
No way he listened to BWU thats amazing. Wish he still had that mask but the newest album is ok.
делай лучше лееее бля
Its so bad 😂
I take a similar build and modify it for my friends it’s kinda a combination of the hermit and both versions of the agitator base can fit about 6 players or be bunkered up on most levels leaving you a bit less room for friends
4 rockets…
Good base but i test raided it and before i could even get through the airlock the floor broke from splash damage and let me into tc
So why wouldn’t I just echo raid through the slits in the wall and splash your 2 roofs and door
I like it. But the airlock can be bypassed by spearing out a wall in the peekdown
I used this design as a hidden base connected to a rock in a very thick forest. I used those mesh camo carpets+green sea can skin and no one ever found my base
New to the game and definitely love watching videos like this bc so many people copy them wall for wall and I can see exactly where their stuff is
Starter base…. I can use it for all time lol
its not a starter base
I,m 2 box is small me need,s min. 4
Boy with uke was my #1 artist for Spotify wrapped this and last year…
Classic single door air lock for the earlier game protection
– proceeds to make a peak strait to his jump up were you can splash
Any better guide on building it?
Why does the half wall break every time I try this
4 rocket too mailboot .
Only 8 rockets? I can make a starter cheaper and stronger
W song
Only issue with you specifically using this as a starter is how long you take to make the furnace lol
Very Nice base, I use it at every wipe
Meanwhile I leave my base to farm a stone node and get full auto’d within the span of a minute
poshel nahuy
ily willy
i have plans the i can not share with you because the haters will sabotage me
Great starter and have used it before but I have question on how to properly expand it
Secrets “The Egg” base’s starter smashes this and is so much easier to expand
Одна стенка до мейна
Why build this?
Where is TS?
Starter base? This has been my OG base the whole wipe and is still standing. Survived 2 raid attempts where they gave up either on the last door and second last. I’ve also honeycombed the crap out of it.
It be nice if you out how many material they need
What could possibly require this? No raid has required me to get a castle. Wood only burns on certain settings. Besides pal attacks go through walls :/
Through it all on the floor and get to playing the game, nerd
no bunker?
where’d you put that workbench? I see you creating 2nd floor with doors then you show a clip of you putting the workbench down. Where does that go?
Fatal error placing garage door on the exit, never do it especially when there is ladder doorcamper. You will be fucked faster than garage door opens.
W background music fr
Who got that kind of materials tho, everytime I harvest I get killed
THIS EDIT WAS FIRE, LET ALONE THE BASE. i’ve been watching willjum for years and i love the vids
Good joint 😐
The worst starter base in the world
What is the song name
With boywithuke bangin in the background men informational and chill video
10 satchels 😂
great short! I’d love to see you do something crazy with this base!
Как сделать анимацию на улучшение?
It’s not cozy
Можно как то расширить?
I am NOT getting this down on wipe day 😭🙏
I have a question, what total of materials do I need to make that basr
This is my favorite starting base now too
O I am eco raiding the shit out of that
Idk how you got them half triangles down. Might be a barrier between pc and console idk.
bruh you need to farm 3 days before you can strat on your starter base for early game
Im new to the game ur starter is very helpful
for some reason this build actually works in official ive tried it many times now in all biomes, and ive even made it an external to a bigger build, keep up the inspiring work i love it
W sonh
Damn the top comments are always from bots or painfully dumb people on these types of shorts that don’t even realize this definitely is not a starter build… and for wipe day?? Such a waste of time especially if you get killed just from trying to make this base. But nah people that don’t understand any of that will blindly hype this up 💀💀
Bro fit a base build into a short
First 5 people get what they want for base “Put Some Clothes On” console
Not to hate but in my honest opinion I find this quite a bad choice as a starter, it provides the same protection as a 2×2 but with less expanding options and also costs more, the low wall trick is cool but can allow people to soft side in and requiring g doors for the base is also not ideal. I’d really just recommend a 2×2
Can I use this on fallen survival?
For some people this is main base
How do you get in the base from the outside tho.
Wheres the door to get in 😂😂
I love the boywithuke music in the background
could slap your tc behind a vending machine in there for an extra 8 rockets to tc! upgrade tc pod to hqm! extra storage too!
Sleep deprived by Bwu mentioned 🎉🎉🎉
Do not ever use this
William got aura?
officially the fastest rust base tutorial
Can you do a full videos on building?
Also you start a building guide channel.
Каким образом я должен дома военные ящики поставить?
Дом на 10 сачелей
Why not bunker it?
i love you vids <3
And yet, Wiljum will never build an airlock before getting a bear rug or doing some risky s!#, lol.
got offlined by a clan after spending 5 hours 1 day after wipe on server with this design but with extra honeycomb making it 12 rocket
This is a little more than a “starter base”
How many wood and stone for build and door with and frame and every thing you broke
Whats the song
What is this base called
Is there a way to honeycomb
“how many times did you rewatch this?” yes
I thought the triangle bunker was your favourite?
а потом копьями выламывают твою отстрелочную!
song name ?
what is upkeep ad biuld cost
I used that base really good design thabks
me saying ill try this going back to my same started base for the last 100 wipes
Простите но дом полнейшие говно без буферок просто
A regular 2×2 base is still better than many starting bases, both because of its shape and because of its practicality
2 Satchels and 9 spears ahh base
Cant even leave core without people shooting you in the face, actual bootycheek base hahaha
” Because we can ” the most legit quote
Boy with uke is such a underrated artist
Not bad at all, you could make that into a bunker base also
That’s look like wow. easy to make and more space to store
Wow 1 sheet metal wall…why is this better than a 2×1 sheet?
i’ve had this game for over a year and i still don’t really know anything about it cuz i play with my friends so i usually do the farming and recycling 💀
Yeah let me just waste these resources instead of saving and making something actually good
This is thousands of stone and 500+ metal how is this a starter base
You kinda sound like.. Freshasian..
Aint a starter base but yeah its a cool base
Learned nothing as a rust noob…..
Starter huh. That would take me 40 days💀💀💀
No airlock makes it a terrible starter. I will jump in your base and pickaxe you if you build this
I know the song artist but what’s the song name
Is it expandable?
“For wipe day” is the thing most builders of this base dont understand
What is the concrete barricades for ? The half wall peek thing wouldn’t thwt get eco raided out too
Song name ?
Send you bro
The most expensive starter i have ever seen
Ur the best bud, keep it up!
Rlly good bc were the furnes is you can place down 2 more then down in the core you can place down a workbench and 3 small boxes and a bag and then upstairs a bed plus in the hop up to roof 2 small boxes
If I seen you with a different footprint id most probably assume its not you 😂
Nice little base 😉
Is it just me or dose the backround music is made by a perskne named boywithuke😅…and the base is really good i like it😮
You should do a clan base, I watch your vids every night❤
That’s cool. I’d also like to know what the “average” time and resources a base like this requires to build. I’m fine with a reply or a hyperlink. (I could probably just figure out building cost through counting that walls, floors, ext., and do math, but I’m not that rust savvy, hence the Initial question.)
Ty willjum😂
Ty will um your base got me through my wipe❤
What is this song it’s a banger
Интересный дом
Bro says 8 rocket cause that’s how much the one wall costs
Will Jim you helped me out so damn much on official watching your vids
what is thet song
Willjum approved starter base
I love door camping bases like this
Much easier to see the design from the outside perspective
Boywithuke is crazy bro
God damnn🎉
Credits to boywithuke for the music
Garage doors and sheet metal walls… “starter base”
А разве у всех в начале игры есть гаражные ворота
looks good! but 8 rocket looks slightly weak
One year later I still base all my starters on this design. 🤷♂️
4 rocket through peak and splash 1st floor ceiling and outer stone
I like
How many materials
Apparently I raided one of these today 😂
Я встретил такой дом и понел как их рейдить спсибо🎉
Is not starter, I can use that full wipe
when did he make this im subbed to boywithuke and not even i have heard this yet
Willjum have that ben 10 omnitrix starter base
No idea how to get the half wall low wall thing down 😢
Where exactly does the workbench go?
Wtf is 8 rockets dawg just upgrade the 2×2 to metal the same
I always knew Willjum liked Boywithuke, today I confirmed this
My every wipe build ❤
bro I think we watched your vids long enough to know😂
Если ты говорил рейдить до шкафа там блять одну стенку вынести
8 rockets thats very few
This is very
Bro its worlds easyst base i raid it in 2sec
concrete barricades on the roof, because we can 😀
8 rockets is nothing in rust. Try harder
Maybe i saw this house in russian youtuber
Хата где в дырочку тебя будет контрить бомж с двушкой на зеленых, хата хуета.
No one even gonna notis right?
Yeah gang I’m building a 2×2
Ещё буферки и вообще кайф будет
what is the song
Nothing a lil C4 can’t take care of
I used this base idea and got raided in 30 minutes by a mega tribe
Do this on the 100m server then get raided at the firs hour
worst starter base ever xdddd and no im not new with this. 5000h building
I just got raided😭😭😭😭
I just built your base again and I made it one story taller and I did more storage boxes and I’m gonna add a windmill soon
Мда ну и вата
why would i do this when i could build a 2×2 with honeycomb
why dont add a honeycomb?
THE MEGALODON | BASE FOR LARGE GROUP | ANTI SIEGE | RUST / РАСТ https://youtu.be/hsFugCtDkyA?si=AveKp0iyRbR20zNJ
Can you make it a little tutorial, please?
song name?
would be awesome if you spent an hour doing that and then a gang of 8 mfs took it from you
7k wood 7k stone
thats good base for vinnlla but when playing modded wont help you as much
The half wall and low wall doesn’t make sense
Almost 2k hours playing Rust. I’ve learned that no matter what starter base you build, its a 50/50 chance to come back the next day to a raided base.
U could easily turn that into a bunker base with one more high foundation at start. Lol
Love the bwu damn
полная хуйня короче
As soon as I build the base, I’ve got raided maybe because I was living next to a big base with a stone compound and four windmills😂
2 сизифа ахуенный дом спасибо
Вор good joinda
rocket through the low wall
base video: nawww
chill music: Yahhhhh
we need a playlist of all the music u use bro please
New wipe starts in 10 hours
Gonna make this And add a upwards tunnel like stairs which you then jump from above to access base
Example escalator with doors /airlocks
And only way to enter base will be some parkour entryway will be on 3 third floor
Boywithuke song in the background but i don’t know which one tho
Нихуя стартовая база
У гуджоина спиздел
Ну и говно, вот он на 2 этаже сделал отстрел, в который можно пусть 8 ракет и всё нахуй упадёт, не только потолки первого этажа, но и второй этаж нахуй пойдёт. Ну и 8 ракет щас в расте это мусор
Yes starter base
i made it to a 11 rocket rade from doors and 16 rockets from walls
Why not making it a bunker with that footprint? ❤
Good Joint (YouTuber) will appreciate
How can I expand off this base. I’m new to rust and only have like 7 days on console and 3 on pc
Huge fan of boywithuke, and love how u used his music ❤ You should use more if his in your solo vids
You don’t know anything about building.
love this base design. the editing on this video is very clean and i love the music
How to expand
Where did that workbench go?
Дом на 3 ракеты
всë ясно, взрываем стенку на 1 этаже под выходом с крыши. всего 2 сишки
İts looking nice but weak af if u dont move to a bigger base on Day 3 max
Доел за гуджоинтом
I almost always build this starter. The little window/shooting floor on level 2 is great, and since I almost never raid, I pretty much never have enough stuff to be salty about losing in a raid. Set up electric furnaces under the jump up and you’re good to go. Bump the first floor to high qual and the upper floors to metal when you’ve got the resources, and it becomes awfully hard to justify spending that much boom on a glorified 2×1.
Can you extend it to a shooting floor
What is the best way to expand this ?
Got Raided Because They Shot Down The Metal Wall
да какие 8 ракет тут максимум 4 ракеты в стену и все
Нахер мне это, я построю кубик держи дверки и кавы, это всё байда
I love you wil
To bad I be prim locked for my whole wipe🙏🙏
better off making a 2×2 more storage less costly
Can you make more secure base design. Love your videos
Such a easy raid lol literally can splash to tc with explo
anyone have build cost?
Dude this was super helpful, I have only ever seen it from first person view. Thanks.
Door camper:
Derzhi dver:
Clan of Chinese:
So cozy
is the music from boywithuke? its a w song and it sounds just like him
What song?
Boywithuke is the artist that the song is played in the background for people who want to know
Thank you
Just built this on rust console edition .. official .. let’s see if I’m still alive after tomorrow 😅😅
I used this base as a solo, a team of 4 soft sided the low wall and camped my base the for hours. I would not recommend using that portion of the build.
no offense to all the fanboys but, this is worse than a whole 2×1 with no honey comb and wood foundations
POV were never taking heli
When can I play with you 😮
Can I ask, why the triangle foundations and not square?
А у вас тоже гаражные двери на старте?
Just 2 simple stone honeycomb outside tc + upgrade jump up to metal this base is a 12 rocket base
My first ever base no way I found it again
Leave the material requirements or gtfo
Bro this close to mid game bro. Or i just suck
willjum my favourite streamer made a desighin like this almost identical
That is actually the best
I built your base design exact and the problem with the shooting floor is if somone tries to eco raid you, you want be able to place the half wall on top on the littler wall
I came across this abt a month ago or smth now im how to raid this next time lol
Is this actually starter base? I don’t play rust so I don’t know.
Can you make a video to see the inside ?
Бро сделай дом на 30 ракет
1 wall to loot,2 walls to all loot
Server wiped in 30 mins, will try this base
The background music is by boywithuke
I religiously watch your videos at night. The second video is usually when I fall asleep not because of boredom, but because of the nature of them.
Watch woodcock. His base for 8 rockets costs only 2600 rock and 2900metal. And it s more better than this one
Am I wrong, you also doing some vids about Dayz?
4 rocket base straight got my loot
Больше на НПЗ похоже
As a starter i prefer to have a bigger base + decoy lootrooms. Ill give you a thumps up for having a great format.
4 c4 house
I like the boywithuke
Boywithuke songs slap hard
do more of this but include materials needed pls
Easy raid
Genuine question. I don’t get y people use furnace jump ups so much. Wouldn’t adding a ladder hatch and another door on the bottem add at least 2-3 c4 worth of protection
It would be cool if you showed us how much the base costs but thanks for the idea im gonna try it next wipe
i cant tell if the box on the far right on the first floor is the TC or a normal wooden box? can someone help me out?
song name?
So good nro
no honey comb tho
Can’t the window area be soft sided?
W music 🎵
I get raided with a few hand bomb
подсосал у вудкока
shit music
No way… my friend started rust and played one time… he said he followed a tutorial and this was his exact base design haha
name music plss guys
from farmer to builder
This song is stuck in my head and that’s perfectly fine
my favorite starter is the chad cabin
I like it but you should make honeycomb on the sides just for extra rocket protection
What are those two items he places next to the chests and under the opening on the first floor
I love you Willjum your my fav I watched you every day until something happened and you make me feel a lot better now thanks
Love this song
How to expand this base😅
Being that productive on wipe day is so hard for me and I got over 240 hours lol ( solo player )
4 rockets
1 wall to core, the low-wall Part is a weak point aswell. You can softside in and get hold easily through the gap. Don’t build this on biweekly or monthly servers.
But from that footprint you might can expand to something sick for Sure.
For a starter i almost never have furnaces to make jump ups so i have to do it with half wall and then make a floor as jump up 🙁
Didt you use this bace wit blooprint
A honeycombed 2×2 is stronger
Song name?
Could u make a vid on this pls?
I do that bace called a 2×1 I think? Pretty unique 😁
Это ты молодец американец, но в чем сила
Love the song choice
Gets raided with satchels two hours into wipe by a clan 10 people deep.
Imagine honeycomb the bottom also
Ben 10 ultimate Bass
bro I like how boywithuke singing in the background the music goes so good in this video
Can’t you Soft side the window slot?
the best
I cant stop rewatching it, incredible ❤
U already know I’m raiding this base when I see it standing three days into wipe
Me raising every one of these bases cause ik they’re loaded
Fou cu4 – base
absolute trash 💀
Thx bro
Bro best starter base I have made this exact base every wipe
thank you this base so good
I’m convinced this is his house in real life
how many resources???
Song is a boywithuke song clearly a man with good taste in music
4 roked gg
Женя нас зарейдили
I do the same thing but ill do raised foundations so i can add 3 furnaces in the floor.
W starter
I’m building a beautiful house with a good mood 😊
Meanwhile, a clan of Chinese who are waiting for me to finish building it: 🗿
Where’s the bear rug go?
Not much storage
Bear rug???
Bro it would be awesome to see willy j build a 5 bunker aloneintokyo type base and live in it for a wipe.
Bro I watch your vids but this to fast don’t even show me what to did after bro willjum slow down do it step by step it’s hard TO FAST
Wiljums music is always best
Literally just build a sheet 2×2
It’s a 4 rocket raid
whats the song called
garage doors are definitely not starter but cool design
2×2 left the chat
Ty it’s my first time playing and this base helped out alot
only reason I liked this song cuz I think it is BoywithUkes cuz it sounds like him
Yea that wouldn t even be my real base😢
Has anyone had luck expanding this? into useable honeycomb, extra floors etc? or is it not secure enough?
I will still get destroyed
I like how boywithuke is singing in the background
i like the boywithuke music
The windows enables me to pick one wall from the inside-side
I lived out this with my duo and we got smacked next day as we were building main base
Bear grylls man
Nice videos man keep it up I have watched your videos with my brother before school every day and it makes me smile how you can be so happy with any type of wipe (as long as you have the bear rug lol)
;eave the front door ramp twig 😉
Boywithuke ftw🤘
Even got the boywithuke in the background
Thanks now i got raided with a nailgun
I mean its not bad but u could make a 2×1 hqm bunker that IS like 20 rockets,ill actually make a video of it
Willjum is the goat! Love the base design!
Love, you will drum first time coming in.
Я бы прокачал отстрел с щелью так как еë можно выдолбить копьями в метал
ppl acting like you cant change the base 😂
Starter 😂😂😂
the top down view really helps me understand the layout of your build… please keep them coming. You have very efficient buildings.
Ужасная база даже для старта.. лучше уже кибитку 2х2 с входом через крышу
W CHOICE OF MUSIC I love boy withuke
[EU] Black Flag Island | Solo Duo Trio | Beginners No bp
Roleplayer base
Shit was cinematic af
What is the music in the backround?
hes using boywithuke song i love you more now willjum
Found this base near mine and my buddies base. He modified it a lil by adding a pancake layer which me and my buddy soft sided into. Thanks for letting me know where tc is. Raiding tn
Built this base and for anyone considering doing the same make that little lower wall peak a window instead it’s not really that usable trust me I used this base for a whole wipe
Thank you so much willjum I just got raided in the server I’m in and I haven’t built any actual bases before so I’m going to build this one for me and my duo.
Я в 4 года лучше строил
Зачем я это смотрю? Все равно 2х2 будет
How to expand?
Wait, why the concrete?
I see zero advantage to build this over a 2×1.
Too small but nice, and nice background music 👌🏼
효율 너무 안좋은데 ㅋㅋ
I built it and it fire I used it on wipe day it got me so much loot
thank you for this base im new rust and this helped
That’s way too much effort for a 8-rocket base. A metal 2×2 with garage doors, which you can build in 15 seconds is a 8 rocket raid, if you place garage doors.
Ah yes, an garage door on a starter base.
You know whats also 8 rockets? A fucking metal 2×1. This is genuinely the most ass starter i have ever witnessed.
Starter? Bro Idek how to get concrete in this game
8 rockets? It’s very many….
Tf its goood
How normal is it for a normal skill player to get garage doors on wipe day?
I never heard the words 8 rockets and perfect together 😂😂😂 that shit will be gonna first day of wipe enjoy
Solid design bro
Sleep deprived rn
if you add honey comb and change jump up facing other way armored 1 wall and sheet on all of bottom it’s atkeast a 20 rocket raid to all 4 boxes
Lets play Big Time!!!
why does this look so cozy
tried this base out and found it a lil lacking in storage space and hard to expand, very fun to live in tho.
those two issues were probably mostly because I was playing on a 2x server and had a lot more loot than a duo should have on wipe day, but I’d love to see a solo/duo starter that can be expanded into a small fortress after wipe day!
Built this whole base it was bad it was fully upgraded it ain’t even last a day
For a start
Your base design is so good that it is my main to now
Cool but like you said 8 rocket too core so not that protected
What song is this im pretty sure its from boywithuke
Bra I fkn love ya vids tbh didn’t know what rust was then a few years ago you come on my fyp and I watched a vid and now it’s the only game I play keep going hard XD
You have a video of you explaining it. Like slower for people like me hahaha
Tip in rust go after small bases they have the most loot 😂
welp i lasted 24 hours with this one
What is the cost???
This base peak out is amazing for front door
You can add more storage if you do a halfway wall shelf above the loot boxes 😊
I don’t play or never will because I don’t have a computer to play rust on but good to know tho
this base will get u shit on
What are the materials?
W song
what song is this
this base is so good
What’s the material cost for the base all stone?
honeycomb it
Строка серы и дома нет
Защ 8 рокет это мало
I swear I raided someone with 20 satchels with this base design
POV never made this base in a wipe
I went deep on this design with a waterpipe and got whole base
Great 👍
I love willjum
Anyone know the song
The song name is sleep deprived for anyone wanting to listen to it
I have watched this four times now. I can’t do that. 2×2 for me.
Can you believe that I actually survived all wipe with that it’s amazing
7 rockets
Good job man
man tf is that 😭😭😭😭
Buddy thinks I play 8 hours a day
For anyone wondering, this base takes 3350 metal frags to build if you use metal doors instead of garage doors bc you’re a poor solo starter like me who doesn’t have garage doors yet
I wanna tut for your bunker
Pls can u give me 1 rust account pls i am begging 😢😢
What is that piece at the end to get up to the door?
bro is out of mind you can just build a 2 by 1 and upgrade it to metal and thats it 8 rocket base
8 Rocket/4 c4/400 explo 5.56 rifle ammo/23 satchel protection
what the song name?
how do I know when I should build the main base??
I love that the background music is boywithuke
let me know how to expand and then imma make it
@senhor recruta
Блин, огромное спасибо, я строю обычные кубики, а это куда компактнее😊
15k wood, 15k stone, 8k metal frags😂
I once raided a base like this, literally one of the easiest bases every. It tells you exactly where tc is so you just hit a spot betwedn two walls and take the whole base.
Willjum whats the song cold
Bro don’t need a bed
Ooh the tall bowtie
Bro the bwu song in the background ✅
Love the background music
u can destroy wall throug peeking gap from soft side
The peaks in my opinion are stupid
Omg love Boywithuke music and your vids
Is it called the Sand clock base
basura de base, gracias.
With the bwu music to
Im proud to say this is the first base ive built on pc rust
It’s a good starter build but the bad thing is that it can be soft sided
… how do you get in?
Looks expensive asf
What’s the total build for material
Ima try this out now that I got the garage door
We long did that take u?
How much Stones and tree did it Coast
where do you put tc
ik im tired of modded servers but i cannot play vanilla, 2x or 3x… 5X no bps or bust
Wiljum I fucking love you bro I hate rust with a passion but everytime I watch your vids I try again 😂😂
This is now my favorite starter base
Isn’t it blooprint voice?
I need a tutorial on how tf to find stone cuz I have searched a whole map before and found maybe 3 stone nodes
Anyour else notice the boywithuke in the background? W
Mine is the penis
The costtttt
That starter base is my actual base cause I’m to scared to build a base cause it always looks bad
How my of each material do you need to build the base?
Trash base. 4 rocket raid.
Him showing me his rust set-up, me: what song is this, boywithuke? I dont remember hearing this one… Finds the music vid 😂
“Starter base”
Let’s go I’m not the only one that listens to boywithuke
Mc lovin caleb base?🤔🫣
Блять Боже чел я такую за 12 сачелей зарейдил за минуту он даже от дефат не успел
Sick man this is what I need can I use it on console man
And man I been needing sum thing like this man your my favorite rust YouTuber man good luck on your next vid waiting for it
Man it took me forever to get the design Right because at first i messed up the layout, then i didnt place my doors in the roght spots 😢 it was a struggle lol but i think i can say i can make this base now
What is the cost for the awesome starter base
Could you incorporate a stability bunker?
Any base is breakable regardless….trust me I’m experienced. Build it however, I’ll go inside and take all your loot anyway.
or just build a 2×2 sheet metal, cheaper and still 8rockets…
8 rockets is both of those metal walls at once
я такую базу выдолбил за 20 минут. база хуйня
Tell me you play Fortnite without telling me you play Fortnite 😂😂
he forgot the TC ?
Didnt mention the bear rug. 7/10
Sound ? 😥
Damn I was not expecting to see another rust video I haven’t played it in like 2 years u got me to play it again and now it’s my go to starter base thanks Willy j
I would love to play with you willjum like it would be a dream come true but I just don’t have a pc so I can’t but I love watching your videos
If you add more doors on corners it’s more then 8 rockets but it depends where the person raiding is aiming
and after 2h raid it so?? 😀
Beth started a full functioning
are we allowed to put sheet metal doors instead of garage
could have made a stability bunker with that jump up
Why is boywithuke’s music everywhere now
Тратится ресурсов много, рейдится в одну стенку, можно выдолбить копями, не возможно построить из этого хоть что-то
Я счечни
I met willjum ❤❤ I’m a big fan
I’m new to rust and my one buddy I play with can’t always play. I’m gonna join smaller servers and see if I can go solo. Any suggestions or tips? On how much farm does willjims base need before all the fancy stuff
I liked building this till I tried to widegap and didnt like it.
I can’t be the only one who littered the whole map with these bases built incorrectly
Some boy with uke in the back
I use a starter that is really cheap and works as a bunker when you upgrade it. If anyone is interested I can put what the video is called.
Starter base , bro has g doors and sheet core lol
The bwu music in the background makes this 10x better
love it
If anyone wants to know the song is by boywithuke i think its named feaverdream
More Shorts Please 🙂
Music ?
Wiljum i love you
Nevermind I found the song. its called sleep deprived boywithuke
What this song
Garage door on start?
I need 2 TCs
Come do r the gameplay stay for the music AND gameplay
You could easily make this into a bunker
Lmao one wall to tc
how u make it bigger for more boxes
Where can I find your video on how to build this looks dope I’m new lol
How to expand it?
Pls check the junior woodcoker base
This is an easy house to raid on the foundation
Not gonna lie ive been waiting for build videos from you
Its unclear where the Work Bench goes
super stupid starter , really bad , high upkeep and easy rocket gap to shoot !
I hate the new building animation.
Where did you put the workbench? Cant tell
Where’s the door?
Рейдили похожее,впринципе нормально но владельцы хаты закрыли только 2 метал двери ,а мвк дверь оставили открытой.
Anyone wana play rust? (I’m ps4)
Bro what a that
I’m gonna use it
Stability bunker this base and your done
“Starter base”
Nice ingenuity
I don’t think ive built a base outside of a cave since they got introduced. Simply unbeatable for raid protection when playing solo/duo/trio.
I’m a newbie and i can barely afford the upkeep and cost of a 2×2 base with my limited knowledge. 😂
Only played like 4hrs so far and got a T2 crafting station up. That’s about as far as i got with all the other basics of course. Was chilling with a compound bow till a dude on a horse rocked my sht.
Can put workbench and mixing table inside?
You could put honeycomb or is that a bad idea I am crap at makeing bases
Just built my own version of this today without the third floor jump up cuz I kinda messed up lol but everything else is the same and I’m hoping I make it to morning… lots of garage doors too
Вудкокерка джуниур подключенилась к чату
8 rocket just aint enough even for wipe day anymore.
If its not at least 16 rockets on wipe day, you are raided going afk let alone offlined.
with only like 1k more wood you can make it a true bunker with a roof inside the door for when you log making it quite a bit more to raid
I built this base and it is actually really good!
I don’t show my base designs. That way nobody knows my base layouts because everyone watches yt nowadays. And you yters wonder why u get raided so easy when you do..
what song?
Honeycomb sheet it the armour core + bunker 23 rockets
New meta
Ehhh there is way better and more comfy builds, not much loot u can keep for the space u take
So how about for a really slow console builder, what would you recommend. Fyi been playing 4 days 😂
Quality short
Bad starter base because so big and tc one wall
Thank You, Twp thumbs up
Shit base.
Im somwhow going to fit my 6 man team in that thing for the whole wipe
Guys? Oh right i dont play with friends
I love loops like this❤
this is total shit
❤❤❤ i love you willjum!
a 2×2 holds more loot and is just as “strong”
Have you done those small walls as a shooting angle in a video? I don’t think I’ve seen that yet 👀 also you’re awesome
I was trying to raid some one with this base bro just sat inside and logged
I was just vibing to boywithuke
Worth is dneim
8 rocket raid is crazy just build a 2×2 honey comb or a small started base like the duos den
That’s the thing I think I need to get better in is base building sometimes I can’t even make one 😅 and then I’m like oh well ill try again later
Fun fact: me and a few friends made a rust server and wiped recently. Me and another member built this exact base without even knowing the other was building it
Jus build it and its amazing!
Name game?
I tried raiding it took 6 rockets unless I did something wrong.
The widow base design ngl
Is it possible to honneycomb this base
And where should I put my sleeping bag at the start? In the pussy or something?
what’s teh song
Couldn’t you just shoot rockets into that half wall opening to splash the inside with BOOM!?
Don’t put the crack unless you have a turret because people can ladder and eco raid into your base
How to get raided in 5 minutes:
he used boy with uke’s song for the first time let’s goo
Song name pls
LOL, you made full video like 3-4 years ago, and now you made it famous (tr build)
The low wall half wall gap is horrible and shouldn’t be used in bases this small. Great way to die coming in/out, get splashed with rockets or soft sided with spears
My base for this wipe 😢 solo gang like if you can relate ?
Pls list how many resources next time
Like it
سلام خوبی چیکار میکنی
تو بگو چه خبر
This is so wrong
What is the song
Song name?
What is that music ahhhhhhh it’s amazing I’m going insane
If you don’t build a 2×2 starter you’re not a pvper this is a role play base btw. Not enough storage in the starter. I’ll fill a 2×2 with all 8 large boxes in like 4 hours on official
Gotta build it
Can you tell us what materials we need?
I thought it was a starter base
Can’t believe Willy J listens to boywithuke
That cost in official servers would take hours to grind for
Max 1 month need a 😂😂😂. Omg what a base. Like a Trump safety house.
wow id really like to see a part 2 and 3 to this build
If this is the starter base, whats the late game base?
Fire song
how tf is that a starter i can only afford 1×2 and save for a 2×2 with wood doors and no furnaces for awhile lol
Nice and cozy
I love the design. But ima run out of storage in around 30minutes
I ain’t gonna lie ur videos are great n ur humble 💯💯
its just 1 stone wall to the tc?
Perfect my favorite rust player with my favorite masked singer in the back ground
I would love to see his favorite Starter basebuild when he only has one hour a day to play monday through friday and a few hours saturday and sunday.😅
Challenge, Do you accept willjum?
I can just eco raid it through the gap lol
Hey I have a question can you play Rust single player or like a free private server
Thanks to this design as my core, I’m having the best wipe ever. I got raided by a trio. I tried to defend but I’m so bad I actually made things worse. So I quit assuming they were going wipe me. I log back in and the blew all my garage doors but one. The TC and a box with enough gears and metal to rebuilt the whole thing! They gave up on the last door. Not only did the base endure, but I counter raided the raid base and got my loot back plus tons more. As a solo I consider this a huge win.
I have a question,
Whats the total amount of materials do you need
I still dont understand
0 look storage
I love it when people make bases where I can just fire rockets through a gap and save on a bunch of boom by splashing 2 doors and a wall at the same time
1 stone wall to TC, dafuq u talking about
Oh my god this is fantastic
this base is so trash dont build
8 rockets is not enough t for wipe , that’s less then a row and half of sulphur
Two rockets and one satchel
Two rockets I can get to your PC right now
I’m a beginner and don’t know how to build properly and this helped me a lot, Thank you
Call it the hour glass
Ok I play a 1000x this is bad idea
I love seeing these bases when it’s just a map wipe. 1-2 hrs and me and the Bois (3 man) get so much loot from ez raids. Keep building these easy bases boys!
I don’t plan on playing Rust by myself and just enjoy watching your content because the storytelling and music is just- mwah chef’s kiss. But if I do find a friend willing to play rust with me then I’ll keep this base in mind.
good build but the peek tells people the way to the core and can be soft sided
cool design. think im gonna build a 2×1 tho
I can’t believe the video right above this one is a joke about how you make the same starter ever wipe that is funny
I built a designed a base from your starter #W it’s on my YouTube
Started with this design, ending wipe with it double honeycombed, with 18 garage doors to reach tc…only ywo raid attempts on it, both smothered out due to too many doors
Its nice to hear boywithuke in youtubr
base is shit
i just raided somebody yesterday with the same base and a bunch of garage doors in the core, used nothing but explosive ammo lol.
2 large box + 1 small box in core, 1 large box at jump up to third floor, 1 larger box in pick room second floor. This base actually sucks so bad, there is not enough safe boxes at all
Shits actually so good, especially if you honey comb it later on, definitely a base that’s suitable for wipe💯
Shit base
I got absolutely ragged in this base by a team of three idk if i built the roof wrong but that top door was the end of my 7 hr run
I can j upgrade 2×2 to sheet
commenting bc the # of comments is baddd
2 boxes?
this small window is a great idea
whats the game
You ave X10 base
Saw comment bout getting raid after 4 days. Dude its a starter base that can be farm for like a day then around 3rd or fourth you couldve made a proper base
Хата конечно говно, но для старта сойдет.
I wanna do this with that triangle stability bunker you did. Build vid??
Good job!
Where does he put the lvl 2 workbench?
I would have done windows with a triangle roof instead but those are good too
How to biuld??
bro forgot the sleeping bag
I use this base now it’s actually Worth the build just armour it up more an close of the roof on the ground with a door walls an ceiling an honey comb it all you can push this base to its limits
That’s awesome dude when are you going bring back the grease police
Didn’t know you could get that many mats as a starter
me and my teamates eco raided a dude who had this same base
2 box storage best base in rust because it’s your favourite creator, just build a 2×2 it’s cheaper and has more storage
you can molotov the second floor from the hole and deny roof access, i recomend not includimg that in the final build
Is that boy with uke why do I feel like you and all your chill vibes would listen to him I knew it😂😂😂
i just started last night and i build this base❤
i quit rust a year ago and are those animations when you upgrade actually in the game or is this edited please someone has to tell me
This the 1st time I’ve heard boywithuke on a rust video. Das crazy.
Mission failed. Got shot at, blown up, and raided 6 different times while trying to build.
Willy J gettin’ into the Shorts game! Leeet’s goooo!
How would you expand on this after getting started?
I don’t think I have ever seen you use the half wall low wall trick in a base willjum lol love your content though man. My number 1 for sure.
2nd floor peaks is crazy you try to go on your roof to defend and immediately get sprayed down because of the gap
extremely stupid to make that gap with low walls, it just reduces raid cost by ALOT .
Thx bro
Willy j back at it again with a high quality short
Ah, so this is where this build came from
I swear every few servers has like, 20 of these 😂
Barricades on the top will make people think you’re a roof camper and they’ll wanna raid you though 😂
May I recommend a wipe that you build a base to house the tug boat.
Or just a 1×2
Willjum likes boywithuke i think im in love
Yeah no
Good music choice
Nice song choice
You can make a simple 2×2, upgrade metal, and the same 8 rockets, but in 4 times cheaper xD
Хвхвх 8 рокет
What’s the point of airlock?
How much is the upkeep
literally very bad design
Yeah starter rather fancy for a starter bass
Name of this song?
It’s awesome bro but 1 wall
that loop was tight
its just too fast :((
Why make an 8 when I can make an even easier 16?
Motherfucker says starter base like we can all get that much stone wood, metal in one go fuck outta here rust sucks
How would you upgrade the base to make it stronger?
I like that footprint 🤔
Why not make a stability bunker out of it?
Just make a 2×2 bunker, more space easily expandable and more rockets
Lol 8 rockets basically 1 to 2 good farm runs and your base is gone lol
lmao, in reality theres a reason the 1×2 and 1×2 are classics that people build all the time. sure, its less defendable, but this is quite literally over 4 times the cost and only affords you double the protection at most from a humble 1×1. dont get me wrong, i love intricate designs, but this is anything but a starter, this is a middgame base.
I remodled the top floor for tier 2 ,tier 3 , and i added a research table then i moved the original top floor to the next
Not the best starter, but it’s something.
The classic W base 🍷🗿
Love your vids dude
Ive been watching rust vids 24/7
Where you place tier 2
wth , 8 rocket so low value
Where to place sleeping bag
i would love willjum added more boywithuke music
Too bad I can’t build this because I don’t have rust😢
Furnace in base?
Can you build more bases
bruh, this ain’t no starter base, this is a full solo legit base lmao
лут за 1 стенкой хуйня дом
They can build off side of base and soft side the low wall peek from opposite side, happened to me many times unfortunately then I learned
Can you compound it
about to raid this. LOL ty
تابع أديب
and 6000 stone 🙁
It’s so splash able it hurts
Ummm ocd voices told me you forgot a triangle on top middle
Bro I went to sleep with this on and bro it’s been playing for 24 hours
Y’all are bots no way you watch this nerd 😂
Eco raiders being like damn that’s 5 doors skipped
Armored doors are a MUCH better option than garage doors. Armored are 3 C4 and 5 rockets, vs Garage at 2 c4 or 3 rockets. Plus theyre high spawn rate in any decent crate from bradley, oil, labs etc…and have hatches you can shoot through.
How much stone does it cost to build and what’s the upkeep
What is the upkeep cost
Is there a full video breakdown how to build this im not a good builder im more of a pvp but i wanna learn how to build this properly
Wait a minute did they change the way the walls upgrade, like it actually builds now?
wall raid xd
you will get raided no matter what you build. Rust is tailored for people who have ADHD and no life.
*Cozy* starter base u mean
Wheres the best place to put the tc with this base
This is so confusing as a beginner
I appreciate will it is a good solo base for me thanks ❤
but u got no airlock
I can tell you have been building alot 😅
So bad if you are getting raided and not good for late game can’t expend
Starter? 😭😭
This is a lie. The only time I’ve ever seen you built this was here
That was hot
Shit Ass As Fuck 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mmmmm.. I’m goin wit the 2×2
what is the cost if i built all stone?
this song goes hard 😎
4 rocket raid💀
What is the ramp called
Me and my friends made this base for a wipe, and it was actually terrible. Sorry dawg, this one is a L
Boy whit uke
rolea mas
Can we see u bold it and use it for movie wipe day please
Need to make a vid on expanding the base but nice design tho
This help new to rust in 2023 lol and been having a blast even tho I die off rip
U could do a stab bunker at the enter ace to the tc room
What’s the background music?
The fact that a standard 2×2 holds and does more is insane
love you’re design willie J, but that peak is softsideable, gonna need to make it sheet metal or replace one side with a shop wall?
Bro awesome videos you make regardless of rust being absolute toxic poison great work please continue 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🔥
what in the ballsack
Made this and honeycombed it gracias señor
Id love to see how you expand this maybe bunker it
song name pls
dude is that boywithuke in the background
Why does it remind me of a minecraft creeper farm
Hacker would just walk thru the door
Wow, awesome design Willy J
what song is this? man and love the base i use it alot now
just make a 2×1 or 2×2 and upgrade it to metal
And this is my favorite rust YouTuber
Or a 2by2
I need a step by step frfr
Yo He Esto Está Base Pero La He Agrandado
would you like a expanded version with all the bells and whistles ?
Oh, it’s so cozy, but I cannot defend in the in that as a solo
That shooting part on the second floor can be softsided easily with spears
I love this format Id love to see more builds like this
I love raiding these bases
Where’s the sleeping bag and where’d that workbench go
Still cheap for the 20 man on server they got the 8 rockets day 2
I made this base and I was able to turn it into a fortress with turrets all around and 3 layers of wall protection as well as a shooting floor 🔥🔥
willjum the worst Rust builder in the game … your not a builder
2×2 sheet bunker without honeycomb or anything is also 8 rockets
Yooooo. Dope AF
Willjum with the boywithuke I see you
Is this walljam?
i love boywithuke i
love wiljum and i love rust ahhh what a perfect video😂
Do more of that pls i always love ur base designs
когда вижу улучшение построек вспоминаю строительство в фортнайте
no hate but 2 c4
It’s nice that willjum is making shorts on this.
I like it that you have boywhituke in the back ground playing
Best base design I’ve seen in a while, this is so good because wipe is in 2 days 🎉🎉 much love bro ❤️
this base is bad i got raided on 10x
What a good build bro
At first I thought it was Subway Surfers
Would be cool to see the cost!
Looks like 1 wall to TC tho 😅
1raid and its gone
Me as a starter: builds a 1×1 base
this guy:
Softsiding the “peeks” makes this look like a 4 rocket raid
The campfire adds raid cost
wiljum ass base
Male a sui vault base and you are sitting at like 48 Rks day 1
I like the new update
What’s the build cost?
now i can stop building a 2×2😂💯
I make to a stabilt bunker in the start and then just honicome it
Boywithuke hits
Me turning it into a farm 😊
Got a 2×1 down but i might try and build this in a forest or something. I really like this because its harder to predict where tc is. Also where do i put my bag?
Make 2 square high its will bc bunker base
The peek floor cool
Параша наш лучше на 100 ракет
4 ракеты в стену
What does the opening in the walls do?
What song is this?
ur base blows
Bruh FR i hate this new upgrade sound
Bro has amazing videos and a good taste in music 👍🏻 +1 subscriber
Slow down bro. Love the content, keep it up!
good shit
U should call that design the black widow (u probably know why)
23 spears + 4 satchels…
Bro you can do better with just a 2×1
Honeycomb It for Christ sake when will people learn
2×1 better tried this got way to loaded and not enough boxes and had to make my main base way to soon
what’s the song
What song is this?
Can you say how much stone and metal is needed for this base?
3 boxes💀💀💀
So easy to soft side those half wall windows 😂
I really like this video. It’s beautiful.
Made one now. Love it! Think i’m gonna try to expand it by trial n error with my own ideas and perhaps make it a permanent home not just a starter. Thanks again for the vid. Subbed ya
This looks cool! Gonna try it!
Boywithuke and Wiljum in one video?? Literal perfection
How do you get that stone animation when you upgrade
Became full the window bext to the jump up could be easily used against you
Any ideas on what to put under the triangle roof? So you can’t get door camped 🤔🙏
How do your yout get the building to show animation and not instantly upgrade.
Poop house
Worst base xDF
Love you willjum
Yesss, finally we get to see how he does it😍 would love to see some more off you builds man
What font do you use?
Dang it comes with 8 free rockets?
rather build a 2by2 honeycomb than this
This is why I love Wj because he the best a building base and it make me want learn how build like him
More like three rockets or 10 satchels
love you’re base 😘
Hell yeah WillyJ
A starter base should not have garage doors
Yeah starter base sure
А лутка где? Дом шляпа честно говоря)
like a noob building a noob house:)
Dont listen to this retard he just put barricades on his roof
You should do more base builds on your channel I really liked the best solo base u did a while back.
Ah yes the hour glass good base
Thanks, I’ll remember this the next time I live long enough to build it
makes me want to buy this game ngl
or you could make a 2×2, this has the storage capacity of a 2×1
This wasn’t sped up it was slowed down haha
Dude my favourite YouTuber and my favourite song artist
Fw the music and your content
I like the base. But not sure of the 2nd floor small wall peak. If they ladder then floor, they can just hold your jump up
I love this base design, but the cuts make it kind of hard to follow, especially at the second floor
I feel like it’s a reverse Pentagon
Love your vids they just make me happy and your voice is also beautiful
How to get the garage door so quickly. That’s my last part missing. Awesome base thanks
You will never know how i got this many likes lol
Why is everyone always trying to reinvent the 2×2 its literally the best. The most storage, the best expandability and the cheapest.
Is there a base design ?
You listen to boywithuke too will?
You could bunker this very easily. You’d need to move the jump up to the middle but that means you could put a vending machine where the jump up was?
Anyone have any idea on how I should expand this base???
Song name?
Pls honeycomb 😊
Nice base bro
Just got raided bouta make this 100%
Если добавить буферки к шкафу имба будет
just watch sum1 make a video outta this turning it into a 40 man clan base
Willjum with the starter this is normally the end of every video 😅 they still amazing though ahah
EACH youtube builder… each VIDEO… this is the best …. this is my favourite hahahhaa
Three doors to core? 🤔
I love when people say “early game” and then use a garage door lmao what’s that like 1250+ scrap for tier 2 and garage tree? Tf
wait they changed building animations?
Putting a t2 is so unrealistic willjum is always prim locked
Whats the song?
Boywithuke makes me sad
Is there any expansions for more storage
Wilijum will never learn to build a strong solo base plz teach him
Good base design I will use it it is sic
this new red container skin reminds me of the good olf sheet metal color
Willjum daddy for listening to boywithuke
What’s the name of the song?
Boywithuke in the background music, by far favourite artist
How to do the bunker
Boywithuke in the background
What is the animation when he puts in the stone, it confuses me although i dont play rust but is it normal?
U can make this a bunker👏👏
BoyWithUke and willjum should meet in real life. They are a match made in heaven.
My guy my starter base is a fucking 2×1
Bro you just don’t miss with the music 👍
Love this too much man. Keep up the great work.
I love that rust YouTubers use boywithuke’s music Cuz he my favorite musician
Im not no genius so correct me if im wrong but couldn’t you build a roof right under the low wall and look in and eco the low or half wall
Will could you please create a playlist for base building and come up with designs, unfortunately I don’t get to play much now due to the real world but I wither go solo or trio.
I LOVE the window for peaks but it makes it easier to eco raid some of your shit so id just put bars and a sheet cover thing
Bro has the best music
I need the name of that song
Music: 😊💐🙂🧺
Sound effects: 😤🪚🛠️⛏️
Nice song choice
Barricade for the fail
This is my favourite rust starter base now tho i just tried it out and it looks good
I’ve eco raided into a dozen of these. Still a tanky first floor, but also susceptible to being doorcamped in your own peek. That peek seems to be the major flaw in these designs, Although it can be swapped out for full-sized walls.
I’ve had a base with the low wall gaps that worked super well, it just needs to be high enough on the base to where people can’t just ladder and triangle to pick them out.
Or just upgrade to metal.
When you place the roof, how does it not delete the top portion of wall next to it?
Cool one solo bruder❤
Thanks for the perfect solo base🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯👍👍👍
dogshit base
I use this base in all my wipes now
is that boywithuke i hear or am i demented
i wanna see a expanded version of this.. looks really cheap to build
ninja star base design uses your core
What the hell is this 😂
Didnt see a bag location 👀
Will should do a video where he slows it down a bit to show us this base. Love the channel man. Cheers!
Can we see how you expand it
ez softside window !
“Because we can” lol
Brilliant 👌
This is great
W song
My starter base is my main I just expand the starter to lazy to farm up again😭
Wiljum, can you make a tutorial on how to escape Bears .. You seem to have a wealth of knowledge. Xx
How is it like to play rust wj
Because I can’t I have a phone I have nothing to play rust
This is only a 2 c4 raid 😂
The concrete barrier concept is elite one thing I’ll do is at a half wall then add it kn top it creates a small pixels that covers the same area just harder to shoot
its garbage
I want to play rust but at the same time I want to have a life. It’s a tough dilemma.
Id love a build like this for the triangle ceiling bunker
The boywithuke hit’s different tho
please tell me the name of the music also love the starter base
should be your usual bunker starter!
Annnnndddddd, subscribed!
Video is nicely done
The base is nice the song is nicer
How is it 8 rocket when you can just 4 rocket tc
Man I always love your base designs
I will be building this whenever I get back into rust
Heuuu …. 1 wall away from tc how is this sht is rated good
Where does the work bench go?
Ah, yes, the T2, sheet metal garage door starter base.
Early game but puts down garage door lol 😂
I just built it on console edition so everyone will know I’m a fan!
Will you’re the one that actually started me out on rust but I’m on console great videos man ❤
Slow it down sheeeeeesh
Perfect starter! I needed a starter because my teamate put the priority of building to me so thank you!
Willjum forgot to mention the triangle foundation starter with no airlock that gets everyone on edge.
Anyone know the build cost and upkeep?
This is amazing and I love it you should do more yt shorts
how is this better than a 2×1
what the song?
I did two triangles roof hop up so people couldn’t hide as easily, using base as solo now and love it
boy with uke 🔥
No rugs??
what song is in the background?
Low walls will get soft sided. Other than that I love you willyJ
😢 you call it a starter… that’s my base for full wipe
Ah yes, the willjum classic special
Love the videos will
You’re the farmer chad😂
Song is called sleep deprived by BoyWithUke
Really appreciate how when editing you made sure the sounds of you placing boxes & the workbench timed with the music 👏🏼👏🏼
Love you videos
Good base,also maybe make another video how make this base more bigger (honey combs and another)
That’s a main base if you ask me💀😅
To me it looks like it lacks storage room
Number 192 to comment but bo
Reply from the king
Lets see hoq we fair with this an hour in to wipe
Love this kinda content, keep it up!
Just built this thing using scrap from fishing & ocean barrel recycle runs to buy mats plus a few nodes. Awesome little base cheap on the upkeep definitely expandable
Where is the Bearrug?
1 wall to tc LOL
why not take on some beginners for a wipe…definitely gonna be a challenge…
Bros starter cost more rockets than my main base
Starter base you mean a master piece
“For wipe day”
Surprised how he got the furnace down that quick
Thank you and can you please shout me out 😊
Yo I like the bace but how much is it to build and what is upkeep
WillyJ needs to do some build videos of some of his bases i would love to watch them. Some of his bases are crazy
I am in inspired by you
There is no way that this is Willjum. There are no bear skin rugs in sight. Obviously an imposter.
That’s what I call an “MKBHD” house
You should built it one step at a time I like it would like to build it
Love you g. as a random 32 yr old KEEP IT UP! F+** the struggle, win the game called life for me. ✌️❤️🦁
You can make this a bunker but raising 2 of the triangle foundations too! 🙂
Raid base looking ah
I need to try this
This is Brilliant WillieJ! Well done! 🙂
Or, you know, a 2×2?
largest “starter base” I think I’ve ever seen in this game.
Regarless really cool stuff
Dude even your shorts are fire
Boywithuke song.. 😮💨❤
instructions unclear dick caught in jump up
could this be used as a main base will Andis so can you show us expansions? and congrats on 1 mill
could just do a 2×2 with a jumpup and sheet walls and have more loot room and the same protection
Why does it have that gap on the wall
Bro the boywithuke music goes so well with his videos 😭
I’m totally not can I use the space next wipe 😅
Literally JUST finished the video where you made this 😂
Love this song by boywithuke
I completely agree with the concretere barricades on the floor, as i so often seen streamers fgetting pinned down in their jumpup becayse tgheir roof has no barrier around it. But why did you choose barricades and not halfwalls?
I really like builds that take no time to upkeep because i dont usually have a lot of time to spend playing rust and im solo.
Fire base I wish I had pc to play rust keep up the work bro
or jus build a 2×2
Roof camper that always gets raided
He’s breaking out his 2020 content revamped!!! Hell yeah!
Love the BoyWithUke! Your music selection is always great.
But doesn’t the furnace take 45 mins to get 😉
Do you like boywithuke
I love this man, I wish I could make content like this one day
I was luke warm to Wj when i first found his channel. Now? Love this guy! His chill approach to RUST is a model to emulate. Peace out.
this base with the 6 triangles was so good with the roof bunker
Love the videos
I will share this idea to my friends
He’s making shorts/reels. LET’S GOOOOO!
Yeah wipe day meanwhile trying to get a single node without being attacked by teams with full metal ak
Very Nice thank you. Always a pleasure to watch on Rust.
respectfully this is a really bad base
i dont have this game ( 🙁 ) But i sooooo like all the vid you, bloopr, hj, welyn, frost , stevie… and porgie ofc… make …. you really make me want to play the game …. but i ONLY play games where i can buy a hardcopy of…. or it must be a f2p…. so im destined to wait till its f2p …. in 20 years….
Loving this full time Willjum 🫶🏻
Can you do another lighthouse base? The last one was pretty epic
Sebbyk looking at the peek/window for a eco raid 😂
Kinda pointless
Please post more
Luv your videos can u say hi
It’s good to see you returning to your roots, even just for a short 🙂
Do you have a longer/more in-depth version of this by any chance? And/or maybe once similar, but as a good starter farm/crop base?
Amazing short willjum🙌
w willijum
This is not a great starter base, so expensive for the size because it’s got 8 outer walls. You could build a 2×2 for about the same.
Bro made the new building animations look good
I’m Going To Build This
Ayyyy love boywithuke
Damn my favourite artists songs now, I didn’t realise Willjum wasn’t already at the peak of entertainment
Yoo nice base design willjum also great music
It’s always awesome watching one of your videos pop up on my feed 🙂
The music is always on point with wiljum content 👌
I feel like this video was made for me, I needed this
Does anyone know the song playing in the background by chance?
how can i save the video
I was gonna say Wj building the same starter base for the 900th time but I was surprised to see you made some alterations to it
Love it bro ❤🏠
Hey how did you make the sheet metal look like that? And how’d you do that cool animation with the stone layering?
Oh my beatiful old tringle willjum base
Coziest man alive
Damn, that was a smooth short. Nice one Willy 👌🏽
Ty willjum
I been watching you a lot on my Xbox but I don’t have a account on it so I couldn’t get a phone but I just got one wish you well and mice base
This is a dope base to say the least
Only thing I do differently is 1 triangle shelf in core to give you two little extra boxes and I window tc
He used a boywithuke song was not expecting that
Do more of these please
Ill probably wont have a furnace until 25 minutes in
Square square triangle are the best and it won’t change
Well lets wait it in action
Alone in TOkyo has taught you ALOT 😀
I remeber the early days you build this with a bunker! Does it not work any more?
Just went on ptb and built this thanks to your video. I like it so far. I did add an extra triangle to the top drop down for solar panel and turret…..core is fully upgraded to metal and looks like it wouldn’t be fun to get into 😊thank you for this video
This would still take me 12 hours to figure out how to built ahaha
yo I love the vids bro this helps alot for me bc I just started playing rust keep up the amazing work
I need this base
Ah yes. Now I can win Rust. Seriously, appreciate the guide, man!
i love you daddy
I think it would be awesome if Will made a video series where he teaches his favorite builds and expansion options. Love your vids mate.
No bunker?
The quality and clarity of this video is outstanding!!! Cant wait for more
Could you add a bunker to this like your latest video?
Man I thought you post a video I said Willjum post a videooooo hella loud and my mom yelled at me
Omg can you do that again, just a little slower? 😂😂
So NOT a wooden 1×1 without an airlock?
Love this, keep content like this coming!
8 rocket base isn’t even worth building IMO. Doesn’t take long to make your base at least 16-20 rockets.
Commenting for the Al Gore Rhythm
Literally building it now for my mid week wipe
Hell yeah !!!! As a solo you keep me going in this game fam !!!!
Bro you just showed me what I need to do thank you wiljum I needed this base
Awesome, I’ve been looking for a good starter thanks. Love your videos
Really fun video. Super satisfying to watch. Definitely do more of these!
Hey @Wiljjum, here is an update of your starter with the same pattern but with more space and a bunker : https://youtube.com/shorts/hzjqejk7eyk
Yo I love you bro this is a god damn master piece 👍👍👏👏
Thanks for the build tips Willy J!
Awesome 😎
Add some honeycomb and a great solo base
Build series!
really digging your YouTube shorts as much as your vids 🤙
Btw this song is made by BoyWithUke and I love his songs
I’m going to make that next wipe
A perfect name, for this would be the hourglass
Love the song. W boywithuke
Love it
above the 2 boxes in core i added in that corner to put three electric furnaces on a triangle
Im using a variant of a base i saw you use in a video XD
I like this kind of video, I just don’t like portrait mode.
Wasnt there a bunker tho
Can confirm… it works
I love the simple and compact bases like this one
What’s the song??
Fantastic! 👏 for the overhead view.
I love your series, wouldn’t mind a few more (short) guides mixed in between 🙂
You forgot the rug
Love u will😊
isnt this supposed to be a pixel gap?
Starter: proceeds to put g doors and make bottom walls sheet metal
Regardless I do like the concrete barrier idea
Let’s Go!!!!!!!!!❤
is iceberg base bad for solo?
Not the one with slope to get up but the other one that need to ladder up
So you could place wood or metal barricades around it and have 1 space for you to get up and place a shotgun trap in front of it for protection
god damn is this is what you meant by going full time its going to be awesome from here out
Thank you ❤ was hoping to find your design somewhere and this just popped 🥳🙏🏼
I remember this base like from three years ago
his next base should be a water base or so since some new water stuff will come soon…
That is NOT a starter
“how many times did you re-watch this?”
build the base from your most recent solo wipe ❤
Love this keep doing this ur og videos ❤
Was waiting for this!!!! Thanks wj ❤
that new upgrade animation is so satisfying!
cool base ❤
3 boxes? honestly its better to make a 2×2 with roof acsess and upgrade it to metal then this.
Perfect house to do a little bit of funny trolling with traps
very nice
oh really gotta save that
That’s such a nice base! I was thinking of an idea of jutting out 1 tile from a triangle foundation as a cute little shape
Cool base
Hello willjum
first comment let’s go wiljum