They Fixed Rust Console
Download Dragon City for free: https://dragoncity.onelink.me/DDHl/memeio Claim your starter Pack including the very RARE Iceling Dragon + 15K Food + 30K Gold
They finally did it… they made Rust Console fun…
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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
Outro – bbno$
Taqs:memeio,mr,mrmemeio,mr memeio,joana,rust,memeo,memio,trap,trap base,console,broken,update,fixed
コメント (892)
someone please pinch me because I must be dreaming… I had fun on Rust Console???
Download Dragon City for free: https://dragoncity.onelink.me/DDHl/me… Claim your starter Pack including the very RARE Iceling Dragon + 15K Food + 30K Gold
If you plan to play more me and my duo would be happy enough to teach you rust console 🥱
As an ex-rust console player, i can confirm that pc is better than console. The people that disagree never played pc rust before😂
I’m currently playing pubg with 4/5 friends regularly but we would like to get more building style mechanics just like ‘the forest’…
So I’m wondering when big sales are coming for rust console edition…
I wish it could drop to 20€ so that we would enjoy it on our PS5s and PS5 pro (pro patch would be awesome)
I only have rust console😥
Is bro playing cumbias rn? 😭
No, it’s still bad . Dayz and pubg looks and feels better
I love rust, but I ended up quitting because our console ain’t compatible keyboard and mouse unlike Day zI ended up switching to Day z because you can play keyboard and mouse on my console with it. Rust/face punch or whoever needs to make it compatible keyboard mouse with rust console.
Should try oldscool pve on console..
As someone who played rust console for years the game is fucking awful, big clans refuse to even try abd raid anyone who’s in more then a 1×2, I went 2 years without a single raid attempt on our base, wipe after wipe shit got boring as fuck.
Now you know what I deal with
You should play console with me
Ex you need to play it now it’s way better recoil and everything
U should play ldrs in mobile 😂❤
Try mine! Crazy Fam Rust. I have 2 one is prim style bow spawn. Other one is tommy spawn but got a good little community going. Anyways cool vids man.
Get a xim
I want to buy this game on ps5 console, i hope it game still fun 🙂
Shi piss me off it use to be 15$ now it’s 50$ on ps4
Look, its not bad. Its just not rust on PC by a long shot and that is painful since my pc shit itself….
This was so validating for my console only experiences playing Rust.
U should play again in 2025 (I’m not on my phone pls don’t like this)
0:02 HEYYY rust ce is awsome
Is rust on console good I’m debating if I should get it
Runing a ps4 pro with a ether net cable worth it to buy or nah ??
Whats the name?
Rust is such an amazing game. My 13 year old son and me play together almost every single night now. Some of the changes i love, some are taking me some time to adapt like the chest markers at rig and cargo and such. I miss the bright dots lol
YOu gOt sOmE mETal FrAgS
Unfortunately I live in Brazil, and here it is impossible to buy half a PS5 with a minimum wage… If an angel fell from the sky it would be so good… I keep praying for this to happen
13:40 that was pretty sad lmao
Is he playing next gen or old gen
imagine dying to memeio 😭🙏
11:57 dont worry bro i play rust console aswell
I don’t have it yet on console cause I’ve been seeing all the videos that were really old but are the servers actually kinda filled now?
Someon can told me if i want to play rust with some random people i need a ps plus ?
i can carry you and give you a better experience
Play it on Xbox series x please bruh I’m gonna get rust on my Xbox series x
Was console bad then? never played it on console
Rust pc is much easier than rust console with aiming and shooting.
You can use a keyboard and mouse on rust console edition
They updated the audio of guns in the new update its nearly as good as pc rust now
can someone explain to me why this game is apparently good now please cause ik it was pretty bad before
Xbox is better graphics
That jump at dome is kinda glitched ,use auto run and use your d pad to craft as u go
Memeio = Rust King
Alr bro what’s that Serv name them dudes are awful 🙏🏼😭
idk man looks like absolute shit to me
Rust console edition is completely trash
Imagine saying console rust is good
Console rust now has all the eltrical and industrial items and consoles like ps5 and xbox series x have better controls like auto walking better graphics custom modded servers and shoulder looking and they even got tugboats now and some of the new weapons like the shotgun
Bruh hazmat never looked like that on console
crust is so bad dude
I remember being so hyped for rust console edition, and as soon as I hopped on it looked like a polygon pile of shit. I preordered it and everything. There isn’t even a ps5 version, to my knowledge. It’s stuck on last gen which makes fucking sense.
Tip for next time you have the ability to auto loot on console, (loot everything at once by holding down the grab button) so grab the main things first and then auto loot the rest for a quick escape, also there is an auto sort option aswell! love your videos always super entertaining to watch!
Memio what do you use to record on console
I’m pinching you😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I just got the game on pc and now they fix console xd
Tell the rust devs to link with rust console devs nd make it have ur graphics
The game isn’t good it’s just better
I’m still new to rust. I need a friend or more to play on console. I played only on PvE servers to get used to controls and monuments. Anyone want to play with me? I’m free this weekend.
only thing holding me back from playing is that its locked to 30 fps
I know you probably won’t play this again.But if you go into your options you can turn on auto run
You could play with keyboard and mouse btw
When are you gonna play with your boyfriend again mr memeio?
cant you plug in mouse and keyboard on a system? i dont have one so im honestly asking
I can confirm that it is impossible to play rust console solo, literally everyone is on a team of people.
Are console players in pc severs or console severs
I haven’t played PC but I bet the extra quick keys come in handy. The scientists are tighter too
20:23 the vid ends
Memeio can u plz gift me rust I’ve always wanted it but I’m broke could u send me a steam key pretty plz with a cherry on top.
hidden satchels actually work on console which is nice because iv never had one last more than 24hrs outside the base in all my years of playing rust on PC
Ah perrillo esas cumbias 🤘🏻😂
My Xbox cant load it for a single second
My man learnt that rust console players are built different
semi in his pants???
I remember grinding this game on ps4 in 2022, I dont even know how I tolerated the constant crashing and fps drops near clan bases
That bruh after promoting dragon city had me weak 😂
This is the world upside down: Rust console has old recoils and sounds with a controller and Rust PC has new recoil with mouse and keyboard. It should be so difficult to manage the old recoil with a controller unless they have aim assist…
Update: console just got industrial, backpacks and detonatable c4s
build a new console trap base
i hate console still, in my opinion the graphics used to be better before all the updates, and now its got really bad, even with all the new pc updates it caught up with
Bro he spawned at my bas location😢😢
Can somebody gift me rust console on Xbox 😅
I heard that “bruh” 😂
this was an extremely hard watch
One of the best rust console vids I’ve seen
holy cow thank god rust pc is a thing i would of never ever played on console
How does one obtain these servers?
no ones playing dragon city bro get a decent sponsor
While your quickly telling me about today’s sponsor i’m quickly going to skip past today sponsor
U can run and crafts
There’s an auto run setting
the game looks so bad.. lokes like an very ugly nintendo swich game…
It’s not good it still runs like shit on my Xbox series S.
18:39 you can legit see bases I doorcamped bro, I played on the server at the same time
Memeio!!! rust console added under water water labs, military tunnel, submarines, and tugboats
Cargo bug…
Bought rust . Played 7
Min and I’ve never played it again
You can turn auto run on in settings
Yo. An someone pls gift me rust on console
honestly, aside from the graphics and slightly clunky look because of controller it really does seem like rust now.
Can you play with mouse and keyboard in Rust console?
can you use mouse and keyboard in rust console ?
6:17 just turn on auto run
Hold square to loot everything dingus
why is the lighting so shit in the console version ?
It’s still completely unplayable for me so much gitter lag it’s not possible to move never mind pvp is it because I’m on ps4 not ps5 ?
3k hours rce top pvper in most servers both xim and legit sometimes (depending) i raid biggest bases in server solo legit had 2 boxes of pipes last wipe and didn’t get raided i love console rust but definitely not anywhere near as much as pc
Hey mention I play console
They lied to you brother. Zen and xim’s are worse now more then ever
Rust console needs fov slider tho, watching this fov is hard to stomach
Plzzzz Raid bases in Roblox
Raid the base in Roblox
You should do a rust console video with a popular rust console YouTuber like Obie, or DrewDropEmOff and do a actual wipe with a team to see the good pvp and a lot of other aspects of how rust console truly is
Ye they finally fixed console rust and now I play it
Can’t watch this it’s just so bad.
What console does he play on?
Play rules of survival
Game look like rust
Rust console is harder than rust pc
Hold square on a inventory
You can do autorun en all that
PS5 quality😂
Anyone hear the “bruh” before the sponsor?
When are you gonna make king harvest betrayal part 3?
Per chi volesse giocare in solo ricordo che nella sezione community potete trovare server per chi gioca in solo
Sempre creduto in questo titolo… impaziente per settembre e i nuovi aggiornamenti… sempre piu vicini al pc (piccoli passi)
Yooo finally he played rust console
Its come a long way!
He should do a full weekly console wipe
I’m a newer rust player and I learn from you a lot
these guys suck
Welcome to our world. It’s a lot harder than it looks.. hope you enjoy it
Get a xim
Rust console is great until you remember the absurd amount of cheaters and the awful hit registration issues. Not to mention the X being broken on trees since it’s released.
Also i laugh at how salty people get because they lost PvP. Oh you better give me my kit back because i suck or i am raiding you lol. The game now on console is full of babies, especially these massive groups who loose to a solo, duo, trio and they just cry and tjen come raid you 8-16 deep because they absolutely suck at PvP.
Console Rust is somehow worst than PC Rust when it comes to cheaters literally every single person is uisng scripts
Rust console is good if you dont mind sealing with zenners and zimmers.
Offline raiding is what they all do,most console players will not online raid. Funny thing is the offline raiders are zening and using other cheats,such as a stash cheat, and some location cheat. The ones that cheat it shows as their controller is charging.
Hello memes the game is great but a lot of cheaters on console. They need to get admins or whoever to start ridding console of cheaters.they make it unfair and not fun at all. Help us console players
It looks like sh*t, and looks for SURE like it PLAYS LIKE SH*T
A glitch I keep getting on console addition with houses is when I try to jump off when the horse is moving I get stuck on the horse unable to move
Only not boring rust youtuber imo
how can you play rust for your job
Rust console is soo shit
Parece rust para movil 😂
Anyone else notice that he actually done decent considering he was on the highest pop ic server there is
As a rust console player I approve
Now, try it in old gen
Lol I played on this server with my team we lived on the river near bandit camp
Must be a torture to play with controller.
You almost came close to nearly just about defending that raid.
whats the sound efect of the ginger moment?
I know that l0g1xz guy, hes a filthy door camper!
Ngl he’s not too bad
They have some dope skins tbh I’m a little jealous of some of them
You should go into rust and give a base away but the trick is you already put code locks on and do a guest code for all of the Tc and whatever and then go back like a day later if they did not expand
Try JadeMonkey’s custom server and get VIP. his server is LIT
You can totally run and craft on console.. lol noob
U need the right Settings
Console is full of cheaters. They all use a thing called zen. As a legit player you can never win a gun fight against the zen players.
Finnaly bruuh 😂
Kinda kracked on the sticks wtf? I was not expecting memio do be decent at console lol
this guy is trash at console, please tell me hes good at PC
console rust actually has vibe of 2018-2020 rust
Are you able to use keyboard and mouse on console rust ?
Bro you can still craft meds and stuff while running turn on auto run or press and hold down on d pad
One day a PC player will optimise their setting before doing one of these “PC player plays Rust Console” videos 😂.
– You can increase your FOV
– You can reduce dead zones and increase sensitivity
– Turn off vsync to reduce input latency
– Head look can be mapped to L1
– You can enable auto run
– You can craft/move inventory when you auto run
– Holding square lifts an entire inventory in one go
I’m sure there’s plenty more, but those are the things I’d immediately change off the top of my head.
Or maybe they’re not actually interested in giving it a fair shake and play it suboptimally just to drive clicks/comments like mine.
as a console rust player the game is now olny ass bc invalids ive lost so many fights bc them
crouch when shoot🤙
Rust Admin Trolling 13 when?
Just got a bunch of updates on test branch.
I wouldnt call the game good, id call ut WAYY better
enable auto run so you can run and craft bandages at the same time
great vid as always it is cool to see you PC players coming over and giving console a shot
You can set up auto run man like pc and you just go into crafting screen whenever. When it’s active there’s a little dude in the bottom of the screen and it shows if your auto running.
I wish there was less cheating in Rust
Pc players talk about console like white old people talk about other races
7:03 The gun sounds alone already make console better than PC. LOL
the music selection is beau-t full
who else seen that his body bag was there at the bottem of the parkour
On rust console you can go into the setting and turn on auto run. This makes it so you can craft and run 😅
I like this game but I am the worst pvp player on rust console 😂 I can do great on fps games but on rust console changing the slots for aid and weapons I just get frozen trying to change between my load of weapons and axe ect. And the movement of striking I’m not use to can’t hit anything heck have a hard time hitting a road signs pole and mining nods at times 😅 solo there no way I can get anything built up on a vanilla server …
you cant pay me enough to go back to console
It would be cool if you could claim the horse with a saddle or something that would buck anyone else off use as a trap 😅
Since when is there cowboy hats😂😭
Let’s duo! Nobody will play console with me 😢
console still looks like a 360 game
Put auto run you weapon
As a rust console player ist still bad bot I did put over 800 hours so I’m just geekin
This guy is the goat
ima get on frost TV next wipe cuz those kids are terrible
You’re Awesome! I love to see you testing out Rust Console for yourself!
Rust console actually looks decent now
Would be cool if you could plug in your mouse and keyboard and try it that way, if possible
0:22 Memeio Cartman 😂
No, no they didn’t
Lame video do something then rust
I miss the old gun sounds so much.
I don’t get how people think console rust is better than pc rust and I’ve played both
“Semi in hand” sounds very out of context
Should have played public test branch😮
Should have played public teat branch
Ewwww @memio is on gaystation
There is a bug on Testbranche on console when you pick up a nailgun u get kicked so maybe make a video were you abuse it
U can loot everything by holding down X And get all of it
Play rust on console with me
I’m better than u at rust console 🤷♀️
Why tf my name that I’m done
Erm I’m the king of rust console 👑 Turtle_fer_19 OT
I don’t care what anyone says rust console is awesome
When they get solo servers or duo I will play again otherwise to many clans to enjoy..
Should I get rust console edition?🧐
connect a keybaord and mouse and play rust consle
7:06 the old rust ak sound was terrifying
Bruh I only play console rust, its fun until you keep dying with about 4k sulfur like 8 times in a row because a team of 2 or 3 comes up on you everytime
bro put on the most potato graphics to show off console rust😂
memeio is so much better a bow pvp than me😂
Bro your my favourite creator and I just started rust console a few days ago
Dang should have waited for next wipe or you can do another for next wipe industrial will be on main
this bigger youtubers always promote smartphone games wille play only pc or console ….bro gtfo …we dont have phones bro
As someone with quite a few hours rust console experience on ps5 and Xbox is awful and you will get invalid shots 8/10 times
Memeos Better at console than me with 2 000 hours 😂
turn on auto run!! i don’t know if you did or not, only so far in.
you’re having fun playing a game? FUN?!?! thats a lynchin
Bro Turn up ur sens PLEASE
as a formal console player u can generally have a really good time on it
It still looks awful.
I almost bought a PS5 to play it as it “progressed” — bloody glad I didn’t!
Also on console you get roam/offline raided ALOT more
As someone with 6k hours in pc and a little over 1k on console I have to say I prefer it rn feels much more challenging and engaging to me atm
Is it worth buying the game on Xbox series x?, I’ve never played Rust but I’m a fan of survival games. Rust console edition also has all the DLC updates like PC?
Roblox rust looks better.
To run and craft turn on auto run in your settings
They did not fix it😂 it’s still pretty much dog shit
That was fun watching someone that don’t even play rust console And you still dominated this server LOL
Can you try last island of survival
Crust is better than pc
it is better than it was but crust still so bad
Yea, people only offline raid on console rust. ONLY OFFLINE. Crust players suck. Notice too that they online raid the solos. And it’s only at 3-7 am
Memeio can you play trident survival in roblox
most people are dog shit 😭
15:00 gyat
Who has a letterbox BP on them? WTF? 12:47
thers auto run lol
i forgot memeio exist goddammit
Memio console incoming ?
Dragon city on a quest to sponcer every youtuber
Being a 7k hour console player I can submit this is a rust official vid
Rust console only good with teamates
I kinda wish pc let us properly play with controller, cant lie im one of the rare breeds who play pc on controller and its definitely painful
Please gift me a PC so I don’t have to play console rust😭
Oh ginger, game bad 👎🏻
Rust console the goat, also go in your settings turn stance indicator on and auto sprint then sprint for 3 seconds a little indicator will say you’re on auto sprint so you can craft and do stuff whilst running next year give it a try 😂
Told u bro.
Hey memio if actually wanna play a good rust wipe from begin to start I can carry you to do everything on rust console
Rust mobile 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
Build a trap base in console
“foreshadowing” (spoiler)
The problem is not the groups bro it’s most all console players using a mod adapter to cheat!
Who’s trying to play I got all bps
I actually enjoyed watching you play console rust the way you edit was perfect hope to see it again in the future on CR 🎉
Ypu need some control freeks
The performance SUCKS
Hey man the horse joke was a low blow we even have tugboats now 😢
the fact he forgot the large furnace around 15:55
Looks like a iPod game ported to PS2 😂
Please upload on rinsed again mate please
Why is memeio good at console
Fixed ? 😂😂😂😂 there’s more invalids now than ever before
ik agentchicknsuxd he’s my mate i use to play with😊
Rust console is still ass
Yo memeio! I play on that server! Used to live by the river (not the compound) but we moved closer to the beach. Sucks I couldn’t meet the legend in game but it’s awesome knowing I lived by the man himself 🫡
Your mic was off the entire time on the game
Memio u. An turn on auto run so that u can craft while running ur on base settings u can change it
Public test branch has industrial, matching pc UIs, backpacks, and a ton of other features to make it match pc version. Sick year for rust console. 🎉
Looks not abd
Day 11 of asking memio to play vanity on roblox
no way i saw his previous rust console videos again yesterday and now he makes a new one.That coincedence is crazy
I can craft and run on Xbox series X . I’m not sure if it’s controller
Your sensitivity needs adjustment
God crust looks so awful on videos 😅 I promise it’s not that bad snymore
Let me know when you want some good console content 😈
You need to play test branch you have to buy the dark camo pack.we have backpacks and electric furnaces
I had an a couple hour’s on console Rust last month, it *feels* different, not bad or worse, but just *feels* different.
And the gsme is lacking so much from the PC version, its about 3 years behind
Yeah i hate using a controller too!
Is this on ps4 or something? When I played on xbox one it did not look anything like this. It looked like PC rust I just didn’t like the controls so I got it on pc but why does it look like that? Are your graphics at 0?
Rust console sucks
“Okay, semi in hand, let’s head out to the world” is what I say to myself every morning.
Vid starts at 0:00
Why do you have it on like the lowest graphic
can u fuckin influnce the devs to make a next gen update cuz the game is bad for tryhards players
Can’t you plug your keyboard and mouse in your console?
As a rust console player this video is valid
I was waiting so long
no shot this fool actually plays Dragon City
6:16 you have to turn on auto run and head turn for better gameplay’s
”OH MY GOD im a ginger i forgot” XD
If you use zen does it still come up press square on stuff or no jw
les go
Don’t put music in videos because it’s annoying
I barely even play vanilla any more, it’s been a year since I have, I only play modded lol
Edit: btw, mp5 is better
I love children😊😊😊
Im 56😊
Bro needs a higher sensitivity
Is ps4 still laggy fps?
Btw the video starts at 0:01
I wouldn’t say “fixed” but slightly improved….BUT THEY NEED TO ADD A FUCKING MINI COPTER. They gonna add a drive able tank before they add a fucking mini copter
3:11 Man really put a “bruh” sound effect
I think we need more Memeio playing rust console! 😳🤠
Iv finally got a pc after 3000 hours console and yeah nah pc is 100x better
You should Switch to Console
@Memeio hey memeio i wanted to say that if your playing the game on ps4 or 5 you can plug in your mouse and keybord
If your looking for some help and some more fun on console id be happy to help you out 😂 also p.s, people rarely use sar on consol just because it’s hard to aim in general
Whats the last song called?
A ps4 or 5??????????
All these Rust Console players need to grow up and buy a PC like big boys
I have alm 3000 hours in console. Why is this MF better than me with a bow..
Fuck turning on auto run, just play rust the right way on pc lmao.
Lol, “My thumbs hurt”
when did you record this? I play on console and the chat is not that bad and either you found a lobby full of bots or this was awhile ago. I also use the lowest graphic settings possible because if not its way to laggy to play at all for me but even my game looks better.
If you autorun you can craft
i can be a teammate with you if youd like memeio, i have almost 2 or 3k hours on console rust and id let you know wassup
11:43 “semi in hand, lets head out into the world.” Only in rust.
bro is crazy on console rust
Wtf does he play on
Rust console is so bad 😭
U should get a Xim so u can play kbm but on console to make it fair😂
The tommy kid you killed at 9:30 is an old alliance who gave me an online at the end of wipe for fun, lost horribly then offlined me because he couldn’t handle the loss. Glad too see he’s still trash. 😂
Bleh console, why would ppl play with a gamepad on purpose in a FPS game
Rust Console actually looking fairly decent wth
How are u better at console
next time, enable auto run, and go to controls and change your L1 to “head look” then when you hold L1 you can pan around you while running straight, as well as run and craft with auto run
Console: New inventory UI update!
Console players: The game is so much better! It’s good now!
Also console players: *taking a massive drink of copium*
Would you ever play with joana again?
As a guy with 2000 hours on rust console I can confidently say that this was hard to watch 😬
i know u play with XIM awesome bot)
Console version is so ass loool
just wait till you see the next update
Just looking at the comments from all the console rust fans 😂
You had a semi where?!
Keep playing RCE!
14:59 0_0 graphics looking OOKAY
0:23 what is this arab music called?
905 days of war Russia attacked and is trying to occupy Ukraine.
905 дней войны Россия напала и питается оккупировать Украину.
Победы Украине
Offline raiding on console is very likely. I think they watch the player list for you to get off. Online raids are extremely rare. I roll solo a lot. It doesn’t matter, usually when I get raided, if I find the guy that killed me during the raid, it’s so far always been a big team ( 6 or 8 people). I’ve been raided a lot, Never has it been online. Consider yourself lucky.
Yeah you need to enable auto run in the options, then you can run and craft and look at the map.
in the settings memio, there is a thing that allows u to auto run, i would reccomend to turn that on, it pops up beside ur hotbar (this is if u ever play console again)
Put auto run on they u should be able to run and craft 😅
I was just thinking about getting rust to ps5, im a solo player since i dont know anyone on ps5 im recently just got one
and you made me want to get it. your content so funny and nice! 10/10
Rust console needs to support keyboard and mouse.
Aim asisst best in rust
if you break your legs, its hard to cook orangutan
i killed lil bro hahaha
Next up rust mobile again (oxide : survival island)
Where you will either meet 7 year Olds or Russian cheaters, for the real rust experience..
Did he just BRUH his own sponsor???xD
So we can join
Do a live on rust console
You can auto run, so after a few steps of running you can auto run and craft while you’re leggin it
As a 2k hour console rust player I would suggest u changing ur settings and ur boot multiplyer
Yeees memeio rust console
Should I buy rust for my ps4?
memeio i downloaded the game but i haven’t got any rewards you said i would get?
I was tempted to dislike just so this video hits 69 dislikes but I didn’t, praise me
to late now lmao but auto run and quick craft is in settings and holding down square on any sort of loot takes it all at once
Bros got raided by the AgentChickns
I have 2122 hours in rust console I played since beta it is fun when you change your settings and hit your shot and you need teammates yes
Should build a trap base 😂😂😂
i used to play rust console then i switched to pc rust in rust console i had 400 hours in the game and pc rust like 200 hours
Memeio would be absolutely elated if he found out you can up your sensitivity and turn on auto sprint. Also official is dominated by xim players so mnk is everywhere. Customs are the way to go
Even though your sponsors usually suck I always watch the ads cause I appreciate what you do ❤
I’m so lucky did not buy rust on console
Ahhhh, that was so much fun…. Thanks bro
should of done some trap bases on console tbh
Get out of here
This is making me want to try console rust
I’m literally playing rust console right now
Hell no 👎
Wonder what happened to the rust mobile knockoff…
Nope I’m solo and it’s a lot harder dude. I get teamed all the time. Also the audio between Xbox and PlayStation is ass
You have thumbs😂
but.. he’s a ginger irl
Yo run a wipe with me and the homies
I think you’re in the same same I’m in atleast
What is the best server solo on console?
I would have wrecked you MW2 1v1 back in the day. Quick scopes? Knife only? i had that shit on lock! Lol
All fun in games until he runs into the 5 man all using xim or zen
Rust console has nothing but cronus or xim users🤣 getting beamed from m2 from 5 grids away…
Memeio can i play with you if yeah my name is Gaga_5556
Did I ever expect for memio to play some bachata instrumentals… no I did not, but I do enjoy it 🤧
“Your boy officially has a semi back in his hands” – Memio 2024
I have console. It wasn’t that bad. It honestly could use a lot more of what PC has to offer but its good. Guns sound different that’s for sure. And I don’t know why but some reason playing on console and a TV the distance you see a target is half. I have noticed with everything even AK, m2. I can hit the heli 6 grids away though with hv rounds but yeah get the point
Rust console is unbearable as a solo, playing in a team is almost mandatory. The only way to be successful as a solo is to build small empty bases, and offline raid for a main base when you want one.
you should make a trap base on console
My guy. The days of going 28/4 are long gone. Now I play CoD for the story mode.
Console you definitely 100% need a teammate, so many clans/zergs
Hey mention I’ve been playing rust console for a wyle now and a few tips that could help you with your game play is changing some of your setting like putting on auto run it works half the time but what I find that help is running for like 20-30 seconds then open inventory second inventory skip that way your not scrolling through every empty hot bar and go straight for the ones that you need third to change your turning and aiming sensitivity it helps a bunch in fights
Ps. Thanks for the vid loved it have a great day
Why do you lie mate? Tell me what’s your name on Xbox or ps
ngl i switch to con cuz all these new annoying updates
Yo memeio I killed you I was Agentchickn_suxd
You should use a zim for kbm instead of controller
U need to troll trap bases console please
I want to see a enardo rust console zerg and see the server suffer
Respect more stuff soon
yo play console rust public test branch
Next year maybe we’ll get a console rust trap base
I would love to play with you!
The motion blur..
memeio hold Square when you loot
Idk if im only one.. but i feel like aim support is too strong at bow comparing to weapons
*hold square* loots all
im gonna touch you
don’t worry, last gen runs absolutely atrocious. if you get into a fight with a guy and he starts looking the opposite direction don’t worry, he has to wait for the next frame (around 6hours and 24 minutes) to know if he is looking in the right direction or not.
invailds are terrible deleven makes me suicidal
What type of server’s do you play?
Next video Chad memeio comes back
Oxide is Better now 🤣🤣🤣
looks like 2016 rust
spoil alert as a console rust player. it’s not
This looked horrible all the way through
Good job my dude, next time ur on console you can carry me. I can miss from anywhere on the map 🐒
I lost my dragon city account years ago. I was really into that game
Bro, what server? I never see that bad players
i play rust console and i think i’m better then you
Plug in a keyboard and mouse. Works for xbox. Idk about other consoles
I played console rust for 18 hours yesterday holy fuck
I was with the guys on the ice lake gg
Console edition…….gross. 🤢
Legend #crust
Anyone else notice his mic was on for a lot of the video if it’s green memeio it’s on if it’s gray it’s off everyone can hear you
As a day 1 Ark Xbox player, Yall had it easy on Rust launch and where its at now. 😂
They also added tug boats to console
You have to set your control setting to autorun and activate headlock mode. Lol
voice chat actually not bad its there mics are garbage
Memeio guess what we getting on console rust planes that we can fly
You need to change to settings to autorun
Woah the sound is buggin me out. Even the guns
Dude people only offline on rust console. Rarely do you ever see an online raid.
Finally memeio made a video
Press and hold down on the dpad
At least you plan on the better counsel
As a representative of console rust community I take this as a dub
Rust Solo died years ago
They just added industrial, moonpools, and backpacks to the test branch for rust console and it’s awesome
Just switched to pc less than a week ago and can confirm pc is better in every way but am spray
What’s the update
Who wants to get carried?
weird how your not on controller
3:11 Dragon deez nuts.
Go on oxide it’s better
Welcome to my rust life 😂😂 wish I could get a chance to try rust on PC. Always enjoy your videos memieo 😝
Your aim with prim Is better then me
We need a part 2 of this
Who tf in there right mind thinks rust console is any good compared to pc
Yikes this is bad 👎
17:31 there’s a loot bag
love watching youtubers play on dead servers.. smh
Memeio you did it all wrong one your graphics is horrible to. You’re playing on. PlayStation Xbox is way more comfortable the controller and you don’t have to bend your fingers and three. I don’t understand why it’s so trash but I have rust Consol edition and it’s not bad it’s really good.
Console rust has improved a lot, nothing beats pc rust but console rust is getting dope. Train tunnels would be nice.
I was in the comments omg omg
Memeo play fallen again it updated so many new atuf
That’s a lie I played the game recently and couldn’t get a base or nothing no matter how many times I spawned whoever said it was good is a liar and this game is a steaming pile of dogshit
6:24 I know what he just said about not saying anything console players but do you have auto run off or something as you should be able to or it’s because you haven’t been running for long enough without changing your movement suddenly (please correct me if I’m wrong) but other than that this is just my opinion but look at your sensitivity for stuff about what is what next time you play it as it’s so slow but some people do prefer that.
My eyes are bleeding after watching the graphics in this video….
Was that frost r4? Weekly
No it’s not fixed invalids on this game are worse than.pc
Console is still ass
From the look of it, it is not as sweaty as PC RUST. I just want a chill version of RUST where it gets hectic once in a while. This seems like it. After years of RUST on PC and almost 3K hours, I need a change. Too bad I don’t have a PS5, but honestly this almost looks good enough to spend the money on all of it.
Add me on Rust consel its AcidBurn08PLSSSS
Surely he’s on new gen
Console version looks like an ancient build of rust while on a very bad computer lol
Few things to know set auto run up, change special action to hold to head look with L1/LB,holding square/X loots everything at once And R3 organizes loot in inventory/boxes!!!
11:39 wait we can finally place thing that can go through doors, i stopped playing rust console abit ago… but im glad to see it
abit of topic but how much longer do we have to wait for the 2x servers , ive been waiting for 2 years now!
dpi for rust?
Memeio: 14
its actually good now 🤣
yeah they also fixed “Rust Mobile” 😂
Thank god he played love console rust
10:22 im in the background here❤
If you put all run and you can craft stuff while running
Auto run in settings on console
You can you just need to turn on auto run in the settings so after running for about 5 secs you can let go of the stick and you will still be running and craft😂
Edit:if you go to controller layout and you press triangle until it says r1 head look hold then you can hold the right trigger and look while running straight like alt looking
You should also play 3x servers (with me no I’m kidding…well if you want to then tell me😂)
Its insane to think that there is actually a version of rust that is more shit than the PC one.
You’re way better off not using guns. You’re more Robin Hood than you are Wyatt Erp. 🏹
Play a full wipe on rust console, and see if a pro on pc can do well on the console edition.
Why does everyone know brand CPU and GPUs like intel and and and Nvidia but nobody cares about ram?
They’ve got subs now to
Thank u
i play on x box 1 for rust and it’s fun and ez
I bet Memeio actually plays Dragon City.
Play fallen that have more update and it good you should do a full bid
Memeio posted? Must be a great day
Dragon Diz Nuts all across your face 😂😂😂
Just this video my me feel Like I was lagging
Rust console needs mods. That would make it so much better!
Sorry console players but i cant watch this.
I have a team with 40k hours on console if you wanna play
Watching you loot is so painful. Just loot all
U need to mess with the settings 😨
You have to adjust you setting to turn on auto run and head look.
Why play console when you have PC? Not one advantage to playing console
I went from cosole to PC, Best decision of my life.
Bro, try rust console. It got a new update. It’s better now
Rust console was so much funner a year or 2 ago.
They should bring back 2.5k maps or increase the max player count on the bigger maps cause it feels like I’m playing a single player game on a max pop
Runs better but the graphics are so bad, Is that just cause it’s for console?
i didnt trickshot either
Welcome back 😂
Shooting mechanics are so messed up on console very scuffed
the industrial update will coming soon inc. electrical overhaul! it is already online on PTB.
Tip for next time, hold the interact button to quick loot an entire inventory
What consol to play rust on
Bro I was his second kill
The voice chat is lacking it seems
U can turn on auto run btw so u can craft and run
Can you guys please join my rust console server I was always my dream to have a server with alot of people nobody plays on it and I can’t get anybody I would really appreciate it if some people can join memeio love the content keep up the good work
Rust console back then tho
Pc rust stucks it takes 30 mins just to load in
Rust mobile now 😂
you should create a community server for all us console players with some actual moderators to stop cheaters. it would be the top server if ya did it
i don’t get how people are able to play console for the past 2 years i stutter freeze every 4 seconds on new gen
Console kids are bots
I’m watching this will water farming on console rust lol
Join Exiles for a good time 😂 I own it
The problem with this game is the development team cannot design controller settings for the life of them. They actually need to spend the resources to ask professional teams for help on controller settings cause it plays like shit.
They still haven’t added it to game pass so that’s a lot of Xbox players who won’t bother with it yet
console Rust looks like shit!
It’s going to be way better in a couple months
You actually good on console
@memeio in settings for console version u can turn on auto sprint so after a secound or 2 of running in a direction u don’t have to hold the directional stick anymore and then u can do stuck like open your map while still moving or craft items etc.
I cab only play console but i play on old gen and it looks HORSE SHIT
lol this game looks horrible on console
If you play again turn on auto run so you could craft and run also turn on free look
Why does the console version look so bad? I literally play on a 10 year old pc and it looks better than this.
I love watching memeio and eating food
1:40 sir that is a boar
console rust seems aids
People only offline on console
Turn auto run on and there is also an option to have a bumper for free looking
Console is trash lol
Try rust mobile again it’s so much better 😂
Pws play strayed again pokie
hold down on dpad to craft while running and run for 5 secs to keep running with inv open
Hold down square to pick up everything
pro tip- dont play crossplay on playstation because most players on xbox are xen and or xim
Please do a short series of rust console!?!
Man I miss u❤
Under 10 hours gang👎
Console rust is just a pirated version of a good game -ign 0/10
I dont have a pc so i can actually say that the graphics havent changed one bit as long as your console didnt get worse
Mimio theres a chance you’ll never see this but. Yes yiu can craft while tunning its a swtting in RCE its called auto run…
Lol it’s still absolute dog shite!
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
My eyes!!!
Auto run exists
why didnt you use mouse and keyboard on console if u didnt know u can connect a mouse and a keyboard to a playstation and a xbox
We are finally get the industrial update at the end of this month and they are also adding backpacks and moonpools
u always get the worst mobile games to sponsor u 🤣🤡
that mw2 hits me hard, 2008 was playing cod 4 on pc 2009 cod mw2 on xbox 360 then got it on pc and man those was the days
Memeio, you can run and craft if you turn on auto run.
They did not fix crust it’s as trash as ever after 4k hours vanilla on crust fuck that money grab
Nah it’s still pretty bad
I’ve played 4 wipes it’s very underrated it’s way better then you would think just yeah lots of cheaters
graphics are still terrible lol.. love the vids man!
rust consle is harder solo trust me i play solo consle
i made a program that let you exploit the wheel in rust facepunch patched it on pc but i think they haven’t on console hit me up to test it on console
Weak comments! .. Honestly.. sick of your weak traps!! Let’s see some Big style ultimate Rage quit!… I’m calling you out Memeio!😅
looks like trash
I was waiting for a new console rust video
I will say Rust Console looks horrible. They must have to dial back graphics like crazy to get 60fps on those lol
Maybe a duo with a rust console youtuber when the industrial update is comming ??
Im a rust console solo player and its so tuff
I’ve played recently on rust console with my mate cause he doesn’t have a pc and its definitely better the hit reg is better than pc tbh but its the controls and graphics i cant stand things like no hoverloot but its getting there m&k support would be great cause I’m not gonna xim if I can just play pc rust
I needed so much a memeio video that today I started seeing old ones again
Oh hey the game is supposed to be good now.. OH GOD IM A GINGER!!!! turns of console lol
Bag me in
Few Tips:
-You can grab everything by holding square
-Go into rust settings and change your control layout so you can headlock with L1
-Also in rust controls setting turn auto sprint ON so you can run while still in inventory
Hope this helps
I bought rust on my console ( im a rust pc player) just to play with my console friends and i will never run that shit again 😂 the graphics and controls are really bad 😂
Hi memio want to play a community server with me on rust console?
You can hold square to loot everything at once
He just needed skins for stuff lol😅
1:30 blud silently fixes softside
we are NOT downloading dragon city 💀
damn memeio listening to cumbias i didn’t know you was chill like that 14:53
I swear rust console not look as bad as it looks on video the graphics look like it’s a potato
ngl graphics wise it looks rofl 😀
You can turn on auto run and you can also turn on free look. Two huge setting you have to change if you continue playing (= YW
bro fell off 3 views in 5 sec :/
rust console is not that good is just bunch of Zen, mk user and I bet most of you comment on this video is zen user and I’m not a hater I’m just saying the facts though
Rust console is still disgusting and for degenerates
I think with hit markers and horses it does make all the difference from the first time you played. It’s alot less blocky and grey?? Amazing video.
The thing with rust console is going through inventory is so slow lol
If u are on Xbox hold x to take the full inventory
Memeio ruse 63 great pop love ur videos (slowly being him to my server) 😋
Memio we neeeed a console rust tugboat wipe please
Everyone like so he sees it
Memio really hope u seek this but once u play rust console again hold square to pick up everything in someone’s inventory at once
Still trash
i love when mameioo posts
try ptb
ngl rust on console looks hideous
You should get all the trophies for rust console W Video Idea or na
Play console rust with your viewers I’d love to be one of them
Why didn’t u use mouse and keyboard? You can
We were the ice lake base ahahha what r the odds, love the vids
You can turn on an auto run setting so you can run and be in your inventory at the same time
Does Halo have KBM support but Rust Console doesn’t?
Hold square to loot of the loot in boxes
11:43 “Okay semi in hand lets head out into the world” ayooo ???
Console garbage
You can go to settings and put on auto run, that way you can run and craft at the same time.
Great video! Glad to see you give Rust console another try
Rust console has more rage quitters and whiners you will ever see 😂
you know you can plug a keyboard and mouse into console right?
Turn auto-sprint on and you can run and craft.
U know how ppl are so good on console rust. They all use keyboards and mouse. Its a crazy advantage. I quit because its nearly impossible to win pvp again m&k on this shit game.
Memio chnsnge ur settings
Finally posted this video I been waiting for days ever since I saw ur ig story
So scuffed even by console standards…
I’m convince I’m one of the best rust console bow players and I’m controller
Rather eat silver and turn my self blue! Then play this game!
You should try console edition, it so much better now
i notice you loot bodies individually hold square to loot everything at once👌
Memeio I’m L0g1xz u killed at the start of the vid I love u ❤
Playing a PC game on console 😮💨
Hold x to take all
you need to turn up the turn sensitivity. thats nuts turning that slow.
you should have played test branch it has backpacks and many more things
Do roblox rust, they added a boss and everything
Indont have pc,so i play on ps5
Hurray (play station why)
Memio can you dominate me please 🙏
LogixZ is logics spelled weirdly lol
Try all of your trap bases on rust console LO. L bet you won’t
This should be a tradition, memio plays Rust console once a year
300th comment
Crust is a blast
Omg its finally here
me like ur vid
I’m on console and I can’t event make a bow before sweats kill me 🙁
You can turn on auto run to run while in you inventory, map and when your crafting stuff
This is sooo asssssss, played it for an hour, waste of £30. Such a weird game transferring from PC. The sound, the gameplay, the graphics, the players, the movement, just everything is sooo bad still! Its been out for sooo long too and its just still sooo bad IMO. Rust PC will never be matched by console even if they added everything PC has it still wouldnt match it because the movement and graphics and that are sooo hard to get used to. I mean why the hell are the WOODEN doors so shiny? I love that they are updating it though and havent given up on it. Its good for the console players i suppose that cant play pc or have never played pc. I mean if you have never played rust PC i bet the game is awesome but my judgement is clouded by PC version comparison
Who wants him to play on console more
I can’t believe he actually played he definitely needs a teammate he should have waited for next month cuz we are getting backpacks electric furnaces and piping.
wtf is this foor a sponsor
Rust console is the decent i have 2k hours on it
You can run and craft in crust just enable autorun in settings then run for three seconds
I love your vids pls put my comment in your vid
Oh man I forgot u where like…even a person.
you need to hold square to grab everything at onces when looting
You know what would be kinda cool to see you do Memeio? Doing some of your good ole reliable trap bases you use on PC that are possible to be made on Rust Console and see how many people you can piss off with them
new update try again auro smelter
have you ever been domed on dome while shouting DO ME?
Should have waited till industrial update on test branch there is so much added
3:10 “BRUH” lmao yeah, pay those bills bro
To sprint and craft there’s a setting for auto run where after a bit of holding down the sprint better you’ll continue running then you can craft freely or hold down one of the dpad buttons and it will pop up a crafting wheel
It looks so bad. The shadows are absolutely horrible.
Yooooo thanks for putting me in the vid memeio
o my guahh
Hold down X on e
Xbox and you will loot all
Bro finally realized Raid Shadow Legends sucks 😂
let’s go a new memeio vid😱💯🔥🎅👍💆♂️
Still junk. I get so many invalids at 27 ping…
Hell nah i stay with pc and got all my twitch drop skins
Petition for a trap base on console
Btw memio pls play nova 3x it’s my server I will give u admin
Rust Console better than Rust??
True entertainment
Wtf r u doing
Literally no one with a PC would say console is better. This shit is a phone game basically lmao
The cheating is way worse on consoles then it is on PC every one uses a xim/Zen and it’s fucking dumb
Grew up on xbox switched to pc best decision ever made. Let them hate
Viewing this low quality rust making me just ew yk
You made the right choices 😊
Console weenies should be ignored.
Jo on exboxks
Shits still ass
“Console is better”- Every Rust console player swallowing gallons of copium.
The only problem with the game is the majority of the player base cheats
You can put on outo run
Consol has one button to grab all loot from inventories. That’s the main good thing it has 😂
I must be the best halo 3 player of all time!! Time to make… a montage!! 😂😂
the snow looks like ash
Bro watching you play is so relatable, shooting is so hard in this game. And like you said everyone’s on a team in vanilla, soloing is so tough. Gotta play the community solo only servers 😉
Memio your settings are awful and you dont have head look turned on also there is a auto run so you could craft bandages just gotta run in a straight line
How are your graphic so good in console rust mine are so horrible on a ps5 with a 1440p monitor
Is this with the new industrial update, moon pool, and night light texture?
There is a VR game called GR!M which is basically Rust on a different planet, you might want to wishlist it since it comes out this year (flip the ! upside down for the actual word)
im the 223# comment
Do you know that young oogway got bannd on YouTube for his new song XD
memeio i saw you on that autistic kid with the body pillow and minion beds instagram lmao bros out here doing sidequests
Let’s gooo
You’re not supposed to have fun on console
I got here at 1 second like the commute if you were to
What is the sound effect at 0:23? I cannot find it lol
Btw you can craft and run at the same time by holding the run button forward for I little bit without stopping
that sensitivity is so lowww
Im that same ginger on console. Hats are always the first thing I craft😂
People today would not survive those fucking MW2 lobbies. Where men were built back in the day
Never let Memeio play Rust console.
After years it’s finally playable?
Bro is an old head😭
yessir new video
Aj Have 244 hovers on console rust and u ar beader then me wft😂😂
Nah that’s crazy. The second I go back to rust console you make a vid on it. Have you been stalking me?
cowboy hats in rust…..you joking memio, the cowboy hat is definitly in rust.
Im a ginger wats rong
Gotta double clicky the sprinty button for auto run
@Memeio Love The Video 😂. Also u could auto run and craft / head look it’s all in the settings
Check polybob out please memeio . comment on video please
I have pc graphism on my console 😅
yoooo memeio do you think we can play some roblox rust for a video i also do content but i just started my channel is AutoKein plz if you see this respond im subbed
People were commenting Rust console is better now? they must be blind asf xD.
Yo memio u on PlayStation or xbox
Its somehow sweatier and more toxic than pc its great!
Your back
I mean rust console is pretty good I mean it’s good since we can’t afford your 5000$ pc’s lol also I am a ps4 rust player and it’s not bad plus we are gun be getting the industrial stuff and backpacks in this next update
cant believe im so early (its 4 am in here rn)
The ONLY thing that bothers me is how sticky aiming/looking feels, really wish it was different
Forever in memory of Logixz
I’m spoiled by my series x is this really what it looks like for most people?
you should play PC rust i heard its pretty good
It would be way easier to aim with Tommy
ima need these servers
We need to play rust your way better than me
console trap base vid?
Next video Trapbase on rust consol
rust mobile top
Probably better to play community servers instead of official servers if doing solo. So many big clans on official… Not fun at all
6:15 you can it’s a setting called “Auto Sprint”
Also if you hold Square on a body it loots everything instead of you tapping square on all the items
Where did fancy orb disappear to
6:18 go to settings and active auto running, after about 2-4 seconds of running in a straight line you will auto run and can check inventory or map while running
This is wild… I legit just asked on someone’s video last week. Rust console should I buy it? They said they didn’t know. Currently watching an ad before watching your video. Hoping you say it’s badass! Cause I’ll be buying it when I get off work!
3:03 wait, they don’t downscale the recycler in safe zones on console? What sort of bs is that
Ayy I’m an alcoholic on rehab… for each like I buy meself one beer 🍺
theres alot of controls you can change to make you better like auto run and quick swap meds
pc is just so much better
how did his crosbow go sideways while running
Actual title of this video:-
Memio try to white wash his statment about console rust for 20:23
Looks a bit muddy but I guess it is from capturing difference with your PC rust.
I bullied my first Rust player offline, last night on console. Kept camping his door with spears in the dead of night😂
I cant stand console
Yeah rust console is full of groups and it feels pointless to play solo, but still I can’t seem to give it up
From garbage gliches in that game to good updates for once after watching your video I went to play it and tbh its good know
YESS MEMEIO PLEASE PLAY CONSOLE RUST MORE, maybe if i get lucky we can duo?
👇20 minute gang
memeio i love you shawty
5k vids in 20 mins bro fell off
This was painful to watch. Let’s be honest, Console sucks. Coming from ps5 owner ffs
You gotta build a trapbase on console next
Chads who are under 20 minutes
We should play sometime bro I’m purely console player 🥲
it looks dooke
Be lookin sus.
You would of had a much better time if you actually got some decent settings changed you can run an craft you can have meds auto replace in hotbar an a bunch of others that would of really helped
How is he better bow pvp than me
Hey memio you can go to settings and turn on outo run then run while crafting
There is a setting called auto run that allows you to run why you are crafting or in your inventory
I would say that was an above average montage it’s not how long it is it’s how you use it 👀😂
Uploaded 14 mins ago and only 3400 views. Memeio fell off.
Skibidi memeo
If Memeio makes your day better everytime he uploads
I’ve been waiting for this
Early plz like my comment
U are me favorite youtuber 😢 🎉🎉❤❤ pls make video of trap base ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
Hey memeio u can turn on auto run in settings and free look
You can auto run and open the inventory
You can loot all stuff if you hold x
You can headlook with L1 behind you if you change your settings
Love u c:
It looks like know off rust
If you want to run and craft you got to put auto run on in the settings
Bro I love console I raid every base around where I live I have 4 bases next to each other
If you need tips or the best ways to play rust console hit me up
Rust console still looks like ass and even on the newer consoles lol Sorry console players. I said what I said.
7:04 Memeo is unstoppable today
*die 3 seconds later*
hey mimeo its better with friends or dumb people
Memeio u can run and craft its in the settings
Turn autorun. On! Then u ran automatically and u can craft
Im glad he played rust console again
Auto run in the settings
Yo you need to Zerg on console
Hold down on d-pad to quick craft and turn on auto run
Anyone here from the Instagram link?
bring back rinsed
5:07 cartoony ahh fall💀
Why is fancy is not making video i miss him
First time I’ve seen Bandit Camp in a while
console is ass
build a trap base in rust console
Rust console “working” 🤨 IMPOSSIBLE !!!
I’d say it’s half way there to pc rust.
holyyyyy early
love you man king memeio i been watching you from 3years and im enjoying every single second of my life watching you
80th to comment also memeio is absolutely goated
its still bad lol
More like Lamemeio
How can he get onlined on rce and i cant 😭
0 minutes and 0 likes? falloff of a year
Finally Memeio had fun on rust console
1 minute old video is crazy
Its still shit😂
Yay he back rce
1 min
I play rust consol
This game is still terrible it needs to ditch old gen because old gen has ruined the future capability of the game and its sad tbh
Rust console is good in its own way but PC Rust is Superior coming from someone who plays both
hi im firist
new vid
6 views and 33 comments? That checks out. Lol
This took a while but it did upgrade but it might be me coping because I’m to broke for pc rust
Rust console is way better now
Why is everyone first?
For once I have been first on a memio vid
Very good i just started watching i saw the notification so i got to see it 18 sec after it came out
Memes was good
Im actually so thankful that it is better. Still praying for helis and a nextgen edition tho
My name is whiteyfresh3000 add me u won’t
2 views in 35 seconds bro fell off
I play console
It’s better but still not really good tbh
2 views in 16 seconds you really feel off
Yay new vid
2 veiws in 10 bro fell off
Can it played with keyboard and mouse? If not then it’s ghey
rust console will always suck
2 views 29 seconds bro had the fall off of the era
Hello hello hello
First and yay
Big W for bro
A new vid letss goooooo
Hi first love ❤
Am I early or is it just memio
no they didnt
I’ve been waiting for this for years
Ty for playing rust console
hi memio
First 😅
First comment memeo love me!