DESTROYING a Pay-to-Win Rust Server using 10,000 FIREWORKS 💥
i’m definitely getting banned for this…
ninabug’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ninabuggg
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guppgotswag
twitter: https://twitter.com/guppgotswag
discord: https://discord.gg/6fD9Qdhe4D
contact: gupp.business@gmail.com
become a GUPP™ INVESTOR!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ8f38Vn2jq950NQiS5Qx4Q/join
The only aim in Rust is to grief. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as mic spam, cheaters and being called various r*cial sl*rs. Build a wall around supermarket. Build a Trap Base. Kill new players for fun. Protect yourself from hackers, and don’t play on official servers. Create alliances with other players and form a town, and then immediately get raided by 20 people. Do whatever it takes to survive.
#rust #trapbase #rustsolo
Taqs:rust,trap base,rust pvp,solo rust,rust update,rust gameplay,gaming,funny moments,rust build guide,rust movie
コメント (2021)
if this video gets 10k likes can we get 20k fireworks?
4:30 0 social skills
Calling USD real money is fucking hilarious! Great Joke bus!
7:44 HE HAS A WHAT……….
Dude was like no then a few minutes later he was like I’ll help you make a bigger one
I don’t even play this game. That legit made me lol
U wouldn’t exist without us, just remember that.🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
the wizard101 music really bring it all together
“how much is that in real money” best line of the video
People seem to confuse pay to win with pay to progress. Unless they get an item that is impossible to get without spending money, it’s pay to progress. Some people work long hours and can’t spend 5 hours after work farming up the mats and kits. It’s a good video but there is nothing I seen in the video that you can’t get in vanilla rust by just grinding.
PAY TO WIN= big shiny weapon that you can’t get unless you spend money.
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
— Romans 3:23
And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
—Jeremiah 29:13
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.
— John 3:16
Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out.
— Acts 3:19
If you’re in North America, please go check out any of the churches available to you: PCA, OPC, Rpcna, Urcna, or a Canrc church.
(These are conservative and actual Reformed/Presbyterian churches)
If you’re Scottish, I recommend the Free Church of Scotland and the APC.
(Different from the Church of Scotland)
If you’re English I recommend the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England & Wales and the Free Church of England.
(Different from the Church of England)
Also online you can look up church finders for each of the groups, it’ll show you locations.
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
– Hebrews 10:24-25
one of the funniest things ive seen in a long while at 7:24
crash base
OMG….. Elmo had a pure panic attack in that chair lol
haven’t heard that wizard101 music in a while
The most unhinged people on this server💀
Brooo this is the funniest shit I’ve seen in a looong time!q
Let’s pay respect to Fbak who became an unwilling victim in this social experiment.
9:20 i swear to god is that Wizard101 music???
I like how u said “whats that in real Money” xD
the wizards 101 music hits hard nostalgia!!!!
Selling wood and stone was enough for me. Get that shit out of the game.
i love how he said in real money lol
“How much is that in real money” LOL
I love the wizard 101 music
idk what ppl problem with pay to win… it’s a fun gamemode and didn’t need to grind like 30 hour…just pay for example 30 eur and you spare that 30 hour ….good trade
Meanwhile, over at outpost, people suddenly notice a nuclear explosion go of in the distance, blinding everyone before time just stops and the world collapses.
runescape music haha
anyone hearing wizard101 music 🤣
That’s scream was crazy 😂😂😂
The video is absolutely lame. Clickbait, see the preview image of the video. Every admin with a bit of sense limits the number of fireworks that can be set off simultaneously. Usually 20 to 30 go off. The rest burn but are not set off. People, don’t let them fool you… All of the players know exactly what’s going on. You are dismissed 🤦🏼♂️
Funny when the guy said he fucks homeless people you were technically homeless at a time
The wizard101 music hit me hard
You could do this to prevent raids. And when you do get raided in the off chance you could set it off make everyone crash and hop in faster and steal all their shit 😂😂😂
Bro the wiz 101 music goes hard in the background lol
That dudes reaction was hilarious hearing him scream for mercy lol
6:30 I’m new, is the wizard 101 music in the background standard for these videos? The song unlocked core memories
He can’t move it move it anymore like king Julian said 😭
Seen the short of this now I get to see the build up yessssssssss he went full elmo
needs 4 players to box in the outpost with fireworks
The wizard101 music is crazy
No way bro added the wizard 101 little song when talking to the guy lol
xD First event killed me xD
Man, the Wizard101 music caught me off guard. Wasnt expecting that little bit of nostalgia
Saw this as a meme so long ago but now I finally had the video pop up on my feed
dont log in tonight
So, let me get this straight. You enjoy effing up other people’s gaming experience just for some likes. Get a life.
Bruh I saw that dude screaming in a neesh meme comp wtf!
The wizard 101 music threw me off hahaha
😂😂😂 omg the dudes reaction had me dying
Bruh that music at the beginning gave me instant nostalgia for Yogscast
best raid defense. just set up 10k fireworks before logging off. noone wants to raid with 12 fps
Let’s Game It Out ahh video
Lol I first saw the 1K fireworks clip on Intagram
Bruh I got an firework ad bro WTF
1:52 🤣
this made me happy
wait wait wait did someone give Nathan Fielder access to gaming?!?!?!?
is that a wizard101 song at 5:45
You’re doing God’s work.
Love the wizard101 music
So wait, Rust can now be modded? Custom safezone cities, stores, custom server side textures, atributes, teleportation, faction type of land claiming etc.?
“How much is it in real money” 😂😂😂😂😂
Why is Asmongolds channel logo on the bottom right of my screen? Wtf? Lmao
the nostalgia, love the Wizard101 music!!!
9:42 scripted, us rust player don’t have girlfriends
So are we gonna get a pt 2
7:43 no way I found the og clip
5:06 Casually meets Johnny Somali
1:54 “How much is this in real money.” 🦅🇺🇸 RAAHHHH
Lord, the pov is freaking crazy!
This guy sounds like ray romano from everybody loves Raymond. Or manny from ice age
Lmao the “No, i can’t leave!” Coupled with the TF2 man vs machine song is priceless. 😂
In real money lol! Dont you dis my currency
“How much is that in real money” ☠️
Loving the Wizard101 background music 😂❤
I bleaive this is how they killed Ceaser
I’m so glad you did this to that server, it’s so pay2win for people that DO NOT KNOW! This video imo is completely justified! +1sub 😆
Subscribed at “How much is that in real money”
The gpu killer 9000
found the original video lol
Holy sheet I found the OG video!,!
do them in groups on timers so it goes for hours
bro turned the server into powerpoint
I thank you for ur sacrifice ❤
So…… no one gonna say anything about the Wizard101 music 5:15….. no? Just me? Ok…. lol
that realizing what about to happens tries to run but is stuck. why doesn’t he ALT+F4, you know the rage quitter way.
First guy turned into elmo
Love the wizard101 background music
8:50 I like how nina said that gupp wasn’t her friend even tho they are in a relationship 💀
that guy acting skills are so bad…
I’m so happy I found the origin to the firework short lmao
“how much of that is in real money?” lmao
Wizard101 music goes hard
I finally seen the whole video hahahhaha
Lmao, gawd damn I remember randomly getting this reel on instagram, no way I found the source of it 😂
Real money? You mean Euros? Nobody use the third world currency like Murican dollar.
You a damn bully…..HAHAHAHA
The Wizard 101 music was going hard while just walking around
Ah Werewolf gaming, the same people behind a nazi server on GMOD. Well deserved lol.
FAKE VIDEO!!! he does not have a girl friend
he gets enough money from fucking homeless guys… idk about that adventure but he is making bank from it soooooooo
Not even bullshitting, I was one that server when it happened. My PC literally won’t work now XD ordered a new one cause I was already meaning to but damn
freaky ahhh fish
Shout out nina. no brown
Nice w101 music in the background
I once did this on server I had no intention to attack. Fireworks were basically brand new thing back then and I set about two hundred of them. Bad idea. After apologizing to admins I was allowed back to oserver and till then I do fireworks in batches.
“trap base” lmao
it s supposed to be funny ? killing players their gamplay ?
“In real money”… Wtf? Now the USD is the only currency in the world??
I don’t even play rust but I’m still watching it’s hella funny
bruh wizard101 music 9:04
Love the wizard101 jams
that fake sale on the pack is a nice touch
-$499 gbp- 299
bro the W101 music is wild
“Oh, my PC!”
is that the wizard101 music
“how good is your game?”
“is okay”
6:43 geometry dash reference
5:53 this music sounds like wizard city.
All this guy did was advertise for werewolf gaming…
1:50 tf you mean real money??
7:43😂 I can’t get up oh no!
Trap base? More like trap server bruh 🤣
5:40 god you earned a sub only due to the fact the wizard101 music …. Ima go download that see if my account is still up lol
Why are you rating about VIP packages? You want to harm other players fun with your lag shit. And Im not even playing there. Grow up
More lol
i miss Rusty Servers best paid kits for the money 100k stone wood metal 20k sulfur kits comps everything for like 70$ and was lifetime RIP Rusty servers hard to find a good server with lifetime deals that are worth the $$$
… anyway boys… lol
Bro the guy screaming that he can’t get up was making me laugh harder than I’ve laughed in a long home 😂😂😂😂
“i fuk homeless guys you know” lmao hahahaahaha
Unfortunately, all this really accomplishes is they disable fireworks for a moment. create a plugin that prevents more than X fireworks going off. and just go about business as usual.
ok wow i know you arent the same person but you sound just like AmbigousAmphibian
If your money is worth less the the money your converting it from… then your money isn’t the real money…
300 squids for a server pack, limited troll potential, limited items/mats, default skins
15 squids for your own server, be able to troll people as much as you like, infinite items/mats, can add any mods/skins you like.
Honestly never liked these “we destroyed a server because we didn’t like the way it was set up” videos. Youtube likes to recommend them to me every so often.
Like, I get not agreeing with them. But obviously people play and enjoy it to some extent. Who is being hurt by an annoying business practice?
The only result here is that whoever does play on the server for fun gets their enjoyment ruined or interrupted. And that’s it. It’s not like p2w is going to be eliminated if enough servers get lag spiked.
This video was absolutely hilarious. This might be the new meta to stop a base raid. Hahaha
the salc1 of rust
1:53 “how much I that in real money”😂😂😂 agreed 😂😂
5:00 “I f**k homeless guys” I’m dying 😅🤣😂
2:28 worst one, I could make 15,000 cloth in a day. And I will
What gpu are you using?
to anyone who see this just know jesus loves yall and died for yall Amen
Nowhere close to 10,000. Not even 1,000.
It even broke my tablet from just 10k fireworks 😂😂😂😂😂
damn, $376.82 fake money. L server
“What’s that in real money” – real money meaning a shitty nothing-backed blood currency that’s worth 30% less 😂
nobody considers the defensive capabilities in mutually assured crashing
“How much is that in real money?”
As a British woman this made me laugh.
That’s 300… Great British Pounds…. “how much is that in real money”…… coverts it to U.S Dollars….😂
I love Fbak!
So this is where that meme came from
I feel like selling Face Punch’s skins might be a tiny bit illegal
How much is that in real money ? Bruh the dollar is weak asf against the gbp 😂😂😂
1:52 “how much is it in real money” typical american… low I.Q and arrogant
“I have okay pc”
Last words
fbak sounds so nice i felt bad when he was screaming
1:51 “how much is that in real money?”
fbak so funny XD
Isnt Werewolf gaming the one that had * ahem * 1942 RP in Gmod
werewolf have been a big network in gmod rp gamemodes for many years, so it’s unsurprising theyre bringing their p2w bs here too.
aren’t those the guys that made the gmod n*zi rp?
bro u need to do that on rustoria main XD 1 hour after wipe
I want to do tbis to Rustoria Main
finally, the whole video! This is glorious
Best anti raid device, tripwire that crashes the server.
Just saw a meme on fb about this video and i HAD to check it out, such a funny content, loved it!
You call them on team chat xD how was that?
BTW, nice video ahah
old mate stuck in the chair had me dead hahaha ohh noooo
1:59 “how much is that in real money” WOOO SCREW THE BRITISH
like as always
The outpost pov is crazy 😂
Youre a psycho
fireworks goes up…. gupp: WUUUUUUUIIIIIIIIIIIII
How much is that in real money 🤑🤑
wizard 101 music is goated
To be fair pay to game on servers isn’t such a massive deal they pay a lot of money for plugins and many other things how else they ment to get paid
Epic vid but don’t servers just reset or rewind from a save a backup so your not winning anything by making a server go down for couple hours
7:50 My guy sounds like sr. Pelo lmaooo
“300 GBP” … “hoW mUcH iS tHaT iN ReAl MoNeY?”
“Now i am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”
Inappropriate wolf meme usage. Disapproved.
I’ll watch the whole ad this video is good
8:49 MUSIC OF WIZARD101 <3
In real money lmfaooooo
Why does it not surprise me that the people still running an active nazi rp on garry’s mod also have a p2w rust server?
edit: is that fucking W101 bgm? based
i wonther wheres that memes came
from now i find it wow!!
£ = real money 😂
I just about died laughing so hard at the mario accent saying i cant leave 😂😂😂😂😂
the bro with the vip server is just every oil barron on rust fr
The best thing is evidence disappears after it crashes everyone in the vicinity
I’ve seen the meme so many times and now my algorithm has brought me to the OG video 🙏🤣
dudee i cant get enougth of this walahiii bro was like (do u gat a good pc?) (ye, is this gonna crash my game?) (so u gat a good pc?) (hilariuos music playing) (opens the face cam) (i canttt GEWTTT UPPPPPPP) o(OH NOOOOOOOOOO I CANT GET UPPPP)
dude i swear that guy was trembling in fear so badd thats so hilarious
wait bruh aint no way this shit is the wizard101 music
Some random dude: “I f*** homeless guys!”
Gupp: “okay buddy, didn’t ask… anyway, Fireworks!”
Have you seen a pve server thats P2W that cost vip for 2 grand
Any IT/computer gurus know what happens in the server when peoples game crashes when an event like this takes place?
Does the server continue to operate and process the fireworks going off? Or does the server itself crash?
If the server itself crashes, what is likely to happen? Say the fireworks animation is only 50%complete when the server crashes…
When the server is brought back online, at what point is the firework animation now resumed at? Does it complete the rest of what it started, or does it cancel the loading of the fireworks animation or something, to prevent the server crashing again?
Good job now please keep ruining there crappy servers and expose each & every last one of them love to see that video 👍
Yoo my Pc
😂😂 the first guy was like torture 😂😂 and the outside pov was like if goku said kamehameha😂😂😂
“In real money” hahahaha
Thinks he’s slick with the w101 commons theme 8:49
Every entertainer loves a *captive* audience
LOL this is crazy. I admire your tenacity
Taurus Demon music HAHAHAHA 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“I can’t get up 😨”
The first guy getting stuck in the chair is pure gold
Real money? 😅 pounds is money
I don’t play rust nor do I really know anything about it but this is so fucking funny
Crashing a “alpha male” furry server
1:51 how much is that in real money 💀
Dude the Outpost POV, I never laughed so hard in my life hahahaha
So this is where the clip came from lmao
“How much is that in REAL money.” 😂😂😂😂
4:30 you should have told him to get new friends to play with 😂😂😂
Geomtry dash
Someone has stole your video and uploaded it on tik tok with no credit
I’m sorry but was that fucking Wizard101 music?!
“How much is that in real money” 😂 1:53
5:00 you what 💀
lmao British people are so unhappy.
“How much is it in real money” 😂
pay to win in Rust is like ,,, Jesus there isent even a sentence for it.
Me chinese, me play trick, me pp out my prick.
“How much is that in real money” haha
The song used in the beginning brought back so many memories
Didn’t know GBP wasn’t “real money” my wage must be fake
I love the thought that the last thing people in outpost see is a base shitting itself
How much is that in real money funny as shit
Not the wizard 101 main lobby track
No matter how bad a day I have, it instantly comes back to being a good one when I watch this.
the fucking wizard101 music lmao
11:57 “They’re still warming up”
“Warming up? The SUN is WARMING UP?”
as a player that plays on werewolf gaming server… the admins are all about ££££££ and if you report someone YOU GET BANNED, not the person you reported
What you mean real money 😂
7:44 hes got an… ok computer… like radiohead….
Who tf is buying a rust kit for 400 dollars
the w101 music goes hard
that first dude you did it to was some SUPERVILLAIN stuff lol
You should do 5 floors of the fireworks on a 10x or something higher
“… Broken again”
Ah so its a recurring theme, so much for active moderators.
The way he just screams in terror “NOOOO NOOOO I CANT GET UPPP I CAAANT LEAVEEE” is genuinely hilarious, bro, but the bit when he opened the door “That looks like a bunch of fire works….” You could hear the fear in his voice and i could almost imagine the smile or just neutral look on his face instantly turning into a frown and then the dead silence from him when the fireworks actually light
using wizard101 music is dastardly
LMAO The guy with the mort voice made this video
“How much is that in real money” lol
trap base but it just crashes the whole server
Pay to win.. rust server? like.. what kinda idiot would join/be apart of that xD
oh finally i watched so many minecraft anti p2w war videos that youtube show me that kind of videos in other games 😀
Ahh, that vintage intro song. (perhaps most famously used by Yogscast)
@Enardo needs to see this just zerd this kind of server
Edit: infact he did see this 4 months earlier than me
Holy fuck that first person had me dying laughing 😂😂😂😂
terraria music goes so hard
The wizard101 music
i hear the wizard101 music 9:05 😂
NGL, I did something similar when I was a kid on a garry’s mod server… however, the owner was a pro modder and they put me to jail, the jail was so strong that I couldnt join any other server…
each time I tried I joined his server and got put to jail, I got schooled real good.
didnt even find a fix with reinstall or figure out what file he put in my game (probably could have these days, but I didnt have enough knowledge back then)
either way…
as fun as it is to do…
I cant do it anymore, poor victims 💀- I did feel bad for doing it before the jail, but god daym did I get teached a solid lesson 👀- Ended up making new steam acc to be able to play GMOD again lmao.
2:47 the irony off the insane prices with the Runescape music going on (ingame) [not the real life subcription, that’s not too bad]
“OH NO I CAN’T GET UP!” The panic.
you sound like nathan fielder
Gbp is not real money killed me 😂😂😂
They took the fireworks off of the sever 😂😂
do a fire work lag trap base
that song at the end goes hard
0:00 that background music took me back to the yogscast minecraft days
First guy became Jar Jar Binks before he got sent to the backrooms😭
9:14 Ah yes wizard city music.
The wizard101 music I heard it
Here is how to perfect crashing a server.
Where can i get the outro song please !
Good video, i hate pay to win sservers too but i dont see the point in this. Its a business (server) with the intend to make profit. What do you expect them to do? kinda silly.
You should up the ante of fireworks to 30k
Hmmm pretty sure reselling Facepunches assets is illegal af.
Initiate Protocol : Scorched Earth¶∆•
The wizard 101 soundtrack in the background took me back
7:50 he sounds like he about to say “WAKANDA POREBER”
Nahh broo that crash meme from This video wtf
The majority of modded servers are p2w. They need to make money to run the sever somehow. It’s not a bad thing. It’s the only way we can get a variety of modded servers. Just play vanilla if you don’t like it.
real money hahaha yeah right
Great editing, fantastic music. Glad to watch, sub, like, and comment
Mort couldn’t handle it😭
what a good video
fbak deciding to support the cause after his game crashed because of the first one was one of the most emotional moments in rust history
Nah man…. 2 am? Why didnt you do this at 6pm saturday? 8pm friday? wtf.
Came here after watching that guy in the chair game crash from the fireworks on instagram 😂
Man, that feeling when you look at a video and see the most replayed and know people laugh at the same thing… makes you feel normal.
Then I click 4:56 and I’m dead alone. Nobody. Where did my parents fail me?
4 min guy seemed normal af
”How much is that in real money”….. shame
I heavily respect the wizard 101 music
i wanted an external pov for the second
Of course your not kicked from the server. You might pay 299.99 then crash it 4 times a day. Lol great video.
calling usd “real money” 😭 not hating it’s just hilarious
7:34 so this is where thats from
This killed me soooo bad. Had me scaring the neighbours bruh
Wait wait wait, are you playing Wizard101 music as backround music?
poor fbak
Best chilled buy to play dude ever. You ask “can it be for fireworks?” He just went straight to spawn materials hahahaha
was that an admin that that was in your base and just kinda let the 10k fireworks thing happen. What a G.
“Quick question man, how strong is your pc?”
“It’s okay”
Last words uttered 😂
Oh my god when you trapped that poor guy to the chair and basically killed him with fireworks was way too funny
you cant tell me thats morty
This guy is the definition of DDos Attack….
That last round is like an Elden ring Boss
gupp: *lagging the server* me n my friend who jus chillin: MYYYYY PPCCCCCCC MMMYYYYYYYY PCCCCCCCCCCC
I think you called the GBP fake money lol
He created a volcano…
Thats hilarious
The first guy littaraly said “that was horrible and I hate you for it, now do it again!”
if you ever played rust on a potato, you know how bad it gets when a few rockets go off near you now get ready to picture that effect 10000x over
7:25 moment from the shorts)
this is why ill never touch rust,
its full of filthy 3rd world animals
Liked and subbed due to the wolf dance
8:06 he sounds like luiCalibre when he does his kid voice
7:51, elmo can’t leave
there server room caught on fire
Rust is such a janky piece of shit game. The fucking thing lags just because it exists.
FPS Has absolutely nothing to do with lag.
use norender
The interaction between you 2 had me laughing harder than I want to admit
you sound like a loser but good vid
Imagine spending 300 quid and then all of it gets stolen😂
As a fellow American, when their GBP is worth more than ours……they have the “real” money.
1:55 “Real money” 😂 why you have to do us like that man
Didn’t have to do me like that with the currency
Using a broadcaster thing and used a remote detonator would be cool way to activate it also
good god mate, this chunk right here (7:30 – 8:22) physically hurt me, you literally had me in a fit of giggles and chest pains for about 4 mins with this stunt here, good lord thank you for sharing this in my life. i defo needed this moment 10/10 for nuking a server out of existance with this stunt.
Oh god i am trained. I heard the Wizard101 commons theme and had to say something
i never understood this destroying pay to win servers thing. Dont be a weirdo and let people play the game they want lol
Dang, now I want to play wizard 101
Short lived they just disable them
geometry dash referenced
The old Yogscast Intro
Bro just added Wizard101 Music to Rust, I think, I think I’m lost 💀
“10k fireworks is alot so i decided to do 11k instead”
Piano man outro!
i can feel the lag in my pc only watching this video
Hahahhaa, the dude’s reaction! 😂
Saying real money after talking about the GB is insane 😂😂😂
When I did this with my friends, after 5 min I had them gone
8:10 he sounds like sir pello
Where the fuck do you come up with $203 for Rust DLC? If you paid even CLOSE to that then you already got majorly ripped off dude
that’s not a trap base that is just a stationary nuclear warhead
Why lie about the gf?
That might be the most pathetic crowbarring in I’ve ever seen
You automatically have my sub when you say how much in real money lmao!
1:54 “how much is that In real money” 😂
average teardown experience
Is that the wizard 101 ost in the background at 5:40?
“What’s that in real money”😂
Lol “how much is that in real money?”
Wizard101 music is top tier
bro thought he was slick with the wizard 101 soundtrack
The First guy is goin to be know for Generations
The “how much is that in real money” killed me
1:53 “how much is that in real money”
poor elmo
Pure evil genius !!!
Collect your…
“One MILLION dollars !”
Mouhahahaha !!
Def gotta do this again that guys reaction was so funny 7:36
tip: don’t go off topic so much
Almost 400 dollars for a pack you dont even get to really keep is robbery. Glad you did this.
1:52 “How much is that in real money?”
**proceeds to convert GBP to a more bloated currency**
How much is that in real money lol
Bro is literaly torture😂
bro e tsigmeo
nothing he said is true if you buy anything its for all servers and for lifetime said it right on loading screen why try and mess with someones hustle jealous much!!!
“how much is that in real money”
Fun Fact! WereWolf Used to be a Nazi Gmod Server
What’s with the Wizard101 BGM?
Should have put a soundclip of “it’s over 9000!”
“How much is that in real money” dead lol
That wizard 101 music at 5:47 😫😫😫😫
Invite DuperTrooper, zman, TheMisterEpic, and many more for these.
The wizard101 commons music makes this video 10/10
i thought ur girls name was nigabug for sec🤣
how did you find elmo in Rust?
Poor guy lmaoo
im not kidding the first guys reaction i couldnt stop laughing
7:33 best part 😂
Hey Gupp, so i recently found out that Enardo has a pay to win server, it’s his tugboats and Boat’s only server.
I gave him a chance to take care of this matter.
I told him I’d give him until next Sunday, so 1 week. To take care of it.
Or I’d crash his server with a lag machine.
I have 3 ideas, but i think my best bet would be to use the Scrappy lag machine. I already got 31K scrap, but I’m gonna farm to 50K and hopefully crash everyone’s PC’S
I hate that Enardo is behind this because he’s a pretty fair dude and i was honestly shocked when i found out about this. I think, 40 Scrappy’s will be enough. If not i have a few other ideas that i don’t want Enardo finding out about.
Anyway ✌️ Brother.
I found this meme on insta and accidentally find this video 😂😂
😂😂😂😂 how much is that in real money? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
werewolf is a decnt server icl
Elmo still cracks me up infinitely.
8:15 I was drinking chocolate milk and I had to hold my mouth shut cuz I was about laugh then I started to choke
When he says I can’t get up had me in tears with laughter 😂😂😂
Elmo sounding mf 😂😂😂
its called 3x for a reasson…
2:28 omg I lost it ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
“I fuck homeless guys, you know?” 😂😂
Watching this while making fireworks in real life
Oh boy, that ptw looks like a fur cesspool. I hope I is wiped like a nuke.
Their servers I will never play………..ever….
Every like on the vid is one more firework🗣️🗣️🗣️
7:29 oh i have seen this somewhere before , didn’t know it was from this video 🙂
The wiz 101 music is great 😂
subbed since 1.5k what a g
Love the wizard 101 music in the beginning
The yogacast intro music jezus christ i just got hit with nostalgia
Bro 10:30 you was talking in team chat
No way bro started playing Wizard101 music
i love the wizard101 background music
2:34 isnt this illegal?
Oh my pcæ
$300!? I play BattleZone servers and it’s literally $5 USD/month for every skin in the game!
1:57 avg American iq 😀
Using the wizard city music while u tested ur fireworks sent me back to my childhood
really love watching this video over and over!! 10/10 would love to be a part 3 or more
“how much is that in real money” instant like
I 0lease on these servers and I have vip , but I know the owner and got given lifetime vip on all their servers for helping get hackers and cheaters banned , in a month me and my group got over 30 cheaters banned
imagine doing this with multiple people around the whole map, having everyone activate at the same time
Global Render is the dumbest decision they could’ve made lol.
You should coordinate a 100k firework episode. Find 10 guys, 10k each, all around the entire map and do the countdown on a private discord channel
I got banned from a now defunct million x for putting 300 trumpets in auto turrets and crashing the server when someone came close 😂😂
locking dr nick in the chair had me dyin
5:00 WHAT 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
bro got the wiz city music I FW IT
i did this on an official server when fireworks were released only to realize they dont go off if you do too many
5:01 definitely not drunk
An admin pissed me off on a arma 2 dayz mod server so I bought around 1000 push bikes from the shop and yeah they were not happy
“Real money” lol 😂
The wizard 101 music is fantastically nostalgic.
I wonder who stup4d enough to pay for this game 🥹
Wasnt this group the same ones that had the nazi Germany gmod server that got shut down?!?
Whats up with the jaffa factory intro music
Way to go!
Best vip server 2 am 2 players xD
That was hilarious
FiveM servers…. same shit
I used to play werewolf gmod servers, all they do is try to milk as much money off their player base as possible
I discovered that 3 or four people mining with full inventories can jello a 7D2D server just like this. Bwa ha ha.. mining with full inventory in 7d2d you end up under mountains of dropped mats as the server cries mercy. Especially if its a high player count or event. Anyways, best wishes. Yeah diff game, but i play both 50/50 so thought id add for ya. maybe ill divulge more later. i know this 7d2d client ho inside out first. lol, or ewww sticky in here!
I heard that wizard 101 music and I legit ascended
that dancing wolf is so terrifyingly animated that it gives me anxiety attacks whenever i see it in this video.
i been in that sever before so this is a huge lol to me
idk why any people pays to win on a game you already paid for too play…
rust with wizard101 music at the background XD
4:39 the most accurate example for target auditory of those kits.
Man yhe only people surviving that are the ones who have nasa computers
top 5 villan moment numero finko:
you did the lets game it out strat lol
Try it on zombie land lmao
I can hear Elmo 🤣
dude that is very rich looks glonky af hahaha
Gupp someone used this video clip and got 4m views the username is “cccctranslate”
not the wizard 101 commons music at 5:30 lmao
Wizards 101❤
I’m so happy you did this I joined this server and didn’t know it was ptp I started farming outpost and kept getting timed out makes sense now
You grilled that first man’s eyeballs clockwork orange style 😭
Random thought a roof campers base surrounded by smaller bases with a ton of fireworks in them to cause too much lag coming in that is just far enough away from the main base in the center to hopefully not cause issues there
This video is a fire hazard.
This entire video is leading up to an “OOHHH MY PCCCCC” Moment and I’m here for it lmfao
This is a fail for not showing view from distance
300 pounds how much is that in real money got me laughing so much
I hella approve of destroying anything pay to win. Keep this shit up brother. 👍
5:38 that wizard101 music had me do a double take
imagine playing rust in 2024
It’s been long time since I’ve enjoyed a rust trolling video as much as i enjoyed this one. Bravo!
At the very end I want to see the chat see what people say on your server man😂😂😂
Did I hear Mr. Lunt singing Piano Man at the end?
Raven wood music XD
The wizard101 music sent me back to a wave of nostalgia 😂
Not completely true, most servers runs mods to limit fireworks….
😂 so this is where the short comes from 😂😂😂
I’m hate to be so rich I’d have to **** homeless people.
Bro literally said “what`s this in REAL money.. average American
why dose the guy sound like Sr Pelo
Girlfriend? I thought this guy was gay.
since when usd is real money… its one of the shittiest currency in the world
Isnt this whole show a bit pointless if they can just restart / reset the server?
Okay, that was much more fun than I thought I would have 😂
Random rich guy was simply legendary.
werewolf Nazi Roleplay man insane
Why do you use the Wizzard101 song as background? XD
Fools and their money are easily parted.
“What is that in real money”
Excuse me? GBP existed before USD. 😂
I think you’ll find that in the grand scheme of things… t…th… that well… f*ck you. 😅
I would have set off a relay, so 500 go off every 2 seconds for the full 10k, that’d be nasty
7:44 radiohead ahh sentence
how much is this in real money 🤣🤣
Looooooooooooooooool this is awesome
I can’t believe some idiot spent $300+ on a temporary game pack…
I saw this 7:30-8:10 in a rust highlight video it’s nice to see the full story now haha
No way this isn’t staged it’s way too funny 😭😭😂💀
Left RUST, just a cheaters game!
Dam that fire works thing is so god dam evil that is so funny ahahhaahha 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ok. You totally got me with this one.
The wizard101 theme gose hardddd
If you had a real job, like working at a Little Ceasars 40 hours a week.
You would be surprised just how little 350$ can become.
But you sit here, making videos that bring you cherios
Doesn’t make sense.
You eliminate P2W player run servers but allow Developer run servers utilize PSW all the time?
Who’s paying your derp ace?
The hosting company is watching you.
Haahaahaahaa. Funny as hell.
I think gupp might be slightly Asperger’s
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I just realized… He stole the background music from Wizard 101.
These mfs are all soo weird
You’re going to crash my gaaaaame!!!…eh…ert…ep
if u ever need any help farming cuz this video just made my night woot!!!!!
Are you Ray Romano or Kermit the Frog?
Wonder if “that one guy” is enough to cover server hosting.
Rich npc 4:34
5:00 Love knows no classes ♥️
There is nothing more boring than having a cheat or paying to win. I tried the Unlimited OP mini gun cheat in Fallout and it just makes the game boring.
“How much is that in REAL money?” Love that lol 😀
Yooooo The Wizard101 Music
Bro that’s the wizards 101 theme music in the background dooope
Dude that said he bought vip was definitely a stream sniper right?
Hiroshima pov
I know that was staged for youtube but i still laughed.
“How much is that in real money” – converts GBP to USD 😭
6:43 Round One – 9:26 Round Two
I wish I could play rust but the loading times when you have an HDD are like an hour long… When I get into the game I get 60 fps but that loading screen is terrible.
bro sounded like jar jar binks encounter with a sith lord 🤣
bruh as soon as you locked him in i knew he was cooked, and so was his pc, you know damn well you just nuked his pc lol you better buy him a new one
How much is it in real money had me rolling. LOL
I love the wizard101 music near the middle, that shit brings back memories
Nah that’s crazy bro 💀
The Minecraft TNT Blocks in Rust 🤣
8:12 T-72POV:
I laughed so hard at 7:33 my throat is soar
LMAO the guy effectively DDoS the server, without any DDoS tool XD
Imagine if dev limited the firework per person/base
Did u know Werewolfs server devs are “nazis”? they have diffrent domains where they sell “nazi” souviniers like actually
so you go and ruin peoples servers that they pay for? to be honest they pay for it not you so why ruin the game for everyone else this is a trash video and ur a troll you should be banned from rust
Wow, you did it! you ruined everyone’s game! hahaha, yes!!! come on.
“YOU’RE GOING TO CRASH MY GAEM, NOOO, N-” famous last words
I once joined a server that would limit your total entities to 50, if you waned more you had to pay for it. I almost throw up from the anger and frustration. I don’t mind server asking for reasonable donations to help with the server/staff’s time/costs, but pay2win is BS.
I’m really surprised Facepunch doesn’t have something in their TOS about pay2win servers. The servers are literally making money off of someone else’s IP without paying any royalties or licensing.
“300 Great British Pounds! … alright how much is that in real money?”
Emotional damage
I did this in a pve server earlier today, I don’t think you did exactly 10k because I was only about to place down around 4k to fill up a similar space. ofc the server was too garbage to let them actually go off so I was left with a high temperature floor and 9 fps.
“How much is that in real money” lol
he is not rich ….
server: *reboots*
I finally found this video. Ive been seeing shorts of it all over the place.
“that looks like a bunch of fireworks”
How much is that in real money lol
i was going to ask why would anyone spend 300 quid on a pile of shite game like this then the retards show up ok
“I like you. Dont go on werewolf gaming tomorrow.”
Not the Wizard101 music in the background lol
Do Not ask for the server.
Do Not ask for the server.
Do Not ask for the server.
‘How much is that in real money?!’ that would be 300 gbp. Ironically your ‘real currency’ isn’t worth as much. 4th world country America moment.
Love the wizard 101 music in the background lmfao
It’s weird that only “every other” person on the server experiences the lag
The first guy panicking as hard as he did, and then saying he was bored and bribing you to do it again scares me. What kind of engagement does that guy need to get through a day?
Plz check out slayers rust.
is no one talking about the hard ass wizard101 theme music in the back!! LMAO
the transition of voice in the 1st guy.🤣 Poor soul
Servers population:
If u log in 😀
7:22 begins the best part of the video
You turned the server into a potato 😂
Wizard 101 song ? 😮
THAT had to be a paid actor 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
That beam going into the sky was hilarious lmao and so ridiculous
How DARE they call it werewolf gaming?! Me as an avid werewolf fan is offended and disgusted by these pay-to-win LOSERS!! You’ve done a fantastic job destroying this server. They’re no werewolves, they’re moneysharks in sheep’s clothing!!!
This dude either doesn’t know the definition of the word literally, or is really bad math, because $299 is not “literally double” $200 😂
Most average 4th of July
Got 5k+ hours in rust, this game has never been good enough to spend real money on it XD
7:51 RIP😞
You DEF shoulda saved this video for today (the 4th) and called it LIBERATING a p2w server lol
The Wizard 101 music tho…
That frame number 6 was great
“real money” Bro your money looks like its from monopoly and feels fake as fuck even when its real.
dollars are the fake school shooter currency buddy
@hamstercow6219 you would need 10 NVIDIA A100 multistacked to get even 60 fps looking at them unlit. Probably still destroy the server lol
Wizard 101 music go crazy
Using the original Yogscast opening music hurt my soul.
the demon slayer sound and then wizard 101 at 5:36
The meet the spy music really did it for me
you got wizard101 music in the background
wizard101 music in the background is goated
Bros got social anxiety in game too 😭
I love gay activity
im two minutes in, i cant stand your voice, your humor is dogshit, and honestly, youre just promoting these pieces of shit, cause idiots will go buy their garbage.
5:49 Wizards101 music poggers
The outpost POV had me in tears lmao
bro said usd is real money XD
this has to be one of best yet “NOOOOOO I CANT GET OUT ” When he knew he fukd up lol
This is such a perfect video
Real Money 🏈
Honestly, Fbak is a real one.
Fake AF. This is set up, lol.
Figure out how many it takes to start the lag, then make a timer that keeps the lag going for as long as possible 😀
u gotta do a part 2 fr 😭🥲
USD? Real Money? Get that Monopoly ass paper out of here
8:03 Elmo’s Last Words
I love to hear the wizard 101 music it caught me off guard.
Poor fucking fbak I’m dying at 4am i literally woke my wife and 2 kids up laughing so hard I almost shit myself hopefully this comment doesn’t come back to haunt me in a job interview <3
wizard101 menu music goes hard
people are also highly toxic on that server just because they can pay a lot for a kit so they can take someone else’s hard work that was farmed for hours to get
Soooo u crash the server prob get banned server makes money from u and they just rollback the ptw base nice work
Hey gupp the first time you met the guy with vip ever think they were drunk?
i would love to hear more of that Piano Man cover
*places 1 firework* “imagine this x1000” yeah, that’s still 1000 brudda c:
Fbak is the goat
Gotta be a kick in the nuts when ‘real money’ is worth less than the one ur laughing at. Its like russians laughing at rupees
7:47 him saying that looks like a bunch of fireworks combined with the music. This is SO SINISTER lmao
Respect for the OG yogscast music
1k fireworks was way funnier
How much is that in real money goes crazy
7:52 We go out to eat you can’t pay, I can’t leave
18 frames, 18 frames and on the 18th frame he found out he wasn’t iiiiin
Taking the piss out of them with that stupid dancing wolf gif just kept getting funnier.
“How much is that in REAL money?”
was that a gaping dragon ost from ds1 at the end there?
Its taken quite a while for me to recover from this, my stomach hurts from laughing too much. The idea of strapping someone down and melting their pc like this is diabolical but absolutely hilarious at the same time.
first dude that comes up with the kit and he sounds like that… figures
“how much is that in real money” was the first sign to sub
oh well crashing ppl sure cool , but do that everyday all the time then you can say you’re crashing server. Prolly didnt take longer than xx min to boot up and rollback bit and be fine. Nice idea tho.
Duuuude keep attacking these pay to win dumb servers, and you will be beloved by millions!!! ❤🎉😅
Werwolf gaming oh shit i have all kits from a 100$ christmas package on 2 accounts thx for reminding me LOL
That poor guy was like in that Clockwork Orange scene. LoL
Tbh this kind of server is for the people who can only play the game for like 2 days since most people work
7:29 the clip XD
Set up a smart switch, and gather people at out post for a drop party. Then get their live reactions and see who will last the longest.
9:03 , thought i had wizard101 runing in the background lol even though its been years since ive played😂
mod the game and crash all the servers
u hardware fondler
they have all those servers…
and they could be taken down for selling facepunch assets
Sometimes people say I wasn’t hugged enough as a child. I get it. People like you, who need attention and take pleasure in ruining things for other people, however, got too many.
the danicing wolf
Wizard101 music brought back so many memories
why is there just wizard101 music in the background
>got kit?
Why play here, then?
Why did you have an axe already when you spawned?
gupps first million views inbound
Kann man mit ADHS zur bundeswehr (habs und es ist schon sehr lange mein traum)
I don’t play Rust but I still love to see money hungry servers go down
” I FUCK HOMELESS GUYS” best line of this episode xD
follow up to this madness?
domain expansion:infinte fireworks
background music is from wizard101
bros copying minecraft content now huh
increase your page file to 16384 – 32768 perhaps u might not crash. i am a low ram user, and occasionally crash if my page file is not big enough. open SYSDM.CPL with Windows Key+R (run prompt shortcut)
cheating on this servers is even better
why you got wizard 101 in the background lol
He didnt pressed ALT+F4💀
Am rich bro 😎 😂
“this is literally a gupp video” goes so hard
Dude had the wizard101 load screen music and i love it
best way to raid defense. u hear a rocket “quick john hit the switch” crash everyones game and hopfully load in before everyone
Pay to win server? Oh you mean every single rust server ever made?
Destroying servers for your dumb video should get you banned from Rust all together.
Wait, so if the vips can just spawn in loot for anyone, idk it’s bad but I’ve seen worse
Very funny idea ! It would have been cool if you could remove the roofs and just watch it from afar, like we can actually see it in the sky. Rust is so amazing, you can do all kind of bsht in it. So funny ! 🙂
I was watching this at 9 o clock on a Saturday
i played on this server for a month and an old guy who streamed bought me and my 2 friends the most expensive rank, and then he got banned for charge backing
Would that many fireworks crash my pc I have 7800x3d overclocked with a rtx 4090 overclocked with 64 gigs of 6000 mhtz ram and 6 tb of Samsung 990 SSD on a 4 k 240htz monitor ???
What do you care about what others play? And if they want to play on a p2w server, that doesn’t matter to you? And those who don’t notice that the others on the server are playing p2w have themselves to blame. ?
Keep up the great work bro
Outpost POV was perfect 🤣
That one guy that start that said “I f### homeless people”
Bro DOS’ed that server lol.
Could you imagine Raiding a base and you here one guy like “Johnson, launch the EMP!!!” and crashes the server lmao
I’ve been genuinely confused why someone would play Rust in the first place. Now people are out here paying to do it as well??????!!?!??
when he gets stuck in the seat HAHAHAHAHAH I CANT LEAVEEE NUUUUUUU
these sweats deserve everything they get trying to sell “ranks” for £300 actual vermin
love this stuff, greedy pricks deserve it
I mean, I’ve played on Helix for 3 years, I pay them $29 a month, it’s entertainment.
We usually have 5-6 big clans that fight each other, we mess around for another 5-6 days and then do it again next wipe.
I don’t see it as a big deal, I enjoy 2x servers, a lot more PvP etc but it’s not like people have 10,000 rockets.
i love the wizard 101 background noise
pure nostalgia
Well…. Maybe…. It’s just money laundering?
Real money is crazy 😂
Fbak’s reaction was the best part of this video
Big bad wolf 🐺
“How much is that in real money?” xD
it crashes faster if you keep trying to move/jump.
Fbak the mvp for enabling your evil
Bro that Wizard101 soundtrack in the background is making me want to play again
Please tell me where u got that beautiful outro song
doing the lordts work. a hero of the people.
bro really used the damn wizard101 commons theme in a rust video.
Not the dry out song 😂
This crashed my pc… and I watching it on YouTube
new way to make a non raidable base? crash the server on raid attempt with the new seismic sensors? xD
I bet they wouldn’t sabotage a server to get you to move to another. Nope. No chance they would happen… lol
How are they even allowed to do this?
Wizard 101 music goes hard
Umm. Why isn’t this considdered a DDOS attack and punished through legal action?
As soon as you do something shitty in a game, rules dont seem to apply. Why is that?
I think people whom do this to servers in any game should be held accountable.
Most rust servers outside the official server scope has pay to win. So we just gotta live with that. Best way to stop it, is to not play on them. But denying other people to play on them is not okay.
Did you get banned?
11:40 – video starts
so at the end of the day it didn’t do shit. what a waste of fucking time.
i want constant videos like this tell this “company” goes under. also how have they not been reported yet?
3:35 some of these servers are just baits for cheater and nob heads with too much money. Thats why they make it too expensive for an average player.
This mofo really said “300 GBP, lets see how much that is in real money” LMFAO!!!
This game looks good
A like for making me laugh 😂
Ok at this point screw the server crashing, pranking players like the 1st victim is so funny
the rust community is so weird 😂
Dude this was genuinely funny, first guy pc got turned on on flames HAHAHA
You’re stupid mrbeast ah thumbnails doesnt make your video any more interesting.
This click and comment about all you’re getting from me.
Do with that with what you will ✌️
Crash base > Trap base
“ real money”
Rust is already pay to win as a game. Rust skins change change the mesh and object collision.
Love the osrs music in the back ground…. Had to pause the video for a second cause I’m actually playing osrs while watching this. Was a bit confused 😂
1:53 “how much is that in real money? ” had me dead
Was that runescape music 😮😮😮
8:05 Let’s play a game…. lookin ahh
Put just enough in 10 locations to do them all consecutively where the server doesnt crash but stays at 10 fps
“how much is that in real money” 💀
I don’t care how much money you put into a PC it’s gonna crash the game lol
8:10 image raiding a base and this happens
OT FAAAA Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mt8:18 😂😂😂
Pranked Blaze the Movie Fan
Single best rust video of all time
7:47 😂❤
“I fuck homless guys” ……… <<< I lost it at that point LMAO
My guy got borat cousin 😂
Pretty sure crashing a server is illegal no matter how you do it unless you have permission from the proper people to stress test it.
P2w rust servers sounds like paying to be rich in a be poor simulator
When I saw those prices I was thinking you better have a stash of precious gems or your credit score is about to plummet
No!!! It’s gonna crash the game!
“How much is that in real money?” 😆🤣
Hahahahahah how much is it in real money? Hahahahhahah I will use this every day 😂
Bro the wizard city music goes so hard 5:45
fbak was mortified
Luv me some Yogscast nostalgia
To think back on playing Final Fantasy on the NES know gaming evolved into this abomination. If my kid ever came to me asking for hundreds of dollars to be a big man on some random private game server, I’ll know I failed as a parent.
Bro got wizard101 and RuneScape background music fucking nostalgia
5:00 what did he say 👀🤣
“299.99 GBP how much is that in Real money.. $376.82” 🦅 1:47
7:53 sounds like Boot leg senor Palo
Every modded Rust server with any form of kits or purchases that isn’t just VIP always has P2W
GUPP USING WIZARD101 music😭😭I thought I was going crazy for a sec
the wizard101 commons music 9:10
That first victim was so cool about it all, lmao.
You could’ve probably made this even better by timing the explosions so that there’s groups of fireworks that specifically down your frames to 10 or 5 FPS instead of just crashing your game, probably would’ve made this longer and an absolute pain to the players
But hey, a crash is a crash and I come from shorts and I just subscribed with notifications on because god damn your videos are entertaining
Big props for wizard 101 soundtrack in background
Why Is Wiz 101 music playing on the background?
That “rich” dude sounds so excited when he says where he gets his money. LMAO
5:00 …
3:21 demon slayer fans rn🤯🤯🤯🤯
“Destroying p2w [x game] server with [large number] of [op/broken item]” is a video always worth clicking
Rust was good back when it was the legacy edition
10:59 that place got some radioactive 💀
4:59 is wild
W wizard 101 background music
WIZARD 101 COMMONS MUSIC SITED haha great vid!
“You’re going to crash my game! Noooo! N-” xD
I think you need a Nasa computer.
why do you sound like the braces guy from bridge kids
V for Vendetta
So in the last video I saw I thought my alarm was going off when I heard the terraria music…
Now I thought my alarm was going off when I heard Earthbound 😀
What is Mort from Madagascar doing in rust?
I dont watch you frequently but I always appreciate the wizard101 commons music
If I ever make a game I will absolutely make it illegal to sell or collect money for a server like this. I’ll also make it illegal to sell mods in any way, shape or form. None of this shit about “you’re paying for my time not the mod”.
The firsts guy sounded like Mario piss guy
Good, I hate these shitty pay to win copy paste servers
My dude… the sound tracks in this vid are 💯😏 using the wizard 101 theme is hitting me in the feels
yo thats my boy swat he owns like 3 servers
Welp this definitely deserves a sub lol
RIP fbak
4:39 guy is so rich he fucks homeless guys. I cant relate as well but it sounds like fun.
8:00 he was begging you not to do it lmao
The Machine of judgement day 🙂
Should have made the firework color whatever the most expensive VIP package color was lol.
Guy at 4:40 is turkish and i gotta say as a turk myself he got JACK SHIT
7:55 its so funny ahahhahahh
7:22 The start of betrayal
well if the rust staff gonna be a dickhead to you just crash all their servers xD
The runescape background music is perfect!
Wizard 101 theme you a real one
rip fbak
“You’re going to crash my game”.
More like burn the motherboard out of the computer.
Fbak’s English just got better and better as he grew in fear 😂😂😂
omg u grew so much
The guy screaming fir his life was so golden
I did this with a few friends of mine, but after we lit all the fireworks, they just stayed stuck in the “active” state without firing and never went off. Still lags the server like hell, but its kinda dissappointing having set up over 1000 fireworks for them to not go off.
He sounded like Nathan Fielder when he was torturing that guy
Fbak’s voice was hilarious when he found out he had 1000 fire works😂
5:00 ” I fuck homeless guys bro” lmao
7:55 the pure terror in the guy’s voice WHEEZE
I’m going to have to set up some Rust servers and sell VIP kits. They’ll be a little more reasonable than this scam.
Why is your “real money” woth less?
Werewolf are the worst servers ever
hahah “How much is that in real money” sent me.
I thought there was protection against this; some server lighting fireworks do not set them all off at once to crash the server
Fr no one gonna say dude sounded like a distressed jar jar lol
are you getting mad at servers p2w in this shit game, that literally dont need any skill at all? lmao so patethic
This is perfect.
I was gonna share this video with my friends, but it looks like you disabled clips, so I guess that’s not gonna happen after all. :/
Bro is attacking werewolf 😂😂 I love it.
8:14 Chernobyl PoV
bro the wizard101 audio in the background is wild
„How much is this in real money?“
Isn’t selling official skins on your server blatantly against the terms of service for Rust itself? I’m pretty sure that alone is enough for Facepunch to blacklist these guys. Again.
“How much is that in real money?” As if GBP is not real money. 😂
1 mil views in a month is crazy
gupp and sunlesskhan are the same person
Do a 100,000 next💀
Bro you’re a hero!
I lo e the vid love your vids hope you blow up btw im the 146k sub keep up the good work
Send this idea to memio
So….Are we all gonna ignore the Wizard 101: Wizard City Main theme song playing in the background at 5:31? 😀
Bro Killed his PC
this mfer is using the wizard101 commons theme!!!
“That looks like a bunch of fireworks!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wow that music at the start brought some massive nostalgia
That first reaction is awesome
The wizard101 music in the background goes hard 😭🤣
0:03 LittleBigPlanet1/2/3 pocket opening sound
This is so hard to watch
I found the og video. This showed up on my Instagram feed like 3 times 😂
Idk if you getting raided on some server just crash their game with fireworks
what’s the server
No way these people got producer tags as their intros now😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
😂i have no sympathy for anyone who would pay actual money for stuff like upgrades and resources
You should do this one again but change it so that the button to activate them is on the outside of the base with a sign saying “DO NOT PRESS” and wait for some random player to activate it.
is that fucking wizard 101 music?
what show is the sound effect from at 3:23
Is- is this terrorism?
All I hear is wizard101 music lmao
“Now what’s that in Real money” lmaoo
“How much is that in real money?” 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅
That second guy was a trooper xD
we need more geometry dash music
I just watched the short for this last night 😂
bro using wizard 101 sound track
This is insane 😭🙏
i like modded servers but not werwolf
This guy is a legend😂 RuneScape music in the background haha reminds me of falador
3:21 What anime is this song from?
w101 music goes so hard
the wizard 101 music had me geekin
Does anyone know that song at 9:36?
This is a pretty good anti raid system tbh
Build base, have a floor that has fireworks, someoje raids, and it sets off the fireworks…raiders crash
Gotta know what’s that outro
Why does the entire conversation at 3:59 sound like Nathan Fielder playing Rust?
Brother why is there wizard 101 music LOL
When ray from everybody loves raymond. Plays tust
Im rich
Oh youre rich are you .
I fck homeless guys
Hahahaha. Idiot
this accoutn as well that willfull dmg of property you tube terms violation
My guy playing wizard101 music in the back ground 😭
your voice is amazing what the hell
Yea yea yea dab it up dab it up skibidi toielt sigma😂😂😂 thsi was a certified gupp video wight here!😂
bro should be an illegal word for forign ppl to use🤣 “brrrro”
The idea is awesome but half of the video is he bitching about the fact the server is p2w
I haven’t heard Wizard101 music in forever
RIP Jar Jar
I think it would be funnier if you had elbows.Fireworks on 4 main bases through the map.Or even 8 bases, so go whole server won’t crash.But it would just be very very leggy and nobody knows why and Then just before they try to restart the server Get four people to simultaneously or eight people Delight the fireworks And everybody in the whole map Would fry their computer
3:22 Why does this sound familiar like whats this tune???
Getting raided no problem just spawn at the firework fob base to crash the server easy defence
Bro made the furnace of Armageddon
The rod of fireworks at the end looks like nuts.wad
The wizard 101 music is bringing back memories
“I f**k homeless guys”
Gupp, who is homeless in-game: *begins sweating uncomfortably*
Why are you harassing random players tho?? What’s the point?
“how much is that in real money?” XD
That’s no Trap Base, that’s a LAG Base
More 😂
I doubt that was 10K fireworks, still was hilarious!
Nothing wrong with pay to play servers
when you said in the intro that its rendered globaly you can turn global rendering off
Oh no
Gupp is gonna start an army with this series.. I’m going out of my way to crash a werewolf 5x server now 😂
So people seek out this server, spend their money and jealous people come here and mess with them?
Osrs music ❤️❤️
If there are people dumb enough to pay 300 for this nonsense, I need to make such a server. I wouldn’t mind taking their money.
2:28 BUt ItS mAde By wEReWoLf GamInG, i swar theys furrys are getting dumber by the DAY
wizard 101 music makes me so giddy heheeheee
Was never expecting the Wizard City Commons theme on a Rust video, so easy like from me
The game looks like a gathering point for sick, broken, and socially non-participating idiots.
wizard 101 bg music really brought me back
I have an idea, what if you use lag to protect your base, so people who look at your base just crash
F Fbak lmao
Honestly I think this would be funnier if you set up the fireworks sequentially so you have just under the amount of fireworks for people to start crashing, but causing the worst lag for as long as possible.
(I don’t actually play Rust so I’m not sure if you can delay batches.)
I see gbp and dont think British pound, but rather good boy points
does bro have w101 music for his outro, this shit goes hard
why dose he ave wizard 101 music on
bub games if he didn’t troll on gmod
Don’t read replies on the comment by beaned_up7916
make a trap base where if anyone tries to raid it, it will crash the raiders with fireworks.
Bro. It’s a 5x. Pay to win is completely meaningless.
“how much is that in real money?” you little ****
if you only knew how much that server has really done…. the pay to win part is thier mildest shit lmao
The Pokémon coliseum music is such a good touch
My thoughts At beginning of video; whoever buys VIP kits has to be a weirdo or rich kid
VIP kit owner; “im rich, i f*ck homeless people”
is the background music from wizard 101?
I can’t believe you convinced him to give you firework mats hahaha
Bro really said, “What is that in real money” 😂😂😂
It’s giving team AVO on MC and I’m all for it haha
Chilll on my Werewolf sever
Soo lag on rust works like radiation irl too much of it make you bye bye
little big planet sfx <3
lag machining egregious p2w servers never gets old. garrys mod RP, minecraft, rust, you name it. The real crime is that people actually burn their money supporting this trash.
Next video needs to be 1,000 strobe lights AND 10k fireworks at the same time.
my god that intro song gave me major nostalga for yogscast
fbak is so funny lol
when next fire works
I swear i saw this on twitter how did i find it on here amazong video
wizard101 music goes hard
Fbak: To Crush my Game NOooo…N.o……
Game Down XD
God youre so fucking hot
5:12 that sound effect triggered me
Boi really played Wizard101 background music 😂
As a rust server owner myself i think it´s a shame to do the ptw thing alone, but especially in these dimensions? 300 GBP? Werewolf guys, go to the psychiatrist.
But “Anyone wanna check out….” in Teamchat? 😉
i remember watching your first video dude, i knew you would be big
Need to find a way to remote detonate so we can see it at a distance.
bro rocking the side fans
ofc the one with the weird accent , half braindead got the expensive kit.
Hey gupp you suck 😂
7:50 why you get bittne jouce
Make a firework base outside of your main base on a official server and when ever you get raided hit the fireworks
Isn’t it illegal to profit from developer creations by lending it without actually owning those skins?
i fuck hom$less guys made me fucking die like im still sitting here five minutes later laughing 4:99
12:34 Admins can’t ban you if the server does not exist.
this video alone made me subscribe
What’s the transition sound effect from during 3:20? Thanks.
LMFAO!!! My pc can hardly play Rust normally. This would straight up melt my computer
Bro, the wizard101 music goes hard
7:50 ☠️ i saw this clip on tiktok first. Just happened to stumble upon the main video lol. Thats hilarious
OMG XD That first guy’s reaction to the fireworks was pure freaking gold
5:34 is that the background music i think it is
That wizard 101 soundtrack
The Horizon of Rust
Why in all hell am I just finding this channel!?!?
did they patch this out?
Considering how popular and good this video is, I would be terrified if I was the owner of a PTW Rust Server Hub
Hey gupp I just subscribed to throat. I still haven’t decide to subscribe with you yet.maybe next month.
Hearing the intro music was such a throwback to old Yogscast
Btw those are the same guys that host 1939 nazi germany gmod rp
love the meet the spy suspense track. so good
I get pay to win is dumb but a server isn’t free.
Content like this is why the game is dying.
i never play rust. but how u can make 10k firework? doenst that cost a tons of material? or you get that very fast?
fire style: server no destruction jutsu
gup i have a proposition…
Hot damn…
I haven’t heard that intro music since the days of Yogscast playing Minecraft. I do miss the golden days…
King Juliannnnnnnn
6:00 no ways bro used Wizard 101 music 💀
5:01 💀
“Real money” 💀💀
I didn’t even know rust had p2w servers
I dont even play rust but here i am subbed 😅
I’ve done this in 1000x but with mines.. In chain reaction at one point all I could hear is one mind going off after the other, but in slow motion then my computer crashed lol..! So many people pissed
“a trap base that attacks you directly” “im coming king julian ahh voice”
Rust people hear dry out : 🤢
Geometry dash people : 😊😊
My fucking lungs. My throat hurts from laughing when i saw the comments. I havent laughed so hard in so long😂
the point of this video is not a gupp video about rust its a gupp video about don’t get scammed
Definitely not scripted garbage
“Now what’s that in real money?” 😂
Werewolf gaming lmao the professionals of modded rust
Immediately subscribed when he said “how much is that in real money” RIP British
Minecraft had servers like this until Microsoft stepped in and blacklisted all of them.
I love the Pokémon XD music lol
@gupp is this the wizard101 theme song?
They’re Chinese people in America laundering money…. How do people not understand this at this point?
Im a bit unfamiliar to rust, what/how is it a pay to win server? Are people just butimg like crazy good guns or…? EDIT: Nevermind video sort of explained it to me.
Dude clearly said the 5X server was down but you were on 3X fake vid confirmed!!
You should’ve build the bigger base with the P2W guy, hahahaha.
Evil villain story
“I can’t get up, I can’t leave King Julien! They are going to crash my game, King Julien!”
Please make another video like this if your pc can handle it.
you’d think if they’re fleecing that much money from people they could at least afford a server that doesn’t crash so easy, y’know?
7:43 => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNY_wLukVW0&list=OLAK5uy_nEGbRK3IZ018QZqnVmZtq-0k-vtJdysnA
Pyrite town ost goes hard
is that. is that wizard101 ost in the background..????????
Bro the first guy kinda sounds like Sr Pelo when he panics.
Shut up and take my like.
I love the 2:43 moment
Put the switch out side and let them crash their own pc
You may be wondering what the fuck we just witnessed At 5:10. Unfortunately I know that guy. He is a toxic Kurdish nationalist player who was living in Turkey but later on, he applied to be refuge in Germany because he claimed that just because he was a Kurd his life was in danger. Now he lives in Germany and keeps insulting people from there. He’s racist, anti-woman, sharia supporter.
Now you may wonder why many people play at that server. The reason is their ping. In Turkey, we play at EU servers quite often since our country is close to EU servers. However, players from the east of Turkey often have high pings at EU servers. In the Server menu, Werewolf’s servers always seem to have incredibly low latencies. For example at Valorant when I play at the Frankfurt server I get around 40-50ping. At Werewolf I get 20 as my ping.
the first guy panicing was so fucking funny, like a retarded mario
i used to play a lot on the werwolf servers and i was a senior mod there, it makes me happy you chose this server to fuck with. Truly funny video
Bro you had me rolling😂😂
Bad programming 101
That one gay 💀💀💀
scripted ASF!
I’m only subscribing for the sole reason that you said ‘how much is that in real money” after seeing the bundle being priced in GBP
You sound like Nathan Fielder
“Real” money, you mean dying money xD
It was you who killed my PC 😡😡😡😡
1:53 Ah, a fellow American.
love that you crashed bros game and he gives you materials in return lol
Bro you got a new Anti raid device
NGL with that insanely expensive vip i would crash that server everyday if im playing rust
Rust is one of the few games that can make you feel like you’re in downtown San Francisco
greatest video i think i’ve ever beared witness to, i love you gupp<3
The wave thru the window 😭😭😭
The first guy panicing as you slowly approach the button was just sadistic LMAO
Based gamer
Brows people, skills are -0 guy can’t hold a conversation
nice wizard101 music
The second guy’s nervous laughter got me.
liked the vid for including w101 theme music at 9:00
bro created Hiroshima 2
the Dark Souls music 😂
why is the background music FROM WIZARD101
That Wizard101 background music brought heavy nostalgia.
I can’t get up!
I know. 👹
Put the button on the outside “Press to crash sever”!
Prt 2 pls😂
as someone who needs 30 mins to load into a rust server, i fear this just like the first guy.
I’ve never laughed so hard at a Rust video. 😂
The Wizard 101 commons music is perfect 😭
7:45 is hilarious, the panic and everything omg :Ddddd
ugh its been done we used to lag out moose lol
*well that same thing happens on minecraft.*
Why tf the background music is wizard101 theme?
wizard101 music goes absolutely brazy
I would have my clan build this… Whenever someone raids us we will set it off. XD
I subscribed as soon as i heard the Wizard101 song
What servertiet that?😊
well the wizard101 music is a great choice
Next time ask your volunteer to hit the switch and watch from a distance!
First dude sounds like JarJar Binks lol and I’m dead 😅😂😂😂
‘how much is that in real money’
Didn’t werewolf gaming run a 1942 germany gmod rp server once?
Pattern boomer should go crazier…
Either has 16 or 36 explosions if i remember it right, and you can customize all of it
But the bad thing about it is that you will have to put every dot manually the 1st time and than have to copy paste them for every single firework you place
Pls post more
fbak was so funny 😭
Oh that’s what the lag was lmfao I was on that server that day
Sick content I subscribed to
I never would have guessed that in the middle of a Rust video I would hear music from Wizard101
Get a group of people like 5 grinders n boom 50,000 fireworks😭
that dude sounded like Jaja binks. ROFL
What a stupid server hahaha, lol 😂
Love your powerpoint presentation ❤
“ I can’t leave” 😂 that line has got me dying
don’t think they are gonna ban you. you push people who bought VIP to move to another of their server and buy VIP again
5:36 any wizard101 enjoyers?
Never played Rust, but this is entertaining
Isn’t it illegal for them to resell the assets of the game themselves? Someone should notify the devs
“How much is that in ‘real’ money?”
This man is killing me. 🤣
please do this again it’s so funnyy
When bro say”it’s gonna be fun man,”no you gonna crash my game”I can’t stop laughing!!😂
Bro i am begging you to share your folder with sounds, the shit that you use is so funny my ass is painful after a video with a fire kebab.
Bro this was GOLD. Please do it again.
I cant believe the background music is wizard 101 5:36
Came from the short
with how only one player claiming they “have” the VIP package, you know this P2W scheme isn’t doing so hot rn
A trap base that crashes the victim’s pc 👍
Your name reminds me of the cat that was swimming which was saying GUP
You have to do part 2. This is your most popular video rn lol
Jeeez what an absolutely disgustingly sleezy business tactic!
The genuine fear in the guys voice got me laughing as I would to and beg not to lit these fireworks
What is bros specs
I subscribe lol😂😂😂😂
Ima ask for the server 🫠 (no actually jokes aside u should get a bunch of people to crash all their servers at once with fireworks)
Bto said “how much is it in real money” 💀
I like the outpost pov 😂
Is there a way to set them off in batches? That way you could set off like 1k then once those are done set off another 1k to extend the chaos.
“That looks like a bunch of fireworks…” *music changes to something sinister when the window is revealed*
Gupp use rust plus or something so you can set if off at a distance
Dont know how you done this because only 25 fireworks per server can go at once the rest get put in a que
you can count on the Europeans to brag about having money that they dont have lmao
8:13 scratch that
“POV a man’s steam profile being violently rejected off the server😂”
I can’t leave😭
6 minutes of yappin and no fireworks 😡😡😡😡
A True villain
9:50 Why does the Earthbound music fit so well with this?
Trigger it from a distance next time
How long did getting the materials take
6:05 why?
Why are the servers called solo and duo and such?
2:18 do you get all of this every month?
thought i opened an old ass yogscast video for a sec
7:45 that was so funny
People are low af🤣
rust without a doubt, runs like shit on anything. Unity HAD to be the worst decision, even when it was indy.
Did I hear wizard101 soundtrack?
this just reminds me of those old minecraft servers where you could buy ranks and then get a bunch of op gear n shit every 12 hours or 24 hours
That was funny! I loved it!
I was worried my phone would crash just watching this lmao😅
Please where is the sound at 3:23 from !!? It’s driving me crazy I know it from somewhere
i love watching this guy break p2w servers XD
That is such a cold and scary question to ever hear, “hey how strong is your pc.”
Meh,it is funny,but for your content you just ruined others days:)someone it may play for a fun with friends,maybe someone want to have some chill time on the game,or enjoy free day ,but no,let’s make like the servers are bad,you should say ,good job for Warewolf as they are able to mentain this servers with all of you there 🙂
For the next video, make it rain fireworks for an hour straight so the entire server suffers constantly.
I dont even play rust but this sure is lit
I play on pay to win servers a good amount because sometimes its hard to find a 2x duo server with good pop that isnt pay to win
What a fun and silly video idea👹
Me and my mates played on one of those servers on wipe, 15min in we were roofcamped 😀 FK the P2W servers man 😀
worst servers there are , admins play with admin powers and when they lose you get banned by them happenned to me and some mates of mine , never had it happen in my 8k hours and just on this server and when made an appeal with my recording was banned from discord as wel
That poor dude was so desperate. 😂
*Plays Wizard101 The commons music* FUCKING YES
Btw the vip kit guys sound like retards
I have free acount, i also know da waai brodder
Rip fbak😔
Just gotta say man i saw your video on fb and didn’t even give credits to ya and i never would’ve found your channel if youtube didn’t show you on my shorts.
People also sell unraidable houses on their servers some times.
Why is fbak faking accent bruh
You probably just bought the stuff you needed to make it… no proof of farming all that material… lol
I woulda just done that… save time, money is time.
“I fu*k homeless people”…. See you later, bro… 💀
Server is free: dies.
Server is cosmetic-only: dies.
Server is P2W: Lives, and people scream at the moon about how unfair it is…as if servers don’t cost anything to exist.
naa banger video
good video mans subbed
wtf is that server? whos stupid enough to buy those bundle???
The holy light
All that effort just for some people to reload their game once
Oh my gods i haven’t stopped laughing for an hour. Laughing hurts and had turned into hiccups. Thanks for the gut wrentching laughter. The comments section has passed my vibe check! 😂😂😂
I can see this being a cool raid defense mechanism. If you are getting raided by 10 people and you can crash them down to 5 people then that’s huge
Am I the only one who noticed the wizard101 music ???
Anyone notice the wizard101 theme in the background?
“crackpipe gaming” bruh i’m dead
this video is perfect. EZ sub
Make larger as you can more larger of that
Nice to hear wizards101 soundtrack playing brings back good memories.
Video idea you get this set up but you door camp people to get them to raid you and when they start raiding you set the fire works off
I guess no one on the server was good enough for the clan
Underated and it was funny new sub😂
8:36 well there server hasn’t died…yet 😂
What is the sound effect used 3 minutes 20 seconds in the video? I feel like it is from an anime, It sounds super familiar but its driving me insane that I can’t remember it. Anyone know?
Do 20k fireworks on enardo rust
Laffengas clip? I used to watch that guy all the time!
“Oh Noo. NOOOO. I can’t leaveee” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Great work man
This brought me so much joy, thank you
make a floor base of these so when you get raided and they hit a pressure plate they crash
That’s the funniest thing I‘ve ever seen😂
I played this server and bought the every server every kit for 20$ that’s crazy how much they charge now
What is this Wizard101 music..
romn cndl
He must’ve died because his PC exploded 8:31 oops almost forgot to add the timestamp
The panic and his voice 7:58
What’s the server? Yeah, I broke the rules. I am cool.!
IDEA: Place a few landmines. Then place a stash but leave it above ground. Alt-look around until you know someone is watching you. Hide the stash so they see it, and run off. They run to get the stash, they run into landmines and blow up.
Gup is so peak
Set it all on a RF receiver, then hit up clans with a remote in your hand, tell them you want to show them something cool, then have them hit the button.
Make them crash their own server.
We have SalC in rust!
if this video gets 50k likes can we get 100k fireworks
I thought they fixed this so only like 10 or so would go off at the same time?
Going from 9.1k subs to 125k subs is great
Bro are you using the wizard101 soundtrack? I haven’t heard that shit in years. Wow! ❤
Fbaks panicking Elmo voice right before you begin to light off all the fireworks is pure gold
Thank you for showing me RUST P2W servers after I binged Minecraft P2W servers for a week, YouTube.
GBP = Great British Pounds.
Easily one of the funniest moments of trap bases. I love this, please do the fireworks again, it’s funnier than the strobe lights because you don’t have to turn them on one by one and it just hits all at the same time 😂
New offline protection meta. The raiders cant offline you, if you make them offline aswell
i played on this server
great, now i know what negative FPS looks like
I don’t know what’s more pathetic, these people or the people who pay them.
The wizard101 music 😂
I have all kits on the werewolf servers. Bought them when I was new to rust. Huge mistake, but if you wanna do anything in the future, I can log on and give you the kits to use for some crazy video ideas
He sounds like Sr. Pelo
that first reaction to being locked in the chair is HILARIOUS
pretty sure werewolf made nazi rp on gmod lol
This is content!
7:35 – 8:23 … its all worth it …. watch !
299 great British pounds, now let’s check the price in real money lol 😂
Liked for yogscast music
You wanna play a game lets play…..💀
tbh I’m surprised clans don’t use this for raid protection.
4:00 guy gives a totally valid and reasonable answer and you act super weird about it.
You need to avoid coming into those conversations with your pre-formed video narrative in mind.
Just treat them like normal people, stop trying to make them come across as people who don’t care or don’t give a damn, there are other factors influencing their choices, most of which have nothing to do with your own reasons.
Everything else in your video is great.
What a wildly fun video
i looked it up…. dude, i can’t buy a rust plushy satchel charge anywhere…. change that.
ik swat he my server owner
Darn you…I haven’t thought about Wizard101 in a long time into you started playing the BGM lmao. I was like “Speaking of P2W…Is w101 even tell alive?”
Frame killer base
Why do i hear wizard101 in the background
Underrated YouTuber
Bro has Wizard101 music in the backround 🤣. I miss playing thatbgame tbh lol. Grate videos its fking hilarious!!
your voice sounds like a young manny from ice age
5:00 had me like ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
wizard101 music XD
Bros a demon
8:11 GOD that was hilarious! Now I’ll have to edit this once I see the ending… Round 2: Annnd, man, just the lag of having that many fireworks on the screen at once. Gonna have to come back and edit again after you set em off! Annnnd: Very nice work bro!
This could be a legit exploit to protect a base- COME NEAR MY BASE and LAGGGGGG! You don’t even need to set them off. LOL!
I could feel the panic behind that ‘Oh No!’ XD
The wizard101 music brings back good memories
as a server owner, i appreciate you taking on these pay-to-win servers. also i have to ask how they DIDNT LIMIT THE MAX FIREWORKS, did they not have anyone double check the server vulnerabilities?
So how much was the server owner paid for you to inconvenience them for a minute or two? Oh you sure showed them!
that runescape music is awesome
Bro Berlin june 1945 that server🤣
bro says real money, but doe not notice GBP is the oldest currency
Throat and gup video soon?
Guppppp I called it gangster much ❤️
I love how unhinged rust
I what homeless guys💀
Real money??? Lol. You Americans. You are the best.
I knew as soon as that dude said “I f- homeless guys” that he was the real deal PTW VIP package-buyer. I’m sure he’s paid for allllll the big packages.
i love the plantera music
Looks like its time to tune it for wetwork. Imagine outer “TCs” with a stash of these to slow down raiders.
Or adding smart switches and putting up multiple smaller versions so you can selectively crash. Like if your comp can handle 200 going off but not 250, youve got a number that might knock out enemies. Spread a couple around a monument or even a massive clan base.
Mass numbers will work against them as on average computers trend to the average. Maybe a clan has a couple of high end pcs but its gonna be limited. Makes a much fairer fight.
What I got out of this video is that the Rust community is kinda weird XD
Woulda been lit to see the outpost view of the 2nd run
Love the wizard101 theme in background
who let him cook?
This would be so easy to fix too,
All they would need to do is make a plugin that limits the placement per player to like 10 or so 😂
Never played the game but enjoyed this haha
Feel kinda bad for the guys who paid, especially cuz that first guy was so chill
Edit: ok thought he was permanently messing up the servers because I’ve seen people who do that before, this was just funny
“Yeeaah. I dont relate to that but.”
Broh the tf 2 soundtrack 😭😭
The first guys reaction was genuine fear 😂
Reminds me of that low quality Minecraft meme where the guy goes
“10 THOUSAND???”
What the actual fuck, my YouTube app crashed after watching this video… ??
i have an exploit you might be able to use for a video ive been sitting on it for a while
who is bro lying to no rust player has a girlfriend
Yo is that Wizard 101 background music?
5:37 Wizard 101 my beloved
Lost me at ‘Real Money’
OMG that is great.
Sounds more like a money laundering operation than a gaming company.
The FEAR in that mans voice as he faced his demise. Priceless.
The reaction of that first guy was too funny
i mean houseless people need love too yk
This guy is just a COMMUNIST. You can tell he hates capitalism by putting down this smart way to make money on the game. What do commie libtards do if you don’t see things their way. they destroy your environment. Im sure this dirtbag ruing this game still lives with grandma, and doesn’t have a job. and pisses and moans everyday like he does on this video. poor guy sucks even at being a a Loser. And doesnt have the skill set to play this game very good. Oh Snap! Next!!!
“how much is that in real money” 😂
hahaha🤣🤣 u such evil person, poor first guy
* Chefs-kiss * Beautiful!
my left ear likes the video
i cant even get a row of fireworks in before an admin shows up and stops me :
The first victim sounds like SrPelo when he saw the fireworks.
Hail horizon brother
I have never played Rust but this video was randomly recommended to me. It was so enjoyable that I ended up binging all your videos. Can’t wait for more!
Gupp killed Sr Pelo with fireworks that’s awesome
Please make more content your channel is now my favourite even over willjum
this music made me think i had wizard101 open at 5:30
full forest camo set is like $140 usd
8:01 the despair on the dudes voice lol
1:53 referring to USD as real money is so crazy
“Mutually assured destruction.”
hahahaha the first dude in the seat was so funny xDDDDD
interview part was really stupid and unneeded
4:54 The insecurities were about to come out there for a second
Dude the intro theme sent me back to 2010s
Great trap base tbf let it be triggered by tripwire so when someone tries grief you it just explodes their pc
It’s a trap base. but a trap for the whole server
8:03 “Noooo”, this is the most fun thing i have ever watched on YT xDDD thanks man.
well now, i have made a auto firework launcher, in one rust night i was able to launch 12k fireworks, had music going to. it was a 24 stage system with an auto off. takes alot of grinding to make 12k fireworks, though i used all the big boomers, roman candles and fountains. tell you what, in rust fireworks are awesome. was not a pay to win server, was just a friendly low pop pve server.
When I listened to what people on this server say and what they say, I have the impression that almost every player or most of them in Rust are idiots😂😂😂😂
Werewolf >>>
There are some real freaks on modded rest
I love the wizard101 music from the commons
hey wait thats me in the video
Omg bro the first person on the chair was so terrified lol 🤣 that’s Sooo many fire works
ther goal shouldnt be to crash the server
rather it should be to bring it to a crawl make it take as long as possible to fix the server. because causing a server to lag brings everything to a crawl
if the server doesn’t crash but just lags to hell and back that will cause more trouble than strait up crashing it
1:53 how much is that in real money
Omg that “I can’t get up oh nooo I’m going to crash my gaammeee”
that OG yogscast music at the start of this video, gawd DAMN
9:40 like standing too close to Chernobyl
The “Meet the Spy” music from TF2… So nostalgic 😀
Im rich bro i fuck homeless guys 😂😂😂😂
wizard101 soundtrack goes hard
Mad lad
Some based ass Wizard 101 music !
6:44 is that dry out from geometry dash?
Omg this music you used in your video… is the Wizard 101 soundtrack 🤣 I never thought I would get to listen to this again in my life
8:00 that was like watching a murder
Paying to win in Rust in the most virgin thing ever.
4:30 it’s always amazing watching you express your neurodivergence at normal ass people just playing a game.
this was funnier than anything i’ve ever watc………..
that was the most funnest thing that I would probably do to my friends if I had that game
You said you were in 3x quad, that discord screen was from 5x na
Love the wizard101 background music, bringing back my childhood
I hope There’s more of this content going forward
i love the yogscast intro music!
This is the equivalent of playing rust console 😂
Did anyone get a flash back from old yogscast mincraft vids from the intro
“300 Great British Pounds! How much is that in REAL MONEY?” *calculates into USD like a true american*
bro disrespected one of the most powerful country’s currency. that’s foul
Welp now I have that song by Duck Sauce stuck in my head…..thanks
so I noticed you using some of the Wizard101 music themes. I’ll say i paused to see if i had some how logged in to the game lol. good choice
How can it be that the Fake Money is worth more than your “real money” LOL
The intro music brings me back to the yogscast intro
That looks like a bunch of fireworks
I can’t get up oh no…no!…I can’t leave!
I can’t leave!
You’re going to crash my game!
No! N-
Dead 😂
thanks for getting to the point 🙂
Like a phoenix being born or an angry god ascending!
Why is everybody that plays rust incapable of forming a sentance
Gupp straight up talks like one of those villains that doesn’t know how to act when he’s luring people in
1:50 average american
this looks like fallout with real people, they talk like NPCs XDDD
We need more fireworks
This is 1000 IQ raid defense. Can’t get raided if everyone crashes.
“How much is that in real money?” Dead lmao
NOOO I CANT LEAVE. Had me howling! Lol
This is some wizard101 vibes
120k subs what the fuck
That made me rofl 🤣
I played on werewolf servers and its was the worst time i had on rust in years
You gave me OG Yogscast vibes at the start there. Loved it.
Is that the theme music of the wizard 101 game 🤔✨️
Video got me to stay simply from the starting music. Gotta love the Yogscast.
i think if you use the dirtrider glitch you can make this happen a lot easier with less grinding
“how much is that in real money”
pulls up the USD lmao
5:00 Yea.. nice knowing that
New computer stress test just dropped, 20 years in the future we gotta run this build again to see if we improved out tech
Werewolf gaming? The same people with the nazi-rp server on GMod? lol
i too fuck homeless guys 🫶
Обожаю твои видео! Они просто вдохновляют и радуют! Обожаю ловушки, сам знаю кучу схем ловушек мало кому знакомых
Is bro using the wizard101 music? :T 5:50
That last dude, i imagine him as the german character in Indiana Jones that looked at the Ark.. His whole face just melts, poor guy..
That guy was a hella good sport; crashed his game and he gave you goodies.
I like to go on super toxic servers in games and be the nicest person ever. Whenever someone says something bad I hit them with some scripture and god bless. No I am not religious but the reactions you get are priceless.
“OH NO I CANT LEAVE!!!” 😂😂😂😂
We need more content with Fbak please!!
im sure this was the server me and my friend went on i got kicked for apparently having a vpn on when i didn’t i checked re-joined and then after 5mins my friend got banned we have no idea why we just made a 2×2 and were starting and he got banned no reason given he wasnt in chat being toxic or anything he was just next to me and next second gone.
The beacons are lit! Gordor calls for aid!
1:42 you said you’re 3x quad yet your ‘proof’ at 12:21 is that the 5x server went down..?
Haven’t laughed this hard in a while lmao
You should play with fbak for a wipe
“How much is that in real money” is something I legit say to my non-american friends, that’s hillarious.
Anti-Pay-To-Win is spreading to other games! Love it!
you have improved also gupp, and you have earned my subscription.
is this your full time job now or are you on that gindset?
imagine setting this shit up in your base with things that once destroyed just set off the fireworks. getting raided? just crash the raiders! ezpz
So I heard you like wizard101, wizard101 music in the background not bad
honestly any nerd who pays for this shit is a schmuck
Isnt this fake? I thought they limited how many of these things could be lit at once to specifically prevent this
Dry out music during the fireworks setups goes hard 🔥✅
Did not expect LBP sound effect at beginning lol.
cant you report that server for literally reselling facepunches assets to players for profit? isnt that like idk illegal?
i love that idaten deities refrence
the wizard 101 music at 5:50 threw me off sht is so fire
5:32-6:15 w101 music goes hard
i thought this was westjett for a sec 💀
This is widduwy a gupp video
Do this on an Enardo server with his help
new form of rust trolling and shenanigans: DDOS bases.
music reminds me of the old yogscast days
Is blud using wizard101 music 🙂↕️
why does this gupp dude sound like nathan fielder
Doin gods work
Every time I hear the Home depot commercial I think of your vids..lol
quite literally, LMAO
First Minecraft p2w serves now rust, I feel happy knowing that there’s a youtuber that takes care of these greedy server admins
why would u p2w rust
wizard 101 music???
I have a genius idea, If you made a base with like 2000 fireworks you could crash anyone who enters your base using a pressure plate and farm plots
i don’t play rust but this was fucking hilarious, especially both interactions with the lucky dudes who got to sit in the chair and watch xd
When he says what is £300 in real money to provide to talk in made up money
8:08 only the strong may live
7:57 me showing a Victorian child a revolving door
I smash homeless dudes 😅😂🤣🙄🤦🏻♂️
why dont you have someone else recording what it looks like from afar other than like 2 frames from outpost?
You can accomplish this same effect easier with the boomers.
The wizard101 music is pure nostalgia
Did you know that you are sick? Very sick. VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY SICK 😆😆😆
song name? 6:43
“I can’t get up!” “OHH NOOO!”… “Nooooo!”
12:01 is that the Taurus demon boss music
amına kodumun eşşeği ajfbnaenfşoeanfeolaınfeaşıolnfşaeol most expensive sejkfblsıkebnfoısngşosdırgjnorsıdfjmoşs olum ya neden para veirisnki şu servere amq akjfnşkaenfaolıkf
genuinely cant stand americans
How are you playing the Wizard101 theme song at 5:30? The rights to that song? lolll
I’ll never understand why people play on Pay 2 Win servers
“no! you’re gonna crash my game!!”
that high pitch voice from the deep pitch voice 😂😂😂
Im ashamed of playing this server, didnt realize it was that bad
Like if you came from insta😅😂
actually a 9000 iq hooking these up to a heat sensor as offline protection
Yes please, those fkrs have scammed kids for years.
I did this a while ago not realizing it was gonna do that. It was end of wipe and we had so much sulfur i filled out entire compound with tit shaped firworks and dicks. Couldnt light allnof em.before the server crashed logged back in amd did it again lmao. Great time
bro cant hang in the clan
muy bien
Thankfully servers are backed up and all but 10 minutes of progress was lost after they restored the server…. guess this means infinite videos of doing this right? Think not, it will get boring for most to spend their time watching someone else spend their time trying to waste some servers time with trolling
sunless kahn?
All the dude from 8:00 had to do was F1 kill if he had no loot
This is the funniest vid I’ve seen in a long time. The Russian dude screaming while stuck in the chair is so funny 😂😂
7:51 the realization hits
Bro is playing that wizard101 music in they background yooo
Rust is full of P2W servers with ther shitty kits n stuff
“How much is that in real money?” XDDDD
wizard101 music? hahaha
bro the whole game has become pay to win
Bruh i used to play werewolf SCPRP on GMod. They banned for like 5 years ago for some random shit. Pleased to see this.
“I f*ck homeless guys” yeah that’s a Rust player alright
8:00 bro turned into elmo hahah
Theoretically, building such a “defence” at a “visible” entrance to your base would deter most raid teams just due to lag.
Something to think about.
Good gob gupp
the wizard101 music……
i subbed but i expect more fireworks
now do it again
1:55 money isn’t real you bot.
Gold is the only real thing about printed money.
love the wizard 101 music @5:32
Here from Instagram 😂🔥
i like the wizard 101 music
Is that mfin wizard 101 music???
First clip was the funniest rust interaction I’ve ever seen.
when you said real money lol
These servers are on par with rust gambling, scummy greedy garbage😂
How do you sound just like ambiguous amphibian and even use the sims music. Are you the same person
XDDD 8:00 funniest shit
Love the wizard101 music 😊
This is raid defense would be crazy
3:22 Is that vast?
I fire the work to crash the service food
Gupp sounds like Nathan fielder
“how much is that in real money?”
fastest sub earned speedrun
Bro found Jar Jar Binks for as first victim lmao
Bro got Youtube Alg on his side
“why this server” why not
thought i was playing wizard 101 for a sec
Horizon in rust??
bro has the commons music from wizard101 +respect
1:50 i know Americas think that America is the only true country but come on you seriously said how much is that in real money the only thing you could say as real money is gold and silver not usa dollars
Best base defense: 10.000 fireworks inside the base to make raiders lag
That was beautiful
“how much is that in real money” thats amazing
festroy a reddit server next
bro is entering my level of pettiness now we talkin
It would be amazing if you actually made a trap base and then show them the horror of 20k fireworks
bro yes jizz cum
the thing is 99% of modded servers are like this but the prices arent usually that high
Hey is the server back.up?
This man really using Wizard101 background music lmao
I’ll be honest the thing that got me was the wizard 101 music right that’s the song
That guy strapped down to the chair was fucking hialrious
Grief olyumpus rust their so pay to win and treat f2p players like shit
Just report it to the devs if they sell assets they get banned in no time
1:54 – get fukt kid
GAMER GIRLFRIEND!!! my boy is winning 🔥🔥🔥
mans got wizard101 music in the background
me and my friends did this with campfires and when they were all turned on its like a local anti raid lag switch if they wanted the base they would have to raid it at 2 seconds per frame lol
The Wizard101 music at 5:35 was a blast from the past lol
“real money”
There is a server called “Dope” it’s also pay to win
i would love to see this poor souls pov from the chair 🤣
aint no way bro said that GBP isnt real money
There are a lot more then a few p2w rust servers, nearly every modded server is p2w
guap king
Just gonna say it, those really expensive kits are for oil daddy’s. That’s all.
1:52 how much is thath in real money lol
I think the server owner can sue you for doing this xd
At 5:00 I wasn’t sure if he meant in game or in real life
you’re like The Horizon of Rust
100% legit base defence
He destroyed every server in the modded section
I honestly don’t think that servers should be able to do this crap at all.
Game devs should be at the very least taking half of all these servers earning(especially this one since basically everything they offer was created by facepunch anyway)
Heck some games, the devs do give a damb and ban p2w servers from being listed.
LMAO wolf gaming 5x
Real money ????????? Unsup
1:55 “how much is that in real money” lmfao
I remember when Werewolf Gaming was just a small gmod RP community, what is this 😂
Imagine someone was in the midle of raid 😂
8:06 funny momony
Mf just make a guy sit there and watch fuck tons of fireworks lmfao
Well, i do not play this game. But seeing you destroying the server makes me happy.
This would be an awesome defense. If you geht raided, Press the Server Crash button
I hear you playing the wizard 101 music in the background lmao
You literally kidnapped a dude in rust LOL
“How much is that in real money”
I subscribed right away
Wouldn’t it be cool if England was real?
need a few diff pov of the fireworks going off n then the server crashing was in stiches tho top fun
The chair scene was brilliant :))))
rust supervillian💀
the way the first guy freaks out when you trap him and he sees the fireworks lmfao
Set it up to stagger the ignition of the fire works in baches of 100 or someshit.
10k isn’t alot, you should saved time by financing your endeavor. 😂
Damn this video was so funny, first guy made me laugh hard
This is witterwy a gupp video
As an adult I should not find this as hilarious as I do – but I do and I thank you for the belly laugh 🙂
“I f**k homeless guys” had XQC energy.
“What is that in real money” * British rage intensifies*
Those interviews gave me brain damage
“Uh… that looks like a lot of fireworks” coupled with “I CANT GET UP” was like something straight out of a saw movie. A bit so delightfully devilish that I could not help but laugh, coupled with the fact that brother was PLEADING for mercy on his pc.
My guy has wizard101🎉 music in the background 🎉😂
5:50 nobody seemed to notice but this music is from wizard101 and I fucking love it 😭🔥
dude, fr tho I bought kits on this server and its just instant AKs
please do this more on these p2w servers lol
Your assignment: build a base that offlines offline raiders.
Set that up but put the button outside with a big sign that says “Do not push this button.” and then wait to for some dummy to push the button. 🙂
you should time it where 1000 goes off every minute so it doesnt crash anyone but it keeps fps low for like 10+ minutes.
Yooo the wizard 101 theme song
Ah, now I know why some servers have entity limits.
Music going from Pokemon Colosseum to Wizard101 commons… my mind is FRAGGLED
You should have got two or three friends to go on each corners of the map far away and do the same thing
How’d you get those fire works huh selling penis pills huhhhhh
Thought i was watching shadow of israphel then 😂
Good fuck pay to win
bro the wizard101 music… 5:50 I subscribed because of that
watching this in 144 p makes the video better
imagine being a rust player
P2W on a 3x LMAO
Every other game normal day
THIS GUY: let see how many fireworks ot takes in RUST to make fking NUCLEAR WARHEAD
next time do it inside a cave so they cant find that shit
Hold up, this times a thousand 🤔 1×1000=10,000 🐒
You can’t just hit me with ye olde Yogscast intro
Bro is a supervillain
is this a bannable offense?
bro played wizard101 music in the background…. brought back memories
I love these videos more and more more. I wanna see more of this crash more servers.
7:44 is legendary
It be way funny if you hooked it to a remote switch with Ruat+ App or RF Transmitter, and activated it while at Outpost to see 10,000 going off at once.
i feel that those “fireworks” are literally just to cause lag, so lame made lol
Got pokemon XD flashbacks
I’m gonna do this on an official
now do it but its a base raider trap
My heart felt this video when I heard the wizard 101 wizard city music
the yogscast song opening is nostalgic lol
Holy hell the guy that was stucks scream was priceless.
wizard101 music
imagine if he just bought the 400pound kit instead of farming xd
i hate this server bro, you join the server half an hour passes by and players have fullkit aks
2nd may be biggest but 1st one is funniest bit
more videos like that please
Go go gadget server kill
2:48 was hilarious hahaha
Gd music
God loves u all
bro this is the funniest rust video i have ever seen (for now) especially the part when the guy begs for mercy as you activate the switch
Love ❤❤❤
omg werewolf gaming used to be a shitty gmod server back in the day
for anyone wondering: No, it does not work on non-pay2W servers. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Outpost POV had me laughing so hard! great video as allways!
“ya, okay i dont relate to that.” got me lmao
Werewolf gaming started on gmod with swrp servers, they are just as worse there
Lol, “300 GBP in real money”. Rude, but not wrong.
can you make it an automatic start so it trips every time the server is started?
Real ones know wizard 101 music
Gupp have bought the kit so you didnt have to grind 10 000 low grade?😋🦶🧐
When u have wizard101 as a background music 🎉
The wizard101 music hits different man
Wizard101 Music in the back lull
deserves it too many p2w servers but be careful as mrgibginson is an admin on that server
Is that w101 music in the background
scrapland 1million x server has a $300 kit
The hero we deserve
For $30 a month just rent your own server.. that’s ridiculous
yogscast intro music sent me back to like 2012 jesus.
Was this video narrated by Kermit the Frog ? Sure sounds like it,
my dude, while Im all for videos like these, i DO want them to be accurate and fair.
If you just read it, the thingy at 2:25 says you get access to skinbox (i assume you know what it is) and the pictures are just a showcase of some skins
The next one is bgrade. Automatic upgrading when building (from inventory, not free btw), and you can ALSO as an added BONUS, use the skin tool to use the dlc skins etc.
Also, I mean, I havent made it past 2:35 yet, but you should probably show the free kits too. And also, there were global kits for ALL servers by werewolf gaming there too, right on screen.
Sorry, but if its literally on screen, please show it, otherwise it doesnt feel genuine enough for my taste. I hate p2w servers as much as the next guy, but if you want to call them out, and not be called out yourself for ruining the experience for other players and basically not even the admins, especially since they often dont play and dont care, maybe at least make sure you make it clear that you yourself know why youre going after them.
Again, not defending them. I just want this kind of video to be made the right way since thats just better for everyone
Pay to win servers lowkey fun cuz every base is juiced 💀
FYI, this is how you protect your base from being raided.
The first guy turned into elmo
We tried this once like 2 yrs ago. Transformed 30000 GP into fireworks and planted them all next to each other. Didnt work out. They kept the lightnened fuse burning but didnt go off. We later learned that after a max of 50 or so they glitched out. That was on EU rustafied long.
Awesome video
The sad thing is even with all the pay 2 win bs ww is one of if not the best modded server for small groups
Is that the wizard101 song I hear
Bro had the demon core in his base
FBAK was single handidly the best part of this video. I have watched him plead like 10 times now
I tried this when fireworks first came out, but the servers had limits to how many firework entities are visible
The video is fake/scripted right?
why i hear wizard101 song?
300 GDP. How much is that in real money? (c) gupp, 2024.
Sounds really… um, intriguing for a Russian with roubles like me.
wait is it resell building skins a scam?
facepunch need to know this!?
am watch this at 9 on a Saturday What are the chances
“you’re like that one guy” gupp -2024
you should have a video every week where you take the amount of likes from your previous video and turn that into a video similar to this one
Dude, I was rolling. You got that guy to sit in the chair and he freaked out when he couldn’t get up.
that server is p2w and also has admin abusers, I have a video of the admins deleting someones base because they kept dying to them, I also got banned for calling them out on it with a ban reason of “Fuck you”.
the best parts for me is 7:18 – 9:08
do it on warbandits next
Hey, crash, my game, you gonna crash my game lol 😅 He was panicking he was debatly back
Not sure if anyone else noticed the Wizard 101 theme song. Much respect might have to revive my old account,
I haven’t laughed this hard in a while. You earned my sub and like.
When you wizard your 101
me and my friend used to play on that server to shit on everybody, people just pay masses and are shit at the game…
Alright buddy, why do I hear the Plantera boss theme somg
i bought the ruby kit for all servers. mega worth lol i have played 300 hours on all the servers lol
HallowServers are the same. Gives you almost 10k of every resource and mass guns with ammo. not worth it.
comment for algorithms
Gupp’s mic finally got an upgrade
just sayin, the packages scale based on the gather multiplier. I too get to lazy to farm…
“how much is that in real money?”
I have never laughed out loud this much! Genuinely!
“299.99 Great british pounds how much is that in real money?” man i love americans
I feel kinda guilty I have lifetime ruby vip on all serves of them 😂 bought it 3 years ago… for 49€
absolute shit upload
You sound like Kermit the frog by the way
bro gdp is real mony you bufoon, its just from a differenct country, americans can be so rude and mean, like its from a different country, the doller is not everything in life
The pure panic when he saw the fireworks.
So i can just cut 98.6% of the video and it will be 15 seconds of the fist victim asking “it’s okey” ( 7:39 – 7:54 example)
I like this firework
isnt every modded server a PAY TO WIN…? every modded server has VIPs.
You jave my respect for using wizard 101: music
werewolf gaming is probably the biggest game server scam shit ever. Also gotta *love* those fake sales they have on their store.
1×1000 is 1000. Not 10000. 😂
So many Rust patches and they still have not yet patched something like this?
This is cracked raid defense. Just rig it so that if anyone gets too close to the keep, their game crashes.
Try the boomer ones next time, those like go all the way up into the sky everyone in the server will see that shit.
I would add in a remote function. then go to outpost and watch it from afar
Here is a trap base idea create a lag base then pick people off from somewhat far away
Pretty sure those “sales” are illegal
solo should use this for raid defense
GBP isnt real money…
hahaha they deserve tit, not even just because of the P2W aspect but simply because they didn’t have a plugin for entity capping or forgot to include the fireworks 😂
That wizard101 theme song 5:50 had me dead
i was giggling out loud when he realized he was stuck in the chair, funny
12:11 the wizard101 music XD
bringing a vip who probably has a private chat with the admins is the weirdest and funniest plan ever, at least the vip was chill af!
The fear in his voice 😂😂😂😂💀
I can’t believe you got Elmo featured in this episode 8:04
new rust crash base
The pound is out here catching strays
2:35 I’d bet they also block you from accessing the DLC content on their servers, if you didn’t buy it from them.
An unspeakable offense to the rust gods: having bitches while being a rust player 😢
why do u sound like Nathan Fielder when interviewing those people
bro had a genuine saw trap moment when he saw those fireworks.
“what is that in real money?”
seriously, dude? could you be more stereotypical American idiot?
Done once before server saves,roll back to before I activate and I keep crashing a 10x lmaoooo
Pay to winning in anything is scummy asf.
With 376 dollars I could buy every single great game on the steam……fuck those sales LMAO utterly dogshit
What is that sound bite from at @3:22
The editing in your videos is hilarious. Hands down the funniest Rust videos out there.
werewolf has north american servers now?
I got banned on werewolf gaming like 2 years ago for cheating, because i raided the admins. Thank you for this service, I hope you can do this more on their servers 🙂
cried laughing
wizard101 music going hard
Bro sumind GOD
I cant believe that first guy you tested the thing on, helped you to make the worser thing
join 20k rust server to light off 20k fireworks XD
Is there like a timer or delay type mechanism you can do?
Cause doing more but like 1k at a time, and just as the 1st 1k is about to stop, start the next, and the next, and the next.
That would truely upset whatever server you’re on lol
Now I understand why devs are focusing so much on optimizing these assets…
1:54 “how much of that is in real money”
“into real money” you hear that British.
gupp you’ve done it again
love the old yogscast intro music
“dis is widerwy a gupp video”
When dude said I fuck homeless guys I felt that
”in real money” xD Dollars are a joke lol
good video, I just don’t know how to describe it but your voice sounds like you need to clear your throat the whole time. other then you sounding like you needed to clear your throat it was a good video.
It’s always furries.
Next time you do this alert the server by announcing that the world is about to end.
I literally play that server
Another gupp classic
i feelk this was already recorded and was a vid
Hhahahahhhaha Fbak!! noooooo!!!! Nooooo!!!! Hahahhahaha
I thought those were StarBursts…
Thats quality content. A classic Gupp video
wait untill he learns about disco balls 7 of those made my game go from 200 fps to 50
This is absolutely the funniest Rust video I’ve ever seen
I was laughing soooo much at the first guy panicking. That was hilarious!
Honestly setting the firework base up as a trap base would be even better. Tripwire unlocked doors or pressure plates to crash PCs. Beautiful.
this genuinely made me laugh
Troll base
Gupp, theres a server where you can buy individual rust items and once you lose it, its gone
Certified gupp classic. This was mad funny.
As near as possible to the p2w ad I’d love to see a janky hand painted ad for selling a fireworks show for five bucks.
L Proof
This makes me think of DayZ pay 2 win server when you put 10,000 40mm near each other…
hmmm i feel like your gonna make me laugh with nazi jokes
Yes!!!! More of this please! Use it as revenge on clans
Forever on special offer.
OMG best ep ever!
dude’s rich with a shit mic lmao
“real money” you mean money that’s weaker than the pound xD
Sounds like ‘Nathan for You’ XD
2:23 The guy in the background💀
I have the highest vip for all servers for around 80 bucks, its not that expensive. Have all door skins and clothing skins ect. Pretty sweet cuz I dont have the time to play more then one evening, usually and I can build a thick base and raid in like a couple hours as solo🎉 if I had more time to play I would play vanilla tho..
I don’t think you understand what you’ve just done I will now do this to some random clan on an official
He does WHAT to homeless guys 😨😨😨
I felt like Gupp was some sort of Dark Souls Boss here. There is something existentially terrifying when you realize that your computer is about to crash.
real money?
do it on a max player server
The wizard 101 music.
bro put wizard101 music in there thinking i wouldn’t notice thats crazy. thought i was in the commons for a sec
VIP is more expensive that my PC bro ☠
If you got recommended this your algorithm has blessed you. Feel lucky to have bore witness to Mike Burch 700 lbs
friggin epic
Lag I have the console version xbox and when u have lights they tend to act up I thought they fixed it island well no so I have to turn off lights for others lights to work they will be on but just the bulb lights up not the surrounding space it is so annoying
Love that people love my reaction 😭
The fake, permanent discount is also illegal in the US.
7:33 tf2 spy theme intensifiers
1:13 the sales are fake
0:42 staff are stupid and inactive there was more then 20 blatant cheaters
0:30 so that was why my pc exploded like a fire work
Mad it’s Mayhem we played together a few times!! 😂
Lag base video where raid boom crashes the PC? IS IT POSSIBLE? WOULD SOMEONE DARE RAID A 10FPS building
Still better then ruining hourses for everyone playing the game.
“you ‘re going to crash my game”
Another certified guppardo video i see 🔥🔥🔥
Haven’t watched this guy in a year and my man got +90k subs
Server owner here … if for some reason the owner didnt set a limit on fireworks active at the same time then yes you can do this.
But again theres a command which limits the ammount of fireworks active at the same time. We do it on 50 which is enough for a vanilla server.
“How much is that in real money” such an American thing to say
Horse glitch vid when?
mr gupp I really want the raw unedited audio of that dude screaming his lungs out before you light the fireworks, I can think of so many uses for his noises
wouldnt they get in trouble for taking facepunch assets and reselling them on their store?
Spy music is terrifying
Bro you know rust is like 60% p2w and no one cares because this game is only about skill
Top tier editing
Wizard 101 Ahh music
they had a 1942RP gmod server
“lets see how much real money is that in British pounds” *searches USD price*
8:02 sound exactly like lui calibres kid voice lol
pls do it on Werewolf 5x Duo
geometry dash and terraria music holy shit your goated
I did this on a server the other day but they had some mod that if you exceed so many fireworks it just ques them instead of doing it all at once so instead the fireworks just went off for the entire wipe.
“How much is that in real money?” He said in americain, god’s language!
classic gupp w
One of your best ones 😂.
Keep up the great work Gupp!
Best one yet, devious haha! 💥
This was incredible and i know now what i will do every time i play this game
11:09 the last words i wanna hear when im trapped is not “Hah get better” but “Well man, i hope you have a really strong pc” 💀
9:51 bro hasn’t even fire them already lagging mind you this man prolly has a god pc 😂
The first victim was so fuckin funny.
I used to play on that server like 2years ago with my team and the wipe died 3days after force xdd
I mean this seems like a great raid countermeasure, if someones in in a choper he is surelly going to crash even whit 50 of these bad bois.
please make the 20k fireworks with rf transmitter to broadcaster then have a reciever that toggles the igniters so u can detonate remotely from far away.
I’m getting nauseous just from watching the lag-and I’m not even lagged
I cant express to you how much I enjoyed this video
the most impressive part of this video was the fact a rust player has a gf to help place 10k fireworks
Unskippable mobile game ads make me gery sad. Bad gupp
even rust has a pay to win public server problem?… man
The dancing wolf made me giggle
sends message 2 team not global pffft
I’m amazed this kinda stuff isn’t against TOS
2 fps is crazy lol
He’s on a villain arc
The first victim who said nooo was just too funny
The first guy who you strapped to a chair sounded EXACTLY like JarJar Binks holy SHIT
7:38 “its okay” after you asked a question about his PC started the cogs in his head to turn and quickly figured that his PC is gonna die HAHAHA
Very cool video gupp
This was awesome and I love how you trapped the first guy
absolute chad : make a few bases similar around the whole map and use a RF transmitter to light them up all at once
“real money” is great
The dancing wolf!!! I fkn died
Rare footage of a rust ytber having a gf
W Upload
Please do it again lol
thanks for crashing my server haha, you won’t get banned
This was hilarious 😂😂😂😭😭
This is better than the strobe light cause you can power them all at once
Nina should set them off while you’re in outpost get the reaction, you can call it a magic trick to those in outpost
Holy shit, that intro music made me feel like my younger self, watching SOI again…
Werwolf gaming are the big scumbags which had an gmod nazi roleplay server. They really deserve to lose money with server down time
made me laugh
Pretty sure selling the dlc skins is illegal since they dont belong to them
Why WHY did I laugh so hard at this? Following just because of the tears in my eyes. Great job
Of course it’s werewolf gaming… I had the missfortune of spendinf about 50$ on one of their GMod servers. Their ammount of p2w is insane.
Where’s Brit? He’d fork out no problem for all the VIP’s.
The second blast was stronger but the first guy’s reaction was the best. “That looks like a lot of fireworks”
from Grub to War criminal
gupp, its only 1 base… but if you build 5-6 bases on entire island!!! (left, right, up, down, center part of map)
It will affect to all people on server >)
Imagine not having any value for money what so ever…. Man I wish to have so much money too.
You should create massive bases with tons of these just waiting and lagging the areas out. Have multiple bases with tons of fireworks everywhere = everywhere constant low fps = people stop playing.
rust dupertrooper
kidnapping rust players and tormenting them with lag is a new level of evil and I love it
Best video I’ve watched so far 😂
Server wide trap base. So good. Also, imagine griefing a clan by doing this without even setting them off near them. Set up something that senses when they raid into the base and the fireworks go off.
Dancing wolf
werewolf was my introduction to modded…. they suck so fuckin bad.. the p2w is insane and within SECONDS of wipe people will have sheetmetal roofcamping towers around every single outpost and monument. every single time i get raided its DIRECTLY to TC or where my loot is located, or exactly 15 minutes after you log off/leave base. i imagine like modded dayz that the cheaters buy shit so the admins let it slide.
5:20 when the wizard101 music started playing that takes me back
One thing you should have done is have your GF hit the switch and be at outpost to see how bad it affected the area and maybe see some go off!
wait till you see full teams with kits 🤣im playing with a bunch of 22+ year olds who have no time for grinding this shit so kits is awesome just login and have fun
play Turkish servers
not naming yourself Guy Fawkes was a massive missed opportunity here
Server owners : shit he is back
My potato crashes if im standing near a horse when it decides to take a sh*t 😏
Raid defence tactic unlocked.
7:22 – 8:21 needs to be a Youtube Short, that was funny.
bro just became the horizon
Bro said this is initiation. Survive this and ur part of the team. 💀
im doing this on my main 3x server that aint p2w now thanks for the idea
The new Rust “SalC1”
One of my friend spent more than 400 euros on this
something funny about getting notifications to join Gupps channel membership. a scam inside of a scam:D
Bet the “limited mega pack” is there till the server closes”
The demon slayer AEAEAEAEAEAE always cracks me up
I will forever love that Gupp uses LBP sound effects and music in his videos.
can do it in a way with only 1 triangle foundation worth hooked up to the RF transmitter switch or HB censors for a flick of the switch lag switches. Experimented with these a lot haha
This isn’t a trap Bass it’s a…..
I am pretty sure there’s a Dril tweet about this exact incident.
Imaging doing the chinese ones and not the server broadcast one
Imagine a zerg using this strat to defend or do online raids.
Gold standard gupp classic
That was pretty evil, i loved it!
The outpost POV cam killed me 😂
I remember playing dead side and saw a dude buy a 50$ gear sets and lost it all in 1 hour and then bought another which why I will never buy a stuff from servers
This has to be one of the funniest rust videos I’ve ever seen
This is too damn funny 😂 love your content.
The wizard101 music made me very happy
New un raidable base when someone try’s to raid u just set off 10k fireworks
hahahahahah ok was 10/10
You should surround Outpost with 2×1’s full of dormant fireworks and create a lag perimeter
“So you have chosen … death” *dark souls music intensifies*
Now add a heartbeat sensor. Some guy raids your unassuming base and a heartbeat sensor sets off 10k fireworks in the basement subfloor.
I dare you to make it 100k just to make a lol point.
Bro, those dancing wolf memes KILL me. Find more excuses for wolf references hahaha
Another classic guppload
your fans NEED more content bro. lets go FISHLIPS!
I’ve played this server before.
Like wtf werewolf is same as warbandits and you are only shaming werewolf kits are same as well as price
7:34 funniest shit i’ve ever seen in a rust video
4:38 totaly not scripted xDDDd
7:52 the way he panics when he sees the fireworks is kinda hilarious.
what they’re doing should be illegal and they should be forced to repay the dumb people that bought it
Pain pain
i dont play rust so correct me if i have mechanics wrong, can you do this on a public server and when people crash you raid their base?
The mega bundle sale been here for more than a year lol
play cracked rust
fav rust creator atm
Wait…This isn’t a darkrp …
who decided to render fireworks across the entire map was a good idea
Gupp you are hands down one of the funniest Rust content creator. That’s coming from a long time Stimpee fan boy toy.
you should do this but make it so that any random can press the button to spell doom to the entire server or just enough to crash people
Fun Fact! Werewolf gaming used to host a 1942 Berlin Gmod server with racists and a massive amount of virgins! (I dont know if they still host it)
“I F**K Homeless guys, you know?”
that like sounded like the fakest reactions ever man hope you get some people who arent in on it someday
That first guy had me laughing pretty hard ohman that was great
I nearly passed out laughing at that first dude’s reaction
I laughed so hard, the cocaine i snorted came back out
Plot twist, he never actually farmed and bought the VIP kit instead.
“My main goal, is to blow up.
And act like I don’t know nobody.”
2 things to say first when you chrcked to see if you fan craft fireworks i creamed violet you picked it and my first thought was fuck yeah 2 nina cameo silly :3
Bro I choked on my popcorn when the guy in the chair started screaming AHHHHHH I CANT GET UP😂😂
“How much is that in REAL money?” Lol.
Man became Oppenheimer
imagine selling an item bundle for 350usd and not having the hardware that can handle 10000 fireworks lel
Bros “The Horizon” but for rust 😭
gupp just wake up and destroy everything nyahahhaa
uh that comment of mine was on hollow servers
I’m here just in time to watch this gupp classic
i don’t even know why i am here cause I don’t play rust but good video algorithm
also I recognize that wizard101 commons music
1:50 300 Great British Pounds 1:53 lets see how much it is the real money
you love to see it
Almighty pillar of doom
curious…. if you dont like pay to win servers… why go on them? instead you gonna try to ruin everyone elses experience?
ninabug channel link don’t work 😢
Dang gupp 13000 views in 2 hours you fell off
W hat #W_Hat
W hat #W Hat
the im firing mah lazer edit was incredibly. well done
Yeah I’m doing this on a 600 pop 10x now thanks for the idea (100000 fireworks)
You should set up multiple of these bases and set them off via smart switches
you are a complete menace.
Great Success!👍👍
It’s been a while since I stumbled upon a channel that was so entertaining it immediately made me binge every video. Props bro
The mushroom cloud over your base is so funny
JD was indeed mad
Hadnt seen a trap server base before 😂🤣😂🤣
Fire! heheheheee! (said in my best Beavis)
the genuine panic and fear in that first guy’s voice as you approach the PC Crash button is so fucking funny
You gf channel link does not work
“how much is that in REAL money”
I love the first guy in the chair. so funny
GBP is backed by Gold… so it is sort of the real money in this situation…
i would like more destroying p2w servers.
Daily dose gupp villain plan 😂
300quid for a starter pack lol
What freak owner is this
lets go a new gupp clasic
“That looks like a bunch of fireworks…”
Werewolf isn’t thar pay to win so much, and only pussies buy that
Gupp the Server crasher…i literally laughed the entire video..
made into the video
I only charge $25 a month across ALL MY SERVERS.
Guppload unload on me with all your cream
Do this again but put the switch outside, with a big button that says “do not press” then hide and record.
My god that was hilarious!
Super active admins for sure
You couldn’t have found a better person to put in that chair lol
This crashed the server so bad it went from a 3x server to a 5x
Christ, this even rivals those P2W gmod servers. Surely it’s just the same people moving to rust right?
why in the world would anyone ever pay to play on these shitty servers?
7:45 starts the movie climax
today is 9 beer thursday and thank you for the upload while i down 9 beers
i’m a simple man, i hear a Pokemon Colosseum’s music, i like the video
The wizard cast omega fireball
My favourite streamer is making my favourite content. Thanks gupp
Why did the server owner removed the default 25 global active fireworks limit?
4k in less than an hour
By far best video hes done.
Ah yes. A gupp classic. Just what I needed
random vip user: NO YO GUNNA CLASH MY PC
For crashing events you should consider using a capture card, its more or less its own devoted tiny recording computer that connects through HDMI, it doesnt eat resources its just a “mirrored screen” that records everything that happens. Significantly less likely to lose footage from crashing games 😀
Whats 299 Great British Pounds in REAL MONEY (converts to USD) 1:55
The Demons Souls music is icing on the cake
11:15 but actually, this would make sense for someone to try and add someone to a group
do this again
but in one of those CC events
This was good.
Only 3.6k views in less than an hour? Bro fell off
When Fbak was like “Nooooo!” I audibly laughed.
The first guy was pleading bro 😂
holy i did not know fireworks could lag out a server
First guy went full Elmo, never go full Elmo…
Yippee gupp
$300+ for vip?! 😂😂😂
bros got the Wizards101 background music lmao love it
Guppload lags my mind
have all your followers raid the server
@gupp hmu if u need an electronic lag machine
super simple
“real money” 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
If you play on a p2w server don’t buy vip buy a better pc gupp is hunting
gupp is basically zman but rust
This is why gupp is the goat griefer hahah love it bro
When are you gonna upload your videos that the 9 o clock lines up with the time 😮
This was also very amazing
Curious how this works when servers have a firework max of 25 active at once.
Is this how we defend against a raid? 😂
a cool video idea would be using fireworks to crash a p2w server i really hope you see this great idea
love it when servers offer $500 vip kits that last 4 weeks
Is this a @The_Horizon reference?
If you max out the midi channels on the instruments in rust you can crash people with crappy pc’s fun tibbit
Another classic gupp banger
5:00 who hasn’t been there
This was one of the funniest gupp video
2:35 this should be illegal 😨😂
There’s selling stuff to support your server and then there’s…. *this*
How to not got offlined. simply just make your base unapproachable
Holy fucking shit the amount of time this guy spent on this bullshit.
I laughed so much i started coughing blood.
Give us another video like this. but have more of a crowd of spectators watching.
W hen you reveal it for the audience i am sure it will be many who will panic
if you subed
i wonder how profitable are these p2w servers are
i love youuuuu gupp!!!
Absolute gupp classic love it when you crash the servers ❤
also good to know that those servers dont ban cheaters that buy vips
i got killed multiple times by a flying guy hitting only heads and he is still not banned after months
“what is 300 GBP into real money” 🥶🥶🥶
You do get it on every server. It literally says it. “This package contains every kit/vip we have to offer, all in one solution to our servers. This package will give you access to ALL CURRENT SPECIAL LIFETIME VIP / NORMAL VIP (MEGA) KITS/RANKS ON ALL SERVERS” So.. Yeah. Still scummy as fuck and ain’t no way i’m paying for vip on any server except relaxedrust, because it’s pve and tim is a cool guy and it’s literally 4$ a month.
Absolutely hilarious I was laughing my ass off the whole time 1000%. They’re gonna be so many people doing this on other servers now and my FPS drops randomly. I’ll know why.😂😂
the first dude was lowkey hilarious
i bought the best rank for life on ALL werewolf servers… and 2 days later the owner banned me AND IT WAS A FALSE BAN and the staff basically told me to go f myselff
Those fireworks made the same sound as the people’s PC
I love it man!!
This is like a r3tarded mrbeast vid💀💀
That server is more greedy than escape from tarkov, an insane accomplishment
the bots love ur new video me too 🥹
I rly miss your videos. Keep it up, waiting for the police.
hello guppington
lol an ad for the server????????
8 mins ago is crazy to me, gon wait 5 more doe so the spliff rolls up
Gupp… The first guy you trapped in the chair… Thats like a scene out of Saw…
I’m tired of companies like Werewolf gaming and those who actually buy the scams.
470 views in 6 minutes you fell off
bro this server have much cheaters
ohh gupp, where do i even begin
USED to this all the time been around for like 3 years now but you can lag more with the custom firework
uk the guy that crashes minecraft pay to win servers?
I’m coming after you
Recreate the drake video
this is wittawy a gupp video is fireeee
69 views in 1 minute, you’re washed gupp. just quit.
Yay! We love gupp ❤ :).
new guppload
51 seconds and 47 views????? Gupp really is falling off dude
Love your videos Gupp! ❤
Nice 👍
early asf
gupp all over me
Great video!
30 seconds 3 comments gupp fell off
This is a certified spoonkid classic.
This is going to be good.
I want to kiss u
Hi gupp!
Kiss gupp
ez first you n00bs