Rust in 2024
First Rust video of 2024 so I decided to change things up a little…
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/st1mpee
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StimpeeYT
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/st1mpee/
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/jMSRYnr
Business Enquiries: stimpee@skygate.media
Outro music: ???
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Taqs:rust,game,gameplay,rust in 2024,2024,games,survive,survival,stimpee,series,solo,wipe,update,new,latest,patch,day,mod,modded,vanilla,raid,raided,raiding,rap,trapped,trap base,stone,emtal,wood,skin,door,lock,locked,camp,camper,floor,roof,codelock,codes,leak,clan,loot,looting,looted,monument,survival games 2024,steam,mmo,rpg,group,food,water,build,building,tower
コメント (986)
How’s your 2024 been so far?
fellas, is it weird to kill someone in rust?
least staged stimpee video
9:03 Tell me why your shotgun traps literally have the exact same beat to the start of the Terminator 2 Judgement Day theme song!
It just needs two more perfectly timed shots in order to complete the 5 note legendary drum pattern of that song!
Here’s the song for reference!
the clip at 12:09 was unbelievably funny for some reason
at 1 minute, the tzar burden of the crown music hit my nostalgia so hard
Do more rust video 🤓👍
runescape music bangs
after 2 years of basically only playing rust, i quit because i grew tired of the toxic player base.
and i mean not people killing you or raids, thats the game, i talk about kids spamming the n word in voice chat or just beeing extreme aholes just because they cannot do that in real life without getting beaten, so they do it on rust.
but once our out for more than 4 big updates it just makes no sense to get back in.
Only video ive seen of rust, if this is what its like seems kinda boring going after unarmed players.
bro this is the funniest shit i’ve watched instantly subbed. 🤣
One eye open. One eye
Insane accuracy with that crossbow 🤯
There is absolutely no way you played Gragas at 10:20 while I’m queueing up for an aram game and get gragas…IF YOU”RE BUYING I”M IN
You want a pickaxe as well bro 😊? Dude yeah😅 bro took the wood and nothing happened 😂
how can this guy hit every single crossbow arrow?
im like wow rust really sounds like a soundtrack on osrs love ittt
Why tf you kill nakeds who have nothing, so dumb
5:00 this kinda happend to me yesterday. Some guy was saying “come touch my willy, tell me its big” i said “im 15” he said “even better” and just sat at my base saying this nonstop lol
Thought I was going crazy for a second thinking my Jagex Launcher was open. But you were using that as background music. Nicely done 😅
Я русскииииииий!!!!
Man your videos so funny! Making me log on Rust everytime.
Destroying sleeping bags is just a dick move
obv aimbot
That clean spit
Rust is all about “funny to watch, but shittiest game to play” 😀
Bro i watch your video this first time until the end like wtf moment
Looks like a loving and caring community.
I imagine it attracts/appeals to the nicest people EVER!
I think i will gift this game to my mother in-law… ..
Do you know when a game is good?
When you remember the song from the library for 23 years. Thanks for the song from : 3:31
I think I will also remember the melody from rust in 2041
Thanks for the viedeo
why does everyone you killed have jackhammers 😭
Don’t you get bored of playing with hacks?
6:16 ☠️ ☠️ ☠️
6:31 pure evil
omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The RuneScape music in background 👌
Nobody wants to play with me because im new
good content while im loading 👍
Solid outro
that sounded crunchay 9:50
aight time to play rust
12:44 translation: “My brain’s sorta fried, hey.”
i laughed so hard 😀
I came here for copper, and then I find pure gold, literally one of the most rust funny videos Lmao
Rust in 2024 – all you need to do is uninstall the game and you will feel much better
10:10 holy f*ck this scare me so bad xD
what server do u go on bro, i gotta avoid you 😭😭
The soothing OSRS music with some absolute craziness of Rust – perfect combo
“You want a pickaxe as well bro?” *starts looting his dead body
rust key words are fuicken weird
lol wtf
Killing freshies have no items, yeah sounds like rust 2024 to me😅
12:59 hes playing in a ecm jammers zone
tf is that server, a 100x?
Casually intimidates train conductor dude to just leave
12:35 lololol
Steampee is a really bad person. Kill noobs fell you strong aa?? F.. o.. bad man
Aim botting 100%
the osrs music lmao
Hello! We got a…
hey man you want a pickaxe? “yeah, sure” seconds later “Loot’s some wood”
Whats the sauce homie?
dope editing lmao
jack hammering that bag was criminal
2:48 is that space engineers intro?
Бля лучший хD
“You want a pickaxe as well bro” cuts to him looting him 😂💀
7:53 yeah
Lol had to sub at @2:45
4.48 why was that so funny XD
04:38 is so funny XD
Gold. Nothing changed >:D
is stimpee really gay?
I ‘m sure you’re affraid of women playing like this.
bro that chinese is on point
13:51 / 14:02
6:33 that was cold
Man using runscape music. I like.
Nobody comment about the sound of runescape?:p
6:28 lmfao
nice Video makes fun to watch it 😛
12:11 that visual is creepy enough to be in my weird outros!
I don’t even _CARE_ about that neck… WHY is his FACE so CLOSE TO THE SCREEN!?!?!?! 😲😬
WOAH… it’s amazing.. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS – You’re still making the funniest edits…
7:28 …hahhaha and ppl are still toxic and always inexplicably with 75% of it bein’ homo-erotic…. 🤷♂
↑ Comment for your algorithm + 👍 ‘d + *_Sub’d!_*
#OldManPaxus Rating: ★★★★★ ← 👑King of Rust Comedy
Honestly some of these shots you’re landing are absolutely stupid
32 seconds in osrs music detected
Didn’t know Rust had a comedic side to it
Funny shit
I downloaded this game last two days
And till now I died multiple times
Even if I do a simple thing I got killed
Someone killed me to loot a rock
Fuck this game
stimp whats your runescape name hahahah
i have a veery different experience and opinion on rust, on youtube they portray it as a hard brutal and toxic game, while actually i play in a russian PIRATE server, and tbh its so good, i love it, there are 0 toxic people, and if i see some (rarely) i dont care i am friends with anyone who wants to be friends, the game is pretty easy and i can play it even 2 hours a day or 5 hours it doesnt matter i dont have to tryhard its so nice and im happy with the server. i barely get raided, the map is big, there are people too, just enough people, not like in the 500 pop servers…
is the guy from the thumbnail dantes??
Wow…what an incredibly untrustworthy person this is. I couldn’t even make it quite the halfway mark before having to quit it for positively nauseating lack of morality forced me spare my soul from this demon. The saddest part is that many weaklings, kids included, will look up to this person as a role model as the kids are being raised without a dad in the home. Having no shame isn’t something to be proud of…
Do AU players have hands?
I watch Stimpee for ages, love rust, never played it until last week and damn bro it ain’t that fun it’s just painful 😂
I prefer to watch him suffer then me try sitting in complete darkness trying to have fun when I just end up turning it off and going to bed crying I spent 50 on this game
I feel bad for Stimpee’s editor having to Google all this gay porn.
In translation he said I’m friends with a fried egg so ya
6:25 nah man that cut was just dirty
I edge to Stimpee
“you want a pickaxe?” must be code
That man was a mosquito playing rust
“why dont u come up and loot me?” HANN HANN HANN
12:16 that’s just downright toxic
Stimp I hate this game but I love your content mate keep it up
RS music in the background, wacccck
I think I’m like most people where you find yourself watching people play this game but never played yourself. If you’re scared of big daddy’s going deep in your sheet cheeks you can find modded servers that don’t allow PVP until a certain day and have tons of enemy Ai/raidable bases that are a ton of fun and really build your confidence and your understanding of the game while also not being door camped by a 12 year old Chinese almost aborted girl
The gay thumbnails get more and more creative
I just started playing the game gotta say i just die on beach mostly lol how do you pick up items so fast?
first time viewer loving the edits lol!
Snake sniffer lmao
just now realized the runescape background music
Where does he get the putto songs from 😂😂
Stimpe must have looked through so much gay porn
the cuts will never not be funny
4:49 Lmao that fucking ragdoll
Those are some of the least adusted and child cartoon ahhh ass villian like playing this game😅
3:20 I can hear the osrs music playing in the background…
i used to play this in 2017 and it looks like a lot has changed. i never got far because i suck
Someone PLEASE find this outro song
I’ve been thinking alot about men.
0:40 might be the evilest thing I’ve seen you do 😂
You taught me how to play and enjoy rust the right way Stimpee! I appreciate every upload.
i have question, how do i change the character gender/skin color ?
gragas kid
6:30 that is crazyyy
“Would you like a pickaxe bro”
So good they all roof camp so have to server hop damn
This aim is highly sus.
ur memes are on point im subbing for that XD
The runescape music!!!!!!!!
So what y’all learned from this video? never trust anyone in rust!
It’s crazy how most stimp fans don’t even play rust he just that entertaining
Super funny video! But how is RUST for a new, SOLO player? 🙂
Is Cheating and lag a problem?
I forgot your channnel name for some reason so i typed in rust gay and u were first result ty
stimpee stop wasting jackhammer durb on auto turrets just use one metal pickaxe
knew this game when it looked like 2000’s runescape, reminds me so many funny moments, 10/10 with friends and even solo if you’re looking just have fun doing horrible things to others
that play on the hazzy on the roof at around 3:30 was wild
rust is basically runescape wilderness if it was 3D
what server
Having a trap base is roll playing? Who’s he roll playing as? Lol
S tier
That horror game “AAAUUUGH” sound clip kills me every time
Ngl I’d rather drink me dads bath water than play this again 🥲🤞
6snot bruh
Entertaining to watch a wallhacker play rust -_- keep on using those for content.
0:22 Dude he’s calling for Marco, he’ll be there eventually. To gaslight you, again
Lmao this cringe clan of no lifes is here again
Jackhammers, the superior close range option
Ur latterly a toxic Rust player of the worse kind.
ly stimp
Cleanup on isle my pants
i see you slipping in that osrs soundtrack
Yo, where’s Lucas?
What’s the almost stretched it’s ass sound affect in stimpees videos.?
Awesome! Thanks for the fun 😂
Brilliant 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💦
Never stop making videos 💯
They bring me joy when I’m sad 😂
I’ve watched so many videos on rust gameplay. I bought the game about 4 years ago, about once every 6 months I log in and play about 20 hours before rage quitting again for 6 months. Even when I really really commit to doing well, minding my own business and basically hiding from everyone on the map I can never get much further than a tier 2 work bench before I give up. To me, this is a real world mentality simulator. Most people say, the truth comes out when your drunk. For nearly every rust player I find their true personality comes out when they play rust. To be honest, there are some scary ass people out there. This game has forced me to question every person I know, and wonder if I can truly trust them or not. LOL… really.
Does anyone know what video 2:51 is from?? I saw it ages ago and couldn’t never find it again lol
at 12.45 He said “my brains abit fried aye”
This vid got me rethinking a few things
dude every video you make is fucking 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
1:05 – what the fuck is wrong with you 💀😭
Stimpee can you please go back on dark and darker they have had a lot of fun updates
13:20 is that Chad Anythingforviews?
people still play this game?
It’s the RuneScape music for me
I been playing Rust since Vietnam. I quit the game last year but these videos are still so good.
Rust is the best game I’ve ever played and probably will always be.
Crying laughing when it just cuts to the dead guy he gave the axe to xD
Runescape music, wonderful
Hearing runescape play in the background makes it so wholesome.
It doesnt matter if its all you have Stimp, Rust will always be your top tier content
Genuinely really enjoyed your fishing and gardening videos too bro, hopefully more this year?
Most houmou player ever!
The editing in your videos is always so good.
Where does one acquire such thumbnails
Gotta bring back old recoild so people that roof camp arent good enough to kill you
It’s just now hitting me that you actually make those thumbnails…. the things you must see.
Why is this sound like some Old School RuneScape music?
This was fantastic. The memeage. Suttle runescape tunes. French kiss
Please, please play on UK servers just to find scottish people to say weird scottish stuff, especially just “Purple Burglar Alarm”, and I will be happy until my next great idea or death.
stimpee never fails to spread our cheeks and fill us with good content!
Bruh how much p*rn do u go through to make these thumbnails 😂
0:34 unlocked my core memory
u hit 1 mil so proud
I love you steampee🥃
fo show
How do you know Gragas. At this point I should not be surprised 💀
Something about the way you seductively invite him up to loot you at 9:12, followed by the perfectly synchronized kill tags and shotgun blasts IMMEDIATELY afterward sent my sides into orbit. Amazing content as always, Stimpee. Thanks for this gem of a video.
where is christian in 2024?
we need him back
Why you dont call yourself Stümpepe
Where my gay ass shirt at brooo?
Can we get a video using submarines inside bases to kill people its on a yt channel called stelic
Its rust time.
Where’s the part where his neck is wierd
MFW while watching Stimpee and waiting for the two holes song 🙁
MFW when I then hear it in his video :))
When Mordhau?
I’m genuinely wondering if he actually spoke a foreign language or said a bunch of bull crap 😂😂😂
Stimpee please play Ready or Not with General Sam pweaty pwease
One eyeyeyeeeyeyeeeeyee
Love you stimpee I want more merch so badly
You want a pick axe bruh
Games ass but u still make it good 2 watch
Dude thats actually meta, if you just give people axes to farm for you and just kill them for the stuff, win win
At some point randomly Stimpee just started making gay thumbnails and we’ve just cum to accept it.
honestly you may not think this was a good video but it was one of your funniest great one to start the year you had me laughing the whole way through
This will never get old to watch. I’ve been watching within the week of every post for the past year. Worth every second, Platinum baby
Someone should get a clan together and take out Bigmans compound every wipe
i swear i seen elks base
It’s somewhat entertaining to watch experienced players kill everybody and get all the loot in a short video of the best moments but damn I’d never play this myself sweating for hours then getting killed then farming again in a loop.
Pretty sure that dude said “I’m friends with a fried egg. And that’s pretty cool”
You forgot this king 👑
fire rs music good sir
I bet your thumbnail is your personality
Stimpee, are you burned out bro?
love the jump cuts when you betray people
I put 1300 hours into rust in the timespan of about a year back in 2018 and then, never opened it again. I adore these videos and look forward to every single one of them. <3
You have to be VERY careful using the pirates of the Carribean music. I had a video demonetized because of it.
The runescape music <3
ass my gf left me the first day but now i got bitches and my new boyfriend
You: Want a pickaxe too
Him: yes
You: 🤯🔫
Moral of the story it’s rust trust no one
Literal art piece.
I’ve gotta ask.. do you create your own thumbnails or do you hire someone else to? They’re awesome by the way. I was wondering do you submit yourself to some serious hardcore pr0n in order to make them? Bravo, if so. Thankyou for your suffering.
Any tips on properly getting into Rust ? I’ve tried multiple times over the years, but always found myself quitting because of the highest tier weapons recoil pattern being too hard (while also being necessary to have a chance at the game), and also because I’m always scared to go out of my base becausee of first reason (will most likely lose the fight if i get in one)
whats the cassical music at 2:45
Excited for stimpee content in 2024
Your Content Seemed Funny When I Saw It The First Time, Second Time It Got Annoying, Now It Just Pisses Me Off How retrdd Are You And I Bett 99% Of Your Viewers Are Lil Kids Who Still Think These Type Of Jokes Are Funny, But They Are Cringe ANd They Will Cringe Later On By Watching Them, You Are Stuck In Like 10 Year Old Budy My man.. You Need Some Milk / Mental Help
The photo of 6snot
goood bideo stompy
One eye open when I’m sleeping 😂😂😂
it played a fnaf add right at 10:35 lol
this was your best video in a while
your outro song is beautiful! 😂😂
The runescape music makes it for me
Omfg I just realized all of your video thumbnails are made with fruity porn😭 they r kinda hot tho 😩
Y no more dark and darker 🙁
Peness peness peness peness peness, peness peness peniss peness peneee, i, looooovee youuuu
Always enjoy your vids
What is that outro song? The vibe is so strong
Been watching for years now, love it.
At 4:38 that made me crack up
Sorry boys, I’m 2 days late to the orgy.
the sheer fear instilled in this guy to open the door after hearing stimpee make that noise is utter F****** comedy
Bro the outro music always fucking kills me😭🤣
If I ever goto Australia I am definitely going to hang out with SomethingAwesome!
I felt that outro song deep within me.
You got my sub for the Halo song reference
I see you are hard at work producing juicy content…
I was playing rust last night with my buddy for the first time in months and we were down bad.
Then we saw the heli kill a group.
Righteous loot
This ending song is Imaculate
I want to play rust with you
rust has this vietnam feel to it. All that’s missing is napalm airstrikes or artillery
I miss 2023 rust 😢
Mossi xDDD
Calling Stimpee gay is just giving him a boost
6:32 this guy had a sexy twink voice, I would have made him my slave
when god treats u an axe its very foolish to try to cut from his trees
Play more DayZ
Too funny etlk female viewers known as yoir boyfriend released a video and the first thing I notice in your video in the beginning is you see her base on top of the rocks right behind the abandoned gas station lol so you guys kill each other for content or just play same server at the same time just different hours asking for a friend
Stimpee:”maybe you could get a new mic for christmas”
Title” “rust in 2024”
This was recorded in 2023?
13:20 does your girlfriend know you’re gay?
when i saw the dude get killed by heli I knew instantly stimpee would put the AK in his hot bar and also get killed by heli 😂😂
The yogurt one had me dying
Don’t worry Stimpee, solo Rust gameplay with memes sprinkled through is all I ever wanted baby
can you bring back the sikeeeeeee thx
I love the rs music in the background..
😂 that jump DB shot was tits
7:38 😂😂😂😂
9:12 karma at its best
stimpee does a league of legends reference ?
12:30 No, shagging sheep is not cool “ay”
I like when they meet an actual gay guy in game and lock up, unable to invent any new insult that would actually work. Enviable position, stimpee
I prefer eltk
con grats on one mill
Happy 2024. Did you know getting a girl pregnant is now just called loading the dishwasher?
Muddy waters is my mate and I heard about you from someone telling him he was in your video in chat
The end song the song.
Dude what is that song “2 balls” or whatever, PLEASE I MUST KNOW
Stimpee makes me afraid to get a PC and play Rust.
10:11 😆
I am only here for your “other” contend😛😛😛
still funny asf
Happy new year, you rascal
I edge to stimpees videos
bro i’ve been seeing a lot of Egyptian memes in stimpee videos.
All ways love your videos
perfect video, thank you
Japs eye open when im with the bros
3:20 wait a second, i recognize that base
rust with memes sprinkled through IS the best content
“its all I have to offer right now” -> penispenispenis…
“literally all I have to offer, right now”
You think I’m here for anything else?
I love when stimpee messes around with traps 🤤
My favourite videos love it
no fucking way the gragas burps are real
what server is he playing on?
plz no kill
Imagine being jerked by Stimpee and being as mad as those guys
What server id this
This is a very “Stimpee” style video and I will drink from this well as if I were dying of dehydration.
Australian twink BOY CREAM SUPRISE
the osrs music is so tasteful
1 eye open when im sleeping is a jam haha good shit stimpee
your videos never fail to cheer me up 😂
We want Dayz !!!
make a mordhau in 2024 vid pls
Please send the link to video, where Stimpee was camping supermarket and then there was sudenly scene, when other dude was devilishly laughing and saying something like “Oh boy, you are fucked now”. Afterwards he crawled from behind of doors and was downed. I NEED to laugh at it, please help me ASAP.
Anyone have a link or name for the outro song? PLEASE
I ❤ it when Stimpee UNLOADS a new, fresh, creamy, thick video on me 👌
12:27 BRO the mic is actually picking up the bacteria speakin💀
– A simple reminder to wash your teeth 😁
Stimpee reminds me of Oliver from Saltburn
Wishing all you filthy little goblins a happy new year
Bro is edging Mossi
why dont you play tarkov again ?
Brooo this killed me
Nice video for my Birthday !!! 😀
The expertise in Rust players social skills never fail to disappoint.
2:58 top 5 genius moves. Bro watched the guy die bc he had a gun and he just pull the same gun aswell 💀
Play that new underwater rust game
really wish this channel had less gaeshit … so unnecessary
we need more mossi content, his story was interesting
lol wtf is this anymore? subs? trains? oilplatforms? top kex ….
The RuneScape music is so fitting for Stimpee. He’s definitely one of those people offering to trim armor.
24 just started
you should play Bannerlord lol
DADDY 💦💦💦😩😩😩😩😩
Fucking OSRS bangers 😂
song name 12:16 ?????????
Valve’s HNFV50 event is the highlight of the season. Have you grabbed your coupon yet?
Gabe’s HNFV50 event is a masterpiece—have you had the pleasure of being a part of it?
Gabe’s HNFV50 New Year’s Eve event is the talk of the town—did you participate?
Have you caught a glimpse of Gabe’s latest New Year’s Eve extravaganza, HNFV50?
Valve’s HNFV50 event is creating a buzz—make sure to grab your coupon in time!
Valve’s HNFV50 event.
Gabe and his HNFV50 is a cannon! Happy New Year everyone.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Have you witnessed Gabe’s HNFV50 magic?
rust sprinkled with some memes is the best content wym
The helicopter violin bit absolutely slayed me.
Gabe’s New Year’s Eve event HNFV50.
Best Buy of the video 6:20
Broke back Stimpee HUH
Gabe’s creativity shines in the HNFV50 New Year’s event. Have you been a part of it?
Valve’s HNFV50 event is a testament to innovation. How has it brightened your New Year?
Valve’s HNFV50 event is a New Year’s gift to remember. Have you claimed yours?
Gabe’s HNFV50 event is a New Year’s marvel. How did you celebrate?
Thanks for the Bleach music. Going to watch it now because you’re cunt. <3
Wishing you a Happy New Year! If you haven’t explored the HNFV50 event, now’s the time!
A big shoutout to Valve for bringing us the fantastic HNFV50 event.
Did you unwrap the HNFV50 New Year’s gift from Valve and Gabe? It’s a game-changer!
2:30 what crack is this man on for him to casually win a lot 2v1 like that.
HNFV50 from Valve is pure magic! Gabe knows how to ring in the New Year.
nooo not the peaches song…. you ruined it. you ruined it and I’m leaving.
Did you see that New Year’s Eve event by Gabe HNFV50?
can you please post the name of the outro musics ? cause i wanna make a playlist
Aim botting…
10:17 gragas
This runescape music got me jookin like i just got a rune med helm drop from a lesser demon in back in 03.
The dude with a geiger counter for a mic 🤣😭
Man, I would love to see you do a colab with Willjum. Just for the contrast.
Another Banger❤❤❤ keep up the good work cutie😘
Plz play console rust🤣🤣🤣
Gragas mentioned
I wish you drained my auto turret
I swear I don’t remember you hitting 1 mil but congrats bro always good to see a YouTuber get so BIG it must’ve been HARD
13:48 song name pls
Give valheim a try
Watching for the outro button ⬇
where you server ?
“He’s not stupid enough to pickup an ak into his hotbar with the heli right there, hmm I guess I over estimated you.” Lol.
3 big guys
You have to make a video sitting on top off a tree with camouflage clothes that’s how you really annoy players in rust😂😂😂
10:11 best one 😀
no way im in ur vid my name is malibu
omg it’s the ”fucking loser” guy from the spoonkid video
Please more. Your videos are the highlight of my week.
😂😂 what did he just fall down the stairs
why these videos are so gay
thanks for the video Stimpee
Hes getting goated
Glad you and the dishwasher are still with us this year. Hope you two are doing well.
make a base in DayZ‼️
Rust in 2024 #1 out of 400 for the year
Bro so weird I’ve been singing “one eye” the past couple days haven’t even seen the video in years
The halo flood theme playing will forever not be funny to me
usually the clips dont make me this disgusted but the one at 8 10 made me vomit in my mouth
Out of all of the fuxked up shit you’ve edited Into your videos, the bit at 7:56 is by far the worst.
I hear the heavy helo and I then start hearing the song “helicopter helicopter”
Stimpee so pro 😍
Ayy good old BumWorms makes it into a Stimpee video! My life is now complete.
BF3 intro be like 12:24
“That’s all I have to offer right now” as if we aren’t watching just for you bro
I always just wonder how tf so many Rust players never blame themselves for being killed.
6:21 what faceless would do if he did a living off the loot 2024
Do an episode where you get some mates and fuck that large group up.
Rust has TRAINs now?
I love how Bigman and his clan have become recurring villains.
12:45 he said “my brain’s a bit fried ey”
Getting a load of content from stimpee on a weekend is a dream come true
It might be all you’ve got right now, but it’s still funny as fuck and your editing skills are mint.
I had to sub to your missus, El to get my mid-week fix of your brand (you’re both funny, but she’s less gay).
I can’t be arsed watching SCUM videos, but if you were playing it I would.
Now make me my sandwich/content bussy boy.
I think I recognized the voice of that guy that told you to kys I think it was the same guy that was your neighbor that was so excited to roofcamp you
i love watching stimpee hornswogle randoms
You’re goddamn right 🫡
The hero we dont deserve and never knew we needed until you hear all those juicy head shots.. oh and the Bow play was excellent too
Stimpee in nopixel rp sounds fairly entertaining
lv 10 gyat
I like Stimpee
The fact that there wasn’t an edit for the way that guy at 6:52 died is wild.
I died got smacked by a rock russkie and had happy thoughts
need outro music
bro the guy at 3:56 is the dude eltk raids in her video today as well lmao
I think that NZ dude was talking about being friends with a fried egg?
outro song please
Lmao that dude talking to the kid was out of pocket 💀😭🤣
How does Stimpee always run into these fking characters, that guy talking Chinese outside his house is hilarious 7:38
6:20 , dirtyest play.. man i love rust xd
the outro song is a peaches parody by pride parodys
You’re goddamn right 😂 trap base hilarious
i have never played rust in my life but i swear i watched ALL of these videos
Finally stimppe unLOADING so much
12:45 “I’m friends with a Fried Egg.”
the kiwi bro said : yo im kinda like…my brain is a bit fried aye ‘cough’ but its alguds.
What the fuck was Mossi saying bro I need the NZ translation
The fkin indiana jones guy was perfect
Stimpy you’ve played this game far too long to be maining modded servers, time to come to vanilla, let daddy carry you <3
It’s not a coincidence this is the ranch clans 3rd appearance stimpee must really like dominating groups of men
I’ve only learned one thing from this video, This man plays Leauge.
For a funny rust content creator Stimpee has some wicked aim mate
Stump – How do I get down with some duo action with ya?
Getting wet and stinky to the first Rust video of 2024
10:16 can’t believe stimpee made a league of legends reference. makes sense that its gragas though
I always get this random urge to watch a stimpee video exactly when he posted. Must be used to the post schedule now 😂
Not gonna lie, was hoping you’d screw with bigmans group again.
Bigman still waiting for a turn on your mum
how long does it take to find a player or run into a player on Rust? whenever i watch videos on this game they are edited
that ending went hard
13:05 😂
At least we’re getting 60fps this year
I need to find that outro song !! HELP!
Give the people what they want Stimperoni. Stimpules. Stimpapotamus.
out of all the outros you’ve done, this one was it. XD
10:45 Is the cleanest pre-fire loot score
there is no way you made that man chop down 1 tree for you, stimpee you animal 💀
This is an instant hood classic
I want the video of the Indian eating yogurt
I could watch simple for hours his content is so funny and the little memes he adds in are so funny especially when he gets people annoyed
its ok you have a lot to offer. we love your big packages that you post here
8:02 Bruh 💀
4:56 will be used in court someday
Stimpee always got me wheezing
You don’t have to do anything special just watching you play is funny as
Hey the firt 100 betrayals of the year! Hope you fell very dirty my Loooong boy!
The gragas deep lore…. I love it
A masterpiece
This is the shit I live for. If you are having fun I literally do not care what content you give me!
It would be awesome if stimpee roleplayed as a fake taxi driver that tries to suck dry innocent nakeds. Just sayin
That burp came from the absolute depths of hell. Kid probably felt 5lbs lighter after
sorry stimps i watched eltk vid first
Dude like legit I get a smile every time I see one of your video pops up. Keep up the great work you sussy baka
I wonder if Bigman and his group know that they are the literal laughing stock of the Rust Community.
wake up to see stimpee uploaded a rust video, life is great man
yup def plays leauge
my 2024 is incomplete until stimpee posts another osrs video.
That was a good one
the dudes that roofcamp ranch are 100% trash lmao. big man sure has little man syndrome
4:45 peak PvP
You should of raided that 40 year old virgin bigman
play more dayz yer kant
7:06 Todd was right
“When will you learn….that your actions have consequences”
Love ya bruddah, hope you have a great year ❤
It’s a crime stimpee doesn’t provide a source for his thumbnails
Outro music name? For research purposes
Was one of my favorites ever
you just keep getting better with edits
OSRS background music was a nice touch.
Did Mossi say “I’m friends with a fried egg”? 🤔
9:11 🤣 🤣
6:27 lmaoooooo
I love the outros
0:32 only OG’s remember this sound haha
Stimpee, any thoughts on a Mordhau in 2024 video? Happy New Year, thank you for always making hilarious videos
play horror games.
_”You want a pickax too?..”_ Hahahahaaa, watching that to its inevitable conclusion was a masterpiece.
Many giggles from this one, thanks schtempeh
Stimpee I wanna fill you with a happy new year🎉
stimpee the roleplayer, has a nice ring to it haha. always love ur vids dude, good shit
had to hear my dog get put doiwn your videos helped me out thank you
(It’s just yogurt please don’t report me)
I honestly don’t care what game you play, I’m just here for the comedy and great content
gotta admit, daddy stimpee’s content is the only thing that gives me joy in my life
Your actually good at the game like killah at it
I love daddy stimpees videos they make me very happy
Brokeback mountain reference lol unironically amazing movie
12:40 dude (Mossi) is saying “My brain’s a bit fried, eh, but all goods.”
Anyone else rewind back to 7:40 like 100 times? 😂
Please play more Tarkov I miss seeing your loot goblin shenanigans
would be nice to see you play Hunt Showdown. You might enjoy it. Great video, as always
The outro song 🫶
do a video with bub games?
playing fortnite squad fill and greifing would be funny and the games poppin rn easy views and new audience capture
4:43 LOL!!
Loved it
“as I’m just like hammering in his skull with a jackhammer” I love getting a lobotomy from Stimpee mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
The jacky bag destroy! Epic!
that runescape background music sends me back to the good old days…
4:37 I fucking love it when Stimpee spits on people
Penis Penis Penis Penis
Happy New Year Stimpee my Love 🖤
It started off like any other year
Stimpee edged poor Mossi, RIP Mossi
The Michael Jackson horror game scream will never get old
Stimpee vid on my birthday! Thanks stimpster
Why soooo gay oriented? Are you a gay man?
I wanna a dayz in 2024 please PLEASE
Rust is so wholesome, where else can you get homophobia mixed with homoeroticism, racism, psychoanalysis, and interesting slurs/insults from all across the world?
i love watching you play rust with memes in it, keep it up!
*I wish I knew how to quit you* – rust
Game got us all Stockholmed
NEW year SAME stimpee
Merry ChristmASS
‘She said she was pregnant, but I shot her anyway’
I like stimpee vids before I watch them.
My boy, if that’s your real ‘stache, I hope you’re giving rides to that special person in your life!
More RP trolling content!
Bro you have got to stop with these super gay thumbnails holy fuck
Alright youtube comments.
What did Mossi say?
What server do you play on stimpee??
Quality content. I busted at least thrice.
Taking a massive dump, this is good content
6:52 That corpse just begging for a blast
Love me longer Stimpee videos
I love it when he edged that guy from New Zealand
u missed an opportunity to use that clip of that chick punching her man in the face and him going “thank you thank you”
i wonder how much gay porn stimpee has watched for his vidoes…
Best video all year! Good pvp and I love the shotgun trap idea
2:49 Honestly I have the same reaction minus the sexy moustache
My grandma cheated on me with my cousin 😢
Sth Dakota always fucking the server up.
>picks up AK
>cuts to clip of him running out with a crossbow again
Typical Stimpee
Stimpee is able to bring out the worst yet the best in every single one of his poor victims its great
gragas jumpscare
Ah what a great video to start off 2024 with Stimpee giving us some big content but honestly this is was a great to 2024 because I loved this video, the editing, the people of rust and you making a trap base it’s perfect. That kid burping had me dying but what was the music in 10:28? Also Stimpee asserting his gay alpha dominance by building a trap and luring in the traps.
I have challenge idea for you.
Get 1 kill with every single item that you can use to kill people.
How’s your 2024 been so far?
“this is all I have left to offer” Stimpee your content will be amazing no matter what, you are killing it
12:08 the GTA Intro hahaha
Man your Rust videos are so good
But honestly the game is so stupid after like 5hrs after wipe when everyone is roof camping
I need to know the outro song
play tarkov again
stimpee just came back from a nighgt out, bestvideo to pop up in my home page
Think the New Zealander at 12:45 is saying: “Yo I’m kinda like.. I think my brains a bit fried ae.. Coughs* but it’s all goods.” – Reckon the dude was cooked as😂
Bro plays like he is primlocked with ak’s and lr’s back at base
new meta: crossbow + jackhammer
Please make videos longer yur hilarious
i fuckin love you stimpee but not in a gay way lol your videos are definitely the best thanks for the content!!
Awesome vid Stimpee you are BREATHTAKING !
The songs at the end always leaves me dying of laughter, always
Play the tarkov whipe
Idk if this is just a me issue, but the gameplay volume vs Stimp voice being way quieter is a struggle. I’ve had to get a chrome plugin to balance the volumes. It’s called Audio Compressor if anyone else has the same tism and interested
Fellas, is it gay to kill a man in rust? I mean, you are literally penatrating a man
Stimpee I neeed don’t want I neeed you to make a dark and darker video and play ranger your bow skills in rust are one of the best I ever seen so plz try it
My man how many gay pron websites do you need to visit for your thumbnails?
Go fishing and camping more. You have that to offer us. We love the Vlogs.
W ending song
Rust with memes is all I ever wanted.
drained them bawlzz??
12:45 friends with a fried egg ??
Always a treat when a character from the stimpverse makes a return.
My tip creamin right now
gzzzz 1M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think for 2024, we need more Stimpee RuneScape pvp action
2024 started not good for me but this video even made me laugh ❤️ thx for your content keep goin brother
love how you ran at the kid in his crud base, while snarling on VOIP XD
Man I thought I had old school rs muted watching your vid but it was just your music lmfao.
I laugh
Do something new please
IDK what it is about this vid, but it hit different. Keep it up!
blud what servers do you play on they seem nicee
Fat ass Gragas W at 10:15
11:03 is a lowkey peter griffin laugh haha
Stimpee in your next video I want you to go up to somebody’s door and say open the noor
I was losing my shit when he was “picking up” that last guy 🤣🤣🤣
The “want a hatchet” to make the naked farm some wood for you will never get old
Got my gas and electric bill today along with the rent, but it’s okay because Stimpee uploaded.
Who composed the music at 2:48?
With your and Eltk video
Its about to get even better!!
Keep it up Stimpee, I can’t think of anything original to say to boost the algorithm so this is it
Bumble Crumb
man what big moustache eating yogurt link pls 7:55
rust is downloaded on my ssd and even like that it takes 12 minutes for it to join a server,does anybody know why that happens or how can i possibly fix it? btw,i got 16GB ram,a gtx 1660 OC and a ryzen 5 1600
Anyone recognize the guy in the thumbnail?
The face edit had me rolling. Please, even if they are recycled memes its what mah brain wants
Happy new year bud.
i need that outro song
Started 2024 with kidney failure, I’m a healthy 19 year old it was just bad luck
i’ve never clicked a video because of the thumbnail so quickly before in my life
for a no plan episode i really liked it lmao
Stimpee is kinda like the female Eltk.
Did the guy at the end say I’m friends with a fried egg 🍳? 😂
6:52 next time show that body XD
It my burfday
This video went so HARD again.
3 days in my ex-step brother who I knew from 3rd grade to freshman year of highschool took his life on Jan 3rd. Jan 2nd was his birthday. I lost contact with him for the past 3-4 years dude to him developing mental health issues ,and the fact that we wouldn’t see each other due to my parents divorce. I never disowned him as my brother, I only ever wanted to see to him and play games together like old times. Rest in peace Ryan.
every rust players be like : 0:00
beating the meat to a stimpee video hits different🔥
Mordhau in 2024
bro was edging mossi in the end 😭
18 naked cowboys ram ranch!
More Dayz namalsk please daddy
Your outro song is now my new ringtone 😲👏
My New Year’s resolution is to never play Rust again, I’ve been enjoying watching the devs cry about not receiving any Steam Awards. Fuck this shite game, but love ya stimpee
Stimpee you beautiful man can you make an auto turret trap base video? Would love to see you get loads of loot by doing some traps again 😋❤
Anal usage
Stimpee makes me forget I’m depressed for 14 mins 2 seconds
7:58 Plz no report xD
play deadside again
4:40 was the same guy from a couple vids ago who built the tower next to u on the spawn beach and wouldnt give up lmao, surprised u didnt notice
To Stimpee, Rust is a gluter shooter.
Can you please only roofcamp for a wipe
What’s outro song name?
lol uploading at 6 am ey?
why are those fucking roof cowboys STILL making it i to ypur vids 😂
10:13 Bomba
7:49 dude was trying to be friendly and got utterly BEAMED
appreciate the memes sir. 😘😘😘
2:10 You know it’s bad when Stimpee takes pity on you and picks you up lmao
not sure how anyone could mistake yogurt for cum but i guess me saying that is more suspicious
Saying gay slurs to stimpee is exactly what he wants. Don’t make him edge to it
motherfucker… im playing osrs in the background and thought my game sounds were on… playing runescape music in your rust videos… i respect it
The osrs music had me tripping i thought i left it open
Me want Tarkov video, me want
“its all I have to offer right now.”
That’s all we want, daddy.
Thank you Thank you Thank you
Even on a stimpee video i get gragas jumpscared
Oh My God it’s so JUICY
Stimpee is my favorite pornstar
2:50 name of the meme?
Since when is Stimpee such a Chad with aim? Whew 😂
13:17 😂😂😂 ‘your goddamn right’ 😂😂
12:44 “Yo, I’m kind of like…I’m friends with a fried egg. _clears throat._ “
They need to change the tech tree feel like it’s ruining the game and it kinda kills that excitement of getting something good out of a box
That i just hit my head made me spit porridge all over my setup
The only thing I hate about Stimpee is that his videos don’t last forever😍
That trap kill at 10:05 got me rollin’ on the ground lol.
Stimpee Why you Betray Stimpee… why you aways betray stimpee?
five nights at freedy
best moment of the day fs
“kinda like friends with a fried egg” 12:50
how much ping do you play on btw?
deprived of rust content till today
7:30 – Stimpee when he sees Memeio
can we get a tarkov video pls
0:32 Man I love when he uses that sound effect
Simpee is the only channel where I enjoy his grief just as much as the others lol
Wish stimpee upLOADED more for me
6:09 when you go from 2 knuckles to 3…
2:50, someone help me remember what that music is.
Goddamn. What an amazing base design dude. I never play Rust anymore, but when I come back. I’m stealing that shit.
Props for Jesse Lee Peterson saying “that’s downright disgustin”
When we getting the memio stimpee oiled up video
Thanks crimpae for the content.
The only thing that’s BEEN DRAINED other then those turrets is this fat cawk uwu
Haha Gragas ❤
12:43 I think he said “I’m friends with a fried egg. I like school kids”. Makes total sense
I agree… Pianist Pianist Pianist Pianist <3
this is awesomesauce
Is it just me or does stimp daddy feel like the he’s the only of the only YouTubers who are actually pro gamers who go into regular servers from the hard fights he gets into instead of always murdering every single person like they’re just an ai
lets play league stimpee
13:45 All we need
That Bigman’s team is so trash tbh 😀
do a vid with bub games
rust with memes in it is peak content, keep it going man!
i live for the ending tunes
Gonna need that outro song
Needs more Chinese clan rap music.
thank u sir hammer me next daddy
“Why can’t I quit” is relatable
that transition from “oh hey, I can help ya” to him instantly laying dead on the floor being looted is priceless.
does stimpee play league or why is he using fking Gragas and Zlat0rz memes
12:45 – “Yo, I’m kinda like… my brains a bit fried, eh. *Ahem.* But it’s all goods. Uhhh… okay. Uhh c- oi ca- can you pick me up? I just wanna recycle my compys.”
rust in 2024 gots me like zzzzz
I love the RuneScape background music
love it !
About time daddy stimpee post. I was beginning to go straight.
Stimpee is my favorite Twink 😘
Yo Stimpee, if you run into that big group of jackasses again, it would be awesome content to get a few people and make their life miserable. They seem to deserve it! I think you raided them partially last time
After 2 weeks of payed time off…I finally have to go back Monday to the monotonous grind that infuriates me every day. But atleast this video was able to make me laugh so much this one was pretty good, I thought I had lost interest in rust until now
Dayum favorite youtubers BUSTING new vids AT THE SAME TIME
The flood theme is so gd good
So when’s the short tarkov wipe starting up for you?
“All I have to offer” he says. MoFo this is the best content on YT!
I love it when stimp releases his new content all over my body.
i love when stimpee uploads in all of us
Im bricked tf up rn, fully torqued.
Stimpee videos with RuneScape music go so hard
New year, same gay you.
pLAY horror games with ELK
always a pleasure 🙂
Stimpee your prim game is immaculate. You’re more dangerous with a bow than any random dude is with a gun.
I love how everyone LOVES when Stimpee literally comes
Stimpee opens the backdoor into a New Year.
This content got me pregnant
go back to playing we need another bigman arc video
stimpee can i touch your lucious beard
12:45 “I’m friends with a fried egg”
My bussy quivers every time stimpy posts
it was amazing, please do more of those video’s.
Can you stop uploading videos? I haven’t finished all the old ones yet.
Please do a new Hell
let Loose video daddy❤️🦧
10:10 I fucking dropped my coffee and laughed when i saw this
Moar videos stimpeeeee
Can you play ark ascendet with your boy please 🥺
yesses the Michael Jackson game sound effect is back
Man you need to zerg that clan with a bunch of subs or something. Its lame that you just immediately chose to move away from them and concede defeat
These thumbnail be crazy WTH 😭
the guy from gas station xD last words ouuhhh xD so funny
I love that most aussie yt content creators use osrs music and im here for it
Bing bong
Raid someone?
1:37 i forgot what that was and it scared the shit out of me
That outro music is what its all about ❤
Eyyy When’s a juicy runescape vid comin daddy???
my Highlight these year 6:09
Oh stimpee om edging to this
Gragas mentioned
Stimpee making some guy out to be a weirdo for making jerk off jokes to children is comedy gold.
not as many gay jokes in this video. your lacking stimpee
Thank you for filling me up with content today stimpee I’ve been a bad goblin and needed a refill
New Year, New Stimp.
Let’s do it to it, boys.
Nice trap
You know your life is pathetic when you devote every wipe to building a giant tower at Ranch out of all places to roof camp 😂 swear rust is just turning into a competition of who can stay on their roofs the longest..
“playing rust with memes sprinkled through” That’s all I want brother. Maybe some more horror games if you get around to it.
Is it worth getting in rust in 2024?
U playin rust with memes sprikled in is just wut i neeed!
Jacking off makes me sad
They DRAINED 🤤 those turrets
I’ve never been tired of watching his video, even after a year
Good thanks, the stimp. Could you do a “finals video”?
new year new video
i left a comment
The fucking edits bro!!! You’re killing me…..
Can’t wait for stimpees big load of rust content down my throat
Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis , sooooohhhhhhhhh aaaaa iloveeeeeeeeuuuu
Tasty 2024
You de best stimp
Mc Boing is a little blue man with headphones and a big smile.
the aussie clan saga goes on
I love when Stimpee fill my mouth with sweet memories
How’s your 2024 been so far?
Love your vids❤
like for spermgurt
where reign of kings videos at? make more.
Shalom *tips kippah*
6:30 is one of the funniest pieces of editing i’ve seen from stimpee before good god
I’m like SUPER straight, but for whatever reason I’m always horny by the end of a Stimpee video?
7:56 reported for sexual content
You keep rigging the game man
im going to touch you
I love the rust content, just hope you find something you really like stimpee
Gay ahhh thumbnails
8:09 wth is 6snot doing there that little predator
When are you gonna play mordhau or dayz again?
Everytime stimpee adds a video, there are 10K+ at least new members at the LGBTQ+ community
Bro for real this time he put his mic in the microwave 😭
Fingers crossed for a Mordau 2024
Violated by Stimpee in 2024 …Great times, Love it!
i died when you jackhammered the guys bag 🤣
It really is incredible how hard of an ego hit some people take from getting caught in a trap base.
do you have any tips i just got rust
wish i was jake gyllenhall in brokeback mountain ngl
Those thumbnails are always fucking wild
You should play some more horror games with your boyfriend
2:40 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Another classic, love the osrs music in the background too
Stimpee photoshopped himself as the thumbnail
Nice video.
Don’t play rust, never have. But some how I think I’ve managed to binge all this guys rust videos in a month.
Like i’ve been ran through with some hard pipes
Nice video as always Jimbo. Mordhau 2024 next?
Papa gay!
I luv stimpee😍😍😍
Man i love the thumbnails💀
The free farm at 6:29 lol omg I can’t.. 😂
plz more dark and darker love
Please UNLOAD more of your content for us, Stimpee. (especially on me)
Still same old game
thk the new video strappi
Outro Music:
Jack Black – Peaches (Official Sus Remix) The Super Gays Bros. Movies
love the intro lol
Does anybody know why stimpee uses runescape music????😂😂😂
mate you could literally fart in a jar and we’d love it!
All with jacks, it’s 23th ))))
That clip at 7:57 is why I’m not q big fan of having facial hair it gets in the way alot but I like how I look so I keep it
The 0:33 Michael Jackson horror game scream still cracks me up lmao
you want a pickaxe as well bro?
I just love it when you CUM out with another video. I inhale the full LOAD of its contents. Although your gameplay is always HARD and ROUGH, I still SWALLOW all of it as fast as I can, because it just FILLS ME UP with joy. Thanks Daddy.
0:41 ngl I kinda hate you for this one xD
Damn I MISSED this sound effect
Entertaining content
Last night i was watching old videos from our big boy hoping he would finally release another film and I’m so excited
bro the kid at 10:14 sounded like a mf boomer from Left 4 dead
Oh my goad ive been waiting to get a LOAD off my back by watching stimpees video!
I like👍
my appetite for stimpee content is satiated
New Stimpee content just FILLS me up with happiness
How the fuck does Stimpee always manage to find these headcases 😂? I refuse to believe everyone in rust is basically 4chan tier
2:56 حاطط حمدى الوزير فى الفيديو يا ستيمبى 😂😂😂😂
May I ask for a source of this magnificent ending?
how stimpee gets those nice outro songs?
I was watching you all night, so happy theres a new post
That fat Stimpee content all over my….screen
Been waiting for a stimpee vid
6:52 LOL look at his body
ayo imma need the name of that outro song it do be a banger
He was so LOADED
“I hope you’ve enjoyed watching me play rust with some memes sprinkled through” Bruh, why do you think I COME here?!? Emphasis on the coming.
I like my own comment
Big man needs to explore real life
My name is Derrick, i am freshman. I love watching Stimpee videos, they are highlight of my day. I want to thank you Stimpee, for giving me the courage to come out as homosexual. May your meat swing and your bussy cream, my King ❤
Happy New Year!
I wish you all the nice things you enjoy so much (Big PPs entering through the fire exit.)
6:10 when he slips in an extra knuckle
Stimpee, my mom yelled at me when I tried to convince her to buy your merch. I think she wants to buy it. She said, Tf why’s this say “been in holes since 74?” Im not getting you that!… Im convinced shes gonna buy the hoodie.
The seamless threaded servers for rust seem cool
stimpee ur such a good feller
stimpee always fills us with his funny memey vids
Wallahi habibi stimpee
Stimpee videos always make me feel warm and tingly inside
Let there be a thousand virgins domed… BUT I AINT SPENDING ANY TIME ON IT!!
Can’t wait for the 2024 aids playlist of Rust, you keep us all sane
*one eye*
I’ve been waiting all year for this video😩
@10:10 i laughed so fucking hard omg hahahaha !!!
Stimpee, are you a Halo fan? We hear the Flood theme quite often 😁
daddy stimpee
Stimpee broke back my mountain 🫦
THANK YOU a rust video an hour before workl best day ever
Came out 9 minutes ago and the video is 14 minutes long. But I already know this is a fucking masterpiece of a video.
stimpee just can’t help himself returning to the ram ranch and get surprised by being sieged by 28 US marines.
stimpee fills me up so well with his happiness
why do all Australian children sound the same
The intro bit was already a strong start for another year of asking who the fuck is Stimpee.
New Year, same Stimpee. Always spreading hot loads on everyone’s faces.
Someone got a hold of my island list
Tristan Taylor stinks
try tarkov again
It’s always a great day when Stimpee posts
Playing rust with ONE HAND must be so DIFFICULT
I’ve made a mess in my trousers
i bet you recorded this in 2023
Thank you for torturing yourself by making another rust video, much appreciated!
3 minutes in, lets go!
Pin me please 🥺
Stimpee always fills me up with his hapPENIS and I love it
thanks big dog
YES I love how much daddy gives us this content
Hopefully 2024 is a new year of more Stimpee betrayals and gay porn thumbnails!
42 second is all ı can last to you step dad
Busted already 😏😏
heh… when i saw this upload i KNEW that the edging would commence! #edgegang
I’m gunna touch you lil stimpee
Stimpee we love you !
Came early to a Stimpee video, take that how you will
Happy that these very wel edited thumb nails made it to 2024
U like men
boogie woogie
0:25 i know just how you feel
stimpee is my favorite girlfriend
one EyEYeyyYeee
Some good big stimpee goodness to start of 2024😍
my friend likes your thumbnails
Happy New year to you all Stimpee enjoyers
This is a certified memeio classic 🔥🔥🔥
Got to love the Aussie man
Hello, Mr. Stimpee! I know you probably won’t see this comment, but Happy New Year, and just wanted to let you know that I love your videos! Keep up the good work, brotherman!
i like how BIG stimpees content creation is and how BIG he gives his arrows to unsuspecting men
i just came home with a fucking hamburger and you give me this treat? thank you daddy stimpee
I can feel my eyes because of stimpee
Just let me see you man whole already 😩
damn, this vid craazy
Stimpee and Aloneintoyko are the same person!!!
I’m always excited to get a LOAD of stimpee content
Yooooo 2024 stimpiiie bouta be lit
Love your contect bro!
Pin me
Stimpee>>>>>>>> best rust youtuber
Stimpee tell my mom you love her
Lmfao < 3
I was just thinking when’s stimpee going to post.
been watching for 2 picoseconds and im already filled by Stimpee’s joy
happy 2024 yall
Stimpe im Russian pleyer and i love you
ooh la
hi stimpee
The only thing im first at is nutting
First like first comment
Happy new year 😊
Another Banger
im ready for a hot steamy load of uploads from stimpee
its gay time
First and I’m in love with you
Let’s fucking go.
i love touching myself while watching
a gem
Yes boy YES!!!
Hot damn I’ve never been this early
Let’s goooooo!!!
So fire
Got damn, I’m early
hey pimpee
First rub me daddy.
I’m gay
i edge to these videos stimpee
Stimpee please no.