Hololive Rust Season 2’s nonstop bloodshed war (and Pekora being the last boss)


Every so often, the Hololive Rust servers reset, which means that for just one day, destuction and murder are completely on the table. This season, a ton of crazy teams and amazing plot twists took place, including Pekora challenging EVERY SINGLE member on the server.

This video captures it all (mostly,) except for a few cuts as it was already very very long. Suisei’s team raiding Pekora’s house (without pekora inside), the EN Ame and co working together and Kiara mistakenly killing Pekora, etc are not included. However, they are pretty self explanatory, and what you just read above was basically all that happened. Click my pinned comment for a full timeline of what happened.
Source streams: Pekora https://youtu.be/vqJ0hcAqI_M
Luna: https://youtu.be/VEVzbt3S_8U
Suisei: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAU1Dncs6Rw&t=4034s
Gura: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYYS-xu2uxY&t=1037s
Koyori: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2k9MGzW_1w&t=12996s
Kanata: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocQWMPTKPAM&t=591s
Polka: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGoCJjf2W2g&t=10948s
Matsuri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX1JJd4WOys&t=0s
Roboco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gArHKJnT0a4
Fubuki: https://youtu.be/rp3Wz_kE1Jw
Cali: https://youtu.be/vXZ9GnVRu74
00:00 PolTeam origin
01:30 Hoshimachi Family Origin
3:19 Neutral Parties
4:00 Hoshimachi Family Base Assault
6:01 Siege of Koyoribase
9:52 Assault on PolTeam
11:46 Assault on PolTeam with PeKoyo
14:19 Shifting Teams (End of gamblers)
15:52 pekora…
17:57 Enemy of my Enemy
19:17 Sniper standoff
20:30 Pekora’s iron dome
21:55 HoloEN kamikaze
23:07 Pekora on land
24:18 Pekobase invasion
25:19 conclusion



  • コメント (448)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • Nekomikuri 寝込み栗
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    SEASON 2 FINALE SUMMARY (Credit to Cencourang#2152 and Abby Chan Nel)

    Hoshimachi family (Sui, Robocco, Kanata, , Gura) vs PolTeam (Matsuri, Miko, Luna, Polka)
    Pekora Koyori
    The Gamblers Club (Fubuki, Calli, Zeta, Kiara)
    The Solo Ame, Anya, Bae

    – Gura found a box on Suisei’s house
    – Team Sui Recruited Gura
    – PolTeam Fires missiles (MLRS) to Team Sui base
    – PolTeam bombarded Sui base with rockets
    – Pekora raiding Koyori’s base
    – 2nd MLRS activated by Pekora targeting Koyori’s base
    – Matsuri accidentally fires her rocket launcher while in heli killing its passengers
    – Team Sui and some solo saw PolTeam heli burning in flight and fire on it
    – After getting beaten by Pekora, Koyori joined Pekora forming Team KoyoPeko
    – Team Sui saw a house and raided it (Peko land base) taking all C4
    – Team KoyoPeko caught in the middle of Team Sui and Team Matsu fight
    – Team KoyoPeko decided to join Team Sui
    – Matsuri went behind Team Sui and killed Gura and Pekora taking their C4 supply
    – Team Sui+ saw Polka and killed her and found Luna house
    – Team Sui+ took all Luna horses and now looking like a group of bandits
    – Pekora want to start her betrayal, she wrote a note to Koyori about the plan, but tried to reach Koyori. But KoyoPon kick in by saying out loud about the item that Pekora drop NOTE, Koyori also fail to take it because her full inventory. So Pekora take it back and choose went Solo
    – Team Sui+ saw Zeta and recruited her
    – PolTeam raided Robocco base
    – Team Sui+ found Polka again and surrounded her
    – Pekora betrayed and killed them by firing a rocket launcher to the group which also cause the death of Zeta’s latest Umami (Zeta is angy)
    – Pekora ran away and hides at her coastal base
    – Everyone decided to team up against Pekora
    – They are trying to pin pekora base for missile attack but cant get close to it due to the sentry gun Gura gift to Pekora and Pekora sniping
    – Miko Heli tried to get near but Peko Base Anti-Air missiles activates
    – Recruited Bae and became part of suicide squad
    – Finally pinned Peko house but most of the missiles are intercepted by AA missiles
    – They started bombarding Pekora house with Rocket Launchers
    – Miko Heli team decided to do suicide squad whose riders jumped to get close to Peko base, some managed to get near and throw c4
    – Finally got near and breaking the door
    – Kiara joins the the ruckus as support
    – The team finally raided Peko house and killed Pekora
    – They cant find Peko Base TC
    – They keep on dying on installed traps and their own C4
    – Ame arrives and started killing everyone outside Peko base
    -Calli kills Gura, ending their long dispute about violence or something
    – Koyori found the notes that earlier she didnt take (from Pekora), and read it. Finally she understood why Pekora leave her.
    – They finally found the TC after Pekora showed it to them
    – Group Picture Time at the End
    – Free for All ending
    – Everyone went on separate ways, some went to gamble

    • Yuuki yukinon
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    srly someone should do an animation of this its just perfect and asking to be animated.

    PS: i can’t do it.

    • Cerulean Brie
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    So suisei like big mom….

    • Sample Account
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    This has been living rent free in my mind for a week, where is it from?

    • Ryuzen.
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora is surprisingly too high skilled for hololive members to fight her… 😂

    • My anime
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Hi what you think about india

    • Clover Club
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Suisei’s so serious that her dialect accidentally slips, holy hell. This is the power of the one-rabbit team Pecola.

    • Vendetta162X
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    All the years of experimentation and war crimes, the rabbit uses her expertise to singlehandedly fight an army

    • HitoriYuki
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thank you very much

    • IllllI
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    where can i find the outro song?

    • Troublesome
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Man…visiting this again after 9 months…this was truly the peak of Hololive and vtubing. And this was peak editing too. The subs, the titles, the casualties…it was beautiful.

    The three way battles, Pekora’s itachi level betrayal, Koyori being pon, Miko being a kamikaze pilot, the suicide death of MiComet. Pekora’s iron dome…that shocked everyone…making Suisei go back to her native accent. Kiara being…kiara, somehow going in for the sole goal of protecting Pekora, managed to kill her. And of course, Koyori reading the lost note at the end, and the look of regret… All of these moments and all others will forever stand as legendary, marking the peak.

    Pekora, despite being outnumbered, had the greatest K/D of them all by a long shot…managed to fucking win (tskr for that casualty sum in the end). Not even the whole world could beat her.

    • Zangetsu
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Poor koyori lol

    • Snivelill
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I love how Pekora, Koyori’s ally, killed her the most. This rabbit is just a health hazard.

    • Shrimp Shaaak
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora tsuyoi

    • Julio Scharman
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I think Pekora is psycho

    • Gerin Antony
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    pekora solos Hololive XD

    • Doran’s Shield
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    18:52 good pekora impression lol

    • Syakib Bkl
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    3:40 song name?

    • Taiwan Is An Independent Country 🇹🇼
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Meanwhile. The princess is doing diplomacy.

    • MrBlueSky
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This plays like an actual war documentary. All that’s left is Peter Dinklage or David Attenborough or some other British guy to narrate it.

    • Aminsideyourwall
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    this game is literally
    “shoot first, ask later”

    • Marco Polo
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Napoleon Bonaparte vs Europe

    • Japanese Idols
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Calli gets sniped*
    “What? Who da fuhhk”

    • K Ch.
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    9:11 had me dying 🤣

    • Axell15 The Wisp Master
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Imagine if Koyori did read the letter. The whole timeline would be very different.

    • bible
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    What’s the song at the end of the video during the kill feed, I gotta know! Lol

    • Wyatt Hall
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    If I was polteam when suisei came to them for help after trusting Pekora (mistake) I’d of thought it the perfect opportunity to get revenge on Hoshimachi family.. but then we wouldn’t have gotten that epic final battle

    • gawh goowah
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Imagine Kaela join the War

    • Extreme Subtlety
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This was so unbelievably funny, good work clipping as always!

    • Skip Skip
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    There is not enough life sentences to contain Pekora anymore

    • John V
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora cares not from whence the blood flows – only that it does.

    • 佐藤 – Satō
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    12:18 Vengeance is sweet

    • pi3kun
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Goddamit, no one told me that there’s good war anime after girl und panzer 😂

    • Kuma-chan
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • AngryZombie808
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    17:13 Some rabbit just want to watch the world burns.
    The elite sniping skill & holy shit she have SAM to protect her base, truly a terrifying rabbit!

    • Sanyam Sharma
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    17:10 – Pekora: I hereby declare the 4th Great Ninja War against all of you.

    • Azure
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora is truly chaotic and I admire that. Makes for interesting content.

    • humanoid
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    3:44 what name of the music

    • KaiserMikael
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora is a goddamn menace 😂

    • Azzis Gajah
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Mirip dynasty warior shu wu we

    • dlshn
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    16:54 pekora was the master of manipulation. she literally make them confuse who shoot that rocket😂

    • Prince Charles Mojica
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    are you gonna do a season 3 translation?

    • Khai Bautista
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    *Gura kills her for fun* lol
    Calli actually having 2 kills lel.
    Irys killing Bae. Probably before they got recruited for the war?
    Bae no kill count?
    Suisei having more team kills than legit kills. Zeta having only team kills.

    • ~tan.xin.jin88
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Very funny i love it 😂

    • Julian Taylor
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora is official hololive villian

    • Diesel
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I’m not the most familiar with hololive and so this video helped a lot. This is a masterpiece thank you.

    • あまりっぉ
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    No one is safe from pekora even herself

    • Spirit Lake
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    What is the music at the end during the conclusion? Definitely not Kevin MacLeod, haha. It’s a real bop.

    • Ryan.
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora the MVP🐰👑

    • TheDrexxus
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    Now I understand why they call Pekora a war criminal.

    • Kevin Hoths Layson
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    9:12 had me rolling lmaooo. 🤣

    • Genyosai03
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Yo Pekora goin at them like Roberta in Black Lagoon lol.

    • RichardBabley795
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I see why Pekora is a war criminal now

    • こーるすぱろー
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • windigo
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    They should make an anime about this

    • Talezzless
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Suisei: welcome to the family

    • Solidifier
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora is a beast. That base was amazing.1 v everyone and held on well.

    • Khan
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thank you for the clip. This was way more fun to watch than most of the tv-shows and movies

    • Crawling Chaos
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    God I love Pekora

    • Pontata
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This was amazing great job with the editing and translating and thanks for the context ❤

    • Hiding In Your Oshi’s Walls
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I love how much this plays out like a war movie with plotlines and tactics. Honestly felt like I watched a whole film. There BETTER be a season 3!

    • Hai Hai
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I feel so bad for Koyori hahaha. She got bullied by Pekora!

    • ZaiKun
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora have a nice aim

    • Yoppii 🌷
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Idk peko kina ruined it LOL

    • Akazume Shidochiri
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    an overwhelming victory by pekora..

    • ElmerPlays
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Bro I really love pekora’s laugh HA HA HA HA

    • ElmerPlays
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Don’t underestimate pekora HAHAHAHAHA

    • TheRose202
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Poor Koyori

    • wall egg
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    8:17 what an insane shot holy shit pekora’s cracked

    • K Marsh
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • Bat_Mobile
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora: Koyori!!! Your rabbit has returned, and I shall bring the destruction of Koyoribase.

    • Kami 0
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Whats the peko song at the end?

    • dondondon
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Peko is the peace maker that we dont deserve…. She becomes the evil for everyone to be united the true hero of rust.

    • hypixel bedwar pro Ray
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Hoshimachi family before 3 members roboco and kanata after that is 4 members because gura

    • 妹大好き
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This 6:07 part had me dying lmao

    • dardardarner
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I’ve rewatched this so many times already. This is peak cinema. It’s got everything: comedy, action, drama, plot twists, and betrayals. Can’t wait for the sequel!!

    • Zacharias Vaught
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I would argue Pekora’s victory a pyrrhic one, though the enemy did not destroy the TC within the allotted time Pekora’s base was structurally devastated.

    • Malcolm Liang
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora iron dome

    • Yayan Herdiana
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    pekora is final boss

    • Giga Chad
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Didn’t know Pekora was Stimpee

    • Tiago Rodrigues
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    So Pekora has actual fps skills? I am impressed.

    • nullcat
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Underrated video

    • Sorin Von Belmont
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Ha 😐😂out of the whole hololive crew I was not expecting the bunny girl with the quirky laugh to be a bloodthirsty psychopath with an engineering degree and the marksman skills of Chris Kyle.

    • Sorin Von Belmont
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This whole war led by cute anime girls radiates a chaotic neutral energy that reminds of girls und panzer but if all of the main cast was replaced by freebooter orks from Warhammer 40k.

    • Ludens
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    That view of the missile barrage from the helicopter at 7:34 is just awesome.

    • Ludens
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is legendary editing.

    • yohanes
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    13:00 it’a so funny 🤣

    • Reaps
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Ten minutes in and it feels like Pekora’s playing an FPS version of Total Warhammer, sweeping down as Chaos from the north and converting her enemies into vassal states after defeating them

    • Zachary Mabb
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    All i know is that I’m a chum buddy. I’ll stand with Gura, and the Hochimachi family!
    4:09 So then you’ve chosen death?
    14:32 Target annihilated.
    15:56 As expected, the rabbit is too mischievous to be trusted.
    18:18 THE RABBIT! As expected! A WORTHLESS TRAITOR and nothing more!
    19:07 Who would’ve guessed? All of us united against a common enemy.
    22:26 To victory, or death!!!
    23:58 That’s right! What are you without a sniper rifle and that eyesore of a fortress? Just a rabbit, to be slain and eaten like the prey that you are.
    24:54 Give it up! Nobody is coming to save you!
    26:03 She really is. It’s just like a rabbit to be at her best creating and defending a home.

    • Peter Quad
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I think that only person who would make attacking team faster is Botan if she was there.

    • Gravedigga Messorem
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    things will be quickly dealt with if Botan is around

    • Holmes Holmes.
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    what the hell she’s a pure wild card in these kind of thing..

    • Krona
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora is the chaddest rust player

    • Budda SoGudda
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    What was that track at the end

    • Arcueid Brunestud
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Calli does that dollarstore wild west voice even when speaking japanese, huh?

    • nejinaji
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Punished Pekora. Let the legend come back to life.

    • ashen
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    “Ame wants to build a race derby for everyone”– that line just fuckin kills me

    • Sheep Commander
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • Southde flow
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is a cinematic masterpiece

    • regular person
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    thanks a lot for you hard work

    • KimKim
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora always Fascinated us in every game

    Love the girl

    • Zeryther
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    pekora is the main character

    • Msxr Gaming
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I wonder if Botan joins in and fight with pekora

    • Si Gadop
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora is very skilled player she hold her ground by her self.

    • Pablo
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    this video doesn’t get enough love

    • Captain Rumface (Rummy)
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This was incredible ❤️

    • Stygian XV
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    These maniacs in Rust is a perfect fit for their bloodlust. Finally able to see a game that can adequately showcase their hilarious antics. It’s like watching a more violent looney toons lmfao.

    • ホルト-holt-霍尔特
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Koyoriiii 😭😭😭
    Her pleas are heartrending

    • MrExerionz
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    17:12 top ten anime betrayal 😢💔

    • Ahmad Masykurallana
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Call of Duty : Holo Rust zone

    • TRI99ER
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    At 3:44 what is this BGM?

    • Arcaix ️Saberhand🧪l🐾
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    LMAO!! This is like Tony Montana’s last stand in Scarface! Peko Montana piked up with cocaine! 😂😂😂
    Damn! PeKoyo would be great! But Koyo’s “Zuno—!” didn’t read letter! 😂

    • Yo Mama
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I have never replayed a section so much as i replayed Pekora betrayal. The editing was the icing on the cake, u fckin legend.

    What was the sound track for that betrayal section?

    • falsehero2001
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    ‘Good Times’ rhymes with ‘War Crimes’.

    • pencari subz
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    But war still continue gura raided calli base on offstream

    • pencari subz
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • Thomas Anthony Caspillo
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Poor Koyori

    • Achmed Creed
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    RUST is basically minecraft with guns. And Pekora is a Minecraft warlord.

    • Date Masamune
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    We all thought Bully Matsuri would be the apex predator in the game. Turns out Pekora still stands tallest.

    • TRI99ER
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Really legendary actually. I just want to rewatch your clip over and over.

    • TRI99ER
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is amazing! Such a good story. And our girl got her win against the world. Peko Joker arc culmination?

    • Oxalis
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Goddamn Pekora 😂😂

    • themax
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    what a channel dude, nice

    • BlackStar
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    19:20 absolute psycho
    Casually playing games after committing mass murder and betraying her teammates

    • MrSaywutnow
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    War shouldn’t be this hilarious……

    • viljamtheninja
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This thing is an absolute work of art. I’ve been saving this for when I have time to relax and need some smiles and laughs and man, this did it. Neko Mikuri, you are an absolute hero, thank you for this masterpiece.

    • Adil Warsito
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    damn, pekora pulling WW2 german move and actually winning lmao

    • WarlockNote
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    17:12 Pekora : “I never really was on your side.”

    • Fajar YGY
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Season 3 is going be wild


    Wild 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 the war is coming

    • Санат Токушев
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Holo Jp snips Holo Eng 😅

    • orangeapples
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    19:19 did you guys use Pekora’s little song here as the theme song for this section?

    • Cairo Lee
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    They do NOT call her Big Peko for nothin.

    • Usagi Peko
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora the God of War, the ultimate last boss

    • brittle
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    that was hilarious, thanks for putting that together

    • Ynz0_
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora is the best lmao so much fun thaks to everyone

    • Ivan Silverpen
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Sasuga UPE, pekora doesn’t get the title “War Criminal” for nothing.

    • Hi Im Andicus
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    wtf. Pekora is actually such a boss. LIterally the FINAL boss. Her snipe montage was so good xD
    +respect-peko for Pekora.
    I can’t get over how badass Pekora was LMAO. Literally just decides to take on the entire server herself and succeeds for the most part. Sasuga Pekora-sama. As expected of our War Criminal.

    Also Neko Mikuri, your stuff was always godsent, but holy crap this one blew me away. It was soooo enjoyable to watch, it was actually like a whole freaking movie. The way you organized it all visually and showed all the POV’s was stellar. +respect-peko!

    • あざとくダメ人間3
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    CGDCT era is over, now is the time for CGDWC(Cute Girls Doing War Crimes).

    • Abdoul
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    26:03 I love when they give Pekora props, I just do.

    • ErgonomicChair
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    What was the closing song?

    • Benjinis
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is just amazing, you are putting so much effort in these videos. You are my favorite Hololive clipper !❤

    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • アザゼル
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This must have taken a crazy amount of time to edit, big respects

    • monochromatic
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora is a menace in every single survival multiplayer game. The one character on anime who seems harmless at first but turms out to be heavily overpowered final boss. She is manipulative and wise. Also have the skills to back it up as well.

    Moral lesson: Do not ever trust the war criminal god labitt. 🙏

    • スバル !
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    10:02 that laugh man 😂😂😂 Matsuri

    • Shut Up
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Calli do nothing
    Still get killed anyway

    • Psyqhical Vessalius
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Usada Pekora is like Chilled Chaos in being chaotic and evil in games. Reason enough to eliminate the omniscient 3rd party before all hell breaks loose.

    • Boslog Xoxo
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    26:19 been searching here in YouTube for that pekora kevin McLeod song.. no luck. Even Shazam cant tell me

    • Ryuko T-72
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thank you for making this

    • Peaceful Hermit
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Ah ofc, PST means PEKO Stream Time. I have been calling it the wrong name this entire time……

    • Ryo Making Progress
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Alternative title: Pekora Wick Chapter 3, Excommunicado

    Even Hyde, defacto leader of the Holo shrimp four horsemen artists (Twitter handle @tabbako) created the art to commemorate the occasion.

    She was too powerful now on the third season of their shenanigans, maybe too much power

    • 直直
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is a very cool movie

    • Ainz -sama
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Where i can find ending music ?

    • アデクン
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Dayum this clip is sick

    • M V
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    The Rust Arc was just amazing. 🤣 Pekora killing them when they were trying to recruit Polka, then announcing war, and then going home to play arcade games until they came for her. There’s paid writers that couldn’t have written a better antagonist scene.

    • Azeros Blank
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Finally came about to watching this, but man, you’ve put in a hell lot of effort into this! This was amazing!

    • RYAN C00P3R
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    You guys cannot call Pekora a War criminal in 3 reason.

    1st: She dosen’t declare war so there’s no war.
    2nd: Pekoland is not a nation because there’s no nationality, no people nor territory but rather a house and lot only and she alone with no people for her to govern it(except her pet monkey and neko).
    And last… Geneva convention is not realy a rules internationaly but it’s rather a guidelines to war.

    • Zeleo
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    12:22 Gura: “Good. That’s one less loose end.”

    • maxplaying
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    very good video friend but I have to say, you forgot to SHOW something very important, the real cause of Pekora’s betrayal of Suisei:
    -Pekora starts her stream by saying “sayonara” to her castle on the beach (Pekora would not use her castle).
    -Pekora created a 2nd battle base in the center of the island (financed in weapons by Azki), that base had everything, c4, missiles, bullets, suits and all that was taken by the Suisei family (All those resources helped win the war against Polteam).
    -after beating Polteam, Pekora confronts Suisei about raiding and Suisei tells her that her base is only a tutorial and laughs (Suisei unknowingly opened Pandora’s box.)
    – Pekora said that he spent many days putting all that together for nothing. With the original plan ruined, Pekora has to improvise and use her castle.

    – At the end of the day when Suisei plays the piano with Miko, Pekora reveals the reason for her betrayal.
    PD: near the casino, Koyori tells Miko and Polka about the letter (I don’t know what they say).
    Suisei and Miko board a helicopter and kill themselves with Pekora’s anti-aircraft missiles, ending season 2.
    PD: Gura intentionally and unintentionally, was Pekora’s nemesis throughout the Season 2.

    • Exu
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    IDK man but Pekora’s tactics looks like it’s straight out of a grimdark Soviet war novel…btw you deserve 200K subs dude, you are a SSR TIER editor

    • Golduck
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Dang, Neko Mikuri. You’re just getting better and better at clipping. Been an OG follower of your channel since Pekora horror gameplay days, and I gotta say you’re one of the best VTuber clippers in the world. You always make my day whenever I watch your Pekora clips. Thank you so much for the laughter.

    • didid
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I love the hard work that you put up on this GOD TIER MASTERPIECE! Nice translations! Good compilation! Great summarization! Awesome editing! Just WOW! I’m amazed!

    I really appreciate the time & effort that you given to this remarkable clips so us kaigai-niki can also experiencing how epic the war is in Rust season 2!
    Thank you for sharing the fun, Neko Mikuri!

    • ReinirGI
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    What a great compilation, I had a big smile watching the entire thing hahaha.

    • Salvador
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This was like a fucking movie man, I wish I knew Japanese dude. Thank you again as always for the video, I can enjoy Hololive JP vicariously through you.

    • A Ni Mu
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Hei big fish.. Help me.. 😂

    • Squamiferum
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    you really doing something incridible
    i watch the stream and clip here and there , still cant really get the lore completely , untill your lore explanation come in

    • p1ngu
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    MAN THIS IS SO GOOD. I was reluctant to watch rust stream at first but damn this is so good. thank you so much for the awesome translation + editing!!!!

    • pound town
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    The anti air craft part is such a last boss move. Their only powerful move and last hope is to use the missiles but failed horribly. Even Suisei was suprised.

    Sasuga Pekora the War Criminal Final Boss Rabbit!

    • Declan Huber
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    God this was perfect, Pekora is absolutely delightful as a supervillain. At first I didn’t think she stood a chance given it was just her against like 10+ people, but as the siege progressed she just kept countering and countering everything they threw at her, to the point where by the end even though Pekora technically won, I was impressed at how well the others did given the circumstances! I’m reminded of that scene in the Watchman comics where Rorschach is trapped in a prison cell and the inmates are trying to murder him, and even though he’s locked in there he just keeps on pulling more tricks out of his sleeve and countering every single attempt. This was awesome, 13/10

    • Jeremy Geller
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    so we have Miko’s One Piece crew vs the Doflami- i mean Hoshimachi Family, cool

    • Gladius
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    As someone who missed the whole arc, thank you so much for the really awesome narrative and background! Feels like a full-on saga.

    • crochetcocoking
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Matsuri : my kill count is bigger than all of you combined!

    • crochetcocoking
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Honestly, i don’t think they would have even be able to enter the base if not for Matsuri.

    • Moisés Freire
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I like how by the end it was just Pekora declaring war on everyone.

    • Aqeel
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    That was an amazing anime episode. Pekolelouch is such an amazing character. I can’t thank you enough Neko.

    • Skelyos
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Amazing compilation & I haven’t even finished the video yet but man I really love Matsuri laugh 10:01

    Edit: also Pekora is dangerous with that sniper, damn

    • gamrage
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Wow.. I love how you showed the total kill count at the end.. Pekora racked up to half the total kill count.

    • Jonathan Robinson
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Honestly the best ending we could possibly have hoped for with this season. All hail War Criminal and Mastermind Usada Pekora.

    • Last Name First Name
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    thanks. what an amazing epic anime-like finale for holorust season 2.

    • Aqua SZS Soo
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    As someone who couldn’t watch most of the Rust arc. This was an amazing helpful summary. Thanks for your work!

    • Frat Sunrise
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • Homulity
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Marineford was a great arc

    • Tom Marshall
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I don’t know if Pekora being a war criminal was always part of her plan as a Vtuber but I won’t lie it has given me a lot of good laughs seeing her grow progressively more malevolent with her schemes.

    • Rogash
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I knew Pekora was a force to recon with, but not that she would be able to fight almost the entire server by herself

    • GClips
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    man, the Moment When they Call Irys they actually have a chance to beat pekora

    The Embodiment of HOPE it self

    if they Recruit IRys from the Start tho.

    • にゃ。- nya.
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am



    • Faisal Fahmi
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    That damn Notes. I love that how chaotic she is, she didn’t want to betray Koyori because it’s her first ally from begining. But well it’s funnier because solo vs everyone in rust and bit dramatic when Koyo read the notes

    • _La_ _aL_
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    The ending Pekora did was epic XD
    She even won due to time and strong fortifications

    • usagi
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    God of War?
    No, this is Peko of War

    • Dariel Lim
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora One Man Army. The War Lord Of Usagi Kensetsu.

    • Vaioreto Parpuru Ch
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Wow amazing video, thank you for uploading it.
    Seasson 2 is so fun.

    • Mike Garcia
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Luna’s reaction to Pekora’s betrayal @ 18:38 was priceless.
    This video is pure genius! Thank you for your hard work, Neko Mikuri. YOU’RE FREAKING AWESOME!!! There were so much moving parts and I’m stunned at how you put all the pieces together. I watched this video multiple times and it never gets old.

    • Syncopia
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This was a masterclass edit. I legitimately felt as though I was watching some kind of TV series, as dumb as that may sound.

    Rust S2 final result: Pekora supreme victory!

    • Penta
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    thanks for the amazing compilation, i watched a bit of the rust streams but i didnt have time to catch up on everything so this really helps. man holorust really is like an anime huh? LOL
    i loved the bit at 20:48 with suisei’s team firing off missiles, then as the missiles suddenly get intercepted everyone finally realizes, pekora is MUCH stronger than they anticipated.

    • Seraphina Aizen
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora is a friggin’ LETHAL sniper. That shot on Matsuri, who was moving on horseback, between trees, was incredible.

    • Han Lie
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • DevFlite
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Now, just add Botan and Okayu. The 3 of them could be unbeatable Boss.

    • bloody overdrive
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thank you for this compilation! The background and context made everything much more enjoyable.

    • 💛 gorigori Enjoyer🐧
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora “brain of holox lol”
    Koyori: even after all that i still wanted to be with you 🥺🐕

    Koyori season 3 is with polka so guess her life of crime is behind her no more gambling no more looting military tunnel bugged elite boxes enough

    • Jackeat
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This was so good.

    • Thanatos9029
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Ah yes, my favorite war documentary. The Battle of Holorust Season 2.

    • Komakat
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Great video, thanks so much for putting this together👍

    • Aia
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    HOLYYYY. Thank you for your hard work!! That was such a good compilation to watch. Can’t wait how season 3 unfolds!!

    • Brambl
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    All hail Pekora supremacy

    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    season 2 is like ww2 with 2 opposing fronts ally together to defeat pekora aka the hitler of the season lol
    (note this is only a fun exampling of the entire scenario lol, no offensive facts)

    • Hashtag Underscore
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    All we need is a BazBattles style animated map and narration and we are set!

    • TaoRod B. Rodel
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Also Kiara’s revenge after everything was over xD

    • 7VLusic
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    You’re the best bro thanks for this clip 👏👍
    I love the bgm of backstory 😆

    • OrangeRodent
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thanks for the long clip!

    • Legendary Detective Wobbuffet
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    “もうおそいよ!” slames the door.

    Terrifying rabbit! 🤣🤣

    • 加藤.c0py_k4t
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Wtf. Stopping the vid for a,sec coz i thought Matsuri Suisei Koyori and Gura would be on peko team…

    edit:oh koyori obtained… Sui fam ..too .
    Edit I spoke too soon

    Bruh I dont know much about rust ..thinking pekora would easily get destroyed by those missiles .. and rocket launchers.. Well atleast not until at the very end… ..

    If only pekora had more turret placed and mines.. Maybe .. 😂

    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Better than aot

    • Kyle Josiah Sanchez
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I love how they spoke like delinquents during standoffs lmao

    • Saito Himea
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora’s base is worthy of it’s title, PekoCastle.

    • Galaxy Crystal
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    The scene where Pekora’s Anti Missiles Turret intercept the missiles, it’s probably the most epic scene I ever see in Rust, which is the highlight of peak war time where everyone were band together against one common enemies.

    And of course Pekora’s kills count rivaled the entire server.

    • Ando Commando
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Season 2 finale sure did raise the bar for holowars

    • Silent Otaku
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Team Gamblers’ Club! Wooo!!

    • alitacyan
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is a masterpiece, this is one of your all time best clips Mikuri!

    • 86 abaile
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I love Pekora. Joins the game partway through a conflict between two sides, starts dabbing on them individually for no reason but the lulz, gets roped into one team to fight for them, kills them all with a single rocket launcher blast in the top 1 anime betrayal, ends up having the entire server team up against her, takes them all on solo and schools them all… and she did it all for shits and giggles. I FUCKING LOVE PEKORA!

    • Fess
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is like watching the Sengoku Jidai… in real time

    • Tenno
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Hololive: Rust is War

    • Duplucky5
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is really a superb documentary of a major event in the history of Hololive: the great war of the end of season 2 of Rust. In addition to what we are used to seeing, you add new clips and interesting notes that allow us to understand what is happening even if we do not see it on the screen. A real treat, this video. 😊

    • Kwak
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    As a Dead Beat who saw basically none of this action live, thank you so much for compiling it!

    • Fuwa
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Today Pekora was making a whole island to be her base lmao

    • Hector Garcia
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Rip Mel and Mel’s straw hut. She didn’t deserve to get done dirty like that.

    • Zellev Music
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    this is trully one of the series ever! 🤣

    • Artharem
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    The heli killcount lmao

    • WD Batora
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    From 23:08 decides to go out and fight. The video doesn’t show it but she took WAY TOO MANY rockets with her. Why?
    The intensity of the attack dropped a lot, and the bunny learned from chat that it was because they were running out of rockets. So she went on that reckless attack to their side to get killed and looted.
    Pekora is a top of the world entertainer.

    • Kazekage B
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Peko OP 😝🤣🤣🤣😘❤🥕

    • Moose
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    19:53 so sad sounding lmao

    • Ortagonation
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    They really should make pekora the villain in hololive game, lol

    • Ortagonation
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Make me think, it would be funny if all hololive member playing arma and doing war there…

    • akaaoi
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Very nice summary. It’s a bit head scratching that you showed Luna’s single shot and swift demise from the helicopter run and not Bae’s survival and her C-4 carpet bombing instead.

    • Mikudesu 39
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I’m amazed by the effort you put into making this CLIP. This for me is the best CLIP. Not only did you make a CLIP but you explained a series of events that made me understand.I don’t regret subscribing you….

    Keep making clips like this. I will continue to support you. And thanks for making clips.

    • BlAdeZ197 / ブレード
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Man this was amazing, thank you so much for the effort~

    • Chrome
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Crazy rabbit boss mvp

    • N I R E V
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora’s kill count on that graphics at the end is crazy lol Definitely a war criminal and the master at that. She really made that whole final war much more exciting than it already is.

    • Paul Mabanta
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    That multiple PoV of everyone dying from Pekora’s launcher is hilarious.!!

    • something
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    great work! I was looking forward to seeing Gura shoot at Pekora while she was running away on horse after rocketing everyone, but I guess you were trying to keep the video from going any longer

    • Ilak
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    16:54 *war crimes intensifies*

    • Yeah well,that’s just, like, your opinion, man
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Guess they have to include more shooter members for next season so they can finally defeat Pekora!
    Botan, Towa, Aqua, Ame should all team up VS Pekora.

    Also, this is not only the best video on the matter, it is also one of the best vtuber videos out there.

    “Fubuki was never seen again” like a war documentary, lol.

    • ZAMN
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I love how Gura be like, “Give me a box Suisei. I have C4”.
    And Suisei be like, “Know what Gura? That’s exactly the type of go-getter attitude the Hoshimachi family needs! Come join us”

    • Wrench McCool
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Hmm While they werent’ important overall, I think a longer version with cutting back to the antics of the gambling group and their eventual travels to Pekora’s Fortress would be funny. There’s also all the after raid fun between ID and EN stragglers.

    • Tonjit
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora are showing them why we call her The War Criminal

    • SamehhhXD
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Damn, history class really fun these day

    • iSo Dawn
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I need the ending song!!

    • Gwendolen Winterheart
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    ive been waiting for this one!! 😀

    • DeathToBoredom
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora did a spectacular job of being the final boss. Thank you so much for making this.

    • ProfChaos
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    this is masterpiece, if only there’s someone could made their ARK journey into a video like this

    • sydan🗿
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Demon King Peko-chan desu

    • Durito Burito
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • VL
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    The warlord shows no mercy..

    • Snail The Lost Cow
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora is legit a menace
    Literal crawling chaos that will even make Nyarlathotep blushes

    • shido
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Best holorust war season 2 clip i have ever watched. Thanks

    • birb
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Keep the good work for the rust clip

    • ZeKKEN 15
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    you missed one funny part where Gura keeps sniping Pekora on the left side(since the start when she Pekora returned in her base) and actually annoyed her a little cause she can’t see who keeps sniping her
    Gura is like that annoying fly that keep passing by your ear but you can’t see where it is lol

    • The Rail A
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I hope this sets as a learning experience for other holomems for future rust seasons. The lion out there is itching to join and fight in rust.

    • エリリモ
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    awesome video, very easy to understand and entertaining
    pekora truely a monster …
    hope u do dis again for season 3

    • WizardBrownBeard
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Best compilation of events I have seen yet! Really helps make sense of everything that was going on, so thanks for the hard work!

    • sapetsu x
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    “I’d rather betray the world rather than let the world betray me.” By pekora~

    • TFK
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    pekora was a god damn beast and this was a great video, has some lore added in the video so i could enjoy the video more

    • Hamper
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Was this the one where calli was screaming at them?

    • Yoh
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    The edits were great especially the betrayal part. Lol
    Thanks for this!

    Haven’t seen it said yet in the comments, but the other reason she betrayed Suisei’s team was because Suisei Family raided her other base which has 100+ c4 and many rockets. You could say Pekora supplied the enemy with rockets and c4 to raid her base. Lol

    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    21:26 Helicopter recon going south and the transition to Pekora’s POV is wonderfully cinematic. Straight out of an action movie!

    • Apto
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    By far the best clip of season 2’s ending.

    • Moetq
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Sasuga Usada Pekora to Upe……

    • comfu panda
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    That’s why i sub on neko mikuri it is delivered in complete detail for us foreigns to understand the whole situation ❤️

    • Jambo
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I was watching random 2-5 min rust clips and dint understand what was happening. decided it would be best to wait for your video. Glad i did, this was an amazingly edited video. thx for your efforts.

    • Rabbit Ribbit
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I absolutely love how this isn’t just a translated clip, it’s a full on documentary with full context of everything that happened in the war. Thank you so much for this amazing video!
    Excited for S3. All Hail Overlord Usada and her Iron Fortress!

    • Key Strix
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Mind that this (fantastic) video is heavily edited down. The assault on Pekora’s base went on for like an hour. Had she not left her base and if she actually had help from Koyori, they might’ve been unstoppable.

    • Kuraeshin
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    My dude, this was awesome to watch. 10/10.

    • Yo Dawgz Gaming
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    The one thing I’m surprised you didn’t cover was Gura’s impressive sniper flanking maneuvers against Pekora throughout the whole Peko siege. I’m not sure if she ever actually killed Pekora but she was tagging her in the back/left side and making her panic a lot, which was fun to see in the full stream

    • GFC
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Increible la info que tira este man para el video, valio la pena la espera

    • Cloud
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Why they called pekora uupe

    • Reymax レイマックス 👁️‍🗨️
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Sasuga, War Criminal.

    • Yo Dawgz Gaming
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    3:33 Fubuki “partakes in heavy gambling” is so direct yet still somehow a massive understatement 🤣 As always, you have by far the most amazingly thorough translations AND contexts for great events like this!

    • JJ Rambles
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    What is the name of the track that plays during Pekora’s sniper montage? It fit absolutely perfectly

    • konobaka
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I know you’ve worked hard on this vid, it looks great! But how about going for an Avengers-isque Thumbnail to attract morw viewers. Just a suggestion, cause this deserves more views

    • Silencers
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora really living up to her war criminal legends. Phenomenal work, NM

    • Christian Samir Acosta
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    What’s the final song name?

    • Enju TT
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora’s snipe at 8:15 was insane, actually a lot of her shots were good lol

    • 余Dayo [Hololive Eng Sub / Ch Sub]
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Wow this is ridiculously detailed, really enjoyed every minute of it , it must have taken a lot of time, great job and thank you !

    • José
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thanks for this video and all the work y’all put in to make it, it is great!

    • Chog Pamp
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • Wancho345
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    this is peak clipping. super appreciate the notes and explanations to the things going on! best clipper

    • MakotoTheKnight
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is the summary of how everything went down that I was looking for. Thanks for the extended clip!

    • Average Subatomo
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Gura getting recruited by Suisei

    Felt like Big Mom forcibly recruiting Jinbei lmao

    • Angus
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Jesus christ pekora

    • Julius
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thank you so much for all the hard work!! I really appreciated the backstory and info on how teams formed. It was incredible how you were able to come up with a structure for such a chaotic event. Keep up the great work!!

    • Guaseth
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This was amazing. Thank you Neko Mikuri!
    It was hard enough trying to keep up with like 5 different streams that lasted for around 6 hours

    • metalema6
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora built a base full of c4 and missiles and disguised it as a shack by building the outer walls with wood. Suichan’s team found it by pure coincidence, and once they found reinforced walls inside decided to break it. They looted it without knowing it was Pekora’s.

    Pekora comes back to the base to find it looted, but pretends not to know about it in front of Suisei, just to betray her later.

    • hteekay
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Oh dayum, must have took you a lot of time and work to compile all of these together. Good job man, huge respect.

    Pekora : The Rust community are too divided, I must bring them together over one threat and destroy all of them in one place. *Becomes the final boss†

    • Cifer
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    love their reaction on the SAM intercepting miko air attack and matsuri’s mlrs attack. The other girls only uses their scraps in gambling while peko spends her for war🤣

    • Aeon
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    pekora base is so good full of traps and some areas you can die by your own c4 if not careful. And the big brain TC placement lol it was near the entrance that whole time🤣

    • MeltyIce_CC
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    We can see all Pekora’s progress from solo’ing all the Monuments (that others cant) and being MVP in [Bear vs Boar Battle] event.

    Yes, the entire RUST season2 was Pekora’s Arc being Final Boss

    • BENergizer1
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I watched the war from Kiara’s point of view, and it was really funny how, despite being one of the EN members fluent in Japanese, she understood very little of what was going on. She spent most of the war, including the final battle, not talking to anyone and just ran around bewildered. (Rather like a chicken with her head cut off.) She actually wanted to turn coats and join Pekora to help defend her base, but wound up killing her and Koyori in the confusion. She then hung around the server for hours afterward looting as much scrap as she could from all of the corpses and what was left of Pekora’s base to fill out her tech tree before the server reset.

    • Daynan
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Top tier quality work. Otsukaresama deshita, Neko Mikuri.
    It just occurred to me, if that supply drop hadn’t landed on Suisei’s place, Gura may have ended up joining Pekora given their history this season. Or perhaps another faction which likely would’ve changed the flow of events. Whomever she were to join, she came to fight for this final day.
    Key points also setting the course of events were Suisei the diplomat reaching out to PolTeam, Luna the recruiter leading to Bomber Rat, Bae.
    Poor Koyori…😔
    I thought Ame’s destruction derby so close to the end of the season was something of a dry run, but then I thought of the cars she had to restore or build. I’d like to see it make an upgraded comeback with community support, providing resources, and not only being maintained by just Ame.

    • AimlessPassions
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • Shen Boi
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    She always came up with something entertaining, peak entertainer indeed 👏👏

    • Aelar Lightbringer
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    The planning, preparation, and actual editing, along with making sure all of the necessary info and context is provided, must’ve been no small feat, and the end result is insanely good…There are many Hololive clippers, but Neko Mikuri is a Hololive Chronicler. It really shows when someone truly cares about their craft.

    • OnLoong
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    i can’t stop laughing but also getting amazed by how well this video summerize the whole story

    • Mochi Mochi Kanna
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    These missiles are rated M for Massacre -Usada Pekora

    • Lil Peko
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thank you for the awesome compilation Neko Mikuri

    • Takasemamoto
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    A little correction about the Suisei family origin: the group actually formed offstream, as Suisei posted on Twitter a request for help with the upkeep of her base. She was looking for people that could help filling the TC of her base when she couldn’t play. Both Kanata and Roboco answered the call and they became her “family” at that point (even though they eventually failed her since she logged in one day and saw her base in the process of decaying, but she managed to save the base).
    Suisei, Kanata and Roboco were already a family when the clip in this video happened, that’s why they called her “mama”.

    • Mini Meatball
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Hands down my favorite and the best clip channel

    • Crow
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    worth every minute of waiting, i love, love, love your videos / peko~ and girls keeps bring on epic content ~ and you keep making epic clips ~ <3 the world is good again, night is good again, life is good again :) thx

    • SonY_Kun
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Just like anime. Now we are waiting for season 3 😆
    Hope PekoMiComet + Bully Matsuri not in 1 team in season 3. It will be too OP and holo server will be out of balance.

    • JeffthaJuggalo
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is a amazing edit/clip fully appreciated it.

    • DesmoFan
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    The dramatic angles of rockety doom, the lore, this was like a documentary! Absolutely worth the view time! GG WP!

    Bae’s C4 charge during the EN kamikaze was medal-worthy! I was hoping to see it make the cut. 😇

    • Thorn
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    So proud of our evil overlord bunny

    • ベムーBemana Pr.
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Dayum, thanks for the POV compilation…

    • Rusalka R
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I really like PeKoyo alot, sad we cant witness PeKoyo vs the world.
    I hope in season 3 they can team up again and getting closer to each other despite the misunderstanding.

    • Rushin’ Dweeb
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    should have a small montage of Gura picking off Pekora, her aim was cracked during that raid

    • TEBS
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Rust players: you can’t have fun playin RUST if youre solo.


    • Victor Rama
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Did you make the remix at the very end in conclusion chapter? It sounds really good O.o

    • yellow.baccpack
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Peko is no longer War Criminal.

    She is War God.

    • Duster
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Between this and Noises V’s war documentary I now have the complete picture. Thanks for the long video Neko.

    • Gohan0098
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I wanted you to sub this plot so much. Thank you.

    • TheBurnerGuy
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is without a doubt the most organized/structured clip of the whole event, thank you very much for your hard work!

    • Taranchura
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thankyou for the hardwork~!

    • Inquisitor Hadrax Ishmael Ignacio Jacobim IV
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Such a fun end to the season, thanks for the clip!!

    • きら
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Man you coulda edited this any other way like how others do for ease, but as always you go above and beyond. Legend. Can we get much higher

    • Dotawe [野うさぎ堂盟]
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This clip from mikuri is the best story telling clip i watch so far, the team making, the timeline, the back story and etc, is will made. Great job for making this masterpiece clip of holorust season 2. I think your busy irl because you miss season1 but i hope you can clip more holorust in season3.

    • repIace aIl
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    In peko land.. is either raid or be raid.

    • yorshkrun
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    awesome vid lmao

    • Alvin Jan
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I’ve been waiting for this edit. Also in the end of the day Usada Requiem is the strongest

    • Lumbago_47
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    pekora killed koyori so many times yo hahaha

    • Grilled Flatbread
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Correction 12:30 Gura does not kill Pekora “for fun”. She didn’t know they had decided to ally. Pekora was not in the team yet.

    • リュー
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This really shows how much of a war criminal Pekora is. She gathered so much experience she’s able to withstand against the world and even winning. This is why Pekora is the best war criminal. Love these translations and effort put into it. お疲れ様!

    • meen cool
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    the legend of holo rust clip

    • LuciusFilmex
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    17:50 _Saw theme starts playing_
    *G A M E O V E R*

    • barbs
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    KITIRAAAAAAAAAA. Been waiting for this.

    • AerialAegis
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Well, this does conclude most of the main events.

    Just skipped some scene and minor event like kiara join the fray.

    • Migaru
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    So many wonderful clips came out of this game.

    • Ahldoh Mhontalvo
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    You missed the perfect end, the chance of PekoMiComet team on season 3

    • LuciusFilmex
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Wait why is this S2? Have they played Rust before?

    • ramza beoulve
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    So Rust S2
    Suisei = villain
    Pekora= Super villain
    I’m sure everyone knows the difference between them

    • wenousagi
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    suisei is the luffy in this war LOL “let’s become allies!”

    • Ashem Voh
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thank you for this contribution to the annals of history

    • Jhonlerex Amejan
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    12:19 “Hey big fish, help me.” Had me in tears💀

    • wenousagi
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    my imaginary pov: pekora betrayed the suisei war team cause it wasn’t the type to ooze the bloodshed like how you do in the battlefield. so she thought of the idea to turn the rust world against her– quoting the line ” THIS, is what you call *war.* “

    • bho bho
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Guys, let’s show this video to Welyn and let him do a reaction lol.

    This video is so funny

    • Xander
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora was VERY strong for being alone against like 10 people.

    I honestly dont think any other member could have been that strong alone.

    • Zefryn
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Really well summed up and well editted as always! Thanks for compiling season 2’s war!
    It was also really nice of you to include the kill chart at the very end too, really goes to show how much more proficient some were at fighting in Rust!

    • Pixelchu
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Dammmn. Pekora got mad skills with the sniping, rocket launchers, and anti-air missiles lmao. She went crazy on that.

    Truly chaotic evil.

    • daedalus25
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is by far the best video I’ve seen yet regarding the Season 2 final war. I thought I was going to have to wait for Mechanico to make one, but this is super high quality stuff. Thanks for the work you put into it. Definitely earned a subscribe from me!

    • GreenMiscreant
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Perfect editing, not too much that it steals attention but still used well for jokes! 10/10 glad I’m subscribed

    • Karl’s Clips
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This was an incredible epic clip that must have taken ages to edit together in the right timeline order and fully translated too… wow…
    You did incredible work.
    Thank you so much.

    • CertiFried Nousagi
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Mightve have to include why pekora switched tactics and betrayed. She lost roughly 200+ c4 and missiles on her attack base, because suisei found it and practiced raiding on it. Those were in turn taken by matsuri and used against pekora. Without peko’s arsenal she was forced to attack. Also wouldve liked to see kiara trying to help pekora and ame+calli get into a scuffle with gura at the end.

    • Raidanzoup
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Zun chan chan. Man, adding Koyori reading the notes to the credits is like those freeze frame “and then they went on to become XYZ” endings in old movies.

    • Nicet Ryfed
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is my favourite translation of yours, amazing work, thank you so much.

    • Long Long Man
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I hope EN forms a team as the HoloCannibals to terrorize the server next season.

    • I Am Jack’s Suffocating Nihilism
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    You are without doubt Pekora’s strongest soldier.

    • sharqyEJ
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    how is this damned rabbit that strong lmao

    • Nicet Ryfed
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora and Koyori are basically the Doflamingo faction in One Piece lol

    • Ryskar
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I don’t think there was a doubt in anyone’s mind that this is the perfect game for her… Suisei too.

    • Raymond
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    great video, gonna leave a comment so that hopefully the algorithm picks it up and your hard work gets seen by more people. i love longer videos and your editing. keep up the great work and thank you!

    • Okatogurui1234
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    The hopelessness in miko and matsuri’s voice at 13:45 when they were getting spawn camped was hilarious

    • Artharem
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is now my favorite Hololive video. And that hasn’t changed for 2 years now…

    • Fred Longstar
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • Rafael Sousa
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    PekoST. I love the concept haha

    • ThePlasmaistPlasma
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    55 days in Pekoland

    • Sinse
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Love the Editing ! Keep up the good work !

    • Dannie Shan
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    an action movie won’t be completed without some drama to spice things up, and PeKoyo “memo drama” delivers it perfectly!

    Joking aside, really appreciated the context and backstory 👍🏽

    • sky
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Man no one got the part when gura snipe miko

    • Dakota Galarza
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Amazing work. All the meticulous documentation and drama of a war documentary with the fun of hololive to make it happy. I was surprised to see the supposed “ally” of Pekora, Koyori, be her number one victim. Sasuga Upee.

    • Mior Zharif 1986
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I think peko shoukd put many auto gunning and many anti aircraft next s3

    • kanalname
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    If someone asks me what my favorite action film is I will link them this video.

    • BanBanCho
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thank you for the long edited clip! Another great Edit!! Peko-chan’s Sniper montage reminds me of the old source engine Machinima clips, plus watching pekora’s anti-air missiles go off from the POV is kinda beautiful.

    • Jd Gomez
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thanks for the clip! You’re the gift that keeps on giving.

    • Dan Entwistle
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I’ve watched a lot of your videos, but this is your Magnum Opus. Sheer, sheer perfection.

    • neyvie
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thank you for this, well put together. Like a lil movie!

    • RunRing Lee
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Watched the HoloRustWar2 already. Still find your editing more entertaining.

    • KlazeR
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    “Unfortunately, Koyori’s intelligence is overstimated.” Bro youre killing me 🤣

    • York09
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    No Pekora, no life.

    • りょうすけ あいぜん
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Probably the best clip to understand the Rust Finale

    • Mystrunner
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Damn the season finale with a complete recap/backstory, you know you’ll get high quality clips if it came from Neko Mikuri!

    • Higher than Any
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    El mejor resumen de Rust Hololive. muchas gracias por subir!!

    • Trucked
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Awesome video, thanks. What happened to Ame’s Derby? Did I miss it?

    • Mark Nicdao
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Bossman UPE 🐰

    My favorite part is the Iron Dome bit

    • SIMPle Bread
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Polka identified as Buggy? That explains her luck….that and having Mikochi as her navigator.

    The MiComet moment at the end LMAOOOOO

    • Riku
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Amazing editing! I was watching this like a climax episode, seriously soo good.

    • ComeInToMadness
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Don’t let any of this distract you from the fact Pekora has a pet monkey

    • Sans Nom
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    The tiny arc between Koyo and Pekora was alone one of the best things about this Rust season. To make things better, one full PekoMiKomet war for the last stand. Before this compilation I did not realize that Suisei’s plan was to recruit everyone BUT Mikochi on her team. The same way I only now realized that while Pekora was the one who declared war on the server, Suisei was the one who commanded the allies in the raid.

    • MaximusFinn マクシムス フィン
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    All I can say is All Hail FPS_KING_USADA Lmao!

    • DoozyTV
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    You kami clipper, you made a masterpiece. This Rust day was the best one yet, absolutely filled with gold moments.

    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This more in-depth than I expected it to be

    • Firstname Lastname
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • Dee Dee
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is a Great compilation video!

    • orangeapples
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Polka: What will happen if I join you?

    Suisei: We’ll destroy the world!

    I think I misunderstood the situation. All this time I thought Pekora was the final boss. Turns out she is the hero…

    • ratratc
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    thanks for the work you are awesome, Pekora is really amazing

    • DaijouVue
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is why I love Peko. Just he random acts of pure chaos. Love her!

    • Claineeee
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Whats the name for the conclusion song i love it

    • Fortune Hatter
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora just set herself up above everyone else except for Sora-sama, eh?
    As expected of the Bunny of Primordial Chaos, Pekora.

    • Namcap
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is amazing. Great job. It was so hard to get the full picture, thanks for this.

    • Jikz
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is probably the best compilation of the season 2 war. Kudos to you!
    Pekora really solo’d all of them LMFAOO the iron dome scene and their reactions to it was like watching an action movie- it was simply amazing. I feel bad for Koyori tho. She actually found the note by accident (she was trying to find some meds and even tried to throw the note away but the game didn’t let her) and only read it after the war was over. You can feel her internal frustration once she read it since she thought Pekora betrayed her but then realized it was her fault for being too slow. CAN’T WAIT FOR SEASON 3!!

    • Jakub Grzybek
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Suisei: i don’t have friends, i got family.

    • MStoving
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Amazing work on the video!

    • Hiccupmon
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    You dropped this king 👑

    • Aqwin Aqwin
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

    • Seffer
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Godlike video

    • John Hallberg
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thank you for your hard work, this is going in my clip playlist as one of the greatest.

    • Benard Löwe
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    When gambling is equal to peace
    What an era.
    Polka, Suichan, Fubuki and Pekora the 4 emperors of RUST
    Pekoyo story gives me anime vibes, I love many fan arts of the notes moment.

    • トーチャー
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    LOL, PekoST is something really a Pekora Supremacy.
    And I’m with it, well done!

    • Don
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I was mainly watching from Gura/Sui’s perspective so being able to get the full picture like this was great. Thanks so much for all the hard work and to everyone that helped out~ Looking forward to more lengthy clips if you have them planned.

    • Night_Rose_94
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This video will be in the book of Hololive’s greatest moments. The edits and information is amazing!
    And also, this is why i love Pekora, she’s smart, strong and so funny.

    • Kiyan Pocket
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Wow, Pekora really succeeded to do last stand against 80% of the entire RUST Holoserver.

    • JB
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Hilarious event, amazing clip!

    • Pink ocean
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • Gee
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thank you for summarizing the event man amazing as always. Even making your way to introduce the team and how it came to.

    • Amgalan Badmaev
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Great work, kudos to you!

    • Cifer
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    pekora base became their graveyard🤣

    • Fungus
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Just like what the bots love to say, “finally it’s here” Thanks for the Clip!

    • Rue
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    this school’s playground is getting out of control, i mean their screams are disturbing the neighbor, where the heck is principal yagoo when you need hi~… i mean her

    • Megahand221
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Truly a great video of a great war, having the PekoST really helped comprehending the timeline or some events that didnt understand on other clips of the war, like for example the moment when PolTeam tried to go after koyori and dying for matsuri’s rocket

    I’m going to remember for a long time the soap opera that was the PeKoyo team.

    • Railgum
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Damn last boss pekora is strong af

    • MrTopHatMan
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Respect to Pekora for setting herself up as the BBEG and bloody delivering on it.

    • MiriaMMiriade
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This a 10/10 documentary

    • Dylan
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am


    • Ben Dover
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora channeling her inner Oda Nobunaga.

    • willy K
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    00:26 matsuri’s laugh sound like pekora lmao

    • Rcane
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This needs traction in r/Hololive while it’s hot!

    • Lily ?
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thank you for the godly translation and editing as always….. good work

    • Cardzz
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    lol pekost very clever

    • Daikirai heart
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora aka Big Boss

    • CYin
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This clip is legendary representation of season 2 rust war, and pekora really gave a grand ending to the season lol

    • Dylan Reed
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    So what we’ve learned is that Pekora is the Video Game Final Boss of every game with godly sniper Aim?

    • KZuraa
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    finally, the whole story about rust war,
    thanks dude, I appreciate it

    • Undertaker
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Neko Mikuri always goes the extra mile, thanks for the hard work

    • chk
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Pekora the raid boss www

    • Joan Serna
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Bro best movie of the last 3 years

    • o7pie
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    thanks for the clip! i am finally caught up with the season 2 lore

    • N
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This was basically a full episode of a great anime, absolutely incredible job editing this!

    • Carlos Diaz
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    6:09 You know the rules, and so do I!!!

    • Kc Link
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I love Hololive stuff like this, fantastic Arc.

    • mesh uggah
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Damn it man, your videos are GOOD

    • Carlos Diaz
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Nobody could predict that the liltle rabbit was the real demon lord…

    • Dominic D’Cocco
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Nada mejor que Peko-chan como un jefe final de un videojuego. Es el sueño de todo gamer :´)

    • JP Lessard
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Ay yo damn this is incredible work, thank you so much. I don’t have the time to keep up with Rust, so this is awesome!

    • Blackz
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I missed half the stream but able to witness the great battle in hololive. Pekora able to win against entire members really is fascinating. But the saddest part is koyori killed multiple time despite trying to help pekora really hurt me

    • 斬刀鈍
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Wow madlad even included the Prologue happenings ww
    kudos to you!

    • Hei’s Touhou LostWord Archive
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    I love the part when Pekora

    • Copper
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    This is gonna be a blast I already know it

    • Pixel Pastiche
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    LETS GOOOOO!!! Thank you for this mega POV compillation

    • Iniwid
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    As soon as I saw/heard how the war had turned out with Pekora’s glorious endeavors, I knew I could count on you to deliver the best viewing experience for us kaigai niki <3

    • Pokemon Williams
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Everyone was barely able to keep up with season 2 cause we had multiple POVs of each member. The only way to watch multiple is to have multiple monitors (or just have a good gaming chair)

    • Frein Howe
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    Thanks for the excellent clip. This clips is the culmination of Season 2 because it gave us the rundown of how the teams were formed and every other happening before, during, and after the Raids.

    • AlterTree
    • 2023年 8月 13日 7:30am

    It’s finally here!