That moment when Rust added Fighter Jets.. #Shorts | Rust
Welcome to my Shorts channel where I share all my unique out-off-wipe gaming moments. Make sure to check out my main channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSyEQPCOlv2n7fYyHk5BgnA
Taqs:Shorts,Gameplay,Rust,Rust Shorts,Rust Raiding,Rust Infiltration,Rust meme,Rust Funny,Rust 2022,Rust meme raid,Rust funny raid,Rust bloopers,Rust TikTok,Rust Sven,Sven Rust,Funny gameplay,Rust Experience,Rust laugh,Rust Profit Raid,Rust going deep,Rust Deep,Rust free profit,Rust toxic enemies,playrust,Facepunch,Rust moments,Rustgame,Rustmemes,Rustshorts,Rustislove,Rust epic
コメント (3)
bro playing on graphics zero
Playing rust in peace modded server?
Think outpost scared your friend more than the jet 😂