This is why I play 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, Xbox
This always happens 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, XBOX https://youtu.be/I4Ybn7_yVhA
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コメント (67)
This always happens 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, XBOX https://youtu.be/I4Ybn7_yVhA
What are you on eu
Even if you run into a cheater in rust pc the f7 system actually works so well they get banned within minutes, if you actually report cheaters they get banned so fast, they also do hwid bans so if you buy a new account it will ban you for ban evasion before you even join a server
Rust console would be good if my little trio wasent constantly getting beat on by groups or 8+
A true dilemma for me. Play on PC an get smacked by kids who have well over 5k hours. Or play RCE with horrible hit detection,lack of content, and a million zim/zeners. I own console and Pc either way is a slow death I’ll just keep watching videos on the sideline 😂
Except on pc you can get them banned and get their loot pretty easily, meanwhile on console you can’t do anything to them
If I run into a zen I’ll just despawn everything and go work out, think about there future 😉
Straight cope just cause you don’t wanna switch to a pc
No hackers on console
“I’ll take cheaters over hackers” rust ce in a nutshell
Is this the phone version?
That sounds like hard copium
Honestly if you haven’t enough for a pc and are sick of real cheaters zen,zim just something for m&k ( idc for m&k i use controller on pc )😁
You just bad and yap alot
Jades ass
I know a few that use the zen
Main crust cuz u can’t afford a PC
This is cope. You have a 1in3 chance of being in a gunfight with a cheater in any FPS game you play on console. It’s unbelievably common
It’s still skill less to use zen and in technicality it’s cheating to use xim too
Have 2k hour on rust console and I’m still legit
Straight copium from console peasants
I disagree motherfuckers, just need to get good at the game and learn to do it on their own. Or just get off and uninstall. I would prefer not to deal with any cheater at all at any time when I play a game. Because I do it mainly to boost myself and get better as a player. Not so I can cheat and then claim to be good and call other people trash when I get a kill like that facts
Ive been playing pc rust since 2019 and i have only run into one cheater on official that was it so im gonna have to call cap on that one console edition is shit and it will always be shit you play it because you cant handle the game on pc
I just switched to PC rust today, as a solo I kinda felt overwhelmed with what to do first with this much content on PC. But once I got into it. This felt like heaven. The graphics, the monuments, the look, the not OP scientists, No bugs and many more. There worlds between RCE and Rust
Console rust is legitimately the worst game I’ve ever played, pc is 100x better (I have almost 2000 hours in console)
rust console is full of cheaters theres no point playing rust console when you have pc rust
Funny how even content creators say, zen isn’t that big of a deal… you still have to aim and play the game normally.. the only thing that changers is recoil on 2 guns… yet people still fucking CRYYYY
I have over 2k hrs on pc official rust and I have only ever ran into 1 cheater
After switching to PC in 600 hours I’ve seen 1 cheater on ukn and like 3 get banned in chat, I play modded and official. On console EVERY group bigger than 4 had a cheater
Tbh xim and zen is cheating but if you can’t compete with them at all you’re just bad at the game
Way better games out there. Games like this create thirsty pathetic people.
Man’s sleeking a different language
But the actual cheaters get banned
Anyone who says they would take console over pc just telling themselves that
If you have to use cheata on game thats relatively easy your a loser and everyone thinks so. No one will want to play with you ever and youll be banned on every server you play on if u get caught on pc. Console ive never played b4.
Pc people actually get banned for cheats but on console they run around free to do what ever
Bro has no clue about rust lol
Last group I ran with (around a year ago) had 3 of 5 using zen. Blew my mind when they casually told me with confidence.
no the problem is you can get banned for it, and its like pc cheater 1/100 console cheater
as someone who just got a pc and rust on it CE RUST SUCKS BALLS BRO GET A PC
Tbh I would rather Aim bot, Esp, Etc, just because the dev team will actually do something about it😂
Rust pc v console..no comparison. My PC back in 2019 was better than a ps5/xbX.
Console scrubs 😂😂😂
Pc cheaters actually get banned and the game isnt alwaus broken on pc, i made the switch from consle to pc, i run into cheaters but its way less annoying than consle cheaters that wont get banned
Way more ppl using xim adapters on console than you think
This is genuinely one of the worst games I’ve ever played
Console vs pc is like a gameboy version of a n64 game. I started on ps4 at the beta, played for a year(well struggled to play as it was a wacky ride getting through beta/launch). Bought a pc instead of a ps5 specifically to play the proper rust, completely worried about cheaters, almost never have a problem. The game is literally 40x better and it doesn’t look like complete dog poo.. haha don’t get me wrong I had some amazingly fun times with our huge compound, but yeh Na console how you say no gooda
😂😂😂 those cronus people don’t realise that they get extra glitches that everyone else doesn’t
I’m just to poor for a good pc and stuff
Are we going to talk about the he’s taking a crossbow to oil
They know lol. Look at the shipping containers at harbour etc. Literally says zenlabs on them
Console rust so ass man
So easy how offended pc players get 😂😂
Rust console can’t even detect zen plus pc rust is just so much better content wise and hackers get dealt with unlike console
cope bro LOL, if you actually played pc rust you would chose it any day
Getting raided every other day is the problem in Rust CE
Cant beat them join them 😅 fux it
It’s too common there are like 1 zen user for every 2 big teams at least
So insanely cringe
These guys the more I hear the more they just sound like basic players that think console won’t have hackers. They are starting to sound dumber every time is listen. 4 years of rust and had no trouble with hackers. Script kitty is a hacker. 😂
Soooooo damn true, that’s gospel there bud… I feel the exact same way lol…
Facts people swear zen make them god I got half a team of zen and half of them still suck with it 😂I’m mediocre my damn self
But when rust console edition has like a 1/4 the stuff to do so all cheaters wana do is roof camp with m2 because they have done cargo heli bradly 100 times but on pc there is way more to actually do and plenty of community servers that ban cheaters befor they even load on the server have u watched camomo dude bans cheaters left and right befor they even get a base down sometimes
As a console converted to PC Rust, I’m opposite on this view point. I play official vanilla servers, to me I’m not running into that many cheaters at all. On occasion I do, but unlike CRust, you’re guaranteed to run into Zen every server. Plus, so much more content on PC lol.