Catching ESP Cheaters! Rust Admin
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www.epidemicsound.com used for music and effects
Messing with cheaters made possible from https://discord.gg/tommygun and his plugin https://payback.fragmod.com/
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コメント (682)
This version is already old, the new version of the cheat with anti-ban is already on my channel💎💎
dude you are basically cheating trying to fight other cheaters? like this makes no sense when they do they same things as you
I havnt seen you prove any of the people are cheating. Makes me wonder how many are not. Okay that one was for sure.
So if someone reports you on rust and camomo sees it hes just gonna ban w no proof??
13:56 😭😭💀😂💀😭💀😭
whats wrong with going to the movies on tuesdays :(((((((( It is cheaper
admin is cheating with esp lmao
watching this while loadiong into ur server to cheat rn
i have game bans on rust and never got banned from his server 😎😎
2:22 is issamezany
btw that otdemon dude was issamezany he is a rust content creator he aint a cheater
2:23 guy sounds like issamezany
2:40 excuse me Tuesday is my weekend tyvm
The compression 😂 8:03 also he obviously isn’t cheating
that was issa me zany is he a cheater comomo
13:30 I’m taking that dudes side
that was zanny
The game and facepunch, as well as EAC, are an absolute joke.
My account was gone for several days (DESpite 3FA!)
During this time an EAC ban came into effect. Despite evidence and confirmation from Steam itself, neither Facepunch nor EAC is interested in the whole thing. New account, newly joined the game and the first thing I encountered is a cheater who drops minis and cars from the air onto the ground and flies through the counters with mlrs. The main thing is that I’m spellbound. 13k hours and over 2k euros in skins for the ass. No more Rust, no more Facepunch EVER AGAIN!
bro bans people who play with cheaters but not the cheaters.🤦♂
am i the only guy who hates this dude
“ha I wish I got blown” killed me brotha good work man 😂
I didn’t know you could dispute game bans. I’ve never had one cause I don’t cheat, and I’ve only been playing for about 50 hrs so that might explain why I didn’t know. I do love seeing cheaters get caught, I’d just like to see proof with all of them
bro banned zanny
what is esp? how do you put the cheaters on the fire pit? would like this for my server too ^^
look at this dumb cheaters getting cuahgt 🙂
I know im like a year and a half late but the dude at 2:30 is zany lmaooo
no way ur 35 acting like this☠☠☠☠☠☠
camomo that might be issamezany at 2:30 hes a youtuber
bro that ot demon beamer guy was zany hes a youtuber hes not cheating lollllllllllll
I bet camomo uses his dono money to fund his little discord kittens
what did zany do?
skinniest game mod ever
2:22 thats zany
that guy named OT Demon is a kick streamer named Zany lmfaooo
Still not cool that u banned zany, even if he had a old rust ban, so what
camomo i need your opinion my brother got his account hacked and some guy sold his acocunt so people can hack on it he got banned from rust i have been getting tracked down by admins on rust because of that i dont know what to do and everytime i try to explain that they think its bs since everyone says that i honestly would rather just join a different server.
This guy literally justifies his cheating by being like “I catch cheaters on my server 🤓” LMFAO, a real admin would just ban them that’s it. you’re literally playing with your admin cheats on
You guys are amazing.
Thanks for the great work you do <3
rust is trash and the game is dead lol cause you guys ban everyone for anything we made a random account just to test it and got banned for nothing lol
imagine if camomo was a cheater this entire time
false banned zany
L camomo
zany is cheater hhhhhhhhhhh loser tnx for bannd the cheaters
go to the movies on a tuesday cus its cheaper? thats just called saving money?
That’s zany ????
Yea mate your a bit power hungry arent you
think ur abit of a power ridden prick tbh mate that foreign kid couldve just met that guy on a server an allied with him without knowing hes a cheater, OKAY 5TIMES IS ABIT OBVIOUS but uve done it to other kids before.
so you banned the one guy when he was trying to explain what happened to his account? But then, don’t you think a few very rare cases of their first accounts might actually be false game banned, so they bought a new one or made a new one and re-bought Rust to play again?
you know the worst part is that ppl actualy question it so like those guys @7:20 might have just thought they sucked but they dident they were just facing a cheater it can be verry demoralizing
bro go to the gym and stop wasting your time on rust
lol, I am commenting here because he is currently “streaming”, but his chat is for subscribers only. He is trying to catch cheaters, but I just watched him use his admin powers where he was following a person and then landed in front of him to so call “PVP” him. He then used his admin powers to look through the map to see where he is and then ends up killing him and takes all his loot. If that is not admin abuse then I don’t know.
imagine power tripping as rust admin, almost as bad as discord admin kek
It _is_ cheaper on tuesdays. The tickets are literally half off then.
Bro banned zany
dont think nath037 was hacking (obviously was) i dunnoooo
yo question how do you find these cheaters do people report them or something
2:25 zany
i love him
The guy at 2:15, its Zany the streamer? He was cheating? issamezany
lol i see why people cheat if they get to annoy actual fat bald people
is ZAAYY the first one
cocky bold…
these are so satisfying to watchh. I love RUST but man the cheaters make it sooooo bad. doing gods work mate
bro at 2:00 that is not a cheater lmao thats issamezany 😆
why are u looking up?
Zany was not cheating u legit just ruined his wipe
zany not cheating lmao
bro just ban ZANY
hey foo why you here
i hate cheaters but my god you are so damn annoying
This should be done to every cheater fr. And they should be lifetime bans.
2:28 that is 100% ItsmeZany lol it sounds just like him.
This is my asmr.
i cant imagine the pain you must´ve felt experiencing cheaters as a player the way you act. or maybe its just the acsent. anyway keep it up. fuck them cheeto burritos.
so many of these nerd admins /script checking people are just high on power trips
i love these videos but isn’t kinda unfair to get banned if a cheater is playing with you? like how are you supposed to know sometimes? like i used to just find random people to play with,i would just get randomly banned?
Was @2:24 Its zanny?
thx for teaching cheaters how to avoid getting caugh
no way you banned zanny
thats zany wtf lmao
i am sure this camomo got smalll pepe, he abuse people like that
what is the rust command to sleep
to be fair i’ve used so many hacked accounts half these people prob never cheated
zanys not cheating
What is the name of the add-on to see through walls?
your the chriss hansen of rust
why didnt you show any proof zany was cheating
Craving shawarma human meat 🤣
12:50 LMFAO 🤣 that was so unexpected.
that’s mf zany
he ain’t no cheater
issamezany was cheating 🙁
Just play console, no cheaters
Very much appreciate that you just simply mute the dumb racist scumbags and homophobes
how do admins know they have more accounts?
lmfao i cant believe this dude banned zany
The first cheater? Lol hes a streamer
zany 100% was not cheating
bro still tried to speak English to him lol?
is this guys whole life is banning people on rust lmao
so this guy essentially just admin abuses and bans innocent people off random servers? No evidence what so ever. and he just bans em, seems to me like this guys way more of a cheater and griefer than any of the people he accuses.
This guy with the rocket launcher…. hahahahaahah I can’t
why zany tho that was so pointless
Going to the movie on Tuesdays to save $$$ ☠☠☠ lmao
power trip much ???
2:32 thats itszanny
Cheaters have an IQ of Tuesday
When kids use fake accents. 🙄
you get vac banned when you open obs in rust
not zany at 2:30 lmao
It’s hackers against weird admins who will win
ot demon is zany and he dosent hack
he got zany noooo
I remember when I first got internet. My IP was banned on several large websites for “spammer malicious activity”. It was hell trying to get the owners of the websites to see that I had never even had internet before and that I was not the person who do those things. The cheaters excuse just reminded me of that, I guess. xD anyway, keep up the great work, making it a finacial and miserable experience to cheat is the only way to keep these losers out of it!
Every time I get suggested this dude’s videos I torture myself by checking his videos out to see if he’s still a powertripping bald cunt. Idk why I do it to myself but I always end up leaving satisfied. I remember seeing him ban someone for guitar scripts once despite EAC saying they’re non-bannable rofl. Dude has the same personality as a PTA/soccer mom. I don’t think it’d be so bad if he just banned em outright but he has to go full powertrip mode and have a half hour argument with every person to prove he’s more big brain than supposed cheaters or some shit. Truly the bottom of the barrel among Rust streamers. The funniest comments I see people say about Camomo is he’s of the Discord/Reddit mod mindset rofl.
This kinda makes me feels sad inside too what if half these ppl are telling the truth n like y u ban that guys friend what oh wait collaborating with cheater lmao yh idk man some of em seemed genuinly sorry some seemed like they deserved it
Lol was about to say how do u know they r cheqting
Doing the Lord’s work. lmao
wtf was that second ban i dont think he could’ve looked less like a cheater
he didnt even shoot back at all?
I like watching Camomo because he’s a master baiter. Cheaters always go down due to Camomo’s baiting.
You need to get an actual job😂
you are unreasonable
bro banned zany LMFAO CLOWN
It’s actually really sad to watch you sit in your chair for most likely 80% of the day banning children on a rust server. 😂it’s a video game
2:19 i think thats a youtuber
Edit: LMAO IT IS HIM his name is IssaMeZany
sounds just like him talks like him and has the same username in his video called “POV your primlocked for 2 hours”
when i saw OT Demon i knew who it was already
That was zany in the 3rd clip def not a cheater XD
idk seems kinda dinkish to me he kinda didn’t care if they were telling truth or not he was just looking to make a video… sad
who ever gets homophobic gets muted , funny meme lmao
I’m new to rust how the hell would I know if I’m playing with someone who’s using hacks
bald man
the rule about not playing with cheating is kinda flawed, people find randoms to play with how can you hold the innocent accountable for what the random does?
Just taking a moment to point out how beautiful the sweeping ocean waves are beneath Camomo when he looks through the map.
Bro appealing does absolutely nothing! I got banned in Day Z, and still to this day I have no clue why! I put in so many damn emails and appeals, and the only thing I got was an email saying they received my email… The only thing I could ever think of was that I got banned for playing with someone who was cheating. Which is insane because I only joined them for 45 mins or so, and then I logged off, and didn’t get back on for like 6 months only to find out I was banned… Stupidest shit ever… I wasn’t running around with them. We grouped up as an effort to combine resources. They had 3 people, and I was with my nephew who was on my daughters PC. He was never banned, but I was!?! LOL I know that has nothing to do with Rust, but it has to do with getting banned… I don’t even really care as I never really got in to it, but from time time I would play it. I wish they’d told me why, but it is just a mystery!
Love it when nobody is in the vicinimity!
ok hear me out but at 2:20 the guy who is talking to camomo is a funny ass youtuber named……….
I don’t even play Rust but you put on a good show. Nice chap
this lard ass sitting at home banning people that dont cheat lmao what a great life
Hope you could become one in 2Stoned to be honest, many cheaters there in the 10x server
Why you ban people that came back without any cheats? 😮 i get that they did wrong before but can’t people change that after a long time?
idk man my shit got ripped and i didnt get it back for a few months and had a vac ban
how can camomo tell the guy he’s talking to has another account with a game ban tho? iam actually curious
this guy is literally the definition of a discord mod. you just know this guy is an admin in 50 different discord servers, reddit, ect. this poor soul💀
dud in the 2nd clip wasnt even cheating
This lad was definitely bullied at school.
Well its always the same in games… When admin have powers. Cheaters will be able to get the same… Same for voip admin on Cs 1.6 back in the day. It got remade as a cheat real fast.. But it was made for admins to locate other cheaters… XD But im sure its the same here. U got a cheat menu as admin, and its in the game script. So if people know how to reroute that sjit
Can we get some admins for call of duty
na you actually ban people for no reason or we are just getting no context at all
“A stinky poo poo bumbum head that smells like bum and poo”
fr camo is down bad for banning them inocent people
this bruh the whole time triggers, just stfu
zany isnt cheating lol
3:04 hahahaha
We all know this admin cheats…
Woah watch it I go to the movies on Tuesday cuz it cheaper and I’m always the only one in there😭😭
i dont play rust, but this ickhead is on a massive power trip…
im going to start calling you camama from now on
hes just good bud
bro thought issamezany is cheating
i was banned 1 times cuz i played with a cheater, but how to know when some one is a cheater,?. it is so wierd, and i am scared to play with people now..
what headset is that
Do dis discount Tuesday 😤
8:11 is the definition of “holy shit the anti cheat on this server is kinda shit”
I really dont understand why people hack / cheat in games.
They are literally admitting that they are worse than regular players if they dont use cheats/hacks…
Really really pathetic…
is he a rust admin or is he just a server admin?
Catching ESP cheaters by using admin power ESP… same thing man. Zany wasnt even doing anything
Dawg u have no evidence
u show u raiding someone they do nothing weird and u ban them
banning someone because he is game banned on another account doesnt make a lot of sense to me
Most of these people arent even cheating have bans that are years old admin abuse at its finest.
If you have to cheat at a game to gain some “validation”…… the ppl you seek validation from are most likely losers and your better then that. Anything done right or well takes time. Grind mfkr grind! 😈
You mute the ppl that are homophobic how come are ya scared to get lectured from todays society but back them everyone was saying fags and what not
i got bored after watching one spit roast video
wow so ein schlechter admin
This man has zero power in real life but in this game he’s a beast 😅😅😂😂
I only used cheat engine and it was on solo games or atleast not games that would ruin fun for others. (it was on Borderlands 2 if anyone is wondering)
2:42 I don’t get it. What’s wrong with paying less for tickets?
This dude emanates soy.
2:20 Is that zany??
RUST need ASAP a system to evaluate hacks like CS:GO has.
The person on raid simulator is sad af
Pretty boring if you don’t show them cheating
2nd guy was zany and he 100% dont cheat look at his vids he is funny asf and chill
if i meet admin like that i would ban the server for waisting my time
Camomo, do you have a problem with christianity?
oh please lmfao. as if the guy goes out actively looking for hackers to pair with 😢 bad admin
Has he tried doing the wiggle thing?
warbanddits babyyyyyyyyyyyy
Is there any way to catch the people using cronus or anything alike? It makes it hard for legit players. Lol.
So sad this game is really one of the best games i ever played but i can’t enjoy it or play it anymore cuz of tbe cheaters like literally everything is cheating in this game lol
Tuesday’s are the best time to go to the movies!!!!!
Why ban someone who already got game banned :/ they had to rebuy the game i dont really think they deserve a second ban unless they cheat again
i love how these guys get excited to see camomo then they realize why they are meeting n it gets awkward
the fact that you have consistent content for your channel is what keeps me from playing this great game.
So what youre doing is the same as a cheater ur targeting them instead of just banning you legit choose to make them suffer ur no better then them you got an advantage over others what a loser
U can buy an account for a dollar, they don’t care if u ban them tbh
Watching these videos in relation to the game RUST has taught me one thing. The moderation within the community is as shit as the community itself sometimes lmao.
This made me happy. Thank you
I just got raided by some dudes using esp I can’t even get close to my base they just shoot me no matter how quite I am and I have only played one or two wipes on a noob serbet
love you
“Thank you for reporting boys!”
“Yeah no problem bro 😊”
*Continues roasting a full human body over a fire pit* 😂
anyone that says bro all the time is a scum never met a person that speaks like that that is good in anyway
is he admin on every server or just certain servers? i cant tell
kinda dumb that people get banned for playing with a cheater, it could be a friend of a friend and they have no idea. idk just seem petite
how do you sleep in rust while you still on ?
every time I build something at rest it automatically breaks even though I stick to it and no one does anything why does anyone happen to know that
you did admin abuse OT DEMON lol… he didnt hack since 2017 when he was a middle schooler or freshman in HS..
Being an admin in rust, is just cheating. Prove me wrong.
00:37 stinky poopoo bumbum here that smells like bum and poo!
ur a degen
OT Demon is a youtuber named Issamezany and you banned him for nothing, he isn’t cheating and a matter a fact he explained this on stream
imagine getting raided by an Admin just to check if ur a cheater
Rust players are literally the biggest conglomerate of loosers I’ve ever seen. All rust players are fat fucking loosers who try and gain validation by playing rust, when in reality it just reaffirms how much of a looser they are. Can’t compete with a jobless looser who plays rust 18 hrs a day, get a job you loosers
I think the one guy who was claiming he had not been game banned prior may have been truthful. What if he game shares with a friend and they have eachothers login? His buddy could have been banned and their accounts would be viewed as relative.
Whats the average IQ and mental age of a Rust admin? 12, the answer is 12.
i love how they play victim when they have been cheating ruining thousands of hard played hours for proper gamers lol then get caught and whine “can you leave me alone” its a symphany to my ears
catch em all man drain there mamas credit card !
is he cookin cheaters like rotisserie chicken? lol
I think it’s unfair how you ban somebody just for playing with someone, they couldn’t have known a guy was cheating, it’s ridiculous
Funny bro keep banning cheaters!
Zanny is clean pnly getting banned for an old account
I don’t know why and I kinda don’t hate it but it’s like I’ll go 2or3 months and none of your videos get recommended to me and then I get to catch up lol so I like binging but I am subscribed just strange it doesn’t keep me up to date
Was zany cheating???
You’ll mute someone for saying the truth about the flag its? L0l bet you like smoking a nice pipe yourself don’t you.
5:17 AHAHAHAHA i love you camomo
spit roast cheater yum LOL
Edward Dildofingers is the greatest name ever ❤😂
admins love a power trip lmao
shit mod
2nd one is issamezany interesting
There’s so many cheaters in this game it’s so dumb always losing all our guns and getting raided coz of these scumbags.
What did the first guy do?
I don’t understand why they can’t play after getting caught before even if you can check there system and see they’re not doing it anymore
The question at 2:40 is hard to put into numbers but let’s just say there 2 brain cells are both fighting for 3rd place
This guy thinks hes the police oh dear 😂😂
what are the qualifications to become a rust admin?
its that the warbandits logo u have on ur shirt.? 🙂
Bro said X-ray💀💀
should let them stay on server with that karma thing that makes them kill themselves when doing damage. Would be the ultimate troll
Taking about peoples iq,s when you do this for a living
admin abuse
I don’t know if you should ban someone who plays with someone who hacks. It’s not in their power to know if their friends are hacking. Unless it is blatant or they talk about it in game or something.
this shit is comedy LMAO
How do i get your job bahaha.
your such a snowflake , aimbots and walhacks are basic things ya use in all games, just get gud bro
Hahahaahahhaha Fak man I love your content! You never disappoint Camomo
zany dont cheat lmfao
zany isnt even cheating
The best cheats to use is a reduction recoil script ONLY. By reduction I mean 50% not 100%. And also its important to only have it used by a handful of people. Guaranteed no bans. If you get EAC clapped or specced by admins you’re doing too much.
1:23 just looks like an admin abusing his privileges killing some player for no reason. Poor guy.
the ot demon guy is isamezany
Nice, Coomummy!
The guy at 2:26 isnt he a YTer? i swear i have heard his voice somewhere
Kid who said he came from console prolly used zen or xim on console so rage cheated on pc 😂
Roasting them on a fire 😆 🤣 😂
8:14 na he’s just get a good gaming chait
what bothers me is I got my account hacked and then it was cheated on and I know its the cliche excuse and people get it stolen from trying to download free cheats. However, im the rare case where I genuinely just got unlucky or was stupid. Honestly I think I might have had a keylogger or something because normally im pretty careful. This was over a year ago and i’ve rebought the game since so everything is pretty much okay.
Como do you remember me it was in split gate you joined your friend and I was in the lobby with him you told me not to tell anyone
is this admin or hacks??
2 one bro what?
zanny isnt a cheater?
to bad there are so many losers in this game. Would be a good game but filled with little dic kids and cheaters
first and last time so boring 0 iq admin
its been a long minute since ive seen a video from you? Glad to be back XD
i got game banned because my cousin used scripts and i logged into my steam account on his computer and it got me banned
This video is showing guys how many cheater in a rust server
this guy seems to power trip so hard with the admin powers, clearly bullied in highschool or something. obv these cheaters suck but the way this guy acts is cringe too tbh
the guy at 8:00 is maybe playing legit
comomy ???
Damn the easyanticheat is so dogshit
I got ban in Legacy once and I never cheated. I think back then if I got a another ban it would be perm ban. If you’re getting banned in Rust today it’s probably because you’re cheating 😂
Whats going on with banning zany?
bro caught issamezany red handed lol
ion know why yall take cheating to heart at the end of the day its jus a game like yall act like these people comiting murder smh
You cant appeal they have never granted an appeal. Utter crap.
I’m confused wouldn’t it actually be cheaper to go to a movie theater on a Tuesday?
I don’t have pc rust and I’ve also never been banned before. but if u get banned off a server, cant you just join a different one?
“What’s the average iq of a cheater?”
camomo: “tuesdays are better for going to the movies because they’re cheaper.”
Dudes an actual prick. Literally shitting on poor people. lmao.
The average IQ of a cheater is easily higher that this dudes.
why would u act with so much authority? u r a fat dude on ur chair administrating a game server. Get over urself
I love the fact you troll them. God knows i do the same thing in gmod and its too dam funny!
Bro is the volkanovski of rust😂😂👌
how can you create that special punishement areas? im learning about admin rust.
nice vid bro🙏🏼
lmao zany
did you just banned IssaMeZany from server?
Thats @IssaMeZany at 0:40 to 2:40
Tbh might as well just treat every rust player like this, they’re mostly the same
bro he’s gotta show more prove
cant belive these guy cheat this much and dont know how to clear traces XD literally the easiest thing
Was Ot demon issamezanny
the second dude is IssameZanny , was this really him cheating? I think u got the wrong one bud
the second cheater sounds exactly like issamezany
what server is this? I want to play on a server with active mods lol
i hate cheaters… i really do, it physically hurts me that people do it with no regards to their fellow human beings… They steal time from fellow human beings, that’s what they do, they rob people of their time… It’s mind boggling how anyone can justify it… Where do i sign up to admin on rust servers? I got plenty of free time, and nothing would bring me greater joy than to find and ban cheaters all day, all week, all month, all year, all my life. How do i apply?
in the sec clip was that zany?
This looks like some discord mod type sh
wait i goto the movies on tuesdays cuz its cheaper… i dont even own rust tho
I had a random thought while watching this… do you think def players use this cheat ?? It would be kinda helpful
how its it that people can do this stuff and i just log on and get game banned
The ‘M4’ gang is real cringe and I meet them sometimes on eu servers. Especially this ‘M4 Berlin’ guy i remember checking out, and these guys just buy new accounts to cheat on when they get perma’d. Why though.
How can I become an admin
Ill never understand how people spend money on that shit or even enjoy the game when you’re just straight up cheating. I can’t wrap my head around it. It’s just a game man
guys isnt 02:10 IssaMeZanny ????? the name is the same and the guy sounds the same aswell wtf???
Watch out for the trains brother 😂🤣😆 I really wish there was a way to stop all the cheating. It’s so a bitch to play around
Hey Camomo! Do you know approximately how many cheaters you have banned during your career?
hey i was wondering if i might be able to get in contact with you @camomo_10 i was banned last year and im not quite sure what happened really i remember it like it was yesterday i was watching twitch to get that purple lr skin and during that time i got banned i contacted facepunch and emailed eac last year and nothing came of it its honestly just really infuriating that i have lost the ability to play my favorite game when im truly innocent and i feel like there is no way to be helped and it almost has me giving up and i really dont want to i just want to go back to farming trees and running monuments im not sure if you can even help but if you could respond with anything it would be greatly appreciated. ps i went to play tarkov and that game is a mess with cheaters i feel like i cant escape the situation in either game and i just want to play!
wait but it is actually cheaper to go to my local theater on Tuesdays D:
i dont think the first guy was a cheater.. thats issamezany
Last guy… oh its you!!!!! Wait you can make an appeal I never knew, except you say that in almost every video… honestly calling these people spagetti head is starting to become insulting to spagetti
5 times only gets 6 month ban?
2:22 seeing IssaMeZany caught me off guard
awesome video thanks for ganking those cheaters for us legit players thank you so much for cleaning the servers up for us sir! <3 <3 <3
Lmfao Admins using cheats to find cheaters the funniest thing in the gaming world.
waiting for you to catch me been cheating for weeks
I was thinking about getting a crosshair overlay is that considered cheating?
2:24 why he sound like issamezany
OT demon is a guy named issamezane
Came for rust cheaters, get rotisserie chicken… still satisfied
ot demon was a nother yt @itsamezany
itzmezanny was the first guy u banned and hes pretty famous LMAO
Yooo what happened to IssaMeZany lmao
@issamezany wtf bro xD
You can appeal false game bans but they wont remove it because facepunch can punch their cokc
I don’t think Zany was hacking. Especially by the way he held the door while you 360 walked around the building staring at him through the wall. Any blatant cheater would have looked at you for info on where you were at.
I’m pretty sure the guy at 2:21 is IssaMeZany
I love you.
Wait I’m confused because the guy at 1:00 is IssaMeZany and he’s a rust YouTuber. What did he do?
i lol’d so hard at 0:37 lmao
I feel like randomly spawning bears around cheaters is the sort of thing that could be funny to do on purpose too.
2:20 that voice is familiar 😭😭 i think you got the wrong guy, bros a streamer
We love Comommy
Not that we will ever talk in game, but can I be heterosexual in game
9:42 ”are you Comama?” HAHAHAH
Just got kicked for InsideTerrain violation 200 for no reason?
I’m not saying what you do is wrong and it can be entertaining but as someone who got their account hacked and then it got game banned before steam got it back ik better than anyone that you can get game banned without cheating and that facepunch support will not reply or help or unban you so their isn’t really anything you can do.
Unlimited ammo that guy was using was crazy what the heck was that!
thank you for the catching the hacker that day camomo it was pretty quick and helpfull for us 5:00 timestamp much love from the group
Bro i have this uncle who is basically a man baby but everytime he comes over for a holiday (he doesnt play rust) he comes in my room sees me playing rust and says “is this rust” i say yea and istg every fucking time he is like “really theres this one funny guy who makes videos on trolling cheaters in that game” and i say “camomo?” And he always gets surprised when i know you ITS THE SAME THING EVERY YEAR IM GONNA DIE
My mate downloaded a bad version of msi afterburner , he thought it was legit but it was a trojan horse , they ended up stealing all his email address with passwords , his online banking and his steam account. He didn’t realise for a week this happened till he realised transactions that he didn’t make lol. He tried last week to play rust and it said he was game banned for cheats but he hadn’t played rust in a couple months , he tried to appeal it and showed them documents that he was hacked but rust said its his own fault for getting hacked. So I kind of understand some people that got game banned but it wasn’t there fault , only some tho majority of people get caught and just buy another steam account
dude with OT in his name really thought it would throw off suspicion
2:28 issamezany doesn’t cheat
I hate cheaters as much as the next guy but surly it’s not fair to just ban someone for “cheating” just because they’ve been banned on another account in another server lol who’s to say it was even them playing on that account and who’s to say they got banned for cheating and not something else?
If your that bad at a game and have to cheat do not play it. Me personally I’d suck at rust so I do not play it
It really scares me how many people are cheating in rust
wait what does someone going to the movies on tuesdays because it’s cheaper have to to with one’s IQ? if anything that makes them have a higher iq I think because you’re spending less money.
The second one sounded like Zayn , the youtuber
1:50 lmfao that guys yt is issamezany
Wait, if someone spoofs their IP to look like someone else’s, are those accounts then linked in steam records?
Rotisserie cheater…mmm
bro u banned issamezany he don’t even cheat
Bro ever since he banned that player for using scripts to play the guitar i cant view
camomo the same
These sociopaths have zero empathy after getting caught. They think they’ve gotten clout from being in the vids. Exposing them somehow gives them pleasure. 🤔
I’ve gotten server banned once cause players that played there didn’t like my playstyle, and they contacted their friend admin, and now i keep getting those bans cause its shared on some rust admin site or sites I’m unsure, its funny how admins have ruined my experience not the cheaters and toxic people they are trying to protect us from. my point is please be careful who you ban, they might not deserve it. innocent before proven guilty 🙂
Jannies are the worst
I swear to god that guy named OT Demon sounds exactly like IssaMeZany lmao
8:05 I dunno, could just be a really good gaming chair, but I might be wrong on that one
So how do you know they have other accounts that have game bans? Is it just IP based?
A common trait of cheaters ive ran into is they always seem to be pathological liars, interesting.
Favorite camomo line ever. “Well I do, you guys don’t know s***.”
At 2:25 this guys yt channel is called IssaMeZany they sound the same have the same name and player model
why do you ban people when they have a game ban i got game banned and i haven’t touched cheats in my life
Ok I got some honest criticism, I have watched all your videos but things seem a little stale, I feel like 2-3 videos a week is the sweet spot, I actually feel disappointed if I look for a new video after a week and there isn’t one, I get that less cheaters is better but some mix and match stuff wouldn’t hurt either, like turn their own base into a trap base or something, make them think that their base has moved, build over the shape of their base, screw with them in different ways or something, hell let me join you and come up with creative ways to screw with people, I spent half my life being a colossal smart arse, and I can be creative af, I beg you to be more creative, doing the rocket or the lag stuff is funny but after 6 months it’s boring, those things should be treated like a bonus type of thing, in-between screwing with them in other ways, it would make the rocket or the spit roasts longevity last longer, the first time I seen the spit roast I laughed so much I cried, was hilarious, when the next new thing comes out don’t beat it to death, mix and match, set up a beach and BBQ with fire works(rocket). And be fluid with words, it’s like your whole video is your saying, gotta be loose with it, when you started playing with others on servers that was a good move but it seems to have stoped or slowed down. You are litterally the only one I know that is a rust admin making videos, capitalise dude, don’t become the spaget brain become meatballs the size of a house and take over
Remember the video where you started making fun of other peoples language and I doxed you for it and sent you your address and all your business info. i wouldn’t recommend doing it again
OT caught cheating
Average Rust admin
2:27 its itsmezany
you so mad wtf XDDDD
– “I want to speak to the admin!”
– “Alright, hang on…(goes away and puts on a fake mustache)…I am admin. What seems to be the problem?”
– “…”
8:08 Peak Rust Anti-Cheat, i mean how could someone detect his absurdly increased AK firerate.
Camomo after hunting down a singular player with a gameban and banning him from every server imaginable (he got false banned for having cracked rust)
whatd zany do?
stolen accounts are massively sold every day all the time to cheaters. and no most the time they are not “stolen cause they used cheats” , they are stolen due to discord cracks or just steam login password guessers and keyloggers that anyone can get from a shitload of sites. camomo’s ignorance along with other admins of player ran servers is the main reason why player ran servers should not be a thing, let alone game devs using things said by them as reasons to implement bans on people and the fact that they are is why people have multiple accounts. i personally play on a lot of the servers he shows on here under multiple accounts and not my main because I enjoy playing and teaming with Randoms sometimes and not have to worry that I’m gonna get banned because i spoke to someone who I don’t know irl and didn’t force them to allow me remote access to their computer to verify they are not cheating or have any sus exe going on and iv been doing that for years not after hunt showdown have me a game ban for playing with a cheater, when i only ever solo Q and just had team fill on. the sad part is most of the people who laugh or joke about that happening to “people who play with cheaters” don’t understand that more then likely they might have been playing with a cheater 1 time and then because of dumb people running servers and just auto banning them with no proof that the other server is even correct and just does it thus giving them another strike for playing with a cheater when as i said before they may have not even known cause most people who are cheating don’t tell anyone and only use esp thus making it harder to find
Why is it always nighttime in every video lmaoo
At 2:20 is that IssameZany?
Guy at 2:20 sounds like issamezany lmaooo
Day 300 of cheating on rust on one account, it’s to easy to get away with this shit. <3
has to be the worst video ive seen in a min
w false ban tbh
The names people come up with in Rust never fail to amuse me.
get them all gone my dude. keep up the good work
love you camomo
What servers are these?
when did joe rogan start a gaming channel?
The last one only got ban once…but then manage to say “the first one” when talking about bans…
the 2nd person was Zany he is a streamer and youtuber with over 12k hours lol
That OT Beamer guy is a youtuber Camomo
did not know zanys a cheater thats unfortunate i really liked his content:( L OT demon
Is camomo the whole game admin or some servers admin?🤷♂️
14:11 killed me LMAO!
well those cheaters have no brain but you still got some people in your server that cheat they just dont use esp etc
You banned issamezanny at 2:33😂😂 he’s a funny ass YouTube but cheated awhile back so the game bans follow him
i dont agree with banning people that have game bans on other accounts, without proof of cheating, i have a game ban and i didnt cheat on rust what so ever i was installing the game and it vaced me, idk if i had malware on my pc or anything i tried contacting facepunch and they didnt do anything about it
Keep fing them bud Camomo you champ
Camomo I wish you were part of the admin team for the Icefuse servers. Players have been cheating multiple wipes in a row on their servers and the admin literally do nothing. They are worthless
is the second cheater IssaMeZany ? sounds like him
zany lmao
how does he know that people have bans on different steam accs?
w admin 😏
Is the plug-in for the spit roast free or no
Yo bro 😂😂😂😂😂 0:10
I was in the exact same server in the raid sim
I think I was just the recoil on m2 on the raid sim
no way u look for dudes other account no wayu go through the trouble
idk but this seems really unprofessional
The reason he knows what accounts are cheating is because HE IS THE BIGGEST RUST ACCOUNT SELLER AROUND! EZ FARM BOYS. Makes money off the accounts and Youtube for banning them. XD. jk just joking… unless.
bro that OT demon kid is definitely issamezanny lol
So admins who play in server can see everything? So all admins have hacks basically?
Every day I wish someone would call me beautiful the way Camomo says it to a cheater.. :c
2:43 You are correct, tickets are $5 on Tuesdays at the local cinema
Yo 2:44 was Zany he cheats??????
Your servers have at least a dozen cheaters on them at all times, the fact that you take all this time fucking around with them means you ban maybe 2 an hour..
I was today years old when I noticed that the lights behind Camomo spelled BAN
How does he find out they are cheaters in the first place? Reports from other players or can he see stats?
You should let them go and then ban them right after
Love how I report some super obvious people use ong esp and alt accts but the admins on my servers just don’t bother checking
honestly i don’t think the guy in raid sim was cheating.
I’d outright ban xenophobic people cheating or not.
shame that first one has been streaming rust for how long and makes youtube videos but is allowed to still create
Ngl I use ESP on your server for stashes.
How can you tell if someone has another account thats been banned before, never understood that in these videos.
I kind of want to see cheaters get mobbed by exploding angry chickens… for some random reason that is because I would find it hilarious.
CAMOMO_10 is cheating there is video evidence he said he as invisible he had esp and infinite health he can also fly I f7 reported him he is hacked
Spit roast is great 👍
I love the new lockup!
The OT demon beamer dude is another yter named IssaMezany
The whack a mole with the note about being a stinky is great!!
Going to the movies on a Tuesday is a smart idea 😂
@Camomo_10 Thanks for skipping the intro in this video. I usually skip ahead to about the 90~ second mark because it always just feels like spoilers, but this video got a 100% watch time out of me because you went straight into it. Hope the feedback helps! Thanks for everything.
I’m still waiting for the day Camomo try’s badgers custom gfuel flavor
“Smells like bum and poo” Opener of the year IMO
Wait a second! Why is going to a movie when it’s cheaper the same iq level as a cheater lol
It’s laughable the amount of server admins who don’t actually watch cheaters in action .. its good to see you do Camomo.
The amount of reports I’ve made, with clips, of blatant cheaters (maybe not as bad as the raid server guy) and all I get back is “nothing found” really boils my piss. What are they checking? Do they just look at the steam account or the players K/D? It’s frustrating when servers become unplayable because of the amount of cheaters getting away with it because admins CBA to watch them and catch them .. thankfully you’re one of the few that actually takes the admin role seriously
12:50 wtf he goes yukari yakumo there, summoning a train out of nowhere
I was actually on raid sim when u banned him i think its the funniest thing ever
Love that spit roast outro. Relaxing.
There’s soo meny cheaters in raid sim
Rust account is only 3.99$ sadly , that’s why everyone cheats , it’s soo cheap
Isn’t the way you catch people kinda bad though because people do game share which would mean the game would still be under the original accounts name so if you ban someone he game shares with and then he plays it you’ll just say it’s an alt account when in reality it isn’t
Edward Dildo Fingers.
Do’nt play FacePunch servers, Rusty Moose and Warbandits seem to be the best as far as active admins and catching cheaters.
Idk man, Tuesday movie night is 100IQ. Hardly anyone’s there and saving money.
So, near where I live, the movie theater has a deal called $5 Tuesdays, where any movie, even the super ultra amazing screen is $5, instead of like $15-$20 whatever, so Tuesdays are a great day to go to the movies, so I don’t know if I understand that reference lol.
I bet camomo is just tracking stolen accounts 🙄
Shoutout to the real hero of this episode: Edward Dildofingers
Thanks for that camomo
the first guy he raids is issamezany XD
Whats wrong with cheap movie tuesdays..?
You need a cheater paddle 🏓
I love how the cheaters act like they can beat camomo. They spend money to cheat on a game while camomo makes a living off these turds.
i think you misspell your channel name wrong is coomame, coomama i think right not camomo
You should visit some good pvp servers they are infested of cheaters and admins just like money because they got banned 3 days later when they ruined the game experience for everyone, for example Dubs 10x andysolam X10 20x(most infested) for mention some servers
Well you say rust cheaters have low IQ……. well yah ots dumb to cheat and I don’t cheat……. buttttttt you got to admit I don’t even know how to mod games so lol fogureing out how to cheat is smarter then me. O don’t even know how to shake the water can on me and I’ve been playing the game since it came out lol
Hi bro, stop cheating bro, how r u bro, bro bro bro bro ffs Im not your bro! Do Americans call everyone bro? turn up to an interview for managing director and you call then bro? I’m your boss bro!
How do I appeal an eac ban I got banned for 5mins once, no reason supplied. It was near oxums
I love your work mate
Dude I Love this addition, Cooking em is very funny
Wow cheater-chicken on a spit to eat 😂🤣😂
man they get Vac bans and Game bans confused too easily lmfao cant appeal Vacs, can appeal EAC
Lol camomo have like 40years and make this all day 😅 clearly still VIRGIN
The lies continue. I love it.
How tf does the anti cheat not detect when someone shoots an eoka or soemthing 10000000x the speed it should be shooting
Hold up what’s wrong with going to the movies on cheap night lmao? Tickets are cheaper?
Ive always been genuinely curious how you know people used multiple accounts.
Nah Stfu you gotta keep doing the train thing
I have never been banned period. Makes it hard to believe any false bans.
hi Comommy_10 love the videos
You should have a giant fist that just pounds them into the ground. like five good smashes.
Are you Mad Bro? LMAO
11:14 in German we to this kind of Human : Trottel xD
grown ass manchild getting a boner from banning people from a server in a video game lol
why is the n word not an instant ban?
u need to catch a cheta with a fishing pole that pulls him in and roast him over the fire
HEY camomo, never cheated before in my life unless you count gta3 tanks flying and all weapons. but gotta say tuesdays for movie nights cause their cheaper is a big brain play. dont be dissing cheap movies <3
2:30 that’s issamezany. damn streamer cheaters lol
facecam tip: use 1:1 (square) or 3:4 frame with you in center, avoid using the full 16:9
3:01 damn man, dont we all.
New game: Cheaters Redlight Greenlight XD HAahahahaha
I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the blatant ones are just getting an acount banned out of revenge. i.e. big brother being a jerk to lil bro by getting his account banned. idk, just my conspirative mind going haywire.
That one dude dying to the bear while in esp was way too funny 😆 I don’t think he was havin a very good day. But It’s weird how these cheaters think buying accounts is normal like everyone else does that or something 😆 fkn spaghetti heads all of em
Camummy 😂😂😂😂😂
The “It was a false ban” lie is the worst lie in the universe. Like sure. There are crazier lies. But at least those require effort. This one is just lazy.
Best case scenario you admitting to being a cerial ban avader. Even if that were true, it’s still ban worthy on its own.
Are cheaters really that dam lazy they need to walk through a rock??????? Oh lord help us all.
Haha stinky cheaters
its 5$ Tuesdays at my local theater tho
Call the german guy a schwanz kopf it means dickhead
Love how cheaters can be blatant and not get kicked, but an admin flies and gets kicked for flying haha
Was on a pve server and one clan was insanely good.. a little too good. 2 members had cheat bans and the other was an admin. i reported them but only went to the admin on their team. every single person on the server said they were cheating… nothing came of it, so we left that server.
hello cumami!!!!
2:32 is IssaMeZany
We need to petition face punch to just give camomo game ban abilities
Dude I was scrolling through YouTube and saw the first 5 secs and died inside 😂
Admin abuse
I’ve noticed a lot that when you spawn in and are about to catch a stinky cheater that I hear vomiting. What’s with that?
You are now Comama 😂😂😂😭
That guy aiming back while getting cooked look so wild 😭😭
0:02 Doesn’t this guy sound like Willjum?
I dont get how a cheater sees someone appearing and disappearing constantly and is just like “huh, must’ve been the wind”
What camera do u use to stream and record with ?? 🙂
Camummy 😀
Shout out edward dildo fingers
99% of these guys are lying. It’s the 1% that aren’t for which this sucks. My family has 7 Rust/Steam accounts associated all associated to 6 different computers and 3 different IPs. If one of the kids ever gets game banned it’s GG for everyone. Perhaps that is the way it had to be. I can’t see any better way as everyone will just claim it wasn’t them.
Kids naming themselves “beamer” but need cheats to get kills. /golfclap
I rly hope he wasnt with OT clan. lol
Edwarddildofingers is by far the the funniest game tag I’ve heard yet 😂😂😂
Naked eoka C4 raid… I think that would be a hilarious raid. Just march towards him with the eoka while getting shot at by the cheater. You continue to march on like the terminator lol
Omg! Imagine if that cheater had called in an admin and another admin showed up and Camomo put the other admin on the spit roast next to the cheater. Then the other admin played along like Camomo was some hacker etc…
mommy momo…? xD oh yes x
hmmmmm……roasted hackers……may i have a leg when cooked please? xD x
i wish somebody did the same for Pubg mobile India,also known as BGMI,its crazy the amount of ESP players who’ve got away with cheating for years and made a living off it on yt or wherever,what i hate most is how friggin cocky n disrespectful they are,it kind of really is depressing considering the amount of money iv spent on the game.
The fence room with No Cheating is Epic
Dude at the end knows camomo, claims he didn’t know you could appeal a ban in spite of how camomo has mentioned to players that they can do this in multiple videos
Wait I missed the reference cause movies in my town are 2$ on tuesdays 🤣
bruh aint no way zany was cheating
comummy i can’t I’m dieing of laughter
hahahahah çok iyi ya 🙂
I was worried what this channel had turned into when I heard you were spit roasting cheaters, the images in my head were not the same as what I found 😂😂😂
OT beamer was Issamezany 😀
Is it just me or can anyone else watch camomo talk these idiots in circles 🤣🤣🤣
I’d love to see you raid a cheaters base with another admin or a friend and pretend the cheater does not exist while you two talk in game voice
Waiting for you to drop “making cheaters toggle”
I think you banned issamezzany and he isn’t cheating haha
Camomo roasting (literarily) cheaters – sunday entertainment.
I would love to play on servers where your an admin
You’re no longer Camomo, instead you’re Cumommy
much better if you shower some flame thrower to cheater bbq for extraaaa spicy 😂😂
omaigod that hammer bonk em very hard haha
my rust just crashes at the moment it finishes loading a game, anyone can help?
Isnt the second guy Who makes tiktok?
Love the spaghetti heads responses
A new Camemio video it’s going to be a good day.
Love the spit roast
More cheaters roasted! Good stuff.
Got an idea for the plugin.
Make it so a couple of invisible frag grenades spawn stuck to the cheater. Then the cheater goes boom boom! 💥
gotta love cheaters to stupid to realize they are already speaking to an admin
Bro @issamezany got caught by camomo💀
I have seen one type cheat where cheater username changes every time when he kill some one so people had difficulty to report hem
I love the amazing admin work please keep doing what you’re doing players like me very much appreciate everything you do to make the game smell better and waste cheaters money
I’m sure the accent will give it away still but look into a voice changer for shits and giggles?
That first cheater was actually the guy from the Short clip dude was skewered getting asked if he was good by another player and BAM train took out cheater other player was confused to say the least.
Love you, Camemeo
Are you CaMumma!? Hahahaha im dead
just one reason to why i stopped playing rust years ago! there’s just way way way to many cheaters. its not fun at all
5:40 had me in tears 😂😂that whole situation that guy was in was just all around hilarious
I like Comommy. c:
You are the gift that just keeps on giving, man.
These cheaters come pre-roasted just for this special occasion.
Do you have an exact schedule when you are live on Twitch? greetings from Ger
Lots of people cheat in rust
CAMOMO I appreciate the bans even tho I haven’t played rust in a whole year,it’s hella dope what your doing. Keep it up!
i think you catched more cheaters than the amount of girls catched you cheating on them
Rust should add ai bot admins to be 24/7 active
Godamn, some of these cheaters have a right stick up their butt.
7:07 that dude tough you were hjune 🙂
What I find most concerning is that your comment section is filled with people defending the cheaters or asking how you know…. Really shows how normalized it is to cheat in 2023. They’re not even ashamed of it anymore
yo camomo idk if you will read this but in the beginning of that video the hazzy you raided was a youtuber I cant remember his name but might wanna check it out ill go look rn
Like seeing cheaters who cause so much pain and frustration get put in their place 😀
that was issameazanny lmao
Another day, another dozen cheaters banned! Today is a great day to play Rust! Thanks Camomo!
The forgotten damage return to the goofball in the furnace base had me cackling
11:25 report him to the german government for saying pro nazi slogans he wont be a problem for a while
U ever watched the movie Edward scissor hands?
Are you Comama?
Was worried about you mr momo floods a coming
Why the fuck would someone cheat on raid sim?? What is the point?
Comama, that one is gonna stick
Something about seeing cheaters like these finally being noticed, and how camomo sets an example for admins in the future really makes videos like these so interesting. Good Job Camomo!
waking up with some weed and camomo’s video , nice 🙂
Omg, no way! It’s Camomo! (Duh, someone was gunna catch ya stinky.)
I feel so bad for the people who got their account hacked and then used to cheat on.
I love the spit roasting but those trains LOL amazing
How does he know the people he catches have had a game ban before? Are these cheaters really stupid enough to connect from the same ip to the same server they played on before? Good job!.
^*canadian* ^ I was wondering why I am getting treated to a bedtime video when I remembered where you live.
“I got a game ban, then searched “undetectable Rust cheats” then bought an alt account and thought I was smarter than everyone else.”
…. Stinky bum bum Cheater.
Roasting the cheater in Front of reporter is one of the best things you’ve ever done thank you!!!
It is a reupload ? u already put some of these clips on previous vids
the guy that said he was on console probably started cheating in console and moved to PC and realized that wasn’t any easier so he kept cheating. its so easy to cheat on console without consequences its insane. I know someone that plays console and he’s been cheating since release and hasn’t had anything happen its pretty shitty
You know its a cheater if the first thing out of their mouth is to THREATEN to report or getting a moderator/admin….most normal players wouldnt make that threat, they would have already done it…
Cheater admitting to cheating once but trying to convince you one of his multiple bans was a “false gameban” that he didn’t appeal. lmao. These cheaters are literally braindead.
What time is dinner ready? Smells like shit wouldn’t feed a cheater to my dog
next time someone says stop hacking, tell them you are.
komami is ur name from now on like it or not idc.
8:03 That dudes legit I know he is based on the level of spin and how consistent it is and on top of that the rpm of the weapon I’m what some would call an expert
Does Camomo actually ever play rust or is he just admin everywhere… With his all seeing eyes… I swear this man gets a Camomo sense when a cheater joins
camomo please try and make a command that flashes someone nonstop it would be hilarious to use that on cheaters
Chicken nuggets
Camomo, can you please explain how a person is to tell if a person they meet in game and plays with is a cheater?
As a noob how is a person to tell unless the guy cheats in front of a person or talks about it?
2:20 Why is Zany here LOL
it’s 1 am and hearing Camomo say Edward dildo fingers fucking make me burst out laughing
Always remember milk is milk
Just droppin a note to see if I get a 4th fuckwit scammer for today. Looks like there following me.
I appreciate what you do
At least when they’re spit roasting they wont freeze to an icicle!
I have already watched this 5294 times and can confirm that he is catching ESP Cheaters.
I tried to play on a random PvE server that was 5 pop. Since I’m new I don’t like the sweat of PvP because I’m getting older. I was randomly banned from the server with no explanation. Will this effect me going forward. I dont have anyone that can give advice. I’m afraid of joining another server now.
When a single Rust mod does more work, than the shitfaces at EAC, or Facepunch.
camomo Your class Make my day with these videos
lol was that zany in the cage?
Edward DildoFingers
Could you put them in FRONT of the train and have it drive around? Maybe have the sides of the train say ‘DIRTY CHEATER’?
You ashuum? 😂
Don’t cheat and don’t click on unknown links. My friend loss his account due to this.
Ah yes a Camomo video before bed blessing my night I shall dream about you momo❤️ 😀 Keep it up
I play on warbandits almost exclusively..and every time I see your name pop up(when ban hammering those stinky cheaters, etc) it always makes me happy. And will be one of the main reasons I will continue to not only play on warbandits, but donate to the server to continue providing such great servers and employing even better admins to run them!
As always, thank you for everything you do Camomo…you the real MVP
the ot beamer guy is a streamer utuber issamezanny for sure
So much better than the last vid !!!
im so pissed i missed ur hammer drop
I love it when you destroy those cheaters. Keep it up
My boi zanzan 🥲
2am camomo video looks like I’m staying up a little longer for amazing content
Damn Tacular has loads of family members Blooprints last video had Jr now we have his nephew x)
Why can’t people just play normal? Cheaters are ruining this game. If you are bad at the game just be bad and practice.
8:10 EASY anticheat
Lol rotisserie cheaters love it
spoiling us with these videos
There is a high amount of joy I get from watching you throw these pieces of trash in the bin. Keep it up dude!
can you even imagine? I have rust since alpha and FK I was never ever banned. how it can be? oh yes baby! Im not stinky stinky cheater 😛
You remember what Robin Williams said about Australians It goes double for Kiwis
Anybody’d have to be nuts to blow you
Just finished watching a Blazed video, glad I could pop over to this new vid
God dam mofo stinky, needs to get beat by their parents, cheaters.
camomo why u stop using sweetheart word after last video? pls dont bow down to a dirty stinky stinky cheaters bro. use the word to humiliate them, pls pls pls
hahahah can you go lower than 1 iq
caMOMMY 😀 😀 😀
Instant karma=instant explosive laughs.
Dirty, stinky rust cheaters
you can get false gamebann on rust. eac does at times manualy bann people. a friend of mine got false banned and unbanned. you defo can apear it. the guy i talk about is a streamer who done 3k hours aimsimulator on rust to perfect ak spray. to this day he gets spamm reported by players.
I havnt touched Rust in months, feels like the cheating problem has gotten to the point the cheaters outnumber legit players, the time they get banned they’ve already ruined your experience
slow roasted cheaters I love it, Id like mine medium rare.
camomo got homie on a spit, boutta devour his meat
they’re literally getting roasted lmaooo
Edwarddildofingers simply beautiful
The new plugins you got on some of the servers are awesome!! Love this kinda content!
Love you Camomo keep doing what your doing ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Cuhmemio i love u bro
Yo 🙁
Lucky I saw this it’s 6 25 UK time so now I get to watch something fun, amazing start to my day thank you camomo.
the spit roast is a fine addition to the cheater punishment collection
Yoooo camomo
Camomowo Ban me papi XD
2:20 issamezanny had that game ban acc lmao
Camomo videos always make me sleep like a baby💯😴
Dr. ordered me to consume Camomo videos before bed……just obeying what the Doc said💯Thanks, Camomo…..YOU ROCK! Hope that you, your family and everyone else watching…ALL have a blessed Sunday💯🙏
love the video I’m watching the first sec when it posted💗
They never learn. Camomo sees all
Woooo catchin cheaters
Rust cheaters are so lame it’s honestly unbelievable.
1st like
BEST NIGHT EVER THANK YOU FOR DOING GODS WORK also very happy to be the first to comment and view one of your videos 😂