this tactic gave me the RICHEST wipe in Rust
watch the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zj4zmsxOqno
LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed!
gamer pics: https://www.instagram.com/iamwelyn/
merch: https://welyn.com/
Taqs:rust,welyn rust,rust memes,rust clips,rust funny moments,rust best moments,rust gameplay,pvp highlights,rust raids,rust highlights,rust clan,rust solo,rust base build
コメント (103)
They loot.
You shoot. 😂
Damn that’s demented lol but smart
0 risk with 0 bolt neighbour 😂
Is rust worth it
i watch full video yesterday and sub for more 🙂
Gets shot out of the sky by 15 man
i used to always watch this guy play rust, bought rust and hated it because of how much grinding you have to do lmao
Can’t stand this bozos voice
The “hi buddy” before the tommy spray is the best!
There’s almost never a risk going to dome lol
More like endless enemies 😂
Parachutes are broken
Omg it soo long i not watch your video. Time to watch minecraft😂😂
Reason why I hate seeing this dude is because he scripts most of his content just like this one . 🤣
They should add zip lines 😂
You could have just edge bugged down. Its really easy
Dude! That was a certified battlefield parachute deployment right there. Freefall and deploy it 3 feet from the ground
Really smart
Bro mad goofy for that lmao
Well I know what am doing today
Haven’t seen a welyn video in forever you sir have such an iconic voice
24593 Emily Underpass
This is cool and all but isnt a heli litterally easyer ?
How you shoot when you flying
your virginity level is crazy to build a base that large
Thought it was gonna be the time he doesn’t make it off safely 😂😂😂
You did a great impression of that tiktok text to speech voice that you see everywhere in the beginning there
Just watched that video. Was great.
Who thought he was going to roof camp
I’d be so glad I still have my countertop intact after my entire house burned down.
i stg someone just did this outside of my base @ dome last night and i was like wtf are you doing
cheacky pumpking
What you mean with almoust no risk
Every thing about this is high risk
I can’t cure death = I’m too lazy to revive him
Guy on dome: when did they add paratroopers?
“Just make sure youre duo or trio so that if you do die, your buddies can get the refrag and secure the loot.”
Yeah, this game is ruined. Imagine dying to a floating cunt and then hes allowed to float on down. Ugh, facepunch ruined this game. We had it good 😔
Why build so far away from it? Are you not allowed to build close to it? If that’s the case the height limit around it should be smaller
Hi buddy!
Turns around 🤨 😵
Nobody cares why is this even on YouTube
Thats diabolical
that guy got fucking smoked, he was NOT ready for the hot drop 🤣
Brings a whole new meaning to base jumping
I did this it was great
welyn the BLM lover LMAO
Bro you should play with soup again you two where hilarious when I first saw it
The “hi buddy” got me dying for no reason😂
Oh shoot I did this months ago, same strat. Freaking great wipe that was
BRO MY GREAT GRANDFATHER WAS A PARACHUTER IN WW2, I can’t wait to get a PC setup again they’ve overhauled this game by lightyears it’s so tight
Thank you Welyn for proving that it’s not that hard to NOT use an AI voice over for shorts
A dragon
Why does bro sound like an AI voice😢
And that’s why there’s SAM sites everywhere now.
Forgot they added parachutes to rust. Was like how is he flying lmao
Almoust died at end😂😂😂
I climb up the normal way and get that fourth mil crate, but when going down I use the two pipelines to fall down with no damage, and I use the camera stations to see when the crates respawn right away
Tricky cooked with this one 🗣️
No way that guy was like wtf 🤣🤣🤣🤣
meanwhile people with a horse farm
Me on ps5 🚶♂️➡️👉🏼👉🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼☠️
I did this last wipe! Double max height elevator parachute jumping onto dome and then off into my other base below.
Hey buddy had me dying 😂
I FINALLY FOUND YOU AGAIN, ITS BEEN FOREVER. Time to catch up on your videos
Welyn you sound like bad AI voices at first I thought someone made one of you and then looked and saw it was your channel
Honestly thought you just jumped off and died 😂
Whe the hell did Rust turn into farcry?😂
Creative use of game mechanics.
I thought it was bouta be a massive roof camping tower
New features !
Guy found out something that was half year ago xd
How to get raided speed run
Bro your the whole reason I started playing rust ily ❤❤😊
I’ve seen this for oil but dome? No and you can also steal locked crate
Welyn got me into rust lol❤❤
I need to get back on this game 😅 never seen the nets , never seen the parachute daamn its been a long time
Zero risks?? Dude wtf you saying
Welyn ❤️ im hard bro
Parachutes are one of the best additions. W Facepunch
The only risk is your parachute deciding to not work
Roofcamp ++
I spent an entire wipe jumping off dome and gliding to outpost like a grid away. So much fun.
I always found a spot on dome that almost nobody would see. I would get the crates and logg off, set a timer and get endless crates a couple of hours with zero effort. But that was years ago when dome was pretty much the only and biggest source of green crates.
Rust devs hate him, your mother loves him. Learn how to become rich fast with no effort put in right here!
“with almost zero risk”
Almost fucking dies XD
Now we wait for the next rok base when rust updated
This brings me joy
Big base, many guns
Already watched 😎
Cheeky bastard!
That second clip had us in the first had ngl
Omg hii welynnn
Early love ya videos ❤️
Your videos are always so deep and heartfelt! Thank you for your creativity and your ability to touch the hearts of your viewers!🟫📹⬛️