How To Find Stashes In Rust! (Tips And Tricks)
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Taqs:Rust,rust tips and tricks,rust stashes,how to find stashes in rust,rust building,rust pvp tips
コメント (42)
Does this work on console?
You are the best YouTube or ever for that tip I lost my MP five and couldn’t find it
How long before a hidden stash despawns? I been googling but can’t find a definitive answer. 🙁
You are a life saver. thanks for the vid. I spent liek 4 nights searching for my stash found it in like 20seconds with this.
thx dude you helped af
Thank you so much 😭 Been looking for my stash for 30 min. Was about to give up hope.
i just found my stash using hammer trick i fuking love you my boy thank u
Good content, great attitude and presentation got a sub from me! Keep up good work my friend
If an enemy rockets the ground where a stash is, will it pop up?
Bro legit has 9999999 IQ I was starting to get pissed off and I finally found it thx to this tip
Youre so active with you community. Im newer to rust and just experienced my first tike getting raided offline. Im paranoid now wherever i go and used these little suckers the whole night while making my new base. Solo life be crazy. Love your content man 🙂 +1 sub
I wanna cry bc I put 300 strap in one and I just put it down no bag and can’t find it
dude great little tip, thnx
Guys put your stashes away from your sleeping bags by a landmark that you remember or write down. Don’t put anything too valuable in the stash either because cheaters are everywhere finding them. Put like a hazy, meds, and a cheap gun
just found my 3k metal frags and 2k cloth thank you
Thank you u just saved me 400 scrap because I going to fight 2 guys but just came from bandit camp and sold a couple of red cards.I won the fight as well big W
Rock works too
Also you can’t place snap traps above stashes so if you want to find it quicker run around with a snap trap out and see when it goes red
Easier to use a seed and run it over the ground
omg dude i love u
this saved me sooo much, thanks
I found 20 satchels outside a compound cause of this lmao
Your a legend
This just saved me a full metal MP5 kit
Literal lifesaver bro.
If anyone doesn’t know they despawn after 3 days
Very hellpfull stored like 800 scrap and cant find it
Bruh i stashed something near bandit to counter bradley and i was gone for 2 mins come back and its gone, i even used this trick (on console)
I found a stashes of wood stone charcoal guns ammo and metal fragments around a bag
I almost lost my ak thank you
also you can feel a little bump when you walk over one
I do that
Imagine spawning with a hammer lmaooooo
Very nice video , this will be very useful .btw very very nice ak skin 😈🥶🥵🥵
Dude your a genius……
Thank you so much, that is the new meta.
lol nice character
You can also place twig around the area or use shadowplay to clip where you stashed it