New raid meta discovered 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, Xbox
Next Update: Horses, Cars, Minis? 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, XBOX https://youtu.be/hCIoysHBum0
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コメント (183)
Next Update: Horses, Cars, Minis? 🛢 Rust Console 🎮 PS4, XBOX https://youtu.be/hCIoysHBum0
the fact bro doesn’t show that wall actually breaks is so comic that it becomes cringy af
All fun and games till its a 12 layered wall
Not possible.
im waiting for a magnet attachment for the scrap heli 😂😂😂
Reasons not to build ur base near junkyard
You could have walked in yourself
Это че? В расте уже есть такой экскаватор?
except the crane won’t leave junkyard far enough to do this
I didn’t know you can drive it out I would have that at my bace
But you can’t drive the crane out of junkyard!
Another tool to help massive clans destroy me more efficently
For roofless bases[TM]
Не думал
Seems like an easy target to rocket and focus fire, like d-day landings, goodluck.
This is why having turrets in the compound of the base is important otherwise having multiple layers of walls Is the only way to defend yourself.
Might as well get rid of minis 😅
We have oil rig at home…..
Pretty cool change
That’s not a crane
The hv rocket😂
why does this gives “Master mind Heist” vibes ?!
Hes forklift certified
link of Video
Bro is certified
Doesn’t show any raiding 🙄
Doesnt it explode?
Turning rust into ark 😂
Bro safed a ladder?!😅😂
I though bro was gonna sledge hammer the wall open with a mini van 😭😭
Game name ??
It just runs out of lowgrade when you try and leave junkyard
Or you could just walk in through the huge gap
Ladders work too 🪜
I tested it the excavator doesn’t leave junkyard it blows up
Ever tried using the crane like a wrecking ball? Haven’t really played rust like that I’m not good 😂
Been saying to use those things for years but unfortunately it costs an arm and a leg worth of fuel to go far
is this a mod or vanilla
Crane breaks down after leaving junkyard
Can’t you just…..walk the crane arm?
the crain blows up if you take it to far out of junkyard
or you know… 4 rockets.
Definitely not a crane but heck yeah smart
100% modded server guys, the vehicle dies fast soon as you take from the JY
i think… wait you cant even drive that thing outside… they patched that looong time ago…
then i see : rust console
Can’t wait for gupp vid on this lol
Flying VBIED
Sooo kid better start goopin
Since when the hell was driveable cranes/excavators in rust??
I was hoping you could use it as a wrecking ball
absolutely needs to work on every server
Actually meta.
Bro that was day one from the cranes my guy
*как он выехал из свалки на нём*
dumb4ss🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️ the wall is wide open on the other side you could’ve EASILY walked right in, plus, there’s no base in there🙄🙄 literal dogshlt player
“..He puts me it.”
My friends: “…What are you watching?”
Camper goes hard
Bwaahahahah!!! Fantastic!
Console players hurt my head
Console rust is a joke
Lmao there’s a crane in rust now, last time I played was when it took skill to use the ak lol
I thought bro was gonna crush the base by smashing it with a car
Console rust is real?
Cars aren’t in rust console neither is excavator
Pov -2 rockets 🗿🗿
Or just go through the giant fucking whole on the side
And this is the part where I quit rust for good 😂😅
It’s just too bad those break down instantly outside of junkyard
The fuel cost to make this anywhere near effective is outrageous
they have a crane in rust now?
Doesn’t the crane just fall apart once you leave junkyard
Where do u have access to this on console, they havent even added tugs yet
I didnt know you could leave junkyard with the crane
you cant get the crNE OUT JUNKYARD
Hey bruh we aint got junkyard in console
When did this get added and why is it not on pc
So just make a two walled base?
Looks like some mad loot in there
He puts me in 💅🏼 look at this
I would see this and I would yes give everything even my base to this guys wouldn’t even bother to face them at this point
You cant drive that vehicle outside scrapyard btw.
The crane takes damage outside the junkyard so this is a meme
The crane disappears as it leaves the landfill
Games getting worse and worse everytime i see something new 😂
Imagine desperately trying to make content on a dieing game in two different platforms, therefore relying in duplicating all your content to hope and pray you get double the views, fuckin sad go outside its been too long it seems
i want pc rust
So what does it do?
Whoa whoa whoa, YOU CAN DRIVE IT OUTSIDE JUNKYARD??? Does the crane despawn or something???
Craziest looking crane I’ve ever seen
Ngl it would be dope if helies could pickup vehicles and air drop them into bases 😂
That’s a excavator dummy
This doesn’t even work in normal servers..
And this is why on pc the crane explodes after it leaves the junkyard
Lol this is wild im so out of the loop these days.
wait is this console!?
Y’all got cranes and we just got military tunnels💀
On pc you can’t drive the Crane out of junk yard
That’s an excavator not a crane
Can you crane another crane to crane one another to the other?
Thats not a crane. Its an excavator with a magnet attachment
Just give calling the excavator a crane is hurting my brain
2 questions how long will it take to get there how much low grade will you need?
Facepunch next patch: we removed the crane becuase yall were having fun.
I saw folk use the magnet to boost inside recently placed walls too.
Then you proceed to jump out to start raiding then u get smacked by all the turrets around the base 💀nice !
Building plan with extra steps
u cant drive that far off the junkyard..
What raid?
You just get over a wall..
Huge gap on the backside of the wall😂
You could do the same thing with boats and the chungus on pc back a few years ago. Mind you, it took a while to complete the process of, anyway you could essentially just land on the beach, drive a boat into the chungus and drop it on some guys’ roof just for shits and gigs, was pretty hilarious if they were off-line for a few hours and they just came back to see 10 boats on their roof and in the airlocks, we had a guy open up all the doors in his base just to see how far down we could push it, the boat stayed in his base the whole wipe, we raided his base at the end of the wipe and as we opened up a wall, there it was sitting exactly where we left it 😂😂😂
Escavator but nice video
Yea except on pc you cant leave junk yard with it
Bro crane breaks instantly if it leaves its area
The thing is though, you can’t take the crane outside a certain, small radius of its spawn area in junkyard or it will just stop working
This is probably a dumb question but do turrets shoot at cars?
We’re getting excavator site?
On pc you can’t even move that thing out of junkyard
Dude these old ass comments, imagine actually thinking it was gonna take 5 years for horses to come to the game💀 I’m sorry pc but console gets everything u got 10x faster
You forgot the ole battlefield strat of strapping a bunch of c4 to the car first
This game is cancer
is this gonna be on yo server?
Do u have a rust console server
This is funny I would wait until the car was placed to even start shooting m2 from shooting floor
Pr you could have just ran through the opening in the wall on the backside….
Not worth the hassle. Just use a ladder and 2 meds
Console doesn’t have cars or junkyard
POV u haven’t expanded yet and that clan just plants a 4 man on ur roof
All fun and games till the defenders get a hv
So, it’s basically a siege tower
Never seen heavy duty vehicles in rust😅
Gawd damn Rust 😂 community is flaming
Can’t drive it out the junkyard tho can u if so why I haven’t seen anyone make a base for the crane
😭console dont have cars or anything
Personally I’d just run round and go thru the gap in the wall.
Bs. I have not been able to get the machine more than a few feet outside of junkyard before it stops
Crazy how fake this is
Fake not rce
How can I get into these servers like this? it’s always just the same Ole sameOle. Im on ps5 .what the name of some good servers
And diesel
All you hear is special delivery did you order an online? out in the chat and look outside your base and see a group dropped in like that
A mate n i found a way to glitch into bases on building servers…. thing is it dosnt work cause the crane blows up before building radius sorry but this is irrelevant
What have I missed since last stop playing
It takes so much fuel tho
Ist funny cos now there are horses in the game and mission’s so you guys are on the cap
how tf do u get crane
They need to add this to console
Console my ass💀
Yea the crane doesn’t go far from junkyard without blowing up. Not sure if it reaches to the build zone or not.
Before learning ab ladders…
Waste of time and lowgrade, just build over.. and if it has tc coverage, use a ladder.
in pc version they made a limit to how far that goes out of junkyard im sure they’ll patch it on console 2..
That’s dumb they add these new things making it easier to get offline raided but never turrets with more range so people can’t rocket then or maybe turrets that shoot the rockets like in ark that’s why ark will always be better
fake video anyway because u cant leave junkyard with crane
Imagine farming barrels and a crane drives past
Not rust console but okay
Peek a boo 😂
There is no vehicles in rust console my g 💀
No rust console dumb
Just imagine hearing that and looking out to see a zerg hot dropping a armored car in your base full of guys with aks 🤣
Why is pc rust so different than console. It’s so dumb. Like come I
Junkyard isn’t in console is it?
Until dumb devs add what pc added and it quickly decays when leaving junkyard
Jade what do I do if I’m attracted to big oily men doing the thug shaker
And how is this a survival game again
Some real rust console content on my channel sorry you had to watch this
Only on rust console 💀
Sucks this doesn’t work on most servers
That is not console rust
They don’t have junk yard or cars on consol
Deff not om console
After so far on pc it’ll just break
Do you think that they will add mouse and keyboard support to console?