Into The Deep – Rust
Frost goes into the dark side of the forest.
👕 2 DAYS LEFT TO GET MERCH: https://theigloo.gg/
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ALL MUSIC in the video is from:
Epidemic Sounds (Use the link to support the channel!):
Intro VFX: https://twitter.com/v3ebz
VFX/Thumbnail: Hephix & @Harvest0
Cameo Narrator: @Konfuzion
Thank you to all the cinematic actors who helped portray the events that occurred during this wipe.
Taqs:Rust,Frost,Frost rust,rust raid,best wipe in rust,blooprint,willjum,hjune,four solos,best solo in rust,the best solo movie,rust movie,rust update,into the deep rust,kings gambit,luckiest start in rust,rust solo,solo,how to solo in rust,best start ever rust,most op group in rust,the sanctuary,best solo base,rust highlights,raid defense,1v5,best counter raid,most loaded base in rust,house of cards,Chapter 2 rust,the first chapter,best rust player
コメント (1274)
The sanctuary… but its solo 🙄
👕 2 DAYS LEFT TO GET MERCH: https://theigloo.gg/
waiting on the final part bro!!
No one does it better than frost! It’s perfect!
frost make his videos like a netflix movie
why u raiding ur own door ? 38:56
When are we getting part 2 of look up
Ngl that PvP at the end was straight up fire asf
12:26 the cinematography/transitions here were too good
Ayo new here cool game play bro
how long does it take you to pick the right songs for your vids? 😀
This is so hot
Nothing better than a 4am meal after hitting the gym, accompanied with a fucking beast of a frost video
I love the videos and I love this game I just got a pc and have been playing rust and I’m liking every bit of it
Where is the part2 of look up
cinematic masterpiece.
would be nice with a video when u are playing with wiljum and its splitscreen;D
Frost u gotta do a wipe with asad again😂👍
hello frost, i met you in project delta, i just wanted to say it was rly nice meeting u and u beamed me and my teammates at crane! And hi
Maaann Frost i love your videos and all stuff but you killed me in this video in tunnels at 12:20 and you messed up my wipe
Can we all just take a moment to really appreciate how much production value Frost puts into his videos! Everything from his intro and cinematics to music and voice overs, what a legend!
This man’s editing is literally unmatched. Keep it up bro! 🩵👏🏽
Frost, long time fan here. I feel like you should make another scripted video man. I just feel like the scripted ones had a way more enjoyable story and we’re overall more memorable. Scripted or not, the content was better, I’m sure no one cares if their scripted. Just do one more man, for the Og’s
i am really interested in how you pick maps , this location looks pretty and thats one of the reasons i play rust
Hey frost my guy how are you so damn good what do you do for aim training
frost is one of the best story tellers in this game i stg
Rust is such a better game to watch than to play. With your editing skills, it becomes transformative. Rust is now my favorite series about people trying to survive in a harsh unforgiving world ran by sadists and dictators. it’s not a game anymore.
Seeing willjum run up to your base at 10:38 genuinely made me smile😂
Wait wait wait. Is Konfusion narrating your video?
Bro…. Keep these coming! they are so freaking awesome!
Dude, these are the best videos. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into them!
Exactly one hour… Nice!
I don’t usually comment on anything, but round of appaluse for the editing, it’s by far the best i’ve ever seen. You’ll do well with a career.
The music composition is really amazing
Ah, man, talk about a major letdown! I was totally amped up for this Rust video to end with a bang, but dang, did it fizzle out like a wet firecracker. I mean, seriously, after all the hype and excitement, I was expecting something mind-blowing, but instead, it just kind of… pooped out.
I was hoping for an epic showdown or a crazy plot twist to knock my socks off, but nope, the video just sort of abruptly ended, leaving me scratching my head and wanting more. It’s a bummer because the whole video had me hooked, and I thought it was building up to something epic.
Maybe there were missed opportunities for epic battles or insane strategies that could’ve taken things to the next level. As a viewer, I invest my time in these videos, so it’s a real bummer when the payoff falls flat like this.
But hey, I still gotta give props to the creators for the effort they put into it. Making entertaining content isn’t easy, and I did enjoy most of the video leading up to the end. Here’s hoping the next one brings the fireworks and leaves me in awe from start to finish!
Maybe if you didn’t use suppressor you’d get kills
I’ve watched this video like 3 times because I always fell asleep watching your video. I love everything makes me feel relax! ❤
This is gas
these last 2 movies, absolutely awesome. editing is leaving others in the dust, story is playing out fantastic from your point of view.
damn you know how to use music well. great work
All Four of you made Great videos of the same thing BUT I had to watch them all because they were all different that is what makes all of you great Thanks for doing this and setting the bar even higher. ❤❤❤❤
yeah right i see what all the fuss is about. nice vid frost
Was my first rust movie to watch here 1year back and still a big fan 😍… I will be happy to watch a village base build with you four and maybe a few added 😁😆😄😃😀😅😂☺😊😇😌
Your editing is really getting good
pog fortnite play
another good one frost
Amazing vid took ages tho😂😂😂
I wish I could watch one of these videos every evening
w frost
Imagine being so infatuated you dream you get raided gah that would suck (it has happened to me)
this is no disrespect to other great rust content creators but Frost’s content creating and editing is just on another level.
This is amazing!!
The transitions were just honestly 👌🏻 perfect.
This vid was amazing! Well done frost!
Damn bro, id allways heard of you from other channels but never watched you, i am shocked at how good the production value is. Great job!
Man I love how Frost edits his videos ❤❤
love it
When my highqual is roof😂
Will you ever do more scripted content?
The way each intro gets better then the previous intro, your a goat, love you frawsty
been looking for 7:08 song for days can’t find it anywhere
Been waiting on this one 💪 some of my favorite rust content. Let’s go
this MJ copied my pfp and got onto a frost vid, what a chad.
“Stuck in a tree” made me think of TrainwrecksTV famous COD Clip 😀
I feel like Rust is really popular right now.
next tarkov vid when?
After they left the discord call, they 100% made a group chat without you lmao
editor killed it
Hey, gettin emails sayin I was selected for a raffle for my comment… But only reply on telegram???
Legit or scam?
Maybe YouTube should be notified?? Would be cool if you acknowledge this comment and respond in some way?
Thank you.
Frost you sound abit sick
Im sorry guys my name is actually brian
30seconde like video best intro
AWESOME, as always !!
Bro youre the best i swear
fucking epic
Fire 🔥🔥
How you gonna make this into 3 parts nearly a month after that wipe.
were the alternate voiceover segments inspired by the hateful eight?
loved that lol
actual masterpiece
Can we appreciate on how it’s perfectly one hour??
frost is just better
Awesome Frost as always ! Your editing skills and story telling always amaze me
muito foda… como sempre
What an awesome base. Congrats man!
“nothing’s perfect”
Are you sure ?
Cheating and Fake GJ
what is the song during the 7th minute?
No one else saw that at 38:56 Frost could unlock the wooden door?
For the algorithm 🫡
Bro the editing of these last two is unreal!
Dude the vid quality is just outstanding… Frost you fking legend mate really really good job bro thanks for giving a shit and putting 110% I personally really appreciate it Thank you
Sheeeeesh the animations bro
way to fucking long to come out.
That intro though🔥🔥🔥🔥
Best editor out there… hands down!
This series is FIRE dude!!!!
Frost, you are a god.
I saw the walled-off hqm quarry and got instantly triggered. Whenever somebody does that I make it priority to raid them first. Some servers walling off monuments is against their rules
Pieces of my Heart??
Все сложил в ролик это уметь надо. красаувчег
doctor said i had an hour to live so i put this video on
5:23 Bro sat there like an NPC
Confused what you mean at 59:00, are you going to show the raid on hjune or skip that raid and jump straight into the “rabbit hole” ?
10:06 Speaking of sanctuary Pls Make the Part 2 or make a new Sanctuary Vid pls
In the deep…. Just like the submarine
Frost: let me do the title “Into the deep”
*Me thinking about the titanic sub* 💀
This needs to be done more often. Maybe one where all of you group up and provoke every single clan in the server.
Everyone, i met this dude on Omegle and i told him about how i was being bullied and both him and his chat were so genuine and sweet with me. Im watching his videos and i really like his content too!
I wish you did the ’TicTok’ voice for the “we been watching frost…” 😂
“Frost…” 😂😂 that kid died be cause he was calling everyone he knew in discord.
spending a fat minute looking for the song at 34:30 and its called “corduroy” by imposters if anyone is wondering
I love your edits
Man, seeing so many angles of Hjune being a punching bag in this series is hilarious
tofuu is nice and handsome onlike you
51:45 was an execution
This series was awesome and the effort you put into these two videos is so well worth it! Thank you
Out of interest, why do creators not use Steam Nicknames in-game?
Would make these stories a touch more coherent for viewers and would hide their profile name / rust streamer name!
“I need to lay low”
*proceeds to walk into an open field and kill someone*
is this a reupload?
am i trippin or did this already release somewhere else already
Does anybody know what the outro song is to this video
I’m a lil late to the vid from exams but seeing frost posting makes me happy^^
can u mark every video that isnt true gameplay and is more of a made story?
“Frost?” 🤣Priceless.
Bruh, the suspense! Adding music to moments that you know would leave the viewer in suspense.. Genius. Starting with the simple train ride accompanied by a nice melody.. Nice.
Always love the pace of your vids. They always make me feel like it’s less of game and more of a journey.
(Reload.. 😉)
Hurry up and make more vids!. Tired of watching someone’s bunker vids.
Jk Take your time. You’re doing great. Keep it up.
Your loyal fan.
P.s. I would buy stuff but I’m broke.
The sheer silence of the tunnels parts scares me.
People who watch the parts out of order are villains
All of Frosts Videos Are just as Insane As this, The Quality and filmmaking of these Videos are Crazy. Keep up the great work.
It’s so scary out here proceeds to loot body
No way!! easy raids your so good at the game!!! UwU It was an honor solider stay stwong!#LoveTheScript
I hope you 4 team up again and do this same concept again
Fucking clif hangers man. Lol
EpiK film !! thanks <3
whats the song at the end of the video?
Think I’m in love with Frost’s editing 😅
i can tell its a great video just from the first 3 minutes
What server is this
I got banned of of rust for something that wasn’t even my fault but I will still continue to watch the masterpieces.
Exemplary, as always.
This is most amazing movie-like video I have ever seen on Youtube and I’m not even joking. You should work as a movie editor/animator. This is amazing.
Love seeing the inspired forms of cinematography you use in your videos, at some points in the video it felt as if I was watching a Wes Anderson film
Do you always sleep in a gas mask?
Hi, can you make a short video with stamp of your graphic settings? Thanks
Well done!
you know your day is gonna be good when frost uploads
Every video Frost releases is a masterpiece. He has to be the greatest Rust editor of all time. I’m ALWAYS excited to see what’s going to be the next video.
It’s a good concept, normally I don’t want to watch all the videos when you are together but now there is a reason to watch them all and it’s great to see all the point of views
Man what an amazing vid! I’ve watched some other perspectives also and the way you made it just a whole different adventure also and showed true character while doing that…keep it up! And the base was super cooool haha
“fuck me” ok. i will
I really thought the epic music build up at 14:57 was going to climax with Willjum just being sat around the corner lol
Dude, This is an Art form. Investing your whole life (In sections) to this game, to this viewership, to this Shakespearian fuckin’ emotional rollercoaster!
what’s the song called at 33:45
pls dont take another 3 weeks
One of the most enjoyable pieces you’ve done, well edited and produced g
Love it
I never even played rust but really enjoy your contents and i`ve been watching for years. thank you
The music in this episode was top tier! Great work as usual!
explain why this is on frost and not dashed.
Super fake
This was soo worth me staying up to 3am to watch!😅 So good😊
It absolutely extraordinary ❤❤.
Upload a bit late ain’t it
22:30 “hold up…. i know were gaylord lives.”
What’s up with that Hanz Zimmer intro lol it was dope af
my balls are twisted blue desiring the next part
frost what are ur pc specs or do u have multi pc set up?
Frost the top of your base looks like a medal nazis used to get man the Red Cross with silver outline 💀
I love how you made it exactly 1:00:00 long
Beautiful base! Awesome editing! Great fights! Thanks Frawzt❤
you see me personally i would’ve put the kit on instead of the hazzy more inven space
Still got the cinematic touch. You’re doing great. looking forward to part 3.
Frost milking everything he can out of this one session damn. It’s good content and I respect the hustle but damn.
Always the best looking forward for the next part also can someone give me the music name in 52:46 ty
Hey guys. In case u didn’t know frost spend a lotta time making this video? Same message we get every time? We get it man it takes u 2 months to edit each video
Bro i’ve been editing for like 11 years now and i feel like im watching a movie that has a net worth of for 1 billion dollars of smth😂👊🔥🔥🔥🔥
Nice video
my steam rust account got stolen so cant play until i get the game again but love watching your videos man keep it up! awesome content as always
Frost daddy the rust god!
You guys are weird af but soooo worth watching. 😂😂
Love it
yo frost i think u should do these types of vidoes more often
The editing feels so good this time.
you say like two sentences and instant recognition lol
wow.. basically a cinematic highlight reel of shittin on groups. what. a. clinic.
This was really well done. Worth the wait I think.
What’s the server they play on?
Yo FROST, your storytelling is insane! And the cinematics…. pfff man, how do you do that?
40:08 U should always mark ur hiding spots if u hide something xD
It’s crazy how these dudes are playing a video game having fun and then they turn it into a movie 💯
at 14:22 he killed me still have no idea how he saw me but oh well its an honour to get shit on by you
I appreciate the time and effort you put into making and editing your videos. Good stuff.
Yea, Frost’s insane, he quick Fortnited
I love your vids! I lost it with willyJ running and that music 😭😭
One of the best frost videos EVER
Frost you’ve broken the bar for word “Cinematic Masterpiece”.
Loved the video ❤, the edits, storytelling, friendships and gameplay is insane ❤.
no wayyyyy you cant leave it like this
more scripted content pls
bro left us on a cliff hanger like Spiderman
Frost you are my favorite rust youtuber because the time u put into the video after u actually play is crazy and I love it ( we love it) I’m still waiting for look up part 2 btw
brilliant video as usual, but when are we going to see kira, Archie and Sgt major deal again???
Mikayla campinos
wtf was that ending :OOMG
u deserve alot more subs ngl
7:13 what is the name of this song in the background
Another part is crazy but it’s worth it
“I’ll tone it back with the editing”
-Frost a few months ago
Anyone know the weapon skin at 30:41 really like rust skins 😂😂
The reason I always watch your vids is cuz u make them into movies and your editing is absolutely insane
cant wait for nextt chapter
It is really interesting to see everyone’s perspective.I love it!
Keep up the great work all of you!
man your videos are so good omg
what server are they on?
Just wanted to any chance we will see scripted videos anytime soon
Such a master piece. The editing and the plays were insane.
Frost as always amazing content, thnx for everything
every time I think it cant get any better it just hits
yo just wanna shout out the b-rolls dude. love em! keeping it +++++
i wish i had the words for the videos you provide us with but its been a long time since i am speechless.
it’s also my first time leaving a comment because every time you post i dive right into and its awesome.
So thank you Frost for all the masterpieces you’ve made for us. ❤
Can’t wait for part 3!
ive been watching your stuff for a while now, your storytelling is wonderful, and I have 2 thoughts…
1. would be super interesting to see an AI re-render your whole film in a more realistic style / anime style or whatever (im not a gamer – so the aesthetic is often the part I like the least)
2. You should have a deal to partner with a production house as director to shoot a film. First gamer to direct a feature film.
Keep up the great work! ♨
frost carried this squad. especially at the raid
absolutely amazing broski ong
i like your videos
you are master
7:07 song?
❤’d Bloo’s and Will’s content, but yours are well worth the wait. 100% the most enjoyable. True solo delta force soldier!
Great video
Jeeeez, the editing and feel of this video. Nice work man, really enjoyed it.
how do you get the other people perspective like the fisherman how did you get him going into the car base?
I’ll have you know my “stone cold prison” got the job done thank you very much. Jokes aside this video was an absolute banger. Good work sir.
Is it just me or does Frost and blue have like the same tone of voice lol 😂
Bro how do you make us wait until the next vid like ur vids are masterpieces and you’re intros give me butterflies
Frost you make my day
Never comment anything. But this editing and content was awesome 😎
15:19 when where
heres a sub n like for this banger!
Eeeeeasy chills!!!! o/
That’s crazy I feel I did it too homie shit and watch this dude play rust
Aha, very on trend title at the moment…
i’m currently shitting at school
Base tour? Kinda hard to see no cap
Frost, just so you know, THIS ARE ADDICTIVE.
What’s the song on the end
Frost you’re the legend of creating and playing Rust for sure. Love those video and content in it <3
The fact that you have to put “An unscripted story” at the front of every video, says a lot 🙂
4 minute intro was zzzzzzzzzzzzz
12:19 part was cool AF
bruh so good bout to make me cry ong like ahhh
Man this is the first time I’ve watched you this is great everyone has to sub
we just lost my niece to stage 4 cancer after a 7 month long battle, the funeral is on friday and your video gave me a little bit of time to relax and take a breath. thank you
yo the last clip was actually fucking nuts
This is top tier👍
I checked ur insta, man u are a chad 🗿
Those were the luckiest external wall placements I’ve ever seen.
Good stuff sir!
Hell yeh
33:59 lol willjum logs off as soon as you log on 😮
This concept was awesome, and truly something special!
And as always, your videos are in a class of their own! ;p
❤ your content. Your awesome bro!
How does he make these videos? How does he get those cinematics?
Frost was the mvp of that 2 x 2 raid.
15:39 look at how he jumps on the train
Have to give you props by far the Best cinematic rust video’s out there Incredible. I am a huge Willjum fan, I like the laid back style not to mention I laugh every time he chirps like a 3 year old when he gets surprised. But you without a doubt play up the best show. I would love to see more of this type of content from all of the YouTubers involved Keep up the great work.
I always wait for frost to upload last, but certainly not least, so i cant wait for the next one!
I love you so much guys. Frost, Hjune, Bloo and WillyJ. I dont have time to play this awesome game and I live through you. Thanks for doing this content. YOU ARE LEGENDS. PS: Frost…your edits are awesome!
This is really great man! I am a filmmaker and the way you make gameplay into a movie is insane. Your composition, sound design and overall storytelling is brilliant!
Well, I guess i’ll be waiting for part 3 sucks you can’t see the full video but I’ll be waiting
hahahahah barely a whispering voice… “Frost”?
How do you even see the people in the tunnels my gamma be all the way up and i can’t see shit 😭
‘frost?’ hahahaha
i absolutely LOVE the movie style of these videos ur talent is unreal
Good vid but I think he need to do more things like oil and stuff other than tunnels
And once again frost you have made an amazing video i love how much effort you out into making these movies
You have alot of skill for movie making
38:55 if he’s able to unlock the wooden door, doesn’t that make it his lock that he placed?
What a banger of a video frost
My brain, when i see 1:00:00 exactly!! Thank you Frost.
Another Legendary Video!
the sanctuary is your best video
W vid
“LOOK UP!” 💀💀
Comment given before it starts
frost, if you show yourself opening a gate or door. please, for me, not anybody else, show yourself closing it. pweeze.
bro you deserve so much more attention these videos are crazy
“Dedicated a few hours to getting some ACTION” – FROST🤪😂🫡
Fuck rust just become a director at this point 🤣
Frost videos make me excited😂😂😅😮
Lmaoooo Crazy
Love your cheats habibi
Is this legit?
lol yea right
anybody can be good, but how many of us use PREMIUM aimbots? See my name for a way to get your own.
Certified Frost classic™.
You are my OG of rust creators so I hold you to a standard above others. You never disappoint. Even though I’ve watched the other three videos, it doesn’t take away from what you deliver
I especially loved the underscore for the tunnel hunting scene. Your audio timing was fantastic
Anyone know the song playing around 7 minutes in ?
You know it’s a good day when frost uploads
give me the next one QUICK!!! amazing vid btw <3
I have really liked watching this series on all 4 channels, but your base is way cooler than the other 3. Hard to beat a rock base. Besides, Blooprint didn’t even live in his cave.
Certified cosiest best base builder 😂 King WillyJ
When I go on YouTube and see you have posted another video makes me proper happy. Thanks for the greet content it honestly takes me away for all the crap in life for a while. Cheers
What a master piece of editing, awesome to watch
Btw what are your settings? It looks so much prettier than my game
whos a better rust “movie” creator, Stevie? or Frost.
This couple videos were soooo good! The editing was superb. Hell of a job dude. Loved it
I’ve been FREAKIN’ WAITIN’!!!
GOod fookin’ work, my man.
it sucked, you suck, i gave it a like and subbed.
Ah hell naw a cliffhanger?!
drink some water please
Very nice! 🙂
i forgot my pc was setup to my surround sound, bro the base in the intro made my HOUSE shake got to love a big ass stereo system
The new edits at the research table are a great touch. 👌
Don’t do Insta or Sh**ter but have a comment as a little bit of engagement. Or enragement… No, wait, that’s me.
exactly 1 hour? damn
9:35 I think it’s likely due to square roofs messing with your stability
I had to put my dog down today at 10pm I got home and was crying saw your video and cheer up a bit don’t feel bad for me I’ll be fine just glad to see you post
the last of us themesong again from willyj
is your contented scripted or really good editing??
Guys its Frost!
Making 3 grown men leave a discord call is crazy ts was so funny to me
He’s like the Jhon wick of rust
(Deadpan voice) ” you’re getting raided, it’s over for you” Frost to Hjune… lol classic
Beautiful 👏
Much happier watching your uploads compared to Willjums frost. At least you’re a guy who will keep their stream on during a twitch drop ❤
Bro that railway crossing at 13:27 looked so epic.
Certified Frost classic
bro ur crazy, i ust love ur content, u deserve the world! u willJ H B. u guys are just magnificent <3 keep it up <3 some people really appreciate ur content.
It only took 6 months its fine.
How do you get hold of the serve wipe file?
ozeunluxboganisir irluinburt
Your one talented man. Thanks for the deadly videos.
I’ll be honest. I typically watch videos at 1.25x or 1.5x speed to get through as much content as possible, but your movies are one of the only things I watch at 1x speed because there’s so much thought that goes into making it a perfectly crafted experience, one thing a lot of people seem to skip over is the sound design, the music in the train scene was perfectly chosen, and over all the effort put into making it something you want to sit down and enjoy has always put you securely at the top of rust creators.
Thank you for making this content, so someone who doesn’t have the time (and skills but let’s not talk about that) can experience rust the way that it’s meant to be played.
The way you know where everyone is even when they don’t make noise is crazy
Boys what is that track I cant get out of my head. Can someone help out please, cant seem to find it. 4:20.
This is art
How u gonna do another to be continued after a to be continued
Your cinematics are better than some “top tier” games and their own designers
as if you didnt make vending machine for the red cards
im watching this video crossfaded asf
ITS NOT SCRIPTED lmao disclaimer, frost the original patron saint of fiver actors
man i remember when i watched my first rust video the house of cards and i got addicted to all rust content i just got the game last week and i love it. thank you for making videos
bro that clean 1:00:00
Love the gameplay always amazes me keep doing what you doing frost love your content!!!
Frost intro looks like from the warcraft III only legends will remember that game
W video, w cinematography ,w story telling. Like always keep posting the best rust content frost.
just from the first couple minutes you can instantly tell there has been so much time gone into this video, good work man keep up the great videos
3:53 stop the cap
I love the way you edit your videos with the cinematics you put in your videos its so smooth and keeps the viewer entertained. Love your videos by the way♥♥♥
dude that was amazing edits😭😭
I think this series from all of you has been the best watch in a long long time, absolutely love the concept
You really had to make it 1 second past an hour to bother me huh! -.-
Bro not to be rude or anything just reminding you for the future I’m pretty sure it’s only 1 Molly
6:58 song ?
I was so sad to see “To be continued” lol can’t wait for the next part
Imagine a server with only streamers and youtubers playing solo
bro imagen the crossy god welyn in this group
Did Michael Bay direct this what da hell lol
What are this kids sound settings it sounds so ez to hear footsteps and everything somone pls tell me
Thank you for this banger made me go thru my philosophy class
How you do good with your editing 🔥🔥
Took me about 13 hours to finish this video please upload the new one in les then a month, if it isn’t gonna be as good as this one then a month will have to do not gonna watch the others yet
Ur hot bbg
I love your point of view <3
frost is so good at rust man I wish I was half as good
Editing is top notch! 😉
This is my favorite rust content of all time. You dont share to much of each other’s POV, so it is still super enjoyable to watch all the creators videos. Well done ! ❤
What a beast of content are you guys creating together ❤
Bro I can’t believe I played on this same server and the same time as yall, just on the other side of the map.
It’s hilarious.
I, a random guy, am commenting on some random other guy’s new youtube rust movie (fuck ‘video’, Frost, you are a damned cinematographer).
I’m an inconsequential happenstance. I wonder : Can I, oh kismet awry, ever encapsulate the dramaturgic thoughts that these movies have brought me?
nah, fr though. i have so many distinct, definable memories of watching your rust movies. i leave this comment as a testimony of my great appreciation for your work.
[you make great ‘come down’ films, might i add]
its crazy how good this man is the editing and just in game man thx for the amazing vids
Yo hol up 1;17 I realize Danm your a videos have deep definitions. You an the gang Rock. 🎉❤
really sucks that the flashlight looked like that from a 3rd person perspective.
i know that bugged the fuck out of you.
I enjoy every video
hay frost i watch your widieos evry dan and im 10 i wanted to tell you that you are amazin i hope you can text back
This has been some true poggers content from the four of you. An absolute blast in multiple parts, multiple viewpoints and content-directions. Just splendid!
Pants off, leaned back in the chair.. time to get my Frost on
YIPPIE FROST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!11
love the content but damn YT this is the 3rd time i have had to subscribe to you. best of luck as always, love watching each of your guys perspectives
Willjum, Frost, and Spoonkid my badass list Rust players i love to watch
This took a little bit too long to release but it was WORTH the wait!
LOVE movie like
You are months behind this whole video Let’s put out by everybody forever ago. You used to be on point but now you’re just slacking
edible + frost + muchies = a good night
even tho we know the plotts from the other povs, i always watch and look forward to ur videos. nobody tells the history like u and the edits and cinematics are all worth the waait.
Amazing, loved the atmosphere on point.
To be honest I think this house/bunker/fort that you made absolutely gorgeous. Ez clap
this 4v none needs to be regular
still waiting for scripted story from frost :). imma comeback when its coming up
Love the series from everyone’s perspective.
@Frost how long until part 3? Please don’t make us wait 3 more weeks. You know it’s done already.
ty for all your work brother🎉🎉
FFFFFUUUU…. i really want the next video already!
Why did you have to end it on the best part man now we gotta wait another month for you to upload
It was cool to see how the 2×2 defense was saved by you. I was wondering what happened when I watched the others videos! This was a great idea from you guys. Good work!
U are the legend men nice gameplay cant wait to see next video ✌❤🥰
hjun wiljum frost and Blue follow up????
How can i be told to follow something i already follow? You should know that the loyal OG Frost fans already follow your socials
Yes Frost, this is what we wanted.
Also… Great call on where it ended / where it’s gonna pick back up.
Job well done, your back. 👌
The cinematics are fuckin hilarious and I love them! Great vid.
omfg just got home from work and my boy uploaded…. SHEEESH sit down with some dinner and some banger content.
Fire as always🙏
@Frost I know you use alot of CGI and cool editing tricks. You do alot more then most. So I know that’s why it takes you longer to release your videos. Plus I know you have a life outside of YouTube. Here is my argument. You are really good at what you do. You are not just a creator. You doing alot more editing, narrative, VFX and CGI then any other game streamer making content on YouTube. Not just on rust. So maybe start hiring creators under you. Either teach them how to story tell and edit like yourself. Or leave you tube behind all together and you maybe start creating videos for other creators?? It’s a thought. I really think you should use unreal engine 5 and maybe start making movies that you write and create with your knowledge you have learned from rust. Use unreal engine 5 and collect the free random assets available at this time. Put a story together scripted with voice actors and create movies using unreal engine 5. Does not have to be rust content. If the people like it you start buying assets for unreal engine 5 and create all kinds of different stories and movies using strictly CGI, VFX, story telling, dialog and all the other editing tricks you have learned over the years. I think you’d get a huge response. Can you think of anyone else on YouTube doing this stuff??? A.I. Will start doing soon enough once someone plugs that stuff into an A.I. system. Do it before them. Yea it might take 6 months for your first short story scripted CGI movie, but I think it would be worth it. If anyone could pull something like that off you could. You are basically a game designer at this point. Bc your rust videos with all the extra you do don’t look like other creators rust videos. Let me know if you are picking up what I’m putting down. Could be a new career path and be new and exciting again for you. Get your passion back again? Regardless what you do great job man. I just hate not seeing anything for months at a time. Yet again though you are the king! I hail you my friend.
Your editing is amazing, time to binge all of your videos 😂
1 hour long exactly is beautiful
How am I followed to Blooprint, hJune, Willjum, coma and a couple others but I wasn’t followed to you yet
What Headset do you use???
Amazing video as always, Frost, u never fail !
Noooooooooooo lol good video hate the cliff hanger so good though
ur a monster of editing my bro love u
Merge raid 💀 you have too
First vid I ever watched as a teenager I thought my fav YouTuber should be the one ❤️
frost is the only rust youtuber that can make a 3 part wipe when others like willy j and big p only make a 1 part wipe
Guys i love watching a frost vid on the toilet as much as anyone but youre gonna get hemorrhoids if you watch the whole thing
As an honorary Willjum Subscriber, I can confirm that this video will kick ass and be a classic.
Remember, kids never touch grass. 😂
This video was SO well put together. I’m not able to play rust on my current computer, but I get to live it out through your fantastic videos. Thank you and keep up the good work
A frosty video that’s how I know I’m finna have a good luck this week love ur content frosty <3❤
bro actually gives us good worthy content and is good at what he does. he puts time into his vids with little details that make the vids so much better
Bro, this has to be the most detailed rust video/movie i’ve ever seen, its perfect, congratulations!
Great movie frost now hurry and release part 3, I am invested.
An hour frost video? LFG
Every time I see frost post even tho I am late my day goes from a 1 to a 10 ❤❤❤❤
Good Pt 2 <3 DDB. Approved
Your content is so top tier, the level of production that went into this is incredible!
they way you make rust videos is literally art man
love how you are using my name as yours
Frost the type of guy to say “alrighty buddy” when he dies
My man plays destiny with that title similarity :^)
Surprised as fuck when it said only 1 hour. Literally thought it meant 1 day because that would be more of a frost move
Man i actually felt bad for frost when they all left the discord and he said he was just kidding 😅
This was a fun one… It was cool watching this from different perspectives and other YouTuber’s videos. I do hope you guys keep doing these. Really excellent content.
Oiii bruv loved it top notch bruv always providing bruv
Great video Frost! we appreciate your editing and transitions well done. 🎉 Rest now
No one talking about the transition at 12:20? Smh
A certified Frost masterpiece.
i can watch these for days
3 weeks later…………….
Always a epic tale when you let us experience what you experience on screen, keep going frosty
AMAZING editting! Feels like a more polished FrankieonPCin1080p Arma video from back in the day. Absolutely loved this one. Thanks for the watch.
You should make some more scripted rust movies those make me so happy
SPOONKID4LYFE. but u cool too tho.
Bruh that was mad sus how u knew where everyone was in the tunnels
Before the video starts I love you frost and thanks for what is going to be a banger
Sending love n good vibes Keep the amazing contact coming man we love you.
Not going to lie i have been stalking for this video. Very nice <3
Holy shit this is a masterpiece
Whoever edited this did amazing
bro this cliffhanger…
Wow, man, this content between the four of you watching it all from different perspectives and different adventures is absolutely awesome content 👏 👌
The Cinematic Experience you get with a frost video is literally unmatched. There isn’t a single YouTuber that can touch the creativity and detail of a frost video.
didnt watch blooprints video bc of you. yw
Um look up pt.2?
part 3????????
The cinematics in this video are insane, as a fellow editor it makes me want to learn Rust editing too😆
Frost how do I cope playing rust console
Such a master piece we need more outta you frost!!
you’re a great film maker of rust dude damn
I want the cool movies back
bring back scripted stories
The part in the airfield tower had me dyin man xD
Will just ran one with Alone…. 4 stack?
I gotta give it up, 12:20 mark is so good lol
another banger for the books 👏
The editing this time around is just insane. The transitions, cinematics and graphical overlays really make this some of the best rust content
Bro at 15:55 i screamed for you lol
How can someone you watch on YouTube make you experience so much joy. So I thank you frost ❤❤❤
doritos a mango loco moster and a frost vid at am could life get better?
Bring back your old scripted videos plz 🙏🏻
Who was that voice in min 29:42??
Ohh daddy how I’ve longed for one of your videos now I have something to do at work
at the 15 min marker that guy really was wearing a booney and a bannana mask but had a metal mask in his inv :/
bravooo as always 👌
Was a good watch!
Frost with another banger edit. I get chills in every single video you make bro dont stop!
You know it’s a frost videos when you see some of the best intros on earth for rust. Best of luck to everybody that has been supporting frost. Love you man.
Another certified banger!
W video frost always has the best vids
I wanna be in afrost video so bad lowkey
Chainsaw the dang trees around your compound you tree hugger
base of the year.
I love the movie style videos you do, all the beautiful cinematics, the story and since it’s unscripted makes it even batter, the narration for more context, just amazing! keep up the great work!
Love the content, def always movie quality! Better than most Netflix shows nowadays!
Another banger❤
True cinematic master piece!!
bro hits us with to be continued that hurts more than the spiderman movie.
To me. making friends, alliances, and meeting good people every once in a while is the best loot. Love ya Frost, take care everyone.
great work
2 minutes in and holy fuck
bro used 2 mlatoves on doouble door
And again a insane movie!
This video was amazing! The cinematics and story telling is literally that of hollywood standards amazing! Cant WAIT FOR the next chapter. When will it be expected to come out?
You are the Michael Mann of Rust films!!! Your base felt like Mini Sanctuary 2.0.
“Getting shot by someone else, and I’m downed from 3450m. Yeh. He’s in a zip line bro. There’s no way”
– Hjune 2023 soooo funny man wtf
that konfuzion cameo at 29 mins <3
No one edits like you ❤
I thought it was going to be a good day but already watched willjums video
Please tell me you didn’t have to mask that windmill and tree frame by frame on the day 3 cinematic😂😂
I am so excited for the next video frost keep up the good work man
What’s cool abt this wipe is you can rlly observe thru the dif videos they posted and rlly see how dif they play how did they editing is
soooo fucking goooooodddd
I have a fever right now and watching these videos make me feel so much better it’s like I forget I’m sick 🫶🏼
So glad there’s even more to come! You frickin’ rock
The king of rust editing! Good lord I love your editing style
yo boys, you should do this again sometime but rotate base ownership each day, everybody has to add some of their own design ideas to each base and then see what kinda crazy shit you come up with
Killed it again Frost. Great Mini Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥.
This is the type of human being that knows and understands how to make a good rust vid 😎
can we appreciate the cinematography @ 4:11
Wasn’t into this one. Love all the other videos, still a thumbs up for the time you put into these.
Need the next 1 ASAP but love the separate POVs
Man, that outro kinda slaps bro. @frost whats the name?
New Frost video, insta like!
As an ooooooold COD editor, your editing skills/style make me want to create Rust content like you but I have no idea how to do it “originally” without being seen as a copycat ):
Hey this was recorded on Rustopia! 10/10 server 😉
15:40 omg chetar!! spinbot?!?
Did you get a new editor? Pacing feels weird
Literally 3 minutes into the video and the editing is out of this world keep it up well done
Was that confuzion narrating the foreshadowing bit?
Frost u are the best on making plays bases and editing videos
I wish i had that ability
Keep up my man Approved video
W fricken video just like every other
dude your videos is next level
awesome work/content
thank you
Alternate title: how frost got the nickname killjoy! Lol
i really want to know that song at 7:00 i cant find it anywhere PLEASEEEEE
Just saw the upload… can’t wait to watch 8t!
14:20 i would have never seen that guy! great video as always.
Frost I love your work so much and I always get a bucket of popcorn and sit by my TV on my bed and watch one of your videos. It’s honestly always a movie. And it’s always perfect
Also, I heard that if you say your favorite YouTuber three times you get a pin
Frost frost frost
Another masterpiece! Well done man.
All I can say well worth the wait thanks frost for the content
cant say enough how clean the tunnels>depot>tunnels transition was. need more of that
Done see you guys in another month 😂
The best thing about this is the exactly 1 hour runtime
You and Bloo still friends after he hosed you on the furnace trade ?
ESP @12:50 – 13:06
Precisely on target before player comes into view stepping off elevator, then pre-aimed another player before they visibly walked through a doorway.
Another Cam Frost video <3 <3 <3 Lesgo
when are the scripted content coming out? would love to see what hjune was always joking about
whats the song at 7:23
I’ve got nothing to say except amazing as usual
nice turkish rug
Man I could never be a true content creator. To create, edit for hours, and finally upload a perfect 1:00:00 long video, only for the damn miliseconds to make it 1:00:01 on youtube and make my OCD go NUTS xD
Damn… perfect one hour really…
1 molitov for double doors 2 for single not 2 for both
I just had this on in the backround playing some minecraft and then BOOOM VOICE CHANGE OUT OF NOWHERE SCARED THE PISS OUT OF ME
my god this editing is so good
FROST milking as many videos from one adventure lol
love the content bro
Recently started playing rust cause of yall on YT, it’s a god forsaken game but I’m loving the challenge of it
The Cliffhanger 😭
We’re you been frost
god that clip transition from tunnels to base to tunnels. chefs kiss. <3
I like your videos, even tho you are gay <3
Honestly the best rust content creator
okay this is insaen
see y’all in the next video 😀
bruh the preview of next chapter stop it
Yessir it was banger
Genuinely one of your best videos, soundtrack & editing is awesome!!!!
Please never change
Not finna lie im not even watching the others videos cuz your editing is amazing
I got the house of cards hoodie on as I watch this.
Love this 4-solo format. Also, the composition of my favorite players/filmmakers. Hope you guys do this more often. Its very interesting content.
Good vid but hopefully we don’t have to wait so long for the next vid
Broo I am getting goosebumps 😂😂 it is like watching f&f 7 ending for the first time but the opposite emotions 😂😂
He might be slower with the videos but the work put into them just makes them so much better
frost vids are genuinely goated
storytelling at its finest! visuals and sounddesign are incredible, let alone the transitions and story build up. Fire!!🔥
Truly a masterpiece like always. Unfortunately I have to wait again for the the next episode.
so good as always
I love you frost i only hope good and beautiful things happen for you for the rest of your life
crazy intro
It’s a good day when a frost video drops. Thank you
Intro is dope
Wasn’t there supposed to be a sequel to LOOK UP? I’m fiending for more frosty boy content
The launcher, that you didn’t really need. Lmao🤣
The magic og editing
This was amazing as usual. Frost never misses.
The GOAT of rust is back !
you lil soon
Still and always my favourite, while I hope on day we get another scripted I am whole heartedly content with all your efforts. Bangers
Frosts movies just hit different
Where is look up pt 2???
Frost uploads …. i watch, im a simple man
I havent watched there povs yet but man when i tell you the to be continued got me so madddd 😠 great vid frost 🙌🏽🫶🏽
Be honest what’s your bench max frost ?
this the jacked frost that dont play around no mo
W vid but why say p2 in 10days and then upload 3weeks later (im just curios not hating)
time to sit back grab my lube and put frost on full blast in my dolby atmos headphones -_-
17:45 that was pretty sad
Liking the new style of editing
Wonderful and beautiful movie! Love love love! The content bro! You are the BEST editor and storyteller.
which video link part 1 sir?
I love frost video and I get really inspired to make my own but i don’t get how he’s getting these perfect cinematics if it’s unscripted
love the base, love you and you are unique
skipping college to watch this😅
Raising the bar for RUST “movies” every time. Beautiful.
“I’m stuck in a tree. I’M STUCK IN A TREE!”
Very nice video pal I can’t believe it took you only 3 weeks to submit this! <3
anyone else here the voice crack at 52:17…….
Single handedly you’re the reason I bought rust, and then put 3k hours in lol.
Frost is back at it again, great video man
The super quietness scared me lol
frost why does your game look so good like there r trees everywhere it just looks like old rust
@Frost this base design is wicked. Crazy rock base, tower monster truck rally, wet t-shirt contest!!! Unreal!!!! Only way i could describe it!!
havent even watched it yet and still know its gonna be a banger 💯
best youtuber atm ngl
just WOW
Bro ive been waiting to long for this
Frost can u please post more 🙏
already saw this on Stevie’s channel 🥱🙄
what kinda idiot doesn’t follow frosts social media’s anyways
Frost plz coach me
Bro this edit is crazyyyyyyyyyy but like really crazy love the content keep it going 🔥🔥🔥
your editing is insane, and especially the cinematics.
Common frost video W
And next video after one month 😩
best day of the week by far
Frost I appreciate your videos man but when I first started watching you it was like a movie even though it was scripted and that’s what made me start watching and now every time I click on a video I hope it says written by frost but it never does. If this is what you like doing I understand I just wanted you to know I miss those videos and no other creator can do it like you.
frost saw your insta you looking riped my friend good job and keep it up
The extra second 😢
that was a good fucking watch, keep it up!
Sorry, I don’t use socials, otherwise I would follow! You are consistently putting out bangers! Much love!
frost you got the best production
Content is juicyy
Saved the day as usual frost
👍How do you get the shots of you third person?
Next chapter is gonna be awesome. Keep the work up frost! Perfect video
I never comment on Rust videos, but your editing this video… just *mwah* Chef’s Kiss, it is some of THE BEST I’ve ever seen. Keep it up!!!
I want to subscribe I really do, but I play rust my self as well and try to make content from my builds. I guess mine suck cause no one watches them.
Tbh I haven’t watched the rest from their channels I prefer your channel ur just an overall better content creator
two frost vidoes within a month? what did we do to deserve this
I love the editing and the 3 legends playing together, but as solos 🫶
du-te drq ca esti tare
Not even 1 min in the video and I already love it
bro made a full on movie lol
The intro is amazing!
That intro animation was pretty dope, more of that please.
Bro just mentioned his base as mini sanctuary. My favorite base and adventure ever on this channel.
Love it!
im gonna give you an advise bro, dont say “i spent alot of time in this video” because its one hour and people can see the edition so they know you worked hard on it, its more professional because in my work i dont say i worked alot in this problem, our mission is get the job done so yeah 😀
Its not a complain brother, just one advise for you, you can take it or you can ignore me but its just my point of view 🙂
Good job with this video
AloneInTokyo, HJune, and Frost post on the same day. Its a beautiful day❤
If Frost gets any better at film making he’s going to get cancelled by Netflix.
I love when frost spreads the creamy content for me??
they Just keep getting better and better.
Frost if your seeing this please take this into consideration how about you guys you blooprint hjune and will jum all play in a squad one wipe
Been waiting for a frost video for what feels like day 1 rust
Frost is cringe
This is another banger ❤
crazyli good vid holyy ❤
Frost I love you thank you for uploading this video.
Love the videos man, keep up the great work
Bro honestly watching Frost videos feels like going to the iMax
the editing is insane, keep up the great work
Feels like a Wes Anderson’s movie like fantastic mr fox for some reason
“im gonna tone down on the editing on my videos” Then creates a fucking visual masterpiece
42:20 Kira?
yo his clothing is rlly good any offordable
That edit on that train tunnels cross section on 13:30… Damn that was god damn epic 🫡
Cant wait for the next video you are fuckinv sick
xd dx
you got my like any way befor i watch the video <3
Can someone tell me which program do Frost use to make this Universal Movies? Insane, and i really need to know where he cuts and edit the colorgrading.
That’s one of the most beautiful bases I’ve seen in a long time!
@0:05 WE are spending a lot of our time to wait on a frost video, please consinder to make it more frequently
just kidding keep it up
I love frosts cinematic shots makes for such good short movies
5:20 you should’ve added one of the japanese songs instead of that 😄
Nice video❤❤
When I raid I get like clothes and spears I’m new to the game so I don’t really know what to look for anyone have advice?
I really love your content
Frost your content helps me escape from the Hell I walk through every day man thank you so much
I like it how this rust movie masterpiece portray how lonely solo players wipe is GOOD JOB!!!!
i wanna watch this so bad but ima save thiss for towmorrow i gotta 5 hour car ride so i need smth to do
Frost casually coming back with the video, like a dad with a milk
You know something gonna happen when suddenly frost becomes silent
With videos like this, I’d go into your deep
frost videos are sooooooo good
People say they make Rust movies, but there is only one that actually make them and that’s you. Thanks for this beauty again😊
Good shit Frost!
It was a good vid but i’m even more impressed you got it excatly 1 hour😂
dude you and willjum are a great duo
congratz on 1.27 mil
Thenke you you really make my day ❤❤❤
You are the best I rely love you’re videos ❤❤❤❤
Finally the final❤
meh, already seen it
dang I’m 2 hours late
that name didnt say xmj??????? 16:06
*blooprint nervous giggle* i’m in danger
Just random helicopter mode 😀
2:49 when you can see the dudes name zatty
Thank it’s time for a 1v1 wipe against Hjune and frost
using my name as ur ingame name lol
certified spoonkid classic
We need the frost hoodies that’s gonna be cold
I honestly enjoy all of your content 💯🔥🙌
look at that 1:00:00 exactly
I build on airfield because of the first chapter and somehow believe it or not i found a spot so close i roughly measured 10 square foundations from airfield walls had a great solo wipe and unreasonably huge triple compuond turreted lit up full of loot rockets,…
I did this as a 160 hours solo
This video reminds me of everything that happened
Finally I waited so long for a frost video and it’s here time to relax for 1 hour
ngl i wish frost would upload a scripted vid every once in a while
Frost intro reminds me of sl1pg8r og intro.
Better then netflix fr
bro i love this vid so much straight going to my favourites
Bro frost you make some of the best rust content but you dont upload UPLOAD SONNER NOT ONCE EVERY 2 months please
sheesh 3 weeks later lmao
Ayy a frost vdeo
i followed you on instagram awhile ago. wheres my goodnight kiss??
Great vid, keep up the good work!
How was your trip frost I hope it was great
Let’s go 10 days has passef
Always an epic tale. Love how they play like an actual movie instead of seeming like another stream. Can’t wait for the next chapter 🤘
OoooOooo willjums in this
Only took a month
Here we goooooo
39:02 “unlock door” i swear that only pops up if u own the door…??
if it wasn’t for rust this guy would be the next Christopher Nolan
Your render setting are 😍😍
less goooooo new forst vido
Bruh i was about to sleep from asia its 3am but then saw your freshly made content.
beautiful video frost
Loved it!
So excited to watch this. Your content and quality on your videos are perfection. Don’t stop ever
2 sec into video a like and a comment just for the algorythm Lets goo
PART 3. In 3 months…………..
oh shit this music is from lemmiknow
alittle late
Still best Rust Editor out there.
so where is part 2 of look up?
Dude You gotta know., your vids are seriously one of the best Rust vids out there. I am always waiting for your new vid.. Dont let that mojo die. whatever others say, you do a great job. Have been following you from the early days. im not much of a writer. but i just wanted you to know. you should watch some of your earliest content and then the latest. amazing to see the growth over the years! be proud! love ya. Jon.
HJUNE, Aloneintokyo and You in one day, we are blessed by the rust gods
It’s really interesting to see the different POVs.
I watched the other guys pov already, no disrespect to the them but you held down the final raid like a beast!
the intro was insane
Moaarrrr!!!! Great work:)
At 38:54 he holds E on the wooden door and it gives the option to unlock, that only happens when you own the door
Love the content, editing is crazy keep it up 👍. Would appreciate a reply.
took a while to come out, but can definitely say it was worth. thanks for the effort you put into these videos <3
This series is awesome, first time i really enjoyed Rust videos lately! Respect my man Frost
Love you boss
Frost are you still posting the second channel vid?
frostywolf this you??
any one heard of lachzy
*nervous blooprint giggle* lul
This was definitely the best edit out of all the solos
W cant wait for next chapter
to be continued… love to see it haha
me: yes a new frost video also me: uhh 1 hour
Very nice very nice ! Fr Frost i dicovered rust with you and you still are the best at it
I love you Stevie. I know you’ll see this.
Let’s fucking go. Always a good day when Frost puts out an Icy banger.
lmao why is Konfuzion doing the monologue?
Took you a while 😂 but well worth the wait! Great Editing and story telling. Can’t wait for the next one Frosty boy. But i just might have to.
Bro had to add a second so it wouldn’t be one hour
Better than 90% of movies
I cant wait to kill you on rust one day XOXO my cutie pie
Bro you’re edit’s on your videos are insanely crazy🔥
Zaddy going crazy ahhhhhhh
W videos always make them super fun
the wait is over lesgooo
Amazing Day for the vid drop I was needing it. Keep it up <<3
Just finished watching this vid for the 3156th time. I can confirm this is a certified spoonkid classic.
Certified frost classic
God dam the editing keeps get better
That’s what she said
Brooo, That opening! Frost videos just hit different
Frost, when are we duoing?
You know its a good day when Frost uploads
17:59 “ Wtf … I was kidding 😢😢😢” haha 😂
another frost movie out definitely a good day!!!
I wonder how much crying frost will do in this vid. Preemptive disliking the video
Intro made me think this was LOTR lmao
I remember a little while ago you said you are going to start making your content less blockbuster style if you know what I mean. I think that shit is in your blood stream. Quality shit. Every time.
Finally seeing a Frost video before the others.
Honey wake up. A new Frost video dropped
A huge one !
29::33 Wes Anderson
Can confirm this is a certified frost video
Seeing this from all 4 perspectives is GOATed
exactly one hour
great vid as always frost keep it up man
He across the spiderversed us what the fuhck
frost is a walking W
hJune is a known cheater SMH not watching
Hahaha amazing video man still the best I love how in the 44:00m your where like ok I hold the tower you hold the bottom ok haha and he’s like frost? Hahaha I love how everyone just know you from just your voice hahahaha again amazing video man even if it’s already late where am from I still can’t stop watching your videos man there too entertaining❤ love your vids again man just there so great
Well worth the 3 week wait
Simply amazing
The best for me ❤️
Frost in top love your videos
Always an amazing day when a frost video drops
better than most of films, what a instane edit skills, love your videos for like 6 years
MasterPiece. ❄
1hour is way to long video
Frooooooost !!!! Ive watched this video 3254 times and its a certified Frost Banger!!
So good❤
willjum remind me of tayk
Frowzt when the 2nd part of look up comin out
Another amazing video from frost
love the content as always
Dawg this was uploaded months ago by the other content creators I get it that you like to edit more but months????
Day 2 took 3 weeks. Bro that’s actually crazy
Oh yes
love yo8u frostwish we could play when i get a upgrade on m y pc
Does anyone know the one upload where he used the song “Bad Man” for some cinematic scenes? I just remember loving that video but I cant find it anywhere lol
Best birthday gift ever
Watched this video 6 times already and it’s a certified spoonkid classic.
lets go another vid
Anyone know the song at 7:00?
what a great edit great work!!!
Let’s go!
Not better than house of cards
i was scrolling through yt and this vid popped up and i thought i had alr seen it, but i didnt know that u just posted this, im glad your still posting! love all the videos man
Me love you ♥️
lets be honest who doing this like Frost
What a video frost love ya man
Love ur vids
Frost Movie? Let me get the popcorn ready 🍿🤗❤️
That elevator in his base is cold 🥶
Mad OCD for 1:00:00 video timeline
Right before work thank god
this film was so well orchestrated its unreal.
love you daddy kitten 🫶🫶🫶
intro song please @frost !!
It’s unfair that he has to say “unscripted” in his vids. The best thing I ever saw in my life on YouTube to this day is the Frost jump. Many have tried to copy it. None have succeeded.
U suc, I’m chady dubs and I’m better
i been waiting for this vid for so long
Congratulations man, exelent work you did here. Its great to see the passion that you have with what you do, and still to this day, you’ve kept your content up to thi high standards. Hard work pays off, you are a great content creator.
1 hour on the dot lets go
1:00:00 sad
I’ve watched this 42 times and I can confirm that this is a frost classic.
No fucking way frost uploaded another vid this quickly
lets go new vid
also love this style of vid made it look like old frost
If Frost uploads a video it is like a cinema movie. Insane Work man, each video. I still watch the videos from 2 years ago, cause they just crazy. Keep up the good work man!!
cant wait to watch… <3333
These video’s always get uploaded right before my deadlines, this leaves me no other option than take a 1 hour break…
Love your vids
Big stuff big tuff
I’ve been waiting for this ever since part 1 thank you
Blooprint and frost sound so alike i get confused somey
was literally just watching his other vid then I see this right when it ends T__T
31:25 >dies
>sighs in pain
This man’s determination is admirable
W vid
Love you videos bro watching all the way from Puerto Rico ❤
I dont think you understand how happy i am when a brand new video pops up
WWWWW ANIMATION at the beginning of the video… we love that
This is WICKED
What! why are you posting it in this hour?. now i cant sleep because i need to watch this.
ps: its 2:30 am here 😭
26:55 bros trynna be like train
I love your content frost keep up the work man💪
The video sound design is impressive 🚀
Love the videos keep up the great work
Babe wake up, Frost uploaded a new video
SHEEEE a whole movie LFG🎊!!!
always a good day when frost uploads
the editing is just to good
Crazy how you just keep producing these bangers
Frost is one of the best YouTubers ever
Frost best rust youtuber>
15:40 , frost hacks revealed?
sorry wiljum, bur frost approved: cosiest base in rust!
willjum’s video then hjune’s then frost???? Now I will be late to work tomorrow morning
When frost uploads you know it’s finna be a chill rest of your day
Yes I new frost vid on my bday and a ps5 couldn’t get better 😊😊😊
Editing is top tier
exactly an hour damn
Imagine one of the vids is just gonna say a scripted story
Okay, is it just me, or do Frost and Blooprint sound VERY similar?
Man I was having a bad day but now I’m hsppy
25 Seconds in and I can without a doubt confirm this is a Spoonkid Classic
Another banger ofc‼️Frost you always warm me up inside😮
i never try to play this game because of my low spec PC but when i see frost playing rust i immediately watch his video. I dont really understand this game but its fun to watch this kind of game ❤.
Ayoo!! Hjune and frost vid in the same hour!!!!❤
its a good day when frost drops
Thanks for the video bro youre a legend hopfully i can afford a laptop soon so i can play rust again ❤
Best edits award
Quick question, how are you getting those really nice cinematic shots at the beginning?
another amazing vid from frost my day is safed
Frost vids go brrrrrr
Best YouTuber/Editing for sure 😍
Yo! Ever considered making a video on Star Field??
FROST YES I was so bored so I decide to look on YouTube and see frost hits us with another banger thank you so much my day is so much better now
Early gang
Noice imma watch this while I binge your channel
Say frosty
Let’s goo new vid watching it now
Yes sir another episode
If frost likes this comment I will get my mom to watch and subscribe
from the start i knew it was gonna be good
Nothing can top a Frost video during the summer💯💯💯
The intros are always the best
Can I get a ❤?
I got a early jump on this movie, it already looks heat 🔥🔥
Welcome, To rust.
Frost thanks for vid bro I’ve been hooked on ur vids recently
ay time for 1 hour to sleep at 3 am
Im trying to safe up some money to get a PC, im bored of console rust and every of youre Videos just hype me up even more! Keep up the great work and I hope seeing some of yall on PC in future
Woke up to the notification, boutta be the best summer break ever
Was an honour running it alongside you 🫡
The time and effort you put in to these vids are insane
I have a question frost how do you animate your starts? I truly have no idea how you may do it and it looks very good and clean do you have any videos or explanations for it?
YOO, todays wordle was Frost letss gooo
bouta be a good day
10 days btw
facts tho
Another lucky llama classic
Thanks for another W video, love you bro
The best rust youtuber in the world
Thank you were much for the best rust content frost I appreciate it so thanks
Man Just The First Seconds And Its Already A Certified Spoonkid Classis
early lmao love u frost
You can already tell this is a banger ❤️
Love the videos keep it up can’t wait to sit back and watch this banger
what happened to washed???
His edits will always be unmatched🔝
1 hour 😎
I love when u post cuz i finally have something to watch
Bro already watched it twice and i can tell its a willjum classic
First 10 seconds – can confirm certified Frost banger 🚀🎉
Can confirm that frost is awesome
Wake up babe new frost vid dropped
Almost had a wife and kids before this video came out lmao
Frost vid on my birthday let’s gooooooo
Nomer 578
Great video!
Oh, ffs. When I thought it was over with this quad-pseudo-squad, now there’s another part of this bs…
Makes me mad when I see low effort content perform better then Frost’s content 🤦♂
Love the series man. Keep it up! ❤
a video again hell yeah
Frost has the best vids/movies on rust it’s amazing
W vid, i watched it all
Omg omg omg omg I waited so long for a frost upload when I watched this video it was so majestic it touched my heart and turned my life into perfection so I went and showed my family and now we are all touched by this video . I’m on my way to show my neighbours this masterpiece so they can feel the majestic touch too
4 minutes ago poggers
money upload
I’ve watched this 1000 times and can confirm it is a frost classic
the perfect 1hr video doesn’t exi-
Frost this is why your a god damn artist your videos r works of art 🙂
Randomly just got on his channel and I see a new vid uploaded 4min ago lessgooo
Already a classic (15 seconds in btw)
Upload from Frost!!!
It just isn’t a frost video without some well-made intro that hooks you in, and even makes you want to play this god-forsaken game, can already tell it’s going to be great 👍🏻
been waiting for this
Super early I love you
2AM all cozied up watchin a new frost vid. This bout to be fire 🔥🔥
Dose frost respond
Bloo print classic
letss gooo new videoooooooo
Fire ep🔥🔥🔥
The drone shots and the overlaid text and graphics are just too much awesome. This was worth watching all over again from your viewpoint! 🎉
lets goooo another frost vid and another banger
I’m too busy to play Rust anymore. So I live through these guys. Freshest Rust content in a while I’d hope they experiment with this layout even more, cause I’d keep watching every POV. 🍻
Oh boy here we go again
1h exact ?!😮 bro is even paying attention to the time 💀
Eating out of a dog bowl then i see this les goo
He so hot!
Les goo
Two min😊
Finally I have been waiting for another vid
Let’s go!!!
Frost needs to bring out a proper 3 hour movie with editing like this would be 👌🔥🔥
Amazing video
cutie patootie
everybody commenting “nice vid” 10 seconds after posting an hour long movie, nice video btw
Lets go frost with the new upload
lets gooooo frost video out
3 min gang ❤❤❤
I fucking Love Ur Content
W Frost
I already know this is the greatest video I’ve seen
Love ur vid man
omg super swag
Love your vids
just opend youtube
Oh yeah baby!
I watch u all the time never been this early
love you
After watching this video 592 times, I can officially confirm that it is a Frost classic.
1st W vid as always Frost keep it up
you know its a good day when frost uploads
I love you
keep up the good work post every once every 8 months lnaoo
Best rust film creator
To the people with the gamer tag frost. This is the real frost
Can already tell this is a spoonkid classic 🎉🎉🎉
Ain even watch the vid yet and can still tell it’s a banger
jooooo! Thank you for the video! <3
1 hour on the dot is insane
the true rust chad
Love it already
Love to see the goat post ❤
Certified Frost classic
i love u bro keep it up❤❤❤❤❤❤
I was watching a movie but now it’s frosts time
It’s a amazing day when frost posts
Let’s go!
another day another frost vid
Certified frozen guy classic
U legendary
Bro i loveee you vids
Frost classic ❤
Just started watchin’ it. Really exicted 😁
how am I this early
we love you frost
Damn 140 likes in 1 min😅😅😂😂
always hype for a new frost vid
Thank you man😍😍😍
dahm nice vid ive seen it all already
You know it’s a good day when frost uploads a 🔥 video
I have watched this video 732 times and I can confirm that this is a certified frost classic
lemme go grab popcorn😁😁
Yes another video 🔥🔥🔥
Great video keep up the good work 👏
Thx my g❤️
Perfect hour long video
First here luv the vids blud ❤
Video just released and I can say this is a Frost classic💯
I love you frost but come on 3 weeks you said 10 days
Who let him cook! 1 Hour video let’s go!
Posted 45 seconds ago, already watched it 7.34 times and I can confirm this is an official frost classic
Only a little more than “10 days”
Letssss go keep it up frost
Love the video
2 secs in alr a banger
Love ur vids❤❤
Letsss goo
You know it’s a good day when frost posts a video
Yes finally sooo gooooooood vid
First frost ❤
Good vid
Cant believe it im here
Just watched the whole thing, big props brotha 🙏🙏
loveeee you sexy beast
A Frost video while I’m at work? Well. Whatever.
Finally just what I needed 😢😢🤪
You r the best ily sm
My mood goes up by 300% when I see a frost upload
This guy never disappoints.
Also yay new video
Favorite video yet. Watched the whole thing.
I’ve watched this 10927382 times and it’s a frost classic
🤝 just in time Frost!
Oh nvm this is it
the goat
Love your content bro you are the best❤
very nice video keep up the good work
1st ❤
First frost bbg
Given up with rust but still watch any frost video you the goat
My guyyyy
good vid
I love you frost and thank you for posting videos to make my days. You got me out of a deep spot In life and I appreciate it a lot thank you man
This gonna be wild
Ey Frost posted let’s go 🔥
My day is instantly better
Frost thank you for this video
First. Lfg
go to gym guys
Get in new frost video couldn’t wait like
W its out
Fancy ❤😊
He’s coming again to save the day! ❤
yo chat is this real?
Love you ❤
Frost classic
I’m literally better
2secs in already a banger
First bby frost 😘
uploaded right as I’m sitting down to eat lfg
nice video bro:)
Hi guys
omg ab amazing day, hjune video that mentions frost more than himself, now a video from you, best day ever!❤
First person watching let’s gooo!
First comment
first 😀
Love the videos your the main reason I started playing rust even tho I’m on console still a great game ❤
Second chapter
Where is the second part of 4 duos
Oh damn, actually got first, love the content man
First i think…
great job FROST i see you upload more now
Nice vid
First and I love the videos 😊
i made it in the first minute
Finally Another episode!
Frost you are my favourite in these dark times 😢
W frost
38 seconds ago damn
let’s gooooooooo
Frost more like crost.
This is a spoon kid classic
Love u much
Frost, I mean first!
know its a good day when frost uploads
Yoooo first
Frost is just the best!❤
Ohhhhhh shooot🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
First comment though, love u frost
Ily frost
W vid
Yo I loved it frost
W video 😊
Let’s go🔥🔥🔥
Can already tell this is a spoonkid classic 🎉🎉🎉
Good watch
Me when the first
Dang I think I’m first
firsts. love your content