I built a Trap Base on the Most Modded Server in Rust
modded servers are terrible.
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guppgotswag
twitter: https://twitter.com/guppgotswag
discord: https://discord.gg/6fD9Qdhe4D
contact: gupp.business@gmail.com
become a GUPP™ INVESTOR!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ8f38Vn2jq950NQiS5Qx4Q/join
The only aim in Rust is to grief. To do this you will need to overcome struggles such as mic spam, cheaters and being called various r*cial sl*rs. Build a wall around supermarket. Build a Trap Base. Kill new players for fun. Protect yourself from hackers, and don’t play on official servers. Create alliances with other players and form a town, and then immediately get raided by 20 people. Do whatever it takes to survive.
#rust #trapbase #rustsolo
Taqs:rust,trap base,rust pvp,solo rust,rust update,rust gameplay,gaming,funny moments,rust build guide,rust movie
コメント (518)
oooh wel he must’ve been outside of the base and shut it through the wall
Quantom?! It’s quantum
I don’t know why i got so annoyed at that
The same person fell for the trap twice?
Do you know your thumbnail made me think of what if bases could move like they were cars these gigantic structures that are just moving cities oh my God imagine the Carnage just a gigantic flat land with superstructures destroying each and every base compartmentalizing death and destruction
People falling for obvious bait never ceases to make me laugh
I love that the modded players are stupid enough to jump into a trap they cant get iut of
I’ve got around 2k hours in rust, i don’t think modded servers are the most toxic. Official servers are.
I go on 10x or greater servers all the time and rarely even run into other players outside events. Monuments are pretty barren and everyone has a mini so there’s usually a lot less PVP
Your content is great just needs longer videos
subbed solely for writing that crack induced theory 😭
7:22 what is this song?
You know it’s really modded when there’s naked with aks😭
wat sever is dis
6:53 this song was used by vertigo in his gold days, gimmee name
The “toxic” modded community… I wonder why they might be acting toxic towards you…
his a kamikaze
never tought to hear hell march again
as a fellow british colonizer i do eat 90 cans of beans every week
عنصر نائب عربي عام 😂😂wtf
I like see you try…. TO hit the like button
love the lego island music lol
7:18 “quantom”
“work cited (crack pipe)”
But im already subscribed?
I enjoy your videos but I hate your outro so much.
the random sound effects are so goofy and i love it
like my comment if you also read the entire essay gupp typed at #7:16 timeline
like my comment if you also read everything at #7:18 timeline
whats the build song of the first base?
What server is this?
I like the part where he said “it’s gupping time” and gupped all over the place
Sixteenth time : asking to gift me rust (the game)
Is 9 minutes of pure joy and fun and lifetime sadness until next video
*May i please ask for the server*
yo I read the entire thing “the source sited” at least you sited and you where honest😀😀😀
correction, ladies and lads, women and men, not ladies and gentlemen if u dont wanna be sexist
Love your vids man, so funny
Can you please post the lyrics for the outro song. Great, thanks (thumbs up)
camomo has a video where he bans a bob the builder, common name but /shrug
Hell March rocks.
I just read that entire paragraph…..
the door closing at 7:17 is a auto-door closing command
some dumb modded servers have them
Fake thumbnail clickbait…
ah yes piano man
Is it just me or is that bullet xray at 1:29 meant to be a jfk magic bullet reference?
I love how people are like “you’re getting raided”. Isn’t that a given when you make a trap base? The goal is to mess with people and of course there’s some people that will get big mad
One time I had a guy tp to me in front of my shotgun trap, real chedderhead. Had full admin and no armor on top of a frozen mountain.
You should’ve used the Home Depot theme song when u were speed building that shit be funny
I love 10x’s
yes you are loaded
is this ace 5x t3 always
Works cited: *A crack pipe*
2:37 just gave me a scope idea😂
Just think of it this way memeio was at this sub count a few years ago now bro is over a million subs 👍🏻 good content, keep it up
Man i need to get my life together.
I can’t believe i read the whole message about parallel universes.
Well at least i know there’s a universe where there’s a me that he’s a quadrilionair
“oooh wel he must’ve been outside of the base and shut it through the wall”
I died at the mortal Kombat meme in there that was perfect
هل انت عربي ؟؟9:00
What server is this
I can’t believe the way they just go for it with no hesitation at all 😂😂
door closed because of /ad or automatic door closing
In your quick message I couldn’t help notice that you misspelled Camomo_10 and put Camono_10. Also on a lot of modded servers there is teleporting. If they had TC they can teleport in and out without using the doors at all. The only downside to not having doors is you can’t typically teleport during raid block or combat block timers. Normally the command to set a home location is /set home
the terraria music tho
Uhh make a vid about you bombing other helis befor the enter areas
I could watch an hour long video of this. Hilarious
I read the entire rant about how he somehow closed your door and to that I say he’s gay and a hacker.
i read it all lol
It’s like watching a mouse trap
the sound effects are absolutely amazing
a youtuber fell for ur trap
What song did he use for the scrappy bomb
Your quantum theory is correct
“Oh my God, I’m good at that” 🤣🤣🤣
I started playing rust on modded servers met my duo on a 2 times went from 50 to 400 hours on a modded 1 times and vanilla servers. And occasionally me and my duo do 10 times servers. Yall don’t understand 10 times server mains are… Special… Like special even for rust. 11 and up are our normal types and 9 amd down are normal but 10 times main groups… They are built different. Their mothers gave birth on the highway or something cause the all accidents
I dont even play rust but this guy is AMAZING i love the editing specially… it’s so different not gonna lie
ohhh wel he must’ve been outside of the base and shut it through the wall
Imagine opening someone’s pantry, just to be crushed by an avalanche of canned beans
Quantom 💀
that music at the beginning gave me flashbacks to a much better time.
I main 10x servers and I currently have 4 coffins of c4. 200 size stacks. So you decide what big loot is. Love your content bud. keep it up
7:17 Work cited [insert picture of heavily used crack pipe] lmao
Another good trap design is turrets with a twig roof for helicopters to land on you could probably get a lot of clips on a heli practice server with PVP
For anyone wondering, the song that begins playing at 0:53 is Battle Against A Weird Opponent from the Earthbound OST
Edit: the song at 2:10 is Battle Against A Weak Opponent from the Earthbound OST
Edit 2: the song at 2:33 is Buy Somethin’ Will Ya! from the Earthbound OST
Edit 3: the song at 4:48 is Battle Against A Mobile Opponent from the Earthbound OST
1:29 fml that was a sick edit.
Lmfao!!! Works cited: crack 😂😂😂😂 fkn love you dude
The terraria music in the background
am i the only one who read the entire text
Bro, u killed it. subbed!
00:26 Uh, I don’t think those beers are sleeping Chief
You should think the toxicity is complete opposite since in these servers you can rebuild your base in like 20 minutes.
Sp bad lood
im loaded (drunk)
1:10 i dont know what happened i blacked out and when i came to, there was a fully built bed in front if me, already stained and treated
7:00 what music?
what serwer name ?
a musica do red alert na hora do raid foi foda
The background music on 04:11 @gupp. your a boss lol
A Mario player bugged true a wand once because if a little particle
I dont play rust but like your video ha
I did read that line, so yeah. . . . .I subscribed 🙂
Why have I just found you?
Great channel, so funny 😀
you should play Rage 1000000000000x there are op kits just use /kits
I got a question
the arabic part got me dead
The door closing was Auto door closing (ad) that guy prolly had it on
the music in the video is amazing, idk how you monetise with it though
this yogscast music is so pure and beautiful and nostalgic ily bro
That opening took me back to the Yogcast. Love that trumpet sequence.
4:15 fuck, is that Lego Island music? slammin
he shut the door because of /ad its a command on alot of 10x where after a certain time the door just closes
love the terraria music shit goes hard
he replaced both the door on the left on the hallway and the right side the door you went into. if they had not replaced these doors then it wouldn’t have closed because code locked. you got outplayed buddy. he ran to the back took the door on the left and came back in to close the door on you.
preview is not real👎 video is bad. dislike
Bro I thought you knew better you need to throw the four x on the revolver for the extra goofiness
server name?
Whats the server?
W mortal kombat
found this vid randomly and the intro music threw me back to a long time ago. Rest assured, I’m definitely staying for the fun content.
Yogscast music
Bro is almost toxic
Gupp I wonder I don’t think you got much stuff I gonna be
In the worlds of the great god stempe him self….
“He was LOADED”
You should put bear traps i front of all the doors of the building next door
the works cited page is gold
Ohio = 5x servers
How did this server called?
I like modded because they are faster but yeah last time i played was a bunch of assholes who group up
did anyone realize that that BBG spicy guy jumped down multiple times? what an idiot lol
what server is that i wanna annoy them too
7:14 /ad (auto door, shuts the door after a given amount of time)
The same guy died to the trap twice
what’s the server
1:10 song name ?
The Yoggscast Intro music was great
wtf yogscast intro
2:16 my mans didnt even think once
When you asked is this loaded at the beginning of the video and had like 5 mp5 and 10 other guns… In vanilla that would be considered pretty set… on a 10x? u can have 2 boxes of aks and ful metal kits and that would be considered dirt poor lol… The number x is how much more you should have from vanilla standards.. so on vanilla if having 5 aks and full metal is considered doing kinda good (at least that’s my opinion on kinda ok for a solo) then you’d want 10 on a 2x, 15 on 3x, etc, etc to be considered as “doing ok” … I say “doing ok” vs “loaded” cus everyone definition as loaded is much different.. ask some zerg member and he’d probably say you need 20 box’s of aks, hqm, full metal kits, and 30 box’s of sulfur to be loaded.. as for a solo like me just 1 box of aks is insanely loaded cus I only need 1 ak to have a chance at snow balling..-fred
okey just bc that text iam subscriving hahaha
Hello, I came for the Tonk. Where Tonk.
Gupp is a simple man, he gets a heli, he does the gupp thing. Simple man, simple plan.
bro the sound effects are pure nostalgia
the old yogscast music. that hit me diffrent
Building bases on modded servers definitely seems pointless
You make me almost want to play rust
I read the entire thing why’
Hey lol I’m spicy n that wasn’t my roof camp base we had he one behind that , u were on ur roof constantly tapping ak and I was spraying you from the ground lol as well as only killing you with an ak not snipers.
“Works cited:” 👁👄👁
Don’t mind me, just killing people with Terraria music
He just had to make a British joke!
7:18… this dude casually explained the existence of multiple timelines and thought we wouldn’t notice
That song at beginning of the video brings back fucking memories
you are really cool !
5:21 The sound effect with the buddy was so sync i just cant
The randomly blurred chat is really really annoying….
Yu edit so much
Так дайте пацанам посчитать потери..
If Jerry Seinfeld played rust.
Oh man, that intro music reminds me of the classic minecraft days
7:16 Ireadallat
this guy is hilarius
that intro music instantly gave me nostalgia for yogscast.
7:13 theres a command /ad where it auto closes doors
Rust Base-building with the Home Depot theme actually goes together really well
What was in chat that had to be censored?
You’re hella funny, subscribed.
i subbed because of the sound effects
Love the terraria music
Yeah, man… You’re… You’re loaded, buddy. Got lots of that big’ol loot.
whats the server name id like to build some trap bases there too
the only bad part of the video is that i want more. great video.
Your content is pretty good. I think you could break into the long-form videos with these silly trap ideas
I love the collision of the mini heli v scrap helicopter… that was Awsome!!!
Not very modded…
For algorithm purposes this is the most incredible video I’ve ever seen…. How can one video hold the secret to eternal life and teach you how to be truly happy? I’ve never imagined such a Big brainz video.
gupp, the algorithm ignores you for some reason, i love ur vids and always want to see them, but i didnt see (or maybe just didnt notice) ur 3 newest vids in my recommended. (Also i just think your content is underrated af)
Longer videos pleasee
Dude, I’m not done watching so don’t ruin it. But when that HOME DEPOT MUSIC CAME ON I DIED!
What song was that at 8:47?
I have watched many many rust content creators and can confirm you have the best memes in your videos😂
Bro this long paragraph after closing the door on you had me deadd💀 i think its because parallel universes can’t find any other reason
Ill slap ya a sub why not ❤️🔥
7:15 i play that server there is a command
/ad (automatic door closing)
yogscast intro pog
What is the server
The guy on the Flor was still alive and was able to close the dor
fuck yeah hell march from red alert my guy
Command & conquer soundtrack got me sub to you bro LOVED it
the dude thats raids you is my irl friend lol
oooh wel he must’ve been outside of the base and shut it through the wall
What is the server
i read it all 7:10
7:16 there is a dum mechanic called auto door which closes any door you open like 5 seconds later
The people who skipped the long text: :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( People who paused and read it: :))))))))))))
R.I.P Gupp’s uncle 1981 – 11.9.2001
pls tell me server ip??! cuz i cant find a good modded server 🙁
Red Alert music i love it!
does anyone know the name of the sever
Work cited:….. CRACK STEM~! OMG
Please stop using terraria music 🤬🤬🤬
Bro prob sethome in ur base
andy solam server
What server are you on? Btw you are stimpy wanna be
Home depo add played while he played home depo song/theme at 1:10
Home Depot intro
8:46 how do you know the translation of the song?) it’s just right for the place ;D
gupp you and @twig should collab doing some trap bases
Yo what’s the server
Classic gupp shit 😂
Works cited L0000000l
Rust chat on modded servers is the (physical? virutal?idk) embodiment of /pol/
0:45 you know its a good video when the terraria music kicks in
do to you being heavily under raited im going to leave a comment
the editing was unreal on this
What is the servers name
I saw you gupp With Enardo you guys in team 😀 CANT WAIT TO SEE IT BRO
bro its the home depo theme that gets me every time you build ur starter. im dying here!
Guy spells quantum as quantom 💀
Ahhh, that Terraria music in the backround, reminds me soo much, back in days when i was playing Terraria. Lol
ur voice is like if ambiguousamphibian and spoonkid were one, i like it.
there is a close door automatically feature that is probably how
7:15 i read ALL of that for the editors
2:30 “ugh nobody wants to team why is everyone sexist”
i think the man had a purple cat in universe #222220339549695964569 on earth copy #456657346845745346346 an the cat tp’d him instantly out side of the door and he shut it yes i read it all at 7:16 i subed too ._.
I love these video’s fucking much
I started playing rust when it released in 2013, played vanilla all the time up until 2018ish time frame when I got a new job and didn’t have as much time to play rust. Moved to modded after 3k hours and haven’t looked back much. Just don’t have time for the grind, I’d rather join a modded server, pvp for an hour and log. Who cares about loot anymore.
Glad your finally getting views
Holy fuck-
Nothing fun in poorly configured servers.
remember me when you become a fishtillionaire
What do you use to edit your videos?
dude you put so much work in your videos i love it
Why do rust players always have snot caught in their throat? No one will marry you anyone, clear your throat, pleb
Instantly subscribed because you said ladies and gentle fish.
Bruh this editing is fucking great 😂😂😂
at 1:30 sounds like a school in the us
one of the most underrated rust youtuber
idk why your video was in my feed but right off the bad i like it. Whatever that intro song was gave me nostalgia from the “bluexephos” days of yogscast shadow of israphel lol
6:54 the red alert music 9:22 red alert
Eh, it has to be the X axis with the particle from space. Only logical explanation of the door closing
So my theory is that he opened the top door closed the bottom and boom the door is then shut
hmmm tis nice i sub •_•👍
Purple cats exist
What’s the song at 8:47?
Enardo wannabe
7:10 so glad I read the whole paragraph 😂
only if you had a teammate you couldve made so many more people angry
ayyy this is gunna be a fun idea
As a black person I give you one n word pass
I have watched this vid 1829173167193619274756331093374362 times and I can say it’s a gupp classic
On behalf of your quantum mechanics theory I concur. Perchance.
Love the music
The home depot music made me click the subscribe button 😊
When you said k we got the base back it sounded like Academy
Got that A tier terraria music
what are youre settings?
I absolutly love your editing. The sound effects fit so perfectly and everything is just so well done. Love it!
Also, I personally think it was the parallel universe explanation, seems more plausable to me, but hey I aint no parallel universe theorist or anything.
You spelled quantum wrong 7:18
try scrapland and you will see what loaded means
3:17 what is that edit where you zoom only a part of the screen called and how do you do it lol
I read the line but idk about your request
one of the 2nd raiders was 100% cheating
what multiplyer is this?
bro videos are so underatted
Sheeeesh that cut to the predator bullet ricochet had me dead
wich is it a 5x or 10x because you said it was both. are you lying to us GUPP!
You are loaded
whats the song at 7:00?
You sound like Ray Ramono.
We really are in that universe huh
mans has all the beans
More landmine content pls
Comment for engagement 👍
a nice 1.5x or 2x isnt bad but 10x is just mindless chaos lmao
troll idea: i want you to act as a naked. when someone attacks you pull out a gun ( ak, tommy, etc) and shoot them down for free stuff or don’t do this idea (this is only optional if you want to do it you can) if you die, that sucks
He is loaded 🤯🤯
i readed the WHOLE thing that you wrote when u reclaim ur base back that was very interseisting i love you bye
1:10 – 1:18 for Home Depot theme song build thing yea
Brugh I wanted to ask for server but I guess that’s a no but what’s a server like this but not this server
subbed bc 0:48 is silly
I have to say, any Rust creator who can somehow manage to integrate the “Many Worlds Theory” into a Rust trap base video, deserves a sub, a like, and a comment from me. Bravo🤓
The terraria music is perfect
God always has a plan remember that
5:45 no way the same guy fell for it twice
You are hilarious but you do need to post more ive whatched all your videos
whats that server?
this reminds me of yogscast intro ngl
For some reason his thumbnail reminds me of Marvin Heemeyer and hid bulldozer
You spelled parallel wrong lol
gupp can we get a full video of you singing its 9 oclock on a saturday (put it on spotify aswell)
while editing dude googles : “yogscast start sound”
Love your videos! Also please keep them short, I personally hate the trend for longer video’s (like spoonkid en blazed), who is going to watch a video of almost/over an hour?!
Randomly found your channel and already subbed. Great videos my man !
New gupp video lads
not really a fan of the clickbait gupp. you’re better than that
I remember when I first got rust a while ago I played on Icefuse 1000xs and did villages and I remember a few times I tried doing hotels and trap bases
Fun times
You did not do the PvZ noise
he used the same intro music as the yogscast did in there Minecraft videos that brought back so many good memory’s
i never want to see your videos in my feed again. thanks.
What was chat? Just racist stuff?
nooo not the clash royale taunt at 4:00 😂😂
that games more toxic than rust
“all according to plan’ omg he said the funny aizen word
This video was hilarious xD I love your memes dude, top tier for sure
Ur so annoying I love it!
that was definitely auto door closing which is pretty common in modded servers
thank you for making funni videos again! thank you!!!!!!
Gupp 👍
gupp = biggest bran person 😎
I was the big armor base up the hill
Yo I was bbg jimmy and I was with karma I raided u 😂😂 what are the odds
i want to make the same trap base but i cant figure out how to make it exactly the same
Gupp is so underrated
I dont really like those modded servers everything feels so easily achieved but I love the editing and gupp himself and if leaving a comment helps too, I will comment
The fearless of rust
Gupp u said the stream was ganna be a video I wanted to be in a vid:(
cant believe I actually read all that
Hold your horses on those meme-addition edits, man. You’re overcompensating. Your content is fine with less edits.
What about you not downing and killing him all the way. Like he was still crawling around and closed the door. Idk tho or purple cats
I was here before 2k and i swear it was only like 2 months ago or something. Amazing progress bro
Good video
Ayo, the Pizzas here!
i read all of that for absouletly no reason
Dang bro that door though how!? The amount of time it must’ve took to type all of that lol
what is serv name
Hello brof really like ur videos, watching from Russia, every time im rofled 😂
U know u can swear on yt
Another day another good video
one time in video you say its 10x and second time that its 5x so what is it xd
highly underrated
You sir were not losded for a 5x and anything above 5x in my personal opinion just no point to play the game only pvp and maybe throw down a base for the loot you get.
HeYy GUpPp WhATs THe sERvER, lol jk but I want that box skin you got it’s stupid fire I might have to cop!!!
Edit 🫂
The thing about 10x servers, is that one Mil crate usually gives enough comps to make several ak’s 😂
blooprint should do this
clickbait was crazy wont be clicking on another one of your vids now
When you see that he uploads you know it’s a good day
Jump in the water’s nice
Some modded servers doors close automatically
hahahahaha helicopter
That shotgun trap is kinda smart design as it cant be easy drained. Not to mention players cant loot themselfs back.
This is like a puberty video for every rust YouTuber
what. the. flip.
I’ve watched this clip back probably about 4-5 times now, and it is completely beyond me in the FLIP this guy managed to
some how shut these doors. there was NO WAY in OR out of the base accessable to the raiders. now, before you go and comment
“oooh wel he must’ve been outside the of the base and shut ut through the wall”. I will admit, that may have been how he shut the door, but trust me when I say that the was inside of the base. this dude is either an admin, or perhaps some sort of cheater, or maybe even garry newman himself. These scenarious are pretty unlikely though, because A. admins don’t play on this server,and if they did, i would know about it because i am famous. B. cheats don’t allow you to no clip into walls. I know this because I watch Camono_10 ban cheaters all the time and they can not do this. and C. garry newman is pushing 40 and probably doesnt even like rust any more because he made the game. That leaves only one REAL answer, and that’s paralell universes. A parallel universe version of this player must’ve ended up in the wrong timeline; a timeline where is mysteriously inside by base This, however, is unlikely because that would mean there are 2 copies of the same player on the same server and would likely cause some issues server side. (if you read this line, you should probably subscribe.) A more probably theory is that, in an theoretical infinite universe, since infinity means quite literally infinite, that mean there are infinite exact copies of earth and infinite earths that are slightly modified versions. For example, there could exist an earth where everything is the same, but cats are purple. If this theory is correct, that could mean that we exist on the earth where everything is completely normal, EXPECT this is the timeline where the door shut for absolutely no reason at all. The last theory could be realted to quantom mechanics. I’m no quantom theorist, but I’ve heard of a thing where like a little particle flies from space and lands on a computer’s motherboard and flips a 1 to a 0 which maybe in this case it caused the player’s position to be modified by -10 on the X axis which teleported him into my base.
I think your my new favorite youtuber!
1:30 that was hilarious. funny editing in this vid
Who else read the paragraph😂😂? Seriously ik gupp is just starting but his content is amazing seriously the dedication i hope u become very big in the near future until then keep up the good work 🙂
“i would know because im famous” *has only 30k subs*
As a british person I can confirm I eat 90 cans of beans for breakfast
terraria soundtrack hittin different in rust
works cited
Honeestly this is definitely one of the most videos of all time
Is that zoom on aiming done in post or is it some accessibility software you repurposed? Would love to know
Love your traps!
Are you gonna build a trapbase in the snowlodge?
I read all of that Mr gupp and might I say I love you and that was incredible but also you spelt camomo as camono just letting you know
I read the line. You, sir, have a new subscriber.
i swear to god, classical music is truly the best Rust background music xD . You and Enardo really understand this . Keep it up man !
I love the outro 😂
A Certified Gubby Goobers Classic ⬆️
That mortal Kombat edit tho 😂😂😂😂❤❤❤
whats the terraria music called thats in his video?
Banger video gupp
@5:09 dude’s name is the Latin name for the common guppy. Sniper confirmed. 😂
fake raided trap base?
Gupp the rosalinas observatory playing at 7:20 was great, always love the content you push out, thank you
why hide the chat?
Do to your channel being heavily underrated I’m leaving a comment
You seam wholesome AF 😊
build music in this video is peak so far…
I wish I could subscribe again for the massive wall of white text, followed by the source being a crack pipe. LMFAO
1 didn’t Gary Newman makes salad dressing or something?
2 been subbed
3 I’ve seen a purple cat.. (after i ate these lil purple paper things) it was weird..but cool
4 i think he closed it from the outside to be honest now that u mentioned it (with a god particle) 0=1
5 might have just stole this base design for console rust
6 awesome content!!!…
I never understand that subscriber metric, like who tf are all these non committal people who watch all these diff. videos and don’t hit the subscribe button? It costs nothing and helps you see more stuff you liked. Maybe it’s all the slackers at office jobs who are watching YT but not logged in?
7:18 there is auto doors in some modded servers.
Guppy gang guppy gang
My wife and I just started trying out rust we literally have like 8-10 hours each. We tried a 10x server the first time around thinking it would help with learning to build and whatever. Well it was very boring I don’t know how people play getting that much resources. It’s literally no work just go play a tdm type of server. Edit: I read that entire thing about the door shutting lmao and I subbed like it told me to. The pipe does indeed let you figure out anything!
Works cited. ’nuff said
Love you gupp
This is literally a human mousetrap. There’s the bait of an open base, and a one way opening.
please do a video where you just run in to helicopters please
Great video
The tom Scream caught me way off guard
Love the audio effects
What server is this?
7:14 after that beautiful text I dont wanna spoil it but most modded servers have a auto door command
I slowed down and paused alot to read that short story about the door lol
🤍Great vid like always🤍
Bruh where has this guy been 😂👍
Bruh, the killdozer for the thumbnail lol
I love the Earthbound music lol
He tped inside
People get soooo sweaty on heavily modded servers. Props to you dude.
i laughed too hard at the clash royal emote
Love it!!!
dude i love ur vids so much u are so funny and entertaining and i would be so happy if u would please play with me for a rust wipe
I love your outro song. It literally sums up your entire channel. Lol
7:17 he probably has auto door closer from vip
you are not loaded HAHA :’)
Can I play a 10x with you tomorrow ?
Hold up, what was that pipe at the end of your long text 🤨
Lmao the “Average Rust Academy video”
10x is boring and crap videos are just bad. dont make them please. if you gonna do it, then do it on vanilla
Lost it at the home depot theme while building lol
Neutrinos are most def known for flipping bits.
The gupp™ moment
amazing video made me crack up a few times
loaded and goated
Definitely a gup moment
it said to subscribe but i am already subbed how will i subscribe!!! ):
edit: #1 rust YouTuber
i ushley like ur vids but i dont like being lied to i scrolled thru this whole vid and there is NO trap base on tank tracks i clicked on it cus i was like wow that sounds cool but now im disappointed and done
I watched this 728463672726 times I can confirm this is a gupp classic
Make a giant labyrinth of a base made of HQ and at the end a single chest with a note in it that says, “U lost.”
Hey gupp
He had automatic doors turned on. It just closed after a few seconds
Also there is such a thing as /kit
Is it possible the server had a setting to auto close doors?
He probably was able to close the door because he has /ad. Which is auto-door closing. You can set it to /ad 10 = closes after ten seconds, but his seemed like it was 3-5 seconds. Probably a perk with VIP or a command you have to turn on before using it.
I ❤ gupp
Died laughing more times than you were raided
the door closed behind you because of /ad 10 (auto-door closer after 10 seconds for you vanilla mains)
daddy gupp pls like my comment
What in the Andysol/Rustacademy server is that ? xDDDD
this is not a gupp video, u hired an editor
2:30 in chat “replace the o with a i” ayooo 🤨
this is a gupp video
is this a gupp video?
ahahah works cited: (a crack pipe). Your humor is great
your spectator arena sucked on gapp camp server
Gupp is a goofball
This is a certified hood classic.
w gupp
Love the vids brev
due to the fact that I have already watched this video 13 times I can confirm It is a certified hood classic😎
Crack pipe is a reliable source
Loaded for sure
Can confirm sources on the door closing theory.
W gupp videos🎉
I dont comment really, but you are ong the best rust youtuber. frfr
The thumbnail looks like a strum tiger
“uR gEtTiNg RaIdEd bUdDy”
You’re loaded!
Or something, I don’t even play.
I am personally a believer in the particle from space theory myself
Your edits are top notch. Right in the slot for my humor, great mix of oldies and goodies. Keep up the great work it makes my day when I see a new gupp video.
Cheers for the amazing content, Gupp. Glad to have caught it fresh out 🤙🏼
Nice touch on playing the Home Depot song while building.
also 7:18 made me piss myself
I’ve watched this 2000+ and I can already can confirm this is a gupp classic keep up the good work gupp
Pov the first time gup has ever actually touched a tier 3 weapon
another gupp classic what can i say
I haven’t watched this video fully but I can confirm these comments are mad annoying
this man is underrated af… fr deserves more subs ngl
imma leave a tip
(drones can minibomb helicopters) havent seen anybody use it yet
What does that mean ? I,m an Arab and I don’t understand what does it have to do with what he said
another hit video
9 mins felt like 1 min. Now I am sad.
yogscast intro lol
super fun videos gupp, i look forward to seeing your channel grow!
the door closed because that server has AD automatic door closing on it
That thumbnail goes hard, mind if I screenshot?
i was on the tolit when i saw this come out and started to shart my brains out cuz gupp did a thing
Gentlefish and ladies this is the best video ever
papa gupp :0
Gupp is honestly my favorite rust creator, always so many amazing and creative videos! Keep up the amazing work!
I have watched this video 300 times and can confirm that it is a blooprint classic.
Due to your channel being heavily underrated, I’m leaving a comment.
bussin video
So early
Goes crazy
wassup early gang
yes first comment lol
*Generic funny comment*
Fresh meat POGGER
lets goooo
I got here in the first 9 secs
don’t wanna be that guy but first
Let’s go new vid
I love your vids ❤gull gull gull gupp gupp gupp gupp
guppppppp wassup
The Gupp??!!?!!!!!
Love you