world’s fastest offline raid defense?
RUST+ saved our base at 3AM again…
but I lost my Overwatch game because of it 🙁
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Taqs:rust,rust shorts,rust raid,rust funny,rust clip,rust base,rust defense,rust pvp,rust pc,gnoob,noobface,rust update,rust wipe,rust roleplay,rust short,rust heist,rust raiding,rust counter,rust full deep,rust going deep,rust fight,rust war,rust funny moments,rust clips,rust raid defense,rust base defense,rust online raid,rust offline raid,rust loot,rust rockets,rust offline,rust+,rust plus,rust m2,rust boom
コメント (143)
New video with 3 raid defenses on the main channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ12_iikCKc
The thing about the sensor is your base has to be big enough to not get raided by the time your finished loading in
haha lol too easy
Вчера видел твоих родителей, замечательные мужики
when i was working at my kfc we had our cook literally run home midshift to go defend his base.. this game does things to people
Damn just like that huh
free boom!
Not bad
why do these youtubers play with such terrible people?
bahahahaha got emmmmmmmmmm nice jobbb
home tutor pls
free kits ahh raid
no one anchored? LOL
bro u got an ace is rust wth
bro didnt even feel the raiders lol they are soo ez
Cross hairs on rust? Hmmm ok
Is that ksea from rustopia large?
Me and a friend went on a duo server one time and we took the time set up cameras and doors with turrets and all sorts of stuff we could control from the rust+ app and I remember defending a raid with my friend while I was at work by opening and closing turret doors while looking at cameras from a phone app, this thing’s use is slept on hard.
I would be raided bc i would take too long to load
I thought this guy was about to light that horse up in the beginning haha
how to build this base? tutorial?
i feel like i m watching npcs
But but btu he was offflieneeeee
I can hear their discord call already… “HE’S HACKING” 🤣
what server is this?
Recoil script throughout the entire video. Plus an unnatural aim correction straight to the guy’s head at 00:26. And people still eat this shit up…:)
welll damn
I also teleport home from work when i get that notifications
bro hipfired m2
Shoulda shown all the loot they had, but they were juicy looking for sure.
Bro, if my clan got wiped in a couple mins by 1 guy I would just leave the server, wipes over.
hazzy ak lol
that, is what you call rekt.
Patric Stewart yelling
“Your killing my base!!!”
Bruh man didn’t even have time to actually raid
And then back to sleep 💀
No big deal, just a casual raid defense on some offline raiding shitters. lol
Can you blame them for offlining? If I was that clueless I wouldn’t online either 💀
If I tried to do this the server would have wiped by the time I loaded in.
Winton overwat
Wow they were trrrassshh lmao, nice shots fam
fast and simple nice 😀
you sure Rust+ didnt say “your amazone prime delivery has arrived!”?
Please do more rust shorts, they help me relax during the day after work.
hey i main this server
Whats bad about them offlining in this situation?
Whats wrong with 3 people offlining a large clan base? If this was an online the raiders would have no chance at all.
Instant sub, gawd damn
How is it offline Defence if you are online xD love these clickbait’s
I dont play Rust but this the first time I’ve seen hit markers. Is that just the server you play on or is it outside software? I dont care I’m just curious. Nice clip!
By the time the server loaded, my base would be cleaned out
bros getting raided by tunnel dwellers fr
Lol they were offlining because if you’d of been on they wouldn’t of even breached 1 wall
0 recoil .. sure
this is why you mlrs
100% you got hackusations from this lol no actually good players offline raid on purpose
wow, impressive stuff, keep it up! ;D
Misses one day of duolingo
“Someone is in your compound!”
This is why PC Rust is broken
Imagine you are in the middle of a date and your phone goes off saying your base is being raided 😂
How come people never ask stuff like: “Anyone else?? That all you got??”
Offline raiders tend let their guard down. And it shows very well over here
The good thing about logging on during an Offline raid is that the raiders are most likely dogshit 😀
This shit is sad fr
Well a M2 helps out allot
id be so embarrassed
what is the server u playing on ?
they are so kind to bring you all that loot right to your base
too easy
damn, nice
I don’t think you know what offline means
base build tutorial?
That M249 tho…. script check!!! (jk)
lol that guy was never allowed to pick raid target again
Alright but now you have one stone wall that doesn’t match the others so who’s the real loser?
POV: You Give a Clan Emotional Damage in 37 secs
i cant even load into the server in 37 seconds 💀
That snitch did a good job
“cheers for the explosives”
– this guy
Yeah for real the new recoil made it much easier. I can actually wipe teams now that basically everyone has scripts so hackers don’t matter anymore.
did they think they were gonna get anywhere with like 6 stacks of rockets?
reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit
Even the youtube ads took longer…
If those guys aren’t irl friends whoever came to the clan with the “guaranteed offline raid win” definitely got kicked or has to farm for that raid x2
Lol offline trash deserve this
Lol sweat uninstall
this whole mobile notification about raids gives clash of clans vibes ngl
Pc specs rust so smoothhh
offliners: dear clan leader, there was actually 12 of them online and thats why we lost the offline raid
That shows how powerful Rust+ can be within somebody’s hands.
modded players on vanilla
love it
i feel bad for the person who said they were offline they most likely got kicked from clan
bet they got off after that lmao
Winton da Goon Squad what server is this
now is it an offline if you got online or is it an offline because you weren’t online when they started
How do you kill, that which has no life? 😂
worst offliners ever
I don’t think that clan even deserves explosives for those plays they did and the enemy not even yelling at their teammate that he’s killing them all fast
Holy crap LOL
*Shad approved machicolations*
gotta get that overwatch game won :sunglasses:
They were so sure you were offline they didn’t even bother putting full metal armor.
Electricians always be the goats ong
you just had to place that wall right in front of him for that extra emotional damage lol
0:13 that hip-fire though
base design?
dam nice wall
good shit boi
I don’t know who is more depressed
the people offline raiding @ 3AM
or the guy who jumps out of bed @ 3AM to kill offline raiders because his phone said to
I have a separate phone for rust alarms hooked up to 10 surround sound speakers surrounding my room on full blast, that way I’ll never sleep through a raid
Cringe :/
mf dont have recoil
base design name?
what settings are you running? the game looks very clear
Rust got even more arcade…
Good thing you don’t have a job so you can respond to those video game alerts.
rare noobface w
I did this the other day, app came in clutch. Raiders said it was pathetic to use the app but offlining is also pathetic in my eyes.
What were you guys doing here in my solo base ? 😀
Bruh, can’t even offline raid in Ohio, damn
you should try out planet side 2
Raid like a coward, die like a coward
bro the fact that the wall doesnt match
raiding with hazzies 💀
Sea of rust?
Bro was so tired he didn’t even talk the whole time XD