Rust: How to make a RAID ALARM using the Rust+ App
This is a video showing you how to make a raid alarm using the new Rust+ app. This alarm will notify your phone whenever you are getting raided.
Rustrician Link: https://www.rustrician.io/?circuit=43c6af44d038d376203ce7e601607f2f
Salty Discord: https://discord.gg/tY2axVm
Salty Cinematic Server Discord: https://discord.gg/tuwnzyt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Saltytacoyt?
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/saltyrust
Credit to @Enyer Gonzalez for this song.
Taqs:rust,rustrician,salty taco,salty rust,rust raid alarm,raid alarm,rust alarm,rust smart alarm,rust+,rust app,rust electricity guide
コメント (82)
Never went over if I can pass through the first sensor into another and the wats on that branch…
1:29 this is exactly what im doing and my HBHF sensor shows its getting 2 power but then its not allowing any power to go from the HBHF sensor to the smart alarm. What am i doing wrong?
I would 100% be at work and not be able to do anything about it anyway… this is why i try to get along with neighbors.
I don’t need a smart alarm the app tells me anyway I was getting raided like 20mins ago
Can you do this on console
my smart alarm just says “too many people are using this notification”, what is this?
2 years ago last video…
Pro tip: put battery inside
Thank you
Very useful thx
So much simpler! I watched another guy and he said use a memory cell. I don’t see the reason for it and it was confusing me
Great vid bro loved it
Dude your videos are so in depth. Good job man
Can you do one with smart switch on how to use it like how u show step by step with power battery and so on
Why when I do this it doesn’t send any power to the gas target
If the raider destroys the sensor or the turret without being seen by either, will it still send some form of alarm to my phone?
Do you get a notification sound when alarm is triggered bc i don’t
bro your voice over audio is way low. i turned CC on though. TY!
bruh i was playing rust at the time i thought i was getting raided lol
Helped a lot thanks
turn of the music
Wait so all u need to do is just get off in your airlock and it will
Give you a. Notification if you die if you are paired with the server or do you have to set up electricity at all
post more vids dood
this ruined the game my guy
Bro are you going to upload more??, are you even alive?
You can chain multiple sensors together (or use a turret as a sensor -“has target”) using xor switches Daisey chained together. As the xor doesn’t use power currently. Downside to this is that if two sensors are triggered at the same time the pass through won’t happen.
To take this even further the rust plus app has that ITTT thing which can be used to send messages on discord or other things.
I tried making a video on this it didn’t work out that great.
that ending was a BRUH moment XD
Super informative, easy to understand. Thank you!
Well I have a question. What if someone will go through the walls and you have sensor at doors? You won’t get notifications?
wait so if i dont have smart alarm and i get raided i dont get a notification?
If raider destroys the heartbeat sensor from a distance (further than 20m), will I get notifications on my phone?
best fucking guide
I dont get a notification when i walk trough the sensor?
thanks for this upload salty i almost got my 1×2 raided on rustoria 7x :O
Thanks for the video man!
I forgot to put the 2 in the green thingey and i was about to log in to change it and i got raided:(, it had like 4 players online
The last part was majestic, rendering the other 5:16 pretty much useless. (But be careful, some raiders dont kill people sleeping, tho in the example at the end, they’ll have to kill you to blow up your door.
My smart alarm keeps on saying its been triggered
Very well edited, clear instructions and short. Great video!
Doesn’t it automatically tell you if a door is broken?
mine only works when auth people are included
Can multiple HBHF Sensors be connected by one connection passing through and finish up by one alarm???
Hi!, it say’s its inactive on my phone but I definitely have enough power from the solar panels and battery going into the electrical branch and so forth, so now I’m just stuck. If you could help that would be great <3 ):
Do u still get the notifications when u are online
What do you think would be the best way to wire up multiple heartbeat sensors to trigger the same raid alarm? I had each HB sensor hooked up to its own broadcaster, which were all on the same frequency. Is there a better way to do this without having to craft a broadcaster for each HB sensor?
Sadly i still have a mechanical hardrive so even with a notfication, i will not be able to save myself
I don’t understand why people dislike, hella helpful and super friendly, definitely gets a like from me
Why did you quit? I miss you man
Thanks for the great content ^^
Ok so when I try to pass power through the hbh sensor to the smart alarm it just doesn’t have when even though it’s connected
What do I do if on the app it says inactive?
do i need the sensor alarm ? or can i just use the alarm it self and connect it ?
only smart youtuber on rust thank you it took me forever to understand this shit
Do more vids pls
Whoops never mind it works
When I put power in the HBF sensor then when I put it in power out it generates 0 electricity
I miss his vids but he quit
Can you set it so you can manually close/open doors through the app?
Do this work, because I tried to build something that look similar to this, but I didn’t and I got offlined
very great video my dude
super helpful and clear thanks
Hey bro congratulations on 5k subscribers love the videos hope to see more
Hi Salty. I love your duos with Bloo.
I have a request. Please share the garage door circuit you made for Big Bertha. I tried to make one to “authorised personnel only” and failed. Thanks maan.
Tx dis help a LOT
If u are sleeping and get on cus ur getting raided u rly need to stop playing rust..
Sick. Subbed.
Too many players subscribed to these notifications , thats what i get when i pair the smart alarm
i needed this
Great vid
Keep up the good content!
SALTY,i just discovered you and wanted to say you have some clean af editing.Keep it up <3
you a rust electrician now?
Imma still find a way to mess this up
Lot of effort put into this. Nice vid as always
(but this is also good)
no shout out disliked